For years we’ve had to contend with relentless efforts by powerful enemies to shut us down. An especially annoying aspect of this campaign has been abrupt cancellation of credit card processing services. In April and again in July, two separate companies that had been processing our credit card donations and payments suddenly and without explanation cancelled its contract with us. It’s taken some time and effort, but we’re happy to report that we’ve found a new processor, and can once again handle online credit card donations and orders. We’re not discouraged by the bigoted campaign to silence us. We regard it as a badge of honor. Despite the relentless efforts to shut us down, we’re determined to carry on – reaching students, activists, educators and opinion-makers with solid information and sound perspective that’s vitally important in the battle for freedom and historical truth. More than ever, what we accomplish depends on backing from readers like you. If you appreciate our work, please donate, or let others know about the IHR. Faithfully yours, Mark Weber Director, Institute for Historical Review |
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