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Canadian Association for Free Expression
Box 332,
Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3
Ph: 905-566-4455; FAX: 905-566-4820

Mr. Ray Weremczuk,
District Manager, Continuing Education Business Programme and Facility Rentals.
Delta District School Board

August 30, 2016

Dear Mr. Weremczuk:

I noticed on the Internet your firing of meditation instructor Brian Ruhe after 15 years service teaching meditation courses for your board. Your action is highly discriminatory and unfair. Your letter makes it clear there have been no problems with Mr. Ruhe’s role as an instructor. The problem you indicate is the expression of his views on World War II. It might be noted that the videos he produces are done on his own time and his own dime and are not communicated to Board students. He has never used his classes as a “bully pulpit.”

Your letter indicated, as follows:

“Quite apart from any media articles, the YouTube videos compiled under your name present a very public expression of conduct that runs contrary to the policies and values of Delta School District.

Specifically, Delta School District’s “Administrative Procedure 350 – Appendix A” describes its District Code Of Conduct this way:  “The District, which includes staff, parents and students, has the responsibility to provide and ensure a safe and positive climate for learning.”  Unacceptable Conduct interferes with a positive learning environment.  A specific example of unacceptable behaviours includes “(a)ny efforts to … discriminate against another person based on, but not limited to, race, religion, gender, physical or intellectual disability, marital or family status, sexual orientation, or age.”  
As well, Delta School District’s Values statement, part of its overall Vision statement, is “Caring, Respect, Responsibility, Community, and Excellence”, with “acceptance”, “equality”, and “inclusion” key terms within that statement.
Based on this, Delta School District will cancel the two dates for Meditation courses that you have been contracted to teach in the Fall 2016 and selects not to contract instruction with you in upcoming terms.”
You offer absolutely no evidence Mr. Ruhe has failed to “insure a safe and positive climate for learning” pursuant to Delta School District’s “Administrative Procedure 350. His students are adults. Even if they become aware of his controversial views, as adults in an increasingly diverse and divided society, they must be expected to relate to him as a meditation instructor, even as we all, in our daily dealings, relate to people whose cultures or views we may not like.. Assuming Mr. Ruhe were gay and a student had a problem with his sexuality, would you be considering firing him? I doubt it. That’s called the heckler’s veto.
You reference unacceptable behaviour  which includes “(a)ny efforts to … discriminate against another person based on, but not limited to, race, religion, gender, physical or intellectual disability, marital or family status, sexual orientation, or age.” Frankly, this policy is absurd, overly vague and likely illegal. Let me suggest two examples. A board employee is approached for a date by a married man. She rejects the proposal because he is married. That is discrimination on the basis of family status. Another board employee pointedly declines to make a donation to a person soliciting donations for the Salvation Army because,as a Catholic, he’d rather support his church’s St. Vincent de Paul Society. That’s discrimination on the basis of religion. Yet, both actions would, according to Board Code of Conduct be wrong.
Mr. Ruhe’s videos are expressions of historical, political and cultural OPINIONS. He has never suggested he would deny instruction or service to anyone on the basis of race, religion, gender, etc.
Ironically, you reference the Board’s Vision statement and indicate the values of “acceptance”, “equality”, and “inclusion”. Did it escape you that firing Mr. Ruhe discriminates against him for his beliefs and certainly violates the concepts of acceptance and inclusion for a clearly competent instructor.
I hope you will reconsider and reverse your decision which, as it stands, persecutes Mr. Ruhe and discriminates against him for the non-violent expression of his own beliefs on his own time.
The Canadian Association for Free Expression is Canada’s most active free speech advocate. We have intervened in court and human rights hearings for more than 30 years. We are taking an active interest in Mr. Ruhe’s case. He seems the latest victim — let’s hope, just potential victim — of mean spirited, intolerant censorsious political correctnesss.
I note that the public mood is shifting on the issue of political correctness. According to a just published Angus Reid poll, A strong majority of Canadians feel that political correctness has “gone too far,” a new poll suggests.” The poll conducted “on Aug. 17 using a sample of 1,510 Canadian adults, asked respondents if they agreed or disagreed “that the current climate of outrage over political correctness has just gone too far. A full 76 per cent said they agreed with the statement.”  (Global News, .August 29, 2016)
Sincerely yours,
Paul Fromm,

CAFE Presents Monika Schaefer — “My Story” — Toronto, August 24, 2016

CAFE Presents Monika Schaefer — “My Story” — Toronto, August 24, 2016

* Canada’s latest free speech victim
* In June, Monika Schafer created a You Tube “Sorry, Mom, I Was Wrong About the Holocaust” — 110,000 hits and counting…
* All hell broke loose; the Legion banned her; local Legion head filed human rights complaints



The sentence about free speech should NEVER include a ‘but’ (“We are working hard for free speech, but….”).  As I always say,

AT ALL (dkk)



The Canadian Red Ensign

TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2016

What is your true Faith? & The Monika Schaefer Story

Do you call yourself a Christian?

