Block the UN’s Last-Minute Pandemic Treaty Push!

Block the UN’s Last-Minute Pandemic Treaty Push!

Block the UN’s Last-Minute Pandemic Treaty Push!

petition author imageCitizenGO started this petition to Ambassador Norton and Delegates of the 10th INB Session – 2024/04/30

The battle against the WHO Pandemic Treaty has entered its critical final phase.

Right now, the WHO’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) is engaged in an emergency session in Geneva, convened to ram through the UN Pandemic Treaty before the World Health Assembly on May 27th.

The decisions made during this meeting could permanently shift the balance of power, granting global elites unprecedented control over your personal health choices.

For nearly two years, you and I have battled relentlessly against this huge threat to our cherished liberties. This treaty, driven by the globalists controlling the WHO, seeks to enforce mandates on your health, your movement, and your life under the guise of public safety.

The pandemic may be over, but the push for this pandemic treaty continues.

Why? Because it’s not about health—it’s about control.

This treaty is about making you a mere subject under a global power that dictates parts of your everyday life—forcing lockdowns, crippling our economies, and curtailing our fundamental freedoms.

The treaty’s language has shifted dramatically, moving from suggestive guidelines to compulsory mandates.

And there is significant escalation towards a legally binding framework that would strip away national sovereignty and individual rights, consolidating power in the hands of a few funded with millions and millions of your tax money.

Sign the petition now to demand that Canada’s ambassador reject the WHO Pandemic Treaty. Stand with us to send a clear message that this treaty must not pass.

Add your voice to the millions demanding an end to this power grab. Your participation is vital in showing that you will not stand by as your rights are negotiated away in closed-door meetings.

Join the fight. Help us make a decisive stand against the Pandemic Treaty and protect the individual freedoms of citizens across the globe.

This could indeed be our last chance to change the outcome. Do not let this moment pass without taking action. Your signature today could change the course of history.

A Big Victory, Truckers’ Freedom Convoy Tribute, & Rallies in the Okanagan
Penticton4 Freedom5:12 PM (53 minutes ago)
to bcc: Paul


Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter


 A quick scan of the index will save you time and bring you up to date. Each index item will appear in order in the email with pertinent details. Please pay special attention to those with dates to remember and any action items (petitions, etc.) that can be handled within a very few minutes.

1.     Rallies and local events

o   P4F weekly rally details – Sunday Main & Warren

o   Freedom Convoy Tribute 2024 January 27, 2024

2.     Action of the Week

o   CPSBC Discipline Hearing for Dr. Charles Hoffe


3.     Worth a Look at other newsletters of interest – links

o   Win of the week from VCC

o   TRUCKER VICTORY: Trudeau’s Emergency Act Use ‘UNJUSTIFIED’, Rules Canadian Judge

o   Student internship opportunity

o   Freedom Rising newsletter: issue 62 link.

o   Druthers January Issue


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FREEDOM RALLIES – Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m. image.png

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Wins of the week. Margie speaks on NCI project. Reports from Saturday’s Freedom Convoy Tribute. The future of rallies. 2024 Plans for P4F.

Miss a week and you miss a lot! Surprise speakers are a common occurrence.
Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. Bring your signs or borrow one of ours. Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll gladly find someone to share their knowledge with us. ——————————————- o0o———————————————— Freedom Convoy Tribute 2024 January 27, 2024  image.png

1st MEET: 8:00 a.m. Weigh Scales 6775 Hwy 97 N Vernon, B.C

2nd MEET: 9:00 a.m. 948 McCurdy Road Kelowna B.C

ROLL THROUGH: West Kelowna, Peachland, Summerland


Penticton B.C.

4th MEET: 11:45 a.m. Co-Op Bar 9206-97th St. Osoyoos B.C.

5th MEET: 1:00 p.m. 2100 Hulme Creek Road, Raven Ridge Hostel, Rock Creek B.C.

4-wheel, front wheel or all wheel drive may be required to drive to hostel.




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CPSBC Discipline Hearing for Dr. Charles Hoffe image.png

There is an upcoming CPSBC Discipline Hearing for Dr. Charles Hoffe on March 4-15. You can attend via Zoom or in person. Click the button below for information, required forms, and details. Thank you for your support. More Information

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DEADLINE TO SIGN CANADIAN PETITION FEBRUARY 7, 2024 Currently over 84,000 Signatures Lets Reach 100,000 or MORE! Sign and share this official Parliamentary petition (#4623), supported by MP, Dr. Leslyn Lewis, to have Canada EXIT the United Nations and EXIT the World Health Organization.    IMPORTANT NOTE: When completing the petition, make sure you complete all fields and…after you sign the petition, be sure to check your email to verify your signature.
  This needs to be Canada’s top priority… Everyone on earth needs to speak out! Sign & Share Petition

