HELP CAFE — SUPPORT FREE SPEECH                                                                                                                                                   

                                          Canadian Association for Free Expression

Box 332,

Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3

Ph: 905-566-4455; FAX: 905-566-4820


Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director


Times of Triumph and Challenge for Free Speech in Canada

            It’s been six months since I wrote to you. What a wild time it’s been for freedom of speech in Canada!


                Canadians are heading in two different directions. On the one hand, more and more people are speaking up for freedom of speech. Almost every weekend, somewhere in Canada there is a protest against immigration or radical Islam and prominent in these protests are concerns about Motion-103, now before the Commons Heritage Committee. M-103 was a condemnation of Islamophobia by Iqra Khalid, a Pakistani who is a Mississauga Liberal MP. People rightly fear that out of this will come even more restrictions on freedom of speech. On the other hand, a panicking cultural Marxist elite is striking out in all directions trying to suppress criticism of special minorities — Moslems, Jews, the sexually unusual — LGBTQ etc.


Ottawa Library Folds & Cancels Showing of Movie Critical of Islamic Invasion of Europe

                Almost every day, it seems, there is a new issue requiring a response from CAFE and very often a timely video on You Tube. We are amassing a growing audience. Just as I sat down to write this letter to you, I was made aware that the cowardly Ottawa Public Library had cancelled a meeting of Act! For Canada because they were going to screen the movie Killing Europe. Chronic busybody Richard Warman, who apparently had not seen the movie, declared it was “hate propaganda”. Needless to say, it has never been the subject of a “hate” charge or a conviction. CAFE quickly sent complaints to the Ottawa Library and provided our list with the contact e-mails of the Board.


Thought Control Forces Lose One: Professor Tony Hall Returns to U of Lethbridge

                The day before, we got good news. Professor Tony Hall of the University of Lethbridge was back in the classroom. Changes in provincial law — yes, Rachel Notley has managed to do one thing right — forced the university to cancel its suspension and  BANNING from, campus of Professor Hall. He had criticized Zionism and insisted that there should be open debate on the holocaust. B’nai Brith, one of Canada’s most strident anti-free speech group, howled and Tony Hall, a tenured professor, was banned from campus last year and faces charges before the Alberta Human Rights Commission. CAFE wrote a number of letters supporting him and I know many of you did too.


Lindsay Shepherd — Free Speech Heroine

                More good news. A creepy story from Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario. Lindsay Shepherd is a very brave 22 year old woman. She is a graduate student and was teaching a class in communications. She was talking about the issue where some sexual dysfunctionals insist on being called “zir” or “they” instead of he or her. She played part of a TVO debate between University of Toronto psychologist Prof. Jordan Peterson who opposes such nonsense and another professor who supports the use of these made-up terms. All hell broke loose. Some anonymous student complained. She was hauled before her superiors and, in an interview she recorded, she was denounced as a White supremacist and transphobic. She bravely held her ground even when she was advised — incorrectly — that even screening Professor Peterson’s remarks might be illegal. Her future classes would be monitored by her superiors. She held her ground and insisted universities are places for people to explore and debate ideas and that controversy does not create a ‘”toxic” environment. When her recording went viral on the Internet many people rushed to her defence. The thought police at WLU became a laughingstock. Even leftish papers condemned the university’s behaviour.


Some Winnipeg Hotels Won’t Let A Controversial Figure Even Rent a Bedroom: Pyongyang on the Prairies

