Alberta NDP Leader Rachel Notley Wants Premier Smith to Expel an MLA From the United Conservative Caucus for Attending Pro-Family Rally
[Alberta has just seen cancel culture at its craziest. The leader of the oppostion NDP has demanded that Premier Danielle Smith expel “Alberta NDP leader Rachel Notley said United Conservative Party MLA Jason Stephan (Red Deer-South) should be kicked out of caucus for going to the One Million March for Children.

“Shouldn’t be anywhere near the caucus,” said Notley at a Thursday press conference.
“Long since should have been kicked out.”
One might as what business is it of nosy Notley who sits in another party’s caucus?
Stephan said at the One Million March for Children in Red Deer on Wednesday, governments and school boards are making gross mistakes with blanket rules based on rare exceptions, especially when it means keeping secrets from parents.
“It’s a very serious manner for government to interpose themselves between families and children,” said Stephan.
“Parents have a sacred, moral duty to their children that pre-exists government.” – Paul Fromm
Notley demands removal of UCP MLA who spoke at One Million March
- By Jonathan Bradley
- Sep 22, 2023

Alberta NDP leader Rachel Notley said United Conservative Party MLA Jason Stephan (Red Deer-South) should be kicked out of caucus for going to the One Million March for Children.
“Shouldn’t be anywhere near the caucus,” said Notley at a Thursday press conference.
“Long since should have been kicked out.”
Stephan said at the One Million March for Children in Red Deer on Wednesday, governments and school boards are making gross mistakes with blanket rules based on rare exceptions, especially when it means keeping secrets from parents.
“It’s a very serious manner for government to interpose themselves between families and children,” said Stephan.
“Parents have a sacred, moral duty to their children that pre-exists government.”
Notley said Stephan’s removal should “have been the first thing the premier said this morning.”
To all of the sexual minorities in Alberta, she said they are loved, respected and their human rights are as important as everyone else’s. She added there are many people who will fight hard to ensure that never changes.
When she watched a video from a child at one of the rallies making hateful comments, she said it broke her heart. While children are not born with hate in their heart, a person convinced this child to spew hate.
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith did not condemn these comments. Notley called it “one of the most profound failures in leadership that I’ve ever seen.”
She concluded by saying this hate must be condemned.
“And the fact that the premier is normalizing it by allowing one of her caucus members to participate in this is appalling,” she said.