Small Free Speech Victory

For years we’ve had to contend with relentless efforts by powerful enemies to shut us down. An especially annoying aspect of this campaign has been abrupt cancellation of credit card processing services. In April and again in July, two separate companies that had been processing our credit card donations and payments suddenly and without explanation cancelled its contract with us. 

It’s taken some time and effort, but we’re happy to report that we’ve found a new processor, and can once again handle online credit card donations and orders.   We’re not discouraged by the bigoted campaign to silence us. We regard it as a badge of honor.   Despite the relentless efforts to shut us down, we’re determined to carry on – reaching students, activists, educators and opinion-makers with solid information and sound perspective that’s vitally important in the battle for freedom and historical truth.    More than ever, what we accomplish depends on backing from readers like you.   If you appreciate our work, please donate, or let others know about the IHR.      Faithfully yours,

Mark Weber
Director, Institute for Historical Review
Contact Information email: phone: 714-593-9725 web:

Great CAFE Meeting In Edmonton Tonight

The Canadian Association for Free Expression held a very successful talk in Edmonton tonight.

The Great Replacement — That Means YOU!

* More people are waking up. A May Abacus Data poll found 37 % agree: “There is a group of people … who are trying to replace native-born Canadians with immigrants.”

* Establishment figures like Michelle Garner-Rempel denounce it as a “conspiracy theory” and “hate”

* What is the Great Replacement? Is it just a theory?

Supporters stayed around an extra two hours discussing the issues of the day.

Let’s have a BIG WELCOME for TED KUNTZ at our RALLY this Sunday


Penticton Freedom Friends


Summer is over, kids are back in school, and now is the time to get ramped up for what’s to come this fall and flu season. We know it’s not over, and others will be counting on us to be there, showing our brave faces and our signs of support.

Let’s give Ted Kuntz a large welcoming reception this Sunday. Ted is in demand as a speaker, and we are lucky to have him come to Penticton to share his knowledge and passion.

Adults can make their own decisions about life-long consequences such as whether or not to submit to an experimental injection or not, but young children are not experienced enough to make such complex long-term decisions. For decades now, Ted has been leading the charge to keep all of us informed so we can make decisions with all the facts in hand.

He has also been facilitating a team of Canadian Freedom Leaders throughout the plandemic, and will share some of the advances being made by that. in the non-violent, non-compliant movement.

Let’s show our gratitude and enjoy another highly motivating presentation from Ted this Sunday.

He’ll be showing up early to be ready to take the stage at 1.

Let’s do the same. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early – by at least 12:45 so we can start right on time, and get out to the street corner with our signs, and do what we come to these rallies to do – Take a Stand for Freedom.

I’ll see you there!

  PENTICTON RALLY – EVERY SUNDAY    This Sunday, Sept 18th – 1 to 3 p.m. Corner of Main and Warren, Penticton. Please arrive early and bring a friend or two. They’ll thank you for the opportunity to meet Ted and other like-minded Penticton4Freedom regulars.   Special Guest Speaker: Ted Kuntz – President, Vaccine Choice Canada; Renowned speaker and author.                                              (Gina’s talk on Dealing with Trauma and Sustained Stress is postponed until next week

– September 25th)   Miss a week and you miss a lot! September 25th – Steve Jopson – Food prep and storage, Plus Gina Albanese – Trauma and prolonged stress. October 2nd – TBA ——————————- o0o————————————  

Municipal Election Time Municipal All-Candidates Town Hall Forum sponsored by Penticton Chamber of Commerce Tuesday, September 20 – 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Penticton Seniors Drop-In Centre. Go prepared with good questions.

Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our events! (except maybe not at the Chamber all candidates meeting. 😊


Dr. Mel is inviting you to join him and his Rolling People Party. 5 p.m. Skaha Lake Park at the Gazebo. Potluck. Music (bring your musical talent and join in). Fun. And updates on his activities. Although Dr. Daniel Nagase and Popois will not be with him, he’s promising some new friends. I’ll be away so will have to miss the fun.

Dr. Mel has also asked if anyone would like to host one or more of his crew overnight on Tuesday before leaving for the rest of his tour. Contact Lisa Mason at to volunteer or for more information.

Please visit our events calendar to check what else is going on in the region and to see our Items of Interest on the Home Page.

Let’s make this week AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher


Maxime Bernier Demonized in Court & Media for Dissenting Views on COVID Liberty Curtailments

I’m 59, married to Catherine and with two beautiful daughters from a previous marriage.

I worked 19 years in finance and insurance. And then 16 in politics, including 6 as a cabinet minister.

