Alternative Forum Celebrates It’s 45th Anniversary

Alternative Forum Celebrates It’s 45th Anniversary

It stared back in January, 1979, For 45 years, the Alternative Forum in Toronto has held a monthly meeting (except during part of the COVID madness lockdowns) featuring a speaker or film on freedom related issues. Our first speaker was Prof. W. Harding le Riche of the University of Toronto. We have had MPs like Conservatives Don Blenkarn and the Hon. Alvin Hamilton and Liberals like Roseanne Skoke. We have had writers and lawyers.

We celebrated our 45th anniversary with Director Paul Fromm’s talk:

The Red Chinese Threat to Canada’s Economy, Elections & Security

* Wholesale espionage

* That secret Winnipeg lab infiltrated by Chinese scientist — Trudeau’s coverup

* Those 11 federal ridings targetted by Red Chinese money in 2019 — Trudeau’s coverup

* Red Chinese police stations in Toronto & Vancouver — yes, really!

Maxime Bernier Hails the Anniversary of the Truckers Freedom Convoy

Maxime Bernier Hails the Anniversary of the Truckers Freedom Convoy

One year ago today marked the beginning of a historic moment in Canadian history.

The beginning of the largest human rights protest Canada has ever seen.

The beginning of the most inspiring act of civil disobedience I have ever experienced.

The Freedom Convoy.

After 2 years of government tyranny, of lockdowns and travel bans, of curfews and stay at home orders, of governments pitting families and friends against each other, of propaganda and psychological manipulation…

Brave Canadian truckers started a movement that would wake up a nation and inspire the world.

Starting in the Western heartland, they drove east. The line of trucks and cars grew as they passed through each city and province.

Patriotic Canadians gathered on highway overpasses, waving flags and raising homemade signs.

A year ago today they began to arrive in Ottawa.

The corrupt hacks and career politicians that walk the halls of Parliament were reminded that these buildings, this country, belongs to us.

They were reminded that Canadians are not just serfs paying taxes to support their insane globalist projects and inflated MP salaries.

We are a proud people not to be treated like slaves or cogs in some broken machine.

Trudeau smeared the protestors as racists and misogynists. “A small fringe minority with unacceptable views”.

The fake news media painted it as an “occupation.” They claimed the citizens of downtown Ottawa were being “terrorized” and lied about protestors committing arson and other crimes.

But I was there in person. I experienced it first hand.

And I can tell you, it was the most beautiful, peaceful, and patriotic event I have ever seen.

After two years of misery and discrimination, of being separated from friends and family, there was a special sense of love and togetherness in the streets of Ottawa.

People were proud to be Canadian again.

But just as pride and patriotism was resurging in Canada, Justin Trudeau stomped it out, like a campfire at the end of the night.

He gave himself unprecedented powers, meant to protect Canadians at times of war.

He did things that should never be done to peaceful Canadian citizens.

He weaponized the financial system, shutting down fundraisers and freezing people’s bank accounts without due process.

Storm troopers took to the streets, shooting journalists with tear gas and trampling people with horses.

Pride in our country evaporated. We were reminded the tyrants are still in control.

Even though the Freedom Convoy was violently crushed, it was still a brilliant success.

Public opinion had turned. Provincial governments started to quietly drop mandates and restrictions.

We must not forget about what the tyrannical Liberals did to us. What the NDP and Bloc Québécois enabled. What the Conservatives failed to oppose.

We must recapture the fervor and passion of the Freedom Convoy and start fighting now to make change in the next election.

We must replicate what the Freedom Convoy accomplished. After filling the streets of Ottawa with the People, we must fill the House of Commons with People’s Party MPs.

I’ll need your help to do it.

Help me continue the fight started by our brave Canadian truckers with a $5 donation today!


Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, January 28-29, February 4. Freedom Convoy Tribute; SOGI & The WEF: Stop the Transgender Agenda Protest

Click here to read in browser

Please forward

Rally’s and Events

“It Ain’t Over”

Note: We were unable to get our newsletter out last week due to major scheduling issues, that unfortunately are continuing into this week. Hopefully we will be back to normal next week, in time for our Feb. 4 Rally!

Important Changes

There is nothing permanent except change.”


I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”

Jimmy Dean

Hi everyone. As announced at our last rally, we are making a few changes. To begin, we are going to have rallies on the first Saturday of every month, as opposed to each Saturday. Time and location remain the same: Stuart Park at 12:00 p.m.

Our first rally was January 7, 2023, with special speakers Steve Merrill from Sun City Silver & Gold, and Lindsay Gabelhouse, Journalist and Consultant, both from Kelowna!

The next rally will be February 4, 2023. Speakers:

Dominic from Prince George with updates from the North!!!

Donald Lee, Author What the Hell is Going On?

We are also going to begin shortly with CLEAR meetings indoors to

permit us to work more effectively on freedom related issues. More info to come in this regard.

