I guess if you are a Christian and disagree with abortion and homosexuality, you aren’t allowed to fix a bike for your step son’s Christmas at Bike Edmonton. The video on this link below shows me getting kicked out of Bike Edmonton earlier tonight.
Bill Whatcott kicked out of Bike Edmonton because of his Christian views
Dear Friends,
I went to Bike Edmonton two weeks ago to work on my son’s bike for his Christmas gift and I must say my first visit was a positive experience. Yes, I noticed the UnGodly Pride sticker on the wall at their front desk and no doubt I don’t share Bike Edmonton’s views when it comes to CO2 admissions causing the end of civilization. Still, I liked the mechanic I worked with and was happy to purchase my bike brakes and derailleur there. Indeed, I even purchased a membership. Not to affirm homosexuality or the NDP. I purchased the membership to affirm their initial great customer service and what I thought was Bike Edmonton’s commitment to provide cycling support to everyone who came to their shop.
My next visit was not so positive. I made an appointment to work on my son’s shifters and drove 2 hours to attend their shop. When I got to Edmonton I was surprised to find out my appointment was cancelled. Seeing as I was already in Edmonton, I went to Bike Edmonton’s downtown shop (10612 105 Ave) to find out why my appointment was cancelled.
The video of my conversation with Bike Edmonton’s manager, Alex Hindle, he/him, and his e-mail sent to me when I was in route (copied below) shows how Bike Edmonton treats Edmontonions who are openly Christian, pro-life, and who do not agree with the homosexual/transgender political agenda.
In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott
Alex Hindle’s e-mail to Bill Whatcott, December 4, 2024
Hi William,
I have reason to believe you are the same William Whatcott who has long campaigned publicly against homosexuality and abortion, among other issues. While Bike Edmonton works to make cycling accessible, we cannot countenance the views you have publicly promoted and will not allow you to enter or use our community bike shop (10612-105 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta) going forward. You are arguably a public figure and your presence in our shop, which is located in the same building as the Edmonton Pride Centre, may adversely affect our reputation.
I have cancelled your appointment for this evening. I understand that you recently bought a Bike Edmonton membership and can cancel and refund this if you like. It appears you paid cash for the membership, and so you may briefly come by the shop for the purpose of a refund. Let me know if this is your preference.
Thank you, Alex Hindle Downtown Community Bicycle Workshop Co-manager Bike Edmonton Pronouns: he/him
Bike Edmonton South • 8001 102 St • T6E 4A2 780-433-2453 ext 9002 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, in Treaty Six Territory amiskwacîwâskahikan | ᐊᒥᐢᑲᐧᒋᐋᐧᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ
My Lifefunder to help deal with challenges related to being on bail for years while getting acquitted and retried again for a so-called hate crime for sharing the Gospel at the Toronto Homosexual Pride parade: https://www.lifefunder.com/whatcott
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” Matthew 5:43,44
Bill Whatcott at a gun range shooting a Berretta 9 mm handgun. Only 2 years ago this was a common firearm, legally owned by thousands of Canadian handgun enthusiasts who went through the proper legal channels to possess these wonderful guns. Prime Minister Trudeau banned these firearms through a parliamentary order two years ago and interestingly he has done nothing to address the actual rising violent crime and disorder which has become a plague across the country.
In fact in 2021 Trudeau’s Liberals got rid of mandatory minimum sentences for actual gun criminals. As a result of Trudeau abolishing mandatory minimums for gun crimes, one of the Trudeau’s appointed judges, Justice Jill Copeland (she ordered me to go on trial a second time for a Gospel flyer), was able to give a black offender a conditional sentence (no time in jail). Justice Copeland in her decision said the major reason for giving the guy a non-custodial sentence was his skin colour. The criminal Copeland sent home was Shacquane Stewart. He threw a loaded .40 cal handgun into a school yard when police were pursuing him as a result of a cocaine deal gone bad. Fortunately, a school custodian found the loaded gun, the following day, rather than one of the children. Six weeks after receiving his conditional sentence Shacquane was arrested at his probation officer’s office in a stolen car, with another loaded handgun, and a search of his apartment netted 107 grams of cocaine. Justice Copeland in justifying her racist and absurd sentence also reasoned that Shacquane was “at low risk to reoffend.” These are the types of judges Trudeau has been stacking our courts with.
