Calgary Pastor Derek Reimer Charged for Protesting Drag Queen Story Time at Public Library

Calgary Pastor Derek Reimer was charged with mischief and disturbing the peace after being physically thrown out of a drag queen story time event at a public library this past weekend.

He has been cited numerous times for feeding the homeless and horrid crimes like ministering to people.

Mission 7 serves the homeless in Calgary’s downtown core.

Reimer was the second client of The Democracy Fund’s (TDF) “Fight The Fines” program after he was ticketed for illegal public gatherings during COVID when ministering to the vulnerable in the city centre.

Over the past two years, amid stiff competition, the province of Alberta has earned the dubious distinction of having arrested the most Christian pastors in all of Canada. 

Pastor Artur Pawlowski, Pastor James Coates, and Pastor Tim Stephens have all been behind bars for refusing to bend the knee to the litany of COVID restrictions forcing them to close their churches when people needed them most. 

Premier Jason Kenney put more pastors in jail over the past two years than Communist China. (We even put a billboard up reminding Albertans of that.) 

There’s also Pastor Derek Reimer. A Fight The Fines alumnus who received multiple fines for carrying on his pastoral duties when the state considered that a “high-risk” activity. He beat those fines with the stellar legal help he received thanks to our viewers’ generous donations towards his legal fees.

This weekend, Pastor Derek found himself in trouble with the law once again.

He allegedly violated an injunction issued to the City of Calgary, which banned honking and loudspeakers. A move clearly meant to stifle the city’s weekly freedom rallies.

We covered the rally this weekend and obtained footage of the arrest from one of Derek’s congregants shortly after it happened

Report on the First Two Days of David Lindsay’s Trial in Kelowna

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Court Update

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

To begin, and most importantly…I am so grateful to all those who came out from all over the Okanagan for these court proceedings over the past two days….and even to those couldn’t be there but sent me messages and love and support.

Thank you so much for all your kind support.

I am sorry that many of you had to wait all day for court to start, and worse, that many had to leave without seeing anything. This unfortunately is the nature of court in B.C. where they double and triple book courtrooms without your knowledge or consent.

The two charges of assault originate from a protest outside the Interior Health building in Kelowna, on Aug. 19, 2021. Yup, that long ago.

The Crown is alleging I assaulted two guards by pushing into them to enter the building, after I was allegedly banned from the building.

Court began on Wed. March 1, and it was nuts from the beginning. About 50 wonderful freedom supporters showed up.  Sheriffs immediately set up a table outside of courtroom #9 to search people’s bags b/c the Chief Sheriff said more people arrived than last time. I objected and asked everyone not to go in. I initially refused to enter the courtroom and have my bags searched, and so the Judge issued an unendorsed warrant while was in the hallway. Crown Prosecutor Grabavac was apparently smiling to the gallery while he demanded Judge Cathie Heinrichs issue a warrant, which she so cheerfully did.

Sheriffs were going to use physically force on me to force me into court from my place in the hallway if I refused, so, being in this catch-22 situation, I went in and told the Judge we were not being searched, including myself. 

Case was adjourned due to some in custody hearings unexpectedly put on the Judge’s docket ahead of mine, from 9:00 – 10:30 – 12:30, then 2:30.   I had arguments with the Judge on the searches and she did not want to talk about them and claimed to have no power to stop them, which, being an inferior court, is likely correct.  However, the Chief Sheriff did tell me that he would obey any judicial order to let us in.

I am going to now have to look at filing another challenge in the near future so that we don’t have to be searched to go into courtrooms without reasonable and probable grounds to believe someone is carrying something.  In reality it is pretty stupid – I could be carrying a knife on me personally and they would never know because they are only searching bags. Me and my friend Gordy challenged these types of searches in Winnipeg and were successful.

After court started today the Judge trapped me – I could go into the hallway and get my stuff without bringing bags into the courtroom.

I told the Judge she could “talk to the hand” and that I was not going to participate in the court trial at all if I had to be searched.  Now, any appeal would have lost as an appeal judge would have claimed I could have got my material out of the hallway and not needed bags.  This however is wrong as I need to carry them to and into court in something from home…but I saw the trap coming, so went outside and got my stuff out of my bags. This only worked because I had people outside to watch my bags.  I told people to try and avoid coming into court with bags today and not be searched and gratefully they for the most part they agreed.  After lunch most people left their bags in their cars, and came in without being searched.

This was sad and took away valuably needed focus on the actual trial. This is so frustrating having to give up Constitutional rights and freedoms, to exercise other Constitutional rights and freedoms.

Crown put first cop on the stand today by video.  I begin cross examination tomorrow (Thursday).  Then Crown will put other cops and security guards on the stand right after – six in total.  Not sure if we will get done tomorrow so there may be another date set.

A brief respite from the seriousness of the situation happened when some shagged looking woman with a face diaper on in the front row, decided to let a ripper go and grace the front row with her foul odours. This sounded like she was sitting on a wooden chair and the sound was heard virtually throughout the courtroom. I saw this woman on Thursday talking to the Crown, and have some suspicions that she was there in some capacity for the Crown or Gov’t.

CBC reporter Brady Strachan asked for an interview. I set the boundaries up front…no pejorative name calling, labels etc. If he was going to interview a lawyer, he had to do one from our side as well. I believe the interview went well, though once again, his online article repeated previous myths about me without mentioning successes.

Castanet BS reporter Nicholas Johansen continued with his ongoing attacks against me without my side of the story of course. I attacked him in court during a break today for his ongoing writing lies and misrepresentations. He claims I have a “long, unsuccessful history in the Canadian court system”, without considering or reporting on people I have kept out of jail, 50+ charges I have had thrown out including nine (9) s. 238 Income Tax Charges 30 months ago in Ottawa, a successful s. 11(b) Charter application, a successful Constitutional challenge to courthouse security searches, many of the wonderful comments from the judiciary, sentence reductions, and further ignores the ongoing attacks by the Crown to keep me out of the court system from exposing their criminal activity. It is much easier to quote a corrupt judge(s) and other prosecutors, than examine facts.

I will keep you posted tomorrow night what happens!


Thursday, March 2, 2023

Things today began to look ominously repetitive of the previous day, when a supporter noticed at 9:15 a.m. that there were four other cases listed in my courtroom.

