Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity


Vancouver Communists Threaten Protests Against Maxime Bernier’s Rally, September 25, 2019

Revolutionary Communist Party - Vancouver's photo.

Demonstration against Maxime Bernier and the Far-Right

Join the Revolutionary Communist Party – Vancouver, the Revolutionary Student Movement – Vancouver, and other anti-fascists in a demonstration against Maxime Bernier, the People’s Party of Canada, and their fascist goons.

Maxime Bernier, the leader of the far-right People’s Party of Canada, will be hosting a rally to gain support for his election. Bernier’s colonial, transphobic, nationalist, and anti-environmentalist rhetoric has called fascists from across Canada toward his party. Members of the Proud Boys, the Soldiers of Odin, and even Vancouver’s local neo-Nazi, Brian Ruhe, have all pledged their support to the PPC and are attempting to use the party as a Trojan horse for their own fascistic agendas.

The Hellenic Community of Vancouver will be hosting this event at their location. Back in March they were planning on hosting two white supremacists, Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern until the backlash they faced from the community forced them to cancel. They clearly did not learn anything from the last time because now they are back at it again. If it makes you mad that the Hellenic Community of Vancouver is hosting another far-right event on their property we encourage you to get in contact with them directly and voice your anger.

Phone: 604-266-7148

Let the Hellenic Community of Vancouver know we will not allow them to bring the far-right into our communities!



FREE SYNDICATION: We are partners not rivals. Reprint our news stories to quickly build your news platforms.

We’re used to Russian, Chinese, Iranian and Saudi Arabian dissidents. However, the most notorious deniers of free speech are found under upturned rocks in the West.


Investigative journalist Julian Assange sought sanctuary in London’s tiny Ecuadorian embassy in 2012. The whistle-blower refuses to be silenced. The Australian has been awarded more than a dozen journalism awards. Once evicted under a dodgy-deal, blackmail and bribery, Assange faces life imprisonment, perhaps a death sentence.

Thanks to a clerical error by the U.S. attorney’s office in Alexandria, Virginia, the existence of sealed criminal charges against the Wikileaks founder has been confirmed.

If wars start by lies they can be stopped by truth

What is typically left out is that Wikileaks originally released the diplomatic cables in piecemeal form, with names removed to prevent loss of life and minimize harm. It was only after a Guardian journalist’s error led to the full legally edited cables leaking to third parties on the web that Wikileaks also published them. Assange even attempted to warn the office of Hillary Clinton, then U.S. Secretary of State.

Julian Assange

In other words, Wikileaks behaved precisely as any responsible journalist would in handling sensitive material should by removing information that could cause harm. The removals stopped only when they became pointless. The Pentagon later admitted under oath that they could not find any instances of individuals losing their lives as a result of being named in Manning’s leaks to Wikileaks.

When it comes to negligence a far stronger case can be made against Hillary Clinton for the way she handled State Department emails. Yet, no criminal charges have been laid against a woman mired in corruption and whose snail-trail lies over a score of corpses.

Assange is being targeted because he dared to challenge the western establishment but he is far from alone. Western governments routinely target scores of news reporting dissidents.

Sylvia Stolz 2

Imprisoned in Germany merely for investigating holocaust related fraud; Ursula Haverbeck (90), lawyer Sylvia Stolz, Music tutor Monika Schaeffer and her brother Alfred Schaeffer. In France, Professor Robert Faurisson, Brigitte Bardot, and Vincent Reynouard. The list of Western dissidents is as long and silent as are the names on the Cenotaph situated in Whitehall.

Moniker and Alfred 1

Any who associated with Julian Assange are pursued. Another well-known dissident is the National Security Agency (NSA) whistle-blower Edward Snowden. It was a time of globalist unease at the power of the internet to undermine authority.

! Petition

Who would have thought that the highest court in Europe would uphold a case in which a woman was prosecuted for blasphemy against Islam? Who would have thought that Britain, the supposed birthplace of liberalism and the free press would ban an independent journalist from its shores for satirising the same religion?

Free speech now a hate crime

Who would have thought that Germany, whose living memory of the totalitarian Stasi is just three decades old, would put its largest opposition party under surveillance? Just a few years ago, all three would sound far-fetched. But cases like these have become common as elites in virtually every western country mount a panicked attempt to contain the rise of populism.

