Toasts to Perseverence

Toasts to Perseverence



BUDAPEST. October 5, 2014. Despite efforts by the Hungarian government  to shut down the “Future of Europe” conference sponsored by the National Policy Institute, a truncated meeting was held Saturday evening(as I already reported).


Today many of us went on a walking tour of Budapest, meeting in the impressive Heroes Square.






Many of us went on to the moving Museum of Terror which focused on the horrific communist regime that ruled Hungary for 44 years. Ironically, some anti-racists hollering through megaphones at the museum staff and still protesting our meeting which was already over, were unaware that some 30 of us hated freethinkers had walked right past them.


Foot weary, close to 50 of us gathered, fittingly, in the Dracula Restaurant. The owners bemoaned the fact that Sunday evenings are usually slow with often just half a dozen customers. They were overjoyed to see us and by night’s end had run out of beer.







A number of toasts were made by Dutch, Flemish, British and American attendees.


Jared Taylor said: “Despite all the bullying by the government, you came out. To all our European brothers around the world.”





One of the 56ers, a veteran of the Hungarian Revolution, said: “When Victor Orban (the prime minister) learned of the leftist protests against this conference he shit his pants and tried to ban us. Still we prevailed. Orban got no credit. Just yesterday Victoria Neuland (she of the “Fuck the EU”  when the U.S. was agitating in the Ukraine) denounced him the day after he banned this conference. To us!”


I toasted the nationalists and free thinkers:  “To your courage and determination to insist on free speech. Join me in that determined vow that has so often thundered across the Anglo-Saxon world: ‘NO SURRENDER!'”