This Shameful Attack By  Masked Anti-Racists is on YOU, Hamilton City Council, Who Refused to Hear Supporters of Free Speech & Urged City Staff to Find Ways to Ban Protest

This Shameful Attack By  Masked Anti-Racists is on YOU, Hamilton City Council, Who Refused to Hear Supporters of Free Speech & Urged City Staff to Find Ways to Ban Protests 
THIS IS ON YOU! On Canadian Anti-Hate (ANTI-WHITE) NETWORK, on the anonymous smear artists at Anti-Racist Canada and on all the unthinking leaders who preach the gospel of anti-racism and suppression of free speech.
Get this straight! Anti-racism is a code word for anti-White. This elderly lady is being tormented by the psycho masked Red Guards of the George Soros globalists.
So much for Hamilton being a city of “diversity” and “inclusion”. It’s toe the party line or be banned or harassed!
Paul Fromm

HARRY ABRAMS (Complainant in Arthur Topham Case) SPEAKS

HARRY ABRAMS (Complainant in Arthur Topham Case) SPEAKS

Harry Abrams is the Victoria voice of B’nai Brith one of Canada’s leading anti-free speech groups and, as defence lawyer Barclay Johnson pointed out at the recent Arthur Topham trial, a lobby for a foreign power — Israel. So, people associated with a lobby group dedicated to supporting a foreign power make judicial war on a Canadian critic of that power.
 In 2007, when Arthur Topham turned the focus of his website — check it out before the thought police order it taken down — he almost immediately came under attack by thought control freak Harry Abrams. He launched a “human rights complaint” under the notorious Sec. 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act. CAFE intervened on his behalf. However, before a tribunal could be convened the section was repealed. In 2012, Abrams, now joined by the champion human rights complaint filer under the old Sec. 13, Richard Warman, filed a complaint with the B.C. Hate Squad, fortuitously headed up by another free speech foe and former London thought police cop Terry Wilson. Needless to say, he hopped to it and Arthur was “investigated” and charged under Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code; to wit, “willfully promoting hatred against a privileged minority” — in this case Jews.
Neither Warman nor Abrams bothered to attend the 12-day trial (October 26 to November 12) resulting from their complaint. They just do their mischief and let the cops and courts inflict maximum pain on dissidents.
The following material appeared November 15 on the Anti-Racist Canada website. Here Abrams thanks all the people who helped him persecute Arthur Topham, including B’nai Brith lawyers like Marvin Kurz and Anita Bromberg. Poor Richard Warman hasn’t received the kudos Abrams feels he deserves in the judicial takedown of Arthur Topham. [Boo, hoo, we’ve run out of Kleenex.]
Frederick Fromm's photo.
Free Speech martyr Arthur Topham
Abrams boasts of a number of campaigns to shut other people down. He’s currently trying to impoverish Vancouver Buddhist lecturer Brian Ruhe for publishing historical revisionist videos. He boasts (elsewhere) of contacting Ruhe’s employers and getting him fire.
Erroneously, Abrams says that the evil book Germany Must Perish was obscure WW II Allied propaganda that no one had ever heard of. It was not Allied propaganda. It was written by a U.S. Jew Theodore Kaufman and was his blueprint for the eradication of Germans after WW II by mass sterilization. Abrams knew  Arthur Topham’s take-off on this book, Israel Must Perish was a satire. He said so, the Arthur Topham trial learned, when he was interviewed by Det. Const. Wilson. The fiery passages Abrams quotes are from this satire. They are meant to criticize the book  Germany Must Perish, not seriously to suggest genocide of Jews. Det. Const. Wilson said he’d been aware of Germany Must Perish. Of course, as Germans are not a privileged minority, this book has never been the subject of prosecution in Canada.
More than ever, free men and free women need liberation from thought control laws like Sec. 319, Canada’s “hate law.”
Repeal all hate laws!
Paul Fromm

 Harry Abrams also writes the following on the subject:

Arthur Topham – Guilty!

