Canadian teacher of 40 years fired for speaking out against Trudeau’s ‘mass grave’ hoax

Canadian teacher of 40 years fired for speaking out against Trudeau’s ‘mass grave’ hoax

[The Red Guards of wokeness have claimed another victim, Jim McMurtry, who only tried to correct a misinformed student who claimed that Catholic priests had murdered many young Indians in residential school. He quoted the report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission that tubereculosis was the major killer, there in in the greater society until the 1950s. For this and because he refused to be silenced, this brilliant and educated man was fired. I sympathize. After a 25 year career as an “exemplary teacher”, I too was fired in 1997 by the Peel Board of Education, not for anything I said or did in the classroom but for my political views expressed on my own time, outside school property. — Paul Fromm]

According to his employer, since school teacher Jim McMurtry would not forego his ‘democratic right’ or be ‘muzzled’ he of course must be fired. Featured ImageKamloops Residential SchoolChris Allan/Shutterstock


Wed Feb 22, 2023 – 3:58 pm EST Listen to this article 0:00 / 4:59 BeyondWords

ABBOTSFORD, B.C. (LifeSiteNews) — A Canadian teacher who taught for forty years has been fired for speaking out against the now roundly debunked “mass grave” narrative that Trudeau and the mainstream media peddled in 2021.

According to the National Post, Jim McMurtry was fired on Tuesday, February 21, for daring to speak out against the misinformation about the Canadian residential school history.

In 2021 when the “mass grave” narrative spread across Canada, faster than the dozens of Church burnings that it inspired, McMurtry corrected one of his students in a Grade-12 class who stated that priests had murdered and tortured children and left them to freeze to death in the snow.

He told the student that most children who died in residential schools died from disease, which was true not just of native children at that time, but children in general.

It may seem insane to hear that people were bandying around the notion that priests were essentially serial murderers for decades without ever being stopped, but that is what people thought. — Article continues below Petition — PETITION: Trudeau must apologize for “mass grave” smear that led to church-burnings   Show Petition Text 4946 have signed the petition.Let’s get to 5000! Add your signature: Keep me updated via email on this petition and related issues.

I distinctly remember Canada Day in 2021 – what a dark day that was – and even family members had come to the conclusion that Catholic priests and nuns had ritually murdered children and thrown them into massive pits behind the schools.

Of course, as the Post report pointed out, nothing like this was ever recorded in any official report.

For his efforts, McMurtry was marched out of the school for having committed what might be the only mortal sin left in public education: not peddling a communist narrative.

Ironically, all McMurtry did was repeat information that was recorded in the federal government’s own Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) report. The TCR report is far from a “conservative” or “right-wing” document, and has been sharply criticized for shoddy scholarship and not including the massive amounts of positive claims about residential schools.

Alas, McMurtry’s reference to historical information in a government-approved report that did not include positive information about the residential schools was seen as unacceptable, and he was suspended.

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A year after his initial suspension he refused to remain silent about the injustice and was subsequently fired.

The report that recommended he be axed admitted that his commitment to telling the truth was why he was fired:

Given Mr. McMurtry’s assertions that he will not be ‘muzzled,’ that he has a democratic right to speak, that he will not follow directions, it is clear that Mr. McMurtry’s employment can no longer continue.

So, according to his employer, since McMurtry would not forego his “democratic right” or be “muzzled,” he of course must be fired.

It is worth remembering that we are not speaking about some renegade activist, but a teacher of four decades who simply corrected a student who said something different than the official government information. This affair is nothing more than an employer penalizing a man who is shedding light on the fact that the employer was wrong in the first place.

How have we arrived at the point where a public school teacher is disciplined for telling students information that was made available to the public by a publicly funded government inquiry?

As if the firing wasn’t absurd enough, McMurtry holds a master’s degree in the history of education and a doctorate in the philosophy of education, with a specialty in indigenous history.

The man is literally an accredited expert in education and the history of native Canadians, but was sacked for telling the truth about the history of native Canadians.

Apparently in Canada, any degrees and experience one might have is irrelevant if you don’t move at the speed of woke.

About the affair, McMurtry said:

This woke indoctrination [is] as offensive as any totalitarian ideology that has ever been pushed… There are people who believe that Canada is systemically racist and that all our ancestors were monsters. And I’m the person who is saying, ‘Well, let’s debate it. Let’s look at it.’

He also said that teachers “are walking on eggshells,” and need to speak up before it is too late.

It was reported that he was “terminated for just and reasonable cause,” but it seems that reason went out the window with the actual truth about native Canadian history.

Catholic school student arrested in Canada for saying men and women are different

Catholic school student arrested in Canada for saying men and women are different

By Mike on • ( Leave a comment )

STOP PRESS ~ BREAKING: Police in the Canadian province of Ontario has arrested and detained a student at a local Catholic school, Josh Alexander, who had previously come into conflict with the school administration because of his Christian beliefs. 

As Alexander himself said in an interview with the channel, during a discussion at school, he said that men and women are different, and he was forthwith forbidden to appear on the territory of the educational institution, and when he tried to come to classes, the school staff handed him over to the state police. 

The high school student did not rule out that, because of his views, he would not be able to get a secondary education in the end. Few Americans are interested in Canada – even if this country suddenly takes and disappears, we will not report about it even on the evening news. But we are still monitoring the situation in Canada – and all because we are amazed at how quickly such a good country turned into a totalitarian state. Shouldn’t we take some lessons from this?

