End The Lockdown Mass Rally in Vancouver, September 12 — A Report & Weekly Protest in Kelowna, September 19

Below material is also attached as a PDF.  We urge everyone to distribute the attached information brochures on COVID and masks issues, personally and on line. Our flyer is also attached which we urge everyone to place on all Facebook and other social media sites as well.


The constitution of Canada does not belong either to Parliament, or to the Legislatures; it belongs to the country and it is there that the citizens of the country will find the protection of the rights to which they are entitled.”

Nova Scotia (A.G.) v. Canada (A.G.)
[1951] S.C.R. 31

What is the first thing you notice about this principle from the Supreme Court of Canada?       See answer at the end.


See everyone on Saturday, September 19, 2020  12:00 noon at

Stuart Park in Kelowna!

We need as many people as possible

for these rallies!

If you have been unable to make it out to previous rallies, NOW is the time to come out!!!!

 The Real New Normal from now on, is:

Live normally and just say NO!


Join us on September 19, 2020, 12:00 – 2:30 at Stuart

Park in Kelowna, B.C., and every Saturday until this lockdown and all social re-engineering comes to an end, to voice your concerns and our demands upon Premier Horgan, the Public Health Officer Bonnie Henry, and Communist P.M. Trudeau.

Bring at least two friends!

Send this email to all your lists  – and distribute the Fact Sheet and Masks Brochure far and wide.

Constitutional rights and freedoms exist and protect us exactly for these types of situations we are in today.

They are not rescindable at will by corrupt or dishonest opportunist Gov’ts.  Our rights and liberties are Non-Negotiable. We will never accept these rights and freedoms deprivations – now or in the future.

If you don’t realize the gov’t is using a virus with a 99% + survival rate to control the country, you’re not paying attention.

Something much bigger is happening.

And thanks so much to all our volunteers at our weekly rallies – who help with signs, organization, water, and a host of other work that is simply invaluable to our efforts!!! 

Vancouver Victory!

Thanks so much to Ryan and all his supporting volunteers for all the incredible work they have put into organizing this event. 

Over 1 200 freedomites converged in downtown Vancouver for an awesome precedent setting march and rally this past Sunday. This was by far the most effective rally against the COVID Gov’t sponsored lies to date.

Congratulations to all our group members who sacrificed their time, energy and money to attend and promote this event.  And a special thank you for all our group members who helped promote this even, especially Toby whose ongoing support and promotion over several weeks resulted in many people attending who likely would not otherwise have gone. As well as Fran, Henry and others who attended the Kelowna mall to promote this event.

Thank than you to Jane for her efforts to secure a bus and drive almost 20 people to this event.

There are far too many names to mention, but everyone attending had a positive impact on this rally.

The entire event was initiated by the incredible Christy Derksen singing our national anthem, with the original lyrics and over 1000 people singing along – good for her!

Well known internet reporter Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson opened up the proceedings thereafter with excellent advice to all – “Fear is the virus” – and introduced Ryan Kulbaba, who immediately got the crowd chanting and screaming for freedom. Excitement was high at this rally, exceeding all expectations right from the beginning.

Ted Kuntz opened up the event with a presentation that left the crowd in an ongoing state of cheers for all his efforts against mandatory vaccination.

In a surprise announcement, Tanya Gaw of Action4Canada announced that a challenge is now being launched here in B.C. against Bill C-19, which was rushed through the legislature permitting the Gov’t to bypass certain legislation in relation to the COVID scam, and with full civil immunity for so doing, notwithstanding how much harm or death they cause in the process.  Over $15 000.00 has already been raised in one day!!!!! 


This was followed by Donna Roth, myself and Ross Anderson, all of our local group. I was so happy to have the entire crowd so energetically screaming to “Lock them up!” as I pointed out the fact that Dix, Henry and Farnworth have all lied to us and are criminals who should be jailed and locked up for what they have done. I found this extremely inspiring to know that so many others know in their hearts I am correct when I say these people are true criminals. This cannot be sugar coated in any way.

How often do we get 1 200 people screaming in public to have politicians locked up and thrown in jail!!!! 

Here are some of the many, many sites available out there to see glimpses of this event, and actual videos of our speakers.

