Enthusiastic Anti-lockdown Event Victoria BC Saturday Dec 19 2020
About 200 folks gathered under the porch at the head office of the Ministry of Health, encouraging each other as we dissent from the Central Party Line. Victoria is famous for being mellow and so we were. In high spirits in the pouring rain, exercising our right to assemble peacefully … from little papooses wrapped closely on their moms, children playing ‘mongst concerned parents / grandparents, to elders in our 80s, we hugged each other spreading good will, dispelling KronaMadness in the most practical way.
Among the excellent speakers, doctor Stephen Malthouse was the hero of the hour. In 8 minutes he put the boots to the official non-sense.
On the very doorstep of her office, calling Bonnie Henry a liar … going so far as to declare “there is no real pandemic, This thing was pre-planned. governments around the world are lying in lockstep”. I urge you-all to locate the Malthouse open letter sent to BC’s Chief Health Officer. Call Dr. Henry and demand she address the serious queries in it. Saint Bunnie’s phone number is 250 952 2611
For 3 hours, everyone in attendance was violating the Public health Order as well as Farnsworth’s Ministerial Order M425. Yet – other than a few passersby – none of us were muzzled. Of course the mainstream media was conspicuous by its absence. The scene of our ‘crime’ is about half a mile from the Victoria Police building, but not one of them showed up. Days earlier, Premier Horgan had come out in petulant mode, fuming that provincial officials have been delegated to issue tickets against us bad citizens … antimaskers! antivaxxers!! Heretics !!! All that did, is, confirm scuttlebutt that the RCMP are declining to issue Violation Notices in light of legal counsel that Covid regulations in British Columbia won’t stand scrutiny by a Judge.
Linda Morken made several excellent points, quoting Sally Fallon, founder of the Weston A Price foundation: ‘Don’t grumble about a problem ‘til you can offer a solution’. Everyone wants immediate remedy for the outrageous intrusion of Big Sister govt. into our lives. But we’re going to have to put up with what Charles Maclean said in his classic work “Popular delusions and the madness of crowds” : People go crazy in herds, they come to their senses one at a time. Each speaker told us that our task is to kindly educate those entranced in the propaganda, so they can “untie the knot of fear in their mind’. Other than bearing witness in our daily lives – particularly, by going around breathing freely and cultivating strong personal immunity – we were pointed to Action4Canada’s big project = taking on the validity of the Orders in Court via a constitutional challenge in Court.
As seemingly tiny as they are, each grassroots gathering across the continent and around the world, are having effect. We are what George Washington called his “winter soldiers” the men who suffered through the first winter in appalling conditions … the backbone of the first American revolution. Those who show up at rallies, witnessing against authoritarian-ism, are every bit as important to our nation now.
We got hundreds of favourable honks / thumbs-up from motorists going by on Blanshard St. This present administration has badly miscalculated the depth of opposition to its Covidiocy. The (NDP) are fat and sassy now, coasting in the glow of re-election to majority government. That happened mostly because Dr Bonnie Henry cast her spell, daily, bewitching the electorate. But when people realize the enormity of the damage, this authentic populism will get organized, then this gaggle of antichrists will go down as the most unpopular govt. in BC history.
The contrived jolly public face the Premier put on while electioneering brings to mind what they say in Poland : “he laughs. He has not yet heard the bad news.” Most recently, though, it’s the smirk peculiar to conmen, aka “duper’s delight”. My take on Mr Horgan, is: he’s a local boy made good but that’s as far as it goes. Capable of getting elected on his own turf, played his hand well as Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, but IN-competent at actually governing. Stupified in the newsmedia glare, he’s not the “brains’ of the NeeDiPpers. No, he’s akin to the puppet clubs of “motorcycle enthusiasts” which the Hells Angels allow to operate on their territory … ie. Mr Horgan’s riding where the HA clubhouse is. Big bluff Irishman Horgan is the mouthpiece of guys like Geoff Meggs, lifetime Trotskyite in a 3piece suit.
Back in 1967, I made my way to Haight Street in San Francisco. That summer, there was magic in the air… it really was peace love and good vibes, outwardly. I crashed overnight in one of the iconic Victorian skinny houses, then dropped in to the Digger house. What I encountered was the other, seamy side of the hippie culture. Local Negro petty thugs had mugged a couple of naive white kids fresh in from rural America. About 50 people were sitting around the front room, talking about what to do. Like something straight out of a movie, The Big Man who had been summoned from the local white gang, tossed a handful of bullets in to the middle of the circle, saying “is it going to come to this?” Simpleton that I was, I gathered them up, handed them back to him. Then got-the-hell-out-of-there. My infatuation with the hippie thing sobered-up right there and then. Point being : we’re now at that same stage of the spiritual battle against KronaMadness. The diplomatic Sitzkreig of the last 10 months ended with the image out of Calgary. Two hysterical female cops embarrassing themselves in a textbook example of how NOT to carry out an arrest, hints at what’s planned. Faced with larger increasingly-confident displays repudiating the PANICdemic, officialdumb – comprised of individuals with the emotional plague** – will turn the screws to enforce their delusion. ** Wilhelm Reich defined such character as someone so emotionally-crippled they cannot abide anyone else enjoying life. Mockery drives emotional plague types right around the bend. Laughter is the anti-dote, so – bring on the comic relief !
Thank you Brett Beckett for putting on quite the party, and! to the guys who gave us live music. Let’s do it some more
Gordon S Watson
Justice Critic, Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians