The head of the Israeli lobbying group the Anti-Defamation League was in Israel last week, where he appeared to call for using Israeli terrorist tactics to maim and murder “antisemites” who criticize Jews on the internet.
Speaking before the Israeli Knesset, Jonathan Greenblatt bemoaned the fact that people are complaining about Jewish behavior online, saying that Jews are “losing the battle” against “antisemitism.” He framed the fight to silence critics of Israel on the internet as the “eighth front” of Israel’s “seven-front war.” He then said that last year’s terrorist attack against Lebanon, which involved explosives being implanted into pagers which were detonated to mutilate and murder Lebanese people, should be the inspiration for silencing people on the internet.
It would have been bad enough if he had said this as a joke, but based on the context and the way he spoke, there is no indication he was joking.
“We need the kind of genius that manufactured Apollo Gold Pagers and infiltrated Hezbollah for over a decade to prepare for this battle,” Greenblatt said.
He went on to state that terrorism is a characteristic of Jewish people: “This is the kind of ingenuity and inventiveness that have always been a hallmark of the State of Israel, that have always been a characteristic of the Jewish people. I know we can do it.”
You can watch the video above to get the full context of the statement, and see if you think he is saying something different. The most generous interpretation would be that he is saying that it took a certain kind of cunning to do the terrorist attack against Hezbollah and that this type of cunning is needed to silence critics of the Jews. It is seemingly unfathomable that he would want to leave people with the impression he was calling for terrorism against internet critics, and furthermore, he calls on the Israeli Defense Force to form a group to shut down these online critics, which definitely implies he is talking about real violence being used.
However, even if we give him the benefit of the doubt and suppose he is calling for some kind of metaphorical terrorism, we must ask what exactly it is he is talking about doing to prevent people from holding opinions he opposes.
Believing that Jews should not slaughter children in Gaza, or that they shouldn’t push child transsexualism, mass immigration, pornography, abortion, and other socially deleterious schemes in the West is an opinion. How can you stop people from having an opinion, other than by killing them? What are the other options?
The ADL is primarily a censorship group, which lobbies governments to pass laws criminalizing the criticism of Jews, and lobbying Silicon Valley to silence critics of Jews online. This is obviously anti-American, fundamentally, but the ADL is one of many Jewish groups which engages in this activity. Internet censorship is ubiquitous, and even the supposed “free speech absolutist” Elon Musk has recently begun silencing his critics on Twitter.
Jewish groups successfully lobbied for TikTok to be banned in America due to the fact that the Chinese owners feel that Americans have a right to criticize Israel in a way that no American company allows them to.
However, none of this has to do with the government of Israel. If Greenblatt was suggesting that Israel should engage in more active lobbying for internet censorship and hate speech laws, he could have simply said that. Instead, he invoked terrorism and called for the IDF to fight people who criticize Jews online.
Being on the frontlines of criticism of Israel and the collective behavior of individual Jews, I have personally had an adversarial relationship with the ADL for more than a decade, regularly being a target of slander and hate from Jonathan Greenblatt and others in the organization, so this call for the Israeli military to use terrorism to silence people like me is particularly disturbing.
At this point, there is so much criticism directed at Israel, and to some extent also the behavior of diaspora Jews, that it would be virtually impossible to censor all of it. Twitter and Facebook would have to ban tens or hundreds of millions of people, and banning that many people would definitely result in those who weren’t banned criticizing Jews for getting all of those people banned.
However, if the Jews began assassinating critics, that may prove to be a significant deterrent.
Although I’ve said it many times, I want to put it on the record again that I am in very good health, I did not take the coronavirus vaccine so I am not at risk of dying suddenly, and I would never, under any circumstances, kill myself.
The video linked above is a week old and has fewer than 100 views. I have not seen this story reported anywhere else. I hope that others will clip the relevant portions and spread them on Twitter and elsewhere. I would like to see Tucker Carlson, Glenn Greenwald, Judge Napolitano, and others with large platforms addressing these statements by Greenblatt and demanding that he explain what exactly it is he is calling for when he says that terrorism needs to be used to silence people whose opinions he does not like.
The Jewish [lobby’s] agenda to shut down freedom of speech was already extreme enough, but calling for violence to be used as a solution to internet posts takes this into a whole new realm. If America was a serious country, traveling to a foreign country and calling for state terrorism against American citizens would be grounds for serious criminal charges.
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 9 December, 2023
by Kevin Alfred Strom
LET ME TELL you a story about an honorable man. A man whose last wishes were disrespected after his death, when he could do nothing about it. A man whose legacy was reviled and hated by the Jewish power structure — so reviled and so hated that they forced him, quite an eminent man during his lifetime, to lie in an unmarked grave. And it is also a story about this man — Dr. Robert McCorkill — finally getting his due mead of glory, his life-memorial, and a fitting remembrance ceremony at the National Alliance community two weeks ago.
The memorial stands on a wooded hill in the mountains of Upper East Tennessee, on National Alliance property, just down the hill from the site of the William Pierce Memorial Library and Research Center, and overlooking another grassy knoll on which the future Cosmotheist Chapel will be built. Along with the Life Rune with oak leaves symbol designed by Dr. William Pierce, on its stone face are engraved the words: “Robert McCorkill, 1935-2004, His Loyalty Was His Honor.” Next to his dates of birth and death are the life rune and death rune, symbols long used by many of our European ancestors for that same purpose. (I can even remember finding late-19th-century Norwegian-language newspapers in my grandparents’ attic in northern Minnesota, where birth and death notices were accompanied by these runes.)
Back in 2016, I wrote a summary of Dr. McCorkill’s life and career and his work for the Alliance, and the insanely unjust treatment he received after his death at the hands of organized Jewry. Let me quote some passages from that account, along with my commentary I’ll add today.
* * *
Dr. Robert McCorkill was a soft-spoken retired chemistry professor from St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. He was something of a Renaissance man — becoming a writer in addition to receiving his Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Manitoba, carrying out geo- and cosmo-chemical research at MIT and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, and teaching at several universities, including Harvard.
He was also a dedicated, hard-working member of the National Alliance.
[After his retirement, he not only worked as an editor and researcher for the National Alliance, but he uprooted himself from a comfortable situation and relocated to the National Alliance West Virginia campus, where he helped Dr. Pierce in numerous practical ways in addition to his primary duties — and let me add, that to anyone who knew Dr. Pierce, you know for sure that those “practical ways” included a lot of hard work. Dr. McCorkill didn’t have to make that decision. With his achievements and qualifications, he could have had endless lucrative opportunities at research institutes, private industry, NGOs, or government service. But he chose to live in a spartan cabin and work for the continued existence of his race by helping the National Alliance. He was even by our National Alliance founder’s side, every day, during William Pierce’s final battle with cancer in a West Virginia hospital. That is an honorable man.]
[Dr. McCorkill died two years after Dr. Pierce, in 2004. Then began a story so unbelievable that it’s hard to conceptualize without a deep insight into the hate-crazed soul of the racial enemy.]
Robert McCorkill’s will was invalidated by the Canadian government in collusion with well-funded Jewish groups — invalidated because he left his estate — valued at between $250,000 (in 2004 dollars) to $1,000,000 — to the National Alliance.
Both concurrent with and after his work at several Canadian universities and the Canadian Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, Dr. McCorkill was able to pursue his lifelong interest in history and prehistory, and became a collector of antiquities from ancient civilizations. It was his collection of these artifacts, some of which were exceedingly rare coins that was to go to the Alliance, along with the rest of his estate.
I first met Robert McCorkill in the early 2000s. He had joined the National Alliance in 1998. He and I both worked on projects for Dr. Pierce, and sometimes we collaborated. He moved to the Alliance’s West Virginia campus to do that work while Dr. Pierce was still alive, voluntarily accepting a rather spartan existence to do so. He was an intelligent, determined, and generous man. He was selflessly dedicated to the ideals and mission of the National Alliance — the survival and advancement of the European race. Dr. McCorkill willed not only his valuable collection of ancient coins, weapons, and other artifacts, but also some valuable investments, to the National Alliance — his entire estate. Dr. Pierce’s trusted associate, Fred Streed, was named executor of Dr. McCorkill’s will.
The estate went through all the necessary legal procedures, paperwork, et cetera — and was ready for final probate in 2013. Suddenly, Dr. McCorkill’s estranged sister, Isabelle McCorkell — so estranged that she usually didn’t even use the same spelling for her last name — appeared on the scene, objecting to the will. She was also so estranged that she had not spoken to or had any contact with her brother since 1991 — 22 years before her sudden reappearance. If she was aware of her brother’s will and its bequest to the National Alliance before 2013, or had any real objection to it, she gave no indication of it — saying and doing precisely nothing, making no legal claims of any kind, for nine long years since Robert McCorkill’s death. [Evidence also shows that, until she was contacted by Jewish groups, she wasn’t even aware her brother had died nine years earlier!]
At the very last possible moment, when the bequest was soon slated to be disbursed — Isabelle McCorkell materialized, brandishing legal papers calling for the will to be overturned. Strangely, these legal papers had been prepared by one of the priciest law firms in New Brunswick, despite the fact that Miss McCorkell claimed to be in “straitened circumstances.” And, even more strangely, this obscure and previously totally uninvolved woman was accompanied by a veritable army of hand-holders, “advisors,” “spokesmen,” and handlers — people she didn’t know and hadn’t met until almost that very moment — including the Attorney General of New Brunswick, and several Jewish groups including the “League of Human Rights” of B’nai B’rith, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, and, leading the charge even though it is not a Canadian organization, Alabama’s so-called Southern Poverty Law Center.
Now, what do you think the chances are that poor little Isabelle arranged this coalition of force and money on her own? (The SPLC alone has a war chest of hundreds of millions.) Or is it more likely that Isabelle was a paid-off pawn in a dirty game of politics and payoffs designed to prevent the National Alliance from receiving what it is due and what Dr. McCorkill wanted it to have?
Neither the SPLC’s high-priced lawyers nor the Jewish fixers made any claim that Dr. McCorkill’s will was not properly drawn. They did not allege that Dr. McCorkill was not of sound mind when he made his will. They made not the slightest suggestion that there was any irregularity of any kind in the will itself or in the probate procedures. They even made no claim that Isabelle had any familial right to even one cent’s worth of the estate.
Instead, they did what has never been done before: These Jews, using long-estranged Isabelle as a patsy, nakedly and shamelessly demanded that Robert McCorkill’s dying wish — that his wealth be used as he chose and as he believed after his death — be disregarded and ignored because of the political and philosophical views of the National Alliance. They demanded that Dr. McCorkill’s sacred right to dispose of his property as he sees fit, enjoyed (up until today) by every free man under the Anglo-Saxon common law for centuries — be disregarded and ignored because of the political and philosophical views of the National Alliance. They demanded that all the products of Dr. McCorkill’s lifetime of work and thought and experience be brazenly stolen and awarded to a sister that he actively disliked and to other family members which he had purposely omitted from his will — and, further, they demanded that thousands of dollars from the estate also go to pay the alleged “legal expenses” of the Jewish groups who staged these fraudulent proceedings in the first place — groups whose purposes were abhorred by Dr. McCorkill, groups complicit in the ongoing genocide of our race.
