Report By Free Speech Lioness Lady Michele Renouf From the London on the Armistice Day & Ceasefire on Gaza Rally

In case of interest and publication, herewith is my firsthand photographic report on Yesterday’s Confluence of Armistice Day with the Cry “Ceasefire on Gaza” Rally.

Hearts High,Michèle
Massed Police Farce 11/11/23 + EDL Clowns
Yesterday on Armistice Day in London I was there. I was there to see the entire Ceasefire Gaza Rally pass by as it turned from nearby Victoria Station towards the American Embassy in Vauxhall.  

Here is how I witnessed the way the day ended – with a massed police farce – and began for me on a brief encounter with the EDL It’s a toss-up to say which was the more of a moral embarrassment for Britain.
I had set off from Notting Hill Gate tube and arrived at Victoria. As I hauled my mobility Upwalker up the stairs, two EDL (English Defence League) idiots-for-Israel spotted my “Free Palestine” badge on my cap and said: “We don’t agree with you and we won’t help you either”. Ditto!!

Having made my dual-sided ‘educational” placard to the purpose, I stood prominently on the corner where the “Free Palestine” Ralliers turned the corner and had time to read its messages – two messages which they would be unlikely to come across among the multitude of earnestly humanitarian and sometimes profoundly moving placards carried by young children already expressing their empathetic capacity with the 5,000 infants slaughtered most recently by The Jewish State. 

It is gratifying to report that my ‘educational’ messages attracted hundreds (to my certain knowledge) to take a keen interest, with masses of marchers wishing to take photographs and pause to ask for more info.
One one side of my placard it said:FOUNDING FATHER, of THE JEWISH STATE, HERZL in 1897 said: “We must DISAPPEAR the INDIGENOUS” out of Palestine = DISPOSSESS + GENOCIDE.When people paused to photograph, I added that World Zionism predates “nazies” and “fascists” by half a century, and that in 1897 Adolf Hitler was a child aged 8.  Netanyahu is simply exccelerating Herzl’s 1897 genocidal endgame which chronologically has nothing whatever to do with what did or did not occur in WW2.

The other side of my ‘educational’ placard said:
BRITISH SOLDIERS in PALESTINE 1944-48, murdered by Jewish terrorists, NEVER INVITED to the CENOTAPH !  = to “DISAPPEAR” BRITISH WITNESS same as PALESTINE.

In fact, my recording of those British Soldiers’ eyewitness for the true historical record is unique and safely archived at Oxford University’s St. Antony’s College. Excerpts are also available on the net at: Forgotten British Heroes Campaign 2015: Part 3: Lady Michèle Renouf

Forgotten British Heroes Campaign 2015: Part 3: Lady Michèle Renouf
Our British Soldiers who served in Palestine 1944-1948 told me that they were never invited to the Cenotaph and that their eyewitness, like the truth about the founding of The Jewish State, were to disappear deliberately from the pages of history and the historical map. Thus the confluence of Armistice day and “Ceasefire on Gaza; stop the Genocide” Rally could hardly be more apt and relevant!
My late father, Captain Arthur Mainwaring (funnily enough as per the character in the TV series “Dad’s Army”!), was a fearless aerial reconnaissance photographer in The Royal Airforce. Alas when my placard was spotted by five veterans in Green jackets and berets as they passed by, they seemed too fearful even to be seen to take an interest after they had read beyond its first few lines. The mere words “Jewish terrorists” had them on the run! 

Inline image

On the dot of 5pm the marchers had all passed by when three police vans turned up to block the road.

Inline image

The “Free Palestine” organiser then announced on a megaphone for people peacefully to disperse and go home.  Police at Victoria Station also announced that the tube was closed!
And here’s another embarrassing bit of incompetent or downright frustration-stirring disorganisation by the Transport for London – when I reached the nearby crowded bus-stop, all passing buses were marked “Not in Service”!  Clearly no preparation for dealing with the transport home for the predicted thousands of admirable marchers who had no choice now but to stand about…or continue marching! 

Inline image

And here is how the Day ended.  Not with a bang for our buck (given the cost to the taxpayer of the additional 1,000 officers) but with a whimper! (A whimper that will not be silenced by the intrepid marchers, echoed worldwide.)
I saw a little bunch of some 30 marchers suddenly pass by doing as they had done quite legally all afternoon: chanting “Ceasefire”, waving flags, and setting off harmless Palestine-flag coloured smoke plumes.  Within minutes 30 huge Police Territorial Support Group vans appeared on the scene, totally jamming up the road from Victoria to Hyde Park Corner and those leading off.  Idiotic (or was it by scheming) overkill? The traffic was now at a complete standstill. Entirely owing to absurdly amassed police vans!!

Inline image

Clearly the only way to get away was on foot.  As I caught up with the police I told them I’d seen this entire incident and that their arrival was totally farcical!  A few of them took an interest in my placard I am ‘educationally’ glad to say.
I then reached the police blockade, and again scorned at the absurdity of police now lowering their riot visors while marchers waved back with their flags!  The small kettled mixed bag of marchers were entirely unarmed and offering no violence.  

Inline image

The scene was nothing but an embarrassment (and the police I spoke to seemed quietly to concur).  I tried to warn some young marchers not to rise to the bait by getting incensed and “disturbing the peace”. Some said “she’s right”; others ignored ol’ Whitee saying they did not understand her English!
Still, at the end of the Day the TV news (save Al Jazeera) reported that of the 100 or so “troublemakers”, were mostly “far right” [political dupes and dunces] “spoiling for a fight”, which alas was all too true!  Thank goodness for the savvy wisdom of the PA leadership who predicted the bait and stayed well away!

Michèle Renouf

Freedom Events in the Okanagan, November 11 -18


Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter

Jam-Packed Edition!


–      Rallies and local events

–      Sat. Nov. 11, 2023, Kelowna New Rally

–      Mon, Nov 13, 2023, at 4:30 pm PT/ 7:30 pm ET The Threat to Homeopathy in Canada Zoom

–      Nov 18-19. International Covid Summit 4, Bucharest and Romania

–      Nov 29 – SD67 Board Meeting – Local action to support freedom-fighter presentation

–      WITHDRAW FROM THE U.N. (& the WHO) – Petition

–      Postcards for Freedom – Bill 36, Natural Products

–      Successful delivery of 5,000 postcards – doctors presenting at the BC Legislature building

–      The Big Picture complete video series is available for $25.

