Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity




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We’re used to Russian, Chinese, Iranian and Saudi Arabian dissidents. However, the most notorious deniers of free speech are found under upturned rocks in the West.


Investigative journalist Julian Assange sought sanctuary in London’s tiny Ecuadorian embassy in 2012. The whistle-blower refuses to be silenced. The Australian has been awarded more than a dozen journalism awards. Once evicted under a dodgy-deal, blackmail and bribery, Assange faces life imprisonment, perhaps a death sentence.

Thanks to a clerical error by the U.S. attorney’s office in Alexandria, Virginia, the existence of sealed criminal charges against the Wikileaks founder has been confirmed.

If wars start by lies they can be stopped by truth

What is typically left out is that Wikileaks originally released the diplomatic cables in piecemeal form, with names removed to prevent loss of life and minimize harm. It was only after a Guardian journalist’s error led to the full legally edited cables leaking to third parties on the web that Wikileaks also published them. Assange even attempted to warn the office of Hillary Clinton, then U.S. Secretary of State.

Julian Assange

In other words, Wikileaks behaved precisely as any responsible journalist would in handling sensitive material should by removing information that could cause harm. The removals stopped only when they became pointless. The Pentagon later admitted under oath that they could not find any instances of individuals losing their lives as a result of being named in Manning’s leaks to Wikileaks.

When it comes to negligence a far stronger case can be made against Hillary Clinton for the way she handled State Department emails. Yet, no criminal charges have been laid against a woman mired in corruption and whose snail-trail lies over a score of corpses.

Assange is being targeted because he dared to challenge the western establishment but he is far from alone. Western governments routinely target scores of news reporting dissidents.

Sylvia Stolz 2

Imprisoned in Germany merely for investigating holocaust related fraud; Ursula Haverbeck (90), lawyer Sylvia Stolz, Music tutor Monika Schaeffer and her brother Alfred Schaeffer. In France, Professor Robert Faurisson, Brigitte Bardot, and Vincent Reynouard. The list of Western dissidents is as long and silent as are the names on the Cenotaph situated in Whitehall.

Moniker and Alfred 1

Any who associated with Julian Assange are pursued. Another well-known dissident is the National Security Agency (NSA) whistle-blower Edward Snowden. It was a time of globalist unease at the power of the internet to undermine authority.

! Petition

Who would have thought that the highest court in Europe would uphold a case in which a woman was prosecuted for blasphemy against Islam? Who would have thought that Britain, the supposed birthplace of liberalism and the free press would ban an independent journalist from its shores for satirising the same religion?

Free speech now a hate crime

Who would have thought that Germany, whose living memory of the totalitarian Stasi is just three decades old, would put its largest opposition party under surveillance? Just a few years ago, all three would sound far-fetched. But cases like these have become common as elites in virtually every western country mount a panicked attempt to contain the rise of populism.

! Tommy, one of these men is in gaol

A case in point is Tommy Robinson, the British critic of Islam who was dragged through Britain’s courts on fuzzy contempt-of-court charges. Sentenced to an astounding thirteen-month imprisonment, Robinson was eventually freed after a successful appeal. Robinson now awaits a final trial before Britain’s Attorney General. Shaky charges that have been successfully appealed were exploited to persecute a British citizen who was inconvenient to the establishment.


Alison Chabloz is endlessly re-cycled through British courts at the urging of Jewish special interest groups. She has been sentenced, fined and ordered to work for the State without charge.

Jez Renegade picture

Her crime, she satirises the spin of World War II propagandists. Again in Britain, Jez Turner is sentenced to 12 months in prison merely for publicly stating that Britain’s regime is overly influenced by Zionists; ironically, Zionists boast much the same thing.

me 1

In the self-styled cradle of democracy, one of the last European countries to give voting rights to men and women, Michael Walsh was handed down 6 x 4-month prison sentences for publishing fliers critical of immigration.



Britain routinely bans foreign politicians and media figures from the country for being right-wing.  Michael Savage, Geert Wilders, Lauren Southern, Pamela Geller, and Robert Spencer all enjoy this dubious distinction. Theresa May, who was responsible for internal affairs and immigration when Spencer and Geller were banned, is the Prime Minister.

