Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity


Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, July 1,2, 3 5: Osoyoos, Enderby, Kelowna, Penticton, OK Falls, & Oliver

Happy Dominion Day

Please see the events calendar for the amazing events in Osoyoos and Enderby. Support one!!

Osoyoos: Canada Day this Friday, July 1

10 a.m. – Meet at the Arena parking lot, 9301 Hummingbird Ln, Osoyoos

–          Bring flags

–          No handouts or other signs or posters allowed

–          Parade begins at 10:30

Enderby: All day activities start with breakfast

11 a.m. – Meet to prepare for the parade

–          Parade starts at 11:30

CAR POOLING FROM PENTICTON: Meet at the bottom of the Channel at 8:45 to make car pooling arrangements

o   9:00 Leave for Osoyoos or Enderby to arrive in time for joining the parades

·         Return times to be worked out with your drivers

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Quick list of other events this weekend and next week (as we currently know them).

1.     Penticton Rallies and Events – below and at

2.     Other Okanagan Rallies and Events – below and at

3.     Canada Wide Initiatives – See below for links and instructions

4.     Okanagan Freedom Radio any time –




Sunday, July 3 – 1 to 3 p.m. Updates from the Cowichan Congress and a powerful new initiative uniting the freedom movement in Canada.     Miss a week and you miss a lot! And remember to Bring Two Friends!    

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Action Needed ~Special Event with Action4Canada

Economic, Social, Political, Cultural Recognition Event.

Canning’s office July 5th at 12 noon

·         Special Doctor in the queue bringing a firm perspective

·         Come listen to the success one of our Chapter Leaders has had to speak with and communicate with politicians like Cannings         and one of his office assistants.

Also going on in the beautiful Okanagan…

Saturday Rallies

            Osoyoos 11:00 am

            OK Falls 11:30 am

            Kelowna 12 noon – Stuart Park

                        Carpooling from Penticton for Kelowna– Meet at the corner of Main and Warren @ 10:30 am

            Oliver 12 noon

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ACTION OF THE WEEK! Give this science report to your doctors!



Get the FACTS – Watch The Highwire – Episode 273

Medical Doctor Package:

The purpose of this package is to educate medical professionals and the public about Pfizer’s recently released documents, as well as the requirement for medical professionals, to report Adverse Events (vaccine injuries).

The package includes: 

– A 38-page Pfizer report on Adverse Events data (March 2022)

– Information about medical professionals’ requirement to report adverse events following immunization

– Information about Rapid Antigen Tests – hazards and toxicity

– BCCDC Manual including an Adverse Events Monitoring Flowchart

– Information and forms for reporting vaccine injuries.

Download for distribution here:

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James Topp

James and his supporters arrive at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Ottawa at 6 p.m. EST today!

Check-in with him at to see how it all goes.

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Bill C-11- we need YOU!

Bill C-11 is in second reading in the Senate already – and STILL gives the CRTC unprecedented power to regulate YOUR videos, podcasts, Spotify feeds, Netflix queue, and more. If enough of us speak out, Senators may take action to protect YOUR rights. Email the Senate right now to demand they fix Bill C-11!

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Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our events!

Check out the attached Freedom Rising Newsletter – Worth a read! Sign up for the Freedom Rising Newsletter here:

Let’s make this week AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher


Man arrested on Parliament Hill — was it because he is a freedom convoy supporter?

‘Ask yourself: does this sound like the Canada you grew up in?’

  • By David Menzies
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  • June 30, 2022
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A Parliamentary Protective Service officer barked: “You’re under arrest!”, and suddenly a man on Parliament Hill was swarmed by about 10 PPS officers. He was tackled to the ground, handcuffed, and eventually hauled away in a PPS SUV.

The man’s name is Kyle Vincent Boiselle, a supporter of the freedom convoy going back to January. We tried to interview him from behind a fence surrounding Parliament Hill (we were earlier forbidden from stepping foot on the Hill because we had recorded footage near a security checkpoint and refused to delete that aforementioned footage; that’s how the PPS roll on Parliament Hill these days).

In any event, we spoke to those who know Boiselle; they said he did nothing wrong (aside from having a negative opinion re: the Trudeau-Singh government).

Boiselle’s takedown comes on the heels of freedom convoy organizer Tamara Lich being re-arrested in Medicine Hat, Alta., allegedly for breaching her bail conditions.

And now we must ponder how many other Canadians will be heading to the slammer this Dominion Day weekend — apparently for committing the egregious crime of being critical of the federal government or for openly supporting the freedom convoy. 

And ask yourself: does this sound like the Canada you grew up in?

Political Prisoner Alfred Schaefer Freed From German Jail

Dominion Day brought good news for supporters of free speech. Alfred Schaefer, born and educated in Canada, but now a German citizen was released after more than three years in prison in Germany for questioning the Hollywood version of World War II — a crime under Germany’s nebulous Sec. 94 of the criminal code which prohibits “racial incitement of the masses.”

His sister Monika formerly of Jasper, Alberta served nine months in a German jail under the same section of the criminal code for a video Sorry, Mom, I Was Wrong About the Holocaust.

A few hours ago, Monika sent out this message: “Friends, my dear brother Alfred is out of prison!!!! Even Alfred did not know until two days ago if he would be let out today July 1st, or Monday July 4th, or if they would pull a hat trick and find some excuse to keep him caged. I just spoke with him, and he is so excited! All the wise and beautiful butterflies are flying, and his wonderful dog is jumping for joy. He can hardly contain himself. Which one, you ask, the dog or Alfred? Both!”