Undated ( 1970’s?) photo posted to Topham’s Facebook page

“…Topham’s bizarre antisemitic conspiracy theories and his repeated demonization of the Jewish people are far beyond the limits of what civil society would consider to be protected speech. While we recognize that freedom of speech is the cornerstone of a free and democratic society, Topham’s postings crossed a line when he began to actively assert the need for genocide of the Jewish people…” – B’nai Brith Canada

Harry thank you for bringing Topham to everyone’s attention. Here the system has worked as it should. – Marvin Kurz

These above are my 2 favourite headlines so far. The decision just didn’t seem to sink in for me until I finally could  read it in the national mainstream news, and for this once, I think that the main outlets covering the story, both understood and conveyed the significance of why this needed to be done, and how freedom of speech in a democracy can never be totally open-ended…or else we risk losing our civilization.

More wherefores and why-fores in a moment, but first I would like to offer some acknowledgements and thanks.

Detective Terry Wilson and Corporal Normandie Levas and the BC Hate Crimes Team. Without these skilled, principled and above all, dedicated Peace officers, we never would have had this show. Det. Wilson, who led the investigation would have been the first (after myself and the B’nai Brith legal ensemble) to  recognize the complaint for what it was, and make the critical decision to proceed,  knowing with certainty that  we had  a textbook  criminal case.

Richard Warman of Ottawa.   See:

It’s been something of a shame that Richard hasn’t received much notice in all of the coverage I’ve seen so far, because he also filed  similar complaints all along.  I’d like to see him receive a few laurel leaves. He’s taken personal risks and worked very hard and has been an admirable steadfast colleague for many years.

B’nai Brith Canada A special thank you to Anita Bromberg, then in-house lawyer at the office in Toronto, and of course legal counsels Marvin Kurz in Brampton, Ont. and David Matas in Winnipeg, Man.,  both of whom oversaw my work and preparation, pro bono.

Antiracism Experts: Alan Dutton  of Vancouver and Helmut Harry Loewen in Winnipeg. Thank you fellows!! For all of your support and years of commiseration!     This unique collective has been of invaluable assistance to all Canadians in getting the word out  and archiving important developments and files on key personalities. See  their sections on Paul Fromm and Doug Christie too…

Why Topham and

By 2006  the phenomenon  of  internet blogs and interactive websites and chatboards had absolutely exploded.

Not only was it a whole new era of instant feedback to news outlets, but any person, with only even a rudimentary understanding of the use of computers, could instantly become their own regional or worldwide  publisher or take part in any number of exciting discussion and interest groups.  We’ve never turned back. Indeed social networking plus the advent of smart phones, tablets and other highly portable computer-like devices have totally revised the way many of us  communicate, socialize, fund raise and do business all around the world.  For myself, setting up interest streams on Facebook have helped my business,  sharpened my language learning skills (I speak English, French, Spanish, German and some Hebrew and Yiddish) plus generated a 24 hour stream of world art treasures, paintings and photography; all highly inspirational to me in my work as an advertising executive and commercial artist.

But  this new  communication miracle  also served darker interests. Seized upon by haters of every stripe. But Canada, in those lofty days, had a reasonable remedy for  online published hatred. Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act.  And nobody wielded this piece of legislation  against more baddies and to greater effect than  Richard Warman.

By 2006, and under the guidance of B’nai Brith I had already used this section successfully in two different projects. Not something that most of you would have likely heard about, because neither of those cases ever went to a hearing.  The first concerned Vancouver and Victoria Indymedia. They were absolutely awash with vitriol: traditional antisemitism plus very explicit hatred against the continued existence of Israel.

Posting refutational material in response was spotty  at best. The Indy editors adamantly were loathe to clean up their discussion boards and it was unruly chaos.  By dint of close observation, I eventually discovered  who the heretofore carefully anonymous  principle editor was; and confirmed a residence address and enough relevant contact information to file a case. The  Commission accepted my complaint, and the fellow was eventually served a set of papers, receiving a packet in the mail. Rather than dispute, negotiate or attend a hearing, the editor  chose instead to make himself very scarce.  As in off of the grid. Virtually untraceable, in fact.

But before doing so,  he obliged us by erasing and disabling the then discussion board, ending the problem at hand.