! Tommy, one of these men is in gaol

A case in point is Tommy Robinson, the British critic of Islam who was dragged through Britain’s courts on fuzzy contempt-of-court charges. Sentenced to an astounding thirteen-month imprisonment, Robinson was eventually freed after a successful appeal. Robinson now awaits a final trial before Britain’s Attorney General. Shaky charges that have been successfully appealed were exploited to persecute a British citizen who was inconvenient to the establishment.


Alison Chabloz is endlessly re-cycled through British courts at the urging of Jewish special interest groups. She has been sentenced, fined and ordered to work for the State without charge.

Jez Renegade picture

Her crime, she satirises the spin of World War II propagandists. Again in Britain, Jez Turner is sentenced to 12 months in prison merely for publicly stating that Britain’s regime is overly influenced by Zionists; ironically, Zionists boast much the same thing.

me 1

In the self-styled cradle of democracy, one of the last European countries to give voting rights to men and women, Michael Walsh was handed down 6 x 4-month prison sentences for publishing fliers critical of immigration.



Britain routinely bans foreign politicians and media figures from the country for being right-wing.  Michael Savage, Geert Wilders, Lauren Southern, Pamela Geller, and Robert Spencer all enjoy this dubious distinction. Theresa May, who was responsible for internal affairs and immigration when Spencer and Geller were banned, is the Prime Minister.

Trump’s White House, supposedly an ally of populists, failed to intervene on behalf of the American citizens banned from the U.K. for expressing populist viewpoints.

Assange and shitheead

Julian Assange, a leftist oriented libertarian may share little ideological ground with right-wing critics of Islam. But they all share at least one thing: persecution by the Western States coupled with anti-establishment political speech or activities.

We also see attacks on free speech, with governments and politicians across the West pressuring Silicon Valley to suppress its critics. These toxic unaccountable, unelected elite can sweep away a person’s livelihood in minutes, and cut their political message off from millions of American citizens.  PayPal, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook routinely disconnect the accounts of even small ‘c’ conservatives.


Undeniably, the West is as repressive as was the former Soviet Bloc. Who would have thought that countries like Ecuador, Russia, and Iran would offer sanctuary, safe passage and freedom to speak to Western dissidents; journalists, authors, poets, writers, libertarians and political activists?

Edward Snowden faces life in Russia as an exile for revealing the National Security Agency (NSA) mass surveillance of Americans. Before that, he sought refuge in Hong Kong, a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.




Free Speech Betrayed: Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern Banned from City Owned Meeting Hall in Auckland

Free Speech Betrayed: Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern Banned from City Owned Meeting Hall in Auckland

Far-right pair banned from speaking at Auckland Council venues – Phil Goff

7:44 pm on 6 July 2018

A public talk by two controversial Canadians accused of hate speech has been cancelled after Auckland’s mayor Phil Goff banned them from all council venues.

Lauren Southern.

Canadian conservative and libertarian activist Lauren Southern are planning to visit Auckland next month for talks. Photo: Supplied

Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux, who are best known for their far-right alternative views on everything from feminism, gender and immigration to Islam, were set to perform at the Bruce Mason Centre on 3 August.

However, Auckland Mayor Phil Goff tweeted that venues should not be used to stir up ethnic or religious tensions and that Ms Southern and Mr Molyneux would not be speaking at any council venues.

Phil Goff

Auckland Live which runs the centre as well as the Auckland Town Hall, Aotea Centre and Civic Centre, tweeted the event had been cancelled because of security concerns.

Auckland Live@AucklandLive

Cancellation: Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern Live at Bruce Mason Centre.
For all further enquiries, please contact Axiomatic Events.

The event organiser said the decision was disappointing and a blow for democracy.

David Pellowe from Axoimatic said Mr Goff had the wrong idea about what the pair wanted to talk about.

“He’s misrepresented the purpose of the events as to stir up ethnic and religious tensions. He’s misrepresented them as views that divide rather than unite,” he said.

“It’s very sad for democracy and for debate.”

‘It doesn’t mean that we should ban them’

However, human rights criminal law barrister Craig Tuck said the pair should be allowed to come to New Zealand and talk about their ideas.