NOTE:    CBC and other media portray our event as having only a few hundred people.  Yet compare this picture above, with similar pictures from a BLM rally below, where CTV headlines claims that “Thousands join anti-racism protest at Vancouver Art Gallery” earlier this year on May 31, 2020. Why with pictures showing virtually the same number of people do they have 1000’s and we only have a few hundred? We know…    https://bc.ctvnews.ca/thousands-join-anti-racism-protest-at-vancouver-art-gallery-1.4962940


Hundreds of people also turned up in Calgary for their Walk for Freedom this past weekend.  Check out this link, for actual drone video coverage of their event – amazing footage.  Congrats go out to Brad and his awesome group of volunteers for all their incredible efforts for these ongoing rallies in Calgary as well.

Here is more info on their upcoming event on Sunday Sept. 27 at 1:00 p.m.  I urge everyone, if you know anyone in Alberta, to pass this along to them and encourage them to all attend and support Brad and their freedom walk.  Support for these events is critical and does not end at the B.C. borders.


I strongly urge everyone to read the small book, The Politics of Obedience by Etienne de la Boetie, written hundreds of years ago.  Boetie so correctly confirmed that all positive change takes place by just saying no and refusing to comply. Change does not take place by complaining and doing nothing.

Civil disobedience to unconstitutional laws and orders, or the unconstitutional re-engineering of our society, is a Constitutional right and freedom.  Indeed, it is such a duty.


Interesting thought:

COVID-19 quarantine restrictions are for 14 days.  They check on you regularly and you can’t leave the home.

House arrest has long been recognized as a form of incarceration.  People who are put on house arrest, must first have a period of jail time imposed upon them – then the Court will decide where the jail is to be served – gov’t facilities or at home.

The Supreme Court of Canada recently ruled that no prisoner can remain in solitary confinement for more than 15 days.

The home is the equivalent of a jail cell – bathroom, sink, commode, TV, etc.

Hmmm, 14 days max for quarantine, and 15 days for solitary confinement.

That is a little too close of a coincidence for my liking.


The Constitution being referred to by the SCC does not include the Constitution Act nor the Charter of Rights and Freedoms as they were not passed until 1982! 

So, what were our primary Constitutional documents in 1950-51?  Inter alia:

BNA Act 1867

Statute of Westminster 1931

Act of Settlement 1701

English Bill of Rights 1689

Coronation Oath Act 1688

Habeas Corpus Act 1640, 1679

Magna Charta 1215 forward


The common law!

 See everyone on Saturday, September 19, 2020 12:00 noon at Stuart Park

Resistance is NOT Futile!


The Common Law Education and Rights Initiative

Best Regards

David Lindsay

Best Regards

David Lindsay

Vice Chairman


The Common Law Education and Rights Initiative

Sent from ProtonMail, Swiss-based encrypted email.

The leaderless movement (documentary)

The leaderless movement (documentary)

The leaderless movement (documentary)

Ten days ago I swapped my writer’s pen for a video camera and drove off to Ottawa to document a rally on Parliament Hill that brought 7000 people together to challenge the Covid narrative and other issues involving government deception, overreach, and tyranny.

This is being called a ‘leaderless’ movement due to the awareness on the part of the organizers that humanity as a whole needs to be deprogrammed out of blindly trusting and following ANY leaders, and individuals need to step up and establish their own personal sovereignty.

All around the world different groups of people who have been divided for decades and even centuries are standing proudly side by side fighting for a common cause. Ottawa provides a microcosm of this as the rally represented a true coming together and mutual respect between the English, French, and First Nations.

Meeting with the brave and wonderful people who worked together to organize this event confirmed my belief that we are starting to see the great awakening of humanity unfolding before our eyes.

May 30 END THE LOCKDOWN RALLY in Kelwona A Huge Success. Now on to June 6!

The Scamdemic Event of the Century

Following on the success of our past May 30, 2020 Kelowna rally, we are again organizing our next Saturday, June 6, 2020 rally in Kelowna, B.C. at Stuart Park, 12:00–2:30 p.m. or so, and longer if you wish.

At this point, we would really like to express our gratitude to Ross, Suzanne and Donna for their sacrifices and help to deliver our flyers this past Thursday.  It was an enjoyable experience that resulted in success, with many new people participating in, and expressing their support for our cause on Saturday.