“Canada’s many supporters of free speech rejoice with Alfred and his wife in his regaining his freedom today,” said Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression. Alfred is a brave and passionate man who changed his views as he studied history over the past two decades. He had been fearless in sharing his new knowledge and beliefs with others It is to Germany’s everlasting disgrace that it has jailed the Schaefers and thousands of others for the non-violent expression of their political/historical opinions. Why send arms to fight for freedom in the Ukraine when there is little in Germany and not a great deal in Canada?”

New Day? No Thanks, I’ll Take the Old(er)!– Dominion Day

   Throne, Altar, Liberty

The Canadian Red Ensign

The Canadian Red Ensign

Friday, July 1, 2022

New Day? No Thanks, I’ll Take the Old(er)!– Dominion Day

Over the past couple of weeks there has been a great deal of talk here in Winnipeg about the announcement that today’s big party at the Forks would be called “New Day” instead of “Canada Day”, would be a whole bunch of pissing and moaning about wrongs real and imagined inflicted upon the Indians instead of a celebration of our country, and would not include the usual fireworks celebration.   Interestingly, Sunday evening, while enjoying a coffee at Tim Horton’s and trying to read a chapter out of the book of Isaiah, I overheard snatches of conversation from a couple at a nearby table with regards to all of this.  The man was boisterously objecting to all of these changes, especially the cancelling of the fireworks.   The woman was defending the changes, toeing the progressive party line on the subject.  For what it’s worth, the man was an Indian and the woman was lily white.

Among the more prominent of the local critics of these changes – I add the modifier “local” because it has attracted commentary from across the Dominion, including Toronto’s Anthony Furey and Edmonton’s Lorne Gunter – are Lloyd Axworthy and Jenny Motkaluk.    The former, who from 1979 to 2000 was the MP for Winnipeg – Fort Garry then Winnipeg South Centre when the former was dissolved and the latter reconstituted in 1988, during which time he served as Minister for various portfolios in Liberal governments under Pierre Trudeau and Jean Chretien, and later became president of the University of Winnipeg, the furthest to the left of the city’s academic institutions, expressed his criticism in the pages of the Winnipeg Free Press, a Liberal party propaganda rag that likes to think of itself as a newspaper.   The latter is one of the candidates for the office about to be vacated by Mayor Duckie whom she had previously but sadly unsuccessfully attempted to unseat in the 2018 mayoral election.   Ryan Stelter responded to Motkaluk with a column that appeared in the Winnipeg Sun – the local neoconservative tabloid – in which he defended the decision by the powers that be at the Forks, their reasons for the change, and basically argued that while the biggest party in the city has been re-named and re-imagined this does not prevent anyone else from celebrating the holiday as they like.

While I suspect Stelter of disingenuity – his argument is technically correct but does not address the real problems with the thinking behind the changes likely because he doesn’t want to be seen as dissenting from that thinking – I shall, nevertheless, be doing as he suggests and celebrating the holiday the way I like.     This means that like the crowd at the Forks, I will not be celebrating “Canada Day”.   Unlike the crowd at the Forks, however, I shall not be celebrating the atrociously progressive “New Day” either – perhaps they should have called it “New DIE” from the appropriate acronym for Diversity, Inclusivity, Equity – but shall be celebrating, as I do every first of July, Dominion Day.  This is Canada’s true national holiday and the first of July bore this name until the Liberals changed it in 1982.   Since the Liberals did not do so honestly and constitutionally – only thirteen members, less than a quorum, were sitting at the time that the private member’s bill changing the name was rushed through all the readings without debate in less than five minutes, hence the Honourable Eugene Forsey’s description of this as “something very close to sneak-thievery” – I think that continuing to celebrate Dominion Day rather than Canada Day is appropriate.   I am in good company in this.  The great Canadian man of letters Robertson Davies called Dominion Day “splendid” and Canada Day “wet” in reference to its being “only one letter removed from the name of a soft drink”.  

I will say this about Canada Day, however.   Like Dominion Day it is a celebration of our country as a whole.  Indeed, Dominion Day and Canada Day, are two different celebrations of Canada based on two different visions of what ought to celebrated about the country.   I will elaborate on that momentarily.   First I will point out the contrast.   Attempts at a post-Canada Day holiday, as this New Day would appear to be, seem to be attempts at having a celebration on the country’s anniversary without celebrating the country at all but rather celebrating progressive ideals and the group identities of groups within Canada who are favoured by the left while allotting shame and dishonour to the country (and to groups within it who are not favoured by the left).   Ironically, considering that the sort of people who think up this sort of thing are always going on about “inclusivity”, this is incredibly divisive.   It is also insane.