We will continue to do special rallies and marches when necessary or beneficial to do so, as well as other public activities in support of freedom. This includes the huge Saturday, January 28, 2023 Truckers Tribute Convoy.

Our objective is simply to be more effective in opposing Gov’t tyranny. Our rallies have inspired so many people and have set fire under the gov’ts for almost three years. The ongoing attempts to shut us down, which continue to fail, demonstrate an ongoing fear by all Governments of the public attention we are raising on these issues. Remember too, they do not know the extent of our efforts and this frightens them even more. I cannot begin to tell you the number of people who have thanked us for our rallies and continued opposition to these corrupt gov’ts, and the inspiration we have provided to so many people, not only in Kelowna but throughout BC and Canada. Everyone coming to our rallies and participating in our activities, has contributed to this success.

Now we need to be more effective and begin more direct work against these tyrants in power.

Our objective remains freedom – we now will approach that objective from several directions. We are definitely going to require more volunteers and ideas. We hope you will continue to support us as we move forward this year.

We remain available at for your questions and suggestions.

In freedom
David and the CLEAR Team


NOTICE: The Geoengineering and Chem Trail event on Thursday, January 26, 2028, has been postponed due to unforeseen circumstances, likely until sometime in later February now.



Convoy Route: NOTE: Approximate times only
Arrive Location Leave
8:30 a.m. McCurdy Mall Kelowna Hwy 97 & McCurdy 9:10 a.m.
Arrivals also from Salmon Arm, Vernon, Armstrong, and Kelowna
9:45 a.m. Superstore West Kelowna 3020 Louie Dr. Turn R on Butt Road 10:15 a.m.
Osoyoos/Penticton to meet us here
Arrivals from S. Okanagan
Take the Connector to Merritt
Vehicles will proceed slowly to permit catch-up, then Hwy speed
Loon Lake Road — Washroom Break L. side of Hwy
11:30 a.m. Arrive Gravel Pit Merritt 12:00 p.m.
At traffic light at bottom of hill coming off the connector, go straight and take second left into Godey
Tour through Merritt
12:30 p.m. Leave to Kamloops
1:30 p.m. Petro Canada, Copperhead Exit – Rest Kamloops 2:10 p.m.
3:15 Salmon Arm Location Stop at the Mall (Location?) 3:30 p.m.
Leave via Hwy 1 east to Hwy 97B, turn right
Junction Hwy 97B and 97A – turn right onto Hwy 97A
Continue through Enderby, Armstrong
4:30 Vernon – travel straight through
6:00 p.m. END – McCurdy Corner Kelowna End and socialize
Lead car: Lou
Tail car: Sarah Both lead cars to have two people so one person can communicate with others
Meeting Place For South Okanagan Convoy Participants
8:00 a.m. Convoy Participants from Osoyoos, Oliver and Penticton to meet at the corner of Warren Ave
and Main Street in Penticton.
(Please arrive on time as we could be delayed by 20 minutes due to construction on Hwy 97 just
north of Summerland. It important for the convoy to leave at 8:15 am sharp)
8:15 a.m. sharp Leave Penticton heading to Westbank
9:30-9:45 a.m Arrive Superstore parking lot, 3020 Louie Drive, Westbank
Turn left onto Butt Road and take 3rd exit at roundabout to Superstore parking lot.
Meet up with Convoy from Kelowna.

Supported by: CLEAR & The Resistance

And there’s more in Alberta!!!



Contact Bettina


Geoengineering Free Canada | Facebook

This group is to educate people and try to put a stop to the geoengineering and poisonous chemtrails they spray in our skies.


Jan. 28, 2023

For those who cannot come to the convoy

Drag Queen story hour …

Promotes the sexualization of children and exposes them to transgender ideology.

A common attribute of Drag Queens is that they have been found to possess a criminal back ground for child pornography and pedophilia.



Please join us Saturday 28 January

at the Kelowna Public Library

1380 Ellis St at 10 am

to register your disapproval

11-year-old ‘drag kid’ dances in popular NYC gay club as patrons toss money at him – LifeSite (

WATCH: Disturbing Videos Show Famous 12-Year-Old Drag Queen Pretending To Snort Ketamine, Interviewing With Convicted Killer | The Daily Wire

Bombshell: Another Drag Queen Story Hour Member Exposed as Pedophile, Report Says – NewsWars

Judge who headed ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ sponsor arrested on child porn charges | Fox News

Pennsylvania Drag Queen Who Performed For Children Charged With 25 Counts Of Child Pornography | The Daily Caller

Pedophiles Running Drag Queen Story Hour, And Other Unsurprising Revelations | Ep. 682 (


Bill C-4 makes it a criminal offence for a parent or guardian to advise a child NOT to undergo the process of gender transition.

This includes chemical castration, sterilization, the use of hormonal drugs, and the mutilation of genitalia.