Fortunately, within 10 minutes they were transferred to other courtrooms.

Court began with myself beginning to cross examine a police officer who was barely involved in the incident. After being told by court staff that all I needed was a laptop and they had all the cables, I discovered that I needed MS Teams as this cop was down under vacationing at our expense.

Needless to say, ½ hour later, we got the video working but not the audio. After trying to cross examine without audio, I finished with the agreement that we would have him appear on another day when he returned, as we would not be finished today in any event. My cross examination took up virtually the entire morning in large part because of these digital issues.

Finally, the Crown brings on its first real witness, Taj Smith, a Palladin security guard who was one of three guards blocking me from entering the IH building on Aug. 19. I caught Mr. Smith wearing an ear piece behind his neck, which he said he forgot to take off this morning. It was not directly in his ear (getting messages as we caught a Federal witness doing last year with headphones), and he said he could not get messages from it. On we went.

I expressed some reservations to the Judge about having to give up my defences so early, but it appeared I had no choice. The Crown was objecting to every hearsay question I tried to get in. Other objections were on relevance, which I believe time will confirm that these questions were relevant to my defence.

The Crown had a silent interior IH video they put as an exhibit. Questions then flew around about what was happening in the video, which was clear, but the people were so far away it was difficult to see clearly unless it was directly on your computer screen.

I then put our first video into evidence. I began to run this video showing Mr. Smith and the other two guards, and what was happening. Mr. Smith confirmed that I was not violent, said no threatening words or made any such gestures, etc.

Then we get to the part where I introduced the video taken by Leo, one of our group volunteers. Despite the threats of initial objections, the Crown conceded to it being an exhibit.

This incredible video shows the truth, it was actually the guards who assaulted me. It was so visibly obvious that gasps from the gallery were immediately heard throughout the courtroom, who witnessed this video for the first time, even from 30 feet or more away.

Taj Smith tried to deny the video evidence, but my analysis of this video, second by second, clearly showed otherwise. When he continued to insist otherwise, I asked if he wished to take a break and go and obtain a quality pair of glasses to assist his vision (remember, he was only 5-7 feet from the screen).

The Crown jumped up quicker than an update by Microsoft needs to be patched, yelling I was berating the witness etc. to which the Judge of course agreed. But I did not back down and repeated that clearly, he couldn’t see the video because it was clear they assaulted me, or was deliberately lying.

This witness had to back down and/or agree with me on several other points of importance as well.

Smith further confirmed that if not for the order allegedly banning me from entering the building, I had a right of entry and he could not stop me, despite being authorized to use force under provincial legislation.

Shortly after we were done with Smith, the Crown’s second witness Jason Davis sat his lying butt on the witness stand. He began by repeating what the previous witness had stated when we ran out of time.

A date has been set next week for myself and the Crown to obtain another 2-3 days of trial time. If I were to lose, then my Constitutional Challenge that the RCMP have no jurisdiction in B.C. would be heard, including a further disclosure application, subpoenas and another minimal 3-4 days of trial time. This could conceivably take almost two weeks of trial time for something which, even if proven, is nothing more than brushing against someone on the bus, as everyone in the courtroom discovered for the first time today.

People are going to be really mad when they see how much money is being spent on this case and the politics behind it.

Examinations and cross examinations on this witness, the Interior Health witness, and three police officers, is going to be interesting for sure.

Thank you to everyone for your kind support in this waste of time, money and resource trial.

The best is yet to come!

I will advise next week of the further dates to be set.

In freedom


British Government fires Nurse for Daring to Say ‘Being White Doesn’t Make You Racist’

Government Fires Nurse for Daring to Say ‘Being White Doesn’t Make You Racist’

A white, female, Christian nurse was kicked out of the UK’s National Health System because she dared to say that just being born white doesn’t automatically make you a racist. Nurse Amy Gallagher, 34, said that she became a target of harassment and bullying by woke government staffers of the health center she was working at before the government took away her vocation. Now she is suing, as well she should.

[tweet]: I’m bringing a lawsuit against the Tavistock. Please donate to my crowdfund: Please watch my video: — The Tavistock is “an example of what happens when all debate is stifled, and of the harms that occur when free speech is shut down and legitimate questioning of motives and methods is sacrificed on the altar of wokeness.”#standuptowoke — Amy Gallagher (@StandUptoWoke) February 14, 2023

In an exclusive interview with MailOnline Amy has revealed how NHS bosses caused her ‘crippling anxiety’ after she challenged their ‘racist’ and ‘offensive’ views in lectures she was forced to attend. Lecturers at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust told her ‘whites don’t understand the world’ and ‘Christianity is responsible for racism because it’s European’ in a series of ‘politically biased’ talks. One of the Tavistock’s seminars was even called ‘Whiteness — a problem for our time’ and included a description on the Trust’s website that ‘the problem of racism is a problem of whiteness’. When Amy challenged these controversial views she was ‘bullied’ by staff and suspended from the course, pending an investigation into whether she is safe to work with patients.

This is how dangerous fascist left-wingism really is. If you don’t march obediently with them and toe their line, you are bullied and you have you ability to get a job ended. Leftists are all fascists.

Victoria World Wide Rally Report by Gordon Watson

On Feb. 25th our usual anti-vaxx  EVENT was swamped by the Save-our-Ancient-Forests demo.  A crowd of 3000 marched along Douglas street to the Legislature.,  in a festival mood, bearing lots of witty signs and costumes.    Led by Indians in full-on regalia,  drumming and yowling and singing in their language.    The parade paused at the main intersection for the de rigeur communist chant of   “So So So Solidarity!”   Cops everywhere NOT wearing their hats.  Polite and orderly,  so Canadian.  Half a lifetime ago, I cut over a million board feet of lumber with my toy sawmill.  So –  jaded old codger that I am re the forestry issue – it came off as a religious service to the gods of the aboriginals.

Rock’n’roll millionaire Neil Young made a cameo appearance. The guy who  once upon a time  was an icon of “anti-establishment-arian-ism’ now dictates that fans must prove they’ve submitted to the Quack-zzeeen in order to get in to his concert.   Yeah, you do have the trophy wife Mister Young,   but we’re the ones who are still out here  “rockin’ in the free world”.   Compared to whom your limosine liberal pals are poseurs. 

