Whatcott files hate crime complaint against Karen Pinder and Ingrid Barta and Court Update
Email starts:
Subject: I would like to report a Hate Crime, advocating murder
Bill Whatcott <billwhatcott@gmail.com>
To: vpd.diversity@vpd.ca, campus.security@ubc.ca
Date: Jul 15, 2024, 4:49 PM
Dear Vancouver Hate Crime Unit, CC: UBC Campus Security,
I would like to report the UBC Professor Dr. Karen Pinder and Ingrid Barta, who is also employed at the University of British Columbia, for Public Incitement of Hatred/Wilful Promotion of Hatred, Section 319 of Canada’s Criminal Code. Attached is a screen grab of their public statements celebrating the attempted murder of US Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump. I do not believe students who are conservative are safe with these two women holding positions of authority on campus. Left leaning students could take this type of endorsement of violence by a senior faculty member to heart with potentially terrible consequences.
Bill Whatcott
Phone: 403-598-0478

End of E-mail
Public Incitement of Hatred
Section 319 (1)
Everyone who, by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of an offence.
Wilful Promotion of Hatred
Section 319 (2)
Everyone who by communicating statements other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of an offence.
To be clear. These women should absolutely be fired from their positions at the University of British Columbia if the university wishes to maintain any credibility.
When it comes to police and courts I am not a huge fan of these two nasty women facing a criminal process for their awful public speech, but…….

Every university that I went to, including the University of British Columbia, have called the police on me and attempted to have me criminally prosecuted when I attempted to hold a sign, preach, or hand out flyers expressing views they disagreed with on their campuses. When I was a student, 100% of my faculty at MacEwan university supported hate crime laws and believed it was an offense to call a biological male a male if the said male claimed he was a woman.
Karen and Ingrid are on the far left of the political spectrum and are the sorts who like hate crime laws. One can also reasonably conclude that in Ingrid’s case, given she is still wearing a face diaper on her avatar of her now deleted X account, she likely supports the coercive mask mandates. In spite of the “science” conclusively showing that face masks are appropriate for stopping sputum and blood droplets when working over open wounds, but they do absolutely nothing to slow the spread of airborne viruses when wearing them all day long in public; Ingrid was likely very sad the day the government stopped coercing people to wear face diapers.
So, in light of this, it seems reasonable that the sorts of people who support state control of speech, should at least live by their own rules. In my view the speech of these women is far more hateful than my flyer. I never celebrated the murder of anyone. In my flyer the warning against unhealthy practices is clear, as well as the offer of redemption through the shed blood of Jesus Christ to homosexuals who wish to have their sins forgiven.
“If we say we have fellowship with Him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:6-9
These two women posted on X they want a prominent Conservative dead, period. They offer no pathway to redemption for conservatives. Their speech simply wishes death to a conservative politician because they hate him and what he professes to believe in.
Woke Crown Prosecutor Jennifer Epstein argued to the judge who oversaw my bail hearing in 2018, that my speech could cause “psychological harm” to LGBT Canadians. She worried my speech would cause “harm” to homosexuals across Canada if I didn’t have stringent bail conditions imposed on me, limiting my right to say anything in public regarding homosexuality, including even my own criminal charges that I was now facing.
If this is the metric leftists want, what about the psychological well being of conservative students who are forced to attend Karin Pinder’s classes? What about conservative students who are required to work in a subordinate role with Ingrid Barta? If adult homosexuals are too delicate to bear my words warning them about the risks of HIV, anal warts, anal cancer and a host of other maladies, related to their promiscuous and high risk sexual behaviour, shouldn’t young students be protected from two women who publicly celebrate the attempted murder of a conservative political figure?
I filed the hate crime complaint today and will follow up by phone tomorrow. We will see if the Vancouver Police are consistent in protecting everyone equally from “hate speech.” Thanks to hateful women like these two, everyone on university campuses across Canada feel they must be left or far left. Conservative can’t safely express themselves without fear of being discriminated against and cancelled. This must change. Conservative lives matter!
On other news. I was in court briefly today in front of Justice Bonnie L. Croll. She set my next hearing in Practice Court to Monday, August 12, 9:00 am, Toronto time. Today, I was informed the court will set aside 2-4 weeks for my “hate crime” trial. My trial date should be set at the August 12 Practice Court hearing. The zoom link will be: https://ca01web.zoom.us/j/65919371490
In Christ’s Service,
Bill Whatcott
“Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.” James 1:21