“I received the reply to my Freedom on Information request, from the Central Saanich police, today [July 25, 2016] in the mail
Quite amusing to guys like me and you
“I received the reply to my Freedom on Information request, from the Central Saanich police, today [July 25, 2016] in the mail
Quite amusing to guys like me and you
Brian Ruhe & Dr. James Sears at Canadian Association of Freedom of Expression in Toronto
Brian Ruhe is a Buddhist truth activist, occasional troublemaker and president of the thulesociety.com . Brian was fired from teaching at Capilano University because of these videos. Please donate to support these videos and his work by going to his website at www.brianruhe.ca linked on this YouTube channel and click on the PayPal Donate button. Even the smallest donation helps!
To see my diary of what I’m up to please send me a friend request and I’ll accept you on Facebook at www.facebook.com/BrianRuhe . I am available for one-to-one counselling for $25/ half hour by Skype, phone or in person, on any matter. You can connect with me on Skype at: brianaruhe .
My most recent book is A SHORT WALK ON AN ANCIENT PATH – A Buddhist Exploration of Meditation, Karma and Rebirth, is available in book or ebook form at Amazon.com at:
I was a Buddhist monk in Chiangmai, Thailand in 1995 – 1996 and I have been teaching Theravada Buddhism and meditation for 20 years. My first book from 1999, is “Freeing the Buddha,” also at Amazon. I follow the Theravada Buddhist Forest tradition