Canada Day is a celebration of the Canada of the Liberal vision.   That Canada is best described by the title of a 1935 history by John Wesley Dafoe, the Liberal Party promoter who edited the Winnipeg Free Press for the first half of the twentieth century, Canada: An American Nation.   By deliberately omitting the word “North” Dafoe expressed his idea that Canada is essentially American – possessing the same culture and values as the United States, and on the same political trajectory historically, away from the British Empire and towards democratic republican nationalism, albeit pursuing that path through means other than war.   Those who share this vision of Canada have historically regarded the Liberal Party as the guardians of Canada’s journey down this path or, as it has often been stated, “the natural ruling party of Canada”.    This is what the great Canadian historian Donald Creighton derisively called the “Authorized Version”, the Liberal Interpretation of Canadian History that was, before the Cultural Marxist version in which the history of Canada, the United, States, and Western Civilization is treated as nothing but racism, sexism, and other such isms, permeated academe, authoritatively taught in Liberal-leaning history classrooms, which were most of them.   What critics of the left-wing of the Liberal Party – the branch of the party most associated with the two Trudeaus and Jean Chretien – and particularly the neoconservatives who look for inspiration and ideas primarily if not solely to the American “conservative” movement, often fail to grasp is that this is the Liberal vision of Canada even when the party’s left-wing, which spouts the same sort of anti-American rhetoric as the American Cold War era New Left, is controlling the party, and perhaps especially so.   The symbols associated with Canada Day, such as the flag introduced by Lester Pearson in 1965, like the name of the holiday itself, are symbols that point to Canada while saying nothing about her history and traditions, symbols that were introduced by Liberals to replace older ones that also pointed to Canada but did speak about her history and traditions.   The historical events highlighted in this vision of Canada are events in which the Liberal Party led the country.   In recent decades the main one of these was the repatriation of the British North America Act of 1867 in 1982 and the addition to it of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.   In repatriating the British North America Act, it was renamed the Constitution Act, 1867.   Everything asserted a few sentences earlier about the symbols associated with Canada Day is true of this change as well and the new name reflects the American understanding of the word “constitution”, i.e., a piece of paper telling the government what to do, rather than the traditional British-Canadian understanding of the word as meaning the institutions of the state as they actually exist and operate in a living tradition that is largely unwritten.   Similarly, it was the American Bill of Rights that the authors of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms had in mind when they added this to the repatriated BNA, although, many of us have been warning for years and as is painfully obvious after the medical tyranny of the last two and a half years, and especially the harsh fascist crackdown on those peacefully protesting against this tyranny in Ottawa earlier this year, the Charter simply does not provide the same level of protection as the American Bill.     The Charter did not provide us with anything worth having that we did not already have by right of the Common Law and the long tradition of protected rights and freedoms associated with it including such highlights as the Magna Carta.    Furthermore, it weakened the most important rights and freedoms mentioned in it – the fundamental freedoms of Section 2 and the legal rights of Sections 7 to 14, institutionalized the injustice of reverse de jure discrimination – Section 15 b), and provided no protection whatsoever to property rights which in the older tradition which both we and the Americans inherited occupy the spot where the Americans put “the pursuit of happiness” in one of the founding documents of their tradition as it branched off from the older.  Perhaps the most significant single effect of the Charter was to transform our Supreme Court into an American-style activist Court which it had not been up unto that point.   The American Supreme Court has been activist so long that now, when it has finally reversed one of its most notorious activist rulings – Roe  v Wade – and returned the right to legislate protection for the lives of the unborn to the lawmaking assemblies from which it stole it in 1973, the American progressives whose causes have benefited from the vast majority of judicial activism have seen this as illegitimate judicial activism and have been behaving like extremely spoiled children who have finally received long-overdue discipline.   The point, however, is that these changes, arguably the most Americanizing of any the Liberal Party has ever made, were introduced by a Liberal government when the party was controlled by its left-wing, despite that left-wing’s Communist-sympathizing anti-American rhetoric.

Dominion Day is a celebration of the Canada that was formally established as a country when the British North America Act came into effect on 1 July, 1867.    The country was given the name Canada, which name, originally the Iroquois word for “village”, was mistaken by Jacques Cartier for the St. Lawrence region, then applied to the society of French settlers established there, then, after this French society and its territory were ceded to the British Crown by the French Crown after the Seven Years War, and the Americans seceded from the British Crown to establish their Modern, liberal, republic, became the name of two provinces of the British Empire, one French Catholic and the other English Protestant, located in this territory, the latter populated by the Loyalists who had fled persecution in the American republic.   These provinces were united into one in 1841, which proved almost immediately to be a mistake, and the search for a solution to the problems this fusion generated was one of the main reasons for Confederation in which the two provinces were separated once again, but made part of a larger federation of British North American provinces that was given the name common to both.   Dominion was the title the Fathers of Confederation gave the country that would bear the name country.   The title of a country, as distinct from its name, is supposed to tell you what kind of a country it is, that is to say, the nature of the constitution of the state.   If a country has “People’s Republic” as its title, for example, that tells us that it is a Communist, totalitarian, hellhole.   The “Dominion” in Canada’s title tells us that she is a parliamentary monarchy, a kingdom or realm under the reign of the monarch we share with the United Kingdom, governed by her own Parliament.   When the Liberals were waging war against the title “Dominion” from the 1960s to the 1980s, they maintained that it was a synonym for “colony” and was imposed upon Canada from London in the nineteenth century, but none of that was true.  The most charitable interpretation of the Liberals making these claims is that they were ignorant of history, an interpretation that would seem to be supported by the Honourable Eugene Forsey’s account, in his memoirs, of his attempts to educate his Liberal colleagues in the Senate about these things during this period, although a less charitable interpretation might be more appropriate for the top leaders of the party.   The reality is that the Fathers of Confederation had “Kingdom of Canada” as their first choice, were advised by London to pick something less provocative to our neighbours to the South, and chose “Dominion” as a synonym for “Kingdom” from Psalm 72:8.