–      BC 15-Minute/Smart City Coalition – LOCAL

–      Action-Packed Freedom Rising Newsletter Issue 59

–      Druthers November Issue


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FREEDOM RALLIES – Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.

 at NE Corner of 2020 Main Street and Warren Avenue, Penticton

 In case you missed last week: James Southern provided an inspiring and humorous recap of the Summerland Million March 4 Children event in October. Where it started for James and Murielle: Real experience with their teenage son in his BC high school, resisting gender identity programs.

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1.  Update on Alberta’s United Conservative Party AGM which broke all attendance records for any political party across Canada, and where 30 resolutions were passed, all of which the freedom movement has been advocating for.

2.  Focus on local action: what one person can do in 15 minutes a day, to push back against the globalist agenda through local action. Bring your stories. Open Mic. Good news from across Canada: Wins of the week.

Miss a week and you miss a lot! Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. Bring your signs or borrow one of ours. Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll be happy to find someone to share their knowledge with us. ——————————————- o0o————————————————- Sat. Nov. 11, 2023 Kelowna New Rally Date Join us this coming Nov. 11, 2023, at noon for our street protest at the corner of Hwy 97 (Harvey Ave.) and Cooper St. in Kelowna. We will be there for 60-90 minutes. There is plenty of parking in the parking lot, but it is suggested to park a fair bit away from the corner to avoid any complaints. Our rallies will continue at Stuart Park on the 1st Saturday of each month!  image.png

——————————————————- November 29 – Penticton School Board Action   Join a delegation opposing “myblueprint” program in schools!   1.  Link for board meeting process and meeting calendar:   2.   Send an email with questions for the November 29 agenda here:   3.   Show up in support of Amie Jeffrey’s presentation to the Board. Wednesday, November 29, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. Address – 425 Jermyn Avenue. Arrive by 6 and gather in the parking area, so trustees can see us as they enter the building.   4. Looks innocent, but it is used to profile children without parental consent. The company that owns the product is DoubleThink Inc. That tells you what you need to know. Amie only learned about it after her child was already in their system and has done deep research for the meeting. ——————————- o0o————————————- OTHER EVENTS   Mon, Nov 13, 2023, at 4:30 pm PT/ 7:30 pm ET The Threat to Homeopathy in Canada: Ananda More and Shawn Buckley in Conversation   Two leading natural health advocates, Ananda More (homoeopath and filmmaker) and Shawn Buckley (lawyer and president of the Natural Health Products Protection Association) will come together in conversation to discuss a new threat to homoeopathy in Canada. Homoeopathy has often faced opposition, but now Health Canada is implementing fees and regulations that will have far-reaching consequences for practitioners, manufacturers and consumers of homoeopathic medicines. Join us to learn more and find out what you can do to help protect homoeopathy. Registration Link on Zoom.    Nov 18-19. The International Covid Summit 4, Bucharest and Romania  – Canadians who will be speaking in the Romanian Parliament include Dr Byram Bridle, Jason Christoff, Dr Stephen Malthouse, Dr Denis Rancourt, Dr Jessica Rose, Dr Chris Shoemaker, Dr Mark Trozzi & Rain Trozzi. For more information, to read the program or to access the full two days of live stream go to the ICS website:
—————–o0o————————     ACTIONS OF THE WEEK Exit the WHO and U.N. Petition. Keep those signatures coming and pass it on to others. We gained over 2000 new signatures over this past week.   To reach 1 MILLION signatures, we need to reach 11,000 per day!  TO REACH OUR OBJECTIVE, WE MUST SHARE THIS WITH ‘NEW’ PEOPLE WITHDRAW FROM THE U.N. (& the WHO) – SIGN HERE     Five Thousand Bill 36 Postcards Delivered in the BC Legislature November 9, 2023   John Rustad and Bruce Banman presented MLAs with 5,000 signed postcards protesting Bill 36, in the BC Legislature yesterday, with 60 Doctors and other medical professionals in their white coats, filling the gallery. The proceedings were live-streamed, and a Press Conference followed.   Here is the link to the Press Conference that followed. KEEP THOSE POSTCARDS COMING TO KEEP THE PRESSURE ON   Sign online and a postcard will be sent to your MLA  ———-o0o————–   Save our Natural Health Products Industry Download and print, write letters and/or sign a postcard and pick up extras at your local Natural Foods Store.   ——————————- o0o————————————-
WORTH A LOOK   image.png

‘The Big Picture’ complete video series is available for $25. This includes 5 and one-half hours of video content as well as unlimited lifetime access. SIGN UP HERE

NEW! BC 15-Minute/Smart City Coalition


Click Subscribe Now to receive our
NEW weekly newsletter which includes Zoom mtg links, latest news & local actions
Don’t Miss Out On The Next BC -Wide 15-Minute/Smart City Coalition Online Meeting,  Open our newsletter to get the latest on BC Fires and 15 Min. Cites: If you have difficulty opening the newsletter link, pause your VPN and try again. Prepare for the meetings by watching 3 pre-requisite informational videos on 15-minute cities. 15-Minute Smart Cities – The Pig Problem –Watch Investigating Smart Cities –Part 1 Investigating Smart Cities –Part 2
——————————- o0o————————————-   Action-Packed Freedom Rising Newsletter Issue 59  HERE
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Read The November Issue Online or it will be available at our Sunday Rally Pick up print copies at our Penticton4Freedom rallies Covering news and information that mainstream media won’t. Every Month for over a year, Penticton4Freedom supporters have donated enough money to Druthers to cover the cost of the 1,200 copies we distribute every month, plus some left over to support other distributors. Thank you for being an everyday hero by donating, reading, sharing and distributing Druthers copies in your area. Mary Lou Gutscher   The November issue is a biggie!! BOMBSHELL: There’s DNA In The Vaccines: Confirmed by Health Canada   Available online now and coming to P4F Rallies soon. (Maybe even this Sunday)   Read DRUTHERS

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Want to join the fun in one of these initiatives or suggest another more important to you?

Just reply to this email or call 780-908-0309 to offer your help and suggestions.

Better yet, show up at our rallies, meet some fellow freedom lovers, and pitch in where your interests lead you.

And receive lots of ((( FREEDOM HUGS! ))) (if you want them)

Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our Penticton4Freedom events!

Let’s make this weekend AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher


Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, November 11-12, Kamloops, Kelowna, Vernon, OK Falls, Oliver & Penticton: November 11 Come Out to Support David Lindsay in Kelowna & Protest Falsified Assault Charges

Please forward

It Ain’t Over”

Freedom activists are critical thinkers!

Our society is so dumbed down and indoctrinated that anyone who is a critical thinker is labeled as a Conspiracy Theorist

Did you know: The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was first coined and used by the CIA to ridicule anyone who opposed the gov’t narrative?

