JVA Stadelheim
Schwarzenberg Str 14
81549 Munchen

March 4, 2018 
Dear Diane and Jim,
It’s so good to hear from you. It took your letter exactly one month to reach me and that is about average here, with all the “proofreading” that’s going on. I’m sure they are just checking for grammar and punctuation mistakes, n’est pas? Oh yeah that’s Canadian for “right.” 
It is so interesting what you are telling me that some people ask why in the world would she go to Germany? The first thought that jumped into my head at that was that those people are somehow missing the point entirely. Aren’t they asking the wrong question? Shouldn’t the question be directed at the regime which would have laws against thinking, investigating and articulating their results and conclusions about historical events, and then locking someone up just because they dared speak about these things? Does it not occur to people that we are all enslaved if we cannot think and speak freely? I am only imprisoned in body in this jail. Like another friend wrote to me: “When ONE of us is not free then NONE of us is free.”  I thought that was well said! Please feel free to share these thoughts with your readers and listeners. 
You, my dear friends, are absolute Heroes for all the work you have been steadfastly doing over the years. I want you to know that you have been and still are a big inspiration to me. Another thing: The American people better fight like hell to hang on to the First and Second amendments. It is important not just for Americans but for the world. 
I am not alone in here. The thoughts and prayers of many people are touching me deeply. And I pray as well. Since my Awakening a few years ago about what’s going on in the world, I’ve been having another kind of Awakening and am ever so grateful for that. God is giving me strength. The LIGHT will prevail, just as sure as the sun rises in the morning. 
Love Monica. 
PS.  I love your words: “We will do WHAT we can, ALL we can WHILE we can … to talk about the truth….”


Trudeau on the Skids but The Beast Grows More Dangerous 

Trudeau on the Skids but The Beast Grows More Dangerous 
Paul Fromm’s talk in Vancouver, March 23, 2018

* That voyage to India

* radical Sikhs infiltrate the government

* plans to bring back Sec. 13 (Internet censorship)

* Canadian video journalist, Lauren Southern,  banned from Britain

If you love this content, love that it’s free for everyone, please…

Today is DAY 86 of Monika Schaefer’s loss of freedom. 

Today is DAY 86 of Monika Schaefer’s loss of freedom. 

