Whatcott Ordered to Use Transgendered’s Pronoun of Choice in Referring to Complainant

Whatcott Ordered to Use Transgendered’s Pronoun of Choice in Referring to  Complainant

Christian evangelist and activist Bill Whatcott handed out some 1,500 leaflets in the Vancouver-False Creek riding prior to the May 8 provincial election in British Columbia challenging transgendered activist Ronan Oger, who now styles him/her/itself as Morgane. Auger was born male and fathered children but now acts as female. Mr. Whatcott argued that if Auger is confused about his sexually identity and rebelling against the law of God, he might not make a very good MLA. Auger, running for the NDP, hoped to be the first transgendered MLA. Whatcott’s leaflet went viral on the social media. He was assaulted and cursed by some in the heavily homosexual riding. In one building, two beefy lesbians rushed him and tried to drive him out. Whatcott feels he influenced many Chinese who received the leaflet. The Chinese take a traditional approach to sexuality. Auger was narrowly defeated and Whatcott’s witnessing may well have played a role. Predictably, all three parties — Liberals, NDP and Greens — denounced Whatcott. Vengeance came swiftly. Shortly after the election,  on May 22, Auger filed a complaint of discrimination with the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal. He claimed Mr. Whatcott’s leaflets exposed the transgendered to “hatred or contempt”, And, of course, among other things, he wanted money —  “damages for injury to his dignity and reputation.”


Mr. Whatcott filed a spirited response: “I refuse to refer to the complainant as ‘Morgane.’ Morgane is a French female name. The baby boy who was named Ronan Oger at the time of his birth is and always will be a biological male and should have a male name that reflects his biological sex.  I am writing this letter to request the BC Human Rights Commission dismiss Ronan Oger’s human rights complaint against me.  As Dr. Paul McHugh in his article  … “Transgenderism: A Pathogenic Meme” correctly pointed out, “Transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men.” While Ronan Oger may believe himself to be a woman and while his fervent activism seems to indicate he wants everyone else to believe he is a woman, the reality that is rooted in biology clearly testifies that Ronan is a man. No government identification with a fake gender designation, no media decorum guide insisting on the use of fake pronouns, no human rights commission ruling trying to silence the truth that God has created two sexes, male and female and they cannot be changed, is going to change what is reality.

Inline image 1

While Ronan’s complaint alleges my truthful flyer (validated by attached studies and opinion articles) has attacked his “dignity, feelings, reputation and self respect,” the fact is he chose to run as an NDP candidate in a provincial election. I’ve attached two Globe & Mail articles written by him. In one article Ronan disparages social conservatives in the Christy Clark government and clearly insinuates if one expresses an opinion that so-called transgenderism is problematic, that such an opinion according to Ronan could render a politician unsuitable for political office. The other article argues that people should be able to identify as whatever suits them when it suits them.

A practical outworking of the flawed philosophy that people should be able to self-identify and switch genders as they see fit is co-ed bathrooms and de facto co-ed women’s shelters. Thanks to ideas like Ronan’s actually being implemented in Ontario. A deaf woman was sexually assaulted by a male sex offender who self identified as a “trans-woman” to gain access to a women’s homeless shelter in Toronto where he was able to gravely harm a vulnerable biological woman. The University of Toronto reported males trying to film females when they were bathing in “trans-friendly” change rooms without the women’s consent. At the University of Calgary panic buttons exist in the bathrooms now that they are co-ed due to so-called transgender ideology. Before this madness became policy panic buttons were not needed in segregated sex bathrooms.

Clearly Ronan has a political agenda that is informed by his transvestite identity and activism. (Ronan is not “transgender” nor is any other human being “transgender” who identifies as such.) Ronan has not and never will “transform” into a female, he will only ever be a male who cross dresses and who, unfortunately,  appears to be using female hormones to give himself feminine characteristics. As a BC resident I perceive that Ronan’s political advocacy for homosexuality and cross dressing, not to mention his antipathy towards social conservatives who do not agree with his ideology, is going to have a negative impact on me and my community. Therefore, as far as I am concerned I have a civic duty to speak frankly and without inhibitions imposed by political correctness or vague human rights codes, on so-called transgenderism and its harmful effects on BC in ridings like Vancouver-False Creek where it looked possible that a transvestite was going to win the riding and use [his] political power to impose a harmful agenda on my province.  I hope this helps in assisting the BC Human Rights Tribunal in arriving at the only conclusion that is consistent with moral coherence, true democratic principles, and biological reality; that you will toss Ronan (he is not Morgane) Oger’s spurious human rights complaint into the waste basket immediately.”


