Jordan Peterson: Canada is trampling on my God-given right to free speech

Jordan Peterson: Canada is trampling on my God-given right to free speech

Canada’s idiotic pandering and cowardly insistence on group rights set us up for dominance by the meta-Marxists Author of the article: Jordan PetersonThe Telegraph Published Sep 02, 2023  •  Last updated 4 days ago  •  10 minute read 1538 Comments

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Photo by The Canadian Press

As a professional, practicing clinical psychologist, I never thought I would fall foul of Canada’s increasingly censorial state. Yet, like so many others — including teachers, nurses, and other professionals — that is precisely what has happened. In my case, a court has upheld an order from the College of Psychologists of Ontario that I undergo social media training or lose my licence to practice a profession I have served for most of my adult life.

Their reason? Because of a handful of tweets on my social media, apparently. Yes: I am at risk of losing my licence to practice as a mental health professional because of the complaints of a tiny number of people about the utterly unproven “harm” done by my political opinions.

These complainers — most of whom did not even live in Canada, none of whom were my clients or even knew any of them, nor had any contact whatsoever with the persons hypothetically harmed by my views — submitted complaints to the College of Psychologists of Ontario about what I had said using a handy online form. That supposedly august body had the option not to pursue these complaints, but seemingly decided some months ago that my behaviour did not meet with their approval. I had to agree to their demands to undergo training with one of their self-declared “social media experts” — sessions of indeterminate length, cost and content — and it seems that if I did not I would be dragged in front of a formal disciplinary hearing and, if it concurred in the judgment of wrongdoing, stripped of my licence.

The right of the College to do so has now been upheld by a provincial court, despite their apparent admission that it could infringe on my fundamental rights.

My transgressions? Two tweets criticising Justin Trudeau; one criticising his former chief of staff, who resigned in the aftermath of scandal some years ago; one ironically commenting on the identity of a city councillor in Ottawa, who in my view acted in a particularly unforgivable manner during the famous trucker convoy protest; and one objecting to the actions of the physicians performing mastectomies on perfectly healthy women — often minors — alongside a criticism of a famous actress who received such “treatment” and then advertised its benefits to her unwitting fans. In conjunction, the entire transcript of a podcast I did with Joe Rogan where I expressed doubts, fully justified in my view, about the validity of the idiotic models that economists stack carelessly upon the doom-mongering climate predictions used by eco-zealots and wannabe tyrants to justify extreme policies which will harm millions. Finally, there was a tweet that apparently hurt the feelings of a plus-sized model (according to complainants she did not know) parading herself on the cover of a magazine hypothetically devoted to the celebration of athleticism and health.

Every single opinion was a political or psychological statement; every one devoid of genuinely documentable “harm” — except perhaps to the tender sensibility of certain Canadian moralists in whose mouths butter wouldn’t melt, in a country of fatal niceness and complacency.

Politicization of regulated professions

For context, there are many “regulated professions” in Western countries, including Canada; professions whose conduct is held to be crucial to the public interest, and whose practitioners must therefore uphold certain standards to protect the public. That idea worked for years. In Canada, as elsewhere, these professional colleges, with authority delegated from the government, limited their actions to situations of obvious professional misconduct.

In the last few years, however, such bodies – with their wide and untrammeled potential regulatory and punitive ability – have been weaponised by the same ideological radicals of the Left that have infiltrated and undermined higher education, media, judiciary, law, science and government. Any radical anywhere can submit the kind of complaint that can bring a professional’s life to a halt, and can increasingly rely on these captured colleges and other professional regulatory bodies to uphold and pursue their vexatious, vengeful, petty, spiteful and ideological motivated “complaints.” And this is regardless of how much good the target of their complaint has done — independent of the training, reputation or standing of the target, and accompanied by the deep pockets and infinite amount of time available for the accusers and adversaries, abetted by the resources of the government itself.

Suffice it to say: I appealed the decision of my professional college. But the court has rejected my appeal, ruling that although I had my Charter rights — my constitutional right to freedom of speech — the professional regulatory body essentially has indefinite sway over the determination of what limits they felt fit to impose in their professional context, in whatever retroactive manner they felt fit to impose them. This is a court, by the way, headed by appointees from the very administration I was criticising (and which has been criticised very recently and independently from me for the inappropriate relationships it has established with the judiciary).

Canadians now need to wake up to the fact that the right to freedom of speech in Canada is subject to limitations placed by any level of government, for any reason.