DISCLAIMER: This is a private communication. If you would prefer not to receive messages from me please respond with ‘unsubscribe’ in the subject line.
If you received this post from a 3rd party and would like to be on this list please send an email to me at the above address.
Today is DAY 86 of Monika Schaefer’s loss of freedom. 
Write to Monika at the following address:
Monika Schaefer
JVA Stadelheim
Dear Reader & Supporter of Monika Schaefer and Free Speech,
Today is March 30th, “Good Friday”, the day that the Jew Pharisees and Sadducees were successful in having Jesus Christ, the Son of God, nailed to the cross for having brought the Light of Truth unto the people of Israel and the world in general. Why they call it “Good Friday” is still a mystery to me as I personally don’t believe that Jesus Christ ever wished to be crucified for delivering his Father’s message of Love & Peace & Brotherhood/Sisterhood to Mankind but that is another story for another time. 
One might also find it a “mystery” as to why Monika Schaefer is still being held in the German dungeon in Stadelheim maximum security prison since January 3, 2018 and not having her day in court. Today marks her 86th day of incarceration in a foreign prison in a foreign country where she holds no citizenship and STILL her home and native land – CANADA – has basically done f*** all to have her released and sent home accompanied with a letter of apology from the German government.
Maybe it’s time once again to write more letters to government officials and msm newspapers and DEMAND that something is done to end this outrageous injustice that’s been going on for close to three months.
Monika is still standing firm and tall and resisting not only the challenges of incarceration and loss of her personal freedom but also, as you will see in reading her letter, additional insult to her person.
I have been informed by Alfred Schaefer that Monika is not in dire need of additional stamps at this time. This is to be noted by those who have been trying to find a way to send money to Germany to help Monika out in that regard.
Please try to share this post with family and friends and keep Monika’s spirit of resistance and Truth alive and flourishing. 
Mehr Licht!
Arthur Topham
Publisher & Editor
The Radical Press
“Digging to the issues since 1998”
Letter #3 from Monika Schaefer
March 3, 2018
Stadelheim Prison
München, Germany
Dear Arthur and Shasta,
It’s been a long time since I’ve written to you, almost a month, and it is very much on my mind and in my heart to do so – I hope you are both well and in good health.
There is so much to talk about – where does one begin?
This week has been a good week for me. Several incidences which are indicating to me a recognition that they should respect me here. They should of course respect ALL prisoners – we are all human beings – but they don’t always do that ( understatement … )
One of the management people explained to me that the staff erred last Sunday during an incident in which I was publicly shamed and humiliated. I really appreciated that and took it as an apology. It was a most ironic thing last week. Instead of the usual Sundaymass, there was a memorial service, 75 years after the execution right here in Stadelheim of the Scholl siblings from the White Rose organization. I was yanked out of the group of prisoners and ordered to sit at the back next to the guard. Then during the service they talked about the young heroes who had been persecuted because of their courageous truth telling … oh the irony.
When I discussed the incident with the regular pastor this week (who had not been there or he would not have allowed that incident to happen with the guard), I told him that I am extremely grateful to be alive in the year 2018, and NOT beheaded, burned, shot, or whatever other methods have been used to take care of “dissidents” in various time and various places.
I have “only” been here two months without any proceedings in sight – and I say “only”, because there are others here (for whatever their offences) for much much much longer without proceedings. If the people knew …. I really didn’t think this was possible other than in Guantanamo. Whatever happened to “innocent until proven guilty”?
Whatever happened to so many of those wonderful ideals we were taught in school? Like the mantra Government of the people by the people for the people, which we heard over and over and over. We trusted, we believed what they told us. Why wouldn’t we have? They reinforced all of that warm and fuzzy feeling by telling us that we had complete freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press and we lived in the best country on earth. It did indeed feel like a utopia. Little did we know what the hidden hand was up to.
I am working very hard. That may sound strange to most people who might naturally wonder how could someone be working hard while locked up in a cell 20 & 3/4 hours per day with “nothing to do”. But I know that it will not sound strange to you and that you will understand it when I tell you that aside from the mental work of thinking and reading and writing, there is spiritual work. I am doing much spiritual work. I cannot even write this without the release of many tears.
When I started this letter, I had no particular plan of what I was going to write. It just flowed out of the end of my pen, and now that the tears have flowed out of my eyes, I want to say THANK YOU for being there, for listening, for hearing. I do not feel alone in here. I feel God’s Presence, and I feel many people’s Presence with me. 
I am gaining Strength, not losing strength.
As always, much Love, and MEHR LICHT!



Founder of German far-right group Pegida denied entry to UK
The Guardian


[Britain’s all-out war on nationalism and free speech continues as a panicked Teresa May regime tries to throttle criticism on radical Islam and the immigration disaster in the UK. Note the catch all grounds for banning people — “not conducive to the public good.” One wonders how hordes of Third Worlders, many culturally incompatible with British society and many who will be lifetime consumers of the dole (welfare) and lifetime denizens of council flats (public housing), are somehow considered conducive to the public good?]
The Guardian19 March 2018
Pegida’s Lutz Bachmann speaking at a rally in Dresden in 2015.
Pegida’s Lutz Bachmann speaking at a rally in Dresden in 2015. Photograph: Arno Burgi/AFP/Getty Images
The founder of the German far-right group Pegida has been denied entry to the UK and deported, officials have confirmed.

Lutz Bachmann,  … , is the fourth foreign figure in the extreme right wing to be turned away at the UK border in the space of a fortnight.

The Home Office said it had stopped the chair of the anti-Islam, anti-immigration group at Stansted airport on Saturday and deported him the next day, adding that his presence in the UK was “not conducive to the public good”.

Pegida said Bachmann’s intention had been to appear at Speakers’ Corner, in central London, to take the place of Martin Sellner, …  who was among the far-right activists prevented from entering Britain since 9 March.

