Tag Archives: Jonathan Yaniv
BREAKING: Canada tribunal rules beauticians don’t have to wax genitals of man claiming to be ‘female’

NewsGenderTue Oct 22, 2019 – 12:53 pm EST
BREAKING: Canada tribunal rules beauticians don’t have to wax genitals of man claiming to be ‘female’
October 22, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – The British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal ruled today against transgender activist Jonathan “Jessica” Yaniv who had made formal “discrimination” complaints against a number of female beauty technicians for refusing to wax his genitals on the premise that as a “woman” he was entitled to be serviced by them. The court ruled that aestheticians who work from home have a right to refuse to handle male genitalia against their will.
“Human rights legislation does not require a service provider to wax a type of genitals they are not trained for and have not consented to wax,” the decision stated.
The decision further found that Yaniv “engaged in improper conduct,” “filed complaints for improper purposes,” and that Yaniv’s testimony was “disingenuous and self-serving.”
The Tribunal finally noted that Yaniv was “evasive and argumentative and contradicted herself [sic]” while giving evidence.
“Self-identification does not erase physiological reality,” stated Jay Cameron, the Justice Centre’s Litigation Manager, and counsel for the aestheticians. “Our clients do not offer the service requested. No woman should be compelled to touch male genitals against her will, irrespective of how the owner of the genitals identifies.”
The trans activist, who calls himself a “proud lesbian,” made international headlines this summer for his discrimination complaints launched against 16 beauticians for refusing to wax his male genitals.
Reports the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms:
Jessica Yaniv identifies as a woman but possesses male genitalia. In March 2018 Yaniv approached the aestheticians and requested a “Brazilian” to remove pubic hair from the groin area. When the aestheticians refused to provide the requested service due to a lack of personal comfort, safety concerns, a lack of training, and/or religious objections, Yaniv filed complaints against them alleging discrimination based on gender identity and gender expression. In total, Yaniv filed 15 complaints against various aestheticians in the Vancouver area seeking as much as $15,000 in damages against each aesthetician.
Yaniv has made numerous public comments against immigrants. At the hearings, Yaniv contended that immigrants use their religion to discriminate against trans people because they refused to wax the male genitals of those who identify as women.
The Justice Centre represented Blue Heaven Beauty Lounge and its owner, Sandeep Banipal, who is an adherent to the Sikh religion. Ms. Banipal testified that she was not trained to wax male genitals and that it “is not something I am comfortable with.” The Justice Centre also represented Sukhi Hehar Gill, who was forced to close her business due to the complaint against her. Ms. Gill, also a practicing adherent of the Sikh faith, provided waxing services only to female clients, attending alone at her clients’ homes. She explained in her response to Yaniv’s complaint against her that it “is contrary to my faith” to provide waxing services to a biological male. Yaniv had requested that Gill attend at Yaniv’s personal residence to provide arm and leg waxing services. Finally, the Justice Centre represented Marcia Carnauba, a third aesthetician who was suspicious about Yaniv’s behaviour in advance of the appointment and canceled it as a precaution. Ms. Carnauba also does not have the necessary training, tools or comfort level to perform waxing services on male genitalia. Ms. Carnauba closed her aesthetic business following the complaint against her.
The Justice Centre noted that an expert in genital waxing testified at the hearing, informing the Tribunal that aestheticians who are not trained in male genital waxing should not attempt to wax a penis and scrotum due to the risk of serious injury to the customer.
“The expert also testified that the necessary prolonged manipulation of a client’s penis and scrotum often results in sexual arousal and a request for sexual services. The expert said her salon’s refusal to provide sexual services has resulted in name calling, intimidation and customer requests to masturbate in her salon,” the Justice Centre reported.
The Justice Center noted that most of the women who were the target of Yaniv’s complaints work out of their own home, are of immigrant background, and have small children with them in the house during the day. A publication ban had identified Yaniv only as JY for most of the proceedings until the aestheticians successfully brought an application to have it lifted.
The Tribunal ordered costs against Yaniv in the amount of $2000.00 payable to both Banipal and Carnauba.
Whatcott’s September 2, 2019 update

Bill handing out flyers in front of the BCHRT on the first day of his trial, December 11, 2018
Dear friends,
These past couple weeks have been quite busy.