Dominion Day, as a celebration of this Canada, is a celebration of a vision of Canada that is pretty much the opposite of the Liberal vision of Canada, and an interpretation of her history that is the opposite of the “Authorized Version”.   To call it the Conservative vision and interpretation of Canada would be very misleading, I am afraid, because, those who currently use the moniker Conservative are generally light years removed from Sir John A. Macdonald and Sir George-Étienne Cartier   Whatever you want to call it, however, it is the truer vision and interpretation of Canada.    The Confederation Project was not an attempt to do what the Americans had done in 1776 albeit without bloodshed.   It was an attempt to do the opposite of what the Americans had done – to take the provinces of the British Empire in North America, and build out of them a new country without severing ties with the United Kingdom and the Empire, using the Westminster Parliament as its model rather than devising a new constitution from scratch.   For the Fathers of Confederation in 1864 to 1867, as with the English and French Canadians who fought alongside the British Imperial army and its Indian allies from 1812 to 1815, and the ancestors of the same during the American Revolution four decades earlier, the threat to their freedom came from the American Republic, with its “Manifest Destiny”, cloaking its dreams of conquest in the rhetoric of “liberation”.   The British Crown and Empire were not tyrannical forces from which the Canadians needed to be “liberated” (1) but the guardian forces that protected Canadian freedom from American conquest.    The threat of American conquest did not just magically go away on 1 July, 1867.  The efforts of Sir John’s government in the decades that followed, to bring the rest of British North America into Confederation, to settle the prairies, and to build the transcontinental railroad that would unite the country economically, were all carried out with the threat of a United States hoping and wishing for him to fail so that they might swoop in and gobble up Canada looming over head.   Aiding and abetting the would-be American conquerors were their fifth column in Canada, the Liberals.   In Sir John’s last Dominion election, held in March 1891 only a couple of months prior to the stroke that incapacitated him shortly before his death, he faced a Liberal opponent, Sir Wilfred Laurier, who campaigned on a platform of “unrestricted reciprocity”, which is more commonly called “free trade”, with the United States.   Sir John called this treason, pointing out that free trade would create an economic union that would be the wedge in the door for cultural and political union with the United Sates.   That very year Liberal intellectual Goldwin Smith published a book, Canada and the Canada Question, that argued that Confederation was a mistake, that economics is everything, that trade in North America is naturally north-south rather than east-west – this was effectively rebutted by Harold Innis in The Fur Trade in Canada (1930) and Donald Creighton in The Commercial Empire of the St. Lawrence (1937) – and that union with the United States was both desirable and inevitable.   Sir John won another majority government in his last Dominion election by vigorously opposing all of this.

Sir John’s victory over Laurier in 1891 demonstrated that his vision of Canada, rather than the Liberal vision, was shared not just by the other Fathers of Confederation but by most Canadians.  That this remained true well into the Twentieth Century was evident in how the Liberals were the most likely to lose elections in which they most stressed the free trade plank of their platform and in the Loyalist spirit demonstrated by the Canadians who rallied to the call of King, Country, and Empire in two World Wars.   Even the Grit Prime Minister during the Second World War, who had mocked the Imperial war effort during the First World War, who was the very embodiment of the Liberal continentalist free trader, and who was actually an admirer of the dictator who led the other side – following his brief interview with Hitler in 1937, Mackenzie King wrote a gushing entry about him in his diary, in which he described the German tyrant in almost Messianic terms, comparing him to Joan of Arc, and employing language that would have sounded just as creepy had Hitler turned out to be the man of peace he thought him to be – had enough of that spirit to do his duty and lead Canada into the war alongside Britain and the rest of the Commonwealth.   Unfortunately, one of the consequences of that conflict was that the United States became the leading power in Western Civilization and immediately began to reshape the West into its own image.   To make matters worse around this same time mass communications technology, especially the television, became ubiquitous both a) facilitating the permeation of English Canadian culture with the mass pop culture produced in the culture factories of Los Angeles, and b) greatly increasing the influence of the newsmedia, which had been heavily slanted towards the Liberals since even before Confederation when George Brown edited the Globe, which evolved into today’s Globe and Mail.   These are among the foremost of the factors which produced the shift in popular thinking away from the truer, founding, vision of Canada celebrated in Dominion Day to the Liberal vision celebrated in Canada Day.   They are also among the factors that led George Grant, Canada’s greatest philosopher, traditionalist, and critic of technology, to pen his jeremiad for our country, Lament for a Nation, in 1965.

If the exponential growth in media power due to the development of mass communications technology and the post-World War II Americanization of Western Civilization as a whole are responsible for the shift in popular thought to the Liberal vision, how then do we explain this subsequent shift to the new, “woke” Left view, in which Canada, and everything that traditional Canadians celebrated about her in Dominion Day and Liberals in Canada Day, are regarded as cause for weeping and gnashing of teeth rather than celebration?