A guy my vintage,  there supporting the Old Growth bunch,  complained that they cannot get their message through to their MLAs.  Which means the New Democratic Party machine has lost touch with a key demographic of traditional supporters.     It’s all just show-biz … made for media puffery.   

Camp-followers show up once a year to watch the Indians uluate on cue for the cameras — always good for a color pic on the front page of the Timely Colonic.     But that’s not what we do … two and a half-years at it.    Our weekly presence keeps the issues visible in the faces of the Members of the Legislature. We engage real human beings out in the fresh air,  invaluable feedback from the electorate — something very rare among MLAs hiding out behind locked doors at constituency offices.  We are the nucleus around which His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition is coalescing. Present tense.   And if that isn’t good enough for you,  send me better ideas.  I’ll arrange for you to speak at the next WWF Rally in May.

The previous Saturday was a World Wide Freedom Rally. As I arrived at 11:30 am, the rain was stopping.   By 1:00 pm, the sun was out. So, we were blessed with the mild maritime winter weather for which Victoria is famous.    Lots of faces we haven’t seen for a while.   About 500 warm bodies showed up.  200 standing on Belleville Street. 200 in the audience for the speakers.     The protocol office directed that the speakers were to set up on the East side of the drive instead of the steps right in front of the main door. Which worked out better because the crowd stood on dry pavement, rather than the sopping-wet lawn. 

      Suffice to say the speakers were excellent.    Doctor Stephen Malthus called bill 36 = the Health Occupations and Professions Act   =  “a mirage. If you don’t bow to it, it has no power”     I got a kick out of speaker Chris Vlek mentioning  “ the crack ”. and “I want to light a fire” figuratively.  Resonating Leonard Cohen’s verse = “there’s a crack in every thing. That’s how the light gets in”  I’ve been pondering ?  where is that fatal flaw in the power structure ? … so we can hammer-away at it, til the brittle toes of the idol,  fracture.  

         History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.  In all seriousness, America is in the state pamphleteer Samuel Adams found himself in 1776.  To the colonies on the Eastern seaboard he preached that he was “setting brushfires in the minds of men”.   And so are we.    Handing out 500+ copies of DRUTHERS Pandemic Papers and COMMON GROUND in a few hours gladdens my heart.

Shortly after noon on the 18th,  the Veterans came marching down Douglas Street to the Cenotaph with 100 more of our folks.    The provincial Parliament building is a zone of spiritual warfare. Our God, the God of Israel,  commands that when we go to in battle,  musicians and singers go first.   No mere co-incidence, then,  that Freedom Rallies across Canada are led by pipers as we congregate around the Cenotaphs in towns and cities. We are walking the walk, kilts an’ a’.   Witnessing at the gates of the City, proxies for millions of sympathizers.    

Thomas Dalyrymple put it

 “When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse,  
when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity.

To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil and is some small way to become evil one-self.

One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded and even destroyed. 

A society of emasculated liars is easy to control” 

Lately I’m reading Power of the Powerless  by Vaclav Havel.  He lived through the disintegration of communism in Czechoslovakia.  It’s rich.  One takeaway is : when one finds himself under totalitarian-ism, the antidote at the personal level, is : doing the simplest thing that you know to be True.  No matter the scale. Showing up at Freedom Rallies is such a courageous act … fellowshipping with others who reject the Lie. 

Two years ago a guy costumed as the Grim Reaper showed up for a while at our superspreader GATHERINGS,  to mock us.  He’s conspicuous by his absence these days, as the toll of sudden deaths directly consequent from the Quack-zeeen, is UN-deniable.     Daily, information surfaces,  connecting the dots as to how the Crime of the Century was committed.   The layers of the onion are peeling-back so it is evident the whole SARS2Covid19 thing was concocted by the US A Department of Defence.     See the post on the website of Dr Henry Makow  

> RFK Jr :     138 Companies Involved in COVID Vaccine. “They’re all military contractors.”
RFK Jr. confirms the work of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt
          “Pfizer and Moderna don’t really own those vaxxines. They slap their labels on ’em but it was a Pentagon project.”
        This confirms the work of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt, who showed how the Pentagon’s Operation Warp Speed was able to completely circumvent Federal Health Regulations by using what’s called in bureaucratic-speak, an “Other Transaction Authority”, which they used to contract with the bioweapons manufacturers to literally produce the bioweapon.

This was discovered in Pfizer’s motion to dismiss Brook Jackson’s case, when they attached another contract called an Other Transaction Authority  – OTA contract – saying in effect, they had no obligation to conduct valid clinical trials because the only goods and services they were providing to the US government, according to this contract are a  “large scale manufacturing demonstration for a prototype”.
        Under the terms of the OTA, Pfizer may have had no obligation to conduct a valid clinical trial or to be in compliance with any of the regulations that govern clinical trials.     In other words, OTA did for the financial contracting side, what EUA did to the drug regulation side.
        In short, the fake “clinical trials” were a PSYOP to convince people to get the injections.


Christian McCay put together a piece of performance Art in the form of a coffin decrying MAID *. At the end of the speakers,  it was then delivered  to the head office of the Ministry of Health.      The monsters in high places call it Death with Dignity, but God Almighty says    “All they who hate me, love death.”.

* medical assistance in dying.    Euthanasia came to Canada on little catfeet of euphemism.

At our protest there’s always a few drive-by cheap shots.  Outweighed by dozens of vigorous enthusiastic honks commending us.      And Paul responding with his trademark  FREEDOM !!   in his parade-square voice. You have to be there, beside him, to appreciate the decibel level this guy musters !!

One of the regular pricks in our flesh,   is,  a miserable  76-year-old man with the rictus grin of Alzeheimer’s, who makes a point of coming by weekly to bother women.  Last Saturday, I contained myself long enough for him to finish spewing his bile while Brenda  dished it back at him.  As he departed,  sputtering,  I sounded off  “we’re still here !!”

Gordon S Watson       Metchosin British Columbia       February 27th 2023 A. D

              Who or what is WWD and WWR , anyway?