“There’s a lot of their sort of talk worldwide at the moment and that’s attracting debate, people are getting educated on the issues and that’s probably a good thing.

“This sort of discussion is alive whether we like it or not.”

Mr Tuck said dangerous ideas were not the same as dangerous people.

“You’ve got people annunciating political and social views but they’re not specifically coming to New Zealand to commit crimes, they’re coming to New Zealand to spread ideas – however hateful they may be.

“They’re undeniably racist but it doesn’t mean that we should ban them.”

He said debate needed to happen in an educated and thoughtful way.

Mr Pellowe said it was too late to try and organise a new venue but they hoped to still host a evening with Ms Southern and Mr Molyneuax for New Zealanders via the internet.

He said those who had purchased tickets for the event at the Bruce Mason Centre would get a full refund.

Earlier this year, Ms Southern was banned from entering the UK on the grounds of her involvement “in the distribution of racist material in Luton”, according to the BBC.

‘She’s just going to insult all of us’

The Islamic community voiced their opposition to the visit last month.

New Zealand Federation of Islam Associations president Hazim Arafeh said it had written letters to the Immigration Minister, Minister for Ethnic Communities and the Human Rights Commission asking for Lauren Southern to be denied entry.

“[She] abuses her right of freedom of speech. She’s just going to give a talk in which she’s just going to insult all of us,” Mr Arafeh said.

“I don’t think insulting Muslims comes under free speech, that’s an abuse of freedom of speech.

“I’m talking on behalf of 50,000 to 60,000 Muslims in New Zealand who are going to face a very hard time by all the comments she is going to make.”

A petition with more than 1500 signatures has also been launched on appealing to the Immigration Minister to deny Lauren Southern entry.

However, Ms Southern, who is a journalist, activist and film-maker, said she should be allowed in.

“As soon as there are people who want to shut down free speech and freedom to come and even visit your nation just because of a differing opinion you can tell you’ve got the bug of progressivism,” Ms Southern said.

“The bug of this almost very totalitarian left-wing ideology which will not end well for you.”

She said herself and Mr Molyneux would talk about a range of issues affecting New Zealand.

“Immigration, western culture, the preservation of western culture and largely the infectious liberal or far-left ideologies that are coming and working their way into our media and why they will lead to the economic, social and political fall of our nations.”

Ms Southern said what she had to say was not hate speech.

“[Hate speech] is just a fancy word to describe speech that is unpopular during that day and age,” she said.

“A few hundred years ago, I wouldn’t be able to question the divine rule of whatever god is in my land, I wouldn’t be allowed to be pro-gay or pro-mixed race marriages, today it’s you’re not allowed to be anti-mass migration, you’re not allowed to question crazy LGBTQ politics.”

‘Anti-immigrant, anti-refugees… anti-feminist’

Massey University far-right expert and pro vice chancellor Paul Spoonley said some of what the pair say was considered hate speech.

“Some of the things that Molyneux has said about apartheid being a white survival policy and not a racial supremacist policy and then attacking some of the people who say it is something else … some of the things they say are really quite direct and would be very hateful to a number of communities,” Mr Spoonley said.

“They’re part of a broad coalition of people who at their soft end would be pro-Trump but at the hard end – which I regard both of these being – very white supremacist or believe in the racial superiority of white people, they believe that immigration undermines countries.

“They’re very anti-immigrant, anti-refugees and they’re anti-feminist.”

Mr Spoonley said there was an alt-right community within New Zealand but it was small.

He said banning people entry to New Zealand would need to meet a high threshold and the decision warranted a public discussion.

An Immigration New Zealand spokesperson said they were aware of the two Canadian nationals and was assessing whether any action needed to be taken under the Immigration Act and Immigration Instructions.

Mr Molyneux heads the organisation Freedomain Radio, an online group that was described as a cult.

Mr Molyneux has been contacted for comment.

