How the “Hate” Case Against the Late Arthur Topham, Political Prisoners Ended

B.C. man faces strict conditions after breaching sentence for anti-Semitic hate crimes


November 23, 2020·2 min read

A B.C. man convicted of an online hate crime is facing strict new rules on his public expression after breaching his sentencing conditions.

Arthur Topham, who ran a publication from his rural home near the central Interior city of Quesnel, was convicted in 2015 of communicating online statements that wilfully promoted hatred against Jewish people.

As part of his sentence, Topham was forbidden from publishing or publicly posting information about “persons of Jewish religion or ethnic origin.”

But In October, a provincial court judge ruled Topham had breached that condition by creating new posts throughout 2018.

Late last week, the judge sentenced Topham to a 30-day conditional sentence and three years probation for the breach, placing strict new conditions on Topham’s public posts.

B'nai Brith/Contributed
B’nai Brith/Contributed

For the next three years, Topham is forbidden from publishing or printing publicly any reference to or information about the Talmud, Zionism, Israel, and the Jewish religion, ethnicity or people.

Topham is also forbidden from publicly posting the names of people he knows to be of Jewish origin.

According to court documents, he will still be allowed to publicly name his wife and her family, but not to mention their ethnicity or origin. During his original trial, Topham told the court his wife is Jewish.

In addition to the terms of his three-year probation, Topham will serve a 30-day conditional sentence, with a nightly curfew and a requirement to remain in B.C. He’s also prohibited from having weapons, liquor, or alcohol.

“Justice has been served,” said Ran Ukashi, National Director with B’nai Brith, a Jewish advocacy group that’s been closely following the case.

“It serves as a deterrent for others, to realize there are consequences, there’s a price to pay,” said Ukashi.

Betsy Trumpener/CBC

Betsy Trumpener/CBC

“There are limits to … free speech and promoting hatred against identifiable groups is not on,” he said.”This person has been given opportunity after opportunity to not behave this way.”

A retired teacher now in his 70s, Topham was first charged in 2012. A website he produced featured frequent posts with anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and demonized Jewish people, according to evidence at his trial.

Wil Fundal/CBC News

Wil Fundal/CBC News

At his original trial in 2015, Topham’s lawyer argued the posts were political satire, did not incite violence, and included materials that could easily be ordered on Amazon.

Topham’s case was the first hate crime prosecution in B.C. in almost a decade.

It drew support from the Ontario Civil Liberties Association, which champions free speech, as well as from self-proclaimed “white nationalists,” who attended Topham’s jury trial in the Quesnel courthouse, 700 km northeast of Vancouver.

Paul Fromm helped to fund Topham’s defence and covered his trial through video blogs from Quesnel. Monika Schaefer, who served jail time in Germany for Holocaust denial, also attended court

Arthur Topham RIP –

pril 28, 2024


Arthur Topham – 25 February 1947 – 23 March 2024
The thought police tried to silence this courageous Canadian. They failed.

March 2017–No jail time for Canadian man convicted of online anti-Semitism

Arthur Topham barred from internet for 6 months, says he has a duty to alert the public to ‘imminent threat of Jewish lobby’

by Monika Schaefer

Sadly, we have lost a great thinker, writer, teacher, courageous truth-teller, and brave warrior who always fought for what is right. Arthur Topham passed on after an illness with cancer on the 23rd of March, 2024 in Quesnel, BC. He was 77 years old.
Many people will remember Arthur through his brilliant writing and creation of memes and articles on his site Radical Press. This began in 1998 as a print publication called The Radical with a subtitle “Digging to the root of the issues”, and a few years later he switched from print to solely online production. The subtitle was a direct reference to the etymology of the word “radical” – the root. Digging to the root of the issues was what Arthur Topham did brilliantly. He had long been an activist who wrote frequent letters to political figures and to editors of newspapers, and over the years, as he dug down deep to learn about true history, his writings became ever more dangerous to the “establishment”. There were complaints from Jews about the contents of his Radical Press website, and a dozen or more years of legal harassment, persecution and conviction followed.
I was first introduced to Arthur Topham in about 2013, and I became an avid reader of his Radical Press on-line publication. In subsequent years Arthur published several articles in which he featured content from me. Later when I was thrown in jail, Arthur worked tirelessly to publicize my case. He created memes and posters, he informed the public about whom they could write letters to on my behalf, and he wrote excellent letters pushing for my release. He was so effective in fighting for me,in fact, that at some point he was accused of breaching his own sentencing conditions which resulted in more years of legal harassment for him.
I am forever grateful to Arthur Topham for all that he did, for all of us.

monika-schaefer-believes-holocaust-was-a-lie.png(Holocaust skeptic Monika Schaffer) 
This was how Arthur finished one of his emails to me a number of years back, before my incarceration. I include it here as a message of inspiration to us all.
“Be strong my friend and keep on loving, living, making music and speaking the truth! And may God protect you always. (My theme has always been Psalm 23 since I began this quest and I find great comfort in it. The table is just about prepared!)
Mehr Licht!”
[More Light!]

Although he at various times occupied various parts of the political spectrum, Arthur Topham was a consistent free speech warrior. He paid dearly for his outspoken courage. CAFE supported him at his 2015-2016 “hate trial” in Quesel. An eclectic group of free speech supporters attended the trial and rallied around him, people from as far away as Japan, England (expert witness Gilad Atsman), the U.S., Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta and, of course, British Columbia. 

In cross-examination, we learned many interesting things, especially from Len Ruidner, the Canadian Jewish Congress’s “expert” witness. Some of the problematic and horrific, yes, hateful, verses from the Talmud, for instance, justifying sex with little children, he didn’t disavow, except to suggest that these passages were merely rabbis “speculating.” The jury, in a typically Canadian half-and-half decision, convicted Arthur of one count of promoting “hate” and acquitted him of the other. Juries in Canada don’t give reasons. So, we never learned which writing they deemed “hate” and which was merely opinion. — Paul Fromm, Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression.

Arthur attended Simon Fraser University back around 1969. He became a school teacher and taught in Quesnel for a while.

For a long time, he published a hard copy tabloid called The Radical. It was a lot of fun — an old fashioned hippy paper advocating decriminalizing marijuana and all sorts of alternative ideas.
He/the Radical was put through the meatgrinder of Court because he printed the scandal about Indian Chief Ed John being accused as having committed sexual assault. At that point in time, Ed John had been appointed to the Cabinet of British Columbia, even though he was not an elected MLA! 
Arthur wound up in the Supreme Court of BC at Vancouver, along with Kevin Annett. The judge, James Taylor, issued an Order that Arthur was prohibited from publishing anything about the scandal. I was there. Arthur stood up in Court. Mr Annett was there, lurking around, but lacked the courage? to go into the Courtroom. The thing was just begging to break wide open as an important test of Freedom of the Press but Arthur did not have the means to pursue it. Years later, his own people called-out Ed John.
The turmoil Arthur went through after being charged with “hate speech” demonstrated how the meatgrinder process of the criminal justice system is a punishment unto itself. 

The cops / the Prosecutors did things that were blatantly ILlegal. For instance, they walked in with a very suspect Warrant to Search, seized everything in sight, especially his computer, which was crucial to him being able to prepare his Defence. Then they kept his computer for years.
Lawyer Doug Christie relished the case, because it gave him the opportunity to test his question about “if something happens in cyber-space, alleged to be a crime, where does it actually take place?” 

Sadly, Doug died in 2013 prior to Arthur’s trial.
At Arthur’s trial, the judge took Judicial Notice that the material at issue, Arthur repurposing the book Germany Must Perish”, into a perfect parallel entitled Israel Must Perish” was satire. 