Trump’s White House, supposedly an ally of populists, failed to intervene on behalf of the American citizens banned from the U.K. for expressing populist viewpoints.

Assange and shitheead

Julian Assange, a leftist oriented libertarian may share little ideological ground with right-wing critics of Islam. But they all share at least one thing: persecution by the Western States coupled with anti-establishment political speech or activities.

We also see attacks on free speech, with governments and politicians across the West pressuring Silicon Valley to suppress its critics. These toxic unaccountable, unelected elite can sweep away a person’s livelihood in minutes, and cut their political message off from millions of American citizens.  PayPal, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook routinely disconnect the accounts of even small ‘c’ conservatives.


Undeniably, the West is as repressive as was the former Soviet Bloc. Who would have thought that countries like Ecuador, Russia, and Iran would offer sanctuary, safe passage and freedom to speak to Western dissidents; journalists, authors, poets, writers, libertarians and political activists?

Edward Snowden faces life in Russia as an exile for revealing the National Security Agency (NSA) mass surveillance of Americans. Before that, he sought refuge in Hong Kong, a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.




Hate crime’s alright if you’re non-white

Hate crime’s alright if you’re non-white

Ben Weich in this week’s edition of the Jewish Chronicle confirms the gist of my previous post: police have received yet another vexatious complaint from the usual suspects and are therefore obliged to fulfil their duty and investigate my heretical comments regards Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah. On and on it goes…

Today, I would like to comment on the atrocious double standards being applied by the English court system when it comes to so-called ‘hate crime’. I will return to foreign justice systems in a future article, specifically dealing with the current plights of Ursula Haverbeck and the Schaefer siblings in Germany (not forgetting Horst Mahler and Gerhard Ittner), as well as that of Canadian free speech advocate, Arthur Topham.

My suspended sentence was harsh. However, I am luckier than some. English courts, judges and juries will hammer ‘hate crime’ perpetrators when it’s a white man in the dock. Less so when the offender is from an ethnic minority or, seemingly, as in my case, is a woman. Take the most recent sentencing for a ‘malicious communications’ offence under section 127 of the 2003 Communications Act – the law under which my songs fell foul earlier this year:


180811 shomrim

Right: in 2016, Shehroz Iqbal drove around Stamford Hill shouting ‘Kill all Jews’. He was charged and convicted under the 1986 Public Order Act for using threatening language.

How does Iqbal’s 16 week suspended sentence compare with that of Jez Turner currently serving 12 months for a non-violent political speech made outside Whitehall in 2015? How does Iqbal’s sentence compare with nine months handed to Simon Sheppard for using colourful language to describe a non-white neighbour in a conversation with a TV repairman?

2018, Iqbal is again reported to police by Jewish Shomrim vigilantes (apparently normal British police aren’t good enough for Jews). Iqbal SENT a threatening email to the Shomrim. Charged under the 2003 Communications Act, he pleaded guilty and was given an 11 week suspended sentence, 60 hours unpaid work plus a £200 fine. 

My songs were uploaded to a server in the United States. They were not sent to any individual – and certainly not to my accusers of Campaign Against Antisemitism. My songs were uploaded from my home address in Derbyshire, yet I was forced to trek across Britain to London for no less than twelve hearings!

For uploading my own artistic work to the Internet, sent to no one, I was given a 20-week prison sentence, suspended for two years, 180 hours of unpaid work, 20 days of ‘rehabilitation’, a year-long ban from social media plus a £715 fine. Continually on the prowl despite being granted a restraining order against me(!), CAA is now apparently claiming that ‘‘ would also be a social media platform.

Prior to my conviction, I used social media principally to share the content of this website, which helped bring in donations and foster human interactions. And now I’m expected to pay a fine when I no longer have the option to share work via Facebook or Gab. Not satisfied with having me removed from Twitter in 2016 and from YouTube in 2017 (First, they came for Alex Jones – yeah, right!) my accusers, helped by the injustice system, have now succeeded in removing my voice from the two platforms left open to me. State-sponsored censorship via the courts of artists and anyone else they dislike is the order of the day as far as this so-called ‘charity’ is concerned.

