Letter from Jez Turner, Political Prisoner, received this morning, June 5th

Letter from Jez, received this morning, June 5th: Letter from Jez Turner, Political Prisoner, received this morning, June 5th
Dear Alison,

Thank you for your letter.

Interested to hear of the media / net reaction – no access here – so please put all links on to a page / email so I can read when I get out. I always enjoy reading R.H.’s court reports – he should be a court reporter!

I liked the stamps very much. On my arrival another chap had a book and I asked him if I could borrow it while we waited and he said ‘Give it to me next week’ – it saved my life ‘cos nothing to read in the first week here. The book was all about Malta and the aerial duals between Me’s and Macchis vs. Hurricanes and Spitfires! Spits were a big improvement on Hurries BUT the fuel tank was in front of the pilot – not good! Anyway, whole show was a complete waste of life and poor Maltese caught in the middle.

Do hope your trial verdict goes better than mine – by time you receive this you’ll know. I won’t know till S. visits me on Wednesday.

Pleased that Paris went well and the Vichy video came through – a change is as good as a rest!!

It’s funny, but the things I miss the most are the simple things…

Mail for me is censored, but anonymous mail does get through.

Please tell everyone that my spirits are high and that I’m enjoying my holiday at Her Majesty’s Expense! I will return refreshed to the fray!




Good to hear Jez is in good spirits.
I am doing ok, awaiting my punishment due to be pronounced in ten days on the 14th. We will see if the British judiciary is prepared to jail a singer. (I’m told this doesn’t happen even in Venezuela!)
Attached below is my latest blog post along with photographs taken last week during the glorious sunny spell up here in the Peak District (Derbyshire). Hawthorn at its best, lambs in the field and even a paddling cow.
Thanks again for your much appreciated support. 
Best wishes,

Trial of Monika and Alfred Schaefer to Begin in Munich, July 3.

Trial of Monika and Alfred Schaefer to Begin in Munich, July 3.
Free speech advocates and history Truthers Monika and Alfred Schaefer will go on trial at the Court at 16 Nymphenburger Strasse beginning on Monday, July 2, The trial will run July 2-4 and then continue on July 12, 13 and 16. 
Supporters are urged to attend to show solidarity for these free speech political prisoners.


Alfred Termine

Take the time and appear numerous as often as you can.. In this way you can clearly show the helpers of the lie that it is no longer just a marginal phenomenon when people resist with the lies about our history.
Talk to friends and acquaintances, form carpools. 
Be sure to have a valid ID card from the Federal Republic if you want to go to the courtroom. If you – for whatever reason – do not have a valid identity document and do not live too far away from Munich, it might still be worthwhile to “be there”. With large numbers of spectators, unfortunately, it is often the case that not everyone gets into the hall. Then just outside the hall conversations take place, one gets to know each other and shows the flag.
The siblings Schaefer – Monika has been held captive in Stadlheim since 3 January – fight their fight for us, our children and grandchildren. Now we are challenged to show how important the struggle for truth is.

Leftists Stew About Tory Contacts With White Nationalists: The Campaign to Keep People Isolated & Not Talking to One Another

 Leftists Stew About Tory Contacts With White Nationalists: The Campaign to Keep People Isolated & Not Talking to One Another

Ontario PC candidate Donna Skelly gave a special ‘shout out’ to far-right extremists at a Christmas party for campus conservatives

May 28, 2018

An Ontario PC candidate promoted a controversial alt-right website that has a well-documented history amplifying some of Canada’s most toxic and racist personalities during an event for young conservatives in Hamilton last Christmas.

A photo from the event shows Donna Skelly, a former CHCH broadcaster turned city councillor who is currently running for Doug Ford’s Ontario PCs in the Hamilton-area riding of Flamborough-Glanbrook, waving a red hat displaying the words ‘Free Bird Media’ – an imitation of Donald Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’ hat.

Except ‘Free Bird Media’ is an alt-right website whose video archives are filled with hours of speeches and interviews featuring prominent figures on Canada’s far-right, including two men recently charged with hate crimes.

According to a Facebook event page for last December’s “Hamilton Conservative Christmas Formal,” organized by members of McMaster University and Mohawk College’s campus conservative clubs, Skelly was booked as a guest speaker alongside characters from Canada’s online alt-right, including FBM founder Alex Van Hamme.

The photo from the event, uploaded to Facebook by Cosmin Dzsurdzsa, the alt-right website’s “creative director,” is accompanied by a message that reads:

 “Thanks to Donna Skelly – Ward 7 Councillor for the shout out!”