Also in 2006, a local Victoria blog called (Peace, Earth & Justice) came to my attention in all of the bad far-left publicity that followed in the wake of Israel’s war with Hezbollah in Lebanon that year. became a cruel cesspit of not just criticism, but existential hatred.  Here are  a couple of stories  about it still  accessible online:

To move this story along  I’ll simply say that when finally served with  the complaint, the owner of the site promptly apologized and removed the specifically offending items, ending the problem.

No arrest. No release conditions. No court appearances. No legal fees. still carries on today. I don’t monitor it anymore. But even if they do put out the occasional article that speaks unkindly of Israel, it’s not rampantly hateful like it was back in the day.

So finally, all of this has really been just a preamble to my initiating  contact with Mr. Topham. Arthur  was, if I recall correctly, for a time, actively associated with  PEJ, and I picked up on something nasty of his that was re-posted there and linked back to his  It was then (as it stands today) a virtual toilet of Jew hatred.   In 2007  I pseudonymously emailed the fellow, pointing out one ugly article (the link is still live, but perhaps not for very much longer) and asked him politely, but firmly, if he would kindly remove this article as it was both untrue and  highly offensive to Jews. I also warned that a federal level human rights action might be commenced against him if he didn’t.

I excerpt just a bit of Elie Wiesel’s Holocaust Tale and link it here:

“…Jewish supremacists are poisoning, subverting, perverting, and murdering people of all races. The world is enslaved by their control and their ideologies, with the aid of treasonous gentiles….”

Topham refused to accommodate my request.

So I went back to work and prepared a complaint. He was served and the dispute trundled along at a more or less glacial pace until it finally stalled in 2010; awaiting the outcome of a constitutional challenge to  one of Richard Warman’s  Section 13’s. By then it had become very fashionable for everybody and their cousin in media  all over Canada to roundly condemn this human rights mechanism, and I suppose there were enough exploitable weaknesses with the process as it then was to bring down the entire piece of legislation.

Those were some bad old days.

Canada’s Parliament de-certified this section of the Human Rights Act, and that ended 2 separate complaints that both I and Richard Warman had filed against Topham. Did I forget to mention that Richard Section 13’d Topham simultaneously as well?

Since then, former Canadian Justice Minister Irwin Cotler has forwarded a bill to Parliament, with some very carefully considered amendments to the Canadian Human Rights Act. It would be nice to have something like it on the books again, but I don’t suppose it will see the light of day until well after our new government has fully legalized marijuana, and kept a few other election promises first.

So this brings us to 2011, and emboldened, I suppose, by the scuttling of Section 13, Topham appeared to double down on his rants and turned up the heat with more and more classics of hate literature, plus intense vilification of both Richard and myself;  and posted his piece de resistance, the  Israel Must Perish screed,  concocted from an obscure piece of  Allied WW2  propaganda that none of us had ever heard of before.

No doubt, he thought himself very clever to substitute the words Jew for German and Israel for Germany and so on to make up this egregious piece of work.

“…It is assumed that the reader will already be fully cognizant of the Zionist agenda for global governance that is a given in today’s political reality, especially within the alternative media and on the Internet where Zionist “hate” laws are still not fully in place to restrict the natural flow of ideas and opinions that proceed from historical research and experience….”

“…There remains now but to determine the best way, the most practical and expeditious manner in which the ultimate penalty must be levied upon the Israeli nation. Quite naturally, massacre and wholesale execution must be ruled out. In addition to being impractical when applied to a population of some five million, such methods are inconsistent with the moral obligations and ethical practices of civilization. There remains then but one mode of ridding the world forces of Zionism — and that is to stem the source from which issue those war-lusted souls, by preventing the people of Israel from ever again reproducing their kind. This modern method, known to science as Eugenic Sterilization, is at once practical, humane and thorough. Sterilization has become a byword of science, as the best means of ridding the human race of its misfits: the degenerate, the insane, the hereditary criminal.

Sterilization is not to be confused with castration. It is a safe and simple operation, quite harmless and painless, neither mutilating nor unsexing the patient. Its effects are most often less distressing than vaccination and not more serious than a tooth extraction. Too, the operation is extremely rapid requiring no more than ten minutes to complete. The patient may resume his work immediately afterwards. Even in the case of the female the operation, though taking longer to perform, is as safe and simple. Performed thousands of times, no records indicate cases of complication or death. When one realizes that such health measures as vaccination and serum treatments are considered as direct benefits to the community, certainly sterilization of the Jewish people cannot but be considered a great health measure promoted by humanity to immunize itself forever against the virus of Zionism.