While the media certainly had a role in this as well – they were the ones, last year, remember, who, when various Indian bands began announcing that they had found ground disturbances – and this is all that they have found, to this date – on the grounds of former residential schools or in unmarked sections of cemeteries, irresponsibly reported this as “proof” of a conspiracy theory about the residential schools having been death camps where priests murdered kids by the thousands – it is our educational system that must bear the blame for the fact that so many people were stupid and ignorant enough to believe this stercus tauri.  It has been sixty-nine years since Hilda Neatby wrote and published So Little for the Mind: An Indictment of Canadian Education in which she lambasted the education bureaucrats who in most if not all Canadian provinces had decided in the decade or so prior to her writing to impose the educational “reforms” proposed by wacko, environmentalist (in the sense of taking the nurture side in the nature/nurture debate rather than the sense of being a tree-hugging, save-the-planet, do-gooder, although he may have been that too), atheist, secular humanist, Yankee philosopher John Dewey upon Canadian public schools.    This meant out with a curriculum focused on giving children facts to learn, expecting them to learn them, and acquainting them with the literary canon of the Great Conversation so that by exposing them to the Swiftian “sweetness and light” of Matthew Arnold’s “best which has been thought and said” they might be inspired to rise above their natural barbarism or philistinism and learn to think and ask questions and strive for the Good, the True, and the Beautiful.  It meant in with a curriculum that was “child-centred”, which in practice meant dumbed down so as to minimize or eliminate content of which the child cannot immediately recognize its pragmatic utility to himself, although Dewey and his followers, who were decades ahead of everyone else in terms of solipsistic, narcissistic, psycho-babble, dressed it up in terms of helping the child maximize his potential.   Those sympathetic to the methods of Dewey et al. thought of these reforms as a positive shift from a passive education in which the teacher gives the student the content to be learned and the student receives it to an active education in which the student is trained to learn by self-discovery.   Neatby recognized these methods for what they really were – the means of transforming schools from institutions that provide their students with the intellectual tools necessary to live in control of their own lives as free people into institutions that train people to be docile, unquestioning, members of a more planned, more controlled, and more collectivist sort of society.   Her warnings largely went ignored, although she was commemorated with a stamp twenty-two years ago.   Even though the environmentalist presuppositions underlying Dewey’s system have been thoroughly debunked in the intervening decades, his theories survive as the dominant educational philosophy, albeit having been periodically translated into the latest forms of newspeak.      Meanwhile university level academics have mostly stopped criticizing the way the schools under the new system are failing to prepare students for a university education, but have instead accommodated the universities to the situation by transforming them into indoctrination centres in which their unquestioning and docile but also navel-gazingly narcissistic “student” bodies have their heads stuffed with every conceivable form of left-wing group identity politics – there are entire divisions of universities now dedicated to specific forms of this – and the deranged post-Marxist crackpot left-wing theories – intersectionality, Critical Theory (Race and otherwise), etc. – that support them.   The subversion and perversion of our educational system just described is the reason so many were quick to unthinkingly and unquestioningly accept the media’s irresponsible claims that the discovery of soil disturbances by ground-penetrating radar constitutes proof of the conspiracy theory that government-funded, church-operated, schools were murdering their students in some giant plot involving the highest officials of church, state, and a host of other institutions, that a defrocked United Church minister (2) pulled out of his rear end decades ago.    It is the reason so many were willing to commit the chronological snobbery of judging ex post facto our country’s past leaders by the left-wing standards of today’s progressives, the injustice of accepting a condemnation of our country in which only the accuser has been allowed to be heard and the defence has been denied the right of cross-examination and of making a defence by the mob shouting “disrespect” and “denial” every time anyone raised a question or pointed out contra-narrative facts, and the impiety of thinking the worst of the generations that went before us.   Note how the words “colonialism” and “imperialism” are constantly on the lips of such people, being used negatively in precisely the manner described by Robert Conquest in Reflections on a Ravaged Century in which he concluded that this usage, so different from how these terms are used by real historians, has reduced these words to “mind-blockers and thought-extinguishers”.   This bespeaks the failure of the educational system.

So no, I will not be participating in any “New Day” that is the product of what passes for thinking in the minds of those whose acceptance of the left-wing narrative that our country is something to be mourned rather than celebrated testifies to the ruin of our educational system.    Nor, as an unreconstructed old Tory, will I be celebrating the Liberal vision for our country on “Canada Day”.   I shall once again raise my glass – or rather cup of coffee – to Sir John A. Macdonald and celebrate Canada’s true holiday, Dominion Day. — Gerry T. Neal 

Happy Dominion Day!

God Save the Queen!

(1)     For all of Jefferson’s Lockean rhetoric about natural law, unalienable rights, and the consent of the governed his 1776 accusations of “absolute tyranny” against George III and Parliament were nonsensical propaganda of the most risible sort, considering that the British government was one of the least intrusive governments in the world both at that time and in all of history up to that point.   

(2)     This is actually, in a twisted way, rather impressive.   It is far easier to be ordained in the United Church of Canada than to be defrocked.  

Ottawa Thought Police Will be Out in Force to Harass Dominion Day Freedom Rally

Ottawa Thought Police Will be Out in Force to Harass Dominion Day Freedom Rally

[It’s all political. No such warnings were issued when the anti-White Black Lives Matter descended on Ottawa in June, 2020 when there was a ban on gatherings.]

Ottawa to police “racist, homophobic, misogynistic signs or speech” on Canada day


The Ottawa Police Service put out a stern warning on Tuesday saying that it will be on the lookout for “racist, homophobic, misogynistic signs or speech” during this year’s Canada Day celebrations. 

A spokesperson with the force said that communicating any such messaging either verbally or in another fashion could lead to criminal charges. 

“Communicating (words spoken or written, gestures or signs) homophobic, misogynistic, and/or racist messages in a public place will be investigated and can lead to various criminal charges including public incitement of hatred Sec 319(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada,” said Cst. Mike Cudrasov. “These will NOT be tolerated.” 