Six weeks ago, following reception of the written suspended sentence order from Westminster Magistrates and a first meeting with my assigned probation officer in Derbyshire, I served papers on my local magistrates court to stay the unpaid work order pending appeal. What exactly do I owe my community up here in Derbyshire in relation to what the judge described as “serious offences” i.e. singing songs? Absolutely nothing as far as I can see: my trial took place in London outside my own jurisdiction (involving severe inconvenience and huge expense); there are no identifiable “victims” (of my satire!) either in my own jurisdiction or indeed elsewhere – except perhaps diamond swallowing fantasist Irene Zisblatt.

Prior to my prosecution, CAA trolls had already lobbied all the venues and social clubs I used to frequent in my home town in a bid to ostracise me socially and professionally (not to mention daily reports to police and PCC Hardyal Dhindsa). They even managed to have me kicked out of my own English folk band.

Think about it: sons of immigrants, whose loyalty lies offshore, dictating that an ethnic Englishwoman is unfit to play in an English folk band because of her Revisionist convictions. Folk music from these isles is part of my culture and heritage: it’s in my blood. How dare they!

According to my accusers, musicians censored by the Third Reich were ‘Holocaust’ victims. But musicians censored by Hitler were not ethnic Germans. In Britain today, Jews endlessly cite fictitious gas chambers in order to censor a British musician. Yet if anyone dares to compare Chabloz’ censors with the Nazis, they’d be accused of being a virulent anti-Semite and would risk prosecution under the highly dubious IHRA definition of ‘anti-Semitism’.

In reality, any such comparison is misguided. Censorious Creeps Anon are worse than the Nazis. Musicians at Auschwitz weren’t prevented from performing; there was an orchestra and even a theatre.

Above: Fact or fiction? Elie Wiesel’s violin audition at Auschwitz. 

In short, a white woman’s original songs about the ‘Holocaust’ and a white man’s political speech about Jewish power carry harsher penalties than Muslim threats to ‘Kill all Jews’.  Shehroz Iqbal’s convictions and relatively lenient sentencing under the Public Order and Communication Acts demonstrate that whites in Britain are now the underdogs when it comes to judicial rulings on ‘hate crime’.

Anti-white racism is now sanctioned by the State. ‘Equality’ is for everyone except whites. White English indigenous minorities (already the case in towns such as Leicester, Birmingham and London) will never benefit from ‘protected status’ as enjoyed by ethnic minority groups. And when whites increasingly find themselves prosecuted for so-called ‘hate crime’, they can also expect harsher sentences.

Letter from Jez Turner, Political Prisoner, received this morning, June 5th

Letter from Jez, received this morning, June 5th: Letter from Jez Turner, Political Prisoner, received this morning, June 5th
Dear Alison,

Thank you for your letter.

Interested to hear of the media / net reaction – no access here – so please put all links on to a page / email so I can read when I get out. I always enjoy reading R.H.’s court reports – he should be a court reporter!

I liked the stamps very much. On my arrival another chap had a book and I asked him if I could borrow it while we waited and he said ‘Give it to me next week’ – it saved my life ‘cos nothing to read in the first week here. The book was all about Malta and the aerial duals between Me’s and Macchis vs. Hurricanes and Spitfires! Spits were a big improvement on Hurries BUT the fuel tank was in front of the pilot – not good! Anyway, whole show was a complete waste of life and poor Maltese caught in the middle.

Do hope your trial verdict goes better than mine – by time you receive this you’ll know. I won’t know till S. visits me on Wednesday.

Pleased that Paris went well and the Vichy video came through – a change is as good as a rest!!

It’s funny, but the things I miss the most are the simple things…

Mail for me is censored, but anonymous mail does get through.

Please tell everyone that my spirits are high and that I’m enjoying my holiday at Her Majesty’s Expense! I will return refreshed to the fray!