And the courts of New Brunswick, including the appeals court and the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa, agreed with these outrageously immoral and blatantly illegal Jewish demands. The estate of Dr. McCorkill was stolen.
Defending against this anti-freedom, illegitimate coalition were the executor of the McCorkill estate, Fred Streed, and the Canadian Association for Free Expression led by stalwart patriot Paul Fromm, and lawyers for the National Alliance.
The man who made the initial decision to accede to these Jewish demands is Judge William Grant of the New Brunswick Court of Queen’s Bench. Judge Grant ruled that the will could be voided because, he said, the National Alliance’s published positions — that Whites, like any other race on planet Earth, require exclusive living space in order to survive and are morally justified in achieving that prerequisite for life — were “disgusting, repugnant and revolting.” Judge Grant ruled that Whites seeking to change society so as to achieve White living space would be by definition violating Canadian “hate speech” laws and acting contrary to Canadian “public policy.” The judge stated that, just by existing and advocating for White survival and identifying those who are committing genocide against Whites, the National Alliance was in violation of the Canadian Criminal Code, section 319(2), prohibiting the public promotion of “hatred against any identifiable group.”…
Judge Grant is a despicable liar. Even if you accept these pretended laws limiting White Canadians’ freedom of speech as valid — which I do not and nor should any moral, upstanding man — there still is zero evidence justifying his decision. National Alliance literature is freely distributed in Canada and there have been no prosecutions on such a basis. This National Alliance radio program has been heard in Canada (initially via shortwave station WRNO and clear channel AM station KXEL, and now via the Internet and the National Alliance Radio Network) since 1991 and is still heard there today. Neither the National Alliance, nor its American members or Canadian members, are banned in Canada. Neither the National Alliance nor its members have been convicted or even charged with violating any such laws in Canada. As Paul Fromm put it: “Has a New Brunswick court taken us into Alice in Wonderland and the Court of the Red Queen? — The verdict is ‘guilty’; no need for a trial; now on to the sentence!”
Plenty of Canadians of many different political persuasions were outraged by this decision, as they should be. A few comments which have gotten through the censorship are these: “This decision means your legal will now means nothing. You simply cannot leave your estate to people ‘the public’ decides it doesn’t like. I think for this reason the decision is outrageous, and will come back to haunt people.” … “The [Jewish] ancestry of many of the big-name law firms was a factor in this decision, to be sure”… “So, if the guy sold his collection before he died and gave the money to the group it would have been allowed, but after he dies his wishes don’t matter.” … “Watch out — soon we won’t be able to make donations or give gifts without government approval” … “You can’t receive bequests if you have acted illegally? What about when you chase school children to UN shelters and murder them [as Israel has done]? Attack a rescue ship in international waters, kill a dozen and wound dozens of rescuers? There is only one race that can do that in front of the whole world and get away with it and I don’t have to tell you who.” … “The National Alliance has never been convicted of a single crime in Canada, yet cannot be a beneficiary in your will. Yet our major political parties and their leaders are regularly convicted of crimes, including serious felonies, and they can and do receive bequests and not a word is said about it. I guess whether or not you have rights in Canada all depends on what B’nai B’rith thinks about you.”
* * *
Perhaps even more outrageous than the theft of Dr. McCorkill’s fortune is the fact that, after all the screaming in the controlled media about the estate and the National Alliance — and Dr. McCorkill’s devotion to it — Jews got together and successfully prevented any marker whatsoever from appearing over his grave — because, supposedly, “some Jews are buried in same cemetery,” and they would feel fearful or afraid or offended by a stone even bearing the name of this ferocious “hater.”
Now I’ve seen it all. Dead Jews in fear of (or in fear of being offended by) a dead National Alliance member — but their fear can be allayed just by denying him a grave marker. So, for many years, Dr. Robert McCorkill, that honorable man, that very honorable man, was denied a memorial.
Now he has his memorial. Now he has had his service of remembrance. Now his community — the National Alliance intentional White community — will remember him always. And I am proud to have been a part of that.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.
The richest man in the world takes on the most subversive group in the world
By James Edwards
We are witnessing what could turn out to be one of the most important battles in American history—Elon Musk vs. the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). I want to stress that while this could possibly be a pivotal point in American history, there’s certainly no guarantee of that. There is a very real risk that Elon Musk will cave in, or that the corrupt judicial system will sell him down the river to save their own hides.
The controversy began in late August, with calls by users on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, to ban the ADL for maliciously lying about and arguably defaming Musk and his free speech policies. Musk began to chime in on the trending topic, #BanTheADL, offering insight into the subversive nature of the ADL and its efforts to harm the financial success of the platform by organizing advertising boycotts and smear campaigns following Musk’s takeover.
Musk noted that Twitter revenues are down by billions of dollars due to the ADL intimidating corporations into pulling their ads from the social media platform. I want to focus on how high the stakes are for the future of free speech and the ability of the ADL to dictate what can and cannot be discussed in the modern day public square—social media.
The ADL claims to be a “civil rights” organization, but it’s just a viciously anti-white hate group that exerts tremendous control over business, politics, and culture in America. Over the past few years, it has become increasingly brazen with ever-escalating demands for censorship of opinions it doesn’t like. For anyone who wants an in-depth look at the history of this sordid outfit, a good place to start is the books by the late, great AFP writer, Michael Collins Piper.