For the most complete evidence that was intentionally and conveniently omitted from all Federal Gov’t studies/reports/committees.

Falsified assault charge

Kelowna Courthouse

R v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault

New Rally Date – Sat. Nov. 11, 2023

Join us this coming Nov. 11, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. for our street protest at the corner of Hwy 97 (Harvey Ave.) and Cooper St. in Kelowna.

We will be there for 60-90 minutes. There is plenty of parking in the parking lot, but it is suggested to park a fair bit away from the corner to avoid any complaints.

Our rallies will still continue at Stuart Park on the 1st Saturday of each month!

We will have signs, but urge everyone to bring their own signs on important issues such as:

15 minute prison cities

Dangers of digital Gov’t currency and ID

The ongoing COVID-19 vaccine/mask dangers

The fraudulent claim of man-made climate change

The attack by all Gov’ts on freedom of expression (including the City of Kelowna and Trudeau on the internet)

The NCI (National Citizens Inquiry)


Remember – the Gov’ts hate public visibility to their corruption. We need to be in the public eye at all times!

See below for Rally Petition

See you next Tuesday, November 14, 9:30 a.m. at the Kelowna Courthouse


On Sept. 12 Judge Heinrichs ruled that I had to get transcripts for my s. 11(b) Charter Jordan (delay) application, as well as to provide written submissions by Oct. 30.

JC Word Assist wanted about at least $5 000.00 for the transcripts I needed, and $12 000.00 including the actual trial.

So, I had a wonderful friend who has her own transcription services company offer to do them for me. However, she was not registered with the Province to do them. This took three weeks to get registered.

Then she was told she had to drive from out of town to the courthouse to get the tapes. Upon arrival at the courthouse, she was then told that they would not give them to her because the BC Government has a monopolistic contract with JC Word Assist that only they can do criminal transcripts! What a complete waste of almost a month of our time, and energy. Monopolies are also a complete violation of the common law.

I then attempted to have my case put before the judge asap, to have an application by me to have our case put over to Dec. 13 which is already set aside, and to have the judge order that the transcripts be produced so I can file my challenge. The SCC ruled 18 months was the limit and it is now 23 going on 24.

The judge was always two weeks ago and I was instructed to go to the JCM on Monday last week to set a time to be heard. The judge would not agree to this and continued to hold it over to Nov. 14 despite the fact that I cannot comply with her order to file my submissions by Oct. 30 because I don’t have the transcripts,

That is where we stand on this case. The judge is going to likely accede to Crown demands for contempt of court for not filing my written submissions by Oct. 30, despite not being able to waste $5K on a criminal company who exists by stealing freedom and justice from criminal victims.

There is no reason why the judge would waste a whole day of court time knowing I won’t have submissions filed because the transcripts are priced out of reach for most people. Trial days were $1600/day!!!!! That is pure theft.

Join us on Nov. 14 to see where this case of injustice takes us.


See CLEARBITS below – on upcoming threats to our freedom of expression on the internet.


Kelowna Petition to ban rallies

After the case planning conference, I was supposed to file my SLAPP application for Oct 30. This turned out to not be possible as I am away. I attempted to have my Application filed at the courthouse by a friend, but the court would not take it without at least one personally signed document which was not possible being out of town.

I could set up an account to efile, but they will only accept my birth certificate number as ID which of course I do not have on me. So that option is denied.

So, I remain rushing around trying to late file materials which is pretty frustrating. I will have to file it all on Monday and no likely have to apply to the court to extend time by one week. Fortunately, this should not prejudice the City as the hearing dates next Jan and Feb will remain unchanged.

More updates next week.

David’s currently filed Documents are now up on the website! The document titled “Response” is the legal argument David has filed.

Recently, the actual Notice of Application to strike the City’s claim has now been filed with the Court, including a short Affidavit. These will be posted online this week.

The City is trying to ‘pigeon hole’ our rallies as being an event. They claim that our CLEAR Canopy is a ‘tent’. See our affidavit for proof of this falsehood. But this shows how little facts that they have to support their case.

All City of Kelowna documents and pleadings are now placed on our website for public viewing:

Our next protest/rally is set for:


December 2, 2023

12:00 pm Stuart Park, Kelowna

See Cash is King Poster for businesses below!!



Empower Hour

Every Wednesday Action4Canada hosts the Empower Hour, an online zoom meeting open to everyone. We have a special guest each week, who will educate, inform and answer your burning questions.

Wednesday November 8, 2023 – Zoom Doors open at 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST Register in Advance

A4C Orientation – 4:30pm PST. Tanya’s update – 4:45pm PST. Empower Hour guest segment 5pm PST/8pm EST.

Denis Rancourt, PhD, Co-director of Correlation Research in the Public Interest, joins Tanya Gaw to discuss the newly published scientific report entitled “Quantitative evaluation of whether the Nobel-Prize-winning Covid vaccine actually saved millions of lives” authored by Rancourt and Joseph Hickey, PhD. The Lancet, a world renowned medical journal, published a paper claiming that the jabs saved millions of lives. However, Rancourt and Hickey re-examined the mathematical model behind that paper and their findings confirm that, “There is no evidence in the hard data of all-cause mortality of a beneficial effect from the COVID-19 vaccine rollouts. No lives were saved.”

Instead, the researchers estimate the COVID-19 vaccines led to 17 million deaths worldwide, with the most deaths occurring among the elderly. Learn more about our guest and Share the Empower HERE.

To be kept informed of these webinars sign up for our Email Updates so as to receive advance notification along with details on how to pre-register for each Empower Hour webinar.


Know Your Rights: 

Guidelines for Peaceful Protesting/Gathering/Rallies and/or Attending Events (eg. Council Meetings, School Boards, Handing out Flyers)

Check out A4C for some of the most successful actions and strategies available to us!

And a big thank you to Tanya for all her hard work and dedication and support for the Christian principles that founded our nation!


Thank you to Bettina for all her dedication and hard work on this vital topic

Contact us:




Buy me a coffee:

Event Brite:


Contact Bettina


Geoengineering Free Canada | Facebook

This group is to educate people and try to put a stop to the geoengineering and poisonous chemtrails they spray in our skies.