Do you think Trudeau is behind the gun ban?  NOPE! The UN is.
Do you think Trudeau is behind SOGI 123?  NOPE! The UN is.
Do you think Trudeau is behind mass immigration?
Do you think Trudeau is behind Gender Ideology?
Do you think Trudeau is behind Net Zero?
Do you think Trudeau is behind __________? You fill in the blank.
The ANSWER is NO… The United Nations or one of its subsidiaries is. Send Letter to Your MP In addition to the petition, Prevent Genocide 2030 has created a template letter that will help us send letters to legislators urging them to support Petition #4623. We must push for their support to help Canada Exit the WHO / UN and all related organizations and obligations (including the International Health Regulations).    Sharing your voice could not be easier… Your voice matters! Access Letter Contact the Canadian Representative to the WHO Executive Board Mailing Address: Ms. Christine Harmston

Director General
Office of International Affairs for the Health Portfolio
Public Health Agency of Canada
Ottawa, ON Phone: 613-286-4684 Website

  ——————————————- o0o————————————————
WORTH A LOOK   Wins of the Week image.png

Wins of the Week Jan 19 Ted Kuntz brings you the latest ‘Wins of the Week’ to stay informed and be inspired by positive news in legal, politics and health. To formats available: (1) VCC Article Link Version (2) Ted in Discussion with Dr. Trozzi.  VCC ARTICLE LINK JAN 19 TED KUNTZ with DR. TROZZI (EP 4)     ——————————————- o0o————————————————
TRUCKER VICTORY: Trudeau’s Emergency Act Use ‘UNJUSTIFIED’, Rules Canadian Judge  image.png
and a great tribute video   A Powerful Tribute to the Freedom Convoy‘   ——————————————- o0o————————————————     Attention Students The ILS Summer Fellowship program provides students with a ten-week internship working with non-profit organizations in areas like public policy analysis or educational programs. In addition to their work placement, Summer Fellows take part in weekly webinars and attend Freedom Week. The program is open to undergraduate and graduate students in any field, as well as recent graduates (within two years). Work placements may be remote or in-person. Past placements have included: ·  The Alberta Institute ·  The Canadian Constitution Foundation ·  The Macdonald-Laurier Institute ·  The Montreal Economic Institute · ·  Liberty Fund ·  The Institute for Liberal Studies Placements will run from early June until mid-August and will conclude with our Freedom Week conference, tentatively scheduled for August 11-17, 2024 in Montreal. Fellows will be paid either $15/hour or minimum wage in the province in which they reside (whichever is higher) and receive travel assistance of up to $400 to attend Freedom Week. We expect to conduct virtual interviews in March and successful applicants will receive offers of placement by the end of April. Please note that previous participants in the Summer Fellowship program are not eligible to participate again. However, students who applied last year but were not accepted are encouraged to apply again. Applications are due by February 22, 2024.   Apply Now      ——————————- o0o————————————- 

Action-Packed Freedom Rising Newsletter Issue 62 Breaking the Oath: Unauthorized Exposing Medical Murder HERE   ——————————- o0o————————————-   image.png
January Issue Online and pick up print copies at P4F rallies. Covering news and information that mainstream media won’t. For over a year, Penticton4Freedom supporters have donated enough money to Druthers to cover the cost of the 1,200 copies we distribute every month, plus some left over to support other distributors.   Thank you for being an everyday hero by donating, reading, sharing, and distributing Druthers copies in your area.   Read DRUTHERS  

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Want to join the fun in one of these initiatives or suggest another more important to you?

Just reply to this email or call 780-908-0309 to offer your help and suggestions.

Better yet, show up at our rallies, meet some fellow freedom lovers, and pitch in where your interests lead you.

Lots of ((( FREEDOM HUGS! ))) available (if you want them).

Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our Penticton4Freedom events!

Let’s make this weekend AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher


A Lament for a Nation, or Bye-Bye Miss Canadian Pie — The Loss of Our Liberties

A Lament for a Nation, or Bye-Bye Miss Canadian Pie

/ brianpeckford


                                                                                      To live with courage is a virtue               

                                                                                      regardless of what one thinks of the 

                                                                                     dominant assumption of one’s age.

                                                                                              George Grant

                                                                    Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry

                                                                                        Don Mclean, American Pie

It is very hard to maintain one’s composure when speaking to ordinary Canadians about the disaster in the making that is Canada today. I have engaged personally and via email over the last two years with literally hundreds of my fellow countrymen from all walks of life on the subjects of the national debt, the deficit, the sunsetting of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the draconian and illegal Covid and vaccine mandates and the turbo maladies that flow from them, the various repressive bills sieving through Parliament, the vicious and lying government and media campaign against the Trucker Freedom Convoy, and the unconscionable behavior of the most vindictiveincompetent and unpatriotic prime minister in the history of Confederation.

With precious few exceptions—“precious” is a key word here—I have come away in a state of profound depression. Some readers of my writings as well as everyday interlocutors have accused me of pessimism, which may be true. I recall a remark of Leonard Cohen’s: “A pessimist is somebody who is waiting for the rain. Me, I’m already wet.” Sometimes I feel completely drenched.