If not for the fact that the ADL works to promote Jewish interests while masquerading as an “anti-hate” civil rights group, the government might have long ago declared it a criminal organization, seized its assets and locked up its executives. Many observers say that the ADL is essentially an extortion racket. In just one example, last year when NBA player Kyrie Irving tweeted his approval for a movie the ADL doesn’t like, the ADL demanded “consequences.” Almost immediately, Irving’s team suspended him. He was only allowed to play again after “donating” half a million dollars to the ADL and issuing a public apology.
Many Americans are just now learning about the ADL, thanks to the #BanTheADL campaign. They’re shocked at what they’re discovering from men like Irish YouTuber Keith Woods on Twitter, but trust me, the current scandal is only the tip of the iceberg.
Most Americans under the age of 40 have no idea that “hate crimes” are a novel concept in jurisprudence. They just assume that crimes motivated by “hate” have always received harsher sentences. They would be shocked to learn that there was no such thing as a “hate crime” until the late 1980s when the concept was invented by the ADL. That’s no exaggeration; they boast about inventing the concept of “hate crimes.” It was part of their war on white people. “Hate crime” charges are rarely pursued against non-whites, although they are oftentimes genuinely warranted.
The ADL never stops seeking to portray white people as monsters who are always on the verge of lynching a black person or burning down a synagogue, and are only stymied in their efforts by the constant vigilance of the ADL.
More recently, every time President Trump did anything to restrict immigration, the ADL immediately went to court and filed paperwork seeking to have a federal judge declare his efforts unconstitutional—and they almost always got their way. The ADL paints white Americans who oppose mass immigration as “Nazis,” while at the same time defending Israel’s extremely race-based immigration policies.
The ADL is also a gigantic and Orwellian surveillance outfit. Author Matt Taibbi once described Goldman Sachs as a “great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.” The ADL does the same thing to truth, freedom, and Christian culture.
Did you know that for decades, when many U.S. Representatives and Senators received letters from “right-wing conservatives,” they would forward the letters to the ADL so they could “keep an eye on” them? Did you know that many newspaper editors across America used to do the same thing? Even more incredibly, PayPal recently gave the ADL access to its database to search for transactions from groups it doesn’t like. This isn’t a secret; PayPal admits it. Every American should be up in arms over this, but nobody seems to even be aware of it.
The ADL is the #1 enemy of free speech in America. In 2012, after Pat Buchanan appeared for the third time as a guest on my radio program, the ADL demanded that MSNBC fire him, and MSNBC complied. The media-manufactured controversy made national news, and Buchanan was asked by National Public Radio if he regretted associating with someone the ADL refers to as an “anti-Semite” and “white supremacist.”
Buchanan responded, “I think there’s an awful lot of smearing being done by the Anti-Defamation League, frankly, over the years of individuals who simply disagree maybe with U.S. policy towards Israel, and a lot of name calling.”
The ADL’s subversive activities do not stop at smearing its political opponents. They dictate to Amazon what books they’re allowed to sell. They tell Facebook what opinions users are allowed to post. They demanded that Fox News fire Tucker Carlson—the most popular host on the network by far—and Fox News complied shortly thereafter! When Elon Musk bought Twitter, the ADL told big brands to stop advertising on Twitter, and Twitter’s revenue dropped by tens of billions of dollars in a flash.
And one more thing: The ADL says that saying “Christ is Lord” is anti-Semitic, demonstrating their hostility towards Christians and traditional Christianity.
I’m supporting Elon Musk, even though I was banned from Twitter after he took it over, along with several other honorable men, including Paul Fromm, Kevin MacDonald, and Tom Sunic. I am supporting Musk because it was almost certainly to please the ADL that we were banned in the first place. The fact that he’s finally standing up to this powerful hate group bodes well for more free speech in the future for us and other truth-tellers.
I’m also proud to say that I’m a supporter of the man who started the #BanTheADL movement on Twitter, Keith Woods. Keith and I were both speakers at last month’s American Renaissance conference and he is the rarest of combinations—an absolute genius and an effective pro-white activist.
Keith got the #BanTheADL movement started, and he got the attention of the world’s richest man, who has a long and difficult journey ahead if he has the courage to stick to his convictions.
[Maybe that why Dr. Tom Sunic, Dr. Kevin Macdonald, myself and a number of other nationalists who were all purged from Twitter in April have not been reinstated. CAFE retained a lawyer but we’ve had no explanation or satisfaction. As Andrew Torba explains, sadly Elon Musk succumbed to the ADL cenrsors.]
Over the past few days a grassroots campaign popped up on X calling for the platform to ban the ADL. The campaign, united around the hashtag #BantheADL, has been trending on the platform for days with hundreds of thousands of posts.
This campaign comes after the CEO of the ADL, Jonathan Greenblatt, made a post gloating about his organization’s sheer power to control the platform that Elon Musk purchased for tens of billions of dollars last year. Although the #BantheADL campaign effectively highlighted the significant influence the ADL holds in regulating the flow of information online, it is essential to delve into the reasons why Elon Musk cannot remove the ADL from the platform or hinder their effective management of his company, even if he were inclined to do so.
First we have to understand a bit of the context for how a platform like X actually works and is able to exist on the internet along with the inside baseball of how the ADL flexes its power to control massive corporations without owning a single share.
X is built on the rails of multiple third-party services including, but not limited to the Google Cloud infrastructure among others. X has had a partnership with Google Cloud since 2018, and Bloomberg reports that this collaboration has incurred annual expenses ranging from $200 million to $300 million for the company. Jonathan Greenblatt has openly bragged about the ADL’s partnership with Google, YouTube, Facebook, and X, going so far as to change the algorithms of these companies to meet their demands.