Scientist admits the ‘overwhelming consensus’ on the climate change crisis is ‘manufactured’

Welcome to the BC 15 Minute/Smart City Coalition August 27, 2023

NEW! BC 15-Minute/Smart City Coalition

Click Subscribe Nowto receive our
NEW weekly newsletter which includes zoom mtg links, latest news & local actions

Don’t Miss Out On The Next BC -Wide 15-Minute/Smart City Coalition Online Meeting, 

Open our newsletter to get the latest on BC Fires and 15 Min. Cites:

If you have difficulty opening the newsletter link, pause your VPN and try again.

Prepare for the meetings by watching 3 pre-requisite informational videos on 15-Minute cities.

15 Minute Smart Cities – The Pig Problem –Watch

Investigating Smart Cities –Part 1

Investigating Smart Cities –Part 2

Support CLEAR by putting more pressure on the City. Join Kelowna online meetings starting Monday Sept. 11th at 7:30-8:30 PM

Email:  Kelowna15min@proton.meto join the Kelowna 15 Min. meetings or open the newsletter and scroll down to the zoom link in the Kelowna group section.

For more info. or to add your group to the BC 15-Min./Smart City Coalition,

Thank you, Nadia for all your hard work and dedication to freedom!!!


Subscribe now for freedom activities in the Kootenays!


Thank you North Vancouver!


The original reason CLEAR was founded was to expose the fraudulent usury (interest) based banking system. You should obtain a copy of the short book, USURY by Hilaire Belloc, as was as Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People by Joe Thaughberger. Understanding the fraudulent banking system is the fundamental key to opening up the knowledge of freedom.

Every single problem in societies the world over, is traceable back to the fraudulent money system.


An incredible examination into the basis for our law.

Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.

  • Frederick Bastiat


This short 60 page book is a must read for anyone who truly believes in freedom.



Sunday Paper Deliveries

Next delivery day:
November 12, 2023

(Weather Permitting)

Add your name to the delivery list and make sure to check your email on Sunday mornings for confirmation that our paper delivery will take place that day

Make sure you arrive before the designated time so we can all get going ASAP!

Every Sunday at 11:30 am

Nov. 12, 2023

  • Sign-up on the Newspaper Delivery list so that you get an email confirming the deliveries for each Sunday. With winter in mind, we will only do this if roads are bare and it’s not snowing. The advantage of delivering this time of year is that nobody is hanging out in their front yards except for the odd snowman.
  • We meet at the Capri parking lot between A&W and De Dutch Pannekoek House
  • Bring a large bag for carrying the papers if you want
  • Grab a free small Kelowna mapbook that can help you get situated. Your cell phone will be tracking and tracing you. Learn how to read maps again
  • You will be provided with a printed google map of the area you will be delivering to. Bring a yellow marker to indicate which streets you completed. You may run out of papers or you may end up with extra
  • We ask that with every paper you deliver, you remove the inserts and place them in the mailbox in front or behind the paper. That way, someone who may hastily throw out the paper will still be forced to see each individual flyer
  • Please deliver only one paper per mailbox, regardless if you have different papers (we usually have a combination of different papers and editions). Some houses may have up to 4 mailboxes; put one paper in each as they are for different tenants

3 Simple Things Freedom Activists can do to WIN this War:

  1. Spread the Word by delivering papers and flyers everywhere:

Knowledge is power

  1. Replace your cell phone with a flip phone:

Think of your apps as TRAPS!

  1. Use CASH:

Hand out the “Use cash cards” and “pay cash” business posters



New Credit Card Fees & Lack of Privacy

It is starting – Use cash as much as possible – use credit cards or digital only if there is no other alternative.

Companies will not use digital currency if we are not using digital currency! It will cost them too much in lost business.

Here is an awesome poster you can distribute to all businesses to put on their entrance doors, advocating for the use of cash. Print on 8 1/2 x 11 glossy hard stock for best results.

BC Transit launches tap payment in Victoria

Use cash for all transit!!!!

For Business owners:

The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash as much as possible. As recognized by Freedom Rising, there are many inherent dangers of using digital currency. What do you do, not if, but when:

The internet is down

There is a power outage

The card reader malfunctions

Your phone battery dies or doesn’t work for other reasons


Your phone is stolen

Your passwords are co-opted

Your credit/debit card strip is damaged – needs replacing

There are errors in relation to the quantum of $$ on your card

Gov’t limits your purchases/CRA liens the balance on your card


CLEAR has promoted the non-use of digital currencies and credit/debit cards as much as possible, for years.


Withdraw money on Saturday/Sunday from the bank or bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry the amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.


USE CASH $$$$$$$$$

Do you want to be the next person to be “unbanked” because of your political beliefs????

Get these cards below at the CLEAR booth to give out everytime you use cash – or print your own to hand out!

Make Business sized cards to hand out at all your cash purchases!


Thanks Nadia for this link:

    Find out which institutions near you Support Digital ID  The Digital ID System is being supported by a rapidly growing number of provincial and federal governments, financial institutions, networks for payments and for identity verification, technology service providers, strategy and integration experts to name a few…


Ed Kallio



The SCC in the Jehovah Witness case ruled that the Crown, as parens patriae, can override parent’s decisions and that children were not their property.

Once you understand exactly what property is, you will realize the con these SCC judges committed. Children are our property until they are 18.

Soon, you will need a license to have sex where there is a risk of having a child without the State’s consent.


New laws are coming in Australia and the UK that will not only destroy independence and freedom on the net (what Google hasn’t yet destroyed), but anyone who disagrees with the Gov’t narrative will no longer be able to post online.

Does this sound like China to you????

The Internet will not go away,
t is your access that will be restricted and controlled.
The best way to circumvent this is the TOR network.

Speaking of Australia – the attack on Christianity continues down under


Why EVs Aren’t The GreenTech Panacea


Alta. Premier Danielle Smith on green thinking


The B.C. Gov’t is now trying to end single family homes (ie: happiness, yards for children) in this Province.


Trudeau appoints woman to the Supreme Court of Canada

Judge Mary Moreau

“She is active in domestic and international efforts in education, ethics initiatives, and modernization in the legal world.”

Read between the lines: she is a Liberal globalist, anti-Christian and pro-SOCI and LGBTQ proponent in the ‘new word order’.

More bad decisions are coming from the SCC






– Kelowna

Providing awesome, professionally sanctioned materials and information against the COVID and other vaccines






The Epoch Times (note, thanks to Google, you have to look at the 4th screen to get their home page, just by searching for Epoch Times)


Just say NO to Digital ID


Immediate Halt to the COVID-19 Vaccination Program in BC!

Dr. Malone





Including our own media


Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Next Kelowna Rally:


December 2, 2023

12:oo pm Stuart Park

November 11, 2023

Hwy 97 and Cooper!!