I’ve found the great majority of my correspondents do not know the difference between the debt and the deficit. They draw a blank when I mention the Charter or the Nuremberg Code, let alone Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, and the Great Reset. None have researched the deception or willful ignorance among our politicians regarding the Covid mandates and not one has examined the harmful and even lethal nature of the vaccines and booster shots. None I’ve spoken to have even heard of SADS—Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, which emerged post-vaccine

Bills like C-4C-11C-12 and C-18, which are dictatorial measures designed to muzzle and censor the average citizen, are little more than arcana unworthy of consideration. Most people are indifferent to, or approving of, the push for legislated mask mandates, “a result of a compliant populace,” Cory Morgan writes, “willing to shrug their shoulders and give up personal liberties with little complaint.” The government and medical profession’s targeting of parents who resist the sickness of transgenderitis in order to provide a normal life for their children does not appear to move many Canadians.

For the most part, they are not clear on the frivolous invocation of the Emergencies Act and tend to agree that the government was right in acting against the peaceful and legitimate truckers’ demonstration, to freeze bank accounts and to imprison Convoy organizers on the flimsiest of pretexts. 

Nor are they aware that Canada’s chief justice, Richard Wagner, a Trudeau appointee, has violated the principle of judicial neutrality in condemning the trucker protest, thereby putting himself, so to speak, out of court. They have taken the false flag operations against the truckers at face value and naïvely fall for the profusion of spurious Internet “fact-checks” demonizing the convoy—those “typical blue-collar folk, doing real work for a living,” writes Rex Murphy, “a representative group of Canadian citizens with relevant and pressing concerns.” 

Nor are they familiar with the Liberal finessing of the related Commission of Inquiry. Convoy lawyer Brendan Miller, for example, was removed from the Inquiry after asking embarrassing questions of the government and objecting to its redacted documents. And as expected, the hearing ended with the government presenting no relevant information, justifying its position, and relying on what Director of the National Citizens Coalition Alexander Brown wittily called, adapting a famous phrase from Hannah Arendt, “the banality of bureaucratic abuse.” The entire operation was an exercise in futility.

They do not know that Justin Trudeau has bought off the press with handsome tax rebates and emoluments, and most have declared their intention to vote for him again. Rampant inflation is laid at the door of Vladimir Putin rather than at Trudeau’s reckless economic policies, energy shutdowns, pandemic over-spending, skyrocketing carbon taxes, anti-farming animus, and record borrowing. They believe in the canard of global warming and they are still convinced that the unvaccinated are viral shedders, though we now know that the vaccinated are the major transmitters. And they are proud to be Canadians, “the best country on earth,” as all too many have proclaimed.

Aspects of what I regard as citizen failure are, of course, to be found almost everywhere, but rarely to the extent that we observe here. Ontario MPP Joel Harden put it in a nutshell on Canada’s Remembrance Day, November 11: “The most formidable check on all politicians are active and engaged citizens who are the lifeblood of any democracy.” We still have our heroes, but they are a visibly shrinking minority. The lifeblood is seeping away. In the words of John Mac Ghlionn at The Epoch Times, “the environment that Trudeau and his colleagues have created [is] one steeped in paranoia and suspicion. They have managed to turn a once respectable country into a surveillance state.”

In some respects Canada under Trudeau is gradually becoming a vassal state. 

As Major Russ Cooper, CEO of Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms (C3RF), observes, Canada is now intent “on appropriating offshore causes capable of displacing and denigrating the sovereignty of itself and its citizens.” It is outsourcing its independence “in matters of public health, our military procurement priorities and our own energy production” to foreign bodies and organizations, like the UN, the WHO and the WEF. “It would appear,” Cooper concludes, that “the prime minister’s declaration that Canada was the “first post-national state” with no “core identity” is the better indicator of just where the country is going.”

In thrall to the globalist agenda, Ottawa will introduce legislation to achieve net-zero GHG (greenhouse gasses), at a prohibitive cost to both energy and agricultural production. Yet, according to government statistics, Canada generates merely 1.5 percent of global GHG emissions. Needlessly decarbonizing the productive sector will eventually impoverish the country, as it did Sri Lanka, which seems increasingly to be the prime minister’s ambition. (The fascinating theory of abiotic oil, of course, is dismissed out of hand.)

Another of the scandals we are presently facing is called MAID or Medical Assistance in Dying. This new euthanasia program, which the World Medical Journal describes as “normalizing death as ‘treatment’ in Canada,” is affecting not only the disabled but the elderly, the poor and the homeless as well. Euthanasia, as Stephen Green writes in PJ Media, “the weeding out of undesirables by official means, has been a tenet of progressive ideology from the very beginning,” a system that “encourage[es] suicide over treatment.” 

Canada has become the contemporary poster boy for this outrageous regime. Put bluntly, people who no longer recognize the country they grew up in have only two options: to leave or to die. 

Thus, it comes as no surprise that Canadians are abandoning the countryin ever-growing numbers. Remaining in Canada depends on whether one considers it to be politically salvageable. For those who have settled elsewhere, the answer is a clear No. For these emigrants, this is not a question of weakness or moral defeat but of simple clarity. It can be said, to adopt George Grant’s injunction, that they are living with courage, for it takes courage to leave everything behind and begin anew in unfamiliar surroundings. They have taken the measure of the situation and do not expect a supine and stupefied citizen body to awaken to the reality of its condition.  