And here’s an example for you: in Canada, a high school student was arrested for saying that men and women are different. The student’s name is Josh Alexander, and he attended St. Joseph’s High School, a Catholic school located in Renfrew, Ontario, but was banned from the school grounds for claiming that God created only two genders. The statement is understandable: it, in general, corresponds to Christian teaching, and to common sense too. And when the student nevertheless came to class, he was detained by the police – you can watch how this happened on your screens. 

Well, it seemed to us that it would be good to talk with him – therefore, Josh Alexander himself and his lawyer James Kitchen get in touch with us. Thank you both for visiting us. Josh, the first question for you, were you arrested for walking into a Catholic school after claiming that men and women are different? Are we exaggerating anything?

JOSH ALEXANDER, high school student: No, you’re not exaggerating – that’s exactly what happened. However, this point has been reached in several stages. Several female students from our school complained to me, confessing that they were worried about the fact that male students came into their bathroom. 

This question eventually grew into an intra-school discussion, and I decided to stand my ground in it, and to reinforce this point of view, I used quotations from the Holy Scriptures. Then I was forbidden to appear in the school building until the end of the school year – and when I tried to come to class, I was detained, and charging me.

Did you remind yourself that your school is Christian, and your thought is one of the ideas underlying Christianity since it is contained in the main book for this religion, which some also call the Bible?

JOSH ALEXANDER: Of course. I even tried to discuss it with the school administration, but they refused to talk to me.

Mr Kitchen – by the way, please accept my regrets about what happened to your, in my opinion, beautiful country – but what legal means can you resort to in Canada in this case?

JAMES KITCHEN, lawyer: Of course, we have a limited arsenal, since our country has a much weaker constitution, and besides, there is much less piety in relation to the personal rights and freedoms of citizens, both from a legal and cultural point of view and the government is much more interested in doing whatever he pleases. And yet, in this case, we have the opportunity to appeal to the Ontario Commission on Human Rights: we believe that there was religious discrimination against Josh’s Christian beliefs, and in this regard, we will file a complaint with the commission. In addition, there is an option to act directly through the School Board to challenge relevant disciplinary actions, and we hope to explore this option as well.

What happens – your country was captured by the son of Fidel Castro, and it suddenly turned into Cuba? Simply amazing. Josh, I’ll quickly ask you: the police officers who detained you, a high school student, for quoting the Bible on the territory of a Christian school, must have been ashamed of what they are doing – at least I hope they are. Did they look embarrassed?

JOSH ALEXANDER: I wouldn’t say that. In recent years, I have repeatedly had to come into close contact with the police – at the “Convoy of Freedom” and other actions of this kind – and I can say that the police in our country are in a rather shameful state. So, in my case, they acted as usual. Will you continue your studies at school?

 JOSH ALEXANDER: I will certainly try to continue it – I hope my personal beliefs do not deprive me of the opportunity to get an education. But it looks like that is exactly what will happen.

Just an ugly story. Hope you both stay on the air. Thank you! Josh Alexander and James Kitchen were with us.

Donate: It is the generosity of our supporters and members that makes our vital work possible. As the storm clouds of crisis and the pain of injustice and persecution loom over our people, the potential and importance of our work grows day-by-day. There is no George Soros figure out there for nationalists, so we can only do what good people like you help us to do. Thank you for your faith and your generous commitment: contact Michael Walsh

MIKE WALSH is a journalist, broadcaster and the author of LIFE IN THE REICH, MY LAST TESTAMENT – LET GOD JUDGE ME, HEROES HANG WHEN TRAITORS TRIUMPH, and other book titles. These best-selling books are essential for the libraries of informed readers.

Freak Show in Hamilton Centre Byelection: Privileged Minorities Fall Out — Anti-Semitism Allegations; Disabled Lobbyist; LGTQ Militant

Antisemitism charges upend Ontario byelection race in NDP stronghold

It was expected to be a smooth cruise to victory in the NDP stronghold of Hamilton Centre but the campaign has been buffeted by allegations of antisemitism.

Rob Ferguson

By Rob FergusonQueen’s Park Bureau

Sun., March 12, 2023timer4 min. read

updateArticle was updated 3 hrs ago

HAMILTON — It was expected to be a smooth cruise to victory in a riding staunchly New Democrat for almost two decades under former party leader Andrea Horwath, who quit last year to become mayor of Steeltown.

But accusations of antisemitism against NDP candidate Sarah Jama — which she denies — are buffeting the campaign in Thursday’s Hamilton Centre byelection, putting the disability activist and the party’s newly minted leader Marit Stiles on the defensive.

B’nai Brith issued a statement Monday calling Jama “a radical activist who has been associated with groups that have frequently targeted Israel,” including the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, and urged Stiles to drop her as a candidate.

Jama acknowledged her own “messy history around anti-racism” during a candidates’ debate broadcast on local cable TV the next evening, but said “nothing has been called out in terms of things that I’ve said.”

That history includes ties to Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights during her student activist days at McMaster University. The group has called for a Palestinian state “from the (Jordan) river to the sea” — often interpreted as erasing the state of Israel.

“Me standing up for Palestinian human rights … cannot be conflated with antisemitism,” the founder of the Ontario Disability Justice Network added in an exchange that followed a question from a viewer.

“I’m really against antisemitism in our communities, but I’m also for human rights, and that includes the rights of everybody, whether it’s Black people … Indigenous people in our communities and Palestinian people,” said Jama, 28, who campaigns in a power chair because she cannot walk after being born prematurely with cerebral palsy.