The mediation date for Jonathan Yaniv’s British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal (BCHRT) complaint against me has been set for:
October 16th, 2019, from 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
For those unaware, Mr. Yaniv is seeking $35,000 in damages for my flyer and preaching that referred to him as a man and criticized his predatory complaints against 16 female estheticians who he attempted to coerce into waxing his genitals.
Here is the preaching session that I am being prosecuted for
Strangely, the BCHRT has insisted the “mediation” be conducted via telephone conference.
“Given the high conflict nature of the complaint, the Tribunal has determined that the most appropriate method of mediation is by teleconference.”
Danyka Wadley, Resolution Clerk
Mediation is generally done face to face with a mediator. If my mediation session with Mr. Yaniv is so “high conflict” that it is not safe for us to be in the same room together with a mediator then I am not actually sure what the purpose of the mediation is????
Anyways, tomorrow Monday, Citizen Go is holding a demonstration outside the Toronto CBC headquarters to voice our opposition to CBC’s “Drag kids” tv program.
In spite of concerns being expressed that the children depicted on the “Drag Kid’s” program are being exploited and the outrage expressed by many taxpayers at seeing gender confused young children in sexually suggestive poses on their tv screens, CBC in their usual fashion is ignoring the taxpayer complaints and imposing this harmful tv program on Canadians whether they want it or not.
Tomorrow I will be going to show my support for Citizen Go’s worthy protest. If you wish to go it will be held:
CBC Toronto headquarters, 250 Front St. W,
Monday, September 2nd, 12:30 to 2:00 PM.
On Thursday, September 5th, 2019 I will be back in the Ontario Superior Court again at 391 University St at 9:30 am for what is known as a Rowbatham hearing.
This is to see if I will qualify for government funding for my legal defense for my upcoming January 6th, 2020 so-called “hate crime” trial.
The Crown Prosecutor offered to support the application on my behalf for state funding so long as I would agree to pay $100 a month for perpetuity until the legal bill is paid in full and the $100 a month payable amount would be open to reassessment in the future at the Ontario government’s discretion.
Given that I didn’t ask for this trial and given that the debt that I would be agreeing to take on will likely run into the multiple tens of thousands of dollars whether I win or lose, and given that my earning capacity is less than that of the average Canadian, I told Mr. John Rosen (the lawyer who has been kind enough to work on this application on my behalf) that the terms are not acceptable. A life time of debt to the Ontario government whether I win or lose the criminal trial would definitely be a loss for me.
As for my other case with Mr. Morgane Oger, the NDP Vice President transvestite, who had me prosecuted by the BCHRT and fined $55,000 for telling Vancouver voters in a flyer that he is a biological male and that God did not want them to vote for him, there is no news yet on the appeal. However, the guy seems to still be bothered by my existence. Notwithstanding that I am not even residing in his province and I have issues more pressing than him in my life, Mr. Oger decided to publish malicious and delusional statements on his foundation website that I have threatened him with a rifle and that he needs continual police protection at his children’s school and his home, and warned those reading his website that I will likely kill someone if I am not dealt with.
Yup, that’s the guy who “Conservative” MP Michelle Rempel decided to fundraise for last year so that his foundation could be well funded to prosecute people who “misgender” him.
I note another “Conservative” MP had this to say about the “Morgane Oger Foundation” a foundation whose only purpose as far as I can see is to prosecute Canadians who dare to publicly disagree with Mr. Oger’s views on LGBT issues and now has delusional slander on its website:
“The role of the Morgane Oger Foundation is needed in Canadian society.”
Karen Vecchio, Conservative MP, Elgin, Middlesex, London
My advice if you really care about Conservative values and freedom of speech is don’t waste your vote on the so-called Conservative Party of Canada. The Christian Heritage Party or if you don’t have a CHP candidate in your riding than a People’s Party of Canada are the two parties truly committed to freedom of speech and the CHP is unambiguous in its commitment to protect the God ordained natural family from state intrusion.
In Christ’s Service
Bill Whatcott
“The earth, O Lord, is full of your steadfast love; teach me your statutes!”
Psalm 119:64
The Ongoing Legal torment of Bill Whatcott: Legal Aid for Illegals but Not Christian Preacher Bill Whatcott?
The Ongoing Legal torment of Bill Whatcott: Legal Aid for Illegals but Not Christian Preacher Bill Whatcott?
I was in Toronto this morning to attend the continuing saga of the “hate crime” trial of Bill Whatcott.