If so, please permit me to ask you the following two questions.

If someone were to deny the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, to say that He did not rise bodily from the grave, would you want that person to be punished by the state with a fine or a prison sentence or to be driven from career and community and turned into a pariah?

The second question is the same as the first except that instead of denying the Resurrection of Jesus Christ the person in question denies that the Holocaust took place, or questions the veracity of certain elements of the Holocaust narrative, such as the death count of six million.

If your answer to the first question is yes then I would suggest you need to think through your faith. If you are a Christian then you yourself believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead for you cannot be a Christian without believing this. If you believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead then you believe that this was an actual event. The truth of that event does not depend upon your faith or that of anyone else and therefore cannot be harmed by anyone’s denial. Nor should another’s denial be able to harm your own faith in the Resurrection if you recognize that your faith relies upon the truth of what you believe, rather than the other way around, and are well-familiar with the evidence for that truth. The denier, therefore, can only harm himself by his denial, and so the appropriate response on your part, as a Christian, is to testify to your own faith in the Living Christ and to pray that the eyes of the denier would be opened that he might see the light of the Gospel, be converted, and believe.

If a yes answer to the first question suggests that the believer is insecure in his own faith, a yes answer to the second question, especially when joined with a no answer to the first, indicates a far more serious problem. It indicates that the Holocaust is of greater importance to you than the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, that the Holocaust is now in the space which the Gospel ought to occupy in the heart of the Christian believer.

These are all things that Canadian Christians ought to keep in mind in hearing or reading the recent news story about one Monika Schaefer and contemplating what they ought to think about the whole affair.

Schaefer, the Canadian born daughter of German immigrants who were of the generation that saw the Third Reich, is a violin instructor in Jasper, Alberta who has run, unsuccessfully, as the Green Party candidate in the federal constituency of Yellowhead on several occasions. In June she posted a video on Youtube, in which she played the violin and apologized to her parents for believing their generation to be guilty of perpetrating the Holocaust which she has come to believe to be “the biggest and most pernicious persistent lie in all of history.”

As you have probably guessed, certain people are rather upset about this. The head of B’nai Brith, an organization which, if I had as little class as they have I would describe with a considerably greater degree of accuracy than they have ever seen fit to exercise, as a Christophobic hate group, demanded that the Green Party “must denounce Schaefer and distance itself from all Holocaust denying groups and individuals.” Of course the party did just that, declaring that “The Green Party of Canada condemns in the strongest possible terms comments by Monika Schaefer, a former candidate, regarding her views on the Holocaust” and that at the next meeting of their Federal Council they will hear a motion to revoke her membership. Elizabeth May, the party’s leader, declared her condemnation of Schaefer’s “terribly misguided and untrue statements,” saying that Schaefer “does not represent the values of the Green Party nor of our membership.”

The matter of whom the fringe, leftist, eco-crackpot Green Party kicks out of their movement is of no concern to me in and of itself, although I find B’nai Brith’s bullying political parties into kicking out people they do not approve of for reasons that have nothing to do with the party’s policies and platform quite irritating. Schaefer faces more than just being kicked out of her political party, however. Thanks to Ken Kuzminski, the president of the Jasper legion who, according to the CBC was at one time a friend of Schaefer’s, a charge has been filed against her with both the Alberta and the Canadian Human Rights Commissions. That yet another person may find herself the victim of the injustice of being punished for expressing forbidden thoughts at the hands of these Stalinist inquisitions is something which concerns and ought to outrage all Canadians.

