TORONTO, February 22, 2018. It was billed as a town hall meeting to discuss anti-racism. Called by Beaches-Woodbine MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith and local MPP Arthur Potts, the sponsors invited two anti-racist heavyweights, Pakistani Moslem MP Iqra Khalid, who introduced the notorious M-103, anti-Islamophobia motion last year which sparked outrage across the country, and Michael Coteau, the Minister Responsible for Anti-racism — no kidding there really is such a position in lesbian Kathleen Wynne’ cabinet. And just to be ever so diverse and politically correct, the meeting was held in the basement of the Grant African Methodist Episcopal Church on Gerrard Street,
About 150 packed the steamy church basement. There was standing room only.
It was Orwellian to hear four politicians who have deeply drunk the poisoned Kool Aid of equality. For them if results are not equal, then there is a systemic problem and government must fix it to make results equal.
Organizer Erskine-Smith told people with cellphone cameras: “Film us politicians but not the audience.” Everyone ignored him, includiing the media,.
Things went badly for the anti-racists almost from the beginning. The opening speaker was lanky Lisa Kinsella, who, with husband Warren, has led a three-year anti-free speech jihad to try to drive local satirical newspaper YOUR WARD NEWS out of business. Lisa Kinsella, apparently, is trying to use her freshly burnished anti-free speech and anti-racist credentials to secure the trendy leftist vote in a run for the local councillor’s Ward 32 seat left vacant by the retiring Margaret-Mary McMahon.
Mrs. Kinsella ticked off the various things she and her husband had done to try to suppress YOUR WARD NEWS. Long-time Liberal party activists, they had pressured the then minister in charge of the Post Office, Judy Foote to issue a rarely used bit of police state power — an Interim Prohibitory Order to deny both the editor, Dr. James Sears, and the publisher Leroy St. Germaine the right to send ANYTHING, not just YOUR WARD NEWS, through the mails.
“Isn’t that denying government service to people?” a man in the audience demanded to know.
She ignored the question and droned on: “We shall do whatever it takes to shut down this hate rag.”
A squeaky voice called out a propos of nothing: “Paul Fromm, get the fuck out of here.”
No one seemed to notice. Kinsella concluded: “There is no place for a publication preaching bigotry and hate in this community.” Acknowledging YOUR WARD NEWS‘ fighting spirit and determination to keep publishing, she added that the battle to silence YOUR WARD NEWS is “a marathon not a sprint.”
Then, master of ceremonies Erksine-Smith introduced Iqra Khalid, the bubbly smiling well made-up sponsor of M-103. Referring to hostile messages she had receive for promoting the anti-Islamophobia motion, Erskine-Smith marvelled : “As a White man, I would never be subject to such comments.” [I wondered whether he had ever read some of the hateful things said about White nationalists or people who question political correctness.]

A middle aged man, reminded Erskine-Smith; “It’s OK to be white.”
Iqra Khalid smiling said: “Yes, it’s okay to be white or black or yellow.”
She tried to downplay the threats to free speech implied in M-103. Canada is so wonderful because of its “diversity” and “inclusion” she said. We just have to improve on it.
“Define Islamophobia.” a member of the audience demanded.
Another reminded her: “You wouldn’t answer this question in Parliament.”
A brown man, perhaps East Indian shouted:’ “Don’t vote Liberal. Vote Conservative.”
He was menaced by several white anti-racists who sprang up shouting at him: “Racists out!”
Miss Khalid resumed her sunny ways generalities about promoting diversity,
Another member of the audience demanded: “How does Islam treat minorities?”
Another asked: “How does Islam treat women?”
Eventually a definition was given of Islamophobia. It is “the irrational fear of or hostility to Moslems.”
“But what is irrational?” a member of the audience wanted to know.
To give the panel complete control over questions, people had to submit them in writing.
Several persistant members of the audience were not to be silenced. Finally, MP Erskine-Smith gave two the microphone for short questions. A woman with a purple hat asked: “Does political Islam exist with the imposition of sharia law as its goal?”
Iqra Khalid dodged that one — her family has close ties with the radical Moslem Brotherhood: “I am not here to talk of ideology or religion.”
“You’re a fraud,” a man yelled at her.