Sellner’s partner, Brittany Pettibone, and Lauren Southern were also turned away because their presence was not deemed conducive to the public good.

Tommy Robinson, the former leader of the English Defence League, … gave Sellner’s speech at Speakers’ Corner on Sunday.

A spokesperson for the anti-fascist group Hope Not Hate said the decision to deny entry to Bachmann was unsurprising given his “extreme history” and the deportations of Pettibone, Sellner and Southern.

“Far from being denied a chance to air their views, as they often like to falsely claim, these extremists have abused freedom of speech and social media platforms to spread and push toxic views,” the spokesperson said.

Hope Not Hate highlighted Bachmann’s criminal past (he has previously been convicted of drug possession, assault and burglary) and said he had “made his name as a prominent Islamophobe”. …


Referring to his case, a Home Office spokesman said: “Border Force has the power to refuse entry to an individual if it is considered that his or her presence in the  UK is not conducive to the public good.”

The Home Office also confirmed the deportations of Southern, Sellner and Pettibone for the same reason.

Gilad Atzmon Needs Your Help

  1. Gilad Atzmon Needs Your Help
Dear Reader & Supporter of Free Speech,
On Oct. 30, 2015 Gilad Atzmon flew into Quesnel, British Columbia after performing in Indonesia. He had come half way around the world in order to help me in my legal battle with the foreign Jewish lobbyist’s attack upon my Constitutional right to freedom of speech here in Canada. He did so without asking me for a dime for his time and efforts. Gilad worked tirelessly with my legal staff for close to a week and took the stand as my Expert Witness on Nov. 3rd giving his Expert Opinion on Jewish Identity, Freedom of Speech and the importance of my former website RadicalPress.com(no longer functioning). 
His help was invaluable. His contribution assisted me in many ways including his discovery that Crown’s Expert Witness Len Rudner of B’nai Brith Canada had committed perjury while testifying before the court.
Now these same power-crazed control freaks are out to silence and bankrupt Gilad and he desperately needs our help both financially and morally. Please read his plea for support and do your damnedest to send him whatever you can to help out with his legal costs.
Mehr Licht!
Arthur Topham
Publisher & Editor
The Radical Press
“Digging to the issues since 1998”
Gilad working hard for Arthur Topham’s Defence Team during the R v Roy Arthur Topham Free Speech Trial Oct/Nov 2015

Gilad Atzmon Needs Your Immediate Support!

I am being sued for libel in the High Court in England by Campaign Against Antisemitsm’s chairman Gideon Falter. I have made the decision to fight this crucial battle for freedom of expression even though this fight poses a real risk of bankrupting me and my family.

I choose to fight their suit because I believe that the CAA and its chairman and its use of libel laws pose a danger to freedom of speech and the future of this country as an open society. Enough is enough!

Mr. Falter has sued me for comments I made on my own website.

My comments were made in the context of expressing my opinion about the situation where, last July, The British Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) attested that there had been no increase in anti-Semitism in Britain, and Gideon Falter and the CAA refused to accept the CPS’s verdict. Falter and the CAA insisted that anti Semitism was on the rise. Sky news reported on the discrepancies between the findings of CPS and the CAA.

My article focused on the choice examined by Sky News between two accounts, one maintained by Falter and the CAA, an NGO that is dedicated to prosecuting antisemitism with “zero tolerance”, and the judicial approach of the CPS: a public body, subject to scrutiny and committed to impartiality.

My comments about the CAA are the basis of their lawsuit. I believe that I have the right to express my opinions on my own website: freedom of political expression is at the heart of freedom of speech. Mr. Falter claims that my criticisms of him do not amount to an opinion at all, and is seeking an order that would stop me from saying anything similar about him again, as well as paying him huge sums in libel damages and legal costs.

The CAA has contacted Jazz venues, community centres, concert halls and even overseas companies demanding that my events be cancelled. They have now escalated this battle and if they win this will ruin me financially.

I can not fund my defence alone.  I am obliged to ask every peace loving human being who cares about freedom and ethics for funds to help me defend this case. Fighting this battle may cost tens of thousands of pounds. I am going to need some four figure donations to find the ludicrous amount required. But every single penny mounts up and please do give something.