“Being disabled gives me another lens of compassion. It’s one thing to talk about supporting vulnerable community members, but it’s another thing to share in those experiences.”

As part of her activist efforts, Jama was given a $100,000 ticket — and ripped it up — at a 2020 city hall protest in support of homeless people that violated COVID-19 stay-at-home laws, seemingly at odds with frequent New Democrat calls for Premier Doug Ford’s government to maintain tight restrictions to limit spread of the virus. The charges were later dropped.

Jama was acclaimed the NDP candidate in November after running unopposed for the nomination.

Stiles, whose New Democrats rebuked MPP Joel Harden (Ottawa Centre) last fall for antisemitic remarks before she became leader, fielded questions on Jama for three straight days at the legislature — with a nod to her “messy history” remark.

“When you’re at a rally, and we’ve all found ourselves in these situations where you really can’t control what somebody is doing over here and over there, you learn from that, right?” Stiles told reporters.

“Sarah Jama is a well-known human rights activist who has always stood up against hate, antisemitism and racism and I look forward to welcoming her at Queen’s Park.”

Liberal candidate Deirdre Pike, a training facilitator in the LGBTQ community and a former social justice planner in her second run at the riding after losing to Horwath in the 2018 provincial election, said Jama needs to do a better job “clearing the air.”

“There is a problem when respectable organizations like B’nai Brith are calling you out,” added the 60-year-old who got a boost going door-to-door when 1,500 Liberals gathered in Hamilton last weekend to chart a course for picking a new leader.

“Solutions to Israel need to come through diplomatic and negotiated solutions, not through, you know, extreme groups that use phrases that can be quite triggering.”

At a time when Premier Doug Ford is facing criticism over opening the Greenbelt, a lack of affordable housing and a crisis in health care, the challenge is that the byelection campaign is garnering little attention, said McMaster University political scientist Peter Graefe.

“I don’t think people are really talking about it,” he told the Star. “Locally, it’s not much of a story but the parties are trying to use this as provincial messaging.”

Interim Liberal Leader John Fraser — whose party has eight MPPs at Queen’s Park compared to the New Democrats with 30 — said concerns about Jama’s candidacy are key to the tone Stiles is striking for the NDP in the wake of the Harden controversy in November.

“It’s a test of leadership.” he told reporters at Queen’s Park, urging Stiles to drop Jama. “Sometimes doing the right thing is really, really hard.”

Harden was forced to apologize by former NDP interim leader Peter Tabuns for remarks at the August 2021 Ottawa Forum on Israel Palestine.

The Ottawa MPP said he has “asked many questions of Jewish neighbours here about how much longer we should put up with this … the single greatest threat, the single greatest origin of violence in the Middle East, it is unquestionably the state of Israel.”

Tabuns told reporters he was “very angry” at Harden’s “hurtful” comments about confronting Jewish neighbours over actions by the state of Israel, a tactic Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre president Michael Levitt called “textbook antisemitism.”

Progressive Conservative candidate Pete Wiesner, 47, who skipped the cable debate to campaign in-person with voters, said the Jama situation is “certainly in people’s decision-making process now.”

On leave from his job as a Hamilton police sergeant in the crisis response branch, which deals with marginalized communities like the homeless, Wiesner is hoping to build on Ford’s outreach to labour that helped the PCs win additional seats in the June provincial election, including two in the former NDP stronghold of Windsor.

PC candidates finished a distant second in the riding in the last two provincial elections, with Liberals in third place and Greens in fourth.

Ten candidates are running in Thursday’s vote, according to Elections Ontario.

Deirdre Pike Liberal Candidate



Raychyl Whyte is raising funds for CAFE on St. Patrick’s Day.

Friday March 17, 2023 will be Raychyl’s 17th annual 42 km (26 miles) trek from Toronto to Oakville, and she is pleased to raise funds for CAFE again this year. The walk will begin at 9 a.m. at Toronto City Hall on March 17, and conclude sometime between approx. 4:15-4:50 p.m. in downtown Oakville, at or near 234 Lakeshore Rd. E.
(Note: Everyone walks at their own pace, so arrivals at the ‘finish line’ vary). 

~ Wear something green. ~
Here are pictures from the 2022 walk.

Here’s a short video of the beginning of 2021’s walk, featured on CityTV!

Our freedoms are under serious attack now more than ever before in Canada’s history, so your help is crucial.Please donate directly to CAFE. Mail your cheque to:CAFE,P.O. Box 332,Rexdale, ON.,M9W 5L3CANADA.In the info line mention, “RAYCHYL’S WALK”.

OR send an e-transfer to and mention “RAYCHYL’S WALK”

Freedom Rallies & Events in the Okanagan, March 11-12: Kamloops, OK Falls, Oliver, Osoyoos, Penticton: Kelowna, April 1: Dave Lindsay Trial Continues, May 23-26; GeoEngineering Free Meeting, March 18

Click here to read in browser

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Rally’s and Events

“It Ain’t Over”

Where have all the men gone?

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”



Our next protest/rally is set for:

April 1, 2023 12:00 Stuart Park, Kelowna

The Kelowna Courts of Injustice

May 23-26, 2023 9:30 a.m.

Kelowna Courthouse

R v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault

After an incredible two days in court March 1st and 2nd, everyone finally got to see what the fuss is all about – and the shock even in the media was visible everywhere in the courtroom. Even opposition media, who came out in droves hoping to see some incredible fight scene to label me with, were amazed and dismayed at what truly occurred. The video, taken by one of our loyal supporters clearly showed that THEY (security guards) pushed into David, not the reverse. And more evidence is yet to come.