Bill Whatcott was accused of a “hate crime” and arrested last year under an extraordinary Canada-wide warrant. His “crime” was handing out Christian literature that starkly warned of the physical and spiritual dangers of homosexuality. He had done this peaceably at the 2016 “Gay Pride” parade in Toronto.
For Bill, the process truly is the punishment. Bill has been in the Ontario court system for just over one year now, having made dozens of appearances. Despite this, his case is still at a “pre-trial” stage, with the actual trial date set for January 6th, 2020. Because of all the costs and time involved in travelling to and from court appearances, Bill has had to relocate from his home in Alberta to Ontario, where he is struggling to make ends meet.
To-day’s hearing was called to determine whether or not Bill can receive financial assistance for his legal costs – which are becoming astronomical. Without legal aid, Bill will be forced to represent himself. Considering this is such a pivotal, precedent-setting case for religious freedom in Canada, self-representation is not a very good idea!
The Christian lawyer who has been helping Bill thus far has connected him with one of Ontario’s top criminal lawyers, John Rosen. Mr. Rosen, who is not a Christian, and who has represented some of the most heinous criminals in Canadian history, is willing to take over Bill’s case if legal aid is provided.
I had the opportunity to spend about an hour chatting with Bill and Mr. Rosen this morning, and it is clear that Mr. Rosen is an incredibly intelligent, experienced, and savvy lawyer. He knows Bill’s case, Bill’s history, and has also been tracking other cases involving Christians losing their free speech rights in Canada, like Father Tony Van Hee in Ottawa. He said he found Bill’s case “interesting”.
To-day’s hearing resulted in no actual decision on legal aid for Bill, but another date was set to come back to court and discuss the matter on September 5th. (As I said, the process is the punishment!)
After the hearing, Bill and I spent some time one-on-one talking about his case and the strain it is placing on his finances and family. The prospect of eighteen months in jail is a frightening thought for him, but he is willing to face it for the sake of the Gospel, if it is God’s will. He also told me he feels the Church in Canada is burying its head in the sand when it comes to the increasing threats to her freedom – and to her very existence.
We also discussed the subject of Jonathan “Jessica” Yaniv, a male transsexual who is bullying a number of female aestheticians in BC, using human rights courts to demand that they be forced to provide a Brazilian wax job on “her” male genitals. Mr. Yaniv has also filed a human rights complaint against Bill, seeking $35,000 in damages because Bill called him a man and criticized his bullying of those aestheticians. The BC Human Rights Tribunal has actually decided to take up Mr. Yaniv’s case and pursue his complaint against Bill. As Bill put it so aptly, “He’s the posterchild of all that’s wrong with gender ideology.”
Finally, Bill and I also spent some time in prayer – which was probably the most productive part of Bill’s day! We prayed for God’s help in this country – not only to vindicate Bill, but to wake up the Church! We need to call our nation to repent and turn back to Christ.
You can sign and share our petition in support of Bill here: https://www.citizengo.

Radical trans activist hits Christian with $35K ‘human rights’ complaint for injured ‘dignity’
Radical trans activist hits Christian with $35K ‘human rights’ complaint for injured ‘dignity’
PETITION: Tell Rights Tribunal to THROW OUT cases of trans ‘woman’ demanding females wax his genitals Sign the petition here.
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, July 24, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A Canadian trans activist who has drawn global headlines for demanding female beauticians wax his male genitals and attempting to organize LGBT “swim parties” for children is now going after Christian activist Bill Whatcott for publicly referring to him as male.
Jonathan “Jessica” Yaniv is a man who “identifies” as a woman. He recently rose to prominence for filing 16 complaints against local beauticians who offer bikini waxes to actual women but have refused to wax his male genitals, then for seeking permission from the Township of Langley, British Columbia, for “LGBTQ2S” groups to hold topless-optional swimming parties for “all people aged 12+,” with parents and guardians barred from attending.
Whatcott is a Christian social conservative activist whom the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal fined $55,000 in March for distributing a flyer identifying trans activist and former political candidate Ronan “Morgane” Oger as a “biological male,” which the court deemed an affront to Oger’s “dignity, feelings and self-respect.”
In a post Tuesday at the Free North America forums, Whatcott revealed that Yaniv is seeking $35,000 for “gender identity or expression” discrimination for publicly referring to him in sidewalk preaching and a flyer as a “biological male” and a “transvestite deviant” looking to “prey on vulnerable biological women.”
