Bill Whatcott gets his new “hate crime” trial date

Bill Whatcott gets his new “hate crime” trial date

I just got out of what appears to be my last hearing in Practice Court for this seemingly never ending “hate crime” trial. To give some history for those who may not know. In 2016 I applied to march in the Toronto Homosexual Pride parade as an openly Christian man and desired to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the participants. 

This parade after all is funded by three levels of government (you and I pay for it) and it is supposed to be “inclusive.” In fact two of Pride Toronto’s “values” as stated on the front page of their website is “Diversity” and “Inclusion.” What could be more diverse than an open Christian sharing the Gospel with Toronto pride participants right in their parade?

And yes, Christians should go and share the Gospel at the Toronto Homosexual Pride parade and everywhere else where lost souls can be found. 

“Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel to the whole creation.” Mark 16:15

Sadly, notwithstanding the parade’s alleged commitment to “inclusion” and “diversity,” the parade was not accepting of Bible believing Christians like me, so I had to apply as a Gay Zombie Cannabis Consumer to get in.

“To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (not being outside the law of God but under the law of Christ) that I might win those outside the law.  To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some.  I do it all for the sake of the Gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.” 1 Corinthians 9:21-23

Bill Whatcott (rainbow tutu) and his crack Christian commandos were accepted by the Toronto Homosexual Pride parade in 2016, once they self identified as the Gay Zombies Cannabis Consumers Association.

Anyways, once we got into the parade, we proceeded to deliver 3000 “Zombie Safe Sex” packages to the parade participants. I am no longer able to show you the Gospel flyer contained in the “Zombie Safe Sex” package, as the Ontario Attorney General is alleging the flyer is a “hate crime.” Mass Resistance decided to put the flyer up on their website in the United States where free speech enjoys greater protection. You can see my flyer there if you are so inclined and decide for yourself if it is criminal hate speech. The flyer contained the Gospel of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, criticism of Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party’s homosexual activism, a testimony of a former transvestite who regained his manhood, as well as warnings about the health risks related to homosexual behaviour.

Here is one example of what the Ontario Attorney General is alleging to be criminal activity. Not the two naked sodomites with their wangs hanging out. Rather the “zombie safe sex” package that my brave activist handed to one of the sodomites and that he is clearly fascinated with. My activist is not use to being in parades with naked dudes and she appears to be trying to look dignified as the sodomite fumbles with his “zombie safe sex” package and chatters away to her.

Anyways, by all accounts our crack Christian commando Gospel infiltration of the Toronto homosexual pride parade was a smashing success. We got out all 3,000 “Zombie Safe Sex” packages containing valuable Gospel and health information for lost homosexuals.

On the way out I also got a photo op with Mr. Leatherman Toronto
The 2016 Toronto homosexual pride parade was a somewhat spiritual event, but not very sensitive to the feelings of Christians. Note the sodomite on the left who decided to march with an image of our Lord on his crotch.
Homosexual Activist Lawyer Doug Elliott (left) and Ontario Deputy Premier George Smitherman (right) announce a $104 million class action lawsuit against Bill Whatcott in the Parliament Hill press gallery.

Notwithstanding, disrespectful displays and signs mocking Christians being allowed at the Toronto Pride Parade year after year, and notwithstanding homosexual activists crashing and cancelling Christian events when it suits them; it seems the homosexual activists are a vindictive and humourless bunch, and not really inclined to embrace the concept of free speech when a Christian pulls one over on them.

Within days of Pride Toronto realizing I utilized their taxpayer funded parade to spread the Gospel and accurate health information on the risks of the homosexual lifestyle while disguised as a gay zombie, homosexual activist lawyer Doug Elliott, with the Deputy Premier of Ontario and a gaggle of homosexual activists decended on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to announce a $104 million class action lawsuit against me and anyone connected with me. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Premier Kathleen Wynne, the Liberal Party, as well as all the parade participants, were named as “victims” in the class action lawsuit.

After threatening me with jail if I didn’t give up the names of my helpers and wasting a pile of time and money for two years trying to extract blood out of a stone, the homosexual activists decided to drop their lawsuit as I wasn’t speaking and I didn’t have any money to give them. The homosexual activists/Ontario government opted to go after me in 2018 by issuing a Canada Wide Arrest Warrant, charging me with “Wilful Promotion of Hatred.” At the time the Attorney General was seeking 18 months in prison upon conviction.

I turned myself in, spent a few days in jail, and was flown to Ontario, where I went on trial and was eventually found “Not Guilty.”

I thought that was the end of the matter, but the Ontario Attorney General actually appealed my acquittal and The Ontario Court of Appeal  ordered me to go on trial again! My side appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada to reverse the Court of Appeal’s decision but they refused to hear my case. 

I was put on bail again, and had to linger in Ontario for a few months unemployed, going to court, and applying for legal aid as my legal fees for this next trial will be as expensive as the last trial ($100,000 or so). Over the years I was able to raise tens of housands of dollars for my lawyers, but barring a miracle there is no way I could afford a lawyer for this trial.

The Attorney General argued and the Ontario Court of Appeal agreed that a second trial is needed to consider my “historical discreditable conduct.”

Bill Whatcott (pink hair, short shorts, wearing a t-shirt that reads “The Flying Spaghetti Monster is Gay” gets a hug from the organizer of the Vancouver Pride parade in 2014, after delivering 2500 “Gospel Condoms” (no condom all Gospel) to Vancouver Pride participants.

