Report on Freedom Protests in Victoria Outside the B.C. Legislature
After taking a break the previous weekend we were back witnessing against the SCAMdemic at The Legislature last Saturday . The finish line for the tour de Rock bicycle race is our usual spot on Belleville Street. So dissident voices would have been lost in that crowd. I was content to see the usual quorum = 12 warm bodies by 2 pm on the 26th. The rallies with big numbers of attendees are over but we’re still there for the fore-see-able future. … summertime and the livin’ is easy. Langourous safe, prosperous civilized Victoria.
The photo is of me doing what I do. Paraphrasing poet Steppenwolf half a century ago: God Damn the VAX Pusher man. Since 1988, my calling is : the Ministry of Condemnation. In which the medium IS the message : i.e. our presence at the very gates of the City, the Parliament building, condemns the Powers-that-Be provoking the conscience of individuals who walk and drive by. And that irritation accumulates.
Is it worth it? Most certainly, yes. People go crazy in herds. We are helping them to come to their senses one at a time. The SCAMdemic was years in the making : it will take years for us to heal from Boy Trudeau imposing martial law, because he got freaked-out by a bunch of guys parking their big rigs on his territory, ie Auto-Wa-Wa. The tone of feedback from passersby tells the tale. Three years ago, it was one-to-one — negative versus positive reaction. Now, a negative reaction is rare. People stop to thank us and bless us every day. The imaginary world of the Internet is powerful, but not ALLpowerful. Interaction at street level tells us that agreement with the general theme of the Freedom Movement is significant. My guess, is, conservatively, at least one quarter of the public is now, at least willing to consider that the PLANdemic was a HOAX.
My own payoff, is handing out DRUTHERS newspaper at the precinct of the Legislative Assembly. I rejoice in doing so literally right in front of the Charter of Rights sign supplied by Joseph Roberts’ COMMON GROUND. Every copy put in someone’s hand, rebukes the fool, David Eby … once-upon-a time the head of the BC Civil Liberties Association … who, while Attorney General during the COVID19 nightmare, was conspicuous by his absence as we found out how Red Fascism works. In a nutshell ; WorkSafeBC was used as the enforcement goons. Commercial enterprises large and small did what they were told, or they were out of business that day. If David Eby had any scruples, he’d hang his head in shame looking out the window at us asserting Freedom of the Press 100 yards away from the office of the Premier, proving : The Free Press is the People’s Friend, the Tyrant’s Foe
The maxim is : the Lie is halfway ‘round the world before the Truth gets its boots on. Preparing to negate the spell cast by Grand Witch Bonnie Henry took a while. In the avalanche of books, one stands out. CANARY in a COVID WORLD HOW PROPAGANDA AND CENSORSHIP CHANGED OUR ( MY ) WORLD. Elizabeth Woodford has compiled a volume of utmost importance, irrefutable essays exposing the HOAX. If they read it in good faith, this book is all that’s necessary to disabuse someone of the notion that there ever was any substance to the COVID19 myth. Canary House publishing ISBN- 10 1739052536
we need signs
Part of the fun when we started three years ago was hundreds of witty home-made signs blooming spontaneously. Lately, we’re down to just a few. One way you can support the Freedom Movement, is sponsoring a sign that expresses what you want said aloud.
High quality signage is easy to make. If you direct me to a meme / image on the internet that resonates with you, and send me a few bux$ I’ll use it to produce a professional sign at Staples. Or, suggest a line of print = Ideally, 7 words or less. We’ll hold them up at the Leg. and also at Doktor Bonnie’s lair = headquarters of the Min de Health on Quadra St. I will then send you a receipt use-able as a deduction from income tax, via my provincial political party.
I’m well-aware of the opinion that political parties are worse than worthless. Yet, at its best, a party is a proxy and an Agent for personal participation in public life. Especially, it is critical exercise of freedom of expression – the Free Press and of assembly. Another way to be part of the witness against the PLANed-demon-ization, is, by funding DRUTHERS. Send me a contribution, I’ll put it in the account of the Party of Citizens, and forward it to them. Then I’ll send the contributor a receipt useable for deduction from provincial income tax. A similar transaction works for people who wish to support David Lindsay and CLEAR in Kelowna. If you have an idea for funding political activity via the P o’ C, run it by me. If it’s legit. we’ll do it.
The Party of Citizens has a primitive page on FaceBook : Long name > Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians. Much truth is said in jest. Sure, it looks like a toy at this point in time. But elections BC took us seriously-enough to register it last week. On that page is a schedule of the bang you get for your bux$s. any amount up to $100 translates into 75% deducted from income tax. Or, if you want to go BIG, a banner is more like $400. Worth $200 off income tax. My contact info. Is at the end of this comment. E~transfers will work to this e-mail address.
Information we get at street level, is in-valuable. The imaginary world of cyberspace has its place. But interacting with real human beings one-to-one has much different effect on our emotions, than sitting in front of a computer screen, in jeopardy of being overwhelmed by the latest fear-porn. For-instance: the rumor that “the masks are coming back”. Well, first sign I saw when we started protesting, was WE’RE NOT HAVING IT!. At the start of their so-called Lockdown, Public health Officer Henry and her cabal with the emotional plague … Dix, Farnworth, Horgan … proclaimed that a GATHERING was illegal pursuant to COVID regulations. We ignored them. Other than discretely waving as they drove by our superspreader EVENTS the Victoria police never said “boo” to us.

That contest was won on September 13 2020, when 1000 warm bodies showed up in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery. Her “mandate” pretended that a GATHERING of more than 50 individuals was illegal. Half an hour before the thing was set to start, there were 100 folks on the public square. I went up to the Police officer in charge and asked “what are you guys going to do?” He said “nothing. The Charter is above the Public Health Act” direct quote. Point being > that decision was not made at street level, on the fly by Sgt. Walter #1928. It must have been made at the very top of the VPD. The Man with the Gun is on our side.
So if the gang of Traitors – lately doing business as the NDP administration – think British Columbians will comply with that INsanity again … they’re right out of touch. We withstood Bonnie’s witchcraft before and we’ll do it again.
August 30th 2023 A. D.
Gordon S Watson
#4 5177 William Head Road Metchosin British Columbia V9C 4H5
telephone 250 39 1 1103 landline no text