Things were spiralling out of control The politically correct group-think of the Cultural Marxists was being challenged from many quarters and by people of various colours. Organizer Erskine-Smith explained the lack of police presence: “We did not want the police here as some people were disturbed by a police presence,” he said, referring to Negroes. Actually, although the event was held in a Negro church, only about 10 per cent of the audience was Black. The Jewish Defence League, listed in the U.S. as a terrorist group by the F.B.I.’ had promised to attend. Warren Kinsella had tweeted in advance that he was attending: “But now that an Islamophobic hate group is coming, I’ll be there in full Peaky Blinders mode.” Peaky Blinders were a vicious English street gang from the 1930s. It’s not clear who Kinsella had in mind as a “hate group.” Also, I saw no evidence of the JDL.
To try to ease the fears of some members of the audience, MP Erskine-Smith said it wasn’t “Islamophobic” to criticize a religion for, say, not treating women equally or being against LGBTQs, the alphabiet soup of the sexually weird. What was wrong, he clarified with a burst of fog, was to oppose a person just because of his religion.
MPP Arthur Potts added: “Everyone’s opinion is valued. It’s all about being tolerant.”
The final speaker was Michael Coteau, the cabinet minister in charge of anti-racism. Traditional voters tend to oppose government preaching at us and telling us what to think, but, then, this is Kathleen Wynne’s Ontario. Coteau was born in England in Yorkshire of an English mother and Grenadan father. He grew up in Flemington Park, an area with a lot of Negroes and a lot of welfare housing.
He has the gift of the gab. “We spend $68-million per year to police and incarcerate people in Jane/Finch” a heavily black, high crime area in northwest Toronto. If Negroes could achieve better, this money could be spent elsewhere, he explained. “We have to identify the causes of disproportionate outcomes,” he said. [One possibility Is the catastrophic 82 per cent illegitimacy rate among Negroes which leads to poverty, children being brought up by single mothers and often drifting into gangs.]
Then, in an unusual leap, he predicted: “Nigeria will be number 10 in terms of wealth by 2050 and Canada will be 25th.” Where he came up with this nonsense he didn’t say. He seemed to be arguing that, if we could improve the living standards of Negroes in Canada, we wouldn’t fall behind Nigeria.
MP Erskine-Smith worried: “The fastest growing proportion of the prison population is Black.” That’s true, but his implication was that somehow this was unjust or unequal. Despite our perrmissive legal system, that Blacks end up in prison in numbers much greater than their proportion of the population is no mystery. They commit more crimes!
“There’s a very scientific process to address disparity of outcomes,” Mr. Coteau insisted.
A member of the audience challenged the notion that only Whites are “racist.”
MPP Coteau agreed. “Go to Peel Region and black kids are fighting against brown kids and Chinese are fighting black kids.”
“Separate the races,” shouted a member of the audience to some applause.
“If the First Nations (Indians) had done that you wouldn’t be here.” This illogical silliness struck a small but loud cadre of supporters as a brilliant piece of wit and they gave sustained applause to the Minister in charge of anti-racism.
MP Erskine-Smith and the other politicians began to talk out the clock.
The crowd was told that “the UN praises Ontario as the world leader in anti-racism.”
“What does that have to do with M-103?” a member of the audience wanted to know, trying to get the meeting back on topic.
MP Erskine-Smith said he had been shocked when he learned recently that “90 per cent of children apprehended by Children’s Aid in Manitoba are aboriginal. There’s a great deal of racism,” he insisted — the old belief in equal outcomes blinding him to the more obvious conclusion: that there is a disproportionate degree of child abuse and neglect among many Indians!

While MPP Potts may have spoken of valuing everyone’s opinion, that was not the case with Warren Kinsella. The next day, the writer, lawyer and improbable public relations man with a manic obsession with Nazis offered this example of “inclusion” and openness to “diversity” (of opinion): “And then the pigs got up on their hind legs and started squealing. They started squealing and screeching, their little pig eyes all red, about ‘sharia law’ and Muslims ‘raping’ children and the need to ‘separate the races.’ The pigs looked human, but they weren’t. They were racists and anti-Semites and haters who roughly resembled humans, but weren’t human. They were pigs.” — Paul Fromm