My recent visit to Winnipeg did not end as well. After two well attended and enthusiastic meetings in Victoria and Regina, I arrived in Winnipeg to discover  I had been the subject of a three day smear in the Winnipeg Free Press. I enclose one of these articles. Typical soap opera journalism, the article is full of name calling and denunciation. You’d have no idea what I believe and am presented mostly in the words of anti-free speech activists. I had booked a suite at the Airport Hilton for the meeting, thus, a bedroom. As long as I am sober, orderly and can pay the bill, they cannot deny me lodging. However, I was met by the manager who told me he would not let me enter. He was backed up some  grotesquely fat East Indian who refused to give his name. When asked for reasons, the manager said “circumstances”. I quickly arranged for another location and started contacting my list. About 20 minutes before the meeting, the second hotel manager said he’d spoken to the police and was throwing me out of the hotel. Friends drove me to two more hotels. As soon as I presented my ID, they refused to let me stay. The bald bouncer-like night manager with an ear ring of the Assiniboine  hotel said he “had a bad gut feeling” about me. Clearly, they had been contacted by people high up — we suspect the police — and ordered to violate my civil rights. I am consulting a lawyer and am planning to take action. However, the publicity won us three new supporters who read through the garbage. Because of Donald Trump increasing number of people see the media as liars and purveyors of fake news.


Democracy in Ontario:  Uninvited to Testify to Legislative Committee

                On October 10, I learned that the Ontario Legislature was expediting passage of Bill 63 — a draconian measure that would create 150-metre bubble zones  around abortion clinics or abortion providers’ residences. Displaying any sign, slogan even a facial gesture critical of abortion within this zone could result in 6 months in prison or a $10,000 fine. This was definitely a free speech issue, I thought. I called the Legislature and registered for a spot at 2:15 on October 12. That was the only day for the hearings. Meanwhile enemies of free speech and open debate like Warren Kinsella sent protests to the Legislature. The morning of the hearing, the clerk advised me that the committee had voted unanimously — and that included the Tories — NOT to hear me. We circulated our brief anyway.


Prior Restraint: Toronto Public Library Bans Victor Fletcher Meeting

            Joining the thought control crew is the Toronto Public Library. They refused to let us book their facilities to host Toronto Street News publisher Victor Fletcher in October. Toronto Street News is a publication that looks at conspiracies and has since 1999. Given the history of the individual and group involved in the booking and the publication being discussed, Library staff believe that the booking could lead to a violation of hate speech legislation and a violation of the provisions of the Library‘s Rules of Conduct. The Library cannot allow its facilities to be used to support such activities and we have, therefore, denied the booking on these grounds.” Libraries have often stood bravely for making controversial views available to the public. Not any more. One can only argue from past behaviour. Neither the meeting’s sponsor nor Mr. Fletcher nor his paper has ever been charged, much less convicted, under Sec. 319 — Canada’s ‘hate’ laws. I will be appearing at the December 11 meeting of the Toronto Library Board as a delegation to protest.


YOUR WARD NEWS Postal Ban Review Continues

                The review as to whether Judy Foote had reasonable grounds to issue the Interim  Prohibitory Order, banning YOUR WARD NEWS editor Dr. James Sears and publisher Leroy St. Germaine from sending mail — any mail — in Canada resumes today. CAFE is taking an active role and will continue to do so. On November 2, the Committee issued a series of preliminary rulings. First, they decided that the minister had not provided reasons for her decision. They also ruled they could consider the constitutionality of both the minister’s arbitrary actions and of those sections of the Canada Post Corporation Act itself. More hearings will be held.


YOUR WARD NEWS Charged With “Hate”

                After several years of fevered agitation, especially by Jewish censorship groups like the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith and the Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, with active assistance from anti-free speech meddlers like Warren Kinsella and Richard Warman, the Moslem Attorney General of Ontario Yasir Naqvi — he comes from a country (Pakistan) that doesn’t much value free speech — laid his second “hate law” charge in six months. The victims this time, Dr. James Sears and Leroy St. Germaine, publisher of YOUR WARD NEWS. This is going to be an important battle and CAFE is already on board as an active participant in the defence. Dr. Sears intends to challenge the constitutionality of Sec. 319 as well. Prune face Canada is actually charging a satirical paper for making people laugh. Our grim guts rulers would fit right in with the tyrants in Pyongyang.