If you have ever enjoyed my writing – join the fight. If you don’t agree with me yet support freedom of speech – my fight is your fight. If you support the right to point at the truth without being labeled ant-Semitic – this lawsuit is the battle ground,  my fight is your fight.

I appreciate any help you can give.

To donate follow this link


Lauren Southern Tells About Being Denied Entry to Britain Because of Her “Rightwing” Views: 500 Jihadis In; Canadian Writer Out!

Lauren Southern Tells About Being Denied Entry to Britain Because of Her “Rightwing” Views: 500 Jihadis In; Canadian Writer Out!




Support Rachyl’s  St. Patrick’s Day  Walk for CAFE

Support Rachyl’s  St. Patrick’s Day  Walk for CAFE
For the second year in a row, CAFE supporter and activist (intervenor in YOUR WARD NEWS postal rights case) Raychyl Vyctorya Whyte is walking in the Toronto City Hall to Oakville St. PatricK’s Day trek.
She urges you to send a donation to support the fight for free speech to CAFE.
P.O. Box 332,
Rexdale, ON.,
M9W 5L3
Go to the CAFE website http://cafe.nfshost.com and donate by PayPal.

​Raychyl at YOUR WARD NEWS hearing Spring, 2017
Saturday March 17, 2018 
Commences 9 AM sharp at Toronto City Hall.
Concludes at Mo’s Kitchen in downtown Oakville, 234 Lakeshore Rd. E., at approx. sometime between 4:20 PM-4:40 PM.
* You’re invited to wear something green & join all the participants for the celebration at Mo’s Kitchen afterwards. *
This will be my 12th consecutive year doing this 42 km trek.
Am hoping my walk will encourage people to donate directly to CAFE. –Raychyl

Filleted, grilled, emotionally battered, but still undefeated

180309 adrian alisonReasons for the enemy wanting ever stricter bail conditions became clearer last Wednesday. First imposed December 2016 by Friend of Israel DJ Emma Arbuthnot (recused), I have now been on bail for 15 months. Last autumn’s Freedom of Informationrequest provides ample confirmation of Crown witness and CAA EnforcerSteve Silverman‘s determined efforts to have me locked up for breach of bail, thus obtaining a police interview which could be used against me in court. Much of the questioning in fact centred on my answers to Sgt Jon Lloyd regards my song Too Extreme For The BNP for which no charges have been brought. I think on the whole press coverage was pretty fair: selective in parts, for sure, but Jenni Frazer actually manages to call me a performer – a giant step forward. Hurrah!

Left: Barrister Adrian Davies and Alison Chabloz leaving court. Photo Colin Bex.

The BBC’s Martin Bashir takes a similar angle. Note the use of ‘Jewish people’ in the title. Have the Beeb’s headline writers been issued with an order not to use ‘Jews’? Do other BBC headlines speak of Muslim or Christian or atheist ‘people’?

The prize for the most misleading headline goes unsurprisingly to the Mail which still hasn’t corrected the header following my Racism Trail [sic] on January 10th – and which inspired the following rhyme:

The racism trail
Begins in Israel
Where stone-throwing kids
Are flung in jail
And migrants
Not of Khazar descent
May be neutered
Then home to Africa sent

Last but not least, the Blackpool Gazette used the PA‘s report. Would the fact that my IP address is now blocked by the Gazette have anything to do with my previous satirical blogpost which features the seaside town? Was someone offended?

Other articles have been released in the alternative media. As many of these link to my videos and several have reproduced my song lyrics, I am unable to share for fear of hurting someone’s feelings and once again finding myself behind bars. Ditto regards my appearances on three alternative radio podcasts, The Daily Nationalist, Down The Rabbit Hole and The Graham Hart Show. For those with time and inclination to listen, any search engine is your friend.