Canada is now an immigrant-ridden and fissiparous country, the majority of its people wallowing in obliviousness and proud, it would seem, of their deference to authoritarian dictate. Perhaps the only solution, if there is one, is prairie secession, the goal of the Wexit movement, which appears to be gathering some momentum. The prairie provinces would make a viable and prosperous independent country. Admittedly, it’s a long shot, but discontent is mounting.

Whether or not the movement prospers, there are encouraging signs of pushback against federal government ordinances. The provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan in particular have served notice they intend to resist Trudeau’s energy policies, the threat of a digital ID rollout, and the likelihood of renewed vaccine mandates and passports. Once the energy and agricultural backbone of the nation, and presently under the enlightened leadership of Danielle Smith and Scott Moe, respectively, these two provinces currently represent a silver lining in a massively dark cloud. 

But one thing should be obvious by now: we cannot go back to the status quo ante. The levee is dry.

David Solway is a Canadian poet and essayist. His most recent volume of poetry, The Herb Garden, appeared in 2018 with Guernica Editions. His manifesto, Reflections on Music, Poetry & Politics, was released by Shomron Press in 2016. He has produced two CDs of original songs: Blood Guitar and Other Tales and Partial to Cain on which he was accompanied by his pianist wife Janice Fiamengo. His latest book is Notes from a Derelict Culture, Black House, London, 2019.

Frightened Marxist UN Leadership Calls “White Supremacy” & Neo-Nazis A Threat

White Supremacy and Neo-Nazi Movements are a ‘Transnational Threat’Which Grows More Dangerous by the Day, Says UN Chief February 22, 2021

[Oppose the replacement of Europeans in Europe by elite-organized Third World invasion or the similar replacement of the European founding settler people of Canada, the U.S. Australia, New Zealand and you’re suddenly a “neo-Nazi” or White supremacist and must be crushed.}


The United Nations has warned that white supremacy and neo-Nazi movements are an increasing threat to the world we live in, adding that people in positions of responsibility are encouraging them in a way previously unthinkable.

“White supremacy and neo-Nazi movements are more than domestic terror threats. They are becoming a transnational threat,” United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told the organization’s Human Rights Council on Monday.

“Today, these extremist movements represent the number one internal security threat in several countries,” Guterres stated, adding that we are increasingly seeing people in power cheer on these groups “in ways that were considered unimaginable not long ago.”

The UN secretary general called on people from around the world to help deliver “coordinated action” to overcome this threat which Guterres claims is “growing by the day.” Guterres stated that the UN needs to play a central role in defeating this “growing danger” and prevent “ethnically motivated terrorism.”

Guterres contended that these groups have used the pandemic to their advantage, through “social polarization and political and cultural manipulation,” adding that they have engaged in a “feeding frenzy of hate – fundraising, recruiting and communicating online both at home and overseas.”

The secretary general’s comments come six weeks after the US Capitol building was seized by angry protestors, buoyed on by outgoing President Donald Trump. President Joe Biden said the attack was carried out by “thugs, insurrectionists, political extremists and white supremacists.”

Trump denies that he acted inappropriately, adding that “these are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously and viciously stripped away.”

To the UN, Is Your Christian Faith A Human Rights Violation?

To the UN, Is Your Christian Faith A Human Rights Violation?

Without question, we’re certainly in unique times. 2020 has brought us many challenges: the spread of COVID-19, unchecked government mandate and decree, churches closed for some time, riots and unrest on the streets, and the grossly unbalanced reporting by so-called “journalists” and media.But the scariest part of 2020 is unseen, happening behind closed doors.

The United Nations is coordinating an attack on religious freedom.This was exposed from a recent report taking to task traditional religious beliefs and values regarding the right to life for pre-born babies, and biological sex, by the United Nations appointed Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Ahmed Shaheed.

Sign the petition to demand Elisabeth Tichy-Fisslberger (President of the UN Human Rights Council) and Antonio Guterres (Secretary General of the United Nations( to dismiss Ahmed Shaheed: his agenda is incompatible with religious freedom!

Mr. Shaheed has chosen to pursue a controversial agenda that includes abortion and LGBT+ rights.His report calls religious beliefs valuing the right to life, traditional marriage, and biological sex a human right violation.
At a time when 80 percent of the global population is facing high restrictions on religious freedom, the UN is giving time – and a microphone – to a man working to undermine freedom of religion or belief even further.The United Nations is made up of 193 sovereign states. Some of which were founded or are rooted in religious faith. Most claim to respect the religious values of citizens.