Good to hear Jez is in good spirits.
I am doing ok, awaiting my punishment due to be pronounced in ten days on the 14th. We will see if the British judiciary is prepared to jail a singer. (I’m told this doesn’t happen even in Venezuela!)
Attached below is my latest blog post along with photographs taken last week during the glorious sunny spell up here in the Peak District (Derbyshire). Hawthorn at its best, lambs in the field and even a paddling cow.
Thanks again for your much appreciated support. 
Best wishes,

Has Zionist Shill Teresa May Announced the End of Free Speech In Britain?

Has Zionist Shill Teresa May Announced the End of Free Speech In Britain?

Is “tolerance” compatible with free speech. If you oppose certain barbaric cultural practices like say, female genital mutilation, and make bold to say so, you’re not being very “tolerant”. Is Teresa May, Britain’s bumbling Prime Minister saying that henceforth only “tolerant” speech will be allowed. May is an utter captive of the Zionist anti-free speech lobby. In 2015, when the Board of Jewish Deputies set up a howl after a wildly distorted press smear on a Mark Weber talk at the London Forum, she banned him from the U.K. — a ban he did not learn about until 2017. The past year has seen a flurry of criminal charges against free speech supporters, including satiric chanteuse Alison Chaloz and activist organizer Jez Turner.

Theresa May announces the end of free speech in UK: “We value free speech…we also value tolerance to others”



🆘‼🧐🔥 UK: At last someone asked Theresa May the right questions on freedom of speech in the British Parliament.

Challenged in Parliament about why criticism of Christianity is taken for granted while criticism of Islam embroils one in societal (and legal) difficulties, British Prime Minister Theresa May answered:

We value freedom of expression and freedom of speech in this country. That is absolutely essential in underpinning our democracy. But we also value tolerance to others. We also value tolerance in relation to religions. This is one of the issues that we’ve looked at in the counter-extremism strategy that the government has produced. I think we need to ensure that, yes, it is right that people can have that freedom of expression. But in doing so, that right has a responsibility, too. And that is a responsibility to recognize the importance of tolerance to others.

This heralds the end of the freedom of speech in Britain, for May’s statement is flatly self-contradictory. Who will decide whether one’s criticism of Islam has shaded over into becoming “intolerant”? Presumably the police or some governing authorities. But the freedom of speech is designed precisely to protect people from being prosecuted or persecuted by the governing authorities because their speech dissents from the accepted line. It was developed as a safeguard against tyranny.

By introducing this massive exception, May is turning the freedom of speech on its head and emptying it of all meaning. She is also implying that the British government will now be bringing the full force of the law against those who are deemed intolerant, and indeed, that has already begun.