I know perfectly well that many professionals in Canada are cowed to the point where they are forced to lie; they tell me so repeatedly in private. And when professionals have to lie, they can no longer do their job properly, and the public suffers. I know, too, that this is increasingly true across the West. Hence the increasing international interest in the dangerous social experiment taking place in Canada, as we ride the forefront of the wave of woke lunacy threatening to swamp the entire Western world.

The decline and fall of Canada

Why does the situation appear particularly grim, here in Maple Leaf Country? We were, for most of my country’s history, miraculously and thankfully dull: our constitution, ensconced safely under British authority until 1982, enshrined “peace, order and good government” as the most basic principles of our dominion. This was not the clarion call ringing out to rally our good friends south of the border, who aimed at the much more dramatic and libertarian “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” It was good enough, however, to produce a reliable, safe, secure and free state, conservative in the classic small-c sense, with institutions both predictable and honest, and an economy both productive and generous.

That all started to change in the 1980s. Our dashing prime minister, Pierre Elliot Trudeau — father of the current Prime Minister, our current clown prince — was searching desperately for a legacy and for a solution to the chronic problem posed by the Quebec separatists, who were genuinely threatening the integrity of the country. Quebec was the last feudal country in the West: extremely traditional and dominated by a very small, tight, essentially hereditary elite right until the end of the 1950s. Quebec dumped all that in a few short years in a fit of 1960s freedom, also dropping its birth and marriage rate with exceptional rapidity (both are now among the lowest in the world) and abandoning the Catholic church in favour of a crude nationalism and a more-or-less socialist utopia favoured by those who pushed to also tear apart the country.

Trudeau senior, constitutionally displeased with the fundamental derivation of Canada from Britain, seized upon this opportunity to make his mark in history, and began to agitate to “bring the constitution home.” He did so, rewriting our primary legal agreement, and appending to it his much-vaunted Charter of Rights and Freedoms, paraded before Canadians as the ultimate guarantee of the freedoms we had enjoyed anyway under the much more reliable aegis of British Common Law. But Quebec put up its middle finger, refusing to become a signatory to the new agreement – even after Trudeau’s government abandoned both its spine and its principles to include a poison pill in the very Charter that hypothetically protected our citizens: the clause in Section 33 of that document, indicating that those very constitutional rights can be abridged more or less at will by any government in Canada, federal or provincial, if inclined to do so.

The Canadian government, in its own documentation, notes with unconsciously ironic understatement that “Section 33 is unique among the constitutions of countries with constitutional democracies.” It is unique because it essentially guts the Charter – and it was designed to do so, to appease the very Quebec that it never did appease and which has never in the 40 years subsequent to the “repatriation” formally signed on to the agreement.

And that is not all. Canada was a very early adopter of the idea of “group rights.” The Quebecois, again, began to obsess about the potential threat posed by English Canada (really, the English West, led by the culturally-dominant Americans) to the language and culture of their province. They had some reason for this: the ascendant US was and is a cultural force to be reckoned with, and even English Canadians were uneasy about the elephant to the south, capable of rolling over at any time, careless of its much smaller northern neighbour, and simultaneously much noisier and more effectively theatrical. To keep the country together, Canada began to prioritise the rights of its so-called founding peoples (the British, the French and the original inhabitants of this land, the native Canadians) and to insist that the groups they composed had rights equivalent to or superseding those of individual citizens. This was a very bad idea then, and it has become a worse idea in the subsequent decades. Canada parades itself as a “multicultural” society, pretending that a brainless tolerance — really, a spineless niceness — constitutes the way forward to peace and tranquility, forgetting entirely that too much multiculturalism often stokes unrest.

This bad situation is made worse by the naïve virtue-signalling of, ironically enough, Pierre Trudeau’s son: an unqualified part-time drama teacher who in a recent poll was found to be the country’s least-popular prime minister of the past 55 years. It was that same Justin Trudeau who famously proclaimed that “there is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada” in 2015, insisting that the country has little uniting it except its embrace of cultural diversity and its putative values of openness and respect.

But what is a country without a central identity? Aimless, and therefore both anxious and hopeless; worse, prone to domination by the fractionated ideas that will fight necessarily for central place in the absence of the centre that must by one means or another be established. That is the shadow-side of the naïve “multiculturalism” that has doomed the world to continuous fractionalism and all its accompanying horrors.

Canada’s idiotic pandering and cowardly insistence on group rights set us up for dominance by the meta-Marxists who insist that the collective take priority over the individual. Canada’s inclusion of the notwithstanding clause to unsuccessfully satisfy separatists gutted the protection of the rights that might otherwise have protected the individual against group-think. Justin Trudeau’s insistence that Canada has no central identity has allowed the ideologically-possessed fools who know nothing of the great British Common Law tradition and who have contempt for the Western tradition to make their postmodern ideas the central axis around which this once-reliable country now by law is required to rotate.