The firearms behind me are on display at the gun club I attended. All of them with the exception of the semi auto shotgun at the top of the display are now prohibited in Canada. Those of us who value firearm freedom must lobby Pollievre to reverse the handgun ban. I must admit I don’t have much faith in Pollievre to follow through on his commitments to restore gun rights, defund the CBC, or end transgender mutilation of children. Pollievre’s slogan “Axe the tax” has been repeated enough, he will likely end the carbon tax, but the necessary fundamental shift of taking us out of harmful treaties like the Paris Accord and challenging the false, media backed, premise of the carbon tax (that Canada must end the tiny amount of CO2 emissions we create to avert armaggedon) will not likely be challenged by him.
On election night I hung out with the Constitution Party (sort of like Canada’s Christian Heritage Party) in Milwaukee Wisconsin. I was blessed to see their leader Randall Terry came to Milwaukee with his Vice President Pastor Stephen Broden for election night. Randall Terry like me has been jailed and sued multiple times for trying to save babies at abortion mills. Randall Terry’s book “Why does a nice guy like me keep getting thrown in jail,” was a major inspiration in my early activist years. Pastor Stephen Broden was a blessing to listen to as well. He is the one black leader who has the courage and wisdom to articulate what is wrong with critical race theory, the toxic Marxist inpired theory that underpins Justice Copeland’s flawed assumption that all blacks in Toronto suffer from systemic racism. Copeland’s racist and Marxist thinking led her to a place where she thought she should let a black gun criminal avoid jail time after he tossed a loaded, illegally obtained, handgun into a school yard when police start pursuing him after his drug deal went bad.
Randall Terry had me briefly share about the so-called hate crime, double jeopardy, trial I am facing when I get back to Canada.
My good friends JR Harrison, host of the BJ Edwards Natural Family podcast on the left, and my good friend Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth, who I got arrested with at the University of Regina back in 2014 on the right.
Here is the video of me and Peter being arrested. We were charged with Mischief, but eventually acquitted.
A good friend Keith who has faithfully supported me with my legal battles over the years on the left, and Brian Camenkar, Executive Director of Mass Resistance (they have been very loyal friends), enjoy lunch and fellowship at a restraunt in the suburbs of Boston.
I went to Grace Chapel in Foxborough Massachusetts on Sunday. The church was kind of milquetoast for my liking. This guy on the stage is a youth pastor I think. The senior pastor was not in person but delivered his sermon on a video screen. The sermon was sort of like Kamala Harris’ campaign theme. The sermon’s theme was on “Joy,” but the sermon was a little better than Kamala’s campaign as it had a few Bible verses added to it. Part of the sermon was also dedicated to America’s post election results. The Pastor said some in the congregation would be happy with Trump, but he urged them to be sensitive to congregants who could be emotionally devastated and fearful after Kamala Harris lost. I must admit, I had some concerns with the Pastor’s seeming lack of understanding that Harris’ agenda was the antithesis of what Christians should want for America.
Anyways, I will be back in Canada Monday. I will be stopping in St Catharines to visit a dear Pastor who seems to be recovering from cancer thanks to Ivermectin. I was a fan of Ivermectin for Covid, but I was highly skeptical that the anti-fever, anti-parasite drug has any efficacy for colon cancer. That being said the Pastor’s tumor has shrunk 80% after 6 weeks of taking Ivermectin.
I will be back in Alberta next week where I hope to shoot a deer before deer season ends and then linger between Alberta and Ontario and try to survive until I have to be back in court in Toronto in June 23-27, 2025 (Homosexual UnGodly Pride parade week I think). Then I am in court in Toronto again, October 27-31, 2025. And then my trial is finally slated to start March 2, 2026 and is expected to last two weeks.
For those who wish to help with some of my expenses related to this homofascist inspired double jeopardy prosecution you can donate here: https://www.lifefunder.com/whatcott
In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott
“For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.” Romans 1:26,27
Today, I was blessed to be able to witness at a polling center and help Americans cast their ballots in a morally informed manner. The US election is taking place today.