                The Evangelist versus the Transgendered: Whatcott Human Rights Tribunal — The Opening Shots

                Across the country in Vancouver the hearing of the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal into a complaint by Ronan Auger who says he is transgendered against evangelist Bill Whatcott for critical leaflets he distributed during last May’s provincial election is still in its preliminary stages. We are supporting Mr. Whatcott’s motion to dismiss this complaint as frivolous and petty. CAFE also  supported the successful application of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms to join us as an intervenor supporting Mr. Whatcott’s rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion.


                Indeed, a very busy Fall. All of this takes money and, as always, we must rely on you. Please help Christmas to arrive early for CAFE and send us your most generous support to continue to make all this possible. We are at a dangerous crossroads in Canada with many people speaking out against our suicidal immigration policies and in defence of free speech. But, equally those trying to change our country beyond recognition and impose diversity and special rights for privileged minorities are desperate and dangerous as they try to squelch those who speak up. More than ever, CAFE’s work is vital.

                Merry Christmas! my fellow truth seeker  and friend of free speech,


                Paul Fromm, Director

CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3

___  Here’s my special donation of _____  to help  CAFE fund its interventions in the YOUR WARD NEWS  case (denial of mailing rights and now “hate law” charges).

__   Here’s my donation of ____to help CAFÉ’s support the victims of state censorship, and to produce more timely You Tube videos in this age of Internet alternative media.

__  Please renew my subscription for 2018 to the Free Speech Monitor ($15).

Please charge______ my VISA/Mastercard#____________________________________________________________

Expiry date: ______ Signature:______________________________________________________________________




Open Letter to the U. of Lethbridge Community Regarding Extreme Defamation of Prof. Hall

 Mike Mahon c8424

Dear member of the university community and President Mahon,

Dr. Gundry reveals the top 3 common foods that you would have never guessed were the cause of your fatigue.

A crime of extreme defamation has been committed against one of the tenured faculty members of the University of Lethbridge.

The damage caused by the crime goes far beyond the damage done to the reputation of the professor. It makes a mockery of the motto “Let there be light” and undermines the university’s commitment to academic freedom and the founding principle of liberal education.

There are many people who have aided in the commission of this crime, though some may not have done so wittingly. This letter is both an open letter to the university community and a request to the president that he ask for an apology from one person in particular who aided in the commission of the crime.

The primary defamatory bombshell was dropped on Aug. 26, 2016, when an egregiously bigoted post was placed on the Facebook wall of Dr. Anthony Hall. Waves of shocked complaint immediately emanated from B’nai Brith Canada, which called attention to the bigotry through several posts on its website, including a petition calling for the investigation of Professor Hall.

The post planted on Facebook consisted of an image of one man holding another in a headlock, together with the following piece of text:

“There never was a ‘Holocaust’, but there should have been and, rest assured, there WILL be, as you serpentine kikes richly deserve one. I will not rest until every single filthy, parasitic kike is rounded up and slaughtered like the vermin that they are. The white man has had more than enough of the international Jewry and we are more than prepared to smite the parasite for the millionth time. The greedy, hook-nosed kikes knows that their days are numbered and, unlike in the past, they have nowhere to run. This time there will be no kikes alive  to spread around the planet like cockroaches. We will get them ALL into the oven and their putrid memory will finally be erased from the planet once and for all. Like all parasite, the Jew will continue to reproduce until every single last one has been wiped out. This is why it is crucial that all kikes are ruthlessly and mercilessly butchered for the good of us all. KILL ALL JEWS NOW! EVERY LAST ONE!”

This was placed on Dr. Hall’s Facebook wall while he was away in the U.S. visiting Jewish friends.  He had nothing to do with putting up the post or with pulling it down, and was completely unaware of what had happened until it was brought to his attention by the B’nai Brith complaints. As soon as he became aware of what the B’nai Brith was saying he publicly condemned the post.

It seems bizarre to me that anyone would find it the least bit plausible that this sort of bigotry could in any way resemble the views of Dr. Hall. Although I have never been a student of Dr. Hall’s I have been researching his views now for over a year. My assessment is corroborated by someone who attended four semesters of his Globalization Studies program whose view can be found here.