The above is an example of what the Attorney General thinks is “discredible conduct” that I engaged in “historically.” Bringing up these past missionary endeavours and flyers that go back as far as 25 years and actually have nothing to do with the 2016 Toronto Pride parade flyer, is supposed  to help make the case I am a hate criminal and my latest Gospel flyer is criminal hate speech.

The Ontario Court of Appeal also decided the first trial judge erred by declining to admit Nick Mule’ (the guy in the video video below) as an “expert.” Mr. Mule’ was paid a pile of taxpayer’s money to write an “expert” paper that was supposed to help the court understand that I committed “microagressions” against the parade participants and that my flyer was going to cause “minority stress” and lead to bad health outcomes, if I was not criminally convicted and stopped.

Full disclosure, I only listened for a few minutes and skipped to a few random parts of this guy’s lecture. If one does as I do, they will realize very quickly Mr. Mule’s “expertise” is on all things homosexual, and no doubt he would want me in jail for my flyer. But really, why is Nick Mule’s opinion more relevant than  Joe the welder’s opinion on my flyer?

Anyways, on Monday, August 12, I learned my new trial dates and the dates I need to travel to Ontario and be in court again.

I will be in person in the Ontario Superior Court in Toronto for the week of June 23-27, 2025. If any friends wish to join me in court this week, I would be grateful. My legal team will be arguing I should have a right to a jury trial, as the Prosecutor is still arguing for substantial jail time (6 months to one year) and I will have a criminal record showing an indictable offencce

if I am convicted.

I will be in the Ontario Superior Court in Toronto for the week of October 27-31, 2025. My friends are welcome to attend this hearing also. My defence team will be arguing against the Attorney General’s attempt to introduce my past flyers and missionary work as evidence of “discreditable conduct” that is relevant to my new trial.

Finally, my trial will commence the week of March 2, 2026 and is expected to last two weeks. The trial will take place in the Ontario Superior Court in Toronto and of course I am required to attend in person. The trial is open to the public and my friends are welcome to attend. 

My legal defence is covered by legal aid and I am NOT raising money for legal fees, but obviously travelling to Toronto for all these court dates and trying to secure even a modest shelter, gas, food, parking, transit, etc…. for those months is going to be expensive.

I can live quite modestly and believe I can probably make the three trips for $7000 give or take a little and hopefully save some expenses by staying with friends or utilize travellers hostels to lower some of my costs. If you would like to help with this phase of my journey, I will be grateful.     

To donate to Bill’s Lifefunder you can go here:                                                                                                                

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

Whatcott Update, Crown opposes Whatcott Having Jury Trial

Whatcott Update, Crown opposes Whatcott Having Jury Trial

Jury box

Dear Friends,

I had my hearing last Monday and my next hearing is scheduled for Monday, July 15 in the Toronto Superior Practice Court for 9:00 am, Toronto time. My pre-trial conference, which I will not be a part of, will be July 5 and possibly 6. The charge I am being tried for a second time, having been once acquitted already, is “Wilful Promotion of Hatred.” This is related to disguising myself as a Gay Zombie Cannabis Consumer and marching in the 2016 Toronto Homosexual unGodly Pride Parade and handing out 3000 Gospel flyers warning about the health, social, and spiritual consequences of the homosexual lifestyle and offering the forgiveness of sins through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

“He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”

Colossians 1:13,14

The Crown elected to proceed by indictment, rather than by summary prosecution. Indictable is more serious and carries a maximum sentence of two years in prison and it is my understanding that this is why I am entitled to a jury trial, rather than being tried by judge alone. Interestingly, the first time around I had a right to a jury trial and this was acknowledged by Justice Goldstein and preperations were being made for a jury trial right up to the last moment when on my former lawyer John Rosen’s advice, I elected to go judge alone. In December 2021, I was acquitted and I thought that was the end of the matter.

The Crown Attorney appealed my acquittal and in August 2023 the Ontario Court of Appeal decided my acquittal was a serious legal error, as the judge in my first trial did not properly consider the “expert” evidence of Nick Mule,’ a homosexual activist from York University and a member of Queer Ontario. Nick Mule’s expertise was in Kink and Queering Social Work and he wrote a paper arguing I committed microggressions when I distributed my flyers in the pride parade and these microagressions caused “minority stress” amongst pride participants and this was criminal hate speech.

Legally speaking, I can’t show you the flyer that is alleged to be a microagression and possibly criminal hate speech, but I know MassResistance put it up on their website in the United States.

Even though I had a right to a jury trial for my first trial, my lawyer has advised me the Crown Attorney is opposed to me having a jury trial for my second trial. Their argument is I waived my right to a jury for the first trial and a jury trial is too expensive to be justified for the second trial. Of course I didn’t ask for a second trial, it’s the Crown that decided to appeal, not me.

Anyways, I haven’t been able to get hold of my lawyer since court last week, but as I get more information, I will let you know what is happening. I believe my lawyer is petitioning the courts as we speak to allow me to exercise my right to a trial by judge and jury for the second trial, just as I had that right for the first trial.

In Christ’s Service,

Bill Whatcott

The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore.