World Wide Demonstration and World Wide Rally are two parts of a grassroots GLOBAL Unity For Freedom movement.   We started in Spring of 2021.   World Wide Demonstration (WWD), is the collective demonstration including all the grassroots rallies participating in as a World Wide Rally (WWR).    As this can get a bit confusing, I felt it best to share that information here to dispel any myths that there are two different organizations.

Founded by a lady in Germany, it soon became too large for any one person to manage.    So, a group of dedicated individuals from multiple countries took on the task to become a core team.    This team helps to navigate the world wide platform.    This group is run as a democratic team, and does its best to keep decisions as local as possible, and only step in when necessary.    There are five basic values that this group stands for:

  • Freedom of Speech
  • Freedom of Movement
  • Freedom of Choice
  • Freedom of Assembly
  • Freedom of Health

WWD/R seeks out giving a voice to the grassroots movements, refraining from including political, or celebrity voices. We feel it is important to make sure that the true grassroots movements are given a global platform.    Each rally is locally run, but must demonstrate and adhere to these principles in order to be included in the World Wide Demonstration.     I hope that this helps to clear up any misconceptions about the structure of WWD/R and brings confidence as to Victoria is chosen to be a host as an authentic grassroots movement.

Donations appreciated

Please either bring cash or send e-transfers to    to reimburse me – ( Heather Kessler ) as I paid out of pocket ever since I had the honour of becoming chapter leader for the Victoria World Wide Freedom Rallies (since Sept/2021 )     Thank you
mailing address:  VanIsle Threads    501 Belleville St   Victoria  BC    V8V 2L8   Canada

On Feb. 25th our usual anti-vaxx  EVENT was swamped by the Save-our-Ancient-Forests demo.  A crowd of 3000 marched along Douglas street to the Leg.,  in a festival mood, bearing lots of witty signs and costumes.    Led by Indians in full-on regalia,  drumming and yowling and singing in their language.    The parade paused at the main intersection for the de rigeur communist chant of   “So So So Solidarity!”   Cops everywhere NOT wearing their hats.  Polite and orderly,  so Canadian.  Half a lifetime ago, I cut over a million board feet of lumber with my toy sawmill.  So –  jaded old codger that I am re the forestry issue – it came off as a religious service to the gods of the aboriginals.

Rock’n’roll millionaire Neil Young made a cameo appearance. The guy who  once upon a time  was an icon of “anti-establishment-arian-ism’ now dictates that fans must prove they’ve submitted to the Quack-zzeeen in order to get in to his concert.   Yeah, you do have the trophy wife Mister Young,   but we’re the ones who are still out here  “rockin’ in the free world”.   Compared to whom your limosine liberal pals are poseurs. 

A guy my vintage,  there supporting the Old Growth bunch,  complained that they cannot get their message through to their MLAs.  Which means the New Democratic Party machine has lost touch with a key demographic of traditional supporters.     It’s all just show-biz … made for media puffery.   

Camp-followers show up once a year to watch the Indians uluate on cue for the cameras … always good for a color pic on the front page of the Timely Colonic.     But that’s not what we do … two and a half-years at it.    Our weekly presence keeps the issues visible in the faces of the Members of the Legislature. We engage real human beings out in the fresh air,  invaluable feedback from the electorate … something very rare among MLAs hiding out behind locked doors at constituency offices.  We are the nucleus around which His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition is co-alescing. Present tense.   And if that isn’t good enough for you,  send me better ideas.  I’ll arrange for you to speak at the next WWF Rally in May.

The previous Saturday was a World Wide Freedom Rally. As I arrived at 11:30 am, the rain was stopping.   By 1 pm, the sun was out, so we were blessed with the mild maritime winter weather for which Victoria is famous.    Lots of faces we haven’t seen for a while.   About 500 warm bodies showed up.  200 standing on Belleville Street. 200 in the audience for the speakers.     The protocol office directed that the speakers were to set up on the East side of the drive instead of the steps right in front of the main door. Which worked out better because the crowd stood on dry pavement, rather than the sopping-wet lawn. 
      Suffice to say > the speakers were excellent.    Doctor Stephen Malthus called bill 36 = the Health Occupations and Professions Act   =  “a mirage. If you don’t bow to it, it has no power”     I got a kick out of speaker Chris Vlek mentioning  “ the crack ”. and “I want to light a fire” figuratively.  Resonating Leonard Cohen’s verse = “there’s a crack in every thing. That’s how the light gets in”  I’ve been pondering ?  where is that fatal flaw in the power structure ? … so we can hammer-away at it, til the brittle toes of the idol,  fracture.  

         History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.  In all seriousness, America is in the state pamphleteer Samuel Adams found himself in 1776.  To the colonies on the Eastern seaboard he preached that he was “setting brushfires in the minds of men”.   And so are we.    Handing out 500+ copies of DRUTHERS Pandemic Papers and COMMON GROUND in a few hours gladdens my heart.

Shortly after noon on the 18th,  the Veterans came marching down Douglas Street to the Cenotaph with 100 more of our folks.    The provincial Parliament building is a zone of spiritual warfare. Our God, the God of Israel,  commands that when we go to in battle,  musicians and singers go first.   No mere co-incidence, then,  that Freedom Rallies across Canada are led by pipers as we congregate around the Cenotaphs in towns and cities. We are walking the walk, kilts an’ a’.   Witnessing at the gates of the City, proxies for millions of sympathizers.    

Thomas Dalyrymple put it

 “when people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse,  
when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, 
they lose once and for all their sense of probity.

To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil
and is some small way to become evil one-self.

One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded and even destroyed. 

A society of emasculated liars is easy to control” 

Lately I’m reading Power of the Powerless  by Vaclav Havel.  He lived through the disintegration of communism in Czechoslovakia.  It’s rich.  One take-away is : when one finds himself under totalitarian-ism, the anti-dote at the personal level, is : doing the simplest thing that you know to be True.  No matter the scale. Showing up at Freedom Rallies is such a courageous act … fellowshipping with others who reject the Lie. 