My efforts to help out in a positive way was met with mixed results. Two poll workers came out and seemed disturbed by my signs. They were polite enough, but quite insistent I stay away from the polling station. I informed them I checked where I was allowed to stand and that I was legally entitled to stand where I was. They shook their heads and headed back into the polling station.
A couple minutes later a deranged female leftist and what was I assume was her boyfriend stopped their car in the middle of the road (I assume this act was illegal as a whole bunch of cars were suddenly forced to stop behind them), they photographed me, F bombed me, and started screaming I was a criminal intimidating voters and that my mother should have aborted me. I wished them well, told them God did not approve of Kamala Harris and Tampon Tim and they quickly moved on as all the cars behind them started honking their horns.
One elderly lady who wore an ID and I think either worked at the polls or volunteered with the apostate church came out and started what I thought was an amicable enough chat. She commented she was informed by some of the people coming inside to vote that I was out on the sidewalk protesting. I informed her I wasn’t protesting, so much as trying to give accurate election information to voters, so they could make an informed decision and cast a moral vote. To my surprise and seemingly out of nowhere the elderly woman hissed at me “Go F— yourself.” Then she turned around and went back inside the polling station. Yikes!
One woman told me I was a moron and that I informed her vote with my signs and that after reading them she was voting for Kamala Harris and Tampon Tim. Oh well…….
Others were quite polite. I got a few thumbs up by drivers driving by and looking at my signs. One voter told me he appreciated me being there and that he too was pro-life. A fellow in a pick up truck rolled down his window, smiled, and wished me a wonderful day. One young lady pulled her car into the polling station parking lot, stopped in front of my display and gave me a thumbs up before going in to vote.
Listening to various radio stations while I am driving across the United States I can see there are huge concerns across the USA there will be widespread election fraud perpetrated by the political left again.
I find it strange that Democrats are obsessed with folks getting mail in ballots, folks being able to vote without ID, and voters not even needing to prove their residence when voting. No one complains that folks need ID and an address to open a bank account. One cannot drive a car without having a driver’s license. It makes no sense running something as important as an election without insisting people who want to vote be able to prove who they are and that they are legally allowed to vote.
Anyways, tonight I will be at an election watch party with the Constitution Party in Milwaukee. I can’t vote, but I contributed. We can all pray that America’s election is free and fair. No fraud, no violence. My favourite party (most aligned with my world view) is the Constitution Party, but I will definitely be happy if Donald Trump wins tonight.
Tomorrow I am off to Columbus Ohio and then on to Boston Massachusetts before coming back to Canada as per my bail conditions.
If you would like to help with the numerous expenses related to my upcoming travels to Toronto to face my multiple hearings and second so-called “hate crime” trial you can donate here:https://www.lifefunder.com/whatcott
In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott
“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.” Proverbs 29:2
On Monday October 28th I went to Colorado Sprinds to visit Matt Barber and was blessed (It was a surprise for me) to appear on the PIJN (Pray in Jesus’ Name) news network with host Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt AKA “Dr Chaps.” We discussed my upcoming second “hate crime” trial (I was acquitted once already in Dec 2021) in March 2026. We also discussed the general state of free speech and religious freedom in Canada, which to be honest has been palpably declining for the last few decades and appears to me to have significantly declined at an accelerated rate since Trudeau became Prime Minister in Canada in 2018.
I was told the interview will air in a couple weeks. PIJN is on eight different cable and satellite networks, as well as 17 online platforms. Dr Chaps is unambiguously Christian in his worldview and vocally opposed to sodomy, killing babies, and transgenderism, so his program is banned by the CRTC from airing in Canada. However, if my Canadian friends desire to watch the interview you will be able to access some of the online networks (at least until Trudeau’s so-called “Online Harms” law takes effect) that carry Dr. Chaps program.
Today, I am in Bowman ND with a lovely Catholic family who left Canada three years ago and who definitely feel more free and prosperous here in the United States. They have 8 kids and are a home schooling family. The oldest 15 year old shot his first deer last week and he made me and his siblings breakfast this morning after we all participated in family prayer and Bible study time.