If you found a piece of text on the webpage of the office of the president of the University of Lethbridge calling for the murder of liberal professors would you think that President Mahon authored it? Would you call for an investigation of President Mahon by the Alberta Human Rights commission, or would you call for an investigation to find the defamatory trickster?

In damaging Dr. Hall’s reputation this campaign has also severely tarnished the reputation of the university. The repressive actions that have been set in motion have caused bitter divisions within the university community and beyond.

In doing his own research of the source of the post Dr. Hall discovered that the image was altered through photoshopping. The image and text were probably created (though not necessarily posted) by someone named Joshua Goldberg. There are many media reports of Mr. Goldberg impersonating others in order to defame them. He is currently in prison awaiting trial on a charge of sending bomb-making plans to an undercover FBI informant in 2015, expressing the hope that “there will be some jihad on the anniversary of 9/11.”

If you carefully read what the B’nai Brith says on its site, you will see that nowhere do they explicitly state that Hall put up the offensive Facebook post, but it is easy to get that idea. However, in letters to President Mahon, and to the holders of the highest political offices in Alberta, the claim is explicitly made that Hall put up the post.

For further details about the background situation, go to Links to Details About the Planted Facebook Post and follow the links that interest you.

President Mahon reacted on Oct. 3 and 4, of 2016, by suspending Dr. Hall, a tenured faculty member who had taught at U. of L. for 26 years. Dr. Hall was pulled in mid-term from his classes without any process of investigation in which he could present his side of the story. He was suspended without pay, though this was subsequently reinstated.

Since that time a Freedom of Information inquiry shows that President Mahon was speaking to the President of the B’nai Brith about the Hall case prior to Sep. 1, 2016. However, he has never spoken to Professor Hall himself.

The Freedom of Information inquiry also brought to light several documents, some of which contain outright defamatory falsehoods. One letter in particular, which is my primary focus here, was sent on Aug. 27, 2016, to the president of the university, to Premier Rachel Notley, to the Alberta Minister of Justice and Solicitor General, Kathleen Ganley, and to the Minister of Advanced Education, Marlin Schmidt.

Here’s a quote from the letter:

“Yesterday I received a message from B’nai Brith Canada reporting a recent social media post by one of your faculty members, Prof. Anthony Hall. I was shocked and upset, both by Facebook’s initial reaction to this post, and by the fact a respected faculty member at a Canadian institution of higher learning would post such an incendiary, hateful message, inciting violence against Jews. It boggles my mind. …

… the concept of academic freedom … was never intended as a shield for spewing hatred and threats against minorities….

I would encourage you to seriously consider whether you want someone on your faculty who would advocate the murder of Jews …”

In another letter, dated September 1, 2016, the late Bert Raphael, President of the Canadian Jewish Civil Rights Association, also reported to Dr. Mahon that Prof. Hall was responsible for the offending Facebook post. Mr. Raphael cited the whole passage, referring to it as coming “from the lips” of Prof. Hall.

Photographs of both of these letters can be seen here.

Whether or not the authors of these letters knew that their defamatory assertions were false they should have known that the evidence did not support them. On the B’nai Brith news release, “Kill All Jews Now” is an Acceptable Message, Facebook Says, there is a sentence:

“UPDATE: As of 3:15 PM ET on Friday August 26, B’nai Brith Canada has learned the image has been removed from Facebook. A screengrab of the image has been taken before its removal and can be viewed here.”

If you go to the screengrab you will see a name purporting to be that of the poster of the message but it is not that of Anthony Hall. Evidence gathered by Professor Hall and myself indicates that the name used was a fraudulent impersonation, but even if the letter writers had not known that, they should have known that there was evidence against the attribution of the post to Professor Hall.

Is the timing of all this just a coincidence or was Professor Hall deliberately framed? By all appearances it was an orchestrated operation against him, akin to planting illicit drugs on someone, and then calling the police.