Skelly’s campaign did not respond to a request for comment from PressProgress.

FBM purports to be a platform that promotes “freedom of speech,” yet the website that received a special “shout out” from the sitting Hamilton city councillor and current Ontario PC candidate is filled with speeches and interviews from some of the most radical and extreme figures on Canada’s far-right.

FBM’s YouTube channel includes videos featuring the following personalities:

Paul Fromm: Described by the National Post as “one of Canada’s most notorious white supremacists,” with extensive links to neo-Nazi groups.

James Sears: Editor of the racist, far-right publication ‘Your Ward News’ who was recently charged with hate crimes – according to CBC News, Sears published material that “portrayed Jews as dogs” and “glorified Hitler.”

Kevin Johnston: Anti-Muslim blogger who was charged with a hate crime after offering $1,000 rewards for videos of Muslim school children.

Faith Goldy: Former Rebel Media host denounced by Conservative MP Michael Chong for promoting “white supremacy” and “anti-Semitism” after she appeared on a neo-Nazi podcast. More recently, Goldy recommended a 1930s fascist book advocating the “the elimination of Jews.”


During an interview on CBC News in January, CBC News’ Wendy Mesley questioned controversial professor Jordan Peterson about a photo featuring himself and FBM founder Alex Van Hamme with a flag featuring Pepe the Frog – a cartoon frog used as a coded symbol by the alt-right and other online hate groups.

Van Hamme, a guest speaker alongside Skelly at the Conservative Christmas event, and Peterson were also photographed with a white nationalist who was identified as a member of a group caught plastering racist flyers on the University of Toronto’s campus.

Twitter, Facebook

The Ontario PC candidate also had a front-row seat at the Hamilton Conservative Christmas Formal as Van Hamme delivered a spirited monologue on the “testicles” of “biological male professors” at universities.

Van Hamme informed Skelly and an audience of young conservatives that academia is a “feminine environment” that leaves men “castrated.”

Dzsurdzsa, the FBM director who uploaded the photo of Skelly, also openly touts his experience serving as deputy editor of the US-based Russia Insider website.

According to news outlets ranging from BBC News to Newsweek, Russia Insider is a “Pro-Kremlin propaganda” site with a track record of promoting anti-Semitism.

Russia Insider’s archives show the FBM director published articles calling on Canada to drop sanctions and establish a “healthy trade partnership with Russia”and insinuated Bill C-51 may have been “purposefully” designed to make it a “criminal offence” to express “vocal support for Russia.”

Sad News: England Seeks Deeper into  A Zionist-Controlled Police State

Sad News: England Seeks Deeper into  A Zionist-Controlled Police State 

Chanteuse and satirist Alison Chabloz was convicted for using telecommunications to transmit “grossly offensive” material — songs satirizing the extravagant claims on Jewish “holocaust” survivors. A gloating comment by Gideon Felter,  spokesman for the well-connected and well-funded Campaign Against Anti-semitism made it quite clear that it’s ideas that are being outlawed: ” This verdict sends a strong message that in Britain Holocaust denial and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories will not be tolerated.”

Paul Fromm

YouTuber Alison Chabloz guilty over anti-Semitic songs

Alison ChablozImage copyrightJONATHAN BRADY/ PA
Image captionAlison Chabloz had claimed the prosecution was an attempt to limit her free speech

A blogger has been found guilty of broadcasting anti-Semitic songs on YouTube.

Alison Chabloz, 54, from Glossop, Derbyshire, wrote and performed three songs about Nazi persecution, including one about the young diarist Anne Frank.

Chabloz claimed the Holocaust was “a bunch of lies” and referred to Auschwitz as a “theme park”.

She was warned she may be jailed at her sentencing on 14 June. There was scuffle outside court.

Outside the courtImage copyrightPA
Image captionThere were several heated arguments outside court

Chabloz was convicted of two counts of sending an offensive, indecent or menacing message through a public communications network.

She was further convicted of a third charge relating to a song on YouTube.

District Judge John Zani, sitting at Westminster Magistrates’ Court, said the offences were serious and “the custody threshold may well have been passed.”

When the verdict was given supporters of Chabloz shouted “shame” from the public gallery.

Chabloz was released on bail on the condition she was placed on a night curfew at her home and does not leave England and Wales.

When Chabloz left court there was a scuffle and heated arguments outside, before police arrived to keep the peace.