I thought that what he had done was very witty.I am pretty sure that Arthur had composed his piece of Art ( satire) at his home in Quesnel British Columbia. Then sent it via the internet to a website with a server in the United States of America.
At that point, anyone who accessed that website, in order to view it on a computer screen, was “operating’ in the territory of the U.S. of A.The point being no-one ever did an act in the real world anywhere in the Dominion of Canada, which contravened section 319 of the Canadian Criminal Code. 

In the US, that material is not a criminal offence. In the US the concept of Free Speech, includes the reciprocal … the right to listenI was in communication with Arthur all that time. I got Dr Henry Makow to agree that he would take the witness stand for the Defendant. But Arthur’s lawyer never called him. 

As well, I was adamant that Arthur take the witness stand in his own defence. But his lawyer Barkley Johnson prevented him doing so. A jury wants to see the Defendant. They make up their mind whether or not they like him. Then they decide if he’s guilty or not.
The black humor at the end of the trial was there were two charges identical except for the dates of the allegations. The jury convicted him of one, but acquitted him of the other! The sentence was UN-believable: he was ordered not to talk about anything to do with the Jews for yearsHe was pretty de-moralized for years after. — Gordon Watson, Justice Critic, Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians,

Arthur Topham, R.I.P. by Political Prisoner Monika Schaefer

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Arthur Topham – Rest in Peace

  • 26 March 2024
  • by Monika Schaefer

Arthur Topham

25 February 1947 – 23 March 2024

Sadly, we have lost a great thinker, writer, teacher, courageous truth-teller, and brave warrior who always fought for what is right. Arthur Topham passed on after an illness with cancer on the 23rd of March, 2024 in Quesnel, BC. He was 77 years old.

Many people will remember Arthur through his brilliant writing and creation of memes and articles in the Radical Press. This began in 1998 as a print publication called The Radical with a subtitle “Digging to the root of the issues”, and a few years later he switched from print to solely online production. The subtitle was a direct reference to the etymology of the word “radical” – the root. Digging to the root of the issues was what Arthur Topham did brilliantly. He had long been an activist who wrote frequent letters to political figures and to editors of newspapers, and over the years, as he dug down deep to learn about true history, his writings became ever more dangerous to the “establishment”. There were complaints from Jews about the contents of his Radical Press website, and a dozen or more years of legal harassment, persecution and conviction followed.

I (Monika Schaefer) was first introduced to Arthur Topham in about 2013, and I became an avid reader of his Radical Press on-line publication. In subsequent years Arthur published several articles in which he featured contents from me. Later when I was thrown in jail, Arthur worked tirelessly to publicize my case. He created memes and posters, he informed the public about whom they could write letters to on my behalf, and he himself wrote excellent letters pushing for my release. He was so effective in fighting for me, in fact, that at some point he was accused of breeching his own sentencing conditions which resulted in more years of legal harassment for him.

This was how Arthur finished one of his emails to me a number of years back, before my incarceration. I include it here as a message of inspiration to all of us.

“Be strong my friend and keep on loving, living, making music and speaking the truth! And may God protect you always. (My theme has always been Psalm 23 since I began this quest and I find great comfort in it. The table is just about prepared!)

Mehr Licht!”

[More Light!]

Compassionate Appeal from Former Political Prisoner & Free Speech Warrior Arthur Topham

Compassionate Appeal from Former Political Prisoner & Free Speech Warrior Arthur Topham

Dear friends and associates,
I’m sending out the url to my GoGetFunding campaign in order to raise funds to help defray legal costs associated with my application for a grant of administration in the case of my late son Shashone who tragically passed from this world on January 25, 2022.

When he passed suddenly he hadn’t left a Will and that has caused a tremendous amount of problems with his siblings and former common-law partners and his three children; one daughter and two boys. As is usual with cases like this disagreements arise immediately and so I decided to apply for a grant of administration in order to help settle his intestate possessions in a fair and equitable manner.

The details of all this are included in the narrative that can be read on the campaign site.

Given the recent actions of different funding sites, especially the GoFundMe site that the Canadian Trucker Convoy was using, many people now are very skeptical of donating to these organizations. Having said this I want to let people know that my regular email address that I’m using to send out this appeal (  ) can also be used to send e-Transfers directly to my CIBC banking account should anyone wish to donate that way.

Any amount will be gratefully appreciated. On behalf of my wife Shasta and myself we thank you.


Arthur Topham

Father of the late Shashone Topham


Shashone TophamJune 25, 1976 – January 25, 2022RIP

The Killing of Christmas: An Open Letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry

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The Killing of Christmas: An Open Letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry

/ Webmin

The Killing of Christmas:

An Open Letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry

Arthur Topham

“To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world,
that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the
truth heareth my voice.”
~ Jesus the Christ (John 18:37.)

To: Dr. Bonnie Henry,

British Columbia Provincial Health Officer,

Ministry of Health,

1515 Blanshard Street,

Victoria, BC V8W 3C9

Dear Dr. Bonnie Henry,

Seasons Greetings to you from the Cariboo.

The great 18th century British writer and pamphleteer Thomas Paine, considered by many to be the Godfather of the United States of America, played a crucial roll in the struggle of the Colonists to break free of the yoke of King George III throughout the American Revolution that commenced in 1776. When the Colonial army under General George Washington was in retreat from General Howe’s British forces and their supplies and ammunition running low the moral of the volunteers was also at an all time decline. It was then that Thomas Paine, who fought along side the Continental militia, penned his now famous series of pamphlets known as the Crisis Papers.

In late September as he sat absorbed by an army campfire on a hogshead scratching out on paper Crisis I, his first of many pamphlets he didn’t realize that someone had walked up beside him. Pausing for a moment he felt a hand on his shoulder and looking up he saw General Washington. While discussed the current situation that the Colonials were in Washington asked Paine if he might take a look at what he was writing. Tilting the sheets of paper toward the firelight he silently read to himself the following words:

These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier
and the sunshine patriot, will, in this crisis, shrink from the
service of their country; but he that stands it now,
deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

The General complimented Thomas Paine on his writing and asked him to send him copies of it when he was able to have it published. Paine of course replied that it would be his first priority. When the General returned to his tent and the night fell silent Paine continued with his work and the word flowed forth:

Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM, should not be highly rated.

I chose to begin my letter to you with the words of Mr. Paine because they best convey, for myself and likely many others here in British Columbia and across our beleaguered nation, the sentiments now felt as we near the completion of the second year of the present Covid-19 crisis and the greatest of all Holy Days of the year – Christmas – draws nigh.

As a longstanding journalist working in the alternative news media and currently the publisher and editor of The Cariboo Sentinel ( this manufactured ‘pandemic’ has become the mainstay of practically all msm and alternative news items since it first came to public light in January of 2020 and been both a boon and a blight for journalists, critics and proponents around the world, albeit at a cost yet to be fully ascertained.

In response to what, in the alternative view is best defined as a “plandemic” rather than a naturally occurred pandemic, I have written Open Letters to you before regarding the Covid-19 issue and sent them off knowing full well that the likelihood of receiving a reply back would be as assured as the proverbial snowball’s chance of survival in hell. Still, as Thomas Paine so aptly put it, the tyranny that has now come to my country and my province since Christmas of 2019 won’t easily be conquered and being by nature neither a “summer soldier” or a “sunshine patriot” I would be shirking my duty to God and to Canada were I to cease in my determined quest to inform your office and the provincial NDP government you represent, of the mendacious machinations and the unspeakable pain, destruction, death and anguish that your masks, mandates, lockdowns and specious inoculations have bequeathed to the people of this once beautiful, God-fearing province.

I know you are not alone in your quest to satisfy the urgings of those who, for the most ghastly of reasons, are adamant in their determination to murder millions, if not billions, of innocent souls in a sinister effort to pull off a final global coup d’etat and sink their greedy, filthy claws into the body of the world’s people in order to put a final end to our freedom as sovereign human beings created in the image of the Heavenly Father.