The Canadian and provincial Human Rights Commissions are fundamentally un-Canadian institutions if by Canada we mean the Dominion of Canada that fought against Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich alongside the United Kingdom and the other countries in the great British family of nations between 1939 and 1945. The Dominion of Canada was established in 1867 by the Fathers of Confederation on the Loyalist foundation of preserving in the new country they were building, our rich British heritage including our parliamentary monarchy form of government, our Christian religion, our English Common Law, and the basic freedoms and legal rights that developed in the course of over a thousand years of history that included such highlights as the constitution of Alfred the Great of Wessex and the Magna Carta Libertatum. These Human Rights Commissions and Tribunals, which investigate and pass judgement upon the expressed thoughts of Canadians to determine whether they have committed what in the Newspeak of George Orwell’s 1984 was called “crimethink,” are foreign to that heritage and tradition, being much more at home in totalitarian ideological states like the Soviet Union, Red China, and North Korea.

It was the ideology that drove these states – the ideology of Marxist-Leninism, more commonly known as Communism – to which the Liberal Prime Ministers who governed Canada from 1963 to 1984 subscribed, secretly in the case of Lester Pearson, more openly in the case of Pierre Trudeau who was responsible for the Canadian Human Rights Act which established these Soviet-style tribunals. This ideology was an enemy of National Socialism, the ideology behind the Third Reich, but the enmity was that of bitter rivalry between virtually identical twin siblings. The only significant difference between the two was that National Socialism, being racist and nationalist, rejected the liberal universalism, internationalism, and cosmopolitanism of Communism. Otherwise they were revolutionary ideologies that attracted young thugs, hated the old, traditional, order, and established virtually identical party-ruled, police states that governed by fear and required everyone to at least give lip service to the tenets of their ideology.

The British family of nations, including the Dominion of Canada, was forced to make a temporary alliance with the Soviet Union in the war against the Third Reich, but the wisest of our leaders, such as Sir Winston Churchill, recognized that the ideology of the USSR was just as bad and dangerous as that of Nazi Germany and it would serve us well in this day to remember that the two ideologies were twins. Those who think that ideas like those of Monika Schaefer ought to be punished by law maintain that they hold this position to prevent a resurgence of National Socialism. The Nizkor website, on its home page, asks the question “Given the evidence…why do people deny the Holocaust?” which it answers with a quotation from some American neo-Nazi group “The real purpose of holocaust revisionism is to make National Socialism an acceptable political alternative again.”

This, however, is clearly nonsense. The first holocaust revisionist was Paul Rassinier, a French Communist and pacifist, who joined the anti-Nazi resistance and was himself imprisoned in Buchenwald and Dora. The American history professor, Harry Elmer Barnes, who had Rassinier’s books published in English, was an American classical liberal. Calvinist theologian Rousas J. Rushdooney, after reading Rassinier and Barnes, pointed to the claims of the standard Holocaust account which they disputed as an example of bearing false witness against one’s neighbour in his commentary on the Ten Commandments in his Institutes of Biblical Law. David Cole, who became a Holocaust revisionist in his youth, going to the site of Auschwitz to investigate after the fall of Communism in Poland, is a fairly mainstream American conservative and certainly no Nazi-sympathizer. None of these men had or have an interest in making National Socialism “an acceptable political alternative again.” Most holocaust revisionists, according to journalist John Sack, in an Esquire article from 2001 in which he described his encounters with David Irving, Ernst Zundel, and other revisionists at a meeting of the Institute for Historical Review, were simply ordinary people of German descent who did not want to think ill of their ancestors.

It would be more truthful to say that it is the influence of Communism, National Socialism’s rival sibling, that lies behind the suppression of Holocaust revisionism. Due to the similarity between the ideologies, it is therefore also true to say that those who want to see people like Monika Schaefer silenced, dragged before Human Rights tribunals, and punished for their views, are closer to the spirit of Adolf Hitler than those they seek to persecute. It has been pointed out that the adherents of these totalitarian ideologies often had no problem switching from the one to the other and it is interesting to note that when the Dominion of Canada was fighting Hitler at the side of Great Britain, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, the author of the Canadian Human Rights Act who throughout his political career praised Communist tyrants like Mao and Castro, was riding around on his motorcycle, denouncing the war effort, with a German helmut on his head and a big swastika on his back.

Fellow Canadians, if any of the spirit of the old Dominion still lives on in you, I urge you not to remain silent while another Canadian is persecuted for expressing an unpopular point of view. It is those who wish to silence and punish Monika Schaefer, not Schaefer herself, who represent all of the things our country went to war to fight in 1939.