My goal has always been to maximize freedom and prosperity for all Canadians.

But Justin Trudeau thinks I’m now a dangerous extremist.

He and the Liberal-funded mainstream media spent the past two years dehumanizing me and millions of Canadians like you.

Because we believe no one should be persecuted for refusing an unnecessary and risky treatment.

The politics of division has got to stop.

So many people have been suffering because of this government-sponsored nastiness.

We must heal the wounds.

And the only way to do it is to get rid of Trudeau’s authoritarian government.

The PPC was the only real opposition to the Liberals during these awful two years.

We must be ready for the next election.

Please contribute to increasing our political firepower with a $5 donation today.

Many thanks,

Maxime Bernier To Denounce Future Restrictions at Freedom Events in Vancouver & Victoria, October 7 & 8,

Maxime Bernier To Denounce Future Restrictions at Freedom Events in Vancouver & Victoria

A couple of weeks ago I let you know about a couple of upcoming events in BC, in Vancouver and Victoria.

Well today I am happy to follow up with the finalized details, times and locations.

I have included the details below: 

Vancouver Freedom Rally (Stand United Canada)
Friday October 7th, 1:00-4:00pm
College of Physicians and Surgeons
669 Howe St, Vancouver

Victoria Meet & Greet (We Unify Canada)
Saturday October 8th, 4:00-7:00pm
Oaklands Bible Chapel
2736 Fernwood Rd, Victoria

While most covid mandates are currently suspended, we do not know what they are planning for this fall.

We can not forget what the political establishment did to us over the last few years.

We must stand up and show them we will not accept their unnecessary and unscientific restrictions to be imposed on us any longer.

I hope you can join me, I would be proud to meet you in person!


-Maxime Bernier

Freedom Events in the Okanagan –Kelowna, OK Falls, Osoyoos, 7 Oliver September 17 & 18 — Druthers Update & Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson Tour


   This Sunday, Sept 18th – 1 to 3 p.m. Corner of Main and Warren, Penticton.

Special Guest Speakers: Ted Kuntz – Vaccine Choice Canada;

                                             Gina Albanese – Dealing with Trauma and Sustained Stress


Important updates, open mike, cold drinks, August Druthers, and free hugs.  Miss a week and you miss a lot. Bring friends. September 25th – Steve Jopson – Food prep and storage October 2nd – TBA ——————————- o0o————————————- Quick list of other events this weekend and next week (as we currently know them).  

1.     Penticton Rallies and Events – below and at
2.     Other Okanagan Rallies and Events – below and at
3.     Canada Wide Initiatives – See below for links and instructions
4.     Rallies at Richard Cannings’ office – Tuesdays at noon. Meet at his office at 301 Main Street (Nanaimo Square). 5.     Wayne Llewellynn “town hall meeting” at the corner of Duncan and Government – Friday, September 16 from 3 to 5 p.m.
6.     Laura-Lynn Tyler-Thompson, Sean Taylor and medical professionals – Let Freedom Reign – Penticton, Sandman Hotel, 7:10 P.M. Friday, September 16    

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Thanks to all that attended September 11th Penticton Candlelight Vigil at City Hall at 7:20 p.m.

A Vigil to support those who have suffered loss or harm during the COVID-19 Plandemic.

Here is a link to the photos that Vlado took –

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Going on elsewhere in the beautiful Okanagan…

Saturday Rallies

            Osoyoos 10:30 am

Oliver 12 noon

            Kelowna 12 noon – Stuart Park

                        Carpooling from Penticton for Kelowna– Meet at the corner of Main and Warren @ 10:30 am

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Reignite Freedom – Step #1 – Financial Rebellion

Objective: Wean ourselves off of socialism.

The current focus is on using cash


·         Businesses save money instantly on transaction fees.

·         They have more control over their profits.

·         If you can help save that business money, they are more likely to keep staff employed and give back to their local community.

·         Small to medium businesses are integral parts of keeping your local economy and community thriving and growing.


·         Cash jobs on the side will no longer be an option, which creates economic hardship and higher debt.

·         Tech companies have invested heavily in making electronic transactions secure but hackers are always one step ahead. In a world of 100% electronic payments, the risk of falling victim to fraud rises significantly.

·         If cash dies, your location and purchases will be tracked automatically. You won’t be able to opt-out or unsubscribe.

·         If you are on any government funding whatsoever, they could restrict you from spending that money on certain things that the government does not condone.

·         Cash allows you to make anonymous purchases or donations. If cash dies, there will be no such thing.