In principle, Canadians enjoy the right to free speech, but the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is severely and fatally limited by the notwithstanding clause, and leaves our rights endangered.

I have been expressing my Charter Rights — though really I view them as God-given, and rooted more in British Common Law — by writing, lecturing, and using social media. Consequently, I have run afoul of the petty authorities in Canada, including at my former place of employment, the University of Toronto, where my opposition to an infamous bill, C-16, made it impossible for me, eventually, to continue as a professor at that cowardly institution, though it also brought my opinions and work to broad public attention. Since then, I have continued to voice my opposition to the current administration in Ottawa, and the destructive ideological idiocy that is threatening my country and the West itself.

As such, I will fight this idiocy all the way to the Supreme Court, if necessary. I have instructed my lawyers, in the aftermath of the rejection of my appeal, to inform the College that I will not comply with their forced re-education mandate, and to proceed with the disciplinary hearing they have promised will occur. In the past, such hearings have been videotaped and made public. I doubt the College will have the stomach to do the same in my case, although I will make every effort, reasonable and unreasonable, to ensure that every element of these proceedings is open to widespread international scrutiny. I have already posted the relevant documents online, as I am perfectly happy to have everything that I have done assessed in full.

But I know few people are in a position to conduct such a fight: I have the resources necessary to wage a multi-year court battle, ruinously expensive (tens of thousands of dollars a month) though it is. I also have the means of communication at hand to publicise exactly what is going on. I do so on the behalf of those who are unable to do so.

Regardless of the outcome, I have made arrangements with other jurisdictions — Canadian and elsewhere — to re-establish my licence, in a heartbeat, if the authorities in Ontario succeed in purloining it from me.

I’ll leave it to readers to think through what that would mean for free speech in Canada – and, for that matter, in the rest of the increasingly benighted Western world.

Oh Canada, indeed.


Canadian Nationalist and Canadian Association for Free Expression director talks to NAB’s Nathan “Stanley” Sykes and Australia First’s Jim Saleam.In a free-range discussion, Paul talks about life under two Trudeaus; being banned from Twitter and America; the mysteries of Kennewick Man; the collapse of Western Society; and the lie about Native oppression

Report on the First Day of Political Prisoner Tamara Lich’s Trial

As the morning wore on yesterday in Courtroom Five at the Ottawa Court Building, anticipation and excitement about what might transpire was tamped down by hours of legal housekeeping, most of it brought forward by Crown Tim Radcliffe. He seemed to be struggling with his video evidence and as he did, I spent time studying the mini-community that was taking shape in the gallery.

Behind the Crown on one side, most of legacy media plus professional types focussed on various electronic devices, including phones and laptops. Across the aisle, behind the defense tables many casually attired folks who seemed to have come a long way to support Tamara Lich and Chris Barber. During breaks, everyone was cordial but there wasn’t much mixing. Indy media stuck to themselves and the legacy media types stayed in their own lane. It was clear to see we would be covering the case in different ways. Imagine this happening even five years ago. Unthinkable.

Media, including our documentary crew waiting outside the courthouse.

I couldn’t help feeling it was a microcosm of the country. Like good Canadians, everyone was well behaved but I detected suspicion and the gap between the two sides created and reinforced by our prime minister’s rhetoric was on full display. To be honest, the convoy has exposed a class struggle in this country exacerbated by pols and media who tarnish working people with the usual epithets.

Like the Rodney King case — one of the first where video evidence was paramount, this trial will likely revolve around the thousands of hours shot by citizens and police. The convoy protest was one of the most widely photographed ever given the rise of the cell-phone camera and the growing cadres of citizen journalists who got fed up with legacy media’s bias. But if yesterday is any indication, the Crown is unlikely to produce any gotcha video moments. Constable Craig Barlow presented an 11 minute compilation of videos, some of it police body cam that the Crown must have believed contained inculpatory moments. I didn’t see any and it got worse. From the Ottawa Citizen.

The court was introduced to life in Ottawa during the protests with a 12-minute video of scenes recorded by police from the protest compiled by the first witness in the case, Const. Craig Barlow with the Ottawa police cyber crimes unit.

The sound of revving engines, air horns, chants of “freedom” and “we’re not leaving” filled the Ottawa courtroom as scenes of blocked intersections, large crowds, open fires and Canadian flags played on a large TV screen.

The video also showed a sea of protesters pushing back against police during a massive operation to put an end to the protest.