As for the Holocaust – make up your own minds about it. Read both sides – conventional history books, such as Raul Hilberg’s The Destruction of The European Jews – and those by the revisionists. David Cole, for example, has an interesting summary of his present views on the matter in the last chapter of his memoir Republican Party Animal. If you find the conventional history more convincing, believe it. If you find the revisionists have better arguments, believe them. If you cannot make up your mind, don’t be afraid to admit it and say that you just don’t know. Any of these options is fine. Just don’t let bullies like B’nai Brith tell you what to think.

Finally, Canadian Christians, when you see Holocaust revisionists being persecuted for their views, recognize this for the injustice that it is. This, and not the unevenness of the distribution of wealth, is what real injustice looks like. Do not be fooled by the wolves in sheep’s clothing, who preach social justice, while licking the jackboots of the ideology responsible for these injustices, an ideology that has been dedicated to the destruction of our faith since the moment its founder penned his foul Manifesto in 1848. If you do not want people thrown in jail or otherwise persecuted for denying the Resurrection – and you should not want that – then you ought to be opposed to their being persecuted for denying the Holocaust. Otherwise, you testify that the Holocaust is more important to you than the Resurrection, raising the question of where your faith truly lies.

Gordon Watson Demands Apology & Compensation from the Waddling Dog for Assault & Denial of Rights: THE BATTLE OF THE WADDLING DOG, Part IV

Gordon Watson Demands Apology & Compensation from the Waddling Dog for Assault & Denial of Rights: THE BATTLE OF THE WADDLING DOG, Part IV

Below is the letter which I dropped off tonight (June 22, 2016), addressed to the owner and managers of the Wadding Dog Quality Inn. as I handed it over to the lady at the front desk, I asked ‘will this get to the owner or to Brandon?” She replied :’I’ll put it in his basket. Brandon will probably get it. They’re father and son” Gordon Watson …………


To : owner and managers of the Waddling Dog Quality Inn Mount Newton Cross Road Central Saanich British Columbia From Gordon S Watson 01 I am more than a bit disgusted with what played-out in an incident at your hotel on June 18 2016 : police power was mis-used to prevent legitimate political activity. What I want to know, is : ‘who’s responsible for the outrageous interference in my civil rights?!!!!!!!’

02 The BC Human Rights Code states that its purposes are to foster a society in British Columbia in which there are no impediments to participation in the economic, social, political and cultural life of British Columbia. As explained in my letter to the Central Saanich Police, [ enclosed ] Brandon Petraroia, acting as your Agent, did offend the core principle explicit in that statute

03 Not long ago, a Justice of the Court of Appeal called me “ a long-time political activist”, (which I consider a high compliment). Since 1991 I have been around the block a few times, getting exposure on issues of national importance. In 2001, I was on the ballot as a candidate for MLA in the provincial election. Thus, I certainly do qualify as a ‘politician’.

04 Early in the day on June 18th 2016 Paul Fromm called me to say that the meeting which he’d arranged for 2 pm was cancelled by the management of the Waddling Dog. I said I’d go to the hotel so as to direct anyone who showed up for it, to the changed venue. When I got there, I was dismayed by the show of force = armed uniformed men guarding the Library. I ditched the notion of having any kind of dialogue with the man who presented himself as “the owner” direct quote. Over my 2 decades’ experience in political activity, I’ve been involved in confrontations much more ominous than that one. The attitude displayed by Brandon Petraroia – gloating at having sabotaged our meeting – conveyed that he was spoiling for a physical confrontation.
05 As explained in my letter to the police, when I failed to confirm his assumption that I was there to cause trouble, and started to leave, Mr Petraroia shoved me. There is no doubt in my mind but that that contact was calculated to provoke reflexive reaction, which he’d then use as pretext for the police to arrest me. One wonders if he learned that dirty trick in the curriculum of the hotel management course at Royal Roads University. More likely, it arose from his experience playing ice hockey, where such a move is acceptable among consenting participants. Then again, from what I see on the internet, apparently the hotel’s team = The Greasers (!) = play in a co-ed league … so he wouldn’t get away with that kind of a body check  either.

waddling dog brandon

Variously self-identified as “manager” or “owner” of the Waddling Dog, Brandon Petraroia is in the background. Central Saanich cop one of a group on hand to prevent free speech meeting, June 18 in Victoria.


