Former Political Prisoner Brad Love Alleges Local Newspaper Reported on Trial Conference Covered by Publicity Ban
FORT MCMURRAY June 22, 2022. Citizen journalist and former political prisoner Brad Love made a very brief court appearance — by telephone, of course, due to COVID — here today. The much persecuted and outspoken opponent of mass immigration and government waste gets special treatment. There is an imported judge, an imported Crown (prosecuting attorney), and even an out-of-town court appointed lawyer. Only defendant Brad and the Court Clerk are local. Brad Love faces charges of slashing a car’s tires and leaving “racist” leaflets behind.
The state has invested a fortune in persecuting Mr. Love for his views. Over 30 witnesses have been lined up. Yet, disclosure provided the defendant reveals no one who actually saw him slash a tire or post a leaflet.
Today, Mr. Love objected to the publication in the local weekly Fort McMurray Today, April 28, of another telephone court appearance involving the judge, the Crown, the Court clerk, Mr. Love’s lawyer and himself. The proceedings, which are preliminary to the actual trial, were under a publication ban. The article revealed Mr. Love’s medical situation. His trial was postponed earlier this year because, as he explained to CAFE, he’d been seriously ill from COVID. The newspaper has been a strident opponent of Mr. Love and even filed a criminal complaint of “harassment” some years ago because he had made phone calls complaining of their coverage of certain issues. The paper also gave extensive information about Mr. Love’s alleged criminal past, calling him a man “with hate crime history.”
The April 28 hearing had involved just five people; the judge, the Crown, the Court Clerk, the court appointed defence lawyer and Mr. Love. It was a telephone conference. This raises the question who leaked the proceedings.
The judge acknowledged Mr. Love’s objection to the violation of the publication ban but said he’d discuss it next week.
The case will resume June 29, by video to set a date for trial and hear Mr. Love’s objections to the violation of the publication ban.