Psalm 121:7,8

CAFE Sponsored Talks By Political Prisoner Bill Whatcott in Hamilton & Toronto


The Canadian Association for Free Expression Proudly Presents


· Political prisoner

· Decades long campaigner against abortion mills & the LGBTQ agenda

· Was acquitted of “hate” for distributing Bible tracts to 2016 gay pride parade

I was Acquitted of “Hate”, the Crown Appealed & Now I Face A Retrial!

CAFE Attends Shelburne Freedom Rally — Lynne Brooks Interviews Political Prisoner Bill Whatcott

On April 6, a number of CAFE associates took part in the bi-weekly freedom rally in Shelburne, Ontario. Videographer Lynne Brooks did an interview with political prisoner Bill Whatcott (at 14 minutes in the video).

Axe the carbon tax and opposition to Internet censorship Bill C-63 were major themes.

Video of Political Prisoner Bill Whatcott speaking at Shelburne Freedom Rally, Saturday, April 6 and zoom link for court this coming Monday

Video of Bill Whatcott speaking at Shelburne Freedom Rally today and zoom link for court this coming Monday

Bill Whatcott speaks at the Shelburne Ontario Freedom rally. This rally is a monthly event and for a small town has remained amazingly resilient. I was blessed to see a few dozen folks of all ages and walks of life come to the rally to witness for freedom. I shared about my upcoming second “hate crime” trial with them and exhorted them to continue fighting for freedom.

Last week, April 1st, I attended a pro-freedom/anti-carbon tax rally in St Catharines, ON. Over the course of the day (the rally went from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm) over 100 people came and went.

At the St. Catharines rally I was pleased to meet this fellow who I have known for a few years through e-mail. He lives in St. Catharines, but is very supportive of Alberta’s energy industry and considers himself to be closer to Alberta in terms of values than Ontario. Note Tamara Lich’s autograph on his sign.

While Ontario’s leaders, Ford, Trudeau, Chow, Horwath, etc….. are huge disappointments, my travels since coming to Ontario to prepare for my second criminal hate speech trial is telling me there are still lots of good people in this province and indeed I am seeing a very positive backlash against wokeism, homofascism, and cancel culture. Ontarians know they have lost their freedom, they are waking up and they want a non tyrannical government that listens to them back again.

The zoom link for my hearing at 9:00 am this coming Monday is here:

Political Prisoner Bill Whatcott in Ontario to Face Re-trial On Hate Law Charges From Criticizing the LGBTQ Privileged People

Photos: Whatcott in Ontario and link to excellent MassResistance article

Amethyst Harbour, 20 minutes east of Thunder Bay

Dear Friends,

I am now living in Toronto and preparing for my second so-called “hate crime” trial, having been acquitted the first time. Ontario’s courts threw out 125 cases last year, including a sexual assault, a murder and attempted murder, and all sorts of lesser crimes due to a lack of resources to try them in a timely manner. But they found the resources to not only prosecute me and take me to trial once for my Gospel flyer but to also appeal my acquittal and try me again. The Ontario Court of Appeals has expressed concerns about timely prosecutions and lack of court resources, but agreed with the Attorney General of Ontario that I should go on trial again even though my “crime” is delivering a Gospel flyer (that is pretty benign, but that I am not allowed to show you) at a homosexual parade full of rude behaviour and is now eight years old. The Court of Appeals reasoning for this second trial is because the first trial didn’t benefit from the testimony of homosexual academic Nick Mule’ whose expertise seems to be kink and queering social work and who argued in his taxpayer funded submission to the court that I committed microgressions against the homosexual pride participants in 2016. These microagressions apparently lead to “minority stress” which if not prosecuted will lead to poor health outcomes for those who read my flyer.

One thing I note about homosexual activists like Mule’, they seem loathe accepting responsibility for the harms caused to themselves and their buddies by their risky sexual appetites and in this case would rather blame their maladies on my Gospel flyer that advised them to repent and keep their pants up. Unfortunately, rather than actually take my advice and keep their pants up, which would no doubt eliminate the harms I warned them about, anal warts, HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, etc…… they prefer to go through another trial to get me in jail, not content with the results of their $104 million class action lawsuit and first criminal trial.

Anyways, the above picture of Amethyst Harbour was taken by me on March 19th, the second day after my arrival in Ontario. The temperature was a frosty -5 Celsius. The harbour is still frozen, the ground was covered in snow and the snow fall the following day was forecasted to be 15 centimetres. As I looked at this beautiful, ice covered harbour leading to Lake Superior, I reflected on the taxpayer funded CBC’s hyperbolic screaming that the “world is on fire” (they showed me a picture in August of a wildfire in Greece as proof the world was on fire) and they warned us that we clearly were all going to burn to death if we didn’t do something (pay carbon taxes and ruin our energy industry) to mitigate Canada’s production of C02, about 1% of the world’s total. I note CO2 was once known as plant food in my grade 8 science class and was considered beneficial to life.

CBC’s picture of a wildfire was somewhat misleading and had my Prosecutor been nitpicking the CBC’s hyperbole, they might have gotten convicted, as the CBC would have lacked truth as a defence. When the wildfires in Greece were burning, the world was not on fire. In actual fact a small percentage of Greece was on fire, 174,000 hectares to be precise, which in reality is under 2% of Greece. For Greece (a geographically small country) the wildfire was pretty nasty but not unheard of. Last year’s wildfire was definitely not the “world on fire.” I note you pay $1.5 billion annually for this fearmongering rubbish that passes for news.