…Concerning the males subject to sterilization the army groups, as organized units, would be the easiest and quickest to deal with. Taking 2,000 surgeons as an arbitrary number and on the assumption that each will perform a minimum of 25 operations daily, it would take no more than one month, at the maximum, to complete their sterilization. Naturally the more doctors available, and many more than the 2,000 we mention would be available considering all the nations to be drawn upon, the less time would be required. The balance of the male civilian population of Israel could be treated within three months. Inasmuch as sterilization of women needs somewhat more time, it may be computed that the entire female population of Israel could be sterilized within a period of a year or less. Complete sterilization of both sexes, and not only one, is to be considered necessary in view of the present Jewish doctrine that so much as one drop of true Jewish blood constitutes a Jew….”

And so my friends, especially those of you in media, I must ask you to take particular notice of even just these few paragraphs above, sampled  from the many thousands of pages and years and years of similar invective… volumes of material that all point in the same direction.

This has not been  a complaint about opinions with which I or B’nai Brith or Richard Warman or the Jewish Community of Canada simply disagree.  It’s incitement to genocide. Nothing less.  



PEGIDA Counter-protest Planned In Toronto

Going back to the Maoist madness of the early 70s when the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) would organize violent assaults on nationalist or anti-communist meetings, there has been an element of the far left that appropriates to itself the right to decide who can organize or meet. 
By the 1990s in Toronto, this role had been taken up by  drug-addled street thugs calling themselves Anti-Racist Action or ARA. They fought numerous pitch battles with the police, the Heritage Front and, on occasion in 1999, our monthly Alternative Forum meeting, famously seeking to stop a meeting with “Kennewick Man” expert and Asatru  leader Steve McNallen. [They did not succeed.] From time to time, the ARA worked with B’nai Brith who seek to squelch speakers and ideas through more establishment means of protest — complaints to venues and passing of anti-free speech laws.
It seems a nameless — not surprising for such cowards — group is seeking to attack a planned rally this Saturday by the Canadian affiliate of PEGIDA, the anti-immigration invasion group that has staged repeated mass rallies in Germany over the past year. The flowing message appeared on the website of Anti-Racist Canada, who claim not be be affiliated with the ARA. The Anti-Racist Canada (ARC) website is anonymous not surprising for such cowards! — and regularly slanders White Nationalists and other enemies of political correctness.
Is violence planned? That would certainly seem a fair interpretation of the language — “SHUT DOWN Pegida Canada” and “Bring flags, banners and noisemakers. … We will send a clear message to PEGIDA: ‘You will not organize in our streets.”
And once again, they prove our point: “Anti-racism is a code word for anti-White.” Europeans protesting the invasion of their lands are deemed “racist.”
Paul Fromm
Frederick Fromm's photo.

### Please Circulate Widely ####

On Saturday, September 19th, the racist and xenophobic “PEGIDA Canada” are planning to make their second appearance on the streets. After a humiliating defeat in Montreal earlier this year, the far-right group will attempt to rally and march in Toronto, beginning at 1PM in Queens Park.

In Germany the PEGIDA (Patriotische Europäer Gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes, or Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West) movement managed to draw tens of thousands to the streets in reactionary fervor against ‘Islamization’. PEGIDA Canada draws on the same tired nationalist rhetoric. They claim they are not racist, they simply are “protecting Canadian culture” by targeting Muslims and calling for tougher immigration laws.

Amidst the current humanitarian crisis on the borders and the broadening struggle for the rights of refugees and migrants, it is crucial we do not allow far-right groups the space to organize and mount a backlash. PEGIDA Canada is a new development in Southern Ontario and there is reason to believe this rally may draw more supporters and be better organized than their Montreal counterparts.

Join us on September 19th at 12PM SHARP to give PEGIDA the welcome it deserves – we will rally on University Ave and College St (Queen’s Park Station on the Yellow Line). Bring flags, banners, noise makers, and friends while we put our words to action and demonstrate our strength. We will send a clear message to PEGIDA and their would-be fellow travelers: You will not organize in our streets!