A Tribunal slap down was swift in coming. Tribunal chairman Walter Rilkoff, in a June 9 letter, threatened Mr. Whatcott with financial penalties for not referring to Ronan as a “she”. “The complainant  is entitled to use her name in the complaint process. It is certainly not for Mr. Whatcott to determine what the Complainant will call herself, and his unilateral attempt to do so is disrespectful and will not be tolerated.  If Mr. Whatcott chooses not to use the name ‘Morgane Oger’ or refer to Ms Oger as she or her, he may use ‘the Complainant’. … He may not refer to the Complainant as ‘Ronan Oger’, ‘Mr. Oger’, ‘he’ or ‘him’. [This is just the mind-bending linguistic tyranny we warned about in regards to Bill C-16 above.] … Further instances of such behaviour may also subject Mr. Whatcott to an order to pay costs pursuant to Sec. 37(4)(a) of the Human Rights Code.”

Ronan the transvestite wants Whatcott prosecuted for wrecking his campaign

Ronan the transvestite wants Whatcott prosecuted for wrecking his campaign

Postby Bill Whatcott » Sun May 14, 2017 2:50 am

Ronan Oger (calls himself Morgane) doing photo op on election night. Ronan blames Bill Whatcott for “harming” his election campaign and is seeking to prosecute Bill for saying he is a 100% biological male who is sorely in need of Jesus and is completely completely unfit to serve in the provincial legislature.

“God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
Genesis 1:27

Morgane Oger says she’s unlikely to defeat Sam Sullivan in final count
But close race in her riding shows trans candidates have a real chance of winning, she says
Published on Thu, May 11, 2017 9:02 pm.
James Goldie
Daily Xtra
http://www.dailyxtra.com/vancouver/news … unt-220859

After a rollercoaster of an election night, when at times she seemed poised to become the first transgender person elected to Canadian public office, Morgane Oger is coming to terms with the fact this is not likely going to be the case.

The preliminary election results in Vancouver-False Creek show BC Liberal incumbent Sam Sullivan ahead of the NDP’s Oger by 560 votes. Although absentee ballots have yet to be counted, Oger acknowledges it would be a long shot for those votes to sway the election in her favour.

“Indications are that Sam Sullivan won this election. And we will really know on the 22nd [of May] by how much,” she says. “We need to see what the final count is.”

In an email to Xtra, Andrew Watson, communications manager for Elections BC, says his office estimates there were roughly 176,000 absentee ballots cast in this year’s election province-wide. It’s not known how many of those ballots were cast in Vancouver-False Creek.

“We don’t have an electoral district breakdown yet but will publish one before final count starts on May 22,” Watson says.

In the wake of May 9’s preliminary results, Oger says she’s staying positive. Like their respective parties more broadly, the race between Oger and Sullivan was neck and neck for most of the night. One candidate would take the lead only to later be overtaken by the other.

“I think I had every emotion. There was this elation that [our campaign] had worked, and then this horror as it went from ‘it worked’ to ‘it failed,’ and then relief that it worked and then dismay again,” she says.

At 11pm, with just six ballot boxes remaining, Oger was leading by 48 votes. She and her team came to NDP headquarters preparing for what looked like victory.

“At one point I was practising my speech — and then at another point I was looking at the numbers and it said the votes were 100 percent counted,” she says.

But despite the outcome so far in Sullivan’s favour, Oger says her campaign can be proud of how close she came to winning as an NDP candidate in a Liberal stronghold.

“This riding was considered almost un-winnable,” she says. “It means finally in Canada a transgender person can — if properly supported and properly engaging with the experience required to have credibility as a candidate — a transgender person can take a fight to [an establishment] candidate.”