Trudeau on the Skids but The Beast Grows More Dangerous 

Trudeau on the Skids but The Beast Grows More Dangerous 
Paul Fromm’s talk in Vancouver, March 23, 2018

* That voyage to India

* radical Sikhs infiltrate the government

* plans to bring back Sec. 13 (Internet censorship)

* Canadian video journalist, Lauren Southern,  banned from Britain

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Founder of German far-right group Pegida denied entry to UK
The Guardian


[Britain’s all-out war on nationalism and free speech continues as a panicked Teresa May regime tries to throttle criticism on radical Islam and the immigration disaster in the UK. Note the catch all grounds for banning people — “not conducive to the public good.” One wonders how hordes of Third Worlders, many culturally incompatible with British society and many who will be lifetime consumers of the dole (welfare) and lifetime denizens of council flats (public housing), are somehow considered conducive to the public good?]
The Guardian19 March 2018
Pegida’s Lutz Bachmann speaking at a rally in Dresden in 2015.
Pegida’s Lutz Bachmann speaking at a rally in Dresden in 2015. Photograph: Arno Burgi/AFP/Getty Images
The founder of the German far-right group Pegida has been denied entry to the UK and deported, officials have confirmed.

Lutz Bachmann,  … , is the fourth foreign figure in the extreme right wing to be turned away at the UK border in the space of a fortnight.

The Home Office said it had stopped the chair of the anti-Islam, anti-immigration group at Stansted airport on Saturday and deported him the next day, adding that his presence in the UK was “not conducive to the public good”.

Pegida said Bachmann’s intention had been to appear at Speakers’ Corner, in central London, to take the place of Martin Sellner, …  who was among the far-right activists prevented from entering Britain since 9 March.

Sellner’s partner, Brittany Pettibone, and Lauren Southern were also turned away because their presence was not deemed conducive to the public good.

Tommy Robinson, the former leader of the English Defence League, … gave Sellner’s speech at Speakers’ Corner on Sunday.

A spokesperson for the anti-fascist group Hope Not Hate said the decision to deny entry to Bachmann was unsurprising given his “extreme history” and the deportations of Pettibone, Sellner and Southern.

“Far from being denied a chance to air their views, as they often like to falsely claim, these extremists have abused freedom of speech and social media platforms to spread and push toxic views,” the spokesperson said.

Hope Not Hate highlighted Bachmann’s criminal past (he has previously been convicted of drug possession, assault and burglary) and said he had “made his name as a prominent Islamophobe”. …


Referring to his case, a Home Office spokesman said: “Border Force has the power to refuse entry to an individual if it is considered that his or her presence in the  UK is not conducive to the public good.”

The Home Office also confirmed the deportations of Southern, Sellner and Pettibone for the same reason.

Lauren Southern Tells About Being Denied Entry to Britain Because of Her “Rightwing” Views: 500 Jihadis In; Canadian Writer Out!

Lauren Southern Tells About Being Denied Entry to Britain Because of Her “Rightwing” Views: 500 Jihadis In; Canadian Writer Out!


Canadian far-right activist becomes third person to be barred from Britain in 72 hours for anti-Muslim views after Austrian and his American girlfriend are deported over plans to speak at Hyde Park

Canadian far-right activist becomes third person to be barred from Britain in 72 hours for anti-Muslim views after Austrian and his American girlfriend are deported over plans to speak at Hyde Park

  • Martin Sellner and Brittany Pettibone say they were denied entry to UK on Friday 
  • Far-right figures planned to speak at Hyde Park Speaker’s Corner on Sunday 
  • On Monday, 22-year-old Lauren Southern was stopped for questioning in Calais
  • After being quizzed by officials, she was denied entry to UK amid racism claims 

Canadian journalist has become the third so-called anti-Muslim activist accused of racism to be barred from Britain in just 72 hours.

Border guards quizzed Lauren Southern for six hours in Calais where she was preparing to come to the UK to interview English Defence League co-founder Tommy Robinson.

It is understood the 22-year-old was hauled in for questioning over concerns surrounding an incident last month in Luton where she is accused of distributing racist material in the form of Islamic posters.

On Friday, right-wing Austrian activist Martin Sellner and his American girlfriend Brittany Pettibone, a YouTube commentator and author, were detained by the British government.