Many thanks to all those supporters who turned up last Wednesday. Apologies to those of you who sent messages and who have not yet received any reply. After being filleted and grilled by the opposition in a public court, my energy levels are somewhat depleted: in the days leading up to this latest court appearance, media hounding of my immediate family as well as criticism within revisionist ranks from ‘supporters’, resulted in an emotional battering from which I am only just recovering. For the record, Dr Fredrick Töben has published a full account in the latest edition of his Adelaide Institute newsletter. Again, a search engine will do the necessary for those interested.

Special gratitude to three genuine supporters who made notes from the public gallery last Wednesday. Below, you will find Robert Henderson’s review. Once I have managed to collect my thoughts more fully and deal with the tsunami of mail in my inbox, I shall write more, specifically on the use of musical satire as way to lighten our load and deliver the revisionist message in a way that is accessible, entertaining and informative. As one friend noted after listening to Monday night’s Graham Hart Show:

“Alison, you make many good points, in particular: blatantly anti-Christian songs are completely allowed, while you are merely trying to help people realize how we’ve been lied to about a historical event involving this powerful sect who has basically controlled the narrative.

“Also, the revisionists who think it’s unwise to use music to help people understand what really happened maybe don’t want people to really know. Maybe it’s just a hobby for them, instead of really caring that people find out how we’ve been lied to all of our lives.”

Finally, a HUGE thank you to JQ Rowling on Gab who has created the most wonderful meme. As with alternative media articles and podcasts, I am unable to share here on my blog. Only those receiving this missive via email may rejoice in its fabulousness!

Kindest regards to all,

Alison. xx


The trial of Alison Chabloz day 2 – March 7 2018

By Robert Henderson

Presiding: District Judge John Zani sitting without a jury

Karen Robinson – Prosecuting counsel
Adrian Davies – Defence counsel

Witnesses for the defence – Alison Chabloz

Background to the prosecution

Ms Chabloz denies three charges of sending obscene material by public communication networks and two alternative charges of causing obscene material to be sent. The case involves three songs which the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) claim are anti-Semitic: Survivors, Nemo’s Anti-Semitic Universe and I Like The Story As It Is.

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) refused to prosecute the case originally but after the CAA started a private prosecution and threatened a judicial review of the CPS’ refusal to prosecute, the CPS agreed to reverse their original decision and take over the private prosecution.

The events of the day

Despite having a whole day for the case we are not yet not at the end of the defence case. Ms Chabloz gave evidence but the second witness for the defence Peter Rushton never entered the witness box.

Ms Chabloz did well in the witness box. Being under cross examination is very tiring because apart from the natural nervous tension – everyone is nervous when they first experience being in the witness box – and the need to concentrate intensely is draining. Moreover, Ms Chabloz was in the witness box for the better part of two hours. Not only did she not wilt, towards the end of her testimony she had prosecuting counsel a little rattled. (Karen Robinson made the mistake of getting into a verbal cul-d-sac when she kept repeating the same question over and over instead of trying to get at the answer she wanted by asking the question in different ways.)

Ms Robinson began her cross examination by concentrating on the songs which are the subject of the charges Ms Chabloz faces. Then she swerved into raising questions about a song which was not part of the charges and tried to make a case for Ms Chabloz being a racist generally.

Ms Chabloz picked up very quickly on the fact that Robinson had gone off piste and protested that the questioning was irrelevant, but Robinson was allowed to proceed with the line of questioning. Eventually defence counsel Adrian Davies objected that the line of questioning was not relevant to the charges but Zani still allowed Robinson to pursue the line of questioning.

I suspect that Adrian Davies allowed Robinson to continue without objection by him for as long as she did to provide the basis for Mr Rushton’s evidence to be accepted. However, it is worth noting that Ms Robinson’s attempt to broaden the argument against Ms Chabloz to a general charge of racism is of a different nature to Mr Rushton’s research which is, as far as it could be judged by what was said in court, simply concerned with validating Ms Chabloz’s claims.

At the end of Ms Chabloz’s cross-examination Adrian Davies’ second witness Peter Rushton was expected to testify. Mr Rushton has been down at the British Library ferreting out evidence which objectively supported the claims made in Ms Chabloz’s songs. However, his evidence was deemed to be of a nature which did not require him to go into the witness box provided the prosecution accepted that his research could be entered as evidence. This Ms Robinson agreed to and obviated the need for Mr Rushton to go into the witness box.