Authority to make these decisions for your child is now in the hands of your Canadian government, schools and court rooms.

Action4Canada (

Urgent Call to Action Stop the Sexualization of Our Children | Action4Canada


Sign this Petition NOW! 45 332 signatures to date!



We need a truly independent inquiry – not some committee where the arbitrator is appointed and the terms and conditions set out by the Prime Dictator of Canada.

Here is the Petition:


Be a witness – do something!!!


Sunday Paper Deliveries

Next delivery day: Jan. 29/23

(Weather Permitting)

Add your name to the delivery list and make sure to check your email on Sunday mornings for confirmation that our paper delivery will take place that day

Pick the time that works for you:

Make sure you arrive before the designated time so we can all get going ASAP!

Every Sunday at


11:30 am


OR 1:45 pm

  • Sign-up on the Newspaper Delivery list so that you get an email confirming the deliveries for each Sunday. With winter in mind, we will only do this if roads are bare and it’s not snowing. The advantage of delivering this time of year is that nobody is hanging out in their front yards except the odd snowman.
  • We meet at the Capri parking lot between A&W and De Dutch Pannekoek House
  • Bring a large bag for carrying the papers if you want
  • Grab a free small Kelowna mapbook that can help you get situated. Your cell phone will be tracking and tracing you. Learn how to read maps again
  • You will be provided with a printed google map of the area you will be delivering to. Bring a yellow marker to indicate which streets you completed. You may run out of papers or you may end up with extra
  • We ask that with every paper you deliver, you remove the inserts and place them in the mailbox in front or behind the paper. That way, someone who may hastily throw out the paper will still be forced to see each individual flyer
  • Please deliver only one paper per mailbox, regardless if you have different papers (we usually have a combination of different papers and editions). Some houses may have up to 4 mailboxes; put one paper in each as they are for different tenants

Sign up as a Volunteer to participate in one of the many focus groups we will be organizing at our inaugural January meeting. Time to roll up your sleeves, take off the gloves and get your hands dirty!

Look for the sign-up sheet at the CLEAR booth on Saturday, Jan. 7th or contact Linda at

3 Simple Things Freedom Activists can do to WIN this War:

  1. Spread the Word by delivering papers and flyers everywhere:

Knowledge is power!

2. Replace your cell phone with a flip phone:

Think of your apps as TRAPS!

3. Use CASH:

Hand out the “Use cash cards” and “pay cash” business posters


Notices of Liability for Accountability

In last fall’s survey, most rally attendees indicated that they check out what’s available at the CLEAR booth although some don’t. Seven people indicated they were not aware of the Notices of Liability (NOL) or didn’t know how to use one. The reason David decided to have a booth at the rallies was not to irritate Bylaw (who should be respecting our lawful, constitutional right to protest), but to provide a sheltered location that offers educational resources for Freedom Activists. And many of those resources resulted from the hard labour of Action4Canada. Hundreds of copies of these NOL’s were printed and available for free for your convenience. There is an NOL for almost every imaginable situation and as a Freedom Activist, these are tools you can use to educate fellow citizens.

During lockdowns, most individuals were/are following government mandates out of fear/ignorance. When you give them an NOL, you are helping to educate them about the Plandemic reality with factual information about our Canadian laws that are being violated by their actions. They are presented with a choice to either stand up to government bullying tactics and not discriminate against others, or to cower from intimidation and eventually suffer the consequences.

Twenty-four people indicated they had success with the NOL’s while eight said they didn’t. For those eight who didn’t have positive results, give yourself a pat on the back anyway because you made the effort. It was not in vain because the people you served have now been educated and are consciously breaking the law at the expense of their own humanity. There are MANY things you can do if your NOL seems to fall on deaf ears:

  • You can follow up by laying charges
  • You can serve (or mail) another NOL to their boss
  • You can serve (or mail) one to the head of the company
  • You can serve (or mail) it to their Union Rep
  • You can boycott their business and share their discriminatory behaviour with all your contacts
  • You can post bad reviews online about this place
  • You can organize a protest in front of their business
  • You can pull your child out of the school or activity that is controlled by this individual

You get the idea. Be creative. Whatever you do, never back down. Demanding accountability means acting “like a dog with a bone.” In my battles, I am constantly hitting brick walls. The government bureaucracy is comprised of all kinds of redundant agencies where nobody answers the phone, voice mail messages are forwarded to a government “black hole,” government procedures and timelines are not followed, inquiries are bounced around from department to department with no one knowing the answer, etc… The state of all government-run services is absolutely deplorable. It has been deteriorating to this point over decades, accelerated by the Plandemic. Your job as an activist is to expose this mess and the corruption behind it. The more light we shine on these establishments that waste taxpayer money and do not provide the services they claim, the faster they will crumble to the ground.

We still have many printed copies of the notices at the CLEAR booth. If we don’t have the one you want, many others are available here: as well as a video explaining how to serve them. Come visit the booth at the next rally on February 4th and pick up an NOL. Nobody likes confrontations. But in this war, no confrontation = acquiescence = slavery. Think about that.