Ronan Oger heads to NDP headquarters on election night to concede his defeat. Bill Whatcott delivered 1500 flyers denouncing Ronan’s attempt to become Canada’s first transvestite MLA. Bill’s flyers were widely shared on social media and in e-mail mass mailings. Because the race was so close it is possible Bill Whatcott’s flyers played an important role in assuring the gender confused homofascist Ronan did not attain the inluential possition of MLA for Vancouver-False Creek. In fact by keeping Ronan out of office Bill’s flyers might have also kept the hard left pro-abortion/homofascist NDP from taking power in BC as things are so close one seat could literally make the difference between an NDP or Liberal government.

Oger attributes the closeness of the race to public fatigue with the BC Liberals. She also suggests that her work on a broad range of issues, such as education, and her background in the tech sector made her relatable to a larger constituency. She believes her advocacy work on trans and human rights issues alone would not have been enough to propel her to office.

“It’s important to appreciate that being an advocate for a tiny percentage of the population is not enough to get elected. One has to have done things that touch the mainstream,” she says. “This is what I encourage the transgender community and the LGBT community to do. Touch the mainstream. It’s the mainstream that elects you.”

She says it’s unclear what impact a series of transphobic flyers plastered throughout her riding may have had on her chances of being elected, but she describes them as “horrifying” and “destabilizing” to her campaign.

“They forced us to focus on that some days. And that was detrimental, that harmed us,” she says, referring to time diverted to speaking with the police, filing a complaint with Elections BC, and crisis-management team meetings. She says the team was forced to cancel some engagements while dealing with the poster issue. “Cancelling an engagement within the last 10 days of an election — that has consequences.”

Still, though neither Oger nor the other three openly trans candidates were elected May 9, Oger says this election has been groundbreaking.

“I was very encouraged within our community to see the love and the hope,” she says. “I hope that everybody appreciates this was a major win for the transgender and the LGBT community, that we can be satisfied that anybody can run who’s credible.”

Free Speech Takes A Big Hit: Bill C 16 Passes Senate & Enforces Special Privileges for the Sexually Confused

Free Speech Takes A Big Hit: Bill C 16 Passes Senate & Enforces Special Privileges for the Sexually Confused

Thursday, June 15 was a grim day for freedom of speech.  After months of debate and some spirited opposition, the Senate passed.67-11, one of the pet projects of self-described feminist,  best

buddy of the transgendered and enthusiastic participant in gay pride parades from Montreal to Vancouver, Justin Trudeau. This bill will make criticism of yet another privileged minority — now gender identity and gender expression — difficult. If your criticism is deemed “hate” under Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code, Canada’s notorious “hate law”, you could go to prison for two years. Under Canada’s welter of pernicious federal and provincial human rights (minority special privileges) laws, you might be compelled to call a sexually weird individual by whatever pronoun he/she/it/zee/zuu/zur insists on. As the next story makes clear, this is already happening. CTV News (June 15, 2107) reported: ” Nicole Nussbaum, a lawyer with expertise in gender identity and gender expression issues, says she’s relieved the bill has finally passed. Parliament has seen earlier versions of the bill for more than a decade, but never approved one. Including gender expression and gender identity in the Canadian Human Rights Act will ‘address the really desperate situation that many trans and gender non-confirming, non-binary people experience as a result of discrimination, harassment and violence,’ she said in an interview with CTVNews.ca.” Hang on a minute: Violence against anyone, sexually weird, confused or otherwise is already illegal. And, “non-binary” — meaning not one of two (that is, male or female) — would seem to suggest people who are seriously confused and perhaps mentally ill. Now, they must be treated with care and their delusions adopted. The CTV report continued: “The Senate took seven months to study and debate the bill, a process that included discussions about whether it would force people to use unusual pronouns.