British White Nationalist Leader Jez Turner Jailed for Criticizing Jewish Power

British White Nationalist Leader Jez Turner Jailed for Criticizing Jewish Power
Yesterday Jeremy Bedford-Turner  known as Jez Turner was convicted at Southwark Crown Court in London of inciting racial hatred during a speech he gave in 2015 outside Downing Street . In this speech  he attacked Jewish influence, most particularly, the  Met Police’s support for and enablement of  a  Jewish security organisation  known as the Shomrim .   He was sentenced to 12 months, six of which will be served in prison and the rest on licence. 
Did Jez have a chance of acquittal? Well, he had a jury trial so   that gave him some chance of an acquittal. Had it been a trial without a jury he would have had none. But even with a jury the odds were heavily against a not guilty verdict. In the minds of jurors must be the fear of being called a racist which has been so successfully inculcated in the general population that  it produces an automated reflex of panic and terror when faced with the possibility of the label being put on them. Any juror faced with a case such as this must have it in the back of their minds at least that to return a not guilty verdict would be to risk being called a racist. There is also the sheer shock factor of hearing politically incorrect views being unashamedly spoken. As it was the jury was out for less than two hours and returned a unanimous verdict of  guilty. 
The case was originally turned down by the Crown Prosecution Service  (CPS) as not meting their evidential standard for a prosecution.  The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism  threatened the CPS with a judicial review of their decision not to prosecute. Faced with that the CPS caved in and prosecuted. It is worth noting that running a judicial review is very expensive.  The fact that  the CAA managed to get the CPS  prosecute effectively creates two tiers of justice, that for the rich and that for the poor.
I  shall be writing a fuller account of the trial later but I can say unequivocally that the judge showed his bias against Jezz from the word go in both his actions and manner.  He began by refusing a request by Jezz’s barrister to put  questions to prospective jurors to discover if any off them were members of the CAA or the  Community Security Trust,  a charity which has surprising support from the Met Police for a quasi-police group  known as the Shomrim  – see below.   During this passage of the hearing the judge said with great distaste that it was shocking that such an organisation as the CAA needed to exist but that was the way of the world. 
The judge also intervened on a number of occasions when Jezz was being cross-examined to dispute what Jezz was saying.This was not his job,  it was the job of the prosecutor to challenge what Jezz was saying. 
The  other thing to note was the way both judge and prosecuting counsel accepted opinion as fact and were seemingly oblivious to what they were doing which in short was enforcing the politically correct  view of the world. For example, prosecuting counsel thought nothing of quoting a senior judge that freedom of expression had to be compatible with the “standards of a just and fair multiracial society”. 
What has been made very clear in this trial (and that of the trial of Alison Chabloz) is that we have an elite  which is hell bent on squeezing the range of permitted opinion ever more tightly into a politically correct shape. 
The other striking thing about this trial is the paucity of media comment.  One might have thought the mainstream media would have jumped all over the matter  but the only mainstream press attending the trial was the Press Association. Why? Well, I suspect it was because although the politically correct wanted the prosecution and a guilty verdict they did not want the politically incorrect nature of much of the evidence to come before the public’s eyes. 
Where does all this leave us? Free expression is essential to democracy and political freedom. Take it away and oppression soon fills the void. It also has a general cultural value.  Its importance is examined in detail in my essay Freedom or permitted opinion below. . Beneath that  you will find a number of reports of Jez’ trial and a couple on the truly amazing powers granted to the Shomrim both here and abroad.  
Robert Henderson

Free expression or permitted opinion: that is the choice – UKIP Daily | UKIP News | UKIP Debate

Free expression or permitted opinion: that is the choice

Posted by Robert Henderson | Nov 20, 2015 | Views & Letters |  |     
Free expression or permitted opinion: that is the choice
Free expression or permitted opinion: that is the choice

Britons awake! This trial isn’t about me, it’s about all of us

Britons awake! This trial isn’t about me, it’s about all of us

180111 undefeated

They came from far and wide in defiance of this latest assault on our freedoms. From Lancashire, Liverpool, Scotland and all the way from Canada – thank you Mr Fromm! The media coverage was glorious – mostly down to so many turning up in support, me being handed flowers outside court and general media astonishment at my songs being played in court. And no, I certainly did not sing along – nor did I mouth the words. Where this fake news originated I have no idea – perhaps a reaction to my song Find Me Guilty? In particular, the line:

I’ll sing my way to court in high heels and a frock
Give the press a winning smile from inside the dock!

After the day’s proceedings, – my trial now bizarrely adjourned (again) to March 7th – I fell ill with food poisoning and had to be ushered into a taxi (my high heels thankfully not ruined). A sickly night followed and I’m still not 100%. That’ll teach me not to eat fresh Shetland mussels (one of which clearly wasn’t that fresh) the night before a court hearing.

The next morning, I awoke to a 30-day Facebook ban (for publishing a fake news post, clearly tagged as #fakenews) and 60 emails from YouTube informing that my entire library was now subject to sandboxing restrictions. My channel still exists, but no longer appears in searches either on Google or on YouTube. In any case, over half my videos are banned in the UK in order to comply with some non-existent local law. Clearly, my accusers and their team of trusted flaggers have been very busy. Still, 4.5k views on Facebook of my little Christmas ditty won’t please them.