Never in the history of this glorious planet has there ever been a time where so many former independent nations have suddenly, as if by some sinister, magical spell, acted in such a unified manner in order to destroy their own sovereignty. It’s tantamount in some ways to the concept of global suicide, to a worldwide Jonestown event wherein the fevered brains and minds of the masses suddenly succumb to the will of a master sorcerer and lose all semblance of independent thought, reason and logic.

What it is that makes the rest of those in the provincial government and the mainstream media and, most tragic of all, the majority of the medical profession, willingly collaborate with you in order to lend a feigned sense of credence to your overt, duplicitous actions, especially given the reality of the effects they’re having upon the people of BC, still remains a mystery to the mass of t.v. watchers and newspaper readers who, thus far, have willingly ingested all the fake news reports, the fake statistics, the fake ‘viruses’ that instantly disappeared the historic common yearly flu, the fake untested, poisoned bioweapon euphemistically labelled a “vaccine” and the fake accusations being spread about concerning the dangers posed by those who, for various reasons, have not fallen into the jibberjabber trap you and Premier Horgan and Health Minister Dix have set for the people of BC. Their faith in you and in the NDP’s Machiavellian measures is a subject that future historians will undoubtedly debate over for a long time.

What the instigators of this fake global crisis have precipitated, knowingly or not, is a worldwide REVOLUTION; one that, were it compared with the writings of the major Communist authors of the past clearly delineates what their primary aim for the world at large has been since the Bolshevik take over of the Russian republic in 1917 wherein the Christian Tsar Nicholas II and the whole of his family (including the dog) were massacred and an atheistic, nihilist regime of brutal totalitarianism then reigned, ironically in a sense right up until Christmas day, December 25, 1991 when the Soviet flag flew over the Kremlin in Moscow for the last time marking 74 years of repression and lost freedom wherein approximately 66 million Christian Russians were genocided in various brutal ways.

And so Dr. Henry the similarities that surround you and the NDP government of the province of BC and the aforementioned Soviet communist example lead me up to your latest attack upon Christmas when we Christians traditionally celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. To further document all the attacks upon the Christian faith in Canada over the last two years would stretch this letter to the point of being onerous and I shall forego doing so but suffice it to say that the world is fully aware of these diabolic actions precipitated by those who serve another master.

I just want to close by saying that in this world of wonders there are many realms aside from the physical and political and financial. There are also spiritual and moral realms that we human beings are a quintessential part of which motivate and energize and inspire those of faith. It has always been one of the primary aims of the master Deceiver to destroy those who would willingly acknowledge and obey the supreme power and force of the Heavenly Father/Creator of this world and by your own actions and the actions of the atheist NDP leadership of the province of BC you have proven yourself to be a willing agent of the anti-Christ.

History will regard you as such but there is always the opportunity for everyone to cease and desist and this applies to you as well when it comes to your decision to attempt sabotaging the one religious celebration that Canadians have held dear to their hearts since the inception of this nation. I would ask that you stop trying to kill Christmas and instead start celebrating the rebirth of the peace and love and veneration of the Heavenly Father and His glorious Son that you so obviously are missing and so urgently in need of.

God grant you the courage to break free of your bonds and start serving Him rather than the Adversary.

Ex-Political Prisoner & Freedom Fighters Arthur Topham Takes on the Mask Maniacs at Canadian Tire

Canadian Tire: Skidding Out of Control?


Canadian Tire: Skidding Out of Control?

A Critique of Customer Service in Quesnel, B.C. Canada


Arthur Topham

November 22, 2021

A couple of weeks ago on November 7, 2021 I was in Quesnel to do some shopping and one item on my list was to stop off at Canadian Tire and pick up another 5 gallon pail of Shell Rotella T4 15W-40 oil for my Ford diesel pickup. I’d been purchasing it there since I bought the truck and have always been satisfied with the service even though during these heady times of covid mania I’ve become a lot more skeptical of the big box stores like Costco, Walmart and Canadian Tire. 

Being adamantly opposed to all the NDP government’s bullshit “mandates” and “lockdowns” propaganda I usually do my shopping in outlets who don’t make a big fuss over normal folks who prefer to not wear a diaper over their face while doing business in town. Having been my own mechanic since I first started driving 58 years ago I’m well aware of the fact that it’s not a healthy practise to breath in exhaust fumes from one’s engine and so by simple extrapolation (or deductive logic if you will) it’s also not advisable to block off your ability to expel your own CO2 exhaust fumes by placing a rag over your nose and mouth.

But also because of Murphy’s Law on Unexpected Fecal Fulmination: Corollary #1 – “Shit Happens!” I usually wear my bandana in town for those extra special occasions when logic, reason & common sense cease to be effective (see image above).

As I said I’ve purchased my oil at Canadian Tire before so when I entered the store via the Automotive Parts Dept. entrance I walked past the service counter where a couple of employees were standing talking to each (with their masks on) and proceeded down the aisle to where the oil was. When I got to the spot I was relieved to find that there was still one pail left of the regular oil. The synthetic brand was double the price and out of my budget at the time. I proceeded to pick up the pail and then carried it down to the service counter. The two clerks were still engaged in conversation so I sat the pail on the floor and waited until they were done talking. A couple of minutes later one left to go into the garage and the other fellow fellow turned and saw me and asked me if he could help. I wanted to make sure of the price so I told him the make and model of my vehicle and he looked it up in the book and said it was the right oil and gave me a price. I said “great” and picked up the pail and carried it down to where the guy’s cash register was and sat it down so he could scan it. 

As he was doing the scanning and I was getting my wallet out to get my debit card he started chatting with me and we carried on like that until I’d paid for the oil and got my receipt. Once the transaction was completed he then offered to carry the pail out to my truck for me but I declined saying that I was a placer miner and used to carrying heavy objects and it wouldn’t be necessary. I thanked him for his help, picked up the pail of oil and exited from the store and put it in the back of my pickup. At no time throughout the whole process was I wearing my bandana and at no time did the sales clerk ever make so much as a hint that I ought to be wearing a mask.

I was about to get in the truck when I remembered that I also wanted to check on another item in the store. Some years back I had bought a flashlight there. It was one that you can carry in your pocket the brand name being “Coast G20”. It’s about 6 inches long and about 5/8” in diameter. It’s been a mainstay for me and living out in the country I’m never without it as it comes in handy for so many different occasions when you need to shine a beam on something to either open a lock or check out some dark corner in one of your outbuildings or even find your way around the house at night when you’re stumbling down the hallway to let the dog out to its thing. I thought to myself maybe they still sell this particular model and mine was beginning to act up whenever I would push the rubber button to turn it on. I recalled that it was guaranteed for life but I didn’t have my original receipt with me but I figured it wasn’t that costly an item so what the heck why not check and pick up a new one. 

I walked back into the store through the main doorway and proceeded to go down to the isle where I remembered the flashlights were. Much to my surprise and satisfaction they still had the same model and it was priced at around $15.00 so I decided to purchase a new one. When I went to take one off the horizontal hook I realized that they were locked on with a tab that required a key and when I turned to my left toward the main isle there was a clerk walking by so I asked him if he had a key for the lock. He kept walking and said no but he’d let someone know down at the paint department counter and they’d come and open it up. 

While I was waiting I happened to glance down the main isle to the south end of the store and it was then that I saw Don walking about where the guns and ammo section were located. I already knew that was his department because he is a neighbour of mine who lives out in Cottonwood on the Barkerville Hwy where I do. I gave him a wave and he waved back.