With one phone call to Google the ADL can cripple X. If Google pulls the plug on the cloud hosting deal massive parts of X’s critical infrastructure will be down for a long time, possibly the entire platform would be taken offline with one click. We saw this happen in 2020 with Parler when Amazon AWS pulled the plug and the platform was taken offline. They were never able to fully recover and recently shut the platform down completely after it sold to a third-party.
Going after the cloud hosting providers is just the start for the ADL’s ability to utterly destroy X. Next come the app store bans. With that same phone call to Google the ADL could easily highlight the hundreds of thousands of “antisemitic” posts on the platform and point the the #BantheADL posts as their prime example. Don’t put it past them. They likely have multiple studies going on behind the scenes tracking the “rise in hate” on the platform since Elon took over and will use this to present their case.
Without critical infrastructure and the app stores X would be in serious trouble, but Elon may be able to pull off a miracle and keep the platform online. Next come the advertisers. The ADL has close connections with all of the top Fortune 500 companies and will use their mafia-style power to get these companies to pull their ad dollars from X. This has already been going on since the moment Elon took over the platform. X is operating in a cash flow negative situation and reports claim that ad revenue has fallen by a dramatic 50% since Elon took over.
That’s only the beginning. Next the ADL will contact the sitting members of Congress and the Biden White House. We’ll see Elon be summoned to testify in Congress about the rise in “misinformation” and “hate” on the platform since he took over.
Elon is in a unique position because he’s not only running X. He’s also running several other companies including SpaceX and Tesla, both of which require him to appease the Regime and stay within their favor. The ADL can and will go after not only X, but all of Elon’s companies. It’s no coincidence that the CEO of X is having meetings with the ADL just days after the DOJ announced that they were suing SpaceX.
How do I know all of this? Because I lived it–and survived it by the grace of God.
The ADL has been attacking Gab and me for many years. Their smear campaigns against us successfully lobbied dozens of third-party services to deplatform us and cripple our infrastructure. Despite all of their efforts this didn’t stop us. We were able to rebuild our own servers, payment processing, and so much more in order to keep Gab online. It took many years and it wasn’t easy, but we are still standing.
The ADL has also come after me personally. They pay Google to promote their smear articles about me to the top of search results. They lobbied the DOJ to investigate me after January 6th, even though I wasn’t even in attendance. Jonathan Greenblatt went on national television and called me “one of the most toxic people in public life” effectively painting a target on my back.
None of this stopped me.
I don’t fear the ADL. I don’t answer to the ADL. I fear and answer only to God almighty.
The ADL has NO POWER over Gab which is why they hate us. It’s that simple. There is absolutely nothing they can say or do to get us to censor opinions they don’t like and it’s going to stay that way.
Elon has a choice. He can continue to allow this disgusting organization to run his company by proxy without his approval or he can fight back, take a stand like Gab has, and face the consequences head on. He can continue to have his CEO take groveling phone calls and enforce the ADL’s strategy of freedom of speech but not freedom of reach or he can tell them to pound sand. If he can’t run his own business without permission from some ghoulish vampire at the ADL there’s no sense in running a business at all.
For me it was an easy decision.
Andrew Torba CEO, Jesus Christ is King of kings
There have recently been a number of incidents that would be of interest if one has concerns about the sorry state of free speech in Europe and the United States, the so-called “democracies” who tend to boast about their freedoms and the rights of their citizens. The chosen weapon in the US and elsewhere in the Anglo-sphere has been the designation “hate speech” which also covers “hate writing,” “possessing hate literature or films,” and even “hate thinking.” In Europe, where “hate speech” is often referred to using the English words, the expression is often preceded by the word “illegal” to make sure that the point about consequences is made and the potential penalty is clearly understood. Some Europeans have in fact been convicted and sent to prison when they have falsely believed they were exercising free speech.
Though the “hate” designation was originally coined to discourage racist language and other forms of expression it has increasingly been exploited by Israel and its associated Jewish support groups to criminalize any criticism of Israel or of Jewish group behavior. It has extended its reach by moving into subsets, notably “holocaust denial” and “antisemitism” which are also regarded ipso facto as hate crimes in a context in which Jews are always regarded as victims, never as perpetrators of violence.
Much of what is going on might be described in fairly simple terms: Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians and its unprovoked lethal attacks on its neighbors might reasonably be described as “deplorable” or even genocidal in the case of the Palestinians. Beyond that, Israel, which pretends to be a democracy, operates a system of control over the Christian and Muslim minority within its own borders and also in the area it illegally occupies that is describable as “apartheid,” where the minority is compelled to accept limited resources and consistently harsh treatment from the dominant Jewish population. More to the point, the extremist government coalition headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made the situation even worse for those non-Jews that it controls, with talk of introducing mass expulsions and imprisonments. The death toll of Palestinians at the hands of the Israel Defense Forces has also been going up, with more than 150 Palestinians killed this year, including 26 children.
To be sure, Israel has become a home for Jews that can no longer tolerate anyone else. Some ministers in the new government are particularly vile in their views but it is to be assumed that Netanyahu and others in his administration are genuinely supportive of turning Israel into a truly and even exclusively Jewish state, which is in fact how it legally defines itself. The one minister most cited for his cruelty and racism is Itamar Ben-Gvir of the Jewish Power party. Ben-Gvir has been charged with crimes 50 times, and convicted on eight occasions, including once for support of a Jewish terrorist group. He is a former supporter of the now deceased right wing fanatic Meir Kahane, and, like Kahane, envisions an Israel that is as Palestinian free as possible and centered exclusively on Jewish interests. He has called for deporting Arabs who aren’t loyal to a Jewish Israel, annexing all of the West Bank and exercising full Israeli sovereignty over the Temple Mount, where the Muslim venerated Al-Aqsa mosque is located. He supports legislation defying international agreements to “divide” the Al-Aqsa site to permit regular Jewish worshippers and there have even been suggestions that the Israeli government will seek to rebuild the so-called Biblical Second Temple, destroyed in the First Century by the Romans, in that location.