Asides all the mainstream coverage, there have been several alternative media broadcasts. Two of The Fetch’s recent Inside the Eye Live! shows have featured segments on my case, including last Thursday’s Oy Vey Moment (worth a listen just for the jingle – from about 34 minutes in).  Dennis’ second show features an interview with Ross who came to support me last Wednesday, also well worth a listen, from about 80 minutes in. Ditto regards last night’s Radio Aryan edition of  The Daily Nationalist with Sven Longshanks and Jez Turner.

This coming Thursday, you’ll be able to hear me in conversation with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock on Euro Folk Radio (recorded a few days before last week’s court appearance but a great show nonetheless) and next Monday, I’ll be the featured guest on the Graham Hart show when, if all goes well, you’ll be able to hear one or two of my songs.

Once again, HUGE thanks to those who came in support last Wednesday. As the title of this piece confirms – my trial is not about me, it’s about us all. See you March 7th, same time same place.

If you would like to support Alison, please see the right-hand sidebar where you will find links to PayPal and BitCoin.

Comments, likes and shares are of course also welcome. You can also find Alison on Gab, and on her new Facebook backup account.

They came from far and wide in defiance of this latest assault on our freedoms. From Lancashire, Liverpool, Scotland and all the way from Canada – thank you Mr Fromm! The media coverage was g…
Attachments area

Jez Turner, the British Resistor, Appears for First Session of His `Hate Speech`Trial

Jez Turner, the British Resistor, Appears for First Session of His `Hate Speech`Trial

A big thanks to all those who were able to support me in court, (supporters of our cause filled the public gallery to overflowing and a new court room had to be found to accommodate the Jews who wanted to listen in!) for those who weren’t able here’s the pre-court speech, (& jail house rock dance!)  they missed.  (Anyone who wants a gulag haircut like mine and would like the name of my barber, I regret to say he has now fled the country fearing for his life.)  Next hearing will be, Southwark Crown Court, Monday 27th November 9.30am.  Until then ‘unconditional bail’!


Jez Turner appears at a central London Magistrates Court

These eight words are the issue:


` ‘We must free the World from Jewish control! ‘ (the 8 words)





Throughout Europe, especially Britain, so-called hate laws are passed by parliaments to stifle debate on immigration. The purpose of these inhumane anti-debate laws is not to protect minorities; it is to shield treacherous political elite from scrutiny or criticism.

Mike Walsh, who was sentenced to 6 x 4 month prison sentences for publishing anti-immigration fliers, is skeptical of government censorship and repression.

“Since my imprisonment in 1979, British government’s foreign policy, in collusion with that of the United States, has slaughtered, maimed, and made homeless millions of ethnic groups. Since the cell door slammed on me the UK government has been directly and indirectly responsible for conflicts that caused the worst humanitarian crisis since World War II.

Are we really expected to believe that corrupt political elite, whose military boots crushed liberty in a score of countries in my lifetime, gives a fig about the sensitivities of an Asian shopkeeper or Jewish moneylender?”

On October 30, British dissident Jez Turner at 13.30 attends a pre-trial hearing at Westminster Magistrates Court. The charge relates to his spoken concerns about the influence wielded by a minority with a reputation for race hate incitement. It isn’t hate, it is debate.

On November 3, six young Britons, ex-servicemen and teenagers, are brought before the Old Bailey or Westminster magistrates’ court. Their alleged offence is that they belonged to National Action. This is a small organisation that mounted sporadic non-violent protests against the UK government’s immigration policy. National Action is not an illegal organisation it is a government suppressed entity; there is a difference.

The British state’s case is unconcerned with dissent; the British state encourages Asian, African and Muslim dissent. The state is concerned that Britain’s Whites wish the same rights of protest as those practiced by immigrants and refugees.

On November 20, dissident songwriter Alison Chabloz, who enjoys an international following for her satire, is summoned to a pre-trial hearing at Westminster magistrates’ court. The Joan of Arc heretic is accused of composing lyrics and singing songs of dissent.

If hate rather than debate was the issue then why aren’t the peddlers of anti-White rap, the broadcasters of ant-White racist profanities pursued for writing and ‘singing’ anti-White lyrics in the outpourings.