Outside the courtImage copyrightPA
Image captionPolice arrived to keep the peace after a scuffle outside court
Outside the courtImage copyrightPA

The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism initially brought a private prosecution against Chabloz, before the Crown Prosecution Service took over.

Gideon Falter, the group’s chairman, said: “Alison Chabloz has dedicated herself over the course of years to inciting others to hate Jews, principally by claiming that the Holocaust was a hoax perpetrated by Jews to defraud the world.

“She is now a convicted criminal. This verdict sends a strong message that in Britain Holocaust denial and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories will not be tolerated.”

A CPS spokesman said it first became aware of the private prosecution in December 2016 when Alison Chabloz’s solicitors asked the CPS to take it over and stop it.

However, in 2017, the CPS determined the case should continue and Alison Chabloz was prosecuted.

Alison Chabloz in a video posted on YouTubeImage copyrightYOUTUBE
Image captionAlison Chabloz previously told the court she wanted put across her “political, artistic, creative point”

Chabloz, who describes herself as a Holocaust revisionist, said her music was “satire” and had previously told the court there was “no proof” gas chambers were used to kill Jewish people in World War Two.

However, prosecutors said three of Chabloz’s songs, including one which referred to the notorious Nazi death camp Auschwitz as a “theme park”, were criminally offensive.

Another song included a section set to the tune of a popular Jewish song Hava Nagila.

The defence had told Judge Zani his ruling would set a precedent on the exercise of free speech.

Chabloz had claimed many Jewish people found her songs funny and that no-one was forced to listen to them.



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With the dreary predictability expected of a tinpot police state, outspoken dissident, Alison Chabloz on May 25 was found guilty on all counts when the attractive defendant appeared before Marylebone Magistrates Court.

Alison Chabloz Portrait

This throwback to the Soviet system boasts a corporate media in perfect harmony with the prosecuting counsel. Anyone, no matter how remote, who could be relied on to debauch the dissident’s reputation was media quoted at length. In Britain and the USSR, its once ally, you get two trials; one state and one media with both outcomes being predictable.

It is highly likely that the defendant is tried and convicted, and the media pen-ready, before the trial even takes place. Like elections, the rest is a theatre for the gullible Goyim.

Arrests for political comment

The state charges that directly or indirectly the parody melodies the popular chanteuse sang were deemed to have been ‘grossly offensive’.   She has yet to be sentenced because judge John Judge Zani, (they’re called beaks, in England), called for a probation report prior to sentencing Alison on June 14.

Injustice 3

In a passage of the summing up; “this court is satisfied that the material in each of the songs is grossly offensive as judged by an open and multiracial society, as opposed to, for example, merely offensive.”

A problem for Alison, you cannot go to prison for ‘offensive’ material but you can lose your liberty for ‘grossly offensive’ material. It is unclear as to how one defines the difference. This is not of course an oversight by men in dark places who decide these things.

Injustice 2

The unarguable outcome is that in Britain there is only one opinion that is permissible, the globalists politically correct view.

Whatever one’s political convictions, one has to ask do we really want to live in a state that sends dissidents to prison for being politically unfashionable. This sums up Absurdistan today.

Injustice 1

Britain is using the state police, the courts, and prisons and the press to stifle debate on government immigration and foreign policy; it questions the right of Britons to take responsibility for their sovereignty. Read this passage again and again as it cannot be put clearer than that.

There was a strong turnout at Alison’s trial and a tsunami of sympathy and support, none of which was reported by corporate and state media (BBC).

Free speech now a hate crime

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New collage Sunweel -1




Texas Law Lays the Groundwork for Persecuting Those Who Criticize Israel (I didn’t want to believe it)



TEXAS GROUPS COMING AFTER PEOPLE (BUSINESSES) WHO SUPPORT BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) ACTIVITYhttps://www.jpost.com/Diaspora/Texas-Jewish-groups-take-aim-at-banks-BDS-activity-485230

“Chuck Lindell from the American-Statesman paper reported that the Texas Senate passed the bill opposing BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) by a 25-4 vote and that it was sent to the Texas House of Representatives for a vote. “No senators spoke in opposition to [bill] SB 29 before the vote,” the paper reported, adding that the bill’s author, Sen. Brandon Creighton, said Texas should not do business with companies that participate in the BDS movement. … Charles Kaufman, who chairs B’nai B’rith’s International Center for Human Rights and Public Policy, delivered testimony in the Austin legislature in support of the anti-BDS bill. Kaufman, who lives in Texas, said, “In another time, in another place in history, people who wanted to rid the earth of the Jewish people boycotted their businesses. Filled with fear, these good citizens, stripped of their possessions, separated from their families, would subsequently fill boxcars… and you the know rest.”  (As he trots out the holohoax when it’s financially convenient.)  NOW THEY ARE BOYCOTTING OUR BUSINESSES.