On Monday, interim police chief Steve Bell told the Ottawa Police Services Board that law enforcement would “actively respond to” these messages and cited concerns about Freedom Convoy-associated groups and other protest movements attending the event.

“We know the scars our community feels from the days in the end of January, beginning of February, where there was all of the negative interactions with people who were attending and occupying and illegally protesting within our streets. We’ve heard those,” said Bell. 

“We’ve listened to those. And I want to reassure you that those feelings, that trauma that our community has felt, is front and centre in all of our planning efforts and will be front and centre in our response efforts.”

Fencing has been set up throughout the parliamentary district in anticipation of Friday’s events. 

Freedom organizers have planned events to welcome Canadian Armed Force Veteran James Topp as he arrives at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier after trekking across Canada to protest Covid-19 mandates and restrictions. 

The Supreme Court has also seen its security ramp up with signs warning that camping or sleeping on the property is not allowed. 

“No person shall occupy, reside, camp or sleep in or upon any public work or use any vehicle for the purpose of occupying a public work or residing, camping or sleeping thereon,” a sign states. 

Tamara Lich Arrested for Alleged Bail Conditions Violation: Preventative Detention to Screw Up Dominion Day

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Tamara Lich Arrested for Alleged Bail Conditions Violation: Preventative Detention to Screw Up Dominion Day

Moments ago, Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich was arrested in her hometown of Medicine Hat, Alberta. Her lawyer, Keith Wilson, told me the police are currently holding her at the Medicine Hat Remand Centre, where she will remain for six days until they transport her to Ontario.

Tamara was one of the first arrests prior to Trudeau’s violent crackdown on the peaceful Ottawa protesters earlier this year. She spent several weeks in jail without bail before being released on extremely strict and politically-charged conditions.

Here’s what we know so far: Tamara’s bail conditions included a ban on organizing, participating, or promoting any protests. The activist judge who set her conditions also banned her from social media and had her communications restricted only to phone calls and texts. It seems that this arrest is directly related to a breach of those conditions. This is clearly politically-motivated imprisonment of a peaceful protester. Does this have anything to do with the upcoming protests in Ottawa on Canada Day? Why else would police hold her for six days — using transportation as an excuse — refusing to promptly take her before a judge?

Visit for all the latest in this developing story, and while you’re there, please sign our petition to stop the political persecution of Tamara Lich. t

P.S. Tamara Lich was a peaceful organizer of the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa. She is not the violent criminal her bail conditions make her out to be. If you agree that the Canadian government must stop the political persecution of Tamara Lich, sign our petition at

“Anti-racist” (anti-White) Cancel Culture Bans Another White Author: Fight Upper Canada School District’s Cancelling of Agatha Christie

Fight Upper Canada School District’s Cancelling of Agatha Christie

“I know poetry is not dead, nor genius lost: nor has Mammon gained power over either, to bind or slay: they will both assert their existence, their presence, their liberty and strength again one day. Powerful angels, safe in heaven! they smile when sordid souls triumph, and feeble ones weep over their destruction. Poetry destroyed? Genius banished? No! Mediocrity, no: do not let envy prompt you to the thought. No; they not only live, but reign, and redeem: and without their divine influence spread everywhere, you would be in hell–the hell of your own meanness” – Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB), which oversees 79 schools comprising 27,000 students in the counties of Lanark, Leeds-Grenville, Stormont-Dundas-Glengarry, and Prescott-Russell, has ordered principals to ban teachers from assigning Agatha Christie’s classic mystery novel And Then There Were None (1939). A spokesperson for the school board declared that the book contains “offensive content”, and that given its publication date of 1939, it is “no longer relevant or engaging to students”. According to the spokesperson, the UCDSB regularly culls its book selection to ensure that it only offers “fresh, engaging, timely and relatable materials to students” rather than classic historical works. The UCDSB, like all major Canadian institutional power structures, operates on the unexamined belief that everything that came before our present era is automatically suspect, parochial, and “no longer relevant or engaging”.

The UCDSB claims to be following the Ontario College of Teachers Professional Advisory on Anti-Black Racisma radical Left document which condemns the introduction of “predominantly Eurocentric (i.e., white, patriarchal) teaching materials in all subject areas of the curriculum”. This same document defines “whiteness” as “a dominant cultural space with enormous political significance, with the purpose to keep others on the margin”.

Rather than encouraging teachers to inculcate a love and knowledge for Western history in their students, the Ontario College of Teachers calls on teachers to examine how their privilege helps “maintain systems of oppression and colonialism”, and to use their privilege to “dismantle those systems”. We can conclude, based on the UCDSB decision to cancel Agatha Christie, that this dismantling will entail a wholesale Cultural Revolution style elimination of the Great Books written by that most maligned race: dead white men and women.

Agatha Christie (1890-1976) was “one of the best-selling novelists of all time, having written 66 mystery novels and 14 plays in the early 1900s”, including Murder on the Orient (1934) and Death on the Nile (1937). Over 2 billion of her books have been sold in over 100 languages; this is only surpassed by Shakespeare and the Bible. Europeans invented the mystery novel, beginning with Wilkie Collin’s The Woman in White (1859). Europeans, starting with the Ancient Greeks, invented the novel itself. European civilization reached the highest heights of human achievement by exhibiting a prolific, continuous creativity and restlessness of the imagination. Canada, Europe’s ethnic and cultural heir, rather than taking pride in this and creating yet more great works, is cancelling European culture in our schools.