Ben-Gvir is notorious for his provocations directed against Palestinian Muslims and Christians. He has led marches of armed settlers flaunting Israeli flags through Arab quarters of cities and towns and has even brought settlers and other extremists to the al-Aqsa mosque during Ramadan and to interrupt Friday prayers. To cap the irony, he has been since November 2022 the National Security Minister, which gives him authority over the police, to include the so-called Border Police as well as the police forces located on the illegally occupied West Bank. Indeed, as a practical matter, Ben-Gvir is seeking to have the Knesset pass legislation explicitly conferring legal immunity on all Israeli soldiers for any and all killings of Palestinians. He has also pressed the parliament to institute a formal, judicially administered death penalty for “terrorists”, which would mean any Palestinian who physically resists the Israeli occupation.
Another extremist who has obtained a major ministry in the Netanyahu government is Bezalel Yoel Smotrich who has served as the Minister of Finance since 2022. He has recently completed a controversial trip to the United States where he met with American Zionist leaders. Smotrich is the leader of the Religious Zionist Party, and lives in an illegal settlement in a house within the Israeli occupied West Bank that was also built doubly illegally outside the settlement proper. Smotrich supports expanding Israeli settlements in the West Bank, opposes any form of Palestinian statehood, and even denies the existence of the Palestinian people. He demands a state judiciary that relies only on Torah and Jewish traditional law. Accused of inciting hatred against Arab Israelis, he told Arab Israeli lawmakers in October 2021, that “it’s a mistake that David Ben-Gurion didn’t finish the job and didn’t throw all of you out in 1948.”
The increasing brutality of the Israeli government and its security forces have produced a reaction among many observers worldwide, so the supporters of Israel have engaged in their own first strike frequently using the “hate crime” weapon. They have basically turned the hate crime legislation to their advantage by convincing many nations to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of the “hate crime” antisemitism to automatically include criticism of Israel as being equivalent to hatred of Jews. When that doesn’t work the powerful Israel lobby can also resort to much more brutal threats. When Iceland sought to make illegal infant circumcision five years ago, regarding it as genital mutilation performed on an unconsenting child, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) threatened to unleash Jewish power to destroy their economy and international reputation as punishment for making their country “inhospitable to Jews.”
Now that the “hate crime” genie together with the associated links to holocaust denial and antisemitism have been released from the bottle, they are being used regularly to silence anyone who even indirectly criticizes prominent Jews like George Soros. Conservatives including Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk have recently been on the receiving end of the antisemitism label after referring to Soros and his “Globalist” agenda. It is my belief that Tucker was fired at least in part due to Jewish pressure on FOX as he had been very critical of groups like the hysterical ADL and its hideous director Jonathan Greenblatt.
Roger Waters, the former lead singer of Pink Floyd, has emerged as a powerful critic of Israeli treatment of the Palestinians. As a consequence, he has been hounded by authorities in Europe, has had his concerts canceled, and has been threatened with legal action to make him shut up. The Biden Administration’s antisemitism Czar Deborah Lipstadt has also attacked him, saying “I wholeheartedly concur with [an online] condemnation of Roger Waters and his despicable Holocaust distortion.” She was referring to a tweet stating that “I am sick & disgusted by Roger Waters’ obsession to belittle and trivialize the Shoah & the sarcastic way in which he delights in trampling on the victims, systematically murdered by the Nazis. In Germany. Enough is enough. Holocaust trivialization is criminalized across the EU.” The State Department, speaking for the White House, then piled on adding that Waters has “a long track record of using antisemitic tropes” and a concert he gave late last month in Germany “contained imagery that is deeply offensive to Jewish people and minimized the Holocaust… The artist in question has a long track record of using antisemitic tropes to denigrate Jewish people.”
One might observe that the depiction of Waters is basically untrue – he is a critic of Israeli crimes against humanity but does not hate Jews. One might also add how the fact that the United States State Department actually has a Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism speaks for itself and tells you exactly who is in charge in Washington. I wonder how much it costs to run Lipstadt’s mouth from a no doubt well-appointed office in Foggy Bottom each year? Maybe someone should do a cost/benefit analysis and give Debbie her walking papers.
Beyond that, several other recent stories show how it all often works in practice to confront and silence critics. Swedish pop star Zara Larsson is facing what is obviously a coordinated backlash on social media after criticizing Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. In an Instagram message to her 6.3 million followers, the 23-year-old declared the ongoing cross-border violence, which is killing mostly Arabs, was a “crime” against Palestinians. Her effort to be somewhat even handed was ignored, in the message, which she later deleted, where she wrote “We have to stand up for Jewish people all over the world facing anti-Semitic violence and threats, but we must also call out a state upholding apartheid and KILLING civilians, funded by American dollars.” She ended the message with the hashtag “#freepalestine.”
Larsson was hardly calling for targeting Jews or anything like that, but the reaction to her comment was symptomatic of the typical overkill response engaged in by Israel and its friends whenever anyone challenges the standard narrative of Israeli perpetual victimhood. Two other instances of comments about Israel leading to an overwhelming response to punish the perpetrators took place during the past month in the United States at college commencement ceremonies. The first was on May 12th, at a graduation ceremony for the law school of the City University of New York (CUNY), where Fatima Mousa Mohammed, a Queens native who was selected by the graduating 2023 class to speak during the May 12 ceremony, praised CUNY for supporting student activism, citing in particular the acceptance of student groups protesting against Israel’s brutality towards the Palestinians. She said “Israel continues to indiscriminately rain bullets and bombs on worshippers, murdering the old, the young and even attacking funerals and graveyards, as it encourages lynch mobs to target Palestinians homes and businesses. As it imprisons its children, as it continues its project of settler colonialism, expelling Palestinians from their homes. Silence is no longer acceptable.”
