To Commemorate the 53rd Anniversary of the Assassination of anti-Globalist President John F. Kennedy, and to Celebrate the recent Election of anti-Globalist President Donald J. Trump, The Canadian Association for Free Expression Proudly Presents, and Your Ward News Mischievously Sponsors, the world’s first public rally featuring Evalion as Keynote Speaker:
* She is an international teenage internet sensation, BANNED by Twitter and YouTube after over 2 million video views in 8 months!
* She was such a well-known Nationalist celebrity at the time she was BANNED, that the story was covered by European television programs.
* Her clever, sassy, engaging YouTube videos on immigration, National Socialism, pedophilia, the “gay” agenda, and more, are awakening a new generation… and threatening ZioMarxist entities committed to maintaining their oppression of the general population.
* Most recently, she was the victim of Canada Border Service harassment, with unwarranted confiscation of her laptop and personal journals, followed by an 8 hour detention!
* She is the latest and most high-profile target of B’nai Brith censorship.
Evalion will speak on the topic of “How I Became a YouTube Rebel & How to Disseminate Our Nationalist Message to a New Generation”.
DATE: Tuesday, November 22, 2016. 8:00 p.m.
LOCATION: “Your Ward News” Headquarters
ADDRESS: 163 Main Street, just south of Gerrard. Toronto, ON.
It is a 5 minute walk south of Main Station on the Bloor-Danforth Subway line.
[ $10.00 admission fee at door. ]