This afternoon I will be heading to Fargo ND to visit a good friend of mine Rob Rudnick who served with Operation Rescue, protested in front of numerous abortuaries across the United States and travelled to Canada to help me a few times. Tomorrow, I will drive on to visit my former Pastor when I lived in Surrey and his family. They left Surrey BC and he now Pastor’s a church in Wisconsin.
For those who would like to help Bill with his court and life expenses as he attends court and awaits his second “hate crime” trial for ministering the Gospel at the Toronto Homosexual unGodly Pride parade you can donate here: https://www.lifefunder.com/whatcott
Bill Whatcott gets his new “hate crime” trial date
Bill Whatcott gets his new “hate crime” trial date
I just got out of what appears to be my last hearing in Practice Court for this seemingly never ending “hate crime” trial. To give some history for those who may not know. In 2016 I applied to march in the Toronto Homosexual Pride parade as an openly Christian man and desired to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the participants.
This parade after all is funded by three levels of government (you and I pay for it) and it is supposed to be “inclusive.” In fact two of Pride Toronto’s “values” as stated on the front page of their website is “Diversity” and “Inclusion.” What could be more diverse than an open Christian sharing the Gospel with Toronto pride participants right in their parade?
And yes, Christians should go and share the Gospel at the Toronto Homosexual Pride parade and everywhere else where lost souls can be found.
“Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel to the whole creation.” Mark 16:15
Sadly, notwithstanding the parade’s alleged commitment to “inclusion” and “diversity,” the parade was not accepting of Bible believing Christians like me, so I had to apply as a Gay Zombie Cannabis Consumer to get in.
“To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (not being outside the law of God but under the law of Christ) that I might win those outside the law. To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the Gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.” 1 Corinthians 9:21-23
Anyways, once we got into the parade, we proceeded to deliver 3000 “Zombie Safe Sex” packages to the parade participants. I am no longer able to show you the Gospel flyer contained in the “Zombie Safe Sex” package, as the Ontario Attorney General is alleging the flyer is a “hate crime.” Mass Resistance decided to put the flyer up on their website in the United States where free speech enjoys greater protection. You can see my flyer there if you are so inclined and decide for yourself if it is criminal hate speech. The flyer contained the Gospel of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, criticism of Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party’s homosexual activism, a testimony of a former transvestite who regained his manhood, as well as warnings about the health risks related to homosexual behaviour.
Anyways, by all accounts our crack Christian commando Gospel infiltration of the Toronto homosexual pride parade was a smashing success. We got out all 3,000 “Zombie Safe Sex” packages containing valuable Gospel and health information for lost homosexuals.
Notwithstanding, disrespectful displays and signs mocking Christians being allowed at the Toronto Pride Parade year after year, and notwithstanding homosexual activists crashing and cancelling Christian events when it suits them; it seems the homosexual activists are a vindictive and humourless bunch, and not really inclined to embrace the concept of free speech when a Christian pulls one over on them.
Within days of Pride Toronto realizing I utilized their taxpayer funded parade to spread the Gospel and accurate health information on the risks of the homosexual lifestyle while disguised as a gay zombie, homosexual activist lawyer Doug Elliott, with the Deputy Premier of Ontario and a gaggle of homosexual activists decended on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to announce a $104 million class action lawsuit against me and anyone connected with me. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Premier Kathleen Wynne, the Liberal Party, as well as all the parade participants, were named as “victims” in the class action lawsuit.
After threatening me with jail if I didn’t give up the names of my helpers and wasting a pile of time and money for two years trying to extract blood out of a stone, the homosexual activists decided to drop their lawsuit as I wasn’t speaking and I didn’t have any money to give them. The homosexual activists/Ontario government opted to go after me in 2018 by issuing a Canada Wide Arrest Warrant, charging me with “Wilful Promotion of Hatred.” At the time the Attorney General was seeking 18 months in prison upon conviction.
I turned myself in, spent a few days in jail, and was flown to Ontario, where I went on trial and was eventually found “Not Guilty.”
I thought that was the end of the matter, but the Ontario Attorney General actually appealed my acquittal and The Ontario Court of Appeal ordered me to go on trial again! My side appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada to reverse the Court of Appeal’s decision but they refused to hear my case.