In her cross-examination, Diane Magas, who is representing Barber, asked Barlow whether he reviewed video of people hugging, games of pickup street hockey, a bouncy castle, and other scenes from the convoy that weren’t included in the compilation video.

When Magus argued to see more than edited snippets and the longer original versions, the video flooded the courtroom with trucker chants of Love not Fear, hardly a scary rallying cry. Justice Heather Perkins-McVey even referred to the phrase in a later discussion. In cross, Magus also asked Barlow if he included any of the video of police hitting protestors in the head. He did not. So she showed it to the court.

As a condition of Tamara’s bail, she is ordered to stay out of the Red Zone in Ottawa unless accompanied by her lawyer, Lawrence Greenspon. That was lifted for lunch yesterday and there will be more talks on-going. I heard from a source there was concern from the Crown Law Office when the bail conditions were originally set, that her presence on the street might trigger locals.

Tamara Lich with her husband Dwayne, yesterday.

And there is some hysteria here. In our hotel, a kindly restaurant worker let loose with a torrent of convoy critiques, including a false tale of a car full of explosives belonging to the protestors. When we mentioned that were this true, there would be criminal charges connected to it and it would have been litigated at the POEC — he defaulted to it’s a secret. And so it goes.

Regardless of what evidence is presented by the Crown at trial, there are a lot of folktales about the protest on a repeat-loop here that perhaps one day an anthropologist can explain.

There was talk last night at dinner that legacy media are doing an OK job covering this case so far. As I said yesterday — perhaps there is a break in our national storm.

I think many people understand what is at stake here, including the judge who is thoughtful and no-nonsense so far. Barber’s lawyer, is going for it. Interesting to watch.

Note: I will be posting Tweets from the courtroom here when I can.

Also – I am quoting from daily news reports for detailed spoken evidence because they are permitted to record the proceedings as they unfold. As an unaccredited journalist, I am not.

Stay critical.

Please consider supporting our documentary team on the ground here.

Why Elon Can’t Ban the ADL Even If He Wanted To

Why Elon Can’t Ban the ADL Even If He Wanted To September 3, 2023

[Maybe that why Dr. Tom Sunic, Dr. Kevin Macdonald, myself and a number of other nationalists who were all purged from Twitter in April have not been reinstated. CAFE retained a lawyer but we’ve had no explanation or satisfaction. As Andrew Torba explains, sadly Elon Musk succumbed to the ADL cenrsors.]

Over the past few days a grassroots campaign popped up on X calling for the platform to ban the ADL. The campaign, united around the hashtag #BantheADL, has been trending on the platform for days with hundreds of thousands of posts.

This campaign comes after the CEO of the ADL, Jonathan Greenblatt, made a post gloating about his organization’s sheer power to control the platform that Elon Musk purchased for tens of billions of dollars last year. Although the #BantheADL campaign effectively highlighted the significant influence the ADL holds in regulating the flow of information online, it is essential to delve into the reasons why Elon Musk cannot remove the ADL from the platform or hinder their effective management of his company, even if he were inclined to do so.

First we have to understand a bit of the context for how a platform like X actually works and is able to exist on the internet along with the inside baseball of how the ADL flexes its power to control massive corporations without owning a single share.

X is built on the rails of multiple third-party services including, but not limited to the Google Cloud infrastructure among others. X has had a partnership with Google Cloud since 2018, and Bloomberg reports that this collaboration has incurred annual expenses ranging from $200 million to $300 million for the company. Jonathan Greenblatt has openly bragged about the ADL’s partnership with Google, YouTube, Facebook, and X, going so far as to change the algorithms of these companies to meet their demands.

With one phone call to Google the ADL can cripple X. If Google pulls the plug on the cloud hosting deal massive parts of X’s critical infrastructure will be down for a long time, possibly the entire platform would be taken offline with one click. We saw this happen in 2020 with Parler when Amazon AWS pulled the plug and the platform was taken offline. They were never able to fully recover and recently shut the platform down completely after it sold to a third-party.

Going after the cloud hosting providers is just the start for the ADL’s ability to utterly destroy X. Next come the app store bans. With that same phone call to Google the ADL could easily highlight the hundreds of thousands of “antisemitic” posts on the platform and point the the #BantheADL posts as their prime example. Don’t put it past them. They likely have multiple studies going on behind the scenes tracking the “rise in hate” on the platform since Elon took over and will use this to present their case.