When I turned to see if the clerk with the key was coming from the other direction I saw an older, fairly big man with his red Canadian Tire shirt on approaching me. He walked right up to me and stopped about 2 feet away and immediately asked me if I had a mask. In his left hand he was carrying a box of the standard blue masks. I told him I didn’t and that I don’t wear the blue masks because they’re laced with magnetic particles of graphene that aren’t healthy for people. In like a split second he literally jumped back from me to what I imagined would be the 2 meter social distance requirement as if he’d suddenly realized I was hold a chunk of plutonium in my hand and he was in grave danger of losing his life! As I observed his behaviour and countenance I could see that he was going to be a problem. He then immediately responded to my remark about the blue masks with a haughty half shriek of exasperation and told me in no uncertain terms that he couldn’t serve me and that I would have to leave the store IMMEDIATELY OR ELSE HE WOULD CALL THE COPS! 

There wasn’t anyone else around us in earshot and I looked at him and said, “Oh for fuck sakes man just open the lock and I’ll buy my flashlight and leave.” The fact that I used the “f” word only intensified his already overly, in-your-face, aggressive response to my refusal to kowtow to his demand to obediently put on the little blue diaper and do what I was told. He then came closer to me again demanding that I leave NOW. 

Around that point my neighbour Don, seeing that things were going awry, came walking up from the gun department with the likely intention of trying to settle whatever was going on. He walks right up to me and stops no more than two feet away and says to me that I should just put on a mask and not start any trouble. As he’s telling me this I’m observing him as well. There he is well within the “safe” 2 meter distance standing directly in front of me with his mask dangling off the end of his lower chin. His mouth and nose are totally uncovered. I say to him, “You gotta be kidding me Don. You’re standing here right in my personal space, practically face to face, with your mask hanging off your chin and telling me that I should put a mask on!?” He replied by saying something about how they are only following orders.

Meanwhile Bozo Bill is standing there fuming like a volcano ready to blow its top and coming closer demanding that I leave before he calls the police. At that point I decide that the best thing to do would be to just calmly walk away and depart without my new Coast G20 flashlight. As I’m walking back up the main isle Bozo Bill is right behind me making sure I don’t dash down another isle and escape. I stop and turn and ask him if he’s been jabbed adding that I have found that people who’ve been given the bio-weapon tend to become more aggressive as the poisons in it work their wonders on the body. He proudly declares to one and all (by then some other staff are around him and a curious customer or two) that he’s had his two shots and his booster to boot! Gad zooks I’m thinking to myself as I continue walking away this fellow is likely shedding spike proteins by the bucket full by now given his state of agitation.  

As I walk out my neighbour Don follows me through the check-out counter and out to the front exit making small talk about event that just occurred. As I’m leaving I turn to him and ask him if he’s been jabbed too. He tells me that he’s had his first two shots. I look at him and say, “Take care Don and good luck” and continue walking slowly to my truck which is parked directly ahead of me across from the main entrance. I turn to look back and I can see a small crown of staff and others milling about near the front entrance. Whether Bozo Bill actually called the cops or not I don’t know as they never showed up before I left. I opened the door to the truck and reached into my camera bag and took out my Nikon and then walked a bit closer to the store and took the photo that you see in the header accompanying this article. I then departed to Extra Foods where I knew that I would be welcome to shop in peace without a mask and be treated like a normal human being. 


Due to other work commitments I didn’t get around to finishing this article for close to two weeks but just a couple of days ago on Saturday, November 20th I had a rather unusual email from a local friend of mine that became the catalyst necessary to complete the story. He had sent me a video titled “Will you fight?” which I posted on my social media FB page. That wasn’t anything unusual as I get multiple people sending me videos on a regular basis both on FB and via regular email.

Inside the body of the email was the url to video and a short text message that read: “Was in Canadian tire this afternoon. Someone was in there without a mask and he asked them to call the cops [he didn’t want to leave]. Getting crazy. Some people have had enough!” When I read the message I chuckled to myself and immediately thought he was referring to my little run in with Bozo Bill back on the 7th of November. I wrote him back and told him to call me thinking that he didn’t know who that “someone” was. 

He did call and when I told him about my experience there he was flabbergasted and said, “No! Really? Well, that’s pretty weird because I was referring to an incident that took place today the 20th of Nov. and then proceeded to tell me that he was in Canadian Tire shopping when some person came into the store and headed down toward the paint department. The person was a male and dressed in overalls and looked like he was working somewhere and likely needed some supplies and that’s why he was there. He then went on to describe what happened and it was basically a replay of the same scenario I describe above. It was even the same bad actor Bozo Bill who was harassing this worker and threatening to call the police. The man apparently responded to the threat by telling Bozo B to go ahead and then quoting something to him about the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. When I heard the story I realized that incidents like the ones I’m now relating are likely occurring on a regular basis in the Canadian Tire store in Quesnel and because no one is reporting them on social media or via the alt media the general public is oblivious to the fact. It’s a definite for sure that local residents won’t be reading about incidents like this in Quesnel’s Cariboo Observer


What were seeing here in the Canadian Tire example is a case of one department in the store (the Automotive Dept.) behaving in a civilized manner toward its customers and then in a different department seeing employees behaving like bullying, undisciplined goons toward customers who, for whatever reasons, are unwilling to wear the tainted, poisoned blue masks that the company is so quick to offer to them. At no time throughout my encounter with Bozo Bill did he ever ask me whether or not I had an exemption card or anything to that effect.

What therefore does this signal to the general public? Are we dealing with schizoid, power-tripping personalities working in some areas of the store and in other areas mature adults with common sense who are treating their unmasked customers with the same respect that they do the masked ones? One thing for certain that’s becoming plainly evident is that the disgraceful, disgusting, aggressive behaviour on the part of the Bozo Bills working for Canadian Tire sure as hell aren’t helping the company to make a profit and stay in business and be competitive. After what I experienced trying to buy a $15.00 flashlight after just spending a hundred bucks on another product with no issues attached there’s no way that Canadian Tire will ever get another penny out of me and no way that I’ll ever be able to offer anyone positive advertising were they to ask me whether or not Canadian Tire was a decent place to spend their hard earned money.

Large corporations like Canadian Tire may see individuals like myself and the fellow in the work coveralls as merely collateral damage and chances are they’ll likely ream out the good staff members in the Automotive Department for not demanding that I wear a poisoned rag in their establishment while shopping. If they threaten them in any way I do hope that they’ll contact me and let me know about it. 

It’s long past time to end the lockdowns and the illegal mandates and the forcing of untested jabs of poison on the populace be they adults or young children. If these draconian measures don’t end soon I imagine that one day I’ll be driving by the store on my way to Extra Foods and the sign over the door will be reading “COMMUNIST TIRE” instead of CANADIAN TIRE.

Dr. Hoffe of Lytton B.C. Attacked by Dr. Henry & Interior Health Authority for Exposing Dangers of Experimental Bioweapon falsely labelled a “Vaccine”

Dr. Hoffe of Lytton B.C. Attacked by Dr. Henry & Interior Health Authority for Exposing Dangers of Experimental Bioweapon falsely labelled a “Vaccine”

Dr. Hoffe of Lytton B.C. Attacked by Dr. Henry & Interior Health Authority for Exposing Dangers of Experimental Bioweapon falsely labelled a “Vaccine”


Arthur Topham

QCSentinel Reporter

[Editor’s Note: Once again we are witnessing the venomous, draconian actions of the BC NDP government via their servile minions Dr. Henry and the Interior Health Authority (IHA), in this latest blatant attack upon Dr. Hoffe’s integrity and his very livelihood, not to mention the well being of all the local residents of the town of Lytton, BC where the good doctor has dedicated many years of service to the community. 

The unabashed arrogance and power-tripping displayed by these bungling bureaucrats and their political overlords, all of whom are willing participants in what is now recognized universally as being the most virulent attack upon the human race ever witnessed in recorded history, demands that ‘we the people’ expose their actions for what they are and thwarted them in every way possible.