Know Your Rights: 

Guidelines for Peaceful Protesting/Gathering/Rallies and/or Attending Events (eg. Council Meetings, School Boards, Handing out Flyers)


From Vaccine Choice Canada

Please obtain a copy from Tom at Saturday’s Kelowna Rallies and pass along to informed and uninformed alike!

Or watch here:



New Credit Card Fees & Lack of Privacy

The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash.

Withdraw money on Sunday from the bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry the amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.


USE CASH $$$$$$$$$


Contact Unity Health & Sciences Team to volunteer to distribute their professional brochures and Medical Doctor Packages throughout your home area, and to your medical doctor!

Not every doctor, analyst, and specialist is on the gov’t side and many have strong science and personal experiences opposing the gov’t narrative.


New signs???

Even though COVID-19 restrictions are, for the most part, no longer in effect, other freedom issues have arisen as gov’ts use the cover of COVID-19 to introduce other more formidable liberty restrictions, including privacy violations.

Freedom is a multi-generational struggle – our legacy is to leave a better place for our children, not simply to quit after an issue appears to be over and anger diminishes; and of course, it rarely is truly over.

We urge you to provide designs ( and/or your own signs for upcoming threats, including Digital ID

Digital currency and no cash

Climate change fraud

Further health, property, rights and freedoms restrictions




This will be updated again next week.


Including our own media


Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Next Kelowna Rally:


February 4, 2023


Dominic Exciting updates from Prince George

Donald Lee Author


January 28, 2023 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


January 28, 2023 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


January 28, 2023 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


January 28, 2023 11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


Kamloops Freedom Gathering

January 28, 2023 10:00 – 12:00 Noon

Valleyview Centennial Park


Penticton Freedom Rally

January 29, 2023 1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

Freedom Fighter Jeremy Mackenzie Cancelled Without Reason by Scotiabank

Freedom Fighter Jeremy Mackenzie Cancelled Without Reason by Scotiabank

Hear the recorded phone call of Jeremy Mackenzie with the Bank of Nova Scotia. It just terminated this dissident’s account without a reason. “Gerry” from the bank gives the news to this decorated Canadian Infantry Veteran His crime? Being a Patriot. Jeremy played a major role is last winter’s freedom protests against government tyranny and COVID restrictions.

Testimony at the Emergency Act inquiry revealed the vile role of many of Canada;s big banks, headed as they are by Globalists.

According to Blacklock’s Reporter, recently released records show that on February 15 of this year, Assiniboine Credit Union in Winnipeg, Manitoba, reported one of its users to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) because he had “liked” the Freedom Convoy Facebook page, telling the federal police he is “potentially involved” in the protest. [And what if he had been? Peaceful protest is our right. This is not Red China yet!]

The report to the RCMP came the day after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau enacted the Emergencies Act (EA) to shut down the protest, wherein the government gave banks and financial institutions the power to freeze suspected Freedom Convoy donors’ accounts without a court order. Assiniboine went as far as having its staff members monitor the man’s social media posts, as well as comb through his checking account transactions. Management at Assiniboine noted that before the EA was enacted, “account activity was being monitored but not deemed illegal.”  [Such disgusting collaborators in repression and toadies to tyranny!]

Police noted in a memo that same day that the credit union member in question was a “well known anti-vax” person, suggesting the tip from the credit union was followed up on.

In another instance of financial institutions using the EA as a reason to go after their customers, the same report shows that an unnamed Canadian bank had also reported to police one of its credit card users who had allegedly purchased a gas mask from an army surplus store.  [A perfectly legal activity.]

This information was shown in a February 17 email, with police noting “It won’t come as a surprise but a bank has frozen assets of an individual and they also disclosed that a purchase was recently made at an Ottawa Army Surplus store.” 

“Most likely a gas mask,” added the RCMP

These recent revelations are not the first instances of Canadian financial institutions reporting their customers to the police due to their political views. As noted last month by LifeSiteNews, records show Desjardins Group also reported to the RCMP some of its customers who were making financial transactions supporting the Freedom Convoy.  The bank had reported a couple that made a $20,000 deposit, which the bank claimed was being used to pay for pro-Freedom Convoy signs. [Even if their suspicion was correct, making political signs is not illegal. Canada is not North Korea YET!]  

Trudeau’s use of the EA led to almost $8 million in funds from 267 different people being frozen, in addition to 170 bitcoin wallets. The full impact of Trudeau’s cabinet’s use of the EA to expand the scope of the Proceeds Of Crime And Terrorist Financing Act to allow for such freezing has yet to be determined by a parliamentary committee. 