Without critical infrastructure and the app stores X would be in serious trouble, but Elon may be able to pull off a miracle and keep the platform online. Next come the advertisers. The ADL has close connections with all of the top Fortune 500 companies and will use their mafia-style power to get these companies to pull their ad dollars from X. This has already been going on since the moment Elon took over the platform. X is operating in a cash flow negative situation and reports claim that ad revenue has fallen by a dramatic 50% since Elon took over.

That’s only the beginning. Next the ADL will contact the sitting members of Congress and the Biden White House. We’ll see Elon be summoned to testify in Congress about the rise in “misinformation” and “hate” on the platform since he took over.

Elon is in a unique position because he’s not only running X. He’s also running several other companies including SpaceX and Tesla, both of which require him to appease the Regime and stay within their favor. The ADL can and will go after not only X, but all of Elon’s companies. It’s no coincidence that the CEO of X is having meetings with the ADL just days after the DOJ announced that they were suing SpaceX.

How do I know all of this? Because I lived it–and survived it by the grace of God.

The ADL has been attacking Gab and me for many years. Their smear campaigns against us successfully lobbied dozens of third-party services to deplatform us and cripple our infrastructure. Despite all of their efforts this didn’t stop us. We were able to rebuild our own servers, payment processing, and so much more in order to keep Gab online. It took many years and it wasn’t easy, but we are still standing.

The ADL has also come after me personally. They pay Google to promote their smear articles about me to the top of search results. They lobbied the DOJ to investigate me after January 6th, even though I wasn’t even in attendance. Jonathan Greenblatt went on national television and called me “one of the most toxic people in public life” effectively painting a target on my back.

None of this stopped me.

I don’t fear the ADL. I don’t answer to the ADL. I fear and answer only to God almighty.

The ADL has NO POWER over Gab which is why they hate us. It’s that simple. There is absolutely nothing they can say or do to get us to censor opinions they don’t like and it’s going to stay that way.

Elon has a choice. He can continue to allow this disgusting organization to run his company by proxy without his approval or he can fight back, take a stand like Gab has, and face the consequences head on. He can continue to have his CEO take groveling phone calls and enforce the ADL’s strategy of freedom of speech but not freedom of reach or he can tell them to pound sand. If he can’t run his own business without permission from some ghoulish vampire at the ADL there’s no sense in running a business at all.

For me it was an easy decision.

Andrew Torba
Jesus Christ is King of kings

Remembering A Free Speech Martyr & Christian Author, Malcolm Ross

Remembering A Free Speech Martyr & Christian Author, Malcolm Ross

A friend gave me his treasure trove of tapes and book and pamphlets among which are many recordings of CAFE meetings

I listen to a tape in short segments. 
I am most of the way through the talk given by Malcolm Ross June 25th 1998 “My 10 Year Battle for Vindication.”
I’m pretty sure I bought Ross’ book from you at some point. [The book is Cross-Examination: Christianity on Trial –– BY Malcolm Ross fired for his religious writings on abortion and other issues appealed to Canada’s Supreme Court in 1990. This rare book is available for $25.00 plus $10 postage from C-FAR Books, P.O. Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3, CANADA.]

I will be turning the tape-recording in to a transcript. His explanation of the implications of the ruling of the Supremes is shocking a quarter of a century later — astonishing not a scintilla of genuine “evidence” that any real person felt they were in a “poisoned environment” in his classroom. Yet, the Supremes figured out that it was only reasonable to draw the inference  of such !!

This, I fear, is what’s going to happen to Bill Whatcott, if he goes through the meatgrinder again. The Bible itself becomes ‘hate literature’ if published anywhere outside some little ‘safe space’ of a building properly registered with the gov’t as a ‘charity’ for purposes of income tax receipts

Ross cites a book to do with the doctrines of modern Juda-ism in which the “Holocaust” is understood to be an essential part of that religion.

There isn’t one person in a million who grasps that. I sure didn’t

What that means for Canada, is,    after the recent amendment to section 319 of the Criminal Code, a person can be prosecuted for ‘blasphemy’ against the state-sanctioned religion,  if some one of the Jud-aic persuasion, feels his or her dignity has been impugned by his questioning the Hollywood version of World War II.

Gordon Watson

Report on Freedom Protests in Victoria Outside the B.C. Legislature

Report on Freedom Protests in Victoria Outside the B.C. Legislature

After taking a break the previous weekend we were back witnessing against the SCAMdemic  at The Legislature last Saturday .   The finish line for the tour de Rock bicycle race is our usual spot on Belleville Street.     So dissident voices would have been lost in that crowd.  I was content to see the usual quorum = 12 warm bodies by 2 pm on the 26th.   The rallies with big numbers of attendees are over but we’re still there for the fore-see-able future.    … summertime and the livin’ is easy. Langourous  safe, prosperous civilized Victoria. 