This petition is our opportunity to send a signal to the 193 countries that make up the United Nations that bureaucrats are coordinating attacks on our faith and values.
Add your name: tell the UN to dismiss Mr. Shaheed and stop undermining your religious freedom by signing the petition!“The report shockingly conflates conservative religious beliefs about life, marriage, and biological sex with religious justifications for abhorrent human rights violations.Many women, as well as men, hold conservative religious beliefs, but the report treats their freedom to live according to these beliefs as secondary to abortion and new claims to rights based on sexual orientation and gender identity. No international treaty recognizes a right to abortion, but the report simply asserts that one exists and that it trumps a medical provider’s right to conscientious objection.Mr. Shaheed is recommending state intervention in matters of religious doctrine, curtailing rights of conscience, and accusing conservative religions and adherents of human rights abuse. Let that sink in for a minute…In other words, this rapporteur is telling the world that beliefs like yours have no place in polite company – let alone in the public square! The sad irony is Special Rapporteur Ahmed Shaheed is injuring the very people and institutions and liberty which he is mandated to protect!Sign now! Mr. Shaheed secularist views and actions are not compatible with his appointed role as UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief. Demand his termination!Sincerely,Caleb Stephen and the team at CitizenGOP.S. Lend us your voice to make a difference! By signing this petition, an email will be sent to your behalf to notify your government representatives of this dangerous attack on religious freedom and national sovereignty.
Amplify your voice! After signing, take a moment to share this petition with your friends and family.References:U.N. report promotes abortion, LGBT ‘rights’ over human rights (The Washington Times)“”UN Expert: World Religions Should Defer to the Authority of UN Experts (C-FAM)

The United Nation’s LGBTQ Agenda to Indoctrinate Children Worldwide.

The United Nation’s LGBTQ Agenda to Indoctrinate Children Worldwide.


The UN LGBTQ Agenda to Indoctrinate Children Worldwide.

Exposing the Driving Force Behind the LGBTQ Political Movement.

The following Report is an Alert advising of the current war we find ourselves in, for the hearts
and minds of our children, against Sexually Deviant Activists pushing unscientific and trans
ideology in an attempt to deconstruct the family and cultural norms. This report is intended to
equip Elected officials, Leaders of the Church, and all Citizens with facts and resources
necessary to counter the lies and misinformation. We must be informed and no longer permit
the soft language of inclusion, acceptance and equality to silence the critical opposition
necessary to preserve a strong, moral, and democratic society. To protect Freedom of
Speech and Freedom of Belief.

This article is a publication, with hyper-links, to important information. Please ‘click’ on the
hyper-links (
highlighted) in order to be fully informed.

There are legitimate concerns and significant objections to the ever-increasing amount of
political propaganda associated with the LGBTQ2+ sex activist lobby initiated by the United
Nations, directed at our children and society as a whole.

This includes:

 Comprehensive Sex Education, Eg, SOGI 123 BC schools (indoctrination) (more
information below)
• Changing the Human Rights Act to include gender expression and gender identity

• Pride Parades (warning graphic images)
 Rainbow crosswalks , Flags,
 Rainbow stickers (intended to create ‘safe’ spaces? Do we assume these spaces were
unsafe prior to the stickers or is it propaganda?)
 Public Imagery (please sign petition)
• media, legal documents, forced pronouns, women’s/children’s private spaces, attacks
against personal beliefs and convictions, freedom of speech, businesses, etc.

The creator of the Pride flag, Gilbert Baker, did not mince words when he declared its meaning,

“That’s what flags are for. “Flags are about proclaiming power”… that
visibility is Key to our success and to our justice.”

With this in mind…do we want the rainbow flag being raised at our schools claiming
power over our youth? …or our cities?

The loud voice afforded to the LGBTQ2++ activists must be tempered and it is imperative that

the voice of reason, rationale and commonsense prevail.


To be clear, opposition is not against the individual peacefully living their lives. It is aimed

directly at those who are attacking Canadian’s Rights, Freedoms and Democracy. The

LGBTQ 2++ activists are attempting to mask their intentions as a noble cause yet cloaked in

deceptive language. This is not a harmless, benign agenda to promote inclusion, anti-bullying

and equivalent human rights.


The once earnest cause to support the LGBTQ community has mutated into an ideological

demonization of hetero-normativity by the LGBTQ2++ political movement which now exploits

the gay and lesbian community using them to vilify and attack our society’s concepts of

gender. Disguised as “Social Justice Warriors” the political movement is inflicting and

imposing lies and misinformation in order to advance their agenda to deconstruct the family,

remove parental rights and sexualize our children.


Anyone who does not agree is attacked using hateful bullying tactics, labelling those who

oppose as Nazi, Alt Right, homophobic, transphobic, intolerant, bigots. Victimization of this

group has enabled manipulation of our anti-hate laws wherein you can now be convicted for

your ‘Speech’. Opposition is no longer a Freedom. It has been replaced by the “Thought

Police”. The Sex Activists no longer strive for acceptance, their goal is domination of ‘their’



The Canadian Human Rights Act, both federally and provincially, was specifically amended to

give special privilege to the LGBTQ community by adding ‘gender identity and gender

expression’ – an unnecessary decision as the Charter of Rights and Freedoms already

covered the protection of citizens equally.


Section 15 (1): “Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the

equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination”.


However, the amendment now permits individuals to force unscientific delusions on the rest of

society and demands, not only acceptance, but participation. If you refuse to comply there is

the risk of being dragged before the Human Rights Council, thus being forced to forfeit

freedom of thought and belief.


The change to the Human Rights Code is in conflict with the provision of rights permitted in

the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The HR code must be challenged and



The “Duty of State Neutrality” also stipulates neutrality must be adhered to and upheld by

elected officials, who must do so without favour and in respect of the law. Giving special rights

to one group is divisive and unlawful.