Last month during a round-table discussion at the Public Order Emergency Commission (POEC), panel member Dr. Gerard Kennedy, who along with other POEC members was tasked with advising government officials on future policy in light of the Freedom Convoy, seemed to agree with the controversial freezing measures taken by the Trudeau government, saying it was ‘efficacious’ and ‘even justified’ for banks to freeze the assets of demonstrators for protesting government COVID measures.  

During testimony before the POEC last month, it was also revealed that one Canadian bank executive suggested Freedom Convoy protesters could be labeled as “terrorists” to allow for a quick freezing of their funds. [And these are the people protecting YOUR money? To the threatened Globalist elite, words lose their usual meanings. Peaceful dissent is mislabelled ‘terrorism’, which means shootings and bombings.]

Finance Minister Chyrstia Freeland’s testimony before the commission showed that she even agreed with one Canadian bank CEO’s call for possible military intervention in the Freedom Convoy. [She’s big on fighting to preserve ‘democracy’ in the Ukraine (actually an immensely corrupt government) while crushing dissent here at home.]

Climate Change Fanatics Furious that Elon Musk’s Twitter Allows Dissenting Views on Man-Caused Climate Change

Climate Activists Alarmed That Twitter Under Musk Allows More Dissenting Views on Global Warming

Figurines with smartphones and computers in front of the Twitter logo in an illustration on Nov. 28, 2022. (Dado Ruvic/Illustration/Reuters)

Figurines with smartphones and computers in front of the Twitter logo in an illustration on Nov. 28, 2022. (Dado Ruvic/Illustration/Reuters) By Bryan JungJanuary 22, 2023Updated: January 23, 2023 biggersmallerPrint 0:003:17

An organization that says it is a coalition of “climate and anti-disinformation organisations” says Twitter under CEO Elon Musk is allowing more dissenting views on climate change.

Climate Action Against Disinformation (CAAD), released a Jan. 19 study (pdf), accusing Musk of allowing misinformation about the climate crisis to spread on the social media platform.

The study accused Twitter of boosting the hashtag “#ClimateScam” to users when searching the word “climate,” as its top search result.

The hashtag has suddenly spiked on Twitter search results since July 2022, with its appearance increasing ever since, according to CAAD.

The report said that “in 2022, denialist content made a stark comeback on Twitter in particular.”

Twitter Search

CAAD alleged that at least 91,000 Twitter users reported the #ClimateScam hashtag more than 362,000 times by December.

“The source of its virality is entirely unclear, and re-emphasises the need for transparency on how and why platforms surface content to users,” said the study’s authors.

They said that term appeared to be trending despite “data that shows more activity and engagement on other hashtags such as #ClimateCrisis and #ClimateEmergency.”

The research team claimed that the rise of the term in search results could not be explained by user personalization, the volume of content, or popularity.

“A basic search for ‘climate’ on Facebook did not autofill with overtly sceptic or denialist terms; searching explicitly for #ClimateScam only showed 1.5k users mentioning the term, versus 72k for #ClimateEmergency and 160k for #ClimateCrisis.”

CAAD complained that the source of the #ClimateScam hashtag was unclear and that there was a need for transparency on how the search result came up.

“Equally, TikTok returned no search results for #ClimateScam, but instead suggested the phrase ‘may be associated with behaviour or content that violates our guidelines.’”

Interest Groups

The authors said that not enough of the content was labeled as misinformation by Twitter’s new management and claimed that it could not find a comparable trend or uptick in “#ClimateScam” on other platforms.

CAAD is partially funded by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), a think tank, which is heavily funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The ISD said it is working with social media platforms to explore radicalization online, to minimize the impact of extremist recruitment by groups in Europe and North America.

Since buying Twitter in October, Elon Musk has reduced the social media team’s staff by 50 percent and cut down its content moderation team to protect freedom of expression.

Musk has been a critic of Twitter’s past relationship with federal authorities and the intelligence services, and has released several batches of the so-called “Twitter Files” since late last year.

Jewish Groups Furious That Lawyer for A Man Charged With “Hate” Allowed to Question the Holocaust In Court

[For more than 30 years, Jewish groups lobbied and arm-twisted to induce Canada under Pierre Elliott Trudeau to introduce a speech control law to shield them (and some other privileged minority groups) from sharp criticism. This is Canada’s notorious “hate law”Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code. A Quebec man Gabriel Sohier Chaput is the latest victim of minority thought control. Yet, his lawyer Helene Poussard argued for his acquittal on the grounds that he Crown had failed to prove a link between Nazi ideology and the deaths of many Jews in WWII. Jewish groups are apoplectic that any shred of doubt can be shone on the Globalist elite’s new religion of holocaust. — Paul Fromm]

The hate-speech trial of Gabriel Sohier Chaput concluded in Montreal with his lawyer raising doubts about Nazism and the Holocaust

November 28, 2022

By Janice Arnold

Gabriel Sohier Chaput (Credit: B’nai Brith Canada)

The lawyer defending an alleged promoter of hatred against Jews told the judge hearing his case that the fact that the Holocaust was the consequence of Nazism cannot be entered as evidence without proof.