The court then turned to the question of whether written not oral arguments speaking to Mr Rushton’s research should be made The prosecution wanted only written arguments . (I suspect that the prosecution were nervous about having seriously non-pc statements read out in court in whole or part). Adrian Davies wanted to make oral arguments. judge Zani ruled that oral arguments could be made as well as the written ones and booked another hearing which he thought should last for around an hour.

This is unsatisfactory because it means that the prosecution’s attempt to present to present Ms Chabloz as a general racist was made in open court, while Mr Rushton’s evidence supporting Ms Chabloz will not, at least in its entirety, be presented in open court. (Some of Mr Rushton’s evidence will presumably become clear during the oral submissions on his evidence).

The upshot of all this activity is:

1. Written arguments on Mr Rushton’s evidence must be submitted by Friday 16th March

2. Oral arguments will be made on Monday 14th May

3. Judge Zani will reserve his judgement.

4. A further hearing will be held on 25th May at which Zani will give his verdict and the reasons for it.

There were around 20 supporters of Ms Chabloz. There were a number of interruptions from the public gallery in support of Ms Chabloz . These annoyed the judge enough to make him threaten to clear the public gallery.

Compared with the first day’s hearing on 10 January there was little media interest, although Martin Bashir sat in the press section. During one of several adjournments he engaged in an extended conversation with prosecuting counsel Karen Robinson.


Canadian far-right activist becomes third person to be barred from Britain in 72 hours for anti-Muslim views after Austrian and his American girlfriend are deported over plans to speak at Hyde Park

Canadian far-right activist becomes third person to be barred from Britain in 72 hours for anti-Muslim views after Austrian and his American girlfriend are deported over plans to speak at Hyde Park

  • Martin Sellner and Brittany Pettibone say they were denied entry to UK on Friday 
  • Far-right figures planned to speak at Hyde Park Speaker’s Corner on Sunday 
  • On Monday, 22-year-old Lauren Southern was stopped for questioning in Calais
  • After being quizzed by officials, she was denied entry to UK amid racism claims 

Canadian journalist has become the third so-called anti-Muslim activist accused of racism to be barred from Britain in just 72 hours.

Border guards quizzed Lauren Southern for six hours in Calais where she was preparing to come to the UK to interview English Defence League co-founder Tommy Robinson.

It is understood the 22-year-old was hauled in for questioning over concerns surrounding an incident last month in Luton where she is accused of distributing racist material in the form of Islamic posters.

On Friday, right-wing Austrian activist Martin Sellner and his American girlfriend Brittany Pettibone, a YouTube commentator and author, were detained by the British government.

Lauren Southern, 22, who is a Canadian journalist, was denied entry to Britain after she was detained in Calais

Lauren Southern, 22, who is a Canadian journalist, was denied entry to Britain after she was detained in Calais

Border guards quizzed Lauren Southern (pictured) for six hours in Calais where she was preparing to come to the UK to interview English Defence League co-founder Tommy Robinson

Border guards quizzed Lauren Southern (pictured) for six hours in Calais where she was preparing to come to the UK to interview English Defence League co-founder Tommy Robinson

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Martin Sellner of the Generation Identity group and American commentator Brittany Pettibone say they were denied entry to Britain

Martin Sellner of the Generation Identity group and American commentator Brittany Pettibone say they were denied entry to Britain

Sellner said on the video that both of them were handcuffed. He said he planned to give a speech at Speakers' Corner in London's Hyde Park - 'that was my crime.'

Sellner said on the video that both of them were handcuffed. He said he planned to give a speech at Speakers’ Corner in London’s Hyde Park – ‘that was my crime.’

Southern took to Twitter to document the incident, and said: ‘I’m not kidding about this, but during my questioning by the UK police.

‘I was asked about my Christianity and whether I’m a radical. I was also asked how I feel about running Muslims over with cars.