2 years ago a guy costumed as the Grim Reaper showed up for a while at our superspreader GATHERINGS,  to mock us.  He’s conspicuous by his absence these days, as the toll of sudden deaths directly consequent from the Quack-zeeen, is UN-deniable.     Daily, information surfaces,  connecting the dots as to how the Crime of the Century was committed.   The layers of the onion are peeling-back so it is evident the whole SARS2Covid19 thing was concocted by the US A Department of Defence.     See the post on the website of Dr Henry Makow  

> RFK Jr :     138 Companies Involved in COVID Vaccine. “They’re all military contractors.”
RFK Jr. confirms the work of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt
          “Pfizer and Moderna don’t really own those vaxxines. They slap their labels on ’em but it was a Pentagon project.”
        This confirms the work of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt, who showed how the Pentagon’s Operation Warp Speed was able to completely circumvent Federal Health Regulations by using what’s called in bureaucratic-speak, an “Other Transaction Authority”, which they used to contract with the bioweapons manufacturers to literally produce the bioweapon.

This was discovered in Pfizer’s motion to dismiss Brook Jackson’s case, when they attached another contract called an Other Transaction Authority  – OTA contract – saying in effect, they had no obligation to conduct valid clinical trials because the only goods and services they were providing to the US government, according to this contract are a  “large scale manufacturing demonstration for a prototype”.
        Under the terms of the OTA, Pfizer may have had no obligation to conduct a valid clinical trial or to be in compliance with any of the regulations that govern clinical trials.     In other words, OTA did for the financial contracting side, what EUA did to the drug regulation side.
        In short, the fake “clinical trials” were a PSYOP to convince people to get the injections.


Christian McCay put together a piece of performance Art in the form of a coffin decrying MAID *. At the end of the speakers,  it was then delivered  to the head office of the Min de Health.      The monsters in high places call it Death with Dignity : but God Almighty says    “All they who hate me, love death.”.

* medical assistance in dying.    Euthanasia came to Canada on little catfeet of euphemism.

At our protest there’s always a few drive-by cheap shots.  Outweighed by dozens of vigorous enthusiastic honks commending us.      And Paul responding with his trademark  FREEDOM !!   in his parade-square voice. You have to be there, beside him, to appreciate the decibel level this guy musters !!

One of the regular pricks in our flesh,   is,  a miserable  76-year-old man with the rictus grin of Alzeheimer’s, who makes a point of coming by weekly to bother women.  Last Saturday, I contained myself long enough for him to finish spewing his bile while Brenda  dished it back at him.  As he departed,  sputtering,  I sounded off  “we’re still here !!”

Gordon S Watson       Metchosin British Columbia       February 27th 2023 A. D

              Who or what is WWD and WWR , anyway?

World Wide Demonstration and World Wide Rally are two parts of a grassroots GLOBAL Unity For Freedom movement.   We started in Spring of 2021.   World Wide Demonstration (WWD), is the collective demonstration including all the grassroots rallies participating in as a World Wide Rally (WWR).    As this can get a bit confusing, I felt it best to share that information here to dispel any myths that there are two different organizations.

Founded by a lady in Germany, it soon became too large for any one person to manage.    So a group of dedicated individuals from multiple countries took on the task to become a core team.    This team helps to navigate the world wide platform.    This group is run as a democratic team, and does its best to keep decisions as local as possible, and only step in when necessary.    There are 5 basic values that this group stands for:

  • Freedom of Speech
  • Freedom of Movement
  • Freedom of Choice
  • Freedom of Assembly
  • Freedom of Health

WWD/R seeks out giving a voice to the grassroots movements, refraining from including political, or celebrity voices. We feel it is important to make sure that the true grassroots movements are given a global platform.    Each rally is locally run, but must demonstrate and adhere to these principles in order to be included in the World Wide Demonstration.     I hope that this helps to clear up any misconceptions about the structure of WWD/R and brings confidence as to Victoria is chosen to be a host as an authentic grassroots movement.

Donations appreciated

Please either bring cash or send e-transfers to    to reimburse me – ( Heather Kessler ) as I paid out of pocket ever since I had the honour of becoming chapter leader for the Victoria World Wide Freedom Rallies (since Sept/2021 )     Thank you
mailing address:  VanIsle Threads    501 Belleville St   Victoria  BC    V8V 2L8   Canada

Pathetic Poilievre Toadies to Minority Censorship Groups

“Christine Anderson’s views are vile and have no place in our politics. The MPs were not aware of this visiting Member of the European Parliament’s opinions, and they regret meeting with her,” says the statement.

“Frankly, it would be better if Anderson never visited Canada in the first place. She and her racist, hateful views are not welcome here.”

“Christine Anderson’s views are vile and have no place in our politics. The MPs were not aware of this visiting Member of the European Parliament’s opinions, and they regret meeting with her,” says the statement.

“Frankly, it would be better if Anderson never visited Canada in the first place. She and her racist, hateful views are not welcome here.”

Pathetic Pierre Poilievre denounces visiting German politician, Christine Anderson. The usual anti-free speech suspects were having a canniption after three Tory MPs met and had dinner with visiting Member of the European Parliament Christine Anderson a member of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) Party. She’s a firebrand who speaks perfect English. Why shouldn’t MPs meet with foreign politicians of whatever stripe. How are we going to know what they think, if we don’t talk to them.

Nevertheless, Poilievre was right on board with shunning. His office issued a statement bristling with hostility: “Christine Anderson’s views are vile and have no place in our politics. The MPs were not aware of this visiting Member of the European Parliament’s opinions, and they regret meeting with her,” says the statement.”Frankly, it would be better if Anderson never visited Canada in the first place. She and her racist, hateful views are not welcome here.” (CBC. February 24, 2023)

So, seeking to prevent your country from being swamped by radically different aliens are “vile, … racist and hateful views”? Poilievre has shown himself ready to kowtow ti minority interess that have tried to limit what are acceptable views for decades. He is, of course, a big immigration man and massive immigration, as we’ve seen it for the past 40 years, means the replacement of Canada’s European founding/settler people.

Interestingly, one of the three MPs who met with Christine Anderson was Leslyn Lewis (Haldimand – Norfolk) who is Black and presumably would have known if MEP Anderson was “vile” hateful and racist”!

And you still think this career politician, obviously beholden to minority lobbyists like the Centre for Israel & Jewish Affairs & the free speech hating Canadian Anti-Hate Network, is an alternative?