My picture of anal warts shared at the Toronto unGodly pride parade by contrast is a real concern for homosexuals attending the parade. My stats that over 60% of HIV – homosexuals and over 90% of HIV+ homosexuals have HPV of the rectum was found to be true. While I am facing a second criminal trial and the Crown is now asking 6-12 months in jail (they no longer are asking for 18 months) for my sharing of accurate information, I note I gave my accurate information to homosexual Pride attendees free of charge. CBC execs on the other hand receive hefty taxpayer funded paychecks and generous bonuses for sharing misinformation.

Bill with good friends in downtown Toronto

Anyways, this picture is of me with some good friends on Saturday in chilly +2 celsius Toronto, four years into the city’s self declared “climate emergency.” The fellow behind me spent time in jail for beating up a number of Antifa thugs in a Hamilton park who attacked another friend of mine Phil Thomas. During the assault Phil was completely non-violent. He was peacefully preaching in the park against unGodly homosexual pride. Phil’s face was bloodied, but he did not retaliate when punched multiple times by several Antifa thugs, rather he continued to preach while receiving blows. The fellow behind me on the other hand got upset when he saw Phil getting punched and grabbed a helmet and literally clobbered four or five Antifa thugs single handedly. He went to jail for quite awhile, but strangely no one from Antifa ever gets arrested, charged, or incarcerated in Canada though they initiate roughly 100% of the violent confrontations they are involved in.

The bald fellow to my right I met for the first time. I truly enjoyed his company. I discovered he was a former sodomite who has come to Christ. He is now living with my other two friends. The other fellow with the beard to my right is a courageous street preacher who was actually preaching with a group of Christians at the 2016 Toronto unGodly pride parade when I was there. They were abused by homosexual pride attendees for boldly preaching the Gospel, but were not criminally charged like me.

My next court date is Monday, April 8, at 9:00 am. I am scheduled to appear in what is known as “Practice Court.” I assume “Practice Court” is a division of the Ontario Superior Court and should be at 330 University Ave in Downtown Toronto. There will likely be a zoom link too.

Earlier today I talked with legal aid. They are requesting I send them disclosure as they decide whether or not I will be able to have legal representation at my trial. If I get legal aid a fine lady by the name of Mindy who worked with Mr. John Rosen and has her own lawfirm has agreed to represent me. If I don’t get legal aid, God might yet provide a Christian lawyer pro-bono, I have no idea who that lawyer would be, but God has done that in times past, or I may go to court with the assistance of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and represent myself.

When you are arrested, don’t worry about how to respond or what to say. God will give you the right words at the right time.” Matthew 10:19

MassResistance wrote an excellent article on my second upcoming trial. You can read it here.

I would appreciate it if you keep these matters in your prayers.

At this point in time I am not raising money for a lawyer as it is unlikely I could ever raise anything close to the $100,000 needed for another trial and it makes more sense to apply for legal aid and failing that self represent. However, my life is still costing money, especially in Toronto and had to quit the job I had to come here and deal with this second trial. For those who would like to help keep me going you can donate to my cause here:

In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” James:1:12

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Canadian Christian forced to undergo second ‘hate crime’ trial after already being acquitted

The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that Albertan Christian Bill Whatcott must be retried for ‘Wilful Promotion of Hatred’ for distributing flyers warning against homosexual acts during the June 2016 ‘Pride Parade’ in Toronto.

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LifeFunder: Help Canadian Christian Bill Whatcott fund his legal defense.

OTTAWA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — An Albertan Christian is being forced to undergo second “hate crime” trial after already being acquitted in 2021.  

On February 15, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that Christian activist Bill Whatcott must be retried for “Wilful Promotion of Hatred” for distributing flyers warning against homosexual acts during the June 2016 gay “Pride Parade” in Toronto. 

“The Supreme Court of Canada rendered its decision this morning and upheld the Ontario Court of Appeal’s decision that my acquittal for ‘Wilful Promotion of Hatred’ be overturned and a new trial be ordered,” Whatcott wrote on his blog.  

Whatcott’s legal battle began in 2016 after he and a half dozen other Christian activists entered the Toronto gay “Pride Parade” under the guise of being members of “The Gay Zombies Cannabis Consumers Association.” 

Whatcott has explained that he and his friends entered the parade as “gay zombie cannabis consumers” because the parade was not accepting of open Christians, figuring if they made an attempt to blend in they would be more effective. 

During the parade, they handed out about 3,000 small packages made to look like condoms that contained Gospel passages and graphic photos of sexually transmitted disease sufferers, warning people of the physical and spiritual dangers related to homosexual practices and sharing the good news that Jesus Christ died for all of humanity, including those who have embraced the homosexual lifestyle. 

Following the parade, homosexual activists announced a $104 million dollar class-action lawsuit, seemingly in a bid to financially ruin Whatcott and to discourage any future activism.

After two years of litigation, the homosexual activists dropped the lawsuit.

However, in 2018, the then-Liberal government of Ontario charged Whatcott with Public Incitement of Hate, contrary to s. 319 of the Criminal Code of Canada, alleging that his flyer was tantamount to criminal “hate speech.”

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Whatcott voluntarily surrendered to police in Calgary after a Canada-wide warrant was put out for his arrest. He was released on bail, with one of the terms of release being that his flyer faced a publication ban in Canada.  