Hélène Poussard argued that her client, Gabriel Sohier Chaput, who faces one count of wilful incitement of hatred against an identifiable group, cannot be found guilty because the prosecution did not provide sufficient proof of a direct link between Nazi ideology and the eventual murder of millions of Jews.

At the final day of Chaput’s trial on Nov. 25, Poussard said the very definition of Nazism remains vague and the use of the term today may be different from what it was in the 1930s and ‘40s.

The extermination of Jews was not part of the Nazi regime’s original plans she asserted but was adopted for “economic” reasons later on.

She further argued that not all Nazi party members were in favour of the extermination of the Jewish people and, conversely, many German soldiers who were not Nazis killed hundreds of thousands of Jews because they were ordered to do so.

She noted that the Nazi regime considered other ethnic groups as inferior to Germans, implying that Jews were not unique.

Poussard raised doubts about the exact number of Jews annihilated, citing a historian named Jack R. Fischer who she said estimated it at from 4.2 million to 7 million.

She was countering the final argument of Crown prosecutor Patrick Lafrenière who maintained that Quebec Court judge Manlio Del Negro should take the genocide of 6 million Jews by the Nazis as a matter of judicial notice, that is, a fact so well established that it is unnecessary to prove it before a court.

Lafrenière suggested the judge could readily verify that from such reliable sources as the Encyclopedia Britannica.

The arguments by both parties at this final single day continued in a similar vein as they had when the trial broke off in July, after having opened in March, years after Chaput was charged.

The case against the 36-year-old Montreal man is based on a single article he posted on The Daily Stormer, a far-right U.S.-based online publication, in January 2017 headed “Nazis Trigger Jews by Putting Up Posters on Ch—k Church,” using a derogatory term for Asians and referring to an incident in British Columbia.

The piece called for “a year of action” in which “no SJW (social justice warrior) or Jew can remain safely untriggered.” Chaput urged “non-stop Nazism everywhere until the streets are flooded with the tears of our enemies.”

It was accompanied by a drawing of a guard about to activate a gas chamber and other Nazi imagery.

Chaput, who testified he contributed between 800 and 1,000 articles to The Daily Stormer under the pseudonym Zeiger, said that the article in question was satire meant to mock the political correctness of the left.

While acknowledging the article was in “bad taste” and that The Daily Stormer is “scornful and vexatious” in its representation of minorities and women, his lawyer contended Chaput was within the freedom of expression guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the article would not lead “any reasonable person” to hate Jews.

Lafrenière countered that there can be no doubt Chaput’s words could be interpreted as hateful and even violent, specifically against Jews, and that The Daily Stormer is “clearly hate propaganda.”

In any event, a satirical intention does not absolve one from a hate speech conviction, he said.

In July, Justice Del Negro halted Poussard after she “went too far” in some of her suggestions on why the Holocaust took place, while reproaching Lafrenière for not bringing in an expert witness to back up his assertion that Nazism led directly to the persecution and murder of Jews.

This time, when Justice Del Negro questioned Poussard on whether she was contesting the extent of the Holocaust, she denied doing so.

Justice Del Negro said he would deliver his verdict on Jan. 23. If convicted, Chaput faces a maximum sentence of two years in prison.

The turn this trial has taken to becoming a debate over the link between Nazism and the Holocaust has alarmed the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) and B’nai Brith Canada, which in 2018 filed the complaint against Chaput which led to his eventual arrest.

Earlier that year, the Montreal Gazette ran a series of investigative articles, largely based on information from local anti-fascist groups, that identified Chaput as Zeiger and that he was influential in the neo-Nazi movement.

At the trial’s conclusion, Emmanuelle Amar, CIJA’s Quebec director of policy and research, said Canadian jurisprudence recognizes the Holocaust as a historical and uncontestable fact. Moreover, since June it has been a criminal offence to deny or minimize the Holocaust.

“The Holocaust is the most minutely documented genocide in the world. It is documented by its perpetrators, by their victims, by bystanders.”

CIJA said this trial points to the need for mandatory education on the Holocaust and antisemitism in Quebec schools.

Just ahead of the trial’s final day, CIJA’s Quebec vice-president Eta Yudin issued a statement: “The Nazi regime’s genocidal intent was clear, and courts have long accepted the lived experiences of millions of our people as proof of this historical fact… Poussard should be careful not to go down the same path as her client.

“Poussard should have known she was out of bounds when she presented her denialist  line of argument… We hope the trial can resume after this frivolous interlude so that her client, Sohier Chaput, can be judged for the hate he spewed online and the impact it has had on Jewish people in Quebec, Canada, and around the world.”

B’nai Brith has called on federal Justice Minister David Lametti and his provincial counterparts to ensure Canadian judges have a thorough understanding of the Holocaust.