The Canadian Bar Association, which spoke in favour of the bill, called those fears a misunderstanding of human rights and hate crimes legislation. ‘Nothing in the section compels the use or avoidance of particular words in public as long as they are not used in their most ‘extreme manifestations’ with the intention of promoting the ‘level of abhorrence, delegitimization and rejection’ that produces feelings of hatred against identifiable groups,’ Rene Basque, president of the CBA, wrote to the Senate legal affairs committee last month.” For one thing, Basque is speaking only of the “hate law” here, not the much more loosey goosey human rights laws. Supposing an employer refers to a person who looks male as “he”, but is told the person feels like a woman today and wants to be called she or zee or they. If the employer is a traditional Christian or just a common sensical sort and does not want to join this person in their fantasies and insists on referring to the individual as “he”, might this not suggest “abhorrence, delegitimization or rejection”? And, if so, the poor employer has big legal problems. Professor Jordan Peterson of the University of Toronto was warned last Autumn that, if he did not address the transgendered or sexually mixed-up by the made-up pronoun of their choice, he could face  discrimination problems with the Ontario Human Rights Commission.


The Daily Caller News Foundation (June 16, 2107) explained the new law is “making it illegal to use the wrong gender pronouns. Critics say that Canadians who do not subscribe to progressive gender theory could be accused of hate crimes, jailed, fined, and made to take anti-bias training.  Canada’s Senate passed Bill C-16, which puts ‘gender identity’ and ‘gender expression’ into both the country’s Human Rights Code, as well as the hate crime category of its Criminal Code. …  ‘Great news,’ announced Justin Trudeau, Canada’s prime minister. ‘Bill C-16 has passed the Senate – making it illegal to discriminate based on gender identity or expression. #LoveisLove.’ [Uh, what does sexual confusion have to do with love, Trust Fund Kid?]

Jordan Peterson, a professor at the University of Toronto, and one of the bill’s fiercest critics, spoke to the Senate before the vote, insisting that it infringed upon citizens’ freedom of speech and institutes what he views as dubious gender ideology into law. ‘Compelled speech has come to Canada,’ stated Peterson. ‘We will seriously regret this.’‘[Ideologues are] using unsuspecting and sometimes complicit members of the so-called transgender community to push their ideological vanguard forward,’ said the professor to the Senate in May. ‘The very idea that calling someone a term that they didn’t choose causes them such irreparable harm that legal remedies should be sought [is] an indication of just how deeply the culture of victimization has sunk into our society.’ Peterson has previously pledged not to use irregular gender pronouns and students have protested him for his opposition to political correctness. ‘This tyrannical bill is nothing but social engineering to the nth degree, all in the name of political correctness,’ Jeff Gunnarson, vice president of Campaign Life Toronto, a pro-life political group in Canada, told LifeSiteNews.”

Mark Thursday, June 15, for Special Toronto Meeting With Brian Ruhe– Vancouver Videographer

Mark Thursday, June 15, for Special Toronto Meeting With Brian Ruhe– Vancouver Videographer

Brian Ruhe

  • Ontario born videographer — over 1,000 You Tubes on “The Brian Ruhe SHOW”
  • Long-time lecturer on Buddhism and meditation
  • Founder Truth & Justice for Germans & The Thule Society of Vancouver
  • Victim of B’nai Brith & Harry Abrams – numerous lecturing jobs lost since he started putting out hundreds of videos on brianruhe.ca

My Mission: Exposing Zio-lies & Giving A Voice to the Voiceless: Little Known Ways Zionists have Socially Engineered Our World

Many people have woken up to know that a power controls banking, media, Hollywood, governments, medicine and universities. In this talk Brian Ruhe from Vancouver shares how their breathtaking behind the scenes power has created your very perception of reality and has fed us lies about recent and ancient history, about evolution, anthropology, science, pop culture and more.


TORONTO.   Thursday, June 15, 2017.    YOUR WARD NEWS Office — 163 Main Street, just south of Gerrard.  Five minute walk south of Main Station on the Bloor-Danforth Subway line. 8:00 p.m. [$10 admission]

Sorry, I cannot attend. Please send me an audiotape of Mr. Ruhe’s talk. $6.00;  dvd $10

I’d also like to assist with the costs of this meeting. Here is my donation of $_____

NAME: __________________________________________ PHONE: ________________________

ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________

C-FAR, P.O. Box, 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3


CPS discontinues original charge for my song (((Survivors)))

CPS discontinues original charge for my song (((Survivors)))

Friday June 2, the Crown Prosecution Service informed my lawyer of their intention to discontinue the initial accusation for malicious communications brought against me by Gideon Falter of the Campaign Against Antisemitism for my song (((Survivors))).