Join us for important announcements on the local, legal scene, and informative speakers!


Nov. 11, 2023 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


Nov. 11, 2023

O.K. Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m.

Across from Esso Station


Nov. 11, 2023

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m.

Town Hall


Kamloops Freedom Gathering
Nov. 11, 2023
10:00 – 12:00 Noon

Valleyview Centennial Park


Penticton Freedom Rally

Nov. 12, 2023 1:00 p.m.

Main and Warren St.

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!


It Never Was About “Hate” — It Was Always Meant As a Gag on Nationalist Opinion

Federally-funded “anti-hate” group only covers hate from “extreme right,” founder says

[Cosmin Dzsurdzsa and the folks at True North may be surprised that the massively federally and BMO-funded Canadian Anti-Hate Network have had no time to denounce extremists and hateful comments from the left over the Israel-Hamas war because they were focused on the “extreme right”. We at CAFE are not surprised. The war on an emotion — hate — was never really about hate. It was about suppressing nationalist opinion and shielding Jews and privileged non-White minorities from serious criticism. The pernicious “hate law”, Sec. 318 & 319 of the Criminal Code were introduced by supposed civil libertarian Pierre Trudeau in 1971. In its sordid 52 year history, no Jew, no non-White, with the exception of Indian Chief David Ahenakew, was ever prosecuted for of convicted for hate. Thirty years of agitation by the Canadian Jewish Congress led to the stacked Cohen Commission on hate propaganda in 1965. This was a key year. In this year, dark forces were changing our immigration laws to eventually let in hordes from the Third World to replace Canada’s European founding/settler people That being the goal, they changed our flag from the Red Ensign which celebrated our European origins the the present rather vapid Pearson pennant. If you’re going to imposed the brazen flim flam of replacing the founding/settler people, you can anticipate some opposition. Hence, the speech suppressing hate” and similar provincial anti-free speech clones. Still, it’s refreshing to have Mr. Anti-hate Bernie Farber, a longtime operative of the former Canadian Jewish Congress admit that “anti-hate” is basically anti-White. — Paul Fromm

By Cosmin Dzsurdzsa – November 7, 2023 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppLinkedin

A federally-funded “anti-hate” organization says its relative silence on weeks of antisemitism has been because it only has the resources to focus on hate from the “extreme right.”

Canadian Anti-Hate Network (CAHN) founding chair Bernie Farber made the admission on X in response to a post criticizing the organization for its silence on the recent wave of antisemitism following a terrorist attack on Israelis.

“It’s been a month since the terrorist attack on Israelis. This is the first post from anti-hate since then. I know your views because I’ve grown up knowing you. But it’s not just me calling this out,” posted the user, Ariella Kimmel.

“Ariella, focuses on the extreme right. That is what it does. I wish we had the resources to do more. We just don’t,” replied Farber.

The organization has faced weeks of criticism for its sparse reporting on the ongoing anti-Israel protests engulfing Canada. 

Farber’s admission sparked a backlash on social media. True North’s Andrew Lawton criticized Farber’s selective focus.

“Canada’s leading anti-hate activist, Bernie Farber, says (CAHN’s) silence on a month of antisemitism has been because they only focus on the ‘extreme right.’ Thanks for admitting this is all coming from the left then, Bernie!”, posted Lawton. 

True North founder Candice Malcolm also joined in the criticism pointing to the fact that anti-Israel rallies across Canada were staged by the extreme left. 

“As Andrew Lawton points out, the boss over at ‘anti-hate’ let the cat out of the bag. The reason they’re not covering the anti-Israel hatefests throughout Canada is because those rallies are led by the Left (including Islamists) not the scary Right,” wrote Malcolm.

The accusations against CAHN come amid nationwide demonstrations by supporters of Hamas. Major anti-Israel demonstrations have been held in cities such as Ottawa, Toronto, Edmonton, Vancouver, and Montreal following Hamas’ attack on Israel.

Despite the rise in antisemitic incidents during these protests, CAHN has not published any reports or public comments on the threats faced by Jewish communities from the far-left specifically. 

The issue of antisemitism is not confined to Canada. In the United States, a 69-year-old Jewish man died following a confrontation with pro-Palestinian demonstrators in suburban Los Angeles. The Ventura County Sheriff’s Department is investigating the incident as a possible hate crime.

Freedom News: Environment Minister & Carbon Tax Fanatic Guilbeault Admits He’s A Proud Socialist & ‘Conservative” Alberta Minister Betrays Party Base & Refuses to Dismantle Anti-White Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Bureaucracies in Universities

It’s been a week of startling admissions and deflections from the Liberal camp. Here’s what you need to know.

Guilbeault Embraces “Proud Socialist” Tag Amid Carbon Tax Defense:
Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault has declared himself a “proud socialist” while fervently upholding the Liberal carbon tax. This confession in Parliament has stirred the political pot, aligning him closely with climate change measures that continue to polarize the nation.
Guilbeault’s Socialist Reveal:Read the Full Article Here
Liberal Safe Supply Program Under Fire as Opioid Deaths Remain High:
In an unsettling turn, the Liberal “safe supply” initiative for curbing opioid fatalities is under fire. With deaths still on the rise, the Liberals, led by Minister Ya’ara Saks, now point to socio-economic woes and illegal drugs, shifting away from pandemic-related explanations.

Opioid Crisis Worsens: Liberals Shift Blame

UCP Minister Rebukes Party’s DEI Stance:
In a defiant departure from her party’s recent direction, Advanced Education Minister Rajan Sawhney has starkly dismissed the democratic will of UCP members. Sawhney has provocatively claimed that party members — who have voted to abolish DEI bureaucracies in universities — are out of step with Albertan values and in need of DEI indoctrination.

This bold assertion flies in the face of the UCP’s landmark AGM decision to rid post-secondary institutions of DEI offices, which many Conservatives see as bastions of divisive, ideological agendas.
Discover More on Sawhney’s Controversial CommentsKeep fighting for what is right,
Jorgen Soby
Operations Manager

Back In Kelowna, CAFE Supports C.L.E.A.R. BC’s Monthly Freedom Rally 9

Back In Kelowna, CAFE Supports C.L.E.A.R. BC’s Monthly Freedom Rally

C.L.E.A.R. BC has staged rallies opposing the freedom smashing COVID restrictions since April, 2020. C.L.E.A.R. BC follows the motto “Resistance is Not Futile.” C.L.E.A.R. Director David Lindsay is leading a fight against Kelowna City Council that seeks to ban freedom protests in public — that means, the taxpayers OWN them — parks.