The Supreme Court of Canada addressed this issue in Mouvement laïque québécois v. Saguenay
(City), 2015 SCC 16, [2015] 2 S.C.R. 3 (para 72 -74). it stated:


• [73]…“When the state adheres to a belief, it is not merely expressing an opinion on the subject. It is creating a hierarchy of beliefs and casting doubt on the value of those it does not share. It is also ranking the individuals who hold such beliefs:

• [74]”By expressing no preference, the state ensures that it preserves a neutral public space that is free of discrimination and in which true freedom to believe or not to believe is enjoyed by everyone equally, given that everyone is valued equally.

The UN Convention on the Rights of a Child supports parental rights in raising children and determining best practices. Article 14;[2]

• [2] Parties shall respect the rights and duties of the parents and, when applicable, legal guardians, to provide direction to the child in the exercise of his or her right in a manner consistent with the evolving capacities of the child.

UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights 26(3)

• (3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

In spite of this, there is currently a dangerous agenda, set by the UN “Human Rights Council” who appointed an LGBTQ Czar, Vitit Muntarbhorn, to ensure ‘every’ UN Member Nation complies with the following 5 point mandate:

 decriminalize sodomy,

 prevent mental health professionals from treating homosexuality as a disorder,

 ensure legal documents reflect individuals’ subjective gender identity,

• impose social acceptance of homosexuality, including by challenging religions,

• and indoctrinating children and society through propaganda at all levels.

UN Goals For Humanity Target Children as “Agents of Change”.

It comes in the form of the aforementioned Comprehensive Sexuality EducationIt is supported by theUNFPA , UNICEF, IPPF, UNESCO and the UN World Health Organization. CSE is a program that “seeks to change sexual and gender norms in children as early as possible”. Instructing children 0-4 to be taught about masturbation, 4-6 to be taught about same sex relationships, etc.

The UN’s edict is already a full reality in Canada with the overwhelming support and endorsement from the Prime Minister and the Liberal and NDP governments.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau lowered the age of anal sex from 18 to 16 in support of the UNHRC’s objective.

The depth of sexual depravity has no limit, opening the door to incest and bestiality.

Bill C-16 (known as the bathroom bill) amended the Canadian Human Rights Act, federally, to add gender identity and gender expression to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination aligning with the demands of the UNHRC, allowing –

• men into women’s washrooms and change rooms, putting women and children at risk.

 boys into girls change rooms and bathrooms

• boys/men to compete in girls/women’s sports.

• access to women’s prisons and women’s shelters.

**Note**- the majority of transgender males are fully intact. Consider the risks for women in shelters andprisons.

Consider the sacrifice of women athletes, who train vigorously to compete, only to be outdone by a male counterpart. Losing scholarships and opportunities. Is a transgender’s journey to glory more important than a biological woman’s?

Gender Neutral bathrooms, in High Schools, “Students” are protesting decision. Boys and Girls are being forced to use the same bathroom and showers. Open space between stalls, risk of filming.

One of the most heinous organizations is one in which paedophiles are re-branding themselves as “MAPs” or “Minor Attracted Persons” in an effort to gain acceptance and sympathy and be included into the LGBT community. The blanket term MAP includes infantophiles (infants), paedophiles (pre-pubescent children), hebephiles (pubescent children), and ephebophiles (post-pubescent children). Having gone so far as to create their own flag. Refer to Video exposing the push for Paedophilia (**full version).

Gender neutral and non-binary pronouns have been imposed, no matter how illogical.

A beauty pageant in Spain recently allowed a transgender male to participate… and win. And will now be the first biological male to compete in the Miss Universe Pageant. “There are women with a penis and men with a vagina, because the only key part of being a woman is to be and feel like a woman,” ‘she’ said.

The transgender movement is fraudulently attacking the unique creation, value and beauty of womanhood and emasculating boys/men and their unique creation and strengths.

Facts about transgenderism.

An egregious component of the LGBTQ agenda is against individuals who are caught in this lifestyle and may be victims of childhood abuse. Whether sexual, physical, or emotional, it has had a powerful and lasting effect on the psyche and, if left untreated, manifests itself in the form of self-abuse such as drugs, alcohol, eating disorders, depression, suicidal tendencies, self-mutilation and unhealthy relationships. Due to the gross agenda of the radical LGBTQ2+, these individuals are being exploited and marginalized rather than genuinely being supported through counselling and care in a safe and healthy environment.

A priority of the Homosexual Agenda is to prohibit and outlaw conversion therapy, particularly for teenagers. This is an attack against a parent’s right to provide counselling for their child. Vancouver has banned conversion therapy and several U.S. states have enacted such laws. This would effectively ban all forms of therapy or the sale of material to help anyone who sought freedom from homosexual urges or gender confusion to seek faith-based counselling and resources.

Conversion Therapy Report – In debunking the LGBTQ’s claim that Conversion Therapy is ineffective former chief psychologist “Nicholas A. Cummings, declares, “Gays and lesbians have the right to be affirmed in their homosexuality.” However, he also wrote in USA Today that “of the patients I oversaw who sought to change their orientation, “Hundreds were successful”.