A British security official confirmed all three had been refused entry and said when Sellner and Pettibone landed at Luton Airport, north of London, on Friday, border police refused to allow them to enter Britain.

They were detained and then deported on Sunday.

The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the couple had been banned from entering by Britain’s Home Office on the grounds that their ‘presence in the UK was not conducive to the public good’.

On Monday, British border police stationed in the French port of Calais also denied entry to Southern.

After being detained, Southern tweeted that British authorities had told her she was ‘officially banned from UK for “racism”‘.

The official confirmed that British border authorities had denied Southern permission to enter Britain on the same grounds as the other two activists.

Southern was planning to meet Sellner and Pettibone in Britain, according to the conservative news website Breitbart.

Breitbart also said Sellner had been planning to make a speech in London’s Hyde Park, but that papers served on him by the British authorities alleged the speech was likely to incite ‘tensions between local communities’.

Breitbart said Pettibone was blocked from entering Britain not only in relation to Sellner’s planned speech but also because she planned to interview Tommy Robinson.

Experts who monitor Britain’s far right movements said the government had recently stepped up efforts to keep out ultra-right-wing foreign activists.

Among other Americans who have been banned from Britain are anti-Muslim campaigners Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, and Mark Weber, who heads a California group known for Holocaust denial.

Sellner said in a video posted on Twitter they were detained for three days and then deported 

Sellner said in a video posted on Twitter they were detained for three days and then deported

Far-right activist and girlfriend speak after being deported

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Sellner of the Generation Identity group and American commentator Pettibone tweeted Monday that they were denied entry into Britain.

Sellner said in a video posted on Twitter they were detained for three days and then deported.

He said on the video that both of them were handcuffed. He said he planned to give a speech at Speakers’ Corner in London’s Hyde Park – ‘that was my crime.’

Pettibone said that she was denied entry because she planned to interview far-right leader Tommy Robinson.

She said from Austria: ‘It felt like they were saying,”you’re right-wing, that’s not allowed”.’

Their entry was supposedly denied a day after his group claimed he and Pettibone were detained at the border and then turned away.

A supporter of Martin Sellner is pictured with a lighted flare that was thrown at the group at Speakers' Corner as the Austrian far-right activist said he would address a crowd, but now won't be able to

A supporter of Martin Sellner is pictured with a lighted flare that was thrown at the group at Speakers’ Corner as the Austrian far-right activist said he would address a crowd, but now won’t be able to

Demonstrators have taken to London's Hyde Park after far-right Austrian activist Martin Sellner said he was planning to speak there on Sunday

Demonstrators have taken to London’s Hyde Park after far-right Austrian activist Martin Sellner said he was planning to speak there on Sunday

Pictures today showed demonstrators turning out on both sides as supporters of Mr Sellner clashed with anti-fascist protesters

Pictures today showed demonstrators turning out on both sides as supporters of Mr Sellner clashed with anti-fascist protesters

A supporter of Martin Sellner holds a lighted flare that was thrown at protesters

A supporter of Martin Sellner holds a lighted flare that was thrown at protesters

Supporters of Martin Sellner and Brittany Pettibone at Speakers Corner were confronted by members of London Anifacists

Supporters of Martin Sellner and Brittany Pettibone at Speakers Corner were confronted by members of London Anifacists

The Home Office said the department would not comment on whether Mr Sellner or his girlfriend had been detained, the Evening Standard reported on Sunday.

Mr Sellner said that ‘security risks’ and ‘left wing threats’ forced him to cancel an earlier planned event with UKIP‘s youth wing Young Independence.

Pictures on Sunday showed demonstrators turning out on both sides as supporters of Mr Sellner clashed with anti-fascist protesters.

‘This massive immigration is changing the face of our streets, of our cities, and soon the people who have been living here for thousands of years will be an endangered minority,’ Sellner said last year.