CAFE Director Paul Fromm with the old Red Ensign, the flag of the REAL Canada

An Urgent Call to Action for Hamilton & District Freedom Fighters

An Urgent Call to Action for Hamilton & District Freedom Fighters

ATTN- Freedom supporters in Hamilton & the surrounding areas:
A hard copy of this flyer was found randomly by me during a recent walk. 
Have since listened to some of Dr. Lukasik’s presentations.

It is not difficult to read between the lines of her “strategies”. They are the strategically concealed trappings of the 15 minute city/’smart’ city agenda + the WEF “you will own nothing and be happy” goal. 

It is imperative that as many freedom supporters as possible flood the venue next Wednesday, November 8 at 7:00 p.m.

We should record the talk, and have pointed questions + examples prepared to diplomatically yet firmly and intelligently debate Dr. Lukasik in order to expose the true agenda behind ‘climate change’, such as, e.g.:

“Are you aware that it takes significantly more energy to produce the lithium ion batteries which power electric vehicles (EVs)?”

“Are you aware of the multiple incidents of spontaneous combustion associated with the lithium ion batteries which power EVs?”

“Who is going to cover the cost of the climate change retrofit program? What if the property owner cannot afford to pay for it, or they choose to opt out?”

“Will the climate change retrofit program be voluntary, or will it become mandatory?”

We should also consider bringing folded-up or rolled-up placards with anti-15 minute city & climate change fraud slogans to open up near the end of the Q & A session. Displaying them too soon would likely result in our being kicked out prematurely… which will defeat the purpose of our presence there. 

**This is a vital opportunity to voice our valid concerns regarding the WEF climate change fraud & expose the deceitful scam which- if unchallenged- will lead to permanent total control over our lives. This affects EVERYONE.**

Please contact Raychyl to plan our peaceful, lawful, yet resolute attendance at this presentation. (905) 921-3671 or

Where the Hatred Comes From


Throne, Altar, Liberty

The Canadian Red Ensign

The Canadian Red Ensign

Friday, October 27, 2023

Where the Hatred Comes From

Following the 7 October Hamas attack on Israel, in which the terrorist organization not only unleashed the predictable barrage of largely ineffective rockets on the Jewish state, but penetrated the barrier between Gaza and Israel with a large force that killed about 1500 people and took about 150 hostage, we were treated to the disgusting spectacle of progressives gathering en masse in cities and academic campuses around the West, not to protest these despicable acts, but to cheer them on.   This was immediately denounced as a display of anti-Semitism, mostly by neoconservatives many of whom called for such demonstrations to be banned.   While I don’t have much better an opinion of these demonstrators than the neocons have this call to criminalize the demonstrations is extremely foolish.    There is already too much suppression of the expression of thought and opinion, we do not need to add any more.   I don’t agree that this is an expression of anti-Semitism either.   This essay will explain why.

A discussion of this sort requires that we define anti-Semitism at some point so we might as well get that out of the way.   H. L. Mencken said that “an anti-Semite is someone who dislikes the Jews more than is absolutely necessary”.   That is amusing, at least to those who do not have a politically correct pole permanently lodged up their rectums, but not particularly helpful.   Joe Sobran said that “an anti-Semite used to be someone who didn’t like the Jews.   Now he is someone the Jews don’t like”.   This is more helpful as an explanation of the neoconservative use of the term than of what it really means.  

Most people, I suspect, use it to mean any dislike of the Jews for any reason.   The late rabbinical scholar, Jacob Neusner, objected to this promiscuous use of the term.   In an article entitled “Sorting Out Jew-Haters” that appeared in the March 1995 issue of Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture he gave this account of anti-Semitism:

According to anti-Semitism, Jews are a separate species within humanity, peculiarly wicked, responsible for the evil of the human condition. A political philosophy formulated in the world of late 19th-century Germany and Austria, anti- Semitism formed the ideological foundation of political parties and served as the basis for public policy. It provided an account of life and how the Jews corrupt it. It offered a history of Western civilization and how the Jews pervert it. It formulated a theory of the world’s future and how the Jews propose to conquer it. People make sense of the world lay appealing to anti-Semitism, and in World War II, millions of Germans willingly gave their lives for the realization of their country’s belief in an anti-Semitic ideal of national life and culture.

The term, he argued, should be reserved for Jew hatred of the type that fully meets this description, and to apply it to lesser prejudices trivializes it.

Now, you might be thinking that what we are seeing meets Neusner’s requirements to be called anti-Semitism.    The rallies that we have been talking about, after all, are not just in support of the Palestinian people, but of Hamas, the terrorist organization dedicated to the elimination of Israel, and of its actions on 7 October.    Why would anyone support such an organization and such behaviour unless their mind was in the grips of the sort of hatred described in the paragraph from Neusner’s article quoted above?

There are a couple of obvious problems with that way of thinking.  

The first is that if these progressives, academic and otherwise, were motivated by anti-Semitic hatred we would expect that their support for violent, murderous, organizations and their behaviour would be limited to Hamas and other similar groups.   This is not the case.   The progressive activist crowd has a long history of supporting violent, murderous, groups.   In the post-World War II era of the last century, for example, they supported every Communist group available from the Stalinists to the Maoists to Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge.   Communism killed 100 million people in the twentieth century.    Pol Pot’s group murdered about 2 million people, a quarter of the population of Cambodia.  Yet Noam Chomsky, the MIT linguistics professor who became the guru of the student activist wing of the left and who is regarded by most neoconservatives as a self-loathing Jew for his support of the Palestinians, decades ago was defending Pol Pot and claiming that the accounts of the “killing fields” were American propaganda.   My old friend Reaksa Himm, whose account of seeing his family slaughtered by these brutes and being left for dead himself, was published as The Tears of My Soul: He Survived Cambodia’s Killing Fields, His Family Didn’t, Could He Forgive? in 2003, would no doubt have a few things to say about that.   Then, of course, there are the countless progressive students who thought it “cool” to wear t-shirts or put posters up in their dorm room bearing the image of vile Communist terrorist and mass murderer Ernesto “Che” Guevara.   So, no, this sort of stupidity on the Left, is not all about the Jews.