Two more security guards, including a Paladin security official and an IH official are yet to come, as well as at least three police officers, and defence witnesses.

The amount of money being spent on this case truly shows that it is political in nature – not criminal.


See you on the Island! If you can’t make it out there, we have you covered. Join us on Zoom and follow the events live.




Contact Bettina


Geoengineering Free Canada | Facebook

This group is to educate people and try to put a stop to the geoengineering and poisonous chemtrails they spray in our skies.


Know Your Rights: 

Guidelines for Peaceful Protesting/Gathering/Rallies and/or Attending Events (eg. Council Meetings, School Boards, Handing out Flyers)

Check out A4C for some of the most successful actions and strategies available to us!


Support our Pastors and Supremacy of God against draggers

All Provincial ministers and officials, as well as Federal, have all sworn an Oath of Allegiance and Oath of Office to the Monarch (Oaths). They are the agents of the Monarch…if the Monarch cannot take specific actions, nor can his/her officials and Ministers – or Judges. Delegates have no more powers than the delegator.

Recently, Alberta Pastor Derek Reimer was released on unspecified conditions, only after he agreed to be released on health issues, from jail.

Paster Reimer was charged for mischief and causing a disturbance – the ‘go-to’ charges of police when nothing else applies.

In his attempts to protest drag queen events sexualizing our children, he was assaulted and beaten by parents who clearly care not for their children (or are the parents protecting their own perverted inclinations?). The video has gone viral around the world and despite this – these parents have not been charged with assault, and should be.

Opposing child grooming and child sexualization, is not a hate-crime, as Calgary’s Sikh Mayor Jyoti Gondek promotes. It is our dutiful protection of our children and our founding laws of God, which clearly Mrs. Gondek does not support and should not be in Office on that basis alone.

These activities are clearly the antithesis of that which God has taught us. Though our Municipal officials do not take these Oaths to the Monarch, they cannot be permitted to not take them. Provincial officials cannot refuse to take these Oaths and cannot delegate or permit people in these legislative Municipal corporations to do that which they cannot do.

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Matthew 18:6 

God is the supremacy of our law and always has been, yet He has never been more under attack than today. And look at the results in society – our culture is being destroyed from within, our families are being destroyed, and morals and ethics have been virtually removed from society.

Gov’ts are placing tattooed police officers who will just follow orders in all our police forces, to give them the “look of authority.” (is this now a job requirement?)

Queers, drag queens, sky high divorce rates, loss of Christianity and massive non-Christian (read Communist) immigration, statutory supremacy of politicians over God’s laws, Communist and other non-believing judges, and other treasonous activities, are destroying our society and the laws which founded our once great nation.

We need to support the few pastors who have the courage to stand up on God’s laws against these corrupt and criminal politicians.

Do not look to the Charter for the Supremacy of God – look to the founding Constitutional document of our Commonwealth – the Coronation Oath of the Monarch, for it is there that the Monarch gets all their powers and their duties are severely restricted.

The Monarch cannot Constitutionally give Royal Assent to any legislation/rules/regulations/orders/decrees/policies etc. that are contrary to God’s laws and principles in the Bible. They are prohibited by their Oaths from so doing.

If they do – they either lied while taking their Oaths, or they are lying now by breaking their Oaths. This includes creating Municipal corporations that do not have to take these Constitutionally required Oaths.

For anyone wishing to learn the most comprehensive information available on this issue, as well as property and personhood, and the limits of Parliament and the Legislatures, you can avail yourself of this incredible documented Webinar Series, Common Law Made CLEAR by emailing us at: to get information on how to register. This is the most comprehensive information in Canada, and all completely and thoroughly supported with our sources for you to verify!


Sunday Paper


Next delivery day: March 12, 2023

(Weather Permitting)

Add your name to the delivery list and make sure to check your email on Sunday mornings for confirmation that our paper delivery will take place that day

Make sure you arrive before the designated time so we can all get going ASAP!

Every Sunday at 11:30 am

  • Sign-up on the Newspaper Delivery list so that you get an email confirming the deliveries for each Sunday. With winter in mind, we will only do this if roads are bare and it’s not snowing. The advantage of delivering this time of year is that nobody is hanging out in their front yards except for the odd snowman.
  • We meet at the Capri parking lot between A&W and De Dutch Pannekoek House
  • Bring a large bag for carrying the papers if you want
  • Grab a free small Kelowna mapbook that can help you get situated. Your cell phone will be tracking and tracing you. Learn how to read maps again
  • You will be provided with a printed google map of the area you will be delivering to. Bring a yellow marker to indicate which streets you completed. You may run out of papers or you may end up with extra
  • We ask that with every paper you deliver, you remove the inserts and place them in the mailbox in front or behind the paper. That way, someone who may hastily throw out the paper will still be forced to see each individual flyer
  • Please deliver only one paper per mailbox, regardless if you have different papers (we usually have a combination of different papers and editions). Some houses may have up to 4 mailboxes; put one paper in each as they are for different tenants
  • Sign up as a Volunteer to participate in one of the many focus groups we are working to organize. Most people are too busy to commit to fighting for freedom. I guarantee you will have plenty of extra time after Canada becomes a full-fledged communist country and your jobs & businesses are gone. Time to add freedom-fighting to your list of priorities. Much of the help needed can be done at home and even one hour per week will be helpful. Even if you don’t want to join a specific group, maybe you have something you can offer to help out. Let us know!