Supporters of the Austrian activist held up placards saying 'Free Sellner' amid claims he and his girlfriend had been refused entry at the UK border

Supporters of the Austrian activist held up placards saying ‘Free Sellner’ amid claims he and his girlfriend had been refused entry at the UK border

The demonstration broke out at Hyde Park after Mr Sellner said he would speak there following the cancellation of an event with UKIP's youth wing 

The demonstration broke out at Hyde Park after Mr Sellner said he would speak there following the cancellation of an event with UKIP’s youth wing

A police officer stands next to signs supporting right-wing Austrian activist Martin Sellner

A police officer stands next to signs supporting right-wing Austrian activist Martin Sellner

The Facebook page of Generation Identity claims that Martin Sellner (pictured in Vienna in 2015) was denied entry at the UK border

The Facebook page of Generation Identity claims that Martin Sellner (pictured in Vienna in 2015) was denied entry at the UK border

He tweeted last Tuesday: ‘My speech for the Young Independence conference was cancelled for the 2nd time, due to security risks caused by left wing threats.

‘But we won’t be silenced. On Sunday the 11th I will give my speech on Speakers’ Corner and I invite everybody who had a ticket for the conference to come!’

Hope Not Hate said Generation Identity had been handing out leaflets near Hyde Park before the planned speech.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5493105/Journalist-anti-Muslim-activist-barred-Britain.html#ixzz59bjCJaam
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Sultry Alt-Right Beauty Brittany Pettibone Detained on Arrival in the UK —  —  The Heavy Hand of Anti-Nationalist Repression in “Conservative” Ruled Britain

Sultry Alt-Right Beauty Brittany Pettibone Detained on Arrival in the UK —  —  The Heavy Hand of Anti-Nationalist Repression in “Conservative” Ruled Britain

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 11, 2018

Twitter Ads info and privacyAccording to Lauren Southern and others, Alt-Lite activist Brittany Pettibone and her boyfriend Generation Identitare figure Martin Sellner have been detained upon entry to the UK.

Southern and Pettibone have been  doing news reporting across Europe for some months or whatever, causing various havoc.

At one point, Southern tried to torpedo a dinghy full of niggers or something I think, can’t really remember the deets on that tale, but I remember it was hardcore.

Pettibone and Sellner were scheduled to meet-up ” race warrior Tommy Robinson, and apparently this is one of the reasons they were detained.

The mainstream Jewish media hasn’t reported on this yet. There are a lot of posts on Twitter about it.

Thot leader Millennial Woes got word.

The UK government is betraying the British people in the worst way imaginable: replacing them with Third World hordes, while keeping out decent Europeans like Martin Sellner and Brittany Pettibone who would warn them of what is being done to them. Treachery is not forgotten.

Twitter Ads info and privacyGeneration Identity London did a protest.

Yesterday, Martin Sellner and Brittany Pettibone were detained by the UK government. They have declared his talk about free speech too dangerous to be heard. https://www.facebook.com/events/1691681177537813/ 

Peter Sweden got snarky.

The UK.

Cannot deport Islamic extremists.
Can deport young Conservative woman (Brittany Pettibone)

Absolute clown land. 🤡

Brittany Pettibone & Martin Sellner are being held in a detention centre in London. They have been there for 2 days and don’t know when they will be allowed to leave. The immigration officer told Brittany she was being detained for ‘planning to meet Tommy Robinson, an extremist”

Peter Sweden gave an update a couple hours ago saying that after two days of detainment, they are being deported.

UPDATE to the Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner being arrested in the UK.

Seems like they are going to be deported tomorrow.

They were detained at the airport because they were going to interview @TRobinsonNewEra according to my source.

What’s going on in the UK?!?!?

I’m not sure why they thought they would be allowed in the UK. No one is allowed in the UK anymore. The place is locked down.

They tried to ban the president of America. Every major Alt-Right figure has been banned.

So I mean, whatever. The entire West is going into lockdown mode because this whole “diversity and inclusivity” thing can only work if you implement full authoritarianism. You can’t allow people to disagree or to even talk about it at all really or it stops working. People really, really hate vibrancy.

Pettibone and Southern got away with doing news reporting on YouTube in mainland Europe because t people hate America and giving them trouble would draw more attention to them than just letting them do their thing.

I don’t know why they thought they could go to Britain.

It’s literally Orwell. [Excerpted from THE DAILY STORMER].