The response to Mohammed was immediate, including a scathing news report in the New York Post, a call by several Jewish groups to cut funding to CUNY and demands that the law school dean be fired. And the controversy again made news when a second student spoke out at a commencement at El Camino community college in Torrance California. Jana Abulaban, 18, strongly criticized Israeli government policies during her speech on June 9th.
Abulaban, who was born in Jordan in a family of Palestinian refugees, reportedly felt “inspired” by the speech of Fatima Mousa Mohammed and she told the audience “I gift my graduation to all Palestinians who have lost their life and those who continue to lose their lives every day due to the oppressive apartheid state of Israel killing and torturing Palestinians as we speak.’’
There was, of course an immediate reaction to the Abulaban speech coming from a variety of West Coast and New York pro-Israel sources. Brooke Goldstein, a claimed human-rights lawyer founder of The Lawfare Project, said, “This is yet one more example of the systemic Jew-hatred we’re seeing on our college campuses. When a student gives a commencement speech targeting Jews, trafficking in modern tropes of antisemitism, it’s clear that there has been a complete failure in that school to promote social justice for the Jewish people. If any other minority group were targeted like this, there would be consequences for the bigot. The Jewish community deserves no less.”
Of course, both women only spoke the truth about what is happening in the Middle East. Neither attacked the Jewish religion or Jews per se and only criticized Israel’s appalling behavior. When I last checked, Israel was a foreign country with both foreign and domestic policies that are considered very questionable by most of the world, so why should it be protected from being challenged in the United States? The two women were brave to speak up as they did, surely knowing that they would be targeted by the Jewish state’s many friends and supporters. Those of us who continue to speak out on Israel’s genocidal policies can likewise expect no less, particularly as both the federal as well as many state governments and also the media are now on a witch hunt directed against those who seek to speak the truth. But we must persevere. As Fatima Mousa Mohammed put it, “Silence is no longer acceptable.”
Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is
“Censor not, lest ye be censored,” Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of Twitter, tweeted recently. Since purchasing Twitter, Musk has been vilified by the far left and liberal activist community for pledging to restore free speech on the platform, ostensibly allowing more conservative and right-wing voices space on one of the world’s largest and most influential social media sites.
That very same day, Monday, April 24, several notable right-wing dissidents were unceremoniously deplatformed and banned on Twitter with no explanation given. Popular talk radio personality James Edwards, the longtime host of The Political Cesspool, Dr. Kevin MacDonald, one of the leading dissident intellectuals who edits The Occidental Observer, Dr. Tom Sunic, a Croatian-American former diplomat, academic, and author, along with countless others had their increasingly popular Twitter accounts permanently banned.
Edwards explained to this reporter:
I had been on Twitter since 2016 and never once received a prior warning or reprimand. This wasn’t my second or third strike. This was an online assassination that went straight to a permanent ban. No reason was given.
I conduct myself professionally and have always been sure to responsibly present our arguments. I don’t quarrel with individuals on social media and have never even used profanity or crude rhetoric.
Simply put, by no reasonable standard of measurement could it be argued that I violated even the most ambiguous terms of service. This was just another case of naked censorship.
Dr. Kevin MacDonald noted he simply received an email with a subject line that read: “Your account is permanently suspended.”
The email continued:
After careful review, we determined your account broke the Twitter Rules. Your account is permanently in read-only mode, which means you can’t Tweet, Retweet, or Like content. You won’t be able to create new accounts. If you think we got this wrong, you can submit an appeal.
No reason was provided for the permanent ban, and no explanation was provided detailing in what specific way any Twitter Rules were violated.
“No reason was given and that’s also the case with James,” MacDonald told this reporter referring to the permanent ban. “We have appealed, asking for reasons but I rather doubt anything good will happen.”
Sunic, meanwhile, noted that the Twitter ban didn’t surprise him at all, arguing “that the censorship in the U.S. is continuing where the Soviet Union left off.”
Sunic wrote following his ban:
I know what I am talking about. My family and I were all proscribed in communist ex-Yugoslavia for several decades. My father, an ex-lawyer, even served prison time for “hostile anti-communist literature.”
Now we are witnessing the same intellectual purges, albeit adorned with fancy and demonic euphemisms such as “hate speech” and “ethnic sensitivity training” in the U.S. and EU—akin to the ex-Soviet People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs, i.e., the NKVD.
Several other dissident commentators were purged recently as well, including Andrew Anglin, editor and lead writer for The Daily Stormer, easily one of the most censored websites in the world. Paul Fromm, a Canadian free speech activist and occasional contributor to this newspaper, was also banned. It remains unclear what specific rules any of these activists, writers, and commentators broke, if any.
In addition to the recent censoring of popular dissidents, many other content creators and political activists have been permanently banned for months now. Mike Peinovich, Joseph Jordan, Warren Balogh, and others associated with the National Justice Party (NJP), a burgeoning political movement dedicated to advocating “for White civil rights, the working and middle class, and the traditional family against our corrupt and illegitimate institutions,” have been shut down and censored on Twitter. Links to the organization’s website are also banned from even being shared on the platform.
Patriotic Alternative, a similar right-wing political movement based in the UK, and its leadership and affiliated organizations are also permanently banned on Twitter. Additionally, Nick Fuentes, a leading political commentator and organizer based in Chicago, is also banned on the platform.