The photo is of me doing what I do.   Paraphrasing poet Steppenwolf half a century ago: God Damn the VAX Pusher man.  Since 1988, my calling is :  the Ministry of Condemnation.  In which the medium IS the message : i.e.  our presence at the very gates of the City, the Parliament building, condemns the Powers-that-Be provoking the conscience of individuals who walk and drive by.     And that irritation accumulates.  

Is it worth it?  Most certainly, yes.   People go crazy in herds. We are helping them to come to their senses one at a time.  The SCAMdemic was years in the making :  it will take years for us to heal from Boy Trudeau imposing martial law, because he got freaked-out by a bunch of guys parking their big rigs on his territory, ie Auto-Wa-Wa.    The tone of feedback from passersby tells the tale.  Three years ago, it was one-to-one — negative  versus positive reaction.  Now, a negative reaction is rare.   People stop to thank us and bless us every day.   The imaginary world of the Internet is powerful,  but not ALLpowerful.  Interaction at street level tells us that agreement with the general theme of the Freedom Movement is significant. My guess, is, conservatively, at least one quarter of the public is now, at least willing to consider that the PLANdemic was a HOAX. 

My own payoff, is handing out DRUTHERS  newspaper at the precinct of the Legislative Assembly. I rejoice in doing so literally right in front of the Charter of Rights sign supplied by Joseph Roberts’ COMMON GROUND.   Every copy put in someone’s hand, rebukes the fool, David Eby … once-upon-a time the head of the BC Civil Liberties Association … who, while Attorney General during the COVID19 nightmare, was conspicuous by his absence as we found out how Red Fascism works.  In a nutshell ;  WorkSafeBC was used as the  enforcement goons.   Commercial enterprises large and small did what they were told, or they were out of business that day.   If David Eby had any scruples, he’d hang his head in shame looking out the window at us asserting Freedom of the Press 100 yards away from the office of the Premier,  proving  :  The Free Press is the People’s Friend, the Tyrant’s Foe

The maxim is : the Lie is halfway ‘round the world before the Truth gets its boots on.  Preparing to negate the spell cast by Grand Witch Bonnie Henry took a while.  In the avalanche of books, one stands out.   CANARY in a COVID WORLD HOW PROPAGANDA AND CENSORSHIP CHANGED OUR ( MY ) WORLD.    Elizabeth Woodford has compiled a volume of utmost importance, irrefutable essays exposing the HOAX.     If they read it in good faith, this book is all that’s necessary to disabuse someone of the notion that there ever was any substance to the COVID19 myth.       Canary House publishing ISBN- 10 1739052536 

             we need signs

Part of the fun when we started three years ago was  hundreds of witty home-made signs blooming spontaneously.  Lately, we’re down to just a few.  One way you can support the Freedom Movement, is  sponsoring a sign that expresses what you want said aloud.    

High quality signage is easy to make. If you direct me to a meme / image on the internet that resonates with you, and send me a few bux$ I’ll use it to produce a professional sign at Staples.  Or, suggest a line of print = Ideally,  7 words or less.  We’ll hold them up at the Leg. and also at  Doktor Bonnie’s lair  = headquarters of the Min de Health on Quadra St.   I will then send you a receipt use-able as a deduction from income tax, via my provincial political party.  

I’m well-aware of the opinion that political parties are worse than worthless.  Yet, at its best, a party is a proxy and an Agent for personal participation in public life. Especially, it is critical exercise of freedom of expression  –  the Free Press and of assembly. Another way to be part of the witness against the PLANed-demon-ization, is, by funding DRUTHERS.  Send me a contribution, I’ll put it in the account of the Party of Citizens, and forward it to them. Then I’ll send the contributor a receipt useable for deduction from provincial income tax.  A similar transaction works for people who wish to support David Lindsay and CLEAR in Kelowna. If you have an idea for funding political activity via the P o’ C, run it by me.  If it’s legit. we’ll do it.

The Party of Citizens has a primitive page on FaceBook : Long name > Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians.     Much truth is said in jest.  Sure, it looks like a toy at this point in time.  But elections BC took us seriously-enough to register it last week.  On that page is a schedule of the bang you get for your bux$s.  any amount up to $100 translates into 75% deducted from income tax.  Or, if you want to go BIG, a banner is more like $400.    Worth $200 off income tax.  My contact info. Is at the end of this comment.  E~transfers will work to this e-mail address.