3 Simple Things Freedom Activists can do to WIN this War:

  1. Spread the Word by delivering papers and flyers everywhere:

Knowledge is power!

2. Replace your cell phone with a flip phone:

Think of your apps as TRAPS!

3. Use CASH:

Hand out the “Use cash cards” and “pay cash” business posters



New Credit Card Fees & Lack of Privacy

The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash. As recognized by Freedom Rising, there are many inherent dangers of using digital currency. What do you do, not if, but when:

The internet is down

There is a power outage

The card reader malfunctions

Your phone battery dies or doesn’t work for other reasons


Your phone is stolen

Your passwords are co-opted

Your credit/debit card strip is damaged – needs replacing

There are errors in relation to the quantum of $$ on your card

Gov’t limits your purchases/CRA liens the balance on your card


CLEAR has promoted the non-use of digital currencies and credit/debit cards as much as possible, for years.


Withdraw money on Saturday/Sunday from the bank or bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry the amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.


USE CASH $$$$$$$$$

Get these cards below at the CLEAR booth to give out everytime you use cash – or print your own to hand out!

See if any business will place either or both of the following signs on their front doors (from Freedom Rising):


Contact Unity Health & Sciences Team to volunteer to distribute their professional brochures and Medical Doctor Packages throughout your home area, and to your medical doctor!

Not every doctor, analyst, and specialist is on the gov’t side and many have strong science and personal experiences opposing the gov’t narrative.


New signs???

Even though COVID-19 restrictions are, for the most part, no longer in effect, other freedom issues have arisen as gov’ts use the cover of COVID-19 to introduce other more formidable liberty restrictions, including privacy violations.

Freedom is a multi-generational struggle – our legacy is to leave a better place for our children, not simply to quit after an issue appears to be over and anger diminishes; and of course, it rarely is truly over.

We urge you to provide designs ( and/or your own signs for upcoming threats, including Digital ID

Digital currency and no cash

Climate change fraud

Further health, property, rights and freedoms restrictions


Ed Kallio



NOTE: Bill C-9 is currently in the Senate, to amend the Judges Act. I will discuss this in more detail in next week’s newsletter, suffice it to say here, that changes do not happen without a reason. This new legislation appears, at first glance, to make it even more difficult to get rid of corrupt or incapacitated judges, and removes the Minister out of the picture. In other words, it is creating another unelected body, with no minister accountable for its actions. More to come.


Del Bigtree – The 10 Greatest Lies of COVID-19


Two high-level memos allege Beijing covertly funded Canadian election candidates”

Another Trudeau scandal. And rumours on Parliament Hill are alleging that he is possibly going to prorogue this session of Parliament after the budget is tabled.


Alberta introduces firearms act to counter federal

anti-gun measures”

Interestingly, as David is now challenging the Constitutionality of the RCMP-BC agreements to permit the RCMP to police in the Province, Alberta is now considering restricting the RCMP as well to combat Federal policing incursions into their area of legislative supremacy.


Unvaccinated athletes getting notice they can’t compete at Indigenous games”

If all the unvaccinated are prohibited from competing in sports, then only the vaccinated will be collapsing – need anything more be said?


EXCLUSIVE: In Calgary, free speech now counts as


Calgary begins to eliminate free speech. Hurting someone’s feelings, or talking in public in a manner someone else finds offensive, will now result in liability for bylaw charges and fines.


COVID charges dropped against Hildebrandts”

“COVID 19 mandates are political in nature and not based on science,” says Hildebrandt in the release.

“I am encouraged some Crown Attorneys are beginning to prioritize the prosecution of serious criminal and quasi-criminal offences. Prosecuting individuals such as Pastor Hildebrandt, whose wrongdoing was attending a public rally and giving a speech critical of government policy, has always been a waste of the court’s time,” said (counsel) Fleury.


Including our own media


Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Next Kelowna Rally:


April 1, 2023

12:00 pm Stuart Park


March 11, 2023 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap

Freedom Radio


March 11, 2023 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


March 11, 2023 12:30 pm

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:30 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


March 11, 2023 11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


Kamloops Freedom Gathering

March 11, 2023 10:00 – 12:00 Noon

Valleyview Centennial Park


Penticton Freedom Rally

March 12, 2023 1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

German MEP Christine Anderson weighs in on Justin Trudeau, Klaus Schwab, and the ongoing attack on freedom

German MEP Christine Anderson weighs in on Justin Trudeau, Klaus Schwab, and the ongoing attack on freedom

‘Justin Trudeau should be ashamed of himself,’ said Anderson. ‘He is not a Democrat, he is utterly disgusting, and he is a disgrace to democracy.’

On Family Day, a celebration called Family Fringy Day took place on a private farm somewhere between Hamilton and Cambridge, Ont.

The guest of honour: Christine Anderson, the German MEP, who is a quite the celebrity in some circles in Canada given her on-going criticism of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Given the freedom fighters in attendance, Anderson was unsurprisingly given a hero’s welcome at the farm when she arrived as a passenger in a big rig. She was greeted with cheers and was quite moved by the display of both Canadian and German flags.

This primary purpose of the event was meant to commemorate last year’s Ottawa Freedom Convoy. At first blush, it seemed odd that this gathering took place on a private farm closer to Steeltown than our capital city. But then again, we’ve seen how the Trudeau Liberals react to peaceful protests that run contrary to their censorious agenda.