“Every Canadian should be appalled,” said Sam Goldstein, B’nai Brith’s director of legal services, referring to Justice Del Negro’s handling of the hearing in July. “We don’t expect Holocaust denial and distortion from our courts. The prosecutor does not need to establish that the Holocaust happened. No expert witness is needed. The Jewish community is outraged.”



Donna trusted her financial institution with her money. But it didn’t like her ideology and froze her account, Now she can’t fund her organization or retrieve her money from her account. Welcome to the world of Woke financial institutions.

Donna Murphy learned her lesson. The hard way, She learned that the financial institution she trusted (Paypal) was on a political mission, and that it would break every rule to pursue it.

Donna’s problem was that she too was on a political mission, and she had constructed an organization and a website to promote it, as is her constitutional right. It was a project that required funding, and she naturally assumed that the reputedly “trustworthy” institution she dealt with would enable her to do so.

Trouble was, it so happened that Donna’s cause and the cause of her financial institution were in flat contradiction. Succinctly put, Donna is a patriot. A Canadian nationalist dedicated to the preservation of Canada’s natural and ethno-cultural heritage.

In contrast, her financial institution ( Paypal) was committed to globalism. Say no more.

As one might have expected, one fine day Donna woke up to find that Paypal was not fulfilling its contractual obligations. It was not collecting donations—and she couldn’t find out why. She even tried to get answers from Paypal’s HQ in Omaha. No dice. They stonewalled her for months. Worse than that, they even denied her access to her account.

Finally, a Canadian PayPal representative shamelessly admitted to Donna that she had been censored and punished for her “unacceptable” views”) which ran counter to the stated core values of PAYPAL and its terms and conditions. According to the Paypal rep, Paypal opposes the promotion of “hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory”. The policy even stipulates that PayPal will fine violators $2,500 US for each infraction, debited from their account. No appeal.

Perhaps Donna should have seen it coming but she didn’t. She didn’t realize that zealous corporations with a social justice/open borders agenda were armed with algorithms to track down “thought criminals”, with the objective of de-platforming those customers, a circumstance that is happening with increasing regularity across North America as well as in Europe.

 The important issue is this : Who determines what is “hateful” or “discriminatory”, or what constitutes “harmful misinformation?” PayPal of course. In other words, PayPal has appointed itself the arbiter of what is the acceptable use of funds that it keeps in its accounts.

PayPal’s actions were almost as crippling as they were designed to be. As even PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel confessed, “If online forms of your money are frozen, that’s like destroying other people economically and limiting their ability to exercise their political voice.”

The legal director of the digital rights group “Electronic Frontier Foundation”, Corynne McSherry, concurred. “If businesses get removed during fundraising months, it could put them at risk of losing huge sums of money.” No kidding. Ask Peter Brimelow, the editor of the online magazine “VDare” which was the victim of Paypal. Or scads of other editors of “heretical” online publications.

A disinterested observer with a rudimentary grasp of ethics should easily understand that the arbitrary termination of a client’s service without explanation and the simultaneous theft of thousands of dollars of his money for subjectively perceived ‘hate’ speech is not only Orwellian, but outrageous. Donna Murphy wanted a payment service. But instead she got Big Brother : A politically extremist and activist platform posing as a business. Donna was dumfounded.
Why was a payment service concerned about her speech ? She would rather they forget about her political orientation, as she theirs, and that they focus on providing the service they were commissioned to provide.

But it became apparent that PayPal was just one example, a trailblazer or template perhaps, of some 200 service providers who feel obliged to provide public political commentary about issues like “social justice”, “affirmative action”, “employment equity, trans “rights” and climate change. These pretenders see it as their mandate to not only manage your money, but to manage your beliefs—and their expression.

Everyone is completely at the mercy of payment service providers, financial institutions and corporations that want to play politics and virtue-signal. Blatant political partisanship and ideological persecution is able to seek refuge in the Trojan horse of “corporate” and social “responsibility”. Their behaviour offers solid testimony on behalf of the observation that governments have outsourced censorship to transnational corporations who are able to do an end run around U.S. First Amendment Rights or the sacred right to free speech and expression which once enjoyed an inviolable status in nations like Canada or the UK.

Lest we think that Donna’s fate was exceptional or exclusive to “heretics” like her , and that law abiding citizens need not be worried, it would be best to consider the path we are taking, and to look at the horror of China’s Social Credit system and the leverage that a Central Bank Digital Currency regime would have over basics such as what we purchase, what services we can access , what we can or cannot say.

The future is here. We need to ask ourselves urgent questions. If our financial accounts can be instantly frozen or drained, if our public comments can be summarily punished by financial reprisals, if words and ideas that were recently acceptable can suddenly be deemed unacceptable by a ruling clique gone mad, if a nurse in British Columbia can be suspended or fired for daring to say that men cannot have babies, if an organization like Gays Against Grooming can be de-platformed for condemning the sexual abuse, indoctrination and medicalization of children, if the Free Speech Union of the UK can be denied payment services for questioning the efficacy of anti-Covid measures, can you feel certain that you will not be the next on the chopping block?