The letter below, issued by the Lytton Medical Clinic on May 4, 2021, provides a general overview of the maliciousness of the NDP traitors when it comes to their deliberate crude and cruel reactionary response to anyone, be they a professional medical practitioner or not, who displays the intestinal fortitude to speak Truth to power as was done by Dr. Hoffe in his original open letter to Dr. Henry.

The Interior Health Authority’s feigned phoney claim that they never received Dr. Hoffe’s vaccine injury report is as repugnant and puerile as anything one might expect from the former Bolshevik Communist regime of the Soviet Union. On top of that it flies in the very face of the IHA’s website logo that overtly and unabashedly claims “Every person matters.” 

Not only Lytton is being affected by the measures Interior Health Authority is instituting. As the graphic further down in the following article shows the other small community of Lillooet is also being downsized and the Lillooet Medical Clinic being shut down as of July 31st, 2021. It begs the question as to whether or not these bureaucratic maneuvers on the part of the NDP government are designed to help or hinder the clear and present danger now facing ALL residents of beautiful British Columbia.

As for the IHA’s words “Every person matters” I trust that Dr. Henry and Premier Horgan and his lackey Farnworth will all be publicly apologizing to the families and victims who they are responsible for murdering and crippling for life .] 


Lytton Medical Clinic

4 May, 2021

Community Notice to Lytton, and surrounding area.

Health care changes at St. Bartholomew’s Health Centre, Lytton, BC.

The rollout of the Moderna vaccine in Lytton, which started in mid January 2021, has unfortunately given rise to a very high rate of serious side-effects. Of the initial 900 people vaccinated, ten now have serious ongoing neurological side-effects; (1 in 90). Of these, five now appear to have permanent disabilities as a result of this novel treatment; (1 in 180)

Dr Charles Hoffe, has not been silent about his concern for these people, who received this experimental  vaccine in the belief that it was safe. He has written to those responsible, both at Interior Health, and to Dr Bonnie Henry to voice his concerns.

The vaccine injury reporting forms submitted, appear to have been lost by those involved in the vaccine rollout. Consequently, Interior Health has denied any significant vaccine injuries. These forms are now being resubmitted, (and sent by registered mail), in another attempt to get the authorities to take this matter seriously.

The authorities have sought to silence and discipline Dr Hoffe, for informing the public about this very high rate of  vaccine injury. He is accused of the crime of causing “vaccine hesitancy.”

Dr Hoffe received notification from the Interior Health Authority on the 29 April, 2021, that he would no longer be allowed to work in the St. Bartholomew’s Emergency Room in Lytton, because of his refusal to remain silent regarding the vaccine injuries to the people of Lytton, and the “vaccine hesitancy” that he has therefor caused. 

Despite a sporadic series of Covid infections in the community during the course of this pandemic, no one in Lyttton has required any medical care at St. Bartholomew’s for Covid infections. By contrast, much medical care has been given for vaccine injuries. 

Dr Hoffe is usually on duty as the emergency room physician in Lytton for two weeks out of every month. So his suspension by the Interior Health Authority, is likely to mean that the emergency room in Lytton will be closed for at least two weeks out of every month. 

Dr Glynn Jones, has tendered his resignation from working in Lytton. This will leave a significant gap in physician staffing at St. Bartholomew’s, since there will only be one remaining physician to staff the ER. Locum physicians are very hard to find, but every effort will be made. 

These problems are further exacerbated by the fact Interior Health Authority has also decided to reduce laboratory services in Lytton to 2 days per week. Apart from the negative impact on the quality of health care in Lytton, this will make recruitment of any new physicians extremely difficult.

The Lytton Medical Clinic will attempt to continue as normal.

Sadly, the recent decisions by the Interior Health Authority, have made the delivery of healthcare in Lytton very precarious, substantially reduced and essentially unsustainable.


Quesnel World Wide END THE LOCKDOWN Rally a Resounding Success!

Quesnel World Wide Rally a Resounding Success!

/ Webmin

“Silence is consent, silence is compliance and silence is submission. What we really need right now is courage and unity.  Fear has no place where freedom reigns, so let’s continue to stand for our freedoms.” ~Tami Viktil, Rally Co-organizer


Arthur Topham

Quesnel finally came of age with its conscientious, peaceful participation in the World Wide Rally for Freedom held Saturday, March 20th, 2021 in LeBourdais Park.

Following months of discussions on social media about the global crisis now facing humanity plus a fury of online activity over the past couple of weeks, the organizers of the laudable event, Tamara Morneau and Tami Viktil of Quesnel, were finally able to garner the necessary support to gather people together and drag the Gold Pan City onto the world stage.

What happened was living proof of Margaret Mead’s memorable quote, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

A snowstorm in the early hours of Saturday didn’t bode well for the first day of Spring but knowing the people of the Cariboo are a tough and determined lot this writer had no doubt that folks of the calibre Margaret Mead spoke of would surely arrive…and they did. 

Not in droves but more in dribbles people began gathering around the International Friendship Stage in LeBourdais Park, a fitting spot indeed to host an International Rally for Freedom. 

Having consented to assist the Rally organizers by covering the event for the Quesnel Cariboo Sentinel and supplying them with a sound system and a source of electricity (the City unwilling to turn on the power to the stage) I arrived early to set up the speakers and amplifier and mic. 

As the relatively small but committed citizenry (they appeared to be mostly seniors) began to gather I noticed two of Quesnel’s local RCMP officers walking across the park grounds toward the stage. As I was standing directly above on stage connecting the sound system when they approached it one of the masked officers said hello and asked me what my name was. Given the nature of the event I didn’t feel the need to ask him for his badge beforehand and so I replied, “Arthur”. He stared at me for a moment and then replied, “Oh! Mr. Topham. I didn’t recognize you without your suit and tie on.”

Masked RCMP officers observing Rally from the fringes of LeBourdais Park

He asked me if I was the organizer of the event. I replied, “No, I’m just assisting the organizers by setting up the sound system.” After some brief discussion the officer then said, “I hope you’re aware that there is a $2300.00 fine for any one who organizes an open outdoor event such as this.”

Knowing all about the NDP government’s draconian, unethical, immoral and illegal efforts to control the general public and prohibit citizens from gathering (even in open areas) to discuss events I replied, “Yes, I’ve heard about those tickets.” Following his notification he never asked me who the organizers were but just said that they were there to basically make sure things didn’t get out of hand and would be hanging out in the underbrush observing the rally.

As they were leaving I said to them, “Yes, make sure keep the rowdies away.” He turned and replied, “Oh, I thought you guys were the rowdies.” I pointed to the protest sign leaning against the stage wall that had a large peace sign on it and said, “No, were the peaceful ones.”

By 12:15 PM the organizers felt it was time to begin and so Tamara Morneau approached the mic and after adjusting the sound the Rally commenced.

Tamara Morneau (centre) addresses the crowd flanked by Ann McKay (L) and Tami Viktil (R)

Tamara speaks.

“Good afternoon everyone and thank you for coming to show your support in these dire times. I’m happy to see you are willing to stand for the truth, to let it be known you are concerned for humanity as a whole. 

March marks a year since this pandemic was declared, which threw the world into a mad panic, created mass hysteria and instilled fear into the lives of many. People were glued to their tv’s waiting to hear how many deaths and cases were been reported and watched our country descend into lockdown.

When the pandemic began the military was deployed to assist in the long-term care homes and found seniors living in poor conditions and in poor health. The neglect was very apparent and continues to be an issue, as well as the suffering from not being to have proper contact with loved ones.

How many seniors died unnecessarily?

Choose to LIVE LIFE

People were forced to close their business doors putting their livelihoods at risk and unsure if they would be able to recover. Many were not able to and today are still contemplating whether they should close permanently which will inevitably cripple thousands if not millions of jobs. How many people took their lives because they didn’t know if they would survive the financial stress?