Laura Towler, a leader with Patriotic Alternative, recently pointed out:
Twitter censorship is worse under Elon Musk than it ever was before. Not only are most of our accounts suspended still/again, but so are URLs to websites like Patriotic Alternative and NJP. This makes it almost impossible to share any [public] activism, direct people to solutions, or even recruit people to sign up. People are able to lie about us and we have no ability to defend ourselves.
Warren Balogh also powerfully argued that censorship under Musk is even more extreme than it was previously, noting that Musk purchased “the most important social media platform in the world for political discourse, with the promise to restore free speech, then [has made] it more restrictive than it ever was for dissident individuals and parties in the West at the wishes of the ADL [Anti-Defamation League.—Ed.].”
Balogh explained:
This is what we get living under the arbitrary rule of an oligarchy of degenerate billionaires. This whole system has to go, including oligarchs like Musk who think they are gods, and the world and all our most fundamental freedoms are their playthings, that they can amuse themselves with or discard when they get bored.
Shortly after purchasing Twitter, which was a long, drawn-out process fraught with controversy and conflict, Musk openly stated that, under his watch, the platform would allow all speech that the First Amendment specifically protects.
“By ‘free speech,’ I simply mean that which matches the law,” Musk tweeted on April 26, 2022. “I am against censorship that goes far beyond the law.”
Musk’s mixed messaging and outright schizophrenic thinking on free speech matters continues to grow. While denouncing censorship on his personal Twitter account, which receives millions of views, his underlings at the social media behemoth censor legitimate and responsible right-wing dissidents that have long been in the crosshairs of organized special interest groups like the ADL, who work overtime to cancel and shut down their opposition.
NB: This article was originally published by American Free Press on May 17, 2023. Subscribe to America’s last real newspaper today!
Joshua MarksDecember 13, 2022 at 01:27 AMlatest revision December 13, 2022 at 08:38 AM
English Digital Content Journalist at i24NEWS | @JoshMarks784 min read
CEO of social media platform nixes Trust and Safety Council amid spike in extremist content
New Twitter CEO Elon Musk disbanded an advisory panel set up in 2016 to address hate speech and other harmful content on the social media platform.
However, since the tech billionaire bought Twitter in a $44 billion purchase he has reinstated the account of former U.S. president Donald Trump among some 62,000 accounts brought back online. Musk also suspended the account of antisemitic rapper Kanye West.
Three Council members resigned last week, stating in an open letter that “the safety and wellbeing of Twitter’s users are on the decline” despite claims to the contrary by Musk. The three members who left are Eirliani Abdul Rahman, Anne Collier and Lesley Podesta.
The Council consisted of volunteers who served as advisers with no governing or decision-making authority.
“ADL (Anti-Defamation League) was an active member of Twitter’s Trust and Safety Council because we strongly believed that social media companies should learn from the best practices of civil society and those communities most affected by hate, harassment, and extremism online on how to best address these issues,” said ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt.
“It is disappointing that the Council was dissolved because it’s members had valuable insights about how to make their platform a safer place for all users,” Greenblatt added.
Arik Segal, an expert on online conflicts such as hate speech and fake news, told i24NEWS that the Council was ineffective and that this was done on purpose.
“The big tech companies have this method to counter public outcry about all the troubles that they create online like fake news,” said the professor, who teaches at Israel’s Reichman and Bar Ilan universities. “They create this kind of council that doesn’t really do anything but at least they can say that there is a council. I don’t think it was meaningful [and its disbanding] won’t mean anything.”
Antisemitic posts spiked more than 61 percent in the first two weeks that Musk took control of the company, according to online hate monitors. The Network Contagion Research Institute said in early November that terms associated with Jewish people were being tweeted more than 5,000 times per hour and that antisemitic tweets were receiving the most engagement from users.
“The things that are much more troublesome with [Musk’s] behavior are the fact that he allowed those who were blocked on Twitter to be pardoned,” Segal said, expressing concern that Musk’s call on Sunday to prosecute U.S. President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci could give rise to more conspiracy theories on the extreme end of free speech.
Segal said that more structured or organizational antisemitism could be more of a problem, citing the BDS movement as an example.
“If it’s more structured antisemitism or influencer antisemitism and hate content on Twitter, that could disseminate to other platforms,” Segal warned. “The problem with the other platforms is the echo chambers — especially WhatsApp groups and Facebook groups — and those people actually go and do something about that.”
ADL Demands that Elon Musk Remove “Denizens of Hell”
Jonathan Greenblatt heads ADL, a militantly anti-free speech lobby. On CNN, today he demanded that Elon Musk remove “the denizens of hell”; that is, nationalists and critics of Jews. Get this straight: Groups like ADL &, in Canada, the Canada Israel Affairs Committee are the worst enemies of free speech.
Perhaps, Kanye hit a sore point. What other minority group would have the clout or nerve to call for a ruinous advertising boycott, having already inflicted great harm on the rapper, designer, turned evangelist Kanye West for merely offering a personal opinion?
“This past Tuesday (November 1, 2022), @Twitter’s new owner @elonmusk met with representatives from U.S civil society organizations, including @JGreenblattADL and @YaelEisenstat. Following that meeting, Musk pledged that “Twitter will continue to combat hate & harassment,” including antisemitism.”
“Since that meeting, Musk permitted @kanyewestto start posting again. From Ye’s “Death Con 3” tweet to @KyrieIrvingpromoting an antisemitic film, we’ve seen celebrities use Twitter to disseminate antisemitic conspiracy theories and hate to tens of millions of followers.”