On February 22, 2018, Simon Sheppard, a lone dissident, is summoned before the bench. His alleged offence is that he was outspokenly critical of noisy neighbours. Had the hapless man’s noisy neighbours been White he would not be facing the magistrates. Sadly, for Simon and the concept of free speech those he complained about are non-White.

Hate or debate? Clearly, it is the governing elite, corrupt media, spineless police and state judiciary that stands accused of hate, race hates against their own kind.

On the dates above, it is not martyred heretics who face trial. In the magistrates’ dock crouches a debauched menacing state elite. The charges against this demonic Orwellian creature relate to base treachery and anti-White race hate.

“The great only appear great because we are on our knees. Let us rise.”  ~ James Larkin Statue on O’Connell Street, Dublin, Ireland.

(Thank you for sharing what media censors).

London Forum Organiser Charged Under Race Act

 London Forum Organiser Charged Under Race Act


Jez Turner – organiser of the London Forum – has been charged with “inciting racial hatred” in connection with his speech at the “Anti-Shomrim” rally in Whitehall on 4th July 2015.

The Zionist lobby group “Campaign Against Anti-Semitism” had brought a legal action to force the Crown Prosecution Service to bring charges against Mr Turner, even though the CPS had originally decided he committed no offence.

An initial hearing will be held at 1.30 pm on Monday 30th October at Westminster Magistrates Court, Marylebone.

Meanwhile another prosecution instigated by the CAA sees anti-Zionist folk singer Alison Chabloz facing charges under the Communications Act, relating to songs uploaded to YouTube. A full day’s hearing of this case will take place at the same Marylebone court on October 25th at 10 am.

Ms Chabloz was arrested again last Wednesday and subjected to an extraordinary 48 hours of custody including travel from London to Derbyshire, following alleged breach of bail conditions.

While we are restricted in reporting these cases at the present stage of proceedings, there will be full updates in forthcoming editions of H&D.

Total vindication for Jez Turner’s speech that the Shomrim’s existence is due to Jewish Power

On the afternoon of the 4th July 2015 I gave a speech to an Anti-Shomrim rally opposite Downing Street in Whitehall.
 This was a speech, be it noted, where I stated that the sole reason only one ethnic group in Britain today was permitted to have a vigilante force, ‘The Shomrim’ –  and one at that, that wears uniforms that resemble police uniforms, that drive cars that are identical to police cars (the word ‘POLICE’ changed to ‘SHOMRIM’ is the only difference), that is publicly funded, that is given fire-arms training by the police etc – is not because of the unique victims status of Jews, but because of the power of the Jewish lobby.
Various George Soros funded Jewish lobby groups were outraged that I could openly declare that Jewish lobby groups were so powerful that they could even make a nonsense of the law of the land and overturn long-held conventions on vigilante groups, and so demanded that I be prosecuted.  The Crown Prosecution Service decided that what I said was not a crime and therefore they could not prosecute me.
This enraged the George Soros funded Jewish lobby groups even further, and they set about using their lobbying power to overturn this decision and have me prosecuted anyway.
They lobbied for a Judicial Review of my case and their lobbying power got them this.  They lobbied behind the scenes to have the Judicial Review to decide to go ahead and to prosecute me, and their lobbying power has now got them this.
They lobbied for me to be put on show trial for daring to point out the extent of Jewish lobbying power, and their lobbying power got them this.  They are now lobbying behind the scenes to ensure that I be found guilty and for me to be sent to the gulag, like so many other thought criminals, and no doubt their lobbying power shall get them all of this too.
No surprise for me in any of this.
To summarise, less than 1% of the UK’s population is Jewish, yet they have immense power and influence – almost as if they were 99% of the population, not 1%, and they use this power to silence anyone who points out this discrepancy.  Such lobbying power in Britain today can only be termed one thing –  ‘Jewish Supremacism’.
I have been proved correct, I have been vindicated.
Let the show trial commence.
Initial hearing where I enter a plea of ‘Guilty’ or ‘Not Guilty’ will be on Monday 30th October, 1.30pm, Westminster Magistrates Court, Marylebone.
Kind Regards
Jez Turner

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