06 Your manager committed serious breaches of the law. One of the maxims I’ve learned along the way in my career, is : “make the courtroom the classroom”. He breached the BC Human Rights Code. He committed an assault. For which he, the Agent – and his Principal, the Waddling Dog – are liable for a claim of damages for tortious interference with my civil rights. If you fail to treat this my complaint fairly, we’re headed for Court

07 But we don’t have to go that route. Mr Petraroia’s misconduct demonstrated how far-removed his generation is, from understanding what – once upon a time – was common sense in the white, Christian nation known as the Dominion of Canada. Today, stupified by Marxist propaganda inculcated by the Public Fool System, they mouthe platitudes about “tolerance” and “diversity”, while doing the very opposite … automatically demonizing people like me and Paul Fromm as we attempt to reach the conscience of the nation.
08 Ironically, the topic of the meeting was ; potential change in the law, criminalizing criticism of particular communist doctrines. So Mr Petraroia’s actions are a perfect example of what my old man used to say : “ nothing is so useless it cannot at least be used as a bad example.” We have yet to get any good reason why our group was denied service normally available to the public. I am left to surmise that it was because our political enemies poured the usual slanders into the ear of Brandon Petraroia, which moved him to call the cops. The photo of armed policemen stifling freedom of speech speaks volumes. The capper being Sgt. Sihota’s reply when I asked him “who called the police and why?”. Ie. “we’re here to keep the Peace. To make sure everyone is safe” Safe from what, pray tell?! The photos of Thought Police on the job on your premises illustrate Joseph Stalin’s diktat : “Ideas are weapons. Why should we let our enemies have such weapons?” 09 This letter is my offer to the Waddling Dog Inn / Brandon Petraroia that my complaints can be resolved using common sense. For that to happen, I require: – an acknowledgment of wrongdoing – an apology – a significant sum of money payed to me in Silver Canadian Maple Leaf coins
10 If I don’t receive acknowledgment of my offer by July 31st 2016, I shall submit a formal complaint to the BC Human Rights Commission, as well as : I will lay a Private Information of the charge of ‘Assault’, as well = I will originate a claim in Supreme Court of British Columbia for damages for tortious interference with my civil rights, such claim to be tried before a jury.

Govern yourselves accordingly,

Gordon S Watson



Soft Tyranny Canada: The Battle of the Waddling Dog Hotel Part II — Interviews with Paul Fromm & Gordon Watson

Paul Fromm of the Canadian Association for Free Expression discusses the arbitrary last minute cancellation last Friday of his planned lecture the next day at the Waddling Dog Quality Inn. Manager Brendan Petraroia called him “a racist piece of shit.” [Race had never been discussed in their phone call.] CAFE found a new location. Longtime activist Gordon Watson went to the Waddling Dog and found five or six police officers from two forces there to shut down the free speech gathering.
Preview YouTube video Soft Tyranny Canada: The Battling of the Waddling Dog Hotel

Soft Tyranny Canada: The Battling of the Waddling Dog Hotel

Liberals Invite Donors to Join Justin in Gay Pride Parade

Liberals Invite Donors to Join Justin in Gay Pride Parade

Dear Braedan:
May I call you Braeden? I don’t know you from a hole in the ground but you call me “Paul”. Such is our age of phony informality.
So,the prize for a donation to the Liberal Party is a chance  to join Justin in prancing in the Gay Pride Parade. I, for one, am sick and tired of minority privilege.
No way! Those who have to parade their sexuality — some buck naked — are neurotic and a disgrace. Justin Trudeau demeans his office by joining such a parade.
The apology to the Sikhs for the Komagata Maru incident –a ship of mostly illegals and revolutionaries, quite rightly expelled by the Dominion Government in 1914 — shows that Trudeau has made his choice. He favours Sikhs, Moslems, the transgendered and the sexually diverse. OK, he’s the prime minister of the privileged minorities. He is not mine.
We need a Prime Minister to represent the dispossessed Canadian Majority.
Be warned, Traditional Canadians won’t take this pandering much more.
Now, Mr. Trudeau wants to trample on free speech. He wants to define criticism of the transgendered as “hate speech” which could earn the victim up to two years in jail.
In politically correct speak it’s just not “appropriate”.
Paul Fromm,
Win a trip to Toronto Pride to march with the Liberal team.

Paul —

Can you believe that no sitting Canadian Prime Minister has ever marched in a Pride Parade? Until July 3, 2016 that is — when Justin Trudeau will make history and become the first.

When hundreds of thousands of Canadians join the PM that day to show support for LGBTQ2 rights and equality in the Toronto Pride Parade, the Liberal Team will be marching right alongside them.