The fact is, you have skin in this game. You may have mainstream views. Views that are currently mainstream. But the tide can turn quickly in this crazy political climate, and you might find yourself on the outside looking in.
A lot of people worked hard and suffered greatly to secure our rights and freedoms, but it seems that too many of us of younger generations are willing to squander those rights and freedoms. We must not let this happen. We must find a way to stop the contagion of censorship in its track, both on the political and commercial level. We cannot allow the PayPal model to spread. We cannot permit Canada’s large banks and credit unions like Van City, with assets over $28 billion, to cancel customers and rob their funds with impunity. We cannot entrust our money to activist financial organizations who feel little compunction about stealing it at the first opportune moment. We cannot sit silent while the elite establishes a Central Bank Digital Currency that can be programmed by the issuer to restrict how the currency is used by the receiver from the get-go.

Naked discrimination and the destruction of lives for the purpose of quelling ideologies that differ from those of financial institutions is intrinsic to this system. This is not a far-fetched scenario. The totalitarian impulse is alive and well in Canada, as we saw so plainly when Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act last year, and when he composed Bill C-ll, the Bill to enable online censorship. If significant measures are not enacted to prevent financial institutions and corrupt politicians from imposing their political views on us, then what happened to Donna Murphy and what happened to the leading spokesmen of Canada’s Freedom Convoy will be common place.
Act now. Speak out. And vote with your dollars. Find alternatives .
Or help build them.
Take Canada back, while there is still time.
Tim Murray January 2, 2023.

City of Kelowna Goes to Court to Ban David Lindsay of C.L.E.A.R. & Freedom Rallies — Yes, in Canada, Not North Korea

City of Kelowna takes aim at ‘freedom rallies’ and their organizer

By Kathy Michaels Global News Posted January 18, 2023 4:42 pm

FILE. David Lindsay is the focus of a city of Kelowna lawsuit.
FILE. David Lindsay is the focus of a city of Kelowna lawsuit. Global News

A notorious anti-COVID-mandates protester is facing a lawsuit from the City of Kelowna, B.C., that would potentially stop him and his like-minded companions from using public spaces for their so-called “freedom rallies”.

The City of Kelowna names David Lindsay, John and Jane Doe, and “persons unknown” in a petition filed this week and asks the courts for, among other things, a declaration that reinforces several existing bylaws and an order that would authorize Mounties to “arrest and remove” protesters who are contravening that bylaw by using downtown parks and street corners for processions and marches without written permission from the city.

The city is also asking that the same groups refrain from selling their merchandise, or erecting tents without the approval of the city and creating a nuisance with their public address and voice amplification equipment in such a way that disturbs the “quiet, peace, rest and enjoyment” of individuals and the public.” Story continues below advertisement

Read more: COVID-19 protest organizer charged with two counts of assault

According to the petition, Lindsay and company continue to contravene the provisions of the city’s bylaws by continually carrying out what the city calls unlawful events, and it is therefore entitled to an injunction to require them to cease such activities without the required permits.

The petition states that Lindsay is the co-founder and spokesman of the unincorporated association known as “Common Law Education and Rights” or C.L.E.A.R.Click to play video: 'Kelowna RCMP explain the criminal code that applies to the Remembrance Day disruption' 0:57 Kelowna RCMP explain the criminal code that applies to the Remembrance Day disruption

“In or about 2020, the respondent Lindsay began and continues to organize, lead, and carry out weekly ‘Freedom Rally’ events every Saturday at Stuart Park,” the city states.

These events include erecting gazebo-style tents in the park, setting up and using amplified sound system equipment and a megaphone on public roadways to make speeches, “in a manner that is liable to disturb the quiet, peace, rest, enjoyment, comfort, or convenience of individuals or the public.” Story continues below advertisement

Read more: Well-known anti-mandate protest leader skips court date, warrant issued

There, they also sell merchandise, loiter in public roadways and walk in group parades.

All of these activities, according to the city, have been flagged and multiple bylaw contravention notices have been issued.

“The authorities in the municipal bylaw enforcement context are clear that where a breach is established, the discretion of the court to refuse to grant an injunction to enforce a bylaw is narrow and is reserved for rare cases, for example where the   injunction would not properly address the mischief the bylaw is aimed at preventing,”Click to play video: 'Kelowna mayor says protest in front of hospital was misguided' 1:07 Kelowna mayor says protest in front of hospital was misguided

Lindsay is a staple in B.C.’s court system, having been involved with multiple court cases and ultimately being flagged as a vexatious litigant. Story continues below advertisement

Last February he was charged with two counts of assault following an incident that took place outside of Interior Health’s building in downtown Kelowna during the summer of 2021.

That matter is headed to court in the next couple of months.