There are two important issues at stake here. One is the interest we all have in protecting each other from having our reputations ruined by defamatory falsehoods. The other is the vital role that the protection of academic freedom has in preserving a democratic culture. Regarding the latter, it is worth noting that if there was a good case that Hall had views that were so beyond the pale that they could not legitimately be permitted under the principle of academic freedom then it would not have been necessary to resort to a deceitful Facebook post.

I will be writing several letters to various authors who have been part of this campaign against Professor Hall, asking them for clarification of some of the foggy claims they have made, and, where appropriate, asking for apologies.

However, I cannot write a letter to the person who wrote the Aug. 27 letter (the first letter quoted above) because the identity of the author has been redacted in the material obtained through the freedom of information inquiry. The recipients of that letter, including Dr. Mahon, do know that person’s identity. Therefore, as a citizen who believes that protecting academic freedom is essential to the maintenance of a democratic culture, I am requesting President Mahon to write a letter to that person, asking for an apology.  Could you please do this, President Mahon, and report back to me and the university community? Given that the reputation of the university, as well as of Dr. Hall, has been grievously impugned in the eyes of those who hold high political office will some of you in the university community join me in this request?

Many of you will know that one of the great advocates of liberal education was John Stuart Mill. You will be familiar with the first sentence of a quote taken from his Inaugural Address to the University of St. Andrews in 1867:

“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject. It depends on the habit of attending to and looking into public transactions, and on the degree of information and solid judgment respecting them that exists in the community, whether the conduct of the nation as a nation, both within itself and towards others, shall be selfish, corrupt, and tyrannical, or rational and enlightened, just and noble.”

I extended the quote beyond the familiar first sentence because what Mill was talking about here is the responsibility of citizens to inform themselves, and to protest, when governments fail to apply honesty and humanity in their internal and external affairs.  This is exactly the sort of thing that Professor Hall used to speak of in his courses, and continues to speak of, in venues like False Flag Weekly News and the American Herald Tribune.

It is true that Professor Hall’s views are outside the mainstream. However, if university students are to learn to think critically they should be encouraged to engage with such views. Liberal education cannot be promoted by allowing a professor to be bullied out of the classroom with deceitful character assassination. To quote again from Mill, this time from On Liberty:

“He who knows only his own side of the case, knows little of that.”

Remember Semmelweiss. In 1847 he observed that fatal instances of puerperal fever could be drastically reduced if doctors would wash their hands with chlorinated lime solutions before delivering babies. This observation was not well aligned with the prevailing medical theories of the time, and was repulsed by the doctors, who felt insulted. Many thousands of women died needlessly until years after the death of Semmelweiss, when the medical profession finally realized that he had been right.

Is it not one of the aims of liberal education to foster the assessment of unorthodox views honestly, weighing the evidence for and against them, as opposed to silencing them without a fair hearing?


Andrew Blair

*(University of Lethbridge President, Dr. Mike Mahon. Image courtesy of ulethbridge/ YouTube) 

B’nai Brith Whistles; University Comes Wagging Its Tail — Freethinking Prof Suspended Without Pay

B’nai Brith Whistles; University Comes Wagging Its Tail — Freethinking Prof Suspended Without Pay

Prof. Tony Hall suspended without pay at University of Lethbridge (10/5/16)

Attachments area
Preview YouTube video Prof. Tony Hall suspended without pay at University of Lethbridge (10/5/16)

Prof. Tony Hall suspended without pay at University of Lethbridge (10/5/16)

Authoritarian Jasper Violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom by Attempting to Silence Monika Schaefer’s Violin in Canada’s Jasper National Park by Prof. Tony Hall

Authoritarian Jasper Violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom by Attempting to Silence Monika Schaefer’s Violin in Canada’s Jasper National Park by Prof. Tony Hall


Authoritarian Jasper Violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom by Attempting to Silence Monika Schaefer’s Violin in Canada’s Jasper National Park 

by Prof. Tony Hall

Screen Shot 2015-11-17 at 10.17.57 AM

To Dave Baker,

I am dumbfounded by the decision you delivered on behalf of some unnamed authority. To Ms. Monika Schaefer you write, “We have considered your application for a busking permit in Jasper. In light of your recently publicly proclaimed non-inclusive beliefs we have decided to decline a permit to you at this time.”