But we are also going one step further, and giving you the chance to make history with us!

We’ll be flying one lucky supporter and their guest to Toronto, airfare and hotel on us, giving you each VIP passes to the Toronto Pride Festival — and inviting you to march with the Liberal Team in Sunday’s parade. Already want to be there? Donate now and then follow the link to enter the promotion.

It’s going to be an extraordinary experience and an unforgettable moment for Canada’s LGBTQ2 community, and you’ll be a part of it!

The promotion is free to enter and anyone can sign up on But we’re also up against a steep fundraising target this month with $200,000 to raise to stay on track with our second quarter fundraising goal.

The Conservatives — without a permanent leader — raised over $1-million more than we did in the first quarter. We can’t let that happen again, which is why it’s so important you chip in to help us close the gap this month.

While the Conservatives are still debating whether or not to even support equal marriage (note: it’s 2016), Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government have announced bold new steps to protect the rights, safety, and inclusion of transgender Canadians – and that crucial progress must continue.

Join the over 700 Canadians who have already donated $25,192 this month — donate now and then follow the link for the chance to come march with us in Toronto.

If you’ve saved your payment information, your donation will be processed immediately.

Give $5 ➜
Give $25 ➜
Give $50 ➜
Give $100 ➜

Or give another amount:

There has never been a better time to make your first gift to the Liberal Party of Canada. A gift of any amount makes an incredible difference in our work to help build a stronger, more inclusive country.

Thanks for everything you do,

Braeden Caley
Senior Director, Communications
Liberal Party of Canada

Activist Fined $5,000 for Standing in Front of City Bus Decked Out in Homosexual Colours

Activist Fined $5,000 for Standing in Front of City Bus Decked Out in Homosexual Colours

Kyle McKee is a long-time White rights activist in Calgary, Alberta. Some years ago, he headed up the Aryan Guardthat staged a number of White Pride marches. Huffington Post Alberta (August 31, 2015) reported: “A Calgary Transit driver, who created controversy over his refusal to drive a rainbow Pride bus, claims he’s become the target of unfounded allegations at work. ‘I feel like people at Calgary Transit are now against me because I stand firmly for my Christian faith and won’t compromise my values,’ said [Jesse] Rau in a news release on Sunday. The annual Calgary Pride Festival kicks off this week, and a Calgary Transit bus has been wrapped in a rainbow flag as a show of support. But Rau publicly said he would have to quit his job if he was assigned to drive the bus because it goes against his Christian beliefs.

On Monday, Rau’s pastor said that the driver was told that a complaint had been filed against him, alleging that he was texting while driving on the job. ‘I am very careful not to text while driving,’ Rau said, refuting the allegation. ‘I am aware that public transit is a blessing to many and I always want to keep the people on my bus safe and secure. It seems like I am being targeted for speaking out for my faith.’ Rau’s pastor, Artur Pawlowski, also alleged thatCalgary Transit had been monitoring Rau’s personal Facebook page. He said the bus driver has stopped using the social platform altogether because he’s afraid of losing his job. Rau is still under probation with Calgary Transit as he’s only been working for the company for less than a year, said CTV News.”

Kyle decided to show solidarity with the beleaguered bus driver and engaged in a brief act of non-violent civil disobedience. He briefly stood in front of the rainbow bagged bus and blocked its way. Four carloads of Calgary’s finest descended on him and issued him a $5,000 (that’s right, five thousand) ticket! He’s accused, in cop speak, of “prevent or interfere with operation of a transit vehicle.” His court date is November 3, 2015.

Mr. McKee explains: “Recently there was a story all over the news about an issue of a Calgary transit driver claiming that it would be against his religion to promote the homosexual life choices by driving a bus that was decked out in a rainbow wrap. The driver was attacked all over the mainstream media and social media for standing up for his convictions. It was as if his religious rights were far less important than those of the gay community. So, I took it upon myself to take a stand and position myself in front of the bus to prevent it from driving. This ended with the police sending four cars lights flashing to give me a ticket worth $5,000.”

Too bad Kyle isn’t a native Indian.
Nothing would have happened to him. As a form of protest, Indian protesters regularly block roads and railway lines for days at a time. They are seldom arrested. Indeed, during the protests by the curiously named Idle No More Indians (it didn’t mean they’d gotten jobs, just gone out marching and protesting) police regularly brought coffee to Indians blocking rail lines near Sarnia, Ontario. Of course, Julian Fantino, the loser of Caledonia when he was head of theOntario Provincial Police, did nothing when armed radical Indians occupied private land in Caledonia. They assaulted Whites and blocked access at times to these Whites’ own homes. Still, the police were more interested in intimidating and chasing away Whites who held protests against the occupation and the police inaction.