The complaint alleges that by stating the facts of Yaniv’s gender and expressing a negative opinion about his public activities, Whatcott has caused him “immense injury to dignity and self respect,” “incited hatred towards myself,” and “clearly intended to injure and, regardless of his intent, did injure the my privacy, dignity, and economic interests by calling attention to my sex and gender identity in a hateful manner.”
“God has created two sexes, and your gender identity should align with reality,” Whatcott declares in the video the complaint highlights. “If you choose to believe something fake, if you choose to believe you’re a woman when in fact you were born a biological male, I feel sorry for you. But you have no right to impose that falsehood on me. You have no right to impose that falsehood on other Canadians.”
“Really, these so-called human rights complaints are all an offense to real democratic principles and when it comes to complaints involving so-called transgender complainants the process is an offense to reality itself,” Whatcott responded to the complaint. “What is clear to me is if these frivilous (sic) and vexatious complaints continue (and all indicators are the BCHRT is happy to spend taxpayer’s money entertaining them) the ability to use peaceful speech to challenge the mostly fraudulent claims of the LGBT agenda, especially as it pertains to so-called gender theory will be gutted.
“No doubt Yaniv and the BCHRT would be really happy if I incurred the cost of another lawyer and expended all sorts of energy to defend myself,” he continued. “I believe we Christians have to do something different and indeed we have to work to reform our country and remove the ability of cultural Marxists and malcontents to use the power of the state to silence our speech.
“Beyond pointing to Christ as our ultimate answer, I have no solution as to how to Canadians can regain our freedom,” Whatcott lamented. “I think the judgments I am facing and the ordeal these 16 female estheticians have faced at the hands of a sick predator and a corrupt human rights tribunal is clear evidence our courts and political system is corrupt and I see no mass uprising on the horizon of outraged Canadians demanding to have their freedom back.”
Apart from the transgender ideology issues at play, some speculate Yaniv may simply be a male heterosexual predator using “gender identity” as a pretext to prey upon women and girls (he identifies as a lesbian, indicating he remains sexually attracted to the people he wants to wax his genitals and share locker-room space with).
The Daily Caller reported that Yaniv has a record of disturbing texts about being in locker rooms with girls as young as age 10, asking questions like, “If there’s like 30 girls in the change room, how many of them would you say are out there changing freely with their vaginas and tits out?” and, “What are some things that girls do like in the bathroom stall and in the change room that I should be doing to make myself more a girl,” specifying that he was asking about “the gross stuff.”
Moreover, Oger himself has accused Yaniv of “outrageously inappropriate acts, some towards children who are tweens and teens,” spanning 2013 to 2018.” Yaniv is alleged to have attempted to solicit phone numbers from teenage girls online, and to have taken photographs of underage girls at a beauty pageant without permission.
For his part, Whatcott says he may be willing to sit down with Yaniv for mediation, noting that while he doesn’t have the money for the damages Yaniv seeks, “I have Good News that I can share and a treasure more long lasting and beneficial to his well being than money.”
Whatcott hit with another “human rights” complaint
Whatcott hit with another “human rights” complaint
Bill Whatcott’s Gospel preaching in front of the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal (BCHRT) that Mr. Yaniv claims “caused immense injury to dignity and self respect.” So much so that Mr. Yaniv allegedly needs $35,000 in compensation to recover.
The flyer that allegedly harmed Mr. Yaniv so much he needs $35,000 and given the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal (BCHRT) did not summarily dismiss his complaint (which is within their power to do), it appears they might agree with him!
Jonathan Yaniv’s BCHRT complaint asking for $35,000 because I allegedly called him a man and criticized his vexatious habit for finding women working as estheticians out of their homes, demanding they wax his “female penis” and then slapping them with human rights complaints when they refuse.
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1HXBWj … i5Fs_gHw_W
Jonathan Yaniv needs expedited service to fleece me of $35,000 because he is worried I am going to be in jail for 18 months before he gets his cash
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1WOZH4 … nNLhoEEE3B
Here is the complainant whose “dignity, self respect and privacy” I allegedly harmed showing off in a bathing suit on social media.
I note Mr. Oger (who the BC Human Rights Tribunal ordered me to pay $55,000 and no longer refer to using male pronouns) is supposed to be a woman and as Vice President of the BC NDP is allegedly deeply concerned about women’s rights and safety; however in this post on his own social media, Mr. Oger shows about as much sensitivity to the real female esthetician’s discomfort with being forced to handle Jonathan Yaniv’s ‘female penis” as you might expect from a porn addicted biological male.