Poilievre condemns ‘vile’ views of German politician seen lunching with Conservative MPs

Fri, February 24, 2023 at 4:28 p.m. EST·6 min read

German politician Christine Anderson, centre, poses with a group that includes Niagara West MP Dean Allison (fourth from right), Oshawa MP Colin Carrie (third from left) and Haldimand–Norfolk MP Leslyn Lewis (fourth from left). (Twitter - image credit)
German politician Christine Anderson, centre, poses with a group that includes Niagara West MP Dean Allison (fourth from right), Oshawa MP Colin Carrie (third from left) and Haldimand–Norfolk MP Leslyn Lewis (fourth from left). (Twitter – image credit)

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is attempting to distance his party from a far-right German politician whose views have been condemned as hateful and racist, and who was photographed lunching with three Conservative MPs earlier this week.

Christine Anderson, a member of the European Parliament with Germany’s Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party, is on a cross-Canada tour that ends tonight in Montreal.

On Tuesday, photos emerged online showing Anderson at a restaurant with a group that included three Conservative MPs — Niagara West MP Dean Allison, Oshawa MP Colin Carrie and Haldimand–Norfolk MP Leslyn Lewis.

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, which describes itself as an advocate for Jewish federations across Canada, condemned the gathering, tweeting Thursday that it had raised the issue with the Conservative Party of Canada.

Anderson’s views ‘not welcome here’

On Friday, Sebastian Skamski, director of media relations for the Opposition leader’s office, issued a statement attributed to Poilievre:

“Christine Anderson’s views are vile and have no place in our politics. The MPs were not aware of this visiting Member of the European Parliament’s opinions, and they regret meeting with her,” says the statement.

“Frankly, it would be better if Anderson never visited Canada in the first place. She and her racist, hateful views are not welcome here.”

Poilievre’s office issued a separate statement attributed to the three MPs who were photographed with Anderson.

“It is, of course, not uncommon for members of Parliament to meet with visiting elected officials from other countries. During a visit, we recently met with an elected representative of the European Parliament while she was in Canada,” said the statement.

“We were not aware of the views or associations of her and her political party. We do not share or endorse her views and strongly condemn any views that are racist or hateful.”

Important Freedom Events in Penticton & Kelowna & GeoEngineering Free Canada

Important reminders for the weekend 😊

1.    Convoy to GeoEngineering Free Canada this Saturday, February 25

2.   ANOTHER BIG PENTICTON4FREEDOM RALLY – Sunday, February 26 at 1 – Don’t miss it!

Saturday, February 25th

DESTINATION:  GeoEngineering Free Canada event at the Sandman Hotel in Kelowna.  Cost: donation

Meeting Time for convoy:  12 noon at the corner of Warren and Main Street in Penticton.  Departure time:  approximately 12:20 pm.

Please join in the fun and support GeoEngineering Free Canada by attending the event.




Sunday, February 26, 1 to 3 p.m.

2020 Main Street, Corner of Main & Warren, Penticton.

Guest Speakers: Steve Merrill – Owner, Sun City Silver & Gold Exchange, Kelowna. During COVID, he posted a sign on his door that if you were wearing a mask, you were not allowed to come into his shop. That’s just the beginning…

Erica Massey – Scientist, Unity, Health & Science. Co-creator of the Doctors’ Packages.

Steve Jopson – Cash is King – At least half of our participants last week said YES! To this fun and productive initiative. Come see for yourself, and join the fun.

Miss a week and you miss a lot!


Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few.

Suggest a topic and a speaker, and we’ll be happy to follow up to find an expert to share knowledge with us.

Mary Lou Gutscher


Freedom Rallies & News in the Okanagan: Rallies Kelowna, March 4; Vernon Kamloops, OK Falls, Oliver, February 25; Penticton, February 26, David Lindsay on Trial, March 1&2, Kelowna

Click here to read in browser

Please forward

Rally’s and Events

“It Ain’t Over”

Where have all the men gone?

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”



Our next protest/rally is set for:

March 4, 2023 12:00 Stuart Park, Kelowna


Leaders in Dialogue – Stand up for the Kids

February 21, 2023

New Location:

Embassy Church 

410 Leathead Road Kelowna, BC

Join us as we talk about important issues regarding the health and well-being of our children.

One week away, get your tickets ASAP.

Purchase your tickets on or before Friday, Feb 17th for a 50% discount with the promo code UNITY50

After Feb 17th use promo code UNITY for a $10 discount.

Leaders in Dialogue is Co-hosted by former medical rep Lindsay Gabelhouse and former Global Vancouver newscast director Anita Krishna, this talk will cover important issues about the kids and how we can better serve and protect them. Have you heard about the Infants Act and Mature Minor Consent? Are you concerned about what’s being taught in our schools? Have you ever felt like the media only gives one side of the story or that the government is lying to us?

Guest speakers include Tanya Gaw, from Action 4 Canada, Sean Taylor, a former ER nurse (including pediatric) and military vet, and Dr Robert Johnson, a practicing dentist in BC. This talk will include a few short presentations, some lively discussions about what’s happening in our schools and public health system, plus plenty of time for audience Q and A. Special performances by Mitch Murphy (aka The Red Pill Rapper) and his awesome wife, Hailey.


Join David on A4C Empower Hour

Wed. 4:30 p.m.

Smart Cities, Your Rights and More

When: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST Register in Advance. The zoom doors open at 4:30pm PST and the Empower Hour begins at 5pm PST/8pm EST.

We are pleased that David Lindsay, co-founder of Common Law Education and Rights (CLEAR), is once again joining us on the next Empower Hour. Tanya and David will discuss the concerns about the 15 Minute Cities, David’s extensive Webinar series on a variety of Constitutional issues, and much more. The goal is to get you pumped up and educated so that you can walk out your freedom with boldness and confidence. Learn more about our guest and share the Empower Hour invite HERE.




Contact Bettina


Geoengineering Free Canada | Facebook

This group is to educate people and try to put a stop to the geoengineering and poisonous chemtrails they spray in our skies.


The Kelowna Courts of


March 1, 2, 2023 9:00 a.m.