Which is to say, this government has no problem fining, arresting, and freezing the bank accounts of Canadians in order to shut down demonstrations that they dislike. Alas, it would appear that freedom of expression in Canada is on the endangered species list; many Liberals, no doubt, would like to see it extinct.

While we would like to report that a good time was had by all, when it comes to those on the left who look upon freedom as the new “f-word”, such celebrations are… triggering.

Case in point: check out the jaw-dropping story in Cambridge Today headlined, “Cambridge MP condemns ‘Fringy’ Family Day as dangerous.”

Dangerous? What in the world qualifies a peaceful gathering as “dangerous” in the weird mind of Liberal MP Bryan May?

Nevertheless, May questioned the “true intent” of Family Fringy Day and what it was trying to achieve.

May said:

From the very beginning, the Ottawa occupation and blockades were about anti-government sentiment, more specifically anti-Liberal and anti-Trudeau.

Gracious! Anti-government and anti-Liberal and anti-Trudeau sentiment? Yes, that was the very point of the protest.

It should come as no surprise that May, a loyal Trudeau trained seal, is so tone-deaf. During the outrageous response to the pandemic these past few years, people lost their homes and their jobs and their businesses and were also coerced into taking an experimental vaccine. And May wonders why demonstrators were “anti-Liberal” and “anti-Trudeau”? Give us a break.

No surprise that MP May not only condemned Family Fringy Day but also took a pot-shot at Anderson in his Cambridge Today interview. May stated that Anderson’s “ideology runs contrary to Canadian values.”

Really? Like what?

Luckily, we were able to conduct an interview with Anderson in order to receive a rebuttal to May’s nonsense. She also had plenty to say about the Canadian freedom movement.

Check out our exclusive interview with this German politician who has the courage to call out corruption and chicanery.

B.C. Doctor Faces Disciplinary Hearing for His Views on COVID

B.C. doctor Charles Hoffe, one of the first medical professionals in Canada to be politically punished for speaking out against the “safe and effective” COVID-19 vaccine narrative, is facing an upcoming disciplinary hearing for allegedly spreading misinformation.

Dr. Hoffe’s troubles with state-backed media and his licensing body began after publishing an open letter to B.C.’s Provincial Health Officer, questioning how best to treat patients who he says experienced neurological-type adverse reactions to the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.

Sadly, Dr. Hoffe isn’t the only one experiencing the consequences of going against the COVID-19 narrative and forced medical practices.

Doctors across Canada quickly realized at the onset that they no longer have the right to freedom of speech, or the ability to fulfill their medical duties. They are simply required to obey orders or face punishment.

I recently interviewed Dr. Hoffe to hear his side of the story and to find out what he predicts the outcome of his hearing to be.

Click here for the full story.

B.C. doctor Charles Hoffe to face hearing for allegedly spreading
'COVID misinformation'

Dr. Hoffe has years of experience practicing evidence-based medicine and will not go against his moral compass simply to satisfy the needs of our tyrannical COVID “health” establishment. His loyalty remains with his patients.

What happens when the Canadian medical association, our health institutions, and regulatory bodies no longer hold doctors ethically accountable nor prioritize what’s best for patients?

Dr. Hoffe’s situation is a scary reality of exactly that — as well as every individual harmed by the jabs, and stripped of their medical choice while being lied to about the safety and effectiveness of these vaccines.

Public Order Emergency Commission Report Marks the Decline of Freedoms in Canada

C3RF Update, 24 Feb 2023 – What if?

On the crocodile’s tail and back

The release of the Public Order Emergency Commission Final Report on 17 February 2023 continues to reverberate across the country.  Witness Ryan Alford’s analysis that sees the report as promoting an unprecedented “crackdown on free speech” while noting that recommendations aimed at “modernizing” the reasons for invoking the Emergencies Act need to be rejected by Parliament.  Then there is Jessie Kline who bluntly states the Report is a “slap in the face to Canadians”  even as Rupa Subramanya declared that democracy in Canada “died a little” with the release of the Report.  Could it be that all of this criticism, along with the C3RF analysis offered here, are confirmations that Canada is well down the path to becoming the world’s first “post-national state” with “no core identity, no mainstream in Canada.” 

Rupa Subramanya, “democracy died a little” in Canada with the POEC Final Report

One could be forgiven for seeing a bit of an analogy between Trudeau’s call for Canadians to join him in celebrating a new post-national Canada and the age-old fable “The Frog and the Crocodile”.   In the fable, the frog looks longingly at leaving his damp environs to traverse a snake-infested river to drier ground – in much the same way that Canada has come to look at “build back better” as the new utopia.  Meanwhile, the crocodile offers the frog a ride to this new, dry utopia promising there will be no harm inflicted on the frog – in much the same way that Prime Minister Trudeau assures Canadians that transforming and resetting Canada’s economy will result in more jobs in a new, higher-tech economy.  In a progressive and tentative fashion, the frog agrees to hitch a ride first on the crocodile’s tail and then on his back – ostensibly to allow the crocodile to better steer.  Then the frog was convinced to ride on the reptile’s head for a better view and then, finally and disastrously for the frog, on his nose to help relieve an itch.  And so it goes with Canadians as they are progressively nudged and coerced to give up their national sovereignty and civil liberties in order to realize a more sustainable and just world and be stalwart global citizens – like our Prime Minister!