Over 200,000 elective surgeries, cancer screenings and other procedures were cancelled to free up beds for the flood of covid patients, which they eventually admitted never came to be. Some of these procedures could not be delayed as they were either lifesaving or meant for diagnosis. How many succumbed to their ailments due to the cancellations or are suffering because of the backlog?

The mental impact that the measures are having on our children is disturbing. The increase in teen suicide is alarming and needs to be addressed now, not later. This generation of children are going to be traumatized and will have to live their life with phobias and disorders and for what?

We have been waiting for the “curve” to flatten for months so we can get back to normal but the covid cases keep going up while the flu numbers suddenly fell off the face of the earth. 

Healthy individuals are getting tested when they have no signs or symptoms of illness and are coming back with positive test results. Researchers are saying the tests are so sensitive they may be indicating people are infected when they had the virus 70 days prior, which means, there are many false positives labeled as positive. 

The numbers we see today are skewed and are being used for psychological warfare on the masses through propaganda to keep people in a state of fear so they will willingly accept a highly experimental gene therapy jab. I won’t call it a vaccine as vaccines build immunity which this doesn’t.

Prior to 2019 studies had proven prolonged mask use was detrimental to people’s physical and psychological health as well as ineffective at preventing viral transmission. Social distancing presents dangers of increasing social rejection, growing impersonality, individualism and a loss of community. Social isolation increases risk of depression, anxiety, and suicide, all of which has become quite obvious throughout the world. 

Now the World Health Organization is saying they predict there will be another pandemic, that we will have to learn how to live with it because it’s not going away, even with the jab. 

We are putting our lives in the hands of governments and organizations who don’t care about us or our health. We are only profit to them. 

We need to stop blaming each other for what’s happening and start blaming the ones who created this chaos and take back our freedoms which are rightfully ours. 

Together we can do this.”

Following Tamara’s spirited address to the gathering her co-organizer Tami Viktil then approached the microphone to share her concerns.

Tami Viktil speaking to the crowd

“Good afternoon and thank you all for joining us. 

Today, across the world, people are gathering in their cities to speak out against the restrictions, also known as the “guidelines”.  We felt that it was important for the residents of Quesnel to be able to voice our concerns and I am grateful to be able to gather here today with all of you. 

Thank you for having the courage to stand up for our freedoms, our rights, and our way of life. Regardless of faith or religion we stand here today defending our sovereign rights under our Creator. 

Before I continue let me tell you a bit about myself. I am a mother of 4 and a grandmother of 5. I have been a resident of Quesnel for 18 years and have resided mostly in the Bouchie Lake area. I am raising my 2 eldest grandchildren who are 9 and 6 the youngest being recently diagnosed with autism. 

I became unemployed with the first required isolation period last April and have been homeschooling my grandchildren this last year. 

This is for a couple of reasons. The first, I was not comfortable with being locked out of the school with no immediate access to them without prior arrangements.

Second, I have been working with my grandson helping him with appropriate social interactions, and this goes against the new teachings of social distancing. 

This last year has been a challenge for all of us. As a mother and grandmother my concerns are for our future generations and what we allow to come to pass from all of this will determine our course. 

Regardless of media hype, stats show that this new variant of the coronavirus has no greater impact on our health or death rate then the flu seasons of the previous years. 

There are many theories and beliefs floating around as to the true origin of these entities that have declared war not only on humanity but on all living species and our earth’s resources, but the key point is that there is a war and it’s being waged against us.  There is a global agenda being played out and many choose not to accept or acknowledge this truth, but none the less it does affect all of us.

I want to speak a bit about the vaccine agenda. Nutrition is not taught as a means of health and prevention, but rather chemical toxins are promoted and are at the forefront of every health issue. 

The pharmaceutical industry is a billion-dollar business and depends on our disease and sickness to keep the profits flowing in. This agenda has gained momentum against our children and can be observed by the ever-increasing childhood vaccine schedule. 

Now, the agenda is extending to adults through the annual flu and covid-19 shots and of course with new variants will come new vaccines and increasing profits to those who care nothing about our health or wellbeing. 

We need to step up and take control back from the medical establishment by taking control of our health. We cannot afford to neglect the only system that provides us with health,  which is our wonderfully created immune system. Health cannot be injected, and we need to start focusing on prevention of diseases and sickness not the treatment of them.

Our children are considered by the medical establishment to be vulnerable to viruses, therefore the justification of the heavily toxic vaccine schedule. Yet through this all, the population has had a very low infection rate. The truth of the matter is, our children are not the high population group for death during any flu season, so this makes it relatively easy for the numbers to be shifted from influenza to covid-19.

A big concern of mine is the  idea and talk of health passports for those who have been vaccinated. (I do have a brochure available from VCC with information regards the passports as well as this new form of vaccine that is being administered) For those who refuse, travel restrictions would be placed upon them and their freedom of that right stripped. 

The vast majority of us have given up many of our fundamental freedoms and rights by complying with the extreme measures that have been imposed on us under the guise of protecting our health & safety and for the greater good. Measures such as public social distancing, masking, in home restrictions of family gatherings, cancelled adult and youth activities and the lockdown of our seniors in care facilities. 

This is a very difficult time for all of us. I do have to say though that the scenario that has been played out for us was well thought out. A health care crisis is the perfect opportunity to cause a financial crash, crippling businesses and causing massive unemployment. 

The threat of a deadly virus causes great fear and fear is a great controller for submission and compliance.  When people fear for their life they will resort to anger and irrational behaviour and logical thought processes become hindered. They will also do whatever or inject whatever is required of them to ensure a false sense of safety. 

I remind myself that the fear that others have about this virus is real for them and that kindness and thoughtfulness goes a long way. I also look for opportunities that hopefully will open the door for communication about this false narrative that is being played out. 

Division is the other objective goal, and we can see how this has been successful through social media and within our own friends and families that have become divided because of the differing views.  

People who are living under fear of this virus feel we are just as much as a threat to them as the virus itself. We become labelled and ridiculed but none the less we are standing up for our freedoms and rights and stand in proxy for those unable to do so at this time. 

Most people fail to understand the goals of the lockdowns and restrictions placed upon us and businesses by the governments. The first is for total break-down of the psyche, and second is for an economic and financial crash. 

This allows the rich to continually grow their wealth and the poor to descend deeper into poverty eradicating the middle class so those higher ascend to the wealthy while those on the bottom fall into poverty. 

This is to usher in Agenda 2030 where we become even more government dependent people and hand over our rights, privacy and possessions for safety and security.  A great reset of our economy and restructuring of our way of life as we know it.

We live in the age of technology where information is at our fingertips and ignorance is no longer an excuse. The agenda’s that are moving forward from our government leaders are not intended in our best interest and their motives are not for our well being. 

The election process is faulty and the political system itself needs to be replaced with one that holds our leaders accountable and represents the people and not corporations.

We are consenting to this agenda when we comply with these restrictions. We are created beings that require oxygen in the form of fresh air, social interactions within our communities and connection and affection from our family and friends.

We have done a great disservice to ourselves, our loved ones and to others by allowing fear to stop us from speaking out against these restrictions. 

It is disgraceful what our government has done to our children, those with special needs, mental health concerns, addictions, and our elderly population. 

Those who depend on us to be supportive, encouraging, and strong should not be sheltered from us.  We are to be an example. We will always be faced with some sort of threat but isolating ourselves from each other is not the solution. We all need to be participating in finding these solutions within our communities, towns, and cities.

Allowing the government to dictate to us whom we may spend time with and care for is unacceptable. These restrictions go against our human nature and against our biological makeup. 

We are to be caregivers of each other, the earth and to all its inhabitants. Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear have a divine purpose, and that purpose is a collective one – to do no harm and to love one another. 