I was put on bail again, and had to linger in Ontario for a few months unemployed, going to court, and applying for legal aid as my legal fees for this next trial will be as expensive as the last trial ($100,000 or so). Over the years I was able to raise tens of housands of dollars for my lawyers, but barring a miracle there is no way I could afford a lawyer for this trial.
The Attorney General argued and the Ontario Court of Appeal agreed that a second trial is needed to consider my “historical discreditable conduct.”
The above is an example of what the Attorney General thinks is “discredible conduct” that I engaged in “historically.” Bringing up these past missionary endeavours and flyers that go back as far as 25 years and actually have nothing to do with the 2016 Toronto Pride parade flyer, is supposed to help make the case I am a hate criminal and my latest Gospel flyer is criminal hate speech.
The Ontario Court of Appeal also decided the first trial judge erred by declining to admit Nick Mule’ (the guy in the video video below) as an “expert.” Mr. Mule’ was paid a pile of taxpayer’s money to write an “expert” paper that was supposed to help the court understand that I committed “microagressions” against the parade participants and that my flyer was going to cause “minority stress” and lead to bad health outcomes, if I was not criminally convicted and stopped.
Full disclosure, I only listened for a few minutes and skipped to a few random parts of this guy’s lecture. If one does as I do, they will realize very quickly Mr. Mule’s “expertise” is on all things homosexual, and no doubt he would want me in jail for my flyer. But really, why is Nick Mule’s opinion more relevant than Joe the welder’s opinion on my flyer?
Anyways, on Monday, August 12, I learned my new trial dates and the dates I need to travel to Ontario and be in court again.
I will be in person in the Ontario Superior Court in Toronto for the week of June 23-27, 2025. If any friends wish to join me in court this week, I would be grateful. My legal team will be arguing I should have a right to a jury trial, as the Prosecutor is still arguing for substantial jail time (6 months to one year) and I will have a criminal record showing an indictable offencce
if I am convicted.
I will be in the Ontario Superior Court in Toronto for the week of October 27-31, 2025. My friends are welcome to attend this hearing also. My defence team will be arguing against the Attorney General’s attempt to introduce my past flyers and missionary work as evidence of “discreditable conduct” that is relevant to my new trial.
Finally, my trial will commence the week of March 2, 2026 and is expected to last two weeks. The trial will take place in the Ontario Superior Court in Toronto and of course I am required to attend in person. The trial is open to the public and my friends are welcome to attend.
My legal defence is covered by legal aid and I am NOT raising money for legal fees, but obviously travelling to Toronto for all these court dates and trying to secure even a modest shelter, gas, food, parking, transit, etc…. for those months is going to be expensive.
I can live quite modestly and believe I can probably make the three trips for $7000 give or take a little and hopefully save some expenses by staying with friends or utilize travellers hostels to lower some of my costs. If you would like to help with this phase of my journey, I will be grateful.
Whatcott Update, Crown opposes Whatcott Having Jury Trial
Dear Friends,
I had my hearing last Monday and my next hearing is scheduled for Monday, July 15 in the Toronto Superior Practice Court for 9:00 am, Toronto time. My pre-trial conference, which I will not be a part of, will be July 5 and possibly 6. The charge I am being tried for a second time, having been once acquitted already, is “Wilful Promotion of Hatred.” This is related to disguising myself as a Gay Zombie Cannabis Consumer and marching in the 2016 Toronto Homosexual unGodly Pride Parade and handing out 3000 Gospel flyers warning about the health, social, and spiritual consequences of the homosexual lifestyle and offering the forgiveness of sins through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
“He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”
Colossians 1:13,14
The Crown elected to proceed by indictment, rather than by summary prosecution. Indictable is more serious and carries a maximum sentence of two years in prison and it is my understanding that this is why I am entitled to a jury trial, rather than being tried by judge alone. Interestingly, the first time around I had a right to a jury trial and this was acknowledged by Justice Goldstein and preperations were being made for a jury trial right up to the last moment when on my former lawyer John Rosen’s advice, I elected to go judge alone. In December 2021, I was acquitted and I thought that was the end of the matter.