Frogs and crocodiles – good traveling companions?

Canada’s journey from a free and democratic nation, primarily concerned with its own sovereign interests, to a post-national one can be seen as a progression from the tail, back, head and nose of a global beast.  The jumping onto the tail of this behemoth can be seen to have occurred in 2015 when the Conservative government-of-the-day signed onto the United Nation’s Agenda 2030.  Not to be outdone, the follow-on Liberal government, in the same year, would move the frog further along onto the back of the beast by signing onto the Paris Agreement.  Agenda 2030 would commit Canada to prioritize its legislative efforts to accommodate the 17 Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) on the way to realizing a just world.  The Paris Agreement would commit Canada to reducing its Green House Gas emissions markedly in an effort to hold global temperature increases to no more than 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels.  Between the two, the die had been cast for Canada to forego the interests of its own citizens and embrace those of unelected authorities in faraway bureaus.

Did Prime Ministers Harper and Trudeau saddle Canadians up on the globalist crocodile in 2015?

To the crocodile’s head

As per the fable, the crocodile had to use its considerable powers of persuasion to get the frog up to its head.  He beckoned by saying “Oh, come now. It’s a beautiful view! Surely you don’t think that I’m going to eat you after we’re halfway across.”  The frog relented as he was curious to see the view from atop the crocodile’s head and they were past the point of no return anyway.  Everyday Canadians, however,  would be a bit more circumspect when it came to giving up their civil liberties to make good on globalized demands to accommodate mass migration, de-industrialization and vaccination programs.  Indeed, when it came to immigration policies they would take a look at the lax and disastrous migration flows from the Middle East and North Africa into Europe in 2015 and express concerns.  Did the new Liberal government realize that the “no-go zones” and violent crimes that were surging across Europe should be seen as alarm bells for Canada? 

Canadians balk at traveling to the “head” of the crocodile due to safety and security concerns?

In the end, the government would have to forego persuasion in favour of nudging Canadians into acceptance through triangulation strategies designed to divide and conquer.  And so it was that a very unpopular Motion M-103 was floated in 2017 to accuse Canada and certain Canadians of being “systemically racist” and Islamophobic.  If rank and file citizens couldn’t be convinced to fall into line with globalist narratives they would bloody well be named and shamed into accepting them.  One way or another, they would be coerced into making the journey to the crocodile’s head where they could better see the errors of their ways and atone.  Naming and shaming, however, might get Canadians moving but it would not be enough to motivate the majority.  Accordingly, triangulation efforts would be expanded to suppress inconvenient, fact-based counter-narratives.

Canadian House of Commons passes M-103 with little public support – too bad for us?

These inconvenient storylines would be rebuffed with campaigns that cited such speech as “hate”-based or mis/disinformation.  And so we saw the advent of a “Digital Charter” to keep government-defined hate speech offline and legislation such as Bill C-11 to regulate your internet user-generated content.  Such legislative efforts are proceeding in lockstep with many other initiatives from a wide range of institutional agencies that outright “cancel” the life and work prospects of wrong-thinkers.  How else to explain the raft of medical doctors who have had their medical licenses suspended or canceled for offering patient-specific advice in contravention to the narratives being disseminated by their controlling colleges of physicians and surgeons?  Then there are the teachers who lose their positions for questioning the woke narratives surrounding Residential School deaths.   Some are even advocating such heretical speech be punished to the full extent of the law?  Canadians would be herded to the head of the crocodile even if it meant the clock would need to be rolled back to the 17th century and the times of Galileo.

Heretical Canadians risk Galileo-like punishments for wrong-think?

To the crocodile’s nose

Getting the frog onto the nose of the crocodile would enable an endgame that would smash any dream of accessing a utopian homeland.  Instead, the way would be open to effecting an intended reality that embraced not only the loss of freedom but a “terrific chomp” that ended the little frog’s life.  In the Canadian sense, it became obvious that such a transition would require more than just a “nudge” or “controlling the narrative” as protests like Freedom Convoy 2022 made it obvious that everyday Canadians had some pesky questions that just wouldn’t go away.  Shutting down such curiosity and concerns would require efforts that went beyond controlling the narrative to controlling the actual behaviours of Johnny and Janie Canuck.  And so we see an accelerated rush to build global systems capable of surveilling and tracking the activities and movement of citizens respectively – systems founded upon digital IDs.

Digital IDs required to advance the globalist/ crocodile agenda?

The invocation of the Emergencies Act was instructive in this sense as it provided the backdrop that allowed Canadians to glimpse the real utopia that exists on the other side of the river – rather than the one that has been advertised to them.  This was the case as the Act unleashed the federalized banking system onto the moms and pops who had the temerity to make $20 donations to Freedom Convoy 2022 “insurrectionists”.  It did so by freezing their financial accounts regardless of their personal circumstances and without the due process guaranteed, until now, by the Charter.  The fact that this draconian move struck too close to home for the comfort of those working with the World Economic Forum (WEF) to implement digital IDs for financial purposes was made clear when the Canadian Banking Association scrambled to escape blame.  After all, it was their “legal obligation” to lock down accounts that the RCMP requested member banks to freeze.  It would seem that the freezing of Freedom Convoy 2022 participant bank accounts may have provided an inconvenient and unwelcomed preview of what awaits hapless Canadians in the new post-national Canada on the other side of the river.