The second problem is that even when progressive bile is directed towards Israel as it is in these pro-Hamas demonstrations it is not against Jews qua Jews.   There is an element of racial hatred in it but that racial hatred is not directed against Jews as distinct from everyone else.   It is directed against Jews as white people.    Some might object to that statement on the grounds that not all Jews are white, Jewishness being primarily a religious identity.   Others, including some Jews who hate whites and Christians and some whites who don’t like Jews, would make the polar opposite objection that in their opinion no Jews are white.   These wildly differing objections aside, my statement is nevertheless true.   The hatred the immature, idiotic, Left is displaying towards Israel is the same hatred they display towards all Western countries, i.e. countries that lay claim to the heritage of Greco-Roman, Christian, white European, civilization, and to the extent that there is a racial element it is that which is on display almost ubiquitously on university campuses in the form of the claim that “whiteness” is a cultural and civilizational cancer that must be “abolished”.   The language used against Israel is the same language used against Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and basically any country and society settled and built by Europeans as an extension of Western civilization.   The only difference is that in this case the settlers were Jews rather than Christians.

It is not therefore a case of anti-Semitism.   Anti-Semitism and its counterpart Zionism began around the same time in the nineteenth century.   Both were the result of “Enlightenment” philosophy’s war against God, revelation, religion and faith.  For centuries Christians and Jews had been at odds over a religious issue.   We, rightly, believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah promised in the Old Testament.   They, wrongly, reject Jesus as the Christ.   This was not an insurmountable divide.   Any Jew could become a Christian by believing that Jesus is the Christ and being baptized into the Church.   The “Enlightenment” brought about a loss of faith on both sides but this did not eliminate the divide.   Instead, post-Christian Gentiles and secular Jews began to regard their division as being based on biological racial differences.   Division on this basis is insurmountable.   You cannot change your race.   At least, you couldn’t until the whole “I’m whatever gender, sex, race, species, I want to be” garbage started up in the last few years.   The expression of this idea of an insurmountable race divide was anti-Semitism on the part of post-Christian Gentile Europeans and Zionism on the part of secular Jews.   In the early days of both movements they supported each other.   Each believed that the racial differences between Jew and Gentile prevented them from living in peace together, therefore the solution was for them to live in peace apart.    Whatever else might be said about this way of thinking it is clear that the animosity directed towards the Jews of Israel on the part of the pro-Hamas progressive demonstrators is not this anti-Semitism.   It is based, indeed, on the very opposite concept – that the Jews are fundamentally one with other Western Europeans rather than being fundamentally divided from them by race or even religion.

Just in case you mistake this as an attempt to white-wash the progressives, let me assure you my intention is quite the reverse. The progressives’ anti-Israel position arises out of a far more pernicious attitude than mere anti-Semitism.   It arises out of the hatred that is at the very heart of leftism. 

The Left is the openly revolutionary form of liberalism.   Sometimes liberalism tries to hide its revolutionary nature behind a mask of reform, of working within the institutions of civilization to accomplish its goals, but when that mask is removed what you get is the Left.   The Left, therefore, is the true face of liberalism, and that face is one of revolution and sedition.   Liberalism is not a constructive force but a destructive force.  In its earliest recognizable form it began as an attack on Christendom or Christian civilization, the heir to classical Greco-Roman civilization.   Its first targets were kings who are the earthly political representatives of the King of Kings Who rules over all of Creation, and the Church, the corporate body of Jesus Christ in which His Incarnational presence is sacramentally continued after His Ascension to the right hand of the Father.   In attacking God’s earthly representation in this way liberalism revealed that its ultimate hatred is of God Himself.   Liberalism is essentially the earthly continuation of Satan’s revolt against God.   After attacking king and Church, liberalism launched its siege on every other tradition and institution of Christian civilization.   From what we have just seen about liberalism’s essential nature its hatred of civilization is entirely explicable.   Liberalism hates kings because they are the earthly representation of God’s Sovereign rule over Creation.   Liberalism hates the Church because the Church is the earthly representation of Christ’s priestly intercession in Heaven.   Liberalism hates civilization because civilization is the product of man as builder and it is in his capacity as builder that man most displays the image in which man was created, the image of God the Creator.

That is the hatred that is on display whenever the progressive Left blithers on and on about “colonialism” and “imperialism”.   Man, in his fallen estate, is incapable of building a perfect civilization.   Imperfect civilization, however, is better than no civilization at all.   The Left is no more capable of building a perfect civilization than the builders of the past it is always decrying, sometimes for their real sins but more often for new offences they just made up yesterday, and the Left is not interested in trying to build a perfect civilization.  It is only interested in tearing down the civilization others have built.   It claims to be speaking out for “victims”.   Sometimes the “victims” are people who have suffered actual harm in some way from civilization building.   Other times, they are merely those who have not shared equally in the benefits of civilization with others.   Either way, the Left’s idea that civilization must be razed, its history erased, and its builders “cancelled” and defamed is hardly the answer and in the support they are now showing for the despicable acts of murderous terrorists they show that their motivation is not genuine concern for those who have not fared as well from civilization as others, but a Satanic hatred of civilization builders, for representing, even in an imperfect way, the image of the Creator God.

That is a far more vile form of hatred than the extremely banal one of which the neoconservatives are accusing them. Posted by Gerry T. Neal a

Letter from Political Prisoner Brad Love – On of the Men Behind the Wire

September 20, 2023

Dear Paul:

I received yours and M’s mail today along with a jail warning that “religious and cultural material” isn’t allowed.


I attended video court on September 12 and13th. A female judge put me over until September 20. On the 13th another female judge wanted to set a trial date for December of  2024! And she cranked at me to get a real lawyer who could arrange an earlier trial date for me. Say what? Blackmail! So, I put her over although she did set a preliminary hearing date for December 1, 2023.

My trial for my 2020 charges begins Monday, November 20. So, I’ll be shipped back to Fort McMurray on the Friday.

Although I hear good things in here about my appointed lawyer, Gary Smith, I’ve yet to ever meet him or speak with him. Nor do I have any access to my disclosure or the many court notes that I made.

Shipping me here shut me off from all that, which I’ll tell the judge on the 20th when I shall also ask for and “11-B” dismissal of my by now three year old charges. If those charges are dismissed, I will then re-apply for bail on these new charges using Gary Smith who, as you know, was denied access to me during my August 24 bail hearing. This was technically a breach of my ‘defendant rights’ as he well knows but I am wondering what he did about it back then. I also wonder who called him to attend this hearing (via video) and then so casually shut him out of the hearing? As I don’t know his number, it surely wasn’t me as being in an RCMP lockup, my only call permitted was to you.

At my August 24 failed bail hearing, the female Crown hinted at my “rightwing beliefs” while the judge encouraged her and then, 24 hours later, I was crowded into a paddy wagon van for a loud, bumpy trip to Edmonton, my companions were three Indians  and two Blacks. I kid you not. People just don’t get it.