Good News – Recent push back in California by faith-based organizations, family counselors, church leaders,OnceGay and citizens alike, recently defeated a bill to ban conversion therapy.

Puberty blockers have been approved for children/youth who are questioning their gender. Despite the fact that, statistically, 80–95% of children work through confusion to eventually embrace their birth gender if not discouraged from doing so. In an effort to force parents to comply, new Ontario law allows gov’t to seize children if parents oppose their gender identity. Puberty blockers are extremely harmful and leaves permanent damage. Puberty blockers sterilize children. Invasive surgery has been approved for youth, removing perfectly healthy body parts. Youth are not permitted to vote, buy alcohol or drugs until they are 18 or 19 but life-changing, permanent surgery, mutilating their bodies, is somehow acceptable. This is child abuse.

Individuals who have undergone sex reassignment surgery have a 20 times greater rate of committing suicide than the general population.

Sex Change Regret Stories. those who underwent “sex change” operations but then experienced regret and ended up accepting their biological sex.

“Sex is a binary biological characteristic of the human person that is established by our DNA at conception.One is conceived either male or female. Gender, in contrast, is a term that refers to the psychological and cultural characteristics associated with biological sex. Gender identity refers to an individual’s awareness of being male or female and is sometimes referred to as an individual’s “experienced gender.” Gender identity has to do with thoughts and feelings.”

Pediatrician explains why the transgender movement is a fraud.

American College of Pediatricians reports Gender Ideology Harms Children.

Health hazards of homosexuality and mounting health care costs. Syphilis rates continue to climb amongst gay men as well as oral cancer and anal cancer. “Among men who have sex with men (MSM), the incidence of anal cancer is significantly more prevalent and increasing annually”, as reported by the National LGBT Cancer Network.

In BC, taxpayers are covering the full cost for individuals to receive HIV prevention medication.$15,000/per year per person. While diabetics, and others, are forced to pay for their life-saving drugs, gay men, who choose to take part in risky sex, are fully covered.

“Millions” of taxpayer dollars are paid every year, throughout the provinces, to fund LGBTQ2+ organizations.

Gladd is the media arm of the LGBTQ (USA). It “works with news, entertainment, sports, and

social media in an attempt to share LGBT stories in an aim to change society.” “GLAAD has already empowered itself by being able to use a mass communication tool to build and frame its agenda with the assistance of the mass media. …Furthermore, less appealing truths are avoided in an aim to strategically advance the organization’s goals for an overall perceived greater good, even at the potential harm created by such avoidance”. EGALE is a Canadian version.

Flags and Crosswalks – A method of self-victimization is advancing the LGBTQ’s movement. The rainbow crosswalk and flag are key to their progress as they conquer one city/school after another, claiming these symbols are inclusive of everyone.

The pride parades are vile, exposing children to degeneracy, nudity, perversion, bondage and extreme sexual fetishes and indecent acts. (Warning graphic images) If parents took their child to a strip club the child would very likely be removed from the parent’s care, yet taking children to Pride ‘Festivals” is acceptable.

Foster care and adoption. There are growing instances wherein traditional families are being demonized and priority is being given to placing children with gay couples, despite children having lived for many years in a traditional home, and the foster parent’s willingness to adopt them.The best interest of the child is being overlooked, yielding to a Political agenda.

In July 2016 the BC Human Rights Code was changed to include ‘gender identity or expression’ (Bill 27),provincially, without the public’s awareness… yet 100 sex activists showed up for the vote. Then BC Premier, Christi Clarke, reportedly, ordered her MLA’s to vote in support or else! 1st, 2nd and 3rd reading all in one day. This opened the door…very timely….to secretly launch the SOGI 123 Resource Sept./2016 into numerous school districts.

Around the world this agenda is rapidly progressing. Once the Human Rights Code is amended to include ‘gender identity and expression’, opposition is stifled and the invasive sex-ed resource follows shortly thereafter.

SOGI 123 Resource is an example of what is being integrated into every facet of the Canadian Education system beginning in Kindergarten to grade 12. Including the indoctrination of teachers (a UBC program is required to obtain degree). The resource teaches and promotes normalization of homosexuality, transgenderism and gender dysphoria. Parental rights are being violated and the resource is a threat to our child’s identity, values, morals and religious beliefs.

SOGI teaches children that gender is fluid, they can be a boy, a girl, anything in between or neither,teaching explicit sexual behaviour well beyond their intellectual capacity. Instructing teachers they can no longer use the term boy and girl, mother and father, pink or blue, stick people, removing celebratingmother’s/father’s day in school, to question parental authority, etc…the list goes on. (Refer to further SOGI resource links provided below).

Drag Queen story time for children in schools and public librariesThe trend began in San Francisco and is quickly moving throughout Canadian public libraries.

The BC Ministry of Education is demanding every child be taught the SOGI 123 resource and has intentionally intertwined it throughout the curriculum to ensure parents cannot have their child opt out.

SOGI 123 was created by the ARC foundation in partnership with the BC Ministry of Education, BC Teacher’s Federation, UBC Faculty of Education and local, national and international, LGBTQ community organizations. *** Sogi Backgrounder

**Note** – No Child Psychologist or Parental input was given in the development of the SOGI 123 Resource.

The resource was created in violation of The 1989, Order in Council Statement of Education Policy Order which requires that parents participate in the development of policies.