Information we get at street level, is in-valuable. The imaginary world of cyberspace has its place. But interacting with real human beings one-to-one has much different effect on our emotions, than sitting in front of a computer screen, in jeopardy of being overwhelmed by the latest fear-porn. For-instance: the rumor that “the masks are coming back”.  Well, first sign I saw when we started protesting, was  WE’RE NOT HAVING IT!.  At the start of their so-called Lockdown,  Public health Officer Henry and her cabal with the emotional plague … Dix, Farnworth, Horgan … proclaimed that a GATHERING  was illegal pursuant to COVID regulations.   We ignored them.    Other than discretely waving as they drove by our superspreader EVENTS the Victoria police never said  “boo” to us.

That contest was won on September 13 2020, when 1000 warm bodies showed up in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery.   Her “mandate” pretended that a GATHERING of more than 50 individuals was illegal. Half an hour before the thing was set to start, there were 100 folks on the public square.   I went up to the Police officer in charge and asked “what are you guys going to do?”    He said “nothing. The Charter is above the Public Health Act    direct quote.   Point being > that decision was not made at street level, on the fly by Sgt. Walter #1928.   It must have been made at the very top of the VPD.                                  The Man with the Gun is on our side.

So if the gang of Traitors  – lately doing business as the NDP administration –  think British Columbians will comply with that INsanity again …  they’re right out of touch. We withstood Bonnie’s witchcraft before and we’ll do it again.          

August 30th 2023 A. D.
                Gordon S Watson

#4   5177 William Head Road    Metchosin  British Columbia   V9C 4H5

telephone 250 39 1 1103 landline no textaugust 12 2023 003.jpg

A moving and remarkable testimony by Ernst Zündel

L’Archive Faurisson / The Faurisson Archive

Home / History / History | Legal 10/04/2018

A moving and remarkable testimony by Ernst Zündel

Our friend Joe Fallisi has struck again! Thanks to him I’ve just discovered a remarkable video recorded interview given in English by Ernst Zündel to a black female high school student in the late 1990s. This video, Students, the Holocaust and Free Speech (running time 1h 23min), was completely unknown to me. It is remarkably limpid, instructive and unsettling.

It deals in particular with the two major trials that Zündel had to face in Canada in 1985 (lasting seven weeks) and in 1988 (lasting over four months). Both times, in spite of a dazzling defence that routed the prosecution, he lost and received a prison sentence. Suddenly, on August 27, 1992, a miracle happened: the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that the law under which the convictions had been decided (a law pertaining to the publication of “a statement, tale or news that [its publisher] knows is false”) was unconstitutional in that it infringed the guarantee of freedom of expression contained in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The list of horrors and persecutions endured by Zündel was, already at that time in his life, impressive. However, he was never granted any of the compensation to which he seemed to be entitled as of August 27, 1992. On the contrary, following certain revolting machinations by his opponents he was, in 1998, to find himself in a new court, a quite “special” one, made up of a judge and a judgess and no jury. Furthermore, the two judges of this “Human Rights Tribunal” had been recruited according to their “sensitivity” with respect to anti-semitism! Of course the accused was easily convicted once again. As for the final years of Zündel’s existence, they were to turn into a nightmare, with Canada, the United States and Germany combining their efforts to inflict the very worst on him. He died in Germany on August 5, 2017, without ever having been able to return to the United States and rejoin his wife, Ingrid Rimland-Zündel who, in turn, died on October 25 of the same year.

A book to read: Barbara Kulaszka (ed.), Foreword by Robert FaurissonDid Six Million Really Die? / Report of the Evidence in the Canadian « False News » Trial of Ernst Zündel-1988, Samisdat Publishers Ltd, Toronto 1992, viii-564 pages (large format). [This magnificent rare and huge book is available from C-FAR Books, P.O. Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3, CANADA for $70.00 + $15.00 postage.]

The censors come for Peterson

The censors come for Peterson

  • National Post
  • 2 Sep 2023

There is an eight-word statement in the recent court judgment against psychologist Jordan Peterson that should send chills down the spine of anyone who is under the impression that freedom of speech is a guaranteed right in Canada.

Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice found the College of Psychologists of Ontario was within its rights to order Peterson to undergo coaching following a series of tweets the college found unbecoming of a psychologist.

“The Decision simply requires him to have coaching,” said the court. Simply!

The court acknowledged that Peterson’s right to free speech would be curtailed; that he would be required to undergo coaching so that he could “reflect on, and ameliorate (his) professionalism in public statements;” that he would have to pay for that coaching and that if he failed the program he could be subject to disciplinary action.

How is all that a simple matter?