We would also like to express our gratitude and appreciation for our friend Glen, who was kind enough to bring his amp and microphone, greatly increasing our ability to reach everyone in our group.  With Glen’s support, we are working right now to get on increasing our ability to get our information out to many others. I will keep you posted on this over the next couple of weeks.        

We would also like to stress our gratitude and appreciation for all those who have recruited others, either during our rallies or online, and helped to educate others.  Without your support and efforts, we could not have grown this far.  And our objective is to grow and obtain further community support to put sufficient pressure on our Government and officials, to cancel this absurd lockdown, social distancing and masks policies that have created pure and unreasonable fear and panic in the majority of people in our province, and destroyed our social trust.

May 30, 2020 Update

WOW!  We had 120 people at Saturday’s rally,  and we received an incredible amount of public support, including from the police, bus and ambulance drivers passing by.

I wish to again encourage everyone to please bring as many friends and family members as you can for our June 6, 2020 rally.  Especially the younger adults and high schoolers, as they are the ones who stand to lost the most if any new normal is imposed.  They are the ones who stand to have their DNA recorded for life, who face the longest time periods of harm after forced vaccinations, who will not know the real meaning of true social interaction and many other stressful effects of these unconstitutional actions by our gov’ts.

We also urge you to reach out to churches and business owners and employees to join us.  They too are the victims of this fraud.  

If you can think of any solutions you wish to advance, including local solutions, please send them to me and I will make note of them to discuss on Saturday. 

As usual, I will open our rally with some comments and updates. I will also discuss the effects that our gov’ts actions have caused, are causing and will cause in the foreseeable future, if they are permitted to continue.

Do not fall into the trap of believing that it is only because of the Gov’t’s social distancing/masks demands that stores can now begin to slowly open.  To the contrary, it is directly because of the Gov’t’s actions that we have sustained tens of billions of dollars in economic losses, permanent job losses, and incurred further health care costs resulting from cancelled tests and surgeries, and actually placed thousands of people’s health and lives at risk.  Communist PM Trudeau, Premier Horgan, Health Minister Dix, and Public Health Officer Bonnie Henry are the true cause of these problems and short of a public apology and immediate cancellation of the lockdown and social distancing policies, must be voted out of office next election, or fired for Ms. Henry.

I think that it would be a good idea to maybe spend a few minutes on the boardwalk, prior to walking to Harvey St., handing out flyers and personally talking to people.  Having seen the success of last Saturday, I think we should continue to make our presence known and get the support of as many people as possible, personally and from people traveling in their cars.

B.C. Doctors Interview?

I put feelers out on Saturday.  We need to get some B.C. doctors/nurses who are willing to speak anonymously, both visually and in audio, as to what is truly happening behind the scenes, from a medical perspective and a political perspective in the medical community.  We need to have local doctors/nurses providing accurate facts in relation to this issue.

If you know any doctors or nurses who would be willing to be interviewed anonymously, and with guaranteed power to review the interview prior to release, please contact me as soon as possible, and let’s see what we can arrange.  U.S. doctors are still medical professionals, but we need local facts to support our cause.

Doing a video of BC medical people would really strengthen our demands on Premier Horgan and allow us to attack them – instead of waiting while they attack us.  

Any other ideas on how to attack them (legally of course), are very much welcome.

If you know anyone “in the system” who can provide us anonymous tips and/or documents, we need all the help we can get.  Please let me know.


Preliminary notes:

Please post the attached Circular and Flyer here to any Facebook account or website you may have, and send out to your email list.  Increasing our rally numbers is critical for our support.  

See Youtube and/or Bitchute videos with:  

Dr. Mikovits on exposing the false pandemic, Dr. Fauci’s history of corruption, success of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 and the dangers of wearing masks.

Dr. Rashid Buttar on the true medical nature of COVID-19, patents filed years ago for coronavirus and the people behind this, and the virus getting killed by Vit C and heat.

For the success of Vit C therapy in killing all viruses, check out this site of registered doctors from around the world:


Canadian Dan Dicks and his awesome efforts and sacrifices in reporting the truth on COVID, the Vancouver rallies, and many other issues.


Also, check out:  North Patriots Free, for ongoing updates on rallies all across Canada.

And don’t forget to read:  THE LAW, by Frederick Bastiat.  If you do nothing else to learn of freedom issues, you MUST read this awe-inspiring 70 page, 200 year old book!! It will be the best investment of time you will make.