·         People in abusive situations are often financially reliant on their abuser. If cash is removed, their way out will be that much harder or close to impossible.

·         Elderly, blind and people with disabilities will struggle. Many people can’t or don’t know how to use technology. They would also be vulnerable to scams and other technological difficulties.


·         We will be reliant on technology every day. If you want access to funds, you will need the latest devices and software to enable payments. If you are not a very tech savvy person, this could become a big problem. It is also extremely expensive and inconceivable for some households.

·         You won’t be able to leave your home without some sort of device.

·         Cash protects you from being at the mercy of electronic forms of payments during power outages and looming high energy costs.

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Laura-Lynn Tyler-Thompson, Sean Taylor and friends – tour – coming

through September 16 – time and location TBA – also Kelowna on the 17th


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Druthers Needs Our Support 
  Shawn Jason at Druthers says – We’re having a tough time reaching $25k for 250,000 copies the last few months. As a result, we’ve only printed 200k in each of the last 3 months. 250k is still the goal for September though! Remember! In these quantities, each dollar helps print up to 10 more copies of Druthers. Please pass this on to anyone you know who might be able to help.    E-transfer:

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The story of Shaun Mulldoon exposes what vaccine-induced injury looks like. VIDEO  28:57 minutes

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The Growing Threat of Digital ID
Technologies in Canada
  In collaboration with Canada Health Alliance, Hatim Kheir, a lawyer with the Justice Centre For Constitutional Freedom (, will be joining us to present a workshop on Digital ID technologies.  Hatim will speak to how Canadian governments are increasingly using Digital ID technologies to monitor and track your physical and financial behaviors. In certain cases, governments use what they know about you to unconstitutionally limit your Charter-protected rights and freedoms. New technologies emerge in Canada every day, and Canadians must be informed about how novel technologies impact their fundamental rights and freedoms. In this workshop, we will explore: o Digital ID technologies – what they are, and which ones are being used right now o Brief overview of how other countries use Digital ID technologies to limit fundamental rights and freedoms o What you can do to protect your Charter rights and freedoms o What you can do if your Charter rights and freedoms have been violated by Digital ID Hosted by Alan Brough.       Register Here  

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  Read and share the Freedom Rising Newsletter #13 HERE

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Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our events!

Let’s make this week AMAZING!! 

Mary Lou Gutscher


Two-week trial underway today in Saskatoon against Maxime Bernier and the Saskatchewan 23 for peaceful protests


Two-week trial underway today in Saskatoon against Maxime Bernier and dozens of other protestors for peaceful protests

Posted On: September 12, 2022

SASKATOON: The Justice Centre announces that the trial of the Honourable Maxime Bernier, leader of the Federal People’s Party of Canada, and dozens of other protestors charged for attending an anti-lockdown rally in Saskatoon on May 9, 2021, started today in Saskatoon.

The trial is being held in Centennial Room ‘B’ at TCU Place, 35 22nd Street East, Saskatoon, and is scheduled to run for two weeks.

On May 9, 2021, a peaceful outdoor protest against government violations of Canadians’ constitutional rights and freedoms was held near the Vimy Memorial in Kiwanis Park. The Saskatoon Police Service aggressively targeted the protestors by posting images of many of them online, and subsequently issuing dozens of summons tickets, each with a $2800 fine. Later, Saskatchewan prosecutors also issued charges via Criminal Code Information against 46 individuals.

Justice Centre lawyers represent 23 of the defendants at this trial, including Mr. Bernier, a Saskatchewan freedom advocate Mark Friesen (known as the Grizzly Patriot), and Darrell Mills.  On behalf of Mr. Mills and a young mother who attended outdoor protests, Justice Centre lawyers argued a constitutional challenge in the Court of Queen’s Bench (now King’s Bench) to the Saskatchewan government’s strict restrictions on outdoor protests on June 29, 2022.  The Court’s decision in that matter is pending.

Meanwhile, Saskatchewan prosecutors are continuing to pursue charges against individuals who attended even small anti-lockdown protests.  No charges were issued to people who participated in protests for other causes that exceeded the 10 to 30 person limits the Saskatchewan Government imposed on outdoor gatherings.  In the next six months, Justice Centre lawyers are scheduled to defend protestors in more than a dozen other trials scheduled in Provincial Courts in Saskatchewan.