Just because Mr. Oger is comfortable looking at strange naked men when marching in homosexual pride parades, that doesn’t mean biological female estheticians are comfortable looking at strange men’s penises and being forced to touch them when the man identifies as a woman and demands a wax job in the woman’s private home. In fact real women have a valid concern for their safety if such a cross dressing man shows up and demands such an intimate service. Look at the article below and if you are a woman ask yourself if you would want to be alone with this guy.
Here is an article published by the Post Millenial delving into Mr. Yaniv’s background and exposing some of his disturbing, predatory tendencies. It should be a no brainer that women estheticians should not be forced to handle this strange man’s penis. I note most of the women who Mr. Yaniv targeted were working alone in their homes and some had children in their homes:
https://www.thepostmillennial.com/the-t … to-emerge/
Dear Friends,
Yesterday, I received this latest so-called “human rights” complaint. I’m not sure if this complaint is more outrageous than the last one. Really, these so-called human rights complaints are all an offense to real democratic principles and when it comes to complaints involving so-called transgender complainants the process is an offense to reality itself. What is clear to me is if these frivilous and vexatious complaints continue (and all indicators are the BCHRT is happy to spend taxpayer’s money entertaining them) the ability to use peaceful speech to challenge the mostly fraudulent claims of the LGBT agenda, especially as it pertains to so-called gender theory will be gutted. Now merely speaking on the street your reality grounded belief that biological men are men and proclaiming your belief publicly that men who call themselves women should not be able to target vulnerable biological women with demands that women be forced touch their private parts, such speech in Canada can land you in front of a human rights tribunal facing potentially tens of thousands of dollars in fines, not to mention spending tens of thousands of dollars defending yourself.
To be clear I will not be requesting any funds to defend myself in this latest case.
Before I deal with Yaniv’s complaint, I actually have to appear before the Ontario Superior Court to deal with funding for my criminal case, the so-called “hate crime” charge related to my Gospel ministry at the Toronto homosexual parade. I will be in the Ontario Superior Court, 361 University Ave, Toronto, this coming Thursday, July 25th at 9:30 am. Please pray that the judge orders funding for my case or else I will be self representing when the trial starts July 6th, 2020.
Of course throughout history Christians have had to appear before courts and tribunals without counsel. Christianity’s greatest missionary St. Paul had to appear before a Jewish Council where he was physically abused and had to defend himself without the help of a lawyer, see Acts 23. St. Paul also appeared before the courts of Caeser in Rome without the help of a lawyer and after giving his witness before the emperor, St. Paul was put to death. The injustice of St. Paul’s suffering and execution may have seemed meaningless at the time, but God used St. Paul both as a free man and as a prisoner and God used St. Paul both in life and in death, to spread the Gospel thoughout the Mediterranean region and his early ministry still touches people around the world today as they read his epistles and come to know Jesus Christ through his work.
No doubt Yaniv and the BCHRT would be really happy if I incurred the cost of another lawyer and expended all sorts of energy to defend myself against this frivilous and vexatious complaint. I believe we Christians have to do something different and indeed we have to work to reform our country and remove the ability of cultural Marxists and malcontents to use the power of the state to silence our speech.
Beyond pointing to Christ as our ultimate answer, I have no solution as to how to Canadians can regain our freedom. I think the judgements I am facing and the ordeal these 16 female estheticians have faced at the hands of a sick predator and a corrupt human rights tribunal is clear evidence our courts and political system is corrupt and I see no mass uprising on the horizon of outraged Canadians demanding to have their freedom back.
Once I deal with my hate crime charge on July 25th I might consider heading to BC to go into mediation with Mr Yaniv. I have no $35,000 to give him, but I have Good News that I can share and a treasure more long lasting and beneficial to his well being than money.
“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor;
he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the
prison to those who are bound.”
Isaiah 61:1
I also note Mr. Oger is hoping to run for office again in the fall federal election and not surprisingly the BC media is fawning over him in its coverage and all of the major outlets are pretending he is a woman: https://bc.ctvnews.ca/morgane-oger-look … -1.4493153
I had no plans to bring gender and Biblical truth to this upcoming election, however if I have to appear to speak to Jonathan Yaniv and deal with his allegations, it is altogether possible that God would want me to speak to gender non reality in the upcoming federal election while I am in Vancouver. To this end I might ask for some crowd funding in the near future and will greatly covet prayers in the meantime.
In Christ’s Service,
Bill Whatcott