Silence is consent, silence is compliance and silence is submission. What we really need right now is courage and unity.  Fear has no place where freedom reigns, so let’s continue to stand for our freedoms.” 

The third speaker at the Rally was Ann McKay who, like the two presenters before her, gave a passionate message to the audience.

Some attendants at the Rally brought along their Sign telling Canadians to WakeUp!

“Hello, my name is Ann McKay and I am speaking to you today as a concerned citizen.  I would like to begin by saying I am not a Covid denier, just a person who seeks truth and justice in a world full of deception and social injustice.

Covid-19 is affecting the way people relate to each other in a number of ways.

Social Phobia – Also known as social anxiety, this fear involves a broad range of situations in which people are afraid to interact with others due to fear of judgement and intolerance from others.   

Social anxiety was on the rise, particularly in young people, before Covid arrived.  This pandemic, the media and political response to it, has given social anxiety a hard shove into the red zone.  

The media has almost single-handedly managed to create a global phenomenon of “social atheism.”  Even the terminology is disturbing, “social distancing.”  The proper term is “physical distancing.” 

The human species is hard wired for connection with others.  It is not just psychological, it is biology.  For example, infants who are never picked up and held, will die.  This is how fundamental a need being held and hugged is to human development.  

The political response to the pandemic has created an atmosphere of fear and anger.  Suicides are on the rise because people are in fear leading to pain and despair.  

Covid fear has created a type of disease induced hypocrisy.  Vulnerable people are shut ins.  Family and friends are experiencing conflict, leading to a breakdown of relationships that are important to us.  Kids can play with their friends in a school yard, but not in their backyards.  We can go to a pub, unmasked but we cannot have close friends in our homes.  

By creating a state of mass fear and panic, it distracts us from the relevant facts.  When we are afraid, we do not question the information we are being exposed to.  By creating a state of emergency in our psyche, fear distracts us from the relevant facts on which we base our conscious decisions.  Again, there is biology here.  

Acute fear is a healthy thing that keeps us alive by stimulating the fight or flight response.  However, when people live in constant fear it has negative effects on our mental and physical health, and in some cases can be incapacitating.  

The main culprit here is mainstream media, and who owns media?  Corporations.  Who owns government?  The corporate robber barons.  Freedom of the press is for those who OWN it.  Control the narrative, control the masses.  Fear drives media ratings which means increased profit.  The corporate owners of such platforms (also known as the elite) know this very well and they are doing their best to capitalize on it.  

Propaganda helps feed our society’s obsession with the things that separate us, that make us different from one another, instead of what brings us together.  This is a fundamental element of “divide and conquer.”  If the elite keep the general public fighting about issues like race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, disease, and vaccines, they can easily distract us from what is really going on.  

In closing, I would like to acknowledge all the families who lost loved ones to Covid-19.  Unless we begin to seek truth for ourselves, Covid will have far reaching, devastating impacts.  The older I get, the more I realize time is a precious, non-renewable resource, thank you for giving me yours today.”

It should be noted that all of the speakers received warm rounds of applause for their speeches to the Rally and following the three main presenters Tamara then told the audience that the mic would be open if anyone else wished to address the gathering.

It wasn’t long before folks in the park started to come up and speak their minds on the many matters of concern to the group.

The first speaker was an elderly gentleman by the name of Albin Stroniarz who strode up to the mic and after surveying the audience began to speak about some of the fundamental issues that the world now faces because of the global crisis that’s been brought on by government, giant pharmaceutical companies and a media complicit in spreading all the disinformation and lies that people are hearing on the tv and radio and in the newspapers on a daily basis.

Albin told the people of his life before coming to Canada. He grew up in Communist Poland where he said life was not like it was here in Canada when he arrived as an immigrant many years ago.

Being in a position to be able to juxtapose the two political regimes that Albin had lived under he was well aware of how since the Covid Plandemic hit his new country things in Canada were rapidly deteriorating and more and more all of the draconian rules and regulations that he had left back in his former Communist homeland decades ago were now rearing their ugly heads right here in once free and democratic Canada.

He advised everyone to remain strong and true to their ideals and to speak out against all the injustices that were now becoming common place. Foremost was his message that it is WE THE PEOPLE who control Canada NOT the politicians and political lackeys and bureaucrats and that we need to STAND UP AND BE STRONG in the face of this growing totalitarian state and refuse to be intimidated by the so-called “Authorities”.

Speaking frankly and with strong emotion Albin’s message hit home a number of times and the audience responded with approving applause.

The next citizen to come up was Doug Sutton another local community member who had more to say about the nasties who’ve been responsible for all of the government restrictions and our loss of basic rights and freedoms.

He told the audience of the years that he’s spent studying those in international circles and who they are and what their hidden agenda is for ridding the planet of millions of elderly people and others who the “Elite” or “1%” would consider to be nothing but “useless eaters” as the term is so often employed for the poor and disenfranchised.

He made it clear that Bill Gates was no friend of humanity and that organizations like the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) were all in cahoots together and hell-bent on capitalizing on the suffering and death that the lockdowns and masks and fake vaccines were causing everywhere.

He touched on the our loss of Freedom of Speech and how those who know the real agenda are always being silenced and de-platformed by the social media giants like Facebook, Twitter and so on. Again, to the applause of the gathered citizens who recognized all that he was speaking about.

After Mr. Sutton spoke there were three more women who came up to the podium to relate their experiences to the audience. I must apologize to two of them as I was busy video-taping and wasn’t able to get their names. If anyone who may be reading this article should know them and could let me know I’ll edit their photos and add their identities to them.

The first to come up I refer to as the ‘Lady in Red’ for obvious reasons.

The Lady in Red, like all the other presenters, was very passionate about how she felt about everything that’s come down the track since the year 2020 descended upon the world like a dark and sinister cloud of EVIL.

She spoke about her frustrations with the general public and how trying to explain the true agenda of governments and big pharma was so difficult because the people had been brainwashed all their lives to the point where now, when danger was present everywhere, so many couldn’t understand what was going on and only wanted to comply with all the rules and regulations in the vain hope that it would all soon pass like some horrible nightmare and life would get back to normal again.

Rather than see what was going on right in front of their eyes the Lady in Red said the propaganda was instilling them with so much fear that those who were speaking the truth were now being considered as dangerous to their own health and security as the mysterious virus itself.

She definitely made her points and the audience was appreciative of her determination and forthrightness and let it be known.

Following the Lady in Red was the second to last speaker Eva Goertz who had driven up with her hubby from 100 Mile House to attend the event.

Eva thanked everybody for showing up and thanked the Organizers for making the event happen and was pleased to be attending.

She didn’t talk for long but told the audience of some of her experiences from the past when she was living in East Germany prior to coming to Canada and what it was like living under a soviet communist state regime where all your movements are watched and you don’t have the freedoms that Canadians have enjoyed all their lives. Her message of course was that if Canada doesn’t stand up and speak out and do something about all the arbitrary rules and regulations and mandates that are being imposed on them that it won’t be long before Canada will resemble that former Orwellian state.

She also told a story about a recent event that took place in Vancouver, B.C. at a home for the elderly. A family relation who was working there told her that one evening (presumably after the residents had been ‘vaccinated’) that 20 human beings died in one single night! Coincidence? A freak occurrence? Highly unlikely given all the horror stories that are now emerging around the world as the WHO and the governments are going full bore with their attempts to ‘vaccinate’ anyone they can lay their greedy, clammy hands on.

The audience was appreciative of Eva’s short talk and thanked her with their applause.

The last person to wend their way up on stage was another woman whose name, at this time, is unknown. I refer to her as the Unknown Warrior Woman as she spoke with a strong determined voice while shared her personal battles with the audience.