Angelina Mason, CBA General Counsel and VP, banks had a “legal obligation” to freeze accounts

The fact that the Liberal/NDP government of Canada is chomping at the bit to introduce digital IDs for all of us has been evident throughout the course of their handling of the Wuhan virus pandemic.  Witness their working together with the WEF, the Netherlands and several airlines and airports to introduce a Known Traveler Digital Identification system and the tenacity displayed in keeping an ArriveCAN application in place even though it crashed Canadian airport throughputs.  One might think that digital ID control measures are now a thing of the past as these initiatives have either stalled or been made voluntary.  This is not the case, however, as we now see new efforts to implement them through Canada Health Transfer deals being made between the federal government and the provinces.  The transfer of related funds will be dependent on the digitization of patient information in each participating province in accordance with Canada Health Infoway protocols – protocols that include an International Patient Summary dedicated to allowing for the transfer of your medical data, including vaccination status, worldwide.  One might well surmise that the individual rights and freedoms of Canadians will be well and truly done if they jump onto the crocodile’s nose by accepting such digital ID initiatives.  Chomp chomp?

Will digital ID put us all on the crocodile’s nose?

Thanks for your continued support

Your patronage makes a world of difference in the ability of C3RF to educate, advocate and act in service of preserving the individual and fundamental rights of all Canadians.  It is truly unfortunate that such efforts are required but the fact remains, these rights and freedoms are coming under increasing attack from all quarters including our own legislative, judicial, media, academic and security authorities.  Please know that the funds you so generously donate go directly into campaigning, events, bookkeeping, technology costs and legal advice. When these basic services are met, we use excess funding to assist other groups in advancing the cause of Canadian individual rights within a strong and free Canada. We also contribute to related legal proceedings and charitable activities when able. If you missed the call, click here to support C3RF today!

And while you’re considering making a difference, please follow C3RF on Facebook, on Gab, on Parler, on Gettr and on our web site and share with friends our great content and a realistic outlook on the continuing battle for Charter Rights in Canada. You can also review our social media feed here and view our videos on YouTube, on Rumble and on Odysee.

Major Russ Cooper (Ret’d)
President and CEO, C3RF

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Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, March 4 & 5: Kelowna, Oliver, OK, Penticton & Freedom Protest Outside MP Richard Cannings’ Office, March 7

Don’t Miss This Sunday’s Penticton4Freedom Rally!

 Sunday, March 5th, 1 to 3 p.m. 2020 Main Street, Corner of Main & Warren, Penticton.Guest Speaker: Erica Massey – Scientist, Unity, Health & Science. Co-creator of the Doctors’ Packages will be bringing her team to put together kits and take volunteers with them after the rally, to deliver the Doctors’ Packages to local pharmacists. Let’s join in and help wake a few up.Surprise speakers are a common occurrence at our rallies.Miss a week and you miss a lot!image.png

Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few.Suggest a topic and a speaker, and we’ll be happy to follow up to find an expert to share knowledge with us.——————————- o0o————————————-OTHERS’ REGULAR EVENTS ·      Other Kelowna CLEAR Rallies – 1st Saturday of each month at noon – Stuart Park, Kelowna·      
 Oliver Rally – in front of city hall – Saturdays at 12:30 p.m.·      
 Local Action4Canada – Tuesdays at noon, in front of Richard Cannings’ Office – 301 Main Street·     
  First & Third Tuesdays, Penticton Council meeting at 1. City Hall, Penticton.·       
School District 67 School Board Meetings 6:30 PM – last Monday of the month. ——————————- o0o————————————-Events
CLEAR Kelowna Rally & Convoy Saturday, March 4
The CLEAR Kelowna Rallies are now being held only once a month, on the first Saturday of each month. This coming Saturday is March 4 and Kelowna Rally Time! Join others from south of Kelowna for a convoy to support the rally. Meet at 10:15 at the NE corner of Main and Warren, for the convoy that will be leaving at 10:30 a.m. this coming Saturday.

Mary Lou Gutscher


Calgary Pastor Derek Reimer Charged for Protesting Drag Queen Story Time at Public Library

Calgary Pastor Derek Reimer was charged with mischief and disturbing the peace after being physically thrown out of a drag queen story time event at a public library this past weekend.

He has been cited numerous times for feeding the homeless and horrid crimes like ministering to people.

Mission 7 serves the homeless in Calgary’s downtown core.

Reimer was the second client of The Democracy Fund’s (TDF) “Fight The Fines” program after he was ticketed for illegal public gatherings during COVID when ministering to the vulnerable in the city centre.

Over the past two years, amid stiff competition, the province of Alberta has earned the dubious distinction of having arrested the most Christian pastors in all of Canada. 

Pastor Artur Pawlowski, Pastor James Coates, and Pastor Tim Stephens have all been behind bars for refusing to bend the knee to the litany of COVID restrictions forcing them to close their churches when people needed them most. 

Premier Jason Kenney put more pastors in jail over the past two years than Communist China. (We even put a billboard up reminding Albertans of that.) 

There’s also Pastor Derek Reimer. A Fight The Fines alumnus who received multiple fines for carrying on his pastoral duties when the state considered that a “high-risk” activity. He beat those fines with the stellar legal help he received thanks to our viewers’ generous donations towards his legal fees.

This weekend, Pastor Derek found himself in trouble with the law once again.

He allegedly violated an injunction issued to the City of Calgary, which banned honking and loudspeakers. A move clearly meant to stifle the city’s weekly freedom rallies.

We covered the rally this weekend and obtained footage of the arrest from one of Derek’s congregants shortly after it happened