Lauren Southern, 22, who is a Canadian journalist, was denied entry to Britain after she was detained in Calais

Lauren Southern, 22, who is a Canadian journalist, was denied entry to Britain after she was detained in Calais

Border guards quizzed Lauren Southern (pictured) for six hours in Calais where she was preparing to come to the UK to interview English Defence League co-founder Tommy Robinson

Border guards quizzed Lauren Southern (pictured) for six hours in Calais where she was preparing to come to the UK to interview English Defence League co-founder Tommy Robinson

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Martin Sellner of the Generation Identity group and American commentator Brittany Pettibone say they were denied entry to Britain

Martin Sellner of the Generation Identity group and American commentator Brittany Pettibone say they were denied entry to Britain

Sellner said on the video that both of them were handcuffed. He said he planned to give a speech at Speakers' Corner in London's Hyde Park - 'that was my crime.'

Sellner said on the video that both of them were handcuffed. He said he planned to give a speech at Speakers’ Corner in London’s Hyde Park – ‘that was my crime.’

Southern took to Twitter to document the incident, and said: ‘I’m not kidding about this, but during my questioning by the UK police.

‘I was asked about my Christianity and whether I’m a radical. I was also asked how I feel about running Muslims over with cars.

A British security official confirmed all three had been refused entry and said when Sellner and Pettibone landed at Luton Airport, north of London, on Friday, border police refused to allow them to enter Britain.

They were detained and then deported on Sunday.

The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the couple had been banned from entering by Britain’s Home Office on the grounds that their ‘presence in the UK was not conducive to the public good’.

On Monday, British border police stationed in the French port of Calais also denied entry to Southern.

After being detained, Southern tweeted that British authorities had told her she was ‘officially banned from UK for “racism”‘.

The official confirmed that British border authorities had denied Southern permission to enter Britain on the same grounds as the other two activists.

Southern was planning to meet Sellner and Pettibone in Britain, according to the conservative news website Breitbart.

Breitbart also said Sellner had been planning to make a speech in London’s Hyde Park, but that papers served on him by the British authorities alleged the speech was likely to incite ‘tensions between local communities’.

Breitbart said Pettibone was blocked from entering Britain not only in relation to Sellner’s planned speech but also because she planned to interview Tommy Robinson.

Experts who monitor Britain’s far right movements said the government had recently stepped up efforts to keep out ultra-right-wing foreign activists.

Among other Americans who have been banned from Britain are anti-Muslim campaigners Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, and Mark Weber, who heads a California group known for Holocaust denial.

Sellner said in a video posted on Twitter they were detained for three days and then deported 

Sellner said in a video posted on Twitter they were detained for three days and then deported

Far-right activist and girlfriend speak after being deported

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Sellner of the Generation Identity group and American commentator Pettibone tweeted Monday that they were denied entry into Britain.

Sellner said in a video posted on Twitter they were detained for three days and then deported.

He said on the video that both of them were handcuffed. He said he planned to give a speech at Speakers’ Corner in London’s Hyde Park – ‘that was my crime.’

Pettibone said that she was denied entry because she planned to interview far-right leader Tommy Robinson.

She said from Austria: ‘It felt like they were saying,”you’re right-wing, that’s not allowed”.’

Their entry was supposedly denied a day after his group claimed he and Pettibone were detained at the border and then turned away.

A supporter of Martin Sellner is pictured with a lighted flare that was thrown at the group at Speakers' Corner as the Austrian far-right activist said he would address a crowd, but now won't be able to

A supporter of Martin Sellner is pictured with a lighted flare that was thrown at the group at Speakers’ Corner as the Austrian far-right activist said he would address a crowd, but now won’t be able to

Demonstrators have taken to London's Hyde Park after far-right Austrian activist Martin Sellner said he was planning to speak there on Sunday

Demonstrators have taken to London’s Hyde Park after far-right Austrian activist Martin Sellner said he was planning to speak there on Sunday

Pictures today showed demonstrators turning out on both sides as supporters of Mr Sellner clashed with anti-fascist protesters

Pictures today showed demonstrators turning out on both sides as supporters of Mr Sellner clashed with anti-fascist protesters

A supporter of Martin Sellner holds a lighted flare that was thrown at protesters

A supporter of Martin Sellner holds a lighted flare that was thrown at protesters

Supporters of Martin Sellner and Brittany Pettibone at Speakers Corner were confronted by members of London Anifacists

Supporters of Martin Sellner and Brittany Pettibone at Speakers Corner were confronted by members of London Anifacists

The Home Office said the department would not comment on whether Mr Sellner or his girlfriend had been detained, the Evening Standard reported on Sunday.