This latest news of yet another charge against me being dropped will no doubt provoke yet more tears from the turgid trio of accusing females (as described here) and who are still gnashing their teeth on Twitter, wanting my blood and even interacting regards my person – in typically clueless fashion – and in public. Screenshots archived.


Regards the pending cases relating to the YouTube video of last September’s London Forum performance, I am considering downloading both songs, removing the music and leaving just the laughter and applause.

The next hearing – for legal argument only – will take place June 23, 10 am at Westminster Magistrates Court. The outcome may not only have a devastating effect on the right to be able to think for ourselves and express those thoughts, it may also severely undermine British values, traditions and artistic culture. Hope to see you there

Canadian Province Wants Children Removed From Homes If Parents Won’t Let Their Little Boys Identify As Little Girls

Canadian Province Wants Children Removed From Homes If Parents Won’t Let Their Little Boys Identify As Little Girls


According to Heat Street, Ontario has now passed a law that would allow the government to invade your home and strip you of your child if your little Billy comes home from school one day and announces he’s a girl, and you have the temerity to tell him that he is not in fact a girl. By a shockingly broad margin of 63 to 23, The Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act of 2017 passed through the Ontario legislature. It tells child services and judges to consider factors including “race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, citizenship, family diversity, disability, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression” in removing a child from the home. Michael Coteau, Minister of Child and Family Services, was explicit in his tyranny: “I would consider that a form of abuse, when a child identifies one way and a caregiver is saying no, you need to do this differently. If it’s abuse, and if it’s within the definition, a child can be removed from that environment and placed into protection where the abuse stops.”

If all of this sounds bizarre, that’s because it is. It’s also fascism. To remove a child from the home because the government disagrees with basic biology is beyond the pale of the reasonable.

Unfortunately, it won’t be long before leftists in the United States push the same thing.

The first step on that road is the widely-acclaimed spate of legislation banning so-called “conversion therapy” for children with homosexual tendencies. This isn’t an argument in favor of the efficacy of “conversion therapy,” which is iffy even in the best cases. But if a child is disturbed by homosexual feelings and you bring that child to a therapist to talk it through, that would now be considered illegal in states including California and New Jersey. As Scott Shackleford of Reason explains:

Bans on conversion therapy, though, are fundamentally censorship of an idea, and there is a slippery slope and consequences that people with narrow interests in halting abusive treatment of gay and transgender teens simply do not grasp. This isn’t a ban on a particular dangerous technique, like electroshock treatment, for example. It’s a ban on anything — even just speech — coming from a licensed therapist that suggests homosexuality can be cured. It is dangerous to allow the government to control the classification of speech and to recast speech as something else just because commerce is involved.

The next step will undoubtedly be removing children from parents who pursue such therapy in spite of the ban, purportedly for the good of the child.

The left’s next step could be to remove accreditation from schools that do not traffic in LGBT advocacy; after all, California has attempted to remove non-profit status from the Boy Scouts. Schools in California have now mandated that children learn about LGBT history in public schools. What happens when people home school, and the state decides that home schooling is inappropriate for children if they aren’t taught the state’s educational approach? It’s not difficult to imagine child protective services removing children whose parents won’t teach them “positively” about the full spectrum of sexual orientation — in the “interests of the child,” of course.

Or leftists could skip directly to the Ontario scenario. They could claim that transgender children are being shackled by their bigoted parents, and must be protected by the state.

This is frightening stuff. It’s particularly frightening not only for religious parents, but for anyone who understands that there is little evidence that transgender feelings among children are unchanging (the vast majority of children with such feelings grow out of them) or that boys cannot actually become girls. In Ontario, the state has now placed itself in direct opposition to science and freedom. In the United States, the movement to do the same must be stopped before families are torn apart on behalf of a propagandistic sexual agenda.