This jail is unlike Ontario jails. Guards are on the unit all day. They call you by your first name. It’s clean and roomy, with an exercise room included. I’m in a unit with 60 or so White guys. Guys come and go daily, as they either serve a short sentence or come up with the 200 bucks in bail money which will set them free. [$200 and you can’t come up with that!?]

Meanwhile, look at me. Why do all of my courtroom trials always seem to be with zero audience? Yet, the Crown frequently bemoans that the “community”, who oddly never attend any of my court appearances. Ever! This sort of worries me. Secrecy can be our enemy. Isn’t it strangely odd that the Crown is proceeding by “indictable” [which allows a longer sentence] on the charge of sending two letters to the “Mayor’s Committee of Halfwits, Dimwits, Transvestites and Homo Humpers” mailed over a year ago and which the RCMP then regarded as prank mail?  When was the last time anyone in Canada was charged or convicted of “obscene material”?

As for leaving a message on an Edmonton Indian group’s  phoneline calling them “extortionists and church arsonists”, so what?

I mean, if these are crimes, shouldn’t comedian Russell Peters be serving a life sentence by now?

Sixty-five years old and I have to deal with this!

Brad Love

Prisoner #1519809

Letter from Political Prisoner Brad Love – On of the Men Behind the Wire

September 20, 2023

Dear Paul:

I received yours and M’s mail tod along with a jail warning that “religious and cultural material” isn’t allowed.

I attended video court on September 12 and13th. A female judge put me over until September 20. On the 13th another female judge wanted to set a trial date for December of  2024! And she cranked at me to get a real lawyer who could arrange an earlier trial date for me. Say what? Blackmail! So, I put her over although she did set a preliminary hearing date for December 1, 2023.

My trial for my 2020 charges begins Monday, November 20. So, I’ll be shipped back to Fort McMurray on the Friday.

Although I hear good things in here about my appointed lawyer, Gary Smith, I’ve yet to ever meet him or speak with him. Nor do I have any access to my disclosure or the many court notes that I made.

Shipping me here shut me off from all that, which I’ll tell the judge on the 20th when I shall also ask for and “11-B” dismissal of my by now three year old charges. If those charges are dismissed, I will then re-apply for bail on these new charges using Gary Smith who, as you know, was denied access to me during my August 24 bail hearing. This was technically a breach of my ‘defendant rights’ as he well knows but I am wondering what he did about it back then. I also wonder who called him to attend this hearing (via video) and then so casually shut him out of the hearing? As I don’t know his number, it surely wasn’t me as being in an RCMP lockup, my only call permitted was to you.

At my August 24 failed bail hearing, the female Crown hinted at my “rightwing beliefs” while the judge encouraged her and then, 24 hours later, I was crowded into a paddy wagon van for a loud, bumpy trip to Edmonton, my companions were three Indians  and two Blacks. I kid you not. People just don’t get it.

This jail is unlike Ontario jails. Guards are on the unit all day. They call you by your first name. It’s clean and roomy, with an exercise room included. I’m in a unit with 60 or so White guys. Guys come and go daily, as they either serve a short sentence or come up with the 200 bucks in bail money which will set them free. [$200 and you can’t come up with that!?]

Meanwhile, look at me. Why do all of my courtroom trials always seem to be with zero audience? Yet, the Crown frequently bemoans that the “community”, who oddly never attend any of my court appearances. Ever! This sort of worries me. Secrecy can be our enemy. Isn’t it strangely odd that the Crown is proceeding by “indictable” [which allows a longer sentence] on the charge of sending two letters to the “Mayor’s Committee of Halfwits, Dimwits, Transvestites and Homo Humpers” mailed over a year ago and which the RCMP then regarded as prank mail?  When was the last time anyone in Canada was charged or convicted of “obscene material”?

As for leaving a message on an Edmonton Indian group’s  phoneline calling them “extortionists and church arsonists”, so what?

I mean, if these are crimes, shouldn’t comedian Russell Peters be serving a life sentence by now?

Sixty-five years old and I have to deal with this!

Brad Love

Prisoner #1519809


George Orwell Free Speech Award, 2023

                In 2021, the Canadian Association to Free Expression (CAFÉ) revived the George Orwell Free Speech Award, started in the 1980s by the late Doug Christie, the “Battling Barrister.” The last one was awarded in 2013, the year one of Canada’s most outstanding defenders of free speech died. In 2021, with the permission of Doug Christie’s widow, we revived the award. Because of the generosity of a special donor, the award is accompanied by a $1,000 prize. It is awarded alternately in Eastern and Western Canada. In 2021, the winner was political prisoner and editor of Your Ward News, Dr. James Sears. The award was presented in Toronto. In 2022, the award winners were brother and sister political prisoners Alfred and Monika Schaefer. The award was presented in Vancouver. This year, the award was presented on October 12 in Toronto to Jurgen Neumann.

                The award read: The Canadian Association for Free Expression Presents The George Orwell Free Speech Award for 2023 For Outstanding Courage In Challenging Censorship and Defending Freedom  In Pursuit of the Truth And for Outstanding Talent as a Freedom Communicator & Videographer who has collected and preserved so many vital historical speeches, events, and discoveries online for future generations to Jurgen  Neumann.   Presented in Toronto,  October 12 , 2023 Continuing a Tradition Begun by the late Douglas Hewson Christie, The Battling Barrister & the Canadian Free Speech League.”

                Adding his congratulations was Christian Klein, President of the Association of German Expellees and himself a longtime supporter of the late Mr. Zundel’s struggle for free speech and historical truth.

                We received a number of congratulatory messages. One came from fellow videographers Diane King and Jim Rizoli:On our last trip to Canada about five years ago or so, one of the most important things we had to accomplish was to meet up with Jurgen Newmann to acquire all of the Ernst Zundel and any other Revisionist videos that he had. This was particularly significant since both Ernst and Ingrid had died and the estate was relegated to Ingrid’s son who would have nothing to do with the revisionist community whatsoever. What Jurgen possessed was an immensely valuable archive of information dealing with the truths about The Third Reich and WWII. Jim spent time with Jurgen acquiring these videos, which we have been able to promote and display on BitChute and other formats and will continue to do so as long as we are able. We could not have accomplished this without Jurgen and his dedication to the truth concerning and on behalf of the Germans in WWII and The Third Reich.”

                You can watch this year’s George Orwell presentation here:

CAFE Director Paul Fromm Presents 2023 Winner Jurgen Neumann With the George Orwell Free Speech Award
Christian Klein, Committee of German Expellees, Salutes Jurgen Neumann