R v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault

Come out and support David against more Gov’t corruption as they continue to try and shut down our leaders and freedom activists


The fact that the Canadian “authorities” have concluded that the Trucker convoy conspired an insurrection severe enough to warrant war measures action by the feds should strike horror into the heart of every Canadian who values freedom

Jordan Peterson


Know Your Rights: 

Guidelines for Peaceful Protesting/Gathering/Rallies and/or Attending Events (eg. Council Meetings, School Boards, Handing out Flyers)



Sunday Paper Deliveries

Next delivery day: Feb. 26

(Weather Permitting)

Add your name to the delivery list and make sure to check your email on Sunday mornings for confirmation that our paper delivery will take place that day

Pick the time that works for you:

Make sure you arrive before the designated time so we can all get going ASAP!

Every Sunday at 11:30 am

  • Sign-up on the Newspaper Delivery list so that you get an email confirming the deliveries for each Sunday. With winter in mind, we will only do this if roads are bare and it’s not snowing. The advantage of delivering this time of year is that nobody is hanging out in their front yards except for the odd snowman.
  • We meet at the Capri parking lot between A&W and De Dutch Pannekoek House
    • Bring a large bag for carrying the papers if you want
  • Grab a free small Kelowna mapbook that can help you get situated. Your cell phone will be tracking and tracing you. Learn how to read maps again
  • You will be provided with a printed google map of the area you will be delivering to. Bring a yellow marker to indicate which streets you completed. You may run out of papers or you may end up with extra
  • We ask that with every paper you deliver, you remove the inserts and place them in the mailbox in front or behind the paper. That way, someone who may hastily throw out the paper will still be forced to see each individual flyer
  • Please deliver only one paper per mailbox, regardless if you have different papers (we usually have a combination of different papers and editions). Some houses may have up to 4 mailboxes; put one paper in each as they are for different tenants

3 Simple Things Freedom Activists can do to WIN this War:

  1. Spread the Word by delivering papers and flyers everywhere:

Knowledge is power!

2. Replace your cell phone with a flip phone:

Think of your apps as TRAP

3. Use CASH:

Hand out the “Use cash cards” and “pay cash” business posters



New Credit Card Fees & Lack of Privacy

The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash.

Withdraw money on Sunday from the bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry the amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.


USE CASH $$$$$$$$$


Contact Unity Health & Sciences Team to volunteer to distribute their professional brochures and Medical Doctor Packages throughout your home area, and to your medical doctor!

Not every doctor, analyst, and specialist is on the gov’t side and many have strong science and personal experiences opposing the gov’t narrative.


New signs???

Even though COVID-19 restrictions are, for the most part, no longer in effect, other freedom issues have arisen as gov’ts use the cover of COVID-19 to introduce other more formidable liberty restrictions, including privacy violations.

Freedom is a multi-generational struggle – our legacy is to leave a better place for our children, not simply to quit after an issue appears to be over and anger diminishes; and of course, it rarely is truly over.

We urge you to provide designs ( and/or your own signs for upcoming threats, including Digital ID

Digital currency and no cash

Climate change fraud

Further health, property, rights and freedoms restrictions


Ed Kallio



Due to upcoming falsified legal action by the Province, and other time sensitive issues, CLEARBITS is on hold for two weeks. Thanks


Including our own media


Freedom Rallies

“It ain’t over till it’s over”

Next Kelowna Rally:


March 4, 2023

12:00 pm Stuart Park


February 25, 2023 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan

Shuswap Freedom



February 25, 2023 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom


11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


February 25, 2023 12:30 pm

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:30 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


February 25, 2023 11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom


11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


Kamloops Freedom


February 25, 2023 10:00 – 12:00 Noon

Valleyview Centennial Park


Penticton Freedom Rally

February 26, 2023 1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!


Geoengineering Free


The failures of politics, and empathy, before the Emergencies Act


The failures of politics, and empathy, before the Emergencies Act

The Editorial BoardPublished February 20, 2023E

Before the crackdown of the Emergencies Act a year ago, there was a policing failure. Before the policing failure, there was a failure of intelligence gathering and analysis.

And before both those things, there was a deeper political failure, most notably by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

There is much to ponder, and some to disagree with, in the exhaustive report that Justice Paul Rouleau has shared with Parliament and the public on the decision by the federal government to invoke the Emergencies Act to shut down the disruptive protest occupying the streets of Ottawa.

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We disagree, for instance, with his conclusion that the invocation was justified. Justice Rouleau is prepared to give the Liberal government the benefit of the doubt for not establishing that existing policing plans and powers were not up to the task of ending the protests. That generosity stretches too far, in our view.

Justice Rouleau does note that the factual basis for his conclusions “is not overwhelming” and that reasonable people could reach a different conclusion. And he points out that his opinion is not legally binding, and that it will be up to the courts to render a decisive verdict.

Separate from that yet-to-be-decided legal issue is the more fundamental question of how this country became so badly divided that thousands of Canadians evidently felt their only recourse was to occupy the nation’s capital, and that the federal cabinet evidently believed its only option was to curtail civil rights to oust them.

Wesley Wark: What the Emergencies Act inquiry report got right – and wrong

On that question, Justice Rouleau’s report makes some critical points that Mr. Trudeau, and all Canadians, would do well to think about.

One is the role of misinformation in the Freedom Convoy protests of last winter, often taken to mean the susceptibility of the protesters to conspiracy theories. But Justice Rouleau points out that misinformation moved in all directions.

There were “extreme elements” within the protest, he wrote, but “many and perhaps most” of the protesters were simply looking to protest lawfully. Yet, much of the media coverage simply lumped the protesters together with a handful that espoused loathsome and violent views.

So did the Prime Minister. As the protesters made their way to Ottawa, Mr. Trudeau called them a “small fringe minority of people” that held “unacceptable views.”

That demonization was part of an unfortunate pattern from the Prime Minister, who during the 2021 election campaign had labelled anti-vaccine protesters as “very often misogynistic and racist.” More broadly, Mr. Trudeau used vaccination as a wedge issue against his Conservative rivals in that campaign, a move that even one of his own MPs later criticized as a decision “to divide, and to stigmatize.”

Justice Rouleau is circumspect in his critique of Mr. Trudeau’s comments, inferring that he was not referring to all Freedom Convoy participants. That is an overly optimistic assessment, and one that ignores the political motivations at work for the Liberals as they sought first to delegitimize the protest by painting it as a nest of neo-Nazism, and then to tie it to the Conservatives.