Ernst Zundel — Pacifist Historian Denied U.S. Entry

Ernst Zundel — Pacifist Historian Denied U.S. Entry


  • Ernst Zuendel cannot come home to join his wife, an American citizen, after serving his sentence in Germany for “thought crimes,” says the Department of Homeland Security, yet untold numbers of illegal aliens are allowed to “come home” repeatedly, even after committing felonies.

Ernst Zuendel, the internationally renowned historical revisionist and activist who has been persecuted by a number of Western governments for his political activism and historical research, has been denied entry to the United States after seeking to rejoin his wife in Tennessee, it was recently revealed.

Zuendel, 78, who has served jail time in Germany and Canada for questioning the official “Holocaust” narrative, had been attempting to obtain an immigrant visa to travel to the United States and live with his American wife, Ingrid Zuendel.

Under normal circumstances, a foreign national seeking an immigration visa to join an American spouse would find little difficulty in obtaining the visa. However, due to Zuendel’s views and imprisonment for thought crimes, he was deemed “inadmissible” by Ron Rosenberg, the chief of the Administrative Appeals Office of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which decided Zuendel’s fate.

In its ruling, the Administrative Appeals Office cited Zuendel’s 2007 conviction in Germany of 14 counts of “incitement to hatred” and one count of “violating the memory of the dead,” Orwellian thought crimes institutionalized in Germany and many other Western nations following World War II in an effort to criminalize political dissent and historical inquiry, particularly as it relates to the official narrative explaining WWII and the Jewish “Holocaust.” Zuendel served five years in prison in Germany after facing legal challenges in both Canada and the United States.

The DHS’s ruling also noted that Zuendel is “a historical revisionist and denier of the Holocaust, distributing writings, books, tapes, videos, and broadcasts to promote his views” and contends that he has a “long history of inciting racial, ethnic, and religious hatred” while agitating “for aggressive behavior against Jews.” Zuendel “has been a leader in these activities for decades and has shown no regret or remorse for his actions,” the ruling stated in an attempt to justify its decision to ban the historian from rejoining his elderly wife in America.

Of course, Zuendel’s previous political, historical, and educational activities—hysterically demonized and twisted by the Administrative Appeals Office’s characterization in its ruling—are not in any way illegal in the United States. Whatever one believes about WWII history, Zuendel, who is a pacifist, went to great lengths to document the controversial statements and perspectives he was publicly offering in a scholarly fashion.

Ingrid Zuendel, Ernst’s American wife who has long been involved with his political and historical activism, denied the U.S. federal government’s characterization of her husband as an inciter of hatred and instigator of aggressive behavior toward Jewish people.

“Canada has had a ‘hate law’ statute on its books for decades,” Ingrid explained to this newspaper in a recent interview. “If Ernst had been guilty of ‘racial hatred,’ he would have been charged decades ago. Ernst was never charged, much less convicted, of any hatred, much less racial hatred.”

Ingrid also disputed the notion that her husband ever advocated “aggressive behavior” toward Jews—or anyone else for that matter.

“Ernst has never been charged with ‘aggressive behavior,’ much less convicted for having acted aggressively against anyone. He is a pacifist with a sterling record of lifelong Ghandi-like conduct. We have FBI and other police reports that say so,” Ingrid told AFP. “Not only has Ernst never acted ‘aggressively,’ he has always counseled his supporters to conduct themselves peacefully, as a matter of moral principle as well as for tactical reasons.”

The latest legal setback for the Zuendels came as no surprise to Ingrid. They have been struggling for years now in the judicial system, only to be stymied at every opportunity.

“We were not surprised by the ruling of the DHS’s Administrative Appeals Office,” Ingrid explained to this reporter. “The courts are no longer the means of last resort to get justice in America. The courts have been co-opted and are corrupted to the core. Justice can no longer be had from the bench.”

She continued: “That doesn’t mean that we are giving up. There are other means than courts to win this most important battle in the courts of public opinion. The struggle for historical truth has never been just about what happened to Ernst Zuendel. It was and is about revealing false flags and self-serving lies as tools of control by the powers-that-be. It was and is about revealing historical lies as weapons of war wielded brutally by what is now referred to as the ‘deep state’ or the ‘shadow government.’”