You may also wish to read: The Politics of Obedience, by Etienne de la Boetie, for an awesome read on the reasons why people not only agree to being enslaved by governments, but actually demand to be enslaved! This will provide a fascinating insight into why people still do what gov’ts tell them to do, even if the orders are morally, ethically, legally and Constitutionally, wrong.



Our fundamental law for over 1 200 years in our common law history, is based on the supremacy of the individual, NOT THE COLLECTIVE.

This is the biggest threat to our way of life and standard of living in our history.  Not the flu – but the over reaction from corrupt and/or dishonest opportunist Gov’ts.

It is a complete destruction of our common law.

Hello Everyone

See the attached, “End the Lockdown Now” flyer for details of our upcoming event.

We need YOUR participation!

For the first time, Canadians are starting to realize the hidden gov’t agenda.  And we’re angry!

CLEAR is joining other patriots across the world who value their rights and freedoms and know that our/their gov’ts are lying to us. With the help of international subversive organizations such as the WHO.

When Communist Trudeau states: “If you want life to get back to the way it was exactly before, it won’t.”, you know these are code words that the State is planning more spying and privacy invasions, more restrictions on our fundamental rights and freedoms, and using this flu virus as the basis for the destruction of our way of life and standard of living.

People need FACTS.

The Canadian Gov’t has repeatedly admitted that this is a “mild form of the flu”.

There have been ongoing false predictions from the very beginning to frighten everyone into compliance. 

Gov’ts have admitted to purposely falsifying the numbers of deaths by including everyone who dies with the virus, as opposed to those who die because of the virus. 

People are being recorded as COVID deaths in many places even without testing.

The mortality rate of this flu virus is virtually identical to that of previous flu seasons!!!

This a not just a major overreaction to a flu virus, it is, minimally, a fraudulent use of the flu to invoke one of the largest rights and freedoms deprivations in our history, and instill unwarranted and widespread fear and panic.

And for a flu virus that is demonstrably controlled by mega-doses of Vit C and/or Hydroxychloroquine.

Constitutional rights and freedoms exist and protect us exactly for these types of situations.

They are not rescindable at will by corrupt or dishonest, opportunist Gov’ts.  Our rights and liberties are Non-Negotiable. We will never accept these rights and freedoms deprivations – now or in the future.

Four Hundred People Stress Loss of Freedoms in “END THE LOCKDOWN” Protest at Queen’s Park, Toronto

Four Hundred People Stress Loss of Freedoms in “END THE LOCKDOWN” Protest at Queen’s Park, Toronto

The “END THE LOCKDOWN” protests in Toronto started two weeks ago at Queen’s Park with about 50 people. The premier denounced these concerned citizens as “a bunch of yahoos” who were reckless. Many now wear the term “yahoo” as a badge of honour. A week ago, the protest had swelled to 200. On a frigid, windy May 9 — yes, it must be global warming — there were 400 protesters of all ages in Queen’s Park. CAFE (the Canadian Association for Free Expression’s) contingent, marching under the Red Ensign quadrupled from the week before.
The protesters emphasized several concerns — the lies we’ve been told (3,500-13,000 deaths in Ontario by the end of April — actually fewer than 500); the insane closing of parks and other facilities; the worries about 5G technology and concerns about the danger of vaccines and the terror or compulsory vaccination.
Most of all protesters stressed the outrageous loss of individual rights — freedom of movement, freedom of assembly, freedom of speech. Several repeated an important warning: “Quarantine is when you restrict movement of sick people. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of people.”
Independent candidate (Brantford-Brant) in last fall’s federal election Les Bory took the following video. It includes interviews with many protesters, including Paul Fromm, Director of CAFE

There will be another protest next Saturday from noon to 3:00 p.m. and until the lockdown and trampling of our civil rights end.

END THE LOCKDOWN Protest in Winnipeg

Daniel Crump / Winnipeg Free Press. Around a hundred people attend an anti-lockdown rally at the Manitoba Legislature. The event was hosted by a group called Winnipeg Aware People with a Passion for the Truth. May 9, 2020.

Two hundred and fifty people demand “END THE LOCKDOWN” & “END THE TRAMPLING OF OUR FREEDOMS” at Manitoba Legislature, May 9. CAFE had a contingent there.