Please clarify who is included in this “we” on whose behalf you claim to speak? Who takes responsibility for the decision to violate core provision of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the community of Canada’s Jasper National Park?

This unilateral decision extends the so-far-unaccountable decision of those in Jasper’s Canada Day Committee to silence Monika Schaefer’s violin playing last July 1st. Because some Jasperites apparently threatened to disrupt the event, presumably in response to Ms. Schaefer’s peaceful video expression, the precedent was set that Jasper is a place of censorship where freedom of expression and conscience can be subordinated when threats of violence arise.

Now comes this gross violation of fundamental principles of Canadian decency, not to mention the rule of law, as dictated by whatever authority it is on whose behalf you, Dave Baker, claim to be acting in handing down this truly reprehensible arbitration.

Canadians should know that because of the treatment by officialdom of Monika Schaefer, a very active and contributing 35-year citizen of the community you share with her, Jasper should not be considered a safe place suitable for hosting international visitors. From what I have been learning, Jasper seems to be a place where intolerance and arbitrary measures go forward founded on nothing more than the political opinion of unaccountable decision makers.

So far Monika has been dis-invited from her invited Canada Day performance. She has, as reported in The Fitzhugh, been banned from the Jasper Legion No. 31 seemingly on the unilateral say so of Ken Kuzminki. She has been refused by The Fitzhugh newspaper a right of a full response. Her censored full response to the original smear piece against her was considerably shorter than Paul Clarke’s report. Now you and those unnamed individuals for whom you claim to speak have decided to discriminate against Ms. Schaefer because of her beliefs. Characterizing her opinion as “non-inclusive” you have determined she is ineligible for a busking permits to play music in the Jasper town centre.

Your decision is exclusionary as well as discriminatory. The actions taken by you and others are thought to be “justified” on the basis of personal opinions about her video, a 6 minute item that some dislike and many more like. At last count of the 70,000 or so views, over 1400 individuals registered a “like” of the video while almost 600 voted thumbs down.

Given the way Jasper authorities are dealing with this controversy so far, should those that express “like” for the video be banned from Jasper National Park? Should entry into Jasper National Park be conditional on expressing dislike with Ms. Schaefer’s “Sorry Mom” video? Should entrants to the park have to go through screening for political correctness? Should all existing residents be subjected to a thought test like that to which Ms. Schaefer is currently being subjected?

Will the next step be to require Ms. Schaefer to wear some marker, say with a Germany-related symbol, to announce to visitors that she is the punished Jasper citizen whose ideas are so verboten that her violin playing in the streets of Jasper has been prohibited? Will all applicants for a busking permit be subjected to Internet checks to make sure everything they have published is consistent the Values and Principles Statement emanating from the Jasper Community Habitat for the Arts? To do any less would be discriminatory.

I await your indication of who is behind the decision to ban Monika’s beautiful violin playing from the streets of Jasper because she dared speak her mind on a controversial issue that should be treated with nuanced responses rather than with the authoritarian approach that you express in your terse statement to her. How many benefit events in Jasper have been graced by Monika’s legendary violin playing, now transformed into a political football to be thrown around for self-interested political advantage by Jasper’s self-appointed arbiters of community values and tastes.

Yours Sincerely,

Tony Hall
Professor of Liberal Education and Globalization Studies
University of Lethbridge

From: Dave Baker <>
Sent: July 23, 2016 11:55:28 AM
To: Monika Schaefer
Subject: RE: Busking Permit

 We have considered your application for a busking permit in Jasper. In light of your recently publicly proclaimed non-inclusive beliefs we have decided to decline a permit to you at this time.

 habitatvaluestatement2 (1)