The Crown Attorney appealed my acquittal and in August 2023 the Ontario Court of Appeal decided my acquittal was a serious legal error, as the judge in my first trial did not properly consider the “expert” evidence of Nick Mule,’ a homosexual activist from York University and a member of Queer Ontario. Nick Mule’s expertise was in Kink and Queering Social Work and he wrote a paper arguing I committed microggressions when I distributed my flyers in the pride parade and these microagressions caused “minority stress” amongst pride participants and this was criminal hate speech.
Legally speaking, I can’t show you the flyer that is alleged to be a microagression and possibly criminal hate speech, but I know MassResistance put it up on their website in the United States.
Even though I had a right to a jury trial for my first trial, my lawyer has advised me the Crown Attorney is opposed to me having a jury trial for my second trial. Their argument is I waived my right to a jury for the first trial and a jury trial is too expensive to be justified for the second trial. Of course I didn’t ask for a second trial, it’s the Crown that decided to appeal, not me.
Anyways, I haven’t been able to get hold of my lawyer since court last week, but as I get more information, I will let you know what is happening. I believe my lawyer is petitioning the courts as we speak to allow me to exercise my right to a trial by judge and jury for the second trial, just as I had that right for the first trial.
In Christ’s Service,
Bill Whatcott
“The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore.“
Video of Bill Whatcott speaking at Shelburne Freedom Rally today and zoom link for court this coming Monday
Bill Whatcott speaks at the Shelburne Ontario Freedom rally. This rally is a monthly event and for a small town has remained amazingly resilient. I was blessed to see a few dozen folks of all ages and walks of life come to the rally to witness for freedom. I shared about my upcoming second “hate crime” trial with them and exhorted them to continue fighting for freedom.
Last week, April 1st, I attended a pro-freedom/anti-carbon tax rally in St Catharines, ON. Over the course of the day (the rally went from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm) over 100 people came and went.
At the St. Catharines rally I was pleased to meet this fellow who I have known for a few years through e-mail. He lives in St. Catharines, but is very supportive of Alberta’s energy industry and considers himself to be closer to Alberta in terms of values than Ontario. Note Tamara Lich’s autograph on his sign.
While Ontario’s leaders, Ford, Trudeau, Chow, Horwath, etc….. are huge disappointments, my travels since coming to Ontario to prepare for my second criminal hate speech trial is telling me there are still lots of good people in this province and indeed I am seeing a very positive backlash against wokeism, homofascism, and cancel culture. Ontarians know they have lost their freedom, they are waking up and they want a non tyrannical government that listens to them back again.
Photos: Whatcott in Ontario and link to excellent MassResistance article
Dear Friends,
I am now living in Toronto and preparing for my second so-called “hate crime” trial, having been acquitted the first time. Ontario’s courts threw out 125 cases last year, including a sexual assault, a murder and attempted murder, and all sorts of lesser crimes due to a lack of resources to try them in a timely manner. But they found the resources to not only prosecute me and take me to trial once for my Gospel flyer but to also appeal my acquittal and try me again. The Ontario Court of Appeals has expressed concerns about timely prosecutions and lack of court resources, but agreed with the Attorney General of Ontario that I should go on trial again even though my “crime” is delivering a Gospel flyer (that is pretty benign, but that I am not allowed to show you) at a homosexual parade full of rude behaviour and is now eight years old. The Court of Appeals reasoning for this second trial is because the first trial didn’t benefit from the testimony of homosexual academic Nick Mule’ whose expertise seems to be kink and queering social work and who argued in his taxpayer funded submission to the court that I committed microgressions against the homosexual pride participants in 2016. These microagressions apparently lead to “minority stress” which if not prosecuted will lead to poor health outcomes for those who read my flyer.
One thing I note about homosexual activists like Mule’, they seem loathe accepting responsibility for the harms caused to themselves and their buddies by their risky sexual appetites and in this case would rather blame their maladies on my Gospel flyer that advised them to repent and keep their pants up. Unfortunately, rather than actually take my advice and keep their pants up, which would no doubt eliminate the harms I warned them about, anal warts, HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, etc…… they prefer to go through another trial to get me in jail, not content with the results of their $104 million class action lawsuit and first criminal trial.