Whatcott’s case proceeded through the criminal justice system for 3 years before finally being heard in the Superior Court for Ontario in October 2021.  

On December 10, 2021 the trial judge released his judgment finding Whatcott “not guilty,” entering a verdict of acquittal. 

However, the Attorney General of Ontario refused to accept the verdict, instead appealing the decision in the Ontario Court of Appeal on June 21, 2023. 

The government argued the 2021 ruling failed to properly consider homosexual activist Nick Mules’ “expert” analysis Whatcott’s flyer, alleging it promulgated “homophobic tropes” and “microaggressions.” Ultimately, the Ontario Court of Appeal decided Whatcott must indeed face a second trial. 

“It seems Supreme Court disagrees with my lawyer and Justice Goldstein and they are content to have me go through another trial again with Nick Mule’s input,” Whatcott lamented. 

“So the first trial is voided and we are back to June 2018 when the Canada wide arrest warrant was issued and I will be going on trial again probably some time later this year,” he added. 

LifeSiteNews had launched a LifeFunder campaign to help Whatcott in his legal battles, a fund which is still active. To donate to financially support Whatcott, click here.   

Whatcott being forced to undergo a trial for a crime which he has already been acquitted of came just weeks before the federal Liberal government under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau introduced Bill C-63, seeking to create the “Online Harms Act.” 

Bill C-63 will create the Online Harms Act and modify existing laws, amending the Criminal Code as well as the Canadian Human Rights Act, in what the Liberals claim will target certain cases of internet content removal, notably those involving child sexual abuse and pornography. 

In addition to these laudable goals, however, the bill also seeks to increase punishments for existing hate propaganda offenses in a substantial manner, as well as seeking to broaden the scope of the government’s ability to crackdown on speech.  

A top constitutional lawyer warned LifeSiteNews that the legislation will allow a yet-to-be-formed digital safety commission to conduct “secret commission hearings” against those found to have violated the new law, raising “serious concerns for the freedom of expression” of Canadians online.  

The proposed commission’s ombudsperson, along with the other offices, will be charged with dealing with public complaints regarding online content as well as put forth a regulatory function in a five-person panel “appointed by the government.” This panel will be charged with monitoring internet platform behaviors to hold people “accountable.”  

Most worryingly, the new bill will allow it so that anyone can file a complaint against another person with the Canadian Human Rights Commission for “posting hate speech online” that is deemed “discriminatory” against a wide range of so-called protected categories, notably gender, race, sexuality, or other areas.  

Penalties for violations of the proposed law include $20,000 fines and jail time

Court date cancelled for so-called Truth and Reconciliation Day

Court date cancelled for so-called Truth and Reconciliation Day

Dear Friends,

I just learned that my court date (October 2, 2023) for my never ending “hate crime” case has been rescheduled to October 16, 2023, which happens to be my 56th birthday. 🙂

The reason for this rescheduling is apparently the Ontario Superior Court needs the paid day off to “reflect on the tragic legacy of the residential school system and the
ways it continues to affect Indigenous Peoples in Canada. It is a day to mourn the
children who did not return from residential school and to honour the survivors,
their families, and the resilience of their communities.”
. .

So-called Truth and Reconciliation day actually falls on Saturday, September 30th, so it is unclear to me why the judges, prosecutors, court clerks, etc …. can’t reflect on Saturday on their own time, rather than Monday on the taxpayer’s time, especially when one considers their constant complaining about the court’s dreadful backlog, which is actually a serious problem.

Here is an article from two months ago on thousands of serious driving offenses being withdrawn in Toronto and across Ontario, because they can’t make it to trial in a timely manner.

More careless driving charges dropped in Ontario as courts grapple with pandemic backlogs:

It is worth noting the poor taxpayers of Ontario who work in the private sector and who are paying for these well paid civil servants to go and “reflect” about all these alleged residential school victims (or in Prime Minister Blackface’s case most likely surfing and substance abusing in Tofino), will not be getting a paid day off on October 2nd. They will be working. Advertisements Report this ad

Anyways, I was blessed to have a so-called residential school survivor named Nelson Boyer as a friend and fellow activist when I was picketing the Regina General Hospital 20 years ago. Nelson was sort of hated by his Metis settlement even back 20 years ago as he refused to be a part of the class action suit that the Tony Merchant lawfirm was initiating back then.

Nelson was Metis and was quite adament that his stay at a Catholic residential school was the reason he had a successful marriage of 50 years, a fulfilling career as a Catholic School teacher, and indeed he attributed his strong Catholic faith to his stay in the residential school. As for abuse? Beyond mild corporal punishment for serious rule breaking, Nelson didn’t see any abuse. Back 60 years ago when Nelson was a student in the Catholic residential school, corporal punishment was also common in Canada’s public schools and was not considered abuse.

Nelson by being honest and saying out loud that he was not abused and that he did not perceive himself as a victim of genocide pissed off some people in his Metis community. The Canadian government and courts were making sure there was big money to be had by claiming residential school victimhood. The narrative in the media and education establishments deliberately implicated white Christians who worked in the residential school system as the victimizers.

While no system created by humans is perfect and for certain a system like the residential school system which lasted for over a century and employed thousands of people would have attracted a few abusers, the narrative promoted by our public schools, mainstream media and indeed the Ontario Superior Court is misleading and unlike my flyer that I am charged with with a hate crime for distributing at a homosexual pride parade, I would say intentionally misleading.