“There is no legal or medical justification for the strict numerical restrictions imposed on outdoor protests in Saskatchewan,” states Marty Moore, a lawyer with the Justice Centre.  “Yet, an incredible amount of public resources, including prosecution and court time, has been committed to prosecuting protestors. The targeting of these protestors is not on the basis that their protests were a health risk, but rather because they expressed opposition to the government’s unjustified restrictions on Canadians’ constitutional rights and freedoms. Not a single transmission of Covid has been associated with an outdoor protest in Saskatchewan, and yet the government continues to go after protestors for exercising their constitutionally-protected freedoms of expression and peaceful assembly.”

How the Justice Centre Defends the Truckers & Opposes Police State Emergencies Act

Justice Centre Statement on Convoy Funding

Posted On: September 7, 2022

The Justice Centre is a registered charity committed to defending the constitutional rights of Canadians.

Canadians and truckers from across the country made their way to Ottawa in January, to exercise their right to peaceful protest against government mandates. This was a grassroots movement that resulted in the largest peaceful protest in Canadian history. The Government responded by invoking the Emergencies Act, bringing in armed police, and using unprecedented power and violence to end an otherwise peaceful protest. The government also froze bank accounts of Canadians who supported the protestors.

In February 2022, the Justice Centre funded a team of lawyers to provide legal advice and representation to peaceful Canadian protestors in Ottawa. Justice Centre lawyers facilitated communications with police and played a role in coordinating an agreement with the City of Ottawa to move trucks out of residential areas.

Since February, the Justice Centre has continued to provide legal representation, through its own lawyers as well as outside counsel, to:

  • Approximately 50 Canadians who have been criminally charged when their sole “crime” was to exercise their constitutional rights to assemble peacefully in Ottawa and express their opposition to government lockdowns and vaccine mandates;
  • Truckers and other Canadians who have been named defendants in a $305-million class action lawsuit brought against them in Ontario Superior Court;
  • Canadians who are challenging the abuse of the Emergencies Act in Federal Court, seeking a declaration that the government did not have reasonable grounds to do so and in fact, abused these unprecedented powers;
  • Freedom Convoy participants who have standing to participate in the Public Order Emergency Commission and will provide factual accounts of the events that occurred during the protest in Ottawa in February 2022.

The Justice Centre is also an official party before the Public Order Emergency Commission and has been granted standing to provide policy recommendations to the Commission about the constitutional implications of invoking the Emergencies Act.

The Justice Centre has also funded the criminal defence of Tamara Lich, a Medicine Hat mother and grandmother, who has been subjected to five bail reviews, and was arrested on a Canada-wide warrant, for an alleged, minor bail breach.

Ms. Lich, who was not charged with a violent crime, spent a total of seven weeks in jail, in spite of not having any criminal record.

In addition to the cases which relate directly to legal matters resulting from events in Ottawa in February 2022, the Justice Centre continues to fund hundreds of cases across Canada where the Charter rights and fundamental freedoms of Canadians are threatened by government.

It is through the voluntary donations of our valued and dedicated supporters that it is possible for the Justice Centre to defend the free society and continue to challenge oppressive government actions that began in earnest more than two years ago. We receive no government funding.

While the Justice Centre’s funding capacity is not unlimited, the Justice Centre helps as many individuals as possible through our network of lawyers and dedicated staff and will continue to do so to the full extent our resources allow.

Canadians who have access to funds and can contribute to their legal costs are encouraged to do so, because the Justice Centre can only take a small percentage of the thousands of requests for help we receive each year. The matters the Justice Centre is involved with affect all Canadians in the common goal of living in a free and democratic society, where government is transparent and accountable to its citizens. We want to thank all our supporters for their continued commitment to our important work.

“I’m on my way to fight for our rights,”Maxime Bernier Heads to Court in Saskatoon

I’m at the Montreal airport, on my way to Saskatoon.

I’ll be in court tomorrow with a group of Saskatchewan residents.

What’s our crime?

There were more than 10 of us gathered in a park in May of last year to protest authoritarian covid measures.

So the police gave each of us $2800 tickets.

And this, even though section 2(d) of the Charter guarantees our freedom of association!

Frederick, I didn’t wait until the Freedom Convoy to suddenly decide that we must protect our fundamental rights and freedoms.

For two years, I was touring the country, getting arrested and being given tickets for holding supposedly illegal rallies.

That’s just one of many court cases I have to deal with in different provinces.

It takes resources to fight for the rights of all Canadians and I can’t do it alone.

We all need to do our part.

Can you help?

Please visit and help me win this fight with a $10 donation today!

Thank you so much,

PS: I thank you if you recently donated or if you’ve already donated the maximum amount for this year. You can still help us by following the PPC on social media (see links below) and by sharing our content with your friends. Or by inviting them to subscribe to our free newsletter.