The OIC states:

• Parents: have the right and responsibility to participate in the process of determining the educational goals, policies and services provided for their children. They have a primary responsibility to ensure that children are provided with the healthy and supportive environment necessary for learning. They have a responsibility to help shape and support the goals of the school system and to share in the tasks of educating their young.

The BC School Act also states that parents are entitled to be informed of a student’s behaviour and progress in school and that a parent may consult with school staff with respect to the student’s educational program, yet, in spite of these legal privileges that are granted to parents, the SOGI 123 agenda uses “confidentiality” as grounds for not involving parents in this crucial part of their child’s education.

Alberta recently passed a bill prohibiting parents from being informed if their child joins a GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) club at school. GSA’s are supported by organizations who produce gay porn.

SOGI was a Trojan horse, brought into schools under the guise of anti-bullying and to teach children to be “Inclusive” and support LGBTQ2+ students. However, the SOGI 123 resource goes way beyond this to indoctrinating kids into unhealthy sexual behaviour and confusion through lies and misinformation.

Many teachers and parents are unaware of the resource as the Ministry of Education has intentionally neglected to inform the public. Parents are also unaware that activities have been in place in schools, for many years, that seemed benign, but were also created by the ARC foundation, ‘Out in Schools‘ (warning graphic), the Queer Film Festival, and others directly associated with the LGBTQ political movement. ‘Out in Schools’ is associated with the Queer Film Festival who produce gay porn. **The ARC foundation, reportedly, funds the Queer Film Festival. The websites have exposed students to explicit gay porn.

An example of an activity held without parental consent or knowledge is Sex at LunchHosted by teachers for students at a Vancouver public high school. The students were instructed not to tell theirs parents.

It is vital for parents to engage their children and youth in conversation.

Take Action…Print, sign and present the following Declaration of Family Rights to your school principal and take authority over your child’s education. Please read the instructions carefully.

This political agenda can be revoked. But parents, educators and leaders, must get involved. In Ontario, under the leadership of a new provincial government, the Wynne sex-ed curriculum is currently being repealed due to the strong opposition of Parents As First Educators (PAFE). An organization who are rallying parents through a grassroots movement. In BCCulture Guard is working tirelessly to do the same.

Society is being turned upside down for the trans community who make up approximately.01% of the population (combined LGBTQ 3%).

The LGBTQ2+ Political Lobby group are not interested in creating genuine unity but instead, because of their consistent overreach into every facet of society, are provoking resentment due to their contentious demands…thus the political symbol of the crosswalk in turn becomes a contentious matter as is the flag. This is a massive movement viciously imposing their agenda by forging through society voraciously consuming anything in its path that does not agree or conform to their ideology. They trample on the Charter Rights of all faith groups, Christians, fellow citizens, and create unequal rights, for a small, select group, with venomous precision. The double standard, through their intolerance and mean spirited attacks against individuals, the family unitchurchesbusinessesand universities, is evidence.

Elected Officials, Teachers and Parents who have naively decided to support the SOGI 123 resource, rainbow crosswalks and the raising of the flags, may have had good intentions but truly need to step back and understand the detrimental consequences of the LGBTQ2+ movement. It is a Social Engineering Propaganda machine. Accomplished through manipulating our laws, our sense of fairness, compassion and sympathy.

Hiding behind the beauty of the rainbow does not negate the evil it now encompasses.

The original biblical meaning of the Rainbow is one of grace for humanity and undeserved favour.

Reportedly the Prime Minister and every Liberal and NDP (NDPleader, as well as some in the Conservative party, support Bill C-16 and the LGBTQ2+ agenda.

Governments, including our school boards, which we support with our taxes, and which we have helped to elect, are misusing their powers to undermine parental authority and institute this harmful propaganda.

Therefore it is time to:

• Scrutinize the values and policies of ‘every’ elected official – School Trustees, City Councilors, Mayors, MLA’s, MP’s, etc.

• Demand the Canadian Government pull out of the UN.

• Demand ‘gender expression and gender identity’ be removed from the Human Rights

Code, both provincially and federally.

We respect an individual’s right to live according to their own beliefs but when it so forcefully impedes on the rights of others, with such devastating consequences, there must be fierce, swift and righteous opposition.

Rise up Canada, Rise up Parents and Leaders, from all faith groups and backgrounds!

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil

is for good men to do nothing!

Edmund Burke

Join organizations who are working to make a difference.

Volunteer, donate, write letters!

Our friends at Culture Guard are taking strong positive action against SOGI 123, and all political propaganda Nationwide. We have the the power to unite and generate change. Legal action, as well, is forthcoming. View brochure for details.

Sign up to Culture Guard and be informed of meetings, rallies and events to inform the public and give support to leaders and teachers. AKA CultureGuard.

Thank you,

From the Team at CC4RG


Join CC4RG

Canadian Coalition For Responsible Government

Protecting Rights and Freedoms

“Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the

Supremacy of God and the rule of law”