To see the Ontario Superior Courts woke declaration giving its self a paid day off go here: Advertisements Report this ad

The media and courts are deliberately giving an impression that native children were abducted, abused, murdered, and left in unmarked mass graves:

In Kamloops so far no mass grave has been found, though you would never know that listening to the CBC or learning at your local public school. I believe there are unmarked graves all over Canada from the residential school era. Life was harsh in the Canada of more than a century ago. Many people, native and otherwise, were poor who lived on Canada’s frontiers; the social safety nets, health care and nutrition that we take for granted today was not available back then. People died and wound up in graves with no tombstones. The little wooden crosses that a Priest or nun would put on a child’s grave more than a century ago would definitely be an unmarked grave today.

One teacher who would actually qualify as a PhD level history expert was fired by the Abbotsford School Board when he gently corrected the misconceptions of one of his students who claimed Catholic nuns, Priests and teachers were murdering native children in the residential schools. In actual fact the teacher informed his student, native and non native children died from ailments such as tuberculosis, pneumonia and influenza in the nineteenth and early twentieth century in Canada.

Many residential schools were virtually on the frontier with no doctors and no amenities that we take for granted today like hydro or running water. The fact is most of the Priests, nuns and other carers did the best they could caring for native children with the limited resources they had. The federal government at the time gave the schools a small budget to operate on and given the residential schools were dormitory style residences, respiratory infections spread easily and stuff that is easily treatable today was often fatal a hundred years ago. Advertisements Report this ad

The residential school narrative kind of reminds me of the narrative the Ontario Appeals Court and LGBT lobby is trying to spin at my trial. The narrative is my flyer is “hate” and homosexuals were harmed and put at risk by the words and images contained in my flyer.

To see the flyer and to decide for yourself if this flyer is criminal hate speech go here:

It doesn’t matter that the Crown’s own infectious disease expert, Dr. Mona Loutfy, was found to be more misleading in her testimony about my flyer than the claims I made in the flyer its self. Dr. Loutfy took it upon herself to lie under oath in an effort to get me convicted of a hate crime, rather than just give unbiased evidence about the statistics and images in my flyer and let the unbiased evidence inform the courts about the accuracy of my claims of health risks related to homosexual conduct.

It doesn’t matter that the original trial judge, Robert Goldstein looked for a month and couldn’t find criminal hate speech in my flyer. It doesn’t matter that Justice Goldstein in his judgment acquitting me noted there were no calls to violence and that my flyer lacks what the Supreme Court calls the “hallmarks of hatred,” ie calls for banishment or genocide, comparing targeted group to vermin or excrement, etc……

What matters is that public disapproval of homosexual behaviour and especially inconvenient facts about higher than average rates of STIs, domestic violence, promiscuity and other maladies be silenced. The Toronto courts and Ontario Attorney General’s Office under fake conservative Doug Ford have allowed themselves to be driven by an ideological agenda that seems to be devoid of any desire to arrive at the truth about wether or not my flyer is a hate crime. The Ontario Prosecutor and Appeal Courts seem driven to acheive a conviction in my case rather than simply let the facts decide my guilt or innocence. Advertisements Report this ad

To see the Toronto Star article on the Ontario Court of Appeal ordering that I stand trial again go here:

It seems to me as Canada’s leaders (politicians, judges, business elites, etc….) stray farther from the God who created them and as they turn their backs on the God who our country once acknowledged and honoured, the more they reject and even despise what is true.

Although they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools.” Romans 1:21, 22

The fact that my flyer (written by a 20 year out of practice nurse) was found to be more truthful than a currently practicing Medical Doctor who was also an infectious disease expert and who was retained by the Prosecutor to scrutinize my flyer but discredited herself by being an advocate for the side that wants to put me in jail doesn’t matter. In theory truth should be a defense in criminal hate speech cases. In my case the truth of my flyer is being ignored and they want to bring in a homosexual “expert” for the next trial to explain how my flyer is all about hateful tropes and negative generalizations designed to create an environment where hatred and discrimination can flourish. In my view the Crown Prosecutor has no interest in knowing what my actual (not hard to determine) motivations for distributing the flyer in the Toronto homosexual pride parade are.

Michael Higgins treatment for teaching honest history rather than distorted leftist race baiting in not dissimilar. History, reasearch, and truth its self was on Mr. Higgin’s side, but he was fired from his job as a history teacher anyways. The people in power over Mr. Higgins career preferred the leftist narrative and untruths about Canada’s residential schools legacy over historical accuracy and an honest examination of Christian run residential schools. Advertisements Report this ad

Interestingly those on the far left who wish to criminalize my speech are working to criminalize Michael Higgins speech as well. Radical native, pro-abortion, and self described pro-trans activist NDP Member of Parliament Leah Gazan wants to amend Section 319 (the section I am charged under) of the Criminal Code to add “residential school denialism” to the code and make it a so-called hate crime. Quite disturbingly Trudeau’s Justice Minister David Lametti has indicated he is open to adding “residential school denialism” to Canada’s criminal code. This means historians like Michael Higgins who push back against a politically correct but unbalanced narrative, might not only find themselves out of a job, but also becoming the cell partner of Bill Whatcott who also pushed back against a damaging agenda bolstered and propagated by numerous untrue but seemingly unassailable assumptions.