LT GOV DAN PATRICK (Traitor to the Bill of Rights)

Patrick:  “This legislation codifies our commitment to protect Texas trade and oppose discrimination against entities and individuals on the basis of their national origin, ethnicity, or religion.”It won’t play out that way ‘to oppose discrimination’ – it will be a tool to target, criminalize and penalize businesses AND individuals who criticize Israel.  Texas will NOT be a safe place. (Diane)

As of January 2018, 24 states have enacted anti-BDS laws (precursor to antisemitic laws).



My Letter to Lt Gov Patrick and Governor Abbott:

SB 29, the alleged ‘anti-discrimination’ support for Israel – giving the jews in our government the tool to target, criminalize, penalize and ultimately suppress ANY AND ALL criticism, now corporations, colleges but soon, individual expression!!!  Not even our president has that right – nor our Texas governing body.   Do you in Austin realize what you have done!  You have laid the groundwork for stripping us of our right to freedom of expression with the #1 psychopaths on the planet.  And THAT statement alone that I just made could get me in trouble, right? My opinion?  The bill of rights doesn’t count anymore? You know, freedom of expression?  I’m appalled to tears that my state should be one of the 5 who would be the first to bail, buckle and forfeit such protections.
Texas has caved – I’m ashamed to be a Texan. Now ALL states will buckle to the jewish oppressors, but I didn’t think Texas would be in the Top 5. “The bill, authored by Representative Phil King, prohibits the state of Texas from conducting business with companies involved in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel. After the bill becomes law, it ensures that certain public funds are not invested in any entities participating in this movement. Additionally, state contracts will only be given to verified businesses to guarantee that Texas maintains a strong and supportive relationship with Israel.” https://gov.texas.gov/news/post/anti-israel-policies-are-anti-texas-policies
How could you do this?! You signed away our freedom of expression in your state. The law not only prohibits criticism of the BDS movement but it also lays the groundwork for penalizing us for criticizing the psychopathic practices and government of Israel that also includes numerous activities in our country as well. I can’t believe how appalled I feel right now about you and your government. I thought Texas would stand against Free Speech encroachment but instead you’ve welcomed it with open arms. It saddens me to say I will no longer be supporting you. Nor is Texas a place to go to exercise your Bill of Rights freedoms. You have betrayed and slayed us.
Voltaire was noted to have said:  “To learn who rules over you, simply find out whom you are not allowed to criticize”  Israel is NOT our friend. — Diane King

Rogers Cable Practises Political Censorship & Withdraws Invitation to Dr. James Sears to Participate in “All Candidates'” DebateDr

Rogers Cable Practises Political Censorship & Withdraws Invitation to Dr. James Sears to Participate in “All Candidates'” Debate
Dr. James Sears, the energetic editor of the satirical YOUR WARD NEWS is running for the Canadians’ Choice Party in Ottawa Centre against Yasir Naqvi, the Liberal and Pakistani Attorney General, who after months of Zionist and other agitation, authorized charges under Canada’s notorious “hate law” against Dr. Sears and publisher Leroy St. Germaine, on November 10, 2017

A standard feature in elections is for the local cable company to allocate a certain period of time to each candidate so that they can be better known to the public. This is not only a public service but is fair, considering that the cable companies hold a virtual monopoly in an area and a licence to make a great deal of money.
Accordingly, on May 10, Dr. Sears received an e-mail of Stan Newton, a producer at Rogers’ TV Ottawa inviting him to an all-candidates debate, May 15.
—————————- Original Message —————————-
Subject: ROGERS TV – Debate for Ottawa Centre
From:    “Stan Newton” <Stan.Newton@rci.rogers.com>
Date:    Thu, May 10, 2018 17:41
To:      “Dr.James.Sears@CanadiansChoice.com

Hello James,

We have a debate for Ottawa Centre next Tuesday, May 15th at our studio,
details are below.  Could you please confirm your attendance, either way,
as soon as possible?

Thank you

Stan Newton

Rogers TV
475 Richmond Rd.
Ottawa, ON K2A 3Y8

o 613.759.8616

However, the next day he was un-invited for the most blatant political reasons. A Gavin Lumsden from Rogers informed him: ”  It has come to our attention that you have made public statements and espoused views that are entirely inconsistent with the values of Rogers TV.”