The speaker related to the audience her recent experience at having lost her son due to a medical condition. A part of that sad story was the whole issue of the Health Authorities and governments mandating unreasonable, insane policies that prohibit loved ones and family members from attending hospitals and private facilities where their family members are dying or living alone so long that they soon will be giving up hope of ever seeing their families and most likely will become depressed to the point where their will to live will finally give out.

She stressed the fact again and again that people must resist these types of Machiavellian measures by health authorities and that the lockdowns and social distancing MUST END!


By 1:45 PM the Rally was over and people began to slowly disperse. The event had taken place without any problems and the RCMP packed up their surveillance equipment and slipped silently away. No fines or tickets were given to the Organizers and hopefully none will be given out at a later date.

Before the crowd left Organizer Tamara Morneau told everyone that there would be another Rally in the near future likely within a month or so. The response to her declaration was positive and she received a loud applause from those in attendance.

I want to conclude this rather protracted story by stating my own thoughts on the event.

After a year of lockdowns and masks and now the increase in fake vaccines for “the people” plus thousands upon thousands of comments and stories and memes on social media regarding this massive HOAX we are still seeing strong resistance from both our local municipal government, our local media, i.e. the Quesnel Cariboo Observer and next to no resistance from our provincial MLA Coralee Oakes or our federal Member of Parliament Todd Doherty who represents the Conservative Party to openly addressing these issues and debating them both in the government houses and the media.

Denial appears to be the name of game when it comes to recognizing that the whole world is resisting all of these Orwellian measures to force upon the human race untested poisonous ‘vaccines’ and social restrictions and business inhibitors that are destroying lives and the basic foundations upon which our lives, our liberties and our freedom of speech are based.

We must unite and build the resistance movement and continue to SPEAK OUT! One good way of helping out would be to share this story with as many others as you can.

In the words of one man who resisted the Evil that now oppresses us, “Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.”


Further Gagging of Canadian Dissident & Political Prisoner: Arthur Topham Forbidden from Mentioning Jews for Three Years

Arthur Topham forbidden from mentioning Jews

28 Saturday Nov 2020

Posted by Monika in Arthur Topham, Canada, Free Speech, Germany, Psychological Warfare, Uncategorized


“To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?” ~ Kevin Alfred Strom, 1993

Arthur Topham

In the case of Arthur Topham, it matters not if he would be criticizing or praising, he is not permitted to publicly utter the word “Jew”.

The CBC reports:

For the next three years, Topham is forbidden from publishing or printing publicly any reference to or information about  the Talmud, Zionism, Israel, and  the Jewish religion, ethnicity or people.

Topham is also forbidden from publicly posting the names of people he knows to be of Jewish origin. 

According to court documents, he will still be allowed to publicly name his wife and her family, but not to mention their ethnicity or origin. During his original trial, Topham told the court his wife is Jewish.

These are some of the probationary rules inflicted on Arthur Topham, for allegedly breaching sentencing conditions after the 2015 trial in which Topham was found guilty and not guilty for two counts of the exact same charge under Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada, “… did… wilfully promote hatred against an identifiable group…”

Arthur Topham’s satirical treatment of the book “Germany Must Perish” by the Jew Theodore Kaufman was one of the focal points of that trial. Topham simply replaced “Germany” with “Israel” and “Germans” with “Jews”, replicating the book word for word. It was clearly a satire and was identified as such, and was intended to shine light on the horrific 1941 book in which Kaufman advocates for and describes the method (mass sterilization) by which the German people should be annihilated out of existence, forever.

Fantastic News: The Radical Press is back up and running!   Update: See next paragraph.

[I have removed the link as Arthur tells me there are concerns of a possible legal nature. He no longer has control over the domain name and whoever has it is also using it to advertise Rolex watches and who knows what else and could post inflammatory articles which would be attributed to him. ~ MS. Updated December 1, 2020]

Some of my previous articles will help to give background to Arthur Topham’s work over the years.

Please see my 2017 “Dear Arthur” letter/article, in which I said the world owed him an apology and a great big thank-you. 

Following that, I published this article in response to a genuine inquiry by a friend who wished to understand how and why I was defending Arthur Topham. It is called “The Lies They Tell about Arthur Topham: a Thinking Person’s Query”

One more article which explains to friends and family about the state of the world, the deceptions, Arthur Topham’s case regarding the Kaufman book and how the media twists everything.

Please see this excellent article on the Christians for Truth website covering the latest Orwellian development in this saga that has dragged Mr. Topham through the corrupt court system for many years

The Minority Censors Get What They Want –3 More Years of Gag on Arthur Topham

B.C. man faces strict conditions after breaching sentence for anti-Semitic hate crimes

Judge prohibits Arthur Topham from publicly posting about Jewish people, the Talmud, Zionism and Israel

Betsy Trumpener · CBC News · Posted: Nov 23, 2020 3:42 PM PT | Last Updated: November 23

Arthur Topham enters the Quesnel, B.C., court house in 2015, where he was convicted of willfully promoting hatred during a jury trial. (Betsy Trumpener/CBC)

A B.C. man convicted of an online hate crime is facing strict new rules on his public expression after breaching his sentencing conditions.

Arthur Topham, who ran a publication from his rural home near the central Interior city of Quesnel, was convicted in 2015 of  communicating online statements that wilfully promoted hatred against Jewish people.

As part of his sentence, Topham was forbidden from publishing or publicly posting information about “persons of Jewish religion or ethnic origin.” 

But In October, a provincial court judge ruled Topham had breached that condition by creating new posts throughout 2018. 

Late last week, the judge sentenced Topham to a 30-day conditional sentence and three years probation for the breach, placing strict new conditions on Topham’s public posts.

“Justice has been served,” the B’nai Brith’s Ran Ukashi. “There’s a price to pay for these kinds of actions. (B’nai Brith/Contributed)

For the next three years, Topham is forbidden from  publishing or printing publicly any reference to or information about  the Talmud, Zionism, Israel, and  the Jewish religion, ethnicity or people.

Topham is also forbidden from publicly posting the names of people he knows to be of Jewish origin. 

According to court documents, he will still be allowed to publicly name his wife and her family, but not to mention their ethnicity or origin. During his original trial, Topham told the court his wife is Jewish.

In addition to the terms of his three-year probation, Topham will serve a 30-day conditional sentence, with a nightly curfew and a requirement to remain in B.C. He’s also prohibited from having weapons, liquor, or alcohol.

“Justice has been served,” said Ran Ukashi, National Director with B’nai Brith, a Jewish advocacy group that’s been closely following the case.

“It serves as a deterrent for others, to realize there are consequences, there’s a price to pay,” said Ukashi.

Self-proclaimed “white nationalist” Paul Fromm contributed to Arthur Topham’s defence fund and travelled to Quesnel to attend Topham’s 2015 trial. (Betsy Trumpener/CBC)

“There are limits to … free speech and promoting hatred against identifiable groups is not on,” he said.”This person has been given opportunity after opportunity to not behave this way.”

A retired teacher now in his 70s, Topham was first charged in 2012. A website he produced featured frequent posts with anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and demonized Jewish people, according to evidence at his trial.

Arthur Topham arrived at the Quesnel courthouse for sentencing on his hate crime conviction in 2017. He’s since been convicted of breaching the terms of his sentence. (Faith Fundal/CBC News)

At his original trial in 2015, Topham’s lawyer argued the posts were political satire, did not incite violence, and included materials that could easily be ordered on Amazon.

Topham’s case was the first hate crime prosecution in B.C. in almost a decade.

It drew support from the Ontario Civil Liberties Association, which champions free speech, as well as from self-proclaimed “white nationalists,” who attended Topham’s jury trial in the Quesnel courthouse, 700 km northeast of Vancouver. 

 Paul Fromm  helped to fund Topham’s defence and covered his trial through video blogs from Quesnel. Monika Schaefer, who served jail time in Germany for Holocaust denial, also attended court.