The coaching was not disciplinary, said the college, and the court agreed, it was merely “remedial” as if Peterson needed to be cured of expressing his opinion.

Peterson’s tweets should have been of no concern to the college since they had nothing to do with his being a psychologist.


Professionals are entitled to a private life after all.

In one tweet Peterson told an individual concerned about overpopulation: “You’re free to leave at any point.”

He called Catherine Mckenney, an Ottawa City Councillor who uses they/ them pronouns, an “appalling self-righteous moralizing thing.”

Of a plus-sized model on a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, he said, “Sorry. Not Beautiful. And no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that.”

No doubt some people will find the comments offensive. But Peterson is allowed his personal views. Do they rise to the level of “degrading, demeaning and unprofessional” conduct by someone who also happens to be a psychologist? And if they do then why not launch disciplinary action rather than force someone to undergo mandatory coaching with its inescapable echoes of Mao’s re-education camps for those suspected of wrongthink.

Interestingly, Peterson has said that as a psychologist he was duty bound to raise at least some of the issues in the tweets.

“I am stating my opinions on Twitter and social media in my professional capacity,” he told Fox News this week. “So, for example,” he said, referencing comments he made about actor Elliott Page, “I am not the least bit happy about what the sadistic surgeon butchers are doing to minors and I’m also not very happy about narcissistic, let’s say, celebrities parading off their new enhanced bodies and enticing young women, for example, into being sterilized and butchered. I think I have a professional obligation, like all therapists and all physicians, to say very clearly that this is 100 per cent absolutely not acceptable.”

Even so, none of the complaints to the college had anything to do with Peterson’s treatment of patients. None of those who filed the complaints, according to Peterson, were ever his patients, despite some claiming to be so.

One cannot imagine, at least not yet, the federal government taking a Canadian to court for expressing such comments. Section 2 (b) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms states that Canadians are guaranteed “freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression.”

Which is all well and good, but too many Canadians forget that Section 1 of the Charter says that all those fundamental freedoms are subject to “reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.”

Yet, the wording of the charter isn’t necessarily the problem, but, rather how it is interpreted. When reviewing government legislation, courts apply a rigorous legal standard to determine whether or not a limitation to a Section 2 right can be justified. When it comes to government-empowered regulatory bodies, however, whatever safeguards existed, have been dismantled. Regulators are held to a less-stringent legal standard, permitting them to infringe rights if their decision to do so “falls within a range of possible, acceptable outcomes.”

These bodies were set up by provincial or federal governments — governments that would be thrown out in a heartbeat if they tried to undermine the Charter in this way. And yet, we have granted these bodies so much power that their zealous overreach extends to enforcing the kind of speech they deem right and proper.

In ruling in the college’s favour, the Ontario court engaged in some specious reasoning.

“The order is not disciplinary and does not prevent Dr. Peterson from expressing himself on controversial topics; it has a minimal impact on his right to freedom of expression.”

But that “simply” isn’t true.

The college wants to stop Peterson from speaking on controversial topics, that’s the whole point. And of course, it will have more than a minimal impact on his right to free expression. The whole purpose of the specified continuing education or remedial program (SCERP) is to limit what he says until the concerns of the college “have been appropriately remediated.”

We have handed one of our most precious freedoms over to a body unelected by the people in the name of it being “simply” coaching. Peterson may be the lightning rod now, but many people will be caught in the storm.

Monika Schaefer Visisted by the B.C. Political Police — the “Hate Squad”

Today I received a visit from the BC Hate Crime Unit of the RCMP. Two officers drove all the way to my home near McBride BC from the lower mainland, Vancouver area, to come and talk to me. They have received a “complaint”, anonymous of course, about me. The complaint is about the contents of the Truth and Justice for Germans website, (, that it incites HATE. These two men spent two days travelling (one day here, one day back) to follow up on this complaint. Imagine that. Do you think they might spend their time and money more wisely? Like maybe go after pedophiles or something?

We spent 2 and a half hours talking, just outside my door. I think they received quite an education from me. I hope I gave them food for thought, like that perhaps they should seek a career change. An acquaintance happened by at one point, and this was really good, as he contributed very nicely to our conversation, raising some excellent points, for example invoking George Orwell. This acquaintance was unable to stay long, but I was glad for having him witness at least part of the interaction.

One of their purposes was to inform me about the new law in Canada about holocaust denial. Do those blots of toner on paper mean that suddenly I will think and say the holocaust did happen after all? Very funny.
I won’t go into detail with this short message to you all, but felt I needed to get the word out that this has happened. 
SIncerely, Monika