The Council of European Canadians is calling on parents in the Upper Canada School District to protest, and on our readers to contact the following organizations and individuals, with the purpose of eloquently denouncing their complicity in the replacement of EuroCanadian culture in schools:

  • Upper Canada School District Manager of Communications:
  • Upper Canada School District General:, or (613) 342-0371, or 1-800-267-7131
  • Ontario College of Teachers: 416.961.8800 and Toll Free (Ontario Only): 1.888.534.2222

Actions of the Week from Penticton for Freedom


a.     Global Campaign for the Vaccine Injured –

Justice for the Vaccine Injured will become a Canadian/Global theme for the freedom movement – showing compassion rather than fighting for “personal” freedom. Silent candlelight vigils will be part of the campaign with other sub-initiatives showing up everywhere. This is something we can jump on in Penticton. If you can find interest in the audience to choose a date and location we can promote it. 

Goal – one or two a month somewhere in the area – neighbours in someone’s back yard. 

Goal – to have this springing up in small and more significant groups worldwide.

b.     Medical Doctor’s Package –

c.     Citizen’s Congress Zoom link:

Congress Schedule here:  Saturday and Sunday, June 25 and 26 – 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. with breaks from noon to 1 and 3 to 3:30 each day. Zoom in any time during the day for presentations. A recap of the event will be published sometime after the congress. P4F will be represented there by Mary Lou.

Take a bit of purpose/mission from the email from Ted about the congress.

     e.  Announcements & Updates: 

a.     Brazil Conference – June 30 – July 3 – see poster attached

Mary Lou Gutscher


Attachments area

Okanagan Freedom Rallies, June 25-26: Vernon, Kelowna, Osoyoos, Oliver, Penticton

Rally’s and Events

Anita Krishna is confirmed for the Ocean2Ocean and CLEAR MEGA Rally on July 16, 2022!

Ted Kuntz from Vaccine Choice Canada is also scheduled to speak!

We will update with featured speakers shortly.

This will be our summer message to the City of Kelowna, Provincial Gov’t and Federal Gov’t, and the public, that we are not negotiating and we are continuing to demand all rights and freedoms back – with the recognition that this was wrong and it will NEVER happen again!

We will be having our MEGA March downtown first. Bernard is closed to vehicles, and we will be walking down the streets first and talking to those on the boardwalk to get them to come and hear our speakers.

More updates as we get closer!

It Ain’t Over


Communism Pays!

Canada’s top Communist Health Officer Theresa Tam not only was just appointed for another three year term, but also received……..get this……a whopping 22% pay increase of $59 000.00…from $265 – $325 000/year. A cool million + in her greedy Communist little hands for letting her bosses know that she will continue to steal our rights and freedoms from us in the future.

Make no mistake – Theresa Tam should be in jail.


Recently we noted that the Federal Government continues to force travelers to wear masks on planes and trains, despite the US Courts ruling this is unconstitutional, and other countries around the world have eliminated this useless requirement.

Transport Minister Alghabra stated on July 19, 2022:

Masks continue to prove to be an effective tool at reducing transmission. Our science and data have proven and continue to prove that,” he said.


Well, here is a copy of my recently filed (June 23, 2022) Access to Information request:

Transport Minister Omar Alghabra stated: “Masks continue to prove to be an effective tool at reducing transmission.  Our science and data have proven and continue to prove that,” he said.”  Global News, June 19, 2022, “Mask mandates on planes, trains a ‘minor inconvenience’ to protect others: minister

1.  I am requesting a copy of all the said “science and data” Minister Alghabra claims is being relied upon in this statement, to prove that masks continue to be an effective tool at reducing transmission, (of the SARS-CoV-2, aka COVID-19 virus).

It will be interesting to eventually see just what ‘garbage science’ that the Feds paid to get, that they are now relying upon. I suspect that they will reply with either huge fees in an attempt to dissuade me from acquiring this material…or they will claim someone else asked for it and it was provided for or denied.

Likely if provided for, it was not the exact same request and they will be covering this up because Alghabra is only quoting from his aids who wrote this nonsense for him and there really isn’t any science and data at all.

If it was denied in the past, they will try and do so again, claiming some inapplicable exemption again, in the hopes I will go away, or simply that they will delay this as long as possible.

I will keep you in the loop as to their replies.


45,316 Dead 4,416,778 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions – Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is New Category to Deny Vaccine Deaths

See the breakdown of these stats below:


Legal update:

On June 10, 2022, another legal action was brought in the Supreme Court of British Columbia.

A B.C. medical professional, Dr. Hsiang and two other doctors, filed a Petition with the Court seeking a declaration that the Nov. 18, 2021 Order of Bonnie the Commie (Bonnie Henry, PHO) insofar as it applies to health care professionals, should be reviewed and subsequently set aside.

In my opinion, this is a very well drafted Petition to the Court. All supporting facts are listed to show that this Order is no longer required and simply has no reasonable effect anyway. It is, even if it once was – which is denied – not applicable at this time.

Excellent references are made circa para. 177-184, confirming not only the supremacy of the individual in our common law as I have articulated for years, but also the various SCC case law confirming our supremacy over our own bodies, and that medical treatment cannot be forced upon us without informed consent.