Anyways, the above picture of Amethyst Harbour was taken by me on March 19th, the second day after my arrival in Ontario. The temperature was a frosty -5 Celsius. The harbour is still frozen, the ground was covered in snow and the snow fall the following day was forecasted to be 15 centimetres. As I looked at this beautiful, ice covered harbour leading to Lake Superior, I reflected on the taxpayer funded CBC’s hyperbolic screaming that the “world is on fire” (they showed me a picture in August of a wildfire in Greece as proof the world was on fire) and they warned us that we clearly were all going to burn to death if we didn’t do something (pay carbon taxes and ruin our energy industry) to mitigate Canada’s production of C02, about 1% of the world’s total. I note CO2 was once known as plant food in my grade 8 science class and was considered beneficial to life.
CBC’s picture of a wildfire was somewhat misleading and had my Prosecutor been nitpicking the CBC’s hyperbole, they might have gotten convicted, as the CBC would have lacked truth as a defence. When the wildfires in Greece were burning, the world was not on fire. In actual fact a small percentage of Greece was on fire, 174,000 hectares to be precise, which in reality is under 2% of Greece. For Greece (a geographically small country) the wildfire was pretty nasty but not unheard of. Last year’s wildfire was definitely not the “world on fire.” I note you pay $1.5 billion annually for this fearmongering rubbish that passes for news.
My picture of anal warts shared at the Toronto unGodly pride parade by contrast is a real concern for homosexuals attending the parade. My stats that over 60% of HIV – homosexuals and over 90% of HIV+ homosexuals have HPV of the rectum was found to be true. While I am facing a second criminal trial and the Crown is now asking 6-12 months in jail (they no longer are asking for 18 months) for my sharing of accurate information, I note I gave my accurate information to homosexual Pride attendees free of charge. CBC execs on the other hand receive hefty taxpayer funded paychecks and generous bonuses for sharing misinformation.
Anyways, this picture is of me with some good friends on Saturday in chilly +2 celsius Toronto, four years into the city’s self declared “climate emergency.” The fellow behind me spent time in jail for beating up a number of Antifa thugs in a Hamilton park who attacked another friend of mine Phil Thomas. During the assault Phil was completely non-violent. He was peacefully preaching in the park against unGodly homosexual pride. Phil’s face was bloodied, but he did not retaliate when punched multiple times by several Antifa thugs, rather he continued to preach while receiving blows. The fellow behind me on the other hand got upset when he saw Phil getting punched and grabbed a helmet and literally clobbered four or five Antifa thugs single handedly. He went to jail for quite awhile, but strangely no one from Antifa ever gets arrested, charged, or incarcerated in Canada though they initiate roughly 100% of the violent confrontations they are involved in.
The bald fellow to my right I met for the first time. I truly enjoyed his company. I discovered he was a former sodomite who has come to Christ. He is now living with my other two friends. The other fellow with the beard to my right is a courageous street preacher who was actually preaching with a group of Christians at the 2016 Toronto unGodly pride parade when I was there. They were abused by homosexual pride attendees for boldly preaching the Gospel, but were not criminally charged like me.
My next court date is Monday, April 8, at 9:00 am. I am scheduled to appear in what is known as “Practice Court.” I assume “Practice Court” is a division of the Ontario Superior Court and should be at 330 University Ave in Downtown Toronto. There will likely be a zoom link too.
Earlier today I talked with legal aid. They are requesting I send them disclosure as they decide whether or not I will be able to have legal representation at my trial. If I get legal aid a fine lady by the name of Mindy who worked with Mr. John Rosen and has her own lawfirm has agreed to represent me. If I don’t get legal aid, God might yet provide a Christian lawyer pro-bono, I have no idea who that lawyer would be, but God has done that in times past, or I may go to court with the assistance of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and represent myself.
” When you are arrested, don’t worry about how to respond or what to say. God will give you the right words at the right time.” Matthew 10:19
I would appreciate it if you keep these matters in your prayers.
At this point in time I am not raising money for a lawyer as it is unlikely I could ever raise anything close to the $100,000 needed for another trial and it makes more sense to apply for legal aid and failing that self represent. However, my life is still costing money, especially in Toronto and had to quit the job I had to come here and deal with this second trial. For those who would like to help keep me going you can donate to my cause here:
“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” James:1:12