As the left seizes control of the courts and legislatures of our land the narrative has become more important than the truth. And sadly the time honoured principle of the truth being a defense is ceasing to be something that those who are being prosecuted for speaking the inconvenient truth can count on for their exoneration. For a judicial or political system to be credible, it must desire truth and enshrine truth as a defense. Increasingly, Canada’s political and legal systems are lacking credibility.

 “So Pilate entered his headquarters again and called Jesus and said to him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus answered, “Do you say this of your own accord, or did others say it to you about me?” Pilate answered, “Am I a Jew? Your own nation and the chief priests have delivered you over to me. What have you done?” Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.” Then Pilate said to him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” Pilate said to him, “What is truth?” John 18:

Remembering A Free Speech Martyr & Christian Author, Malcolm Ross

Remembering A Free Speech Martyr & Christian Author, Malcolm Ross

A friend gave me his treasure trove of tapes and book and pamphlets among which are many recordings of CAFE meetings

I listen to a tape in short segments. 
I am most of the way through the talk given by Malcolm Ross June 25th 1998 “My 10 Year Battle for Vindication.”
I’m pretty sure I bought Ross’ book from you at some point. [The book is Cross-Examination: Christianity on Trial –– BY Malcolm Ross fired for his religious writings on abortion and other issues appealed to Canada’s Supreme Court in 1990. This rare book is available for $25.00 plus $10 postage from C-FAR Books, P.O. Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3, CANADA.]

I will be turning the tape-recording in to a transcript. His explanation of the implications of the ruling of the Supremes is shocking a quarter of a century later — astonishing not a scintilla of genuine “evidence” that any real person felt they were in a “poisoned environment” in his classroom. Yet, the Supremes figured out that it was only reasonable to draw the inference  of such !!

This, I fear, is what’s going to happen to Bill Whatcott, if he goes through the meatgrinder again. The Bible itself becomes ‘hate literature’ if published anywhere outside some little ‘safe space’ of a building properly registered with the gov’t as a ‘charity’ for purposes of income tax receipts

Ross cites a book to do with the doctrines of modern Juda-ism in which the “Holocaust” is understood to be an essential part of that religion.

There isn’t one person in a million who grasps that. I sure didn’t

What that means for Canada, is,    after the recent amendment to section 319 of the Criminal Code, a person can be prosecuted for ‘blasphemy’ against the state-sanctioned religion,  if some one of the Jud-aic persuasion, feels his or her dignity has been impugned by his questioning the Hollywood version of World War II.

Gordon Watson

Lawyer John Rosen Convinces Political Prisoner Bill Whatcott to Appeal to Supreme Court of Canada

Lawyer John Rosen Convinces Political Prisoner Bill Whatcott to Appeal to Supreme Court of Canada

The old Supreme Court of Hungary located dowtown Budapest, close to the Danube River

Dear Friends,

After a discussion with my lawyer John Rosen, I have reluctantly decided to return to Canada to appeal my latest Ontario Court of Appeal decision to the Supreme Court of Canada.

Prime Minister Blackface (Left) and Justice Lorne Sossin he/him (Right) believe in gender ideology and despise freedom of speech.

To see Lorne Sossin’s he/his corrupt decision that will likely get him an appointment to the Supreme Court of Canada by Prime Minister Blackface himself go here: Advertisement

I was adament that appealing to the Supreme Court of Canada was a waste of time and that appealing to the Hungarian government for asylum as a persecuted Christian made sense, given my personal circumstances. (Prosecutor wants 18 months incarceration for a flyer that doesn’t likely violate any law in Hungary and definitely didn’t violate any law in Canada a few years ago.)

To see the flyer Justice Sossin he/him and his two fellow Trudeau appointees think might be hate speech of a sort that harms vulnerable homosexuals marching in the Toronto shame parade with silhouettes of Christ on their crotches by causing “emotional distress,” or that might have caused some Joe Sixpack to have feelings of “detestation, and villification” towards the pink speedo brigade after reading it go here:

Anyways, Mr. Rosen and his assistant lawyer, a young lady by the name of Mindy I think, countered that they can see “significant errors” in the judgment and that I really should appeal it. Looking at the flyer from the the point of view of common sense, according to how I see the world, I agree there are “significant errors” in the ruling. I actually see how a homosexual activist like Nick Mule’ could prejudice a judge or jury to find me guilty of so-called “hate speech,” but I don’t see how Mr. Mule’ can help a judge or jury come to an honest decision regarding my flyer’s legality.

Mr. Mule when under cross examination demonstrated that he could pick apart my sentences and photographs, deny what they actually communicate, and read all kinds of nasty motives into my literary work. The problem with this is Nick Mule’ is not me, and he cannot get into my head to read my motives. His idea that my flyer contains “tropes” to spread “hatred” is not true.

Even under intense scrutiny from the LGBT activist infectious disease specialist Mona Loutfy who discredited herself by being less than honest under cross examination, and who tried to mislead the court in her personal crusade to have me convicted of a “hate crime; it was found most of my flyer was substantially true (prevalence of hepatitis amongst homosexuals, prevalence of HPV of the rectum, etc….) and the parts that came up less than 100% accurate were only dated, (more homosexuals died of AIDS at an earlier age when I was a nurse than today thanks to modern anti-retrovirals that were not available when I was practicing); no evidence came out that I was lying (unlike the Crown’s infectious disease specialist).