Mr Sellner said that ‘security risks’ and ‘left wing threats’ forced him to cancel an earlier planned event with UKIP‘s youth wing Young Independence.

Pictures on Sunday showed demonstrators turning out on both sides as supporters of Mr Sellner clashed with anti-fascist protesters.

‘This massive immigration is changing the face of our streets, of our cities, and soon the people who have been living here for thousands of years will be an endangered minority,’ Sellner said last year.

Supporters of the Austrian activist held up placards saying 'Free Sellner' amid claims he and his girlfriend had been refused entry at the UK border

Supporters of the Austrian activist held up placards saying ‘Free Sellner’ amid claims he and his girlfriend had been refused entry at the UK border

The demonstration broke out at Hyde Park after Mr Sellner said he would speak there following the cancellation of an event with UKIP's youth wing 

The demonstration broke out at Hyde Park after Mr Sellner said he would speak there following the cancellation of an event with UKIP’s youth wing

A police officer stands next to signs supporting right-wing Austrian activist Martin Sellner

A police officer stands next to signs supporting right-wing Austrian activist Martin Sellner

The Facebook page of Generation Identity claims that Martin Sellner (pictured in Vienna in 2015) was denied entry at the UK border

The Facebook page of Generation Identity claims that Martin Sellner (pictured in Vienna in 2015) was denied entry at the UK border

He tweeted last Tuesday: ‘My speech for the Young Independence conference was cancelled for the 2nd time, due to security risks caused by left wing threats.

‘But we won’t be silenced. On Sunday the 11th I will give my speech on Speakers’ Corner and I invite everybody who had a ticket for the conference to come!’

Hope Not Hate said Generation Identity had been handing out leaflets near Hyde Park before the planned speech.

Read more:
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Vancouver Anti-Racists Pour Urine on Anti-feminist Reporter’s Head

Vancouver Anti-Racists Pour Urine on Anti-feminist Reporter’s Head

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White. It is also a code word for violent and crude. The Vancouver Sun (March 7, 2016) reports that an anti-racist dumped urine on the head of Laurenm Southern, 20, an anti-feminist and reporter for Ezra Levant’s The Rebel. Southern, who is a Libertarian, was reporting on a protest by militant anti-racists and homosexuals/lesbians and the otherly sexed. The protest was to shut down a meeting by a controversial U.S. Libertarian  Augustus Sol Invictus, whose meting in Portland had been attacked by anti-racists.
In fact, his cowardly Canadian venue. the Railway Club had already cancelled his appearance
Rebel reporter Lauren Southern had a bottle of urine poured on her at a protest in Vancouver on Friday, March 4, 2016. (YouTube video screenshot)

Rebel reporter Lauren Southern had a bottle of urine poured on her at a protest in Vancouver on Friday, March 4, 2016. (YouTube video screenshot)

“Southern, 20, had stepped into a 25-person strong “counter-protest” to a cancelled event that was supposed to be held by Augustus Sol Invictus, a U.S. Senate hopeful running for the Libertarian party on a platform of less government involvement in people’s lives. … 

The event was cancelled when Invictus couldn’t make it through customs at the Canadian border, and when the Railway Club, which were supposed to hold the event, was made aware of Invictus’ supposed beliefs, presumably by members of Vancouver’s Antifa group (VANANTIFA), which describes itself as “anti-fascist, anti-racist, all the time.”

Invictus spoke a few days earlier in Portland, where members of Rose City Antifa showed up in force, smashing his car and attacking him and one of his supporters.

Long story short, Southern, who’s never backed down from a good debate, began to question the viewpoints of the Vancouver protesters, largely members of Vancouver’s feminist and LGBTQ communities.

Southern, who also ran as a candidate in 2015 for The Libertarian Party of Canada, … .

The perpetrator of the attack was briefly held at the scene by those in Southern’s camp, but was eventually let go.”

The witty Miss  Southern  tweeted afterwards: “Unfortunately this is not my fetish. I thought feminists were into consent?”

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