You’re a “Nazi” If You Support Free Speech

You’re a “Nazi” If You Support Free Speech
Anti-racists are just really anti-White. Consider this defaced poster from Kingston, Ontario. A new European awareness nationalist group has formed there called The Euro-United Front.
They recently put up posters saying “Freedom of  Speech Means Everyone, Not Just Ones You Agree With.”


Photo: You're a "Nazi" If You Support Free Speech

Anti-racists are just really anti-White. Consider this defaced poster from Kingston, Ontario. A new European awareness nationalist group has formed there called The Euro-United Front.

They recently put up posters saying "Freedom of  Speech Means Everyone, Not Just Ones You Agree With."

It all seems perfectly obvious and middle of the road, but not form some anonymous clod with a magic marker who scrawled "Nazis" on the poster. So, supporter free speech means you are a Nazi.

While this is vandalism by one individual, it points to the fact that Canadians need a lot of encouragement and educating. Fro nearly 40 years, we've been lectured that free speech must be limited, that minority sensitivities must prevail and that not all views are "appropriate" or acceptable. 

However, without freedom of speech, all our other rights are in peril

CAFE remains committed to standing for free speech, no matter how unpopular the opinions may be.

Speaking is not the crime; attempting to silence others is.

Paul Fromm


Canadian Association for Free Expression

 We Need Your Help!

We need your support for the McCorkill Will Case in St. John, NB. We need your help to keep CAFÉ in the courts punching for freedom of speech. We need your help to support free speech victims.

CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3

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Doug Christie Free Speech  Booklets

For 30 years, Doug Christie, the Battling Barrister, has been Canada’s outstanding free speech attorney. He passed away of liver cancer, all too young, on March 11, at age 66. Order his outstanding free speech booklets published in C-FAR’S Canadian Issue Series.

 __ The Zundel Trial & Free Speech by Douglas Christie (1985) $4.00 

__  Thought Crimes Trial: The Keegstra Case by Douglas Christie (1987) $4.00

__   Free Speech IS the Issue by Douglas Christie  (1990) ($5)

[Tick booklets you want here and indicate the number and enter dollar amount on the other side of this coupon.]
It all seems perfectly obvious and middle of the road, but not form some anonymous clod with a magic marker who scrawled “Nazis” on the poster. So, supporter free speech means you are a Nazi.
While this is vandalism by one individual, it points to the fact that Canadians need a lot of encouragement and educating. Fro nearly 40 years, we’ve been lectured that free speech must be limited, that minority sensitivities must prevail and that not all views are “appropriate” or acceptable.
However, without freedom of speech, all our other rights are in peril
CAFE remains committed to standing for free speech, no matter how unpopular the opinions may be.
Speaking is not the crime; attempting to silence others is.
Paul Fromm
Canadian Association for Free Expression

 We Need Your Help!


We need your support for the McCorkill Will Case in St. John, NB. We need your help to keep CAFÉ in the courts punching for freedom of speech. We need your help to support free speech victims.


CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3


___    Here is my donation of $_______ to help CAFÉ’s  work in supporting the victims of censorship and McCorkill cases.

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Doug Christie Free Speech  Booklets

For 30 years, Doug Christie, the Battling Barrister, has been Canada’s outstanding free speech attorney. He passed away of liver cancer, all too young, on March 11, at age 66. Order his outstanding free speech booklets published in C-FAR’S Canadian Issue Series.


 __ The Zundel Trial & Free Speech by Douglas Christie (1985) $4.00

__  Thought Crimes Trial: The Keegstra Case by Douglas Christie (1987) $4.00

__   Free Speech IS the Issue by Douglas Christie  (1990) ($5)

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The Fighting Side of Me: Paul Fromm Interviews Lady Michèle Renouf

The Fighting Side of Me:
Paul Fromm Interviews Lady Michèle Renouf
Counter-Currents Radio 60:32 / 139 words
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Lady Michèle Renouf is an Australian activist, documentary filmmaker, and former model focusing on free speech issues concerning the historical analysis of real and alleged casualties during World War II and their connection to the historiographical narrative developed in the post-war period. Her videos are available for purchase on DVD through her website.

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