NB: This article was originally published by American Free Press on June, 5, 2017. Subscribe to America’s last real newspaper today!

Expert Witness Gilad Atzmon Physically Attacked by Antifa Thugs in Britain

Gilad Atzmon, a gifted musician and anti-Zionist, was a key expert witness at Arthur Topham’s “hate law” trial in Quesnel British Columbia in the Autumn of 2015.

Gilad writes: “On May 30th I was attacked from behind by 3 Antifa activists on my way to a literature event in Edinburgh with political commentator David Scott. Police was informed and as you can see we posses photos of two of the overwhelmingly enthusiastic ‘anarchists.'”





Come join us Friday June 2nd at the Calgary club house for our “Thought Criminal Convention” as we host guest speakers Paul Fromm and a special guest speaker that will be traveling a fair distance to speak to us whom we have decided to keep as a surprise to limit their trouble entering the country and because surprises are awesome. We will be continuing the evening after the talks with a social gathering.
We hope to see lots of people out for this one.
Doors open at 7:30pm with a $10 admission at the door


for more information on how to attend please contact us at:


Blood & Honour Tackles the Problem of Meeting Space for Dissident Groups

Blood & Honour Tackles the Problem of Meeting Space for Dissident Groups

For at least 30 years, populist dissidents, like Paul Fromm the late Ron Gostick, revisionists like David Irving and others have faced the problem of holding meetings.  You think there’s freedom of speech in Canada? Forget about it! Organized Jewish groups, when they get wind of a meeting, lean on the hotel or hall management. Sometimes the pressure is subtle: You wouldn’t want to be seen to side with the “neo-Nazis” against the Jewish community. Sometimes it’s more blatant, with threats of boycott or, worst of all, bad publicity from a lamestream media all too eager to smear perceived enemies of Jews. Sometimes  the threat comes from organized “anti-racist” groups which threaten violent protests. Sometimes there actually are violent protests. While that meeting may go on, it’s likely the last one the dissident group will ever hold in that venue. You think a contract means anything? Most hotel managers have the morality of a crack whore. Signed agreements mean nothing. And the police? Well, they can’t be counted on. Sometimes they do, in fact. protect a threatened meeting in a professional manner. All too often, though, they counsel management to cancel the meeting “to avoid trouble”  — trouble the donut munching cops are paid handsomely to prevent.

Thus, most populist or revisionist meetings are not widely advertized. This, of course, limits the effectiveness of public outreach, to say nothing of their trampled rights. Along comes Blood & Honour, a Calgary-based group of mostly young men and women. They have rented a large secure meeting space in an easily protected area. In a statement earlier this year, their leader Kyle McKee, an experienced young man with a decade of organizing and activism under his belt,  made the following offer to CAFE and other populist and libertarian groups:  “Blood and Honour Canada’s Calgary chapter has been very active and growing and our efforts have been focused and professional. The benefits of dedicated people are now being passed forward to you by way of an offer to use our own private venue for your meetings when in Calgary so the money otherwise spent for the basic expenses of doing your work can be repurposed to even more activity on your part. Also this means no more hotel cancellations and scrambling to find new venues in Calgary.” Thanks to Blood & Honour, we held a large, well-advertized meeting in early March for English song writer singer and holocaust skeptic Alison Chabloz.


Mr. McKee adds: “Blood and Honour Canada’s Calgary chapter also keeps busy with regular weekly gatherings and regular events. If someone is interested in attending any of these they can contact us at our website 28canada.com and if anyone is interested in helping by way of donation this can be done by joining and subscribing to our web forum that is linked to on our main website 28canada.com or in person at any of our events. Blood and Honour Canada (Club 28) is a nationalist organization and European cultural group operating independently of any political party. It is our goal to raise awareness of issues concerning our nation and the people here, as well as to unite those people with a legitimate interest in securing the future of our European cultural identity under one common banner. Blood and Honour Canada is a secular organization promoting intelligence, common sense and self-preservation while encouraging a broader understanding of all the religions which have been crucial in the forming of our great European Identity.” It runs an active education programme for its own members.