But the justice does go on to point out what the Prime Minister and others should have been saying: that the majority of protesters were “exercising their fundamental democratic rights.” Encouragingly, Mr. Trudeau seems to have taken that part of Mr. Rouleau’s report to heart. Queried by reporters on Friday, Mr. Trudeau said he wished he had chosen different words. Yes, there are a “small number of people that spread misinformation,” he said. “That is a small subset of people who were just hurting, and worried and wanting to be heard.”

That is a welcome, if overdue, change of tone. Imagine how differently the campaign of 2021 and the events of last February would have proceeded if Mr. Trudeau had stuck with empathy rather than deliberate division.

Of course, the Prime Minister had company in his failure of empathy. A large swath of the Freedom Convoy protesters seemed to delight in tormenting the people of Ottawa, as if they were to blame for the deprivations they had suffered during the pandemic. The people of Ottawa returned the favour, seeing the protesters as occupiers, not fellow citizens.

That cycle of enmity did not end with the invocation of the Emergencies Act, or the dispersal of the Freedom Convoy protests, or with Justice Rouleau’s report.

Related articles

© Copyright 2023 The Globe and Mail Inc. All rights reserved.

351 King Street East, Suite 1600, Toronto, ON Canada, M5A 0N1

Phillip Crawley, Publisher

People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier Blasts Rouleau Report — “Liberals Protest Their Own”

Today Justice Paul Rouleau released his verdict on Trudeau’s use of the Emergencies Act to violently crush the Freedom Convoy one year ago.

Rouleau concluded that Trudeau’s use of the Act was justified.

In a delirious statement, he claims that it was reasonable to believe that this peaceful and joyful protest posed “a threat to the security of Canada”!

I have to say, I am profoundly disappointed, but not surprised.

Justice Rouleau was hand-picked by Trudeau to oversee the inquiry. We can’t forget that Rouleau has a history as a Liberal activist and worked with former Prime Minister John Turner.

This Commission was not independent, as it should have been. It was Liberals investigating Liberals.

Is anyone really surprised that Liberals protect their own?

At the end of the day, the findings of Rouleau don’t really matter.

We all know that Trudeau would not have resigned even if the Commission had found he overstepped his powers.

We all know that Jagmeet Singh would not have held Trudeau accountable by withdrawing his support and forcing an election.

No matter the findings of this illegitimate inquiry, Trudeau’s actions of one year ago exposed him as the tyrant he is.

He crushed peaceful protesters with police horses.

He threw people in jail on false charges.

He froze people’s bank accounts without due process.

The Freedom Convoy forced Trudeau to show his true colours.

It exposed the opposition, the NDP, Conservatives, and Bloc as incompetent and incapable of holding the government to account.

Frederick, we must replace these corrupt politicians with People’s Party MPs willing to govern in the best interest of all Canadians!

Help me accomplish this goal with a $10 donation today!

Best regards,

Aleksander Solzhenitsyn’s Powerful Advice for a Broken Canada
The past few weeks have been a ‘wild ride’. We witnessed media hype over supposed UFO sightings and shootdowns, media silence on catastrophic train derailments, and obfuscation from those in positions of leadership, including on the topic of foreign interference in our elections. That was rounded out yesterday when an ostensibly neutral commission, ignoring glaring evidence, brought in the anticipated ruling of ‘no harm, no foul’ regarding the invoking of the Emergencies Act.

As if these were not enough, a parliamentary committee decided that killing citizens with taxpayer dollars shouldn’t be limited to adults, the Canadian government wants to help end minors’ lives as well. One of the baseline thresholds for a civilized democracy is the protection of her weak and innocent. Apparently not the case in Canada, circa 2023.
In the face of crumbling foundations, Canada needs grounded leaders able to foresee pitfalls, discern lies and recognize true danger, and who continue to walk with steadfast resolve through the emergent chaos.
Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, the courageously principled author and dissident, was asked to address Harvard in 1978 after he was exiled from the Soviet Union in 1974. We’ve heard much about rights and freedoms this past year (I’ve said plenty myself), but freedom is not an end in itself.

I recommend you read the entire address, but the excerpt below was highly prescient, piercing to the core of our current national crisis:
In early democracies, all individual human rights were granted on the ground that man is God’s creature. That is, freedom was given to the individual conditionally, in the assumption of his constant religious responsibility. Such was the heritage of the preceding one thousand years. Two hundred or even fifty years ago, it would have seemed quite impossible, in America, that an individual be granted boundless freedom with no purpose, simply for the satisfaction of his whims. Subsequently, however, all such limitations were eroded everywhere in the West; a total emancipation occurred from the moral heritage of Christian centuries with their great reserves of mercy and sacrifice.
The West has finally achieved the rights of man, and even to excess, but man’s sense of responsibility to God and society has grown dimmer and dimmer. In the past decades, the legalistic selfishness of the Western approach to the world has reached its peak and the world has found itself in a harsh spiritual crisis and a political impasse. All the celebrated technological achievements of progress, including the conquest of outer space, do not redeem the twentieth century’s moral poverty, which no one could have imagined even as late as the nineteenth century.”
Our loss of a collective moral rudder has the good ship Canada drifting toward rocky shores. It’s why we’ve focused lately on the work to be done closer to home, daily; connecting locally for support and spiritual grounding; being the best spouse, friend, or parent we can; raising children grounded in truth, aware of a danger-filled world, but who’ve been taught resilience and courage; speaking the truth, in love, even when it sacrifices our peace, reputation or career.
If the past weeks confirmed one thing, it’s that hope is not found in political leaders (or those waiting in the wings), lawyers, commissions or similar. They can be peripheral means to various ends, but more often than not, they’re making things worse, and rapidly so. As Jordan Peterson said recently “I don’t see how we could be stupider here in the West if we actually took courses in stupidity and tried as hard as we could. We seem to be doing everything we can to break everything as rapidly as possible”.

Don’t sell yourselves short on your ability to discern right from wrong, smart from stupid, and to act in ways that greatly impact your spheres of influence. We may desire freedom, but without taking on the immense responsibility it requires, we simply join the race for a version that is little more than self-centered hedonism. That responsibility may mean boldly speaking truth in the face of lies. Other times, it may require refusing to comply when compelled by an authority to act in ways harmful to those around us or which violate our conscience. Heed that conscience. Be the steadfast, calm leaders our nation so desperately needs.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33