Sadly, Mr. Mule’ and it seems the Ontario Appeal Court that ruled we need to hear from him, has no interest in the truth of my flyer. The truth won’t likely matter so much as the impugned motivations of alleged hatred and ill will that I am alleged to have, this will be discussed as the driver of my flyer. Advertisements Report this ad

To see the flyer that is heading to the Supreme Court of Canada go here:

However, Mr Rosen and Mindy weren’t looking at the appeal from the angle of Bill Whatcott’s common sense. They see significant legal and technical errors in the Ontario Court of Appeal judgment and they believe there is a good chance the Supreme Court will feel compelled to address these errors.

My initial thoughts, while listening to Mr. Rosen was, I didn’t actually care if there are appealable errors. The Supreme Court is very expensive and 100% of pro-family lawyers thought I was winning the 2013 Whatcott decision and they were wrong. Being out of Canada has it’s down moments. I don’t know Hungarian and I don’t quite know what to do here. If I elected to stay in Hungary and ask for asylum, there is no guarantee the Hungarian government will accept my claim and for months I would be compelled to reside in a somewhat spartan, semi secure, refugee centre. But the streets of Hungary are clean, you see no drug addicts, garbage, needles, etc… littering the capital city’s streets.

The streets of Hungary are safe everywhere, people seem more honest, and crime is much lower than in Canada. No Hungarian kids and almost no adults are identifying as homosexual, gender confused, bisexual or furry. Cancel culture doesn’t appear to be a thing here. You won’t lose your job for saying Bruce Jenner is a man. People here are normal and the past three weeks has convinced me the Canadian government, academia, justice system and media are actually really spiritually sick and corrupt.

Our media and government has a religious devotion to so-called harm reduction, critical race theory, gender ideology, climate alarmism, etc…. Our broken justice system likes to pontificate a false and harmful narrative that non-white criminals are chronic victims of systemic racism and therefore somehow merit ridiculously light sentences that fail victims and law abiding taxpayers. The false “harm reduction” narrative is an absolute disaster for Canadians. Overdoses have never been been more common, whole cities are being turned to garbage as junkies and discarded needles litter the streets, emergency wards are swamped with opiate and meth overdoses and normal patients suffer. Hungary and Singapore are testimonies that safe, clean streets, and normal people is possible. I have not seen a single drug addict shooting up on a sidewalk or dude in a dress demanding that I should call him a woman in either Budapest or Szeged.

Anyways, I thought God wanted me in Hungary and I prayed for His guidance in regards to this matter and when the negative decision came down from the Ontario Court of Appeal, I really thought God arranged for me to be in Hungary and that I am meant to live out the rest of my life here. But now I am confronted with new information. So, I prayed again, maybe God does want me to fight another round in our courts, though I have no confidence in their neutrality or sense of fairness when it comes to socially conservative Christians. Advertisements Report this ad

I talked to one of my long time friends and supporters in Vancouver. She appreciates John Rosen’s work on my case and offered to donate some money to the Supreme Court appeal, if I decided to come back and appeal the Ontario Court of Appeal decision. Mr. Rosen agreed to launch the appeal for $10,000 with an understanding there is no guarantee I can raise anything close to what an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada costs in the future. There really is no church, lobby group, legal group, etc… backing my court battle.

Most “respectable” Conservatives prefer to fight safer battles, such as gun control, Blackface’s insane spending habits, vaccine mandates, etc….. Those fights are all worthwhile, but Romans 1 and Leviticus 20 is clear God is opposed to homosexual perversion. It really is not about two consenting adults in the privacy of their bedroom. The harm this sexual agenda has caused to children, our healthcare system, our education system and indeed to our civil liberties; not to mention truth its self, is tangible and severe. This Ontario Court of Appeal decision that I must go on trial again is clear evidence that speaking truthfully and in good faith about the LGBT agenda is fraught with serious and life altering risks. Truth is no longer a solid defense in Canada when it comes to so-called hate crime cases.

I am a controversial and less than perfect Prophet that has been given this calling. It really seems only God and a handful of loyal friends has walked with me through this long seven year trial. It also seems clear God has persevered me this far, but I have no answer how, and it often seems precarious, though He is faithful.

O God, you know my folly;
    the wrongs I have done are not hidden from you. Let not those who hope in you be put to shame through me,
    O Lord God of hosts;
let not those who seek you be brought to dishonor through me,
    O God of Israel.
For it is for your sake that I have borne reproach,
    that dishonor has covered my face.
I have become a stranger to my brothers,
    an alien to my mother’s sons. For zeal for your house has consumed me,
    and the reproaches of those who reproach you have fallen on me.
When I wept and humbled my soul with fasting,
    it became my reproach.
When I made sackcloth my clothing,
    I became a byword to them.
I am the talk of those who sit in the gate,
    and the drunkards make songs about me. But as for me, my prayer is to you, O Lord.
    At an acceptable time, O God,
    in the abundance of your steadfast love answer me in your saving faithfulness.”
Psalm 69:5-13

I will be back in Canada soon and if God so desires and enables it, we will see what happens when this case reaches the Supreme Court of Canada.

In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott

“Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God.2 Corinthians 7:1