Considering that this Petition is 38 pages and some 250 paragraphs, it is clear that long documents can be accepted by the Court, despite the arguments made by the Crown in the A4C case a few weeks ago.

Bonnie the Commie has until July 4, 2022 to file her reply.

I will keep you all updated on this proceeding.


Pastor Artur Pawlowski has been in court for a three day trial for feeding the homeless when the City of Calgary refused to do so last year. Rebel News has been covering this case.

Interestingly, the Calgary Herald, who was so quick to jump on the bandwagon when Pastor Artur was charged, has had no coverage on its website. I suspect if an injustice occurs and Pastor Art is convicted, they will have pages of articles. If he is found innocent as he should be, I suspect you will either not see a word mentioned in the paper, or maybe just a little note tucked away on the last page.

To see all of Rebel News coverage of Artur’s fight for religious freedom and free speech, and to make a tax-deductible donation to offset his legal fees, please visit


A little late as this happened after last week’s newsletter. But better late than never. Congratulations to one of Canada’s premier freedom activists and heroes: Tamara Lich for her recognition at the George Jonas Freedom Award in Toronto on June 16, 2022. Here is an excerpt of her acceptance speech as well.

Please keep in mind those freedom activists who remain languishing in jails in this country because of the Communists presently in power.


A recent global poll of 94 432 people, shows that only 29% of people believe the media is free from undue political influence.


Words of Inspiration from Vaccine Choice Canada:


From our friends in Vernon –

Live on the Air!

We are officially entering our second month of broadcasting with the North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio. We are super excited about the progress of the radio and for the community stepping forward to help with its evolution. We have lots of people providing great content. A big shout out to Penny, Tal, Jacquelyn and Haley for the amazing interviews! Thank you to William and Tal for the use of their studios, for William’s expertise and Tal’s willingness to learn! We are looking for more regular content producers and musicians, or any other show ideas.

The link to access our Freedom Radio is posted below. We have a technique you can use if you’d like to skip through shows you’ve already heard. Hit the play arrow, turn down the volume and let it cycle through (i.e.7 hours). It will capture all the content , so then you can go back later to scroll through to shows you want to hear. This is the best we can do for now. We have plans for future improvements.

Below is the current looping order of programs, which will change regularly as new content is added.

  • Wayne and Marlin Christian hour.mp3
  • William Brookfield – Singer Songwriter.mp3
  • Rock ID.mp3
  • Lucas Show 2.mp3
  • Tal and Darren 3rd show.mp3
  • Rock ID.mp3
  • Tal And William interview.mp3
  • Radio 3 Focus is Food.mp3
  • What’s Goin On final – Hi Guitar.mp3
  • Alan Brough with JCN.mp3
  • Rock ID.mp3
  • M Willis Ted Kuntz.mp3
  • Brad Weston Interview.mp3
  • Rock ID.mp3
  • Beatrice Interview.mp3
  •  Wayne and Marlin 2nd .mp3
  • Teach Only Love.mp3
  • Rock ID.mp3
  • Jeff Gaudry Interview 2.mp3
  • Druthers Obsurd .mp3
  • Rock ID.mp3




Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Back to Normal

June 25, 2022

Next CLEAR Freedom Rally

+26 ° – Sunny (subject to change without notice!!! lol)

12:00 noon

+ The CLEAR Information Table

Stuart Park

Because It Ain’t Over!


June 25, 2022 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 Noon Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


June 25, 2022 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


June 25, 2022 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


June 25, 2022  11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


June 26, 2022 1:00 p.m.

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

Former Political Prisoner Brad Love Alleges Local Newspaper Reported on Trial Conference Covered by Publicity Ban

Former Political Prisoner Brad Love Alleges Local Newspaper Reported on Trial Conference Covered by Publicity Ban

FORT MCMURRAY June 22, 2022. Citizen journalist and former political prisoner Brad Love made a very brief court appearance — by telephone, of course, due to COVID — here today. The much persecuted and outspoken opponent of mass immigration and government waste gets special treatment. There is an imported judge, an imported Crown (prosecuting attorney), and even an out-of-town court appointed lawyer. Only defendant Brad and the Court Clerk are local. Brad Love faces charges of slashing a car’s tires and leaving “racist” leaflets behind.
The state has invested a fortune in persecuting Mr. Love for his views. Over 30 witnesses have been lined up. Yet, disclosure provided the defendant reveals no one who actually saw him slash a tire or post a leaflet.

Today, Mr. Love objected to the publication in the local weekly Fort McMurray Today, April 28, of another telephone court appearance involving the judge, the Crown, the Court clerk, Mr. Love’s lawyer and himself. The proceedings, which are preliminary to the actual trial, were under a publication ban. The article revealed Mr. Love’s medical situation. His trial was postponed earlier this year because, as he explained to CAFE, he’d been seriously ill from COVID. The newspaper has been a strident opponent of Mr. Love and even filed a criminal complaint of “harassment” some years ago because he had made phone calls complaining of their coverage of certain issues. The paper also gave extensive information about Mr. Love’s alleged criminal past, calling him a man “with hate crime history.”

The April 28 hearing had involved just five people; the judge, the Crown, the Court Clerk, the court appointed defence lawyer and Mr. Love. It was a telephone conference. This raises the question who leaked the proceedings.

The judge acknowledged Mr. Love’s objection to the violation of the publication ban but said he’d discuss it next week.
The case will resume June 29, by video to set a date for trial and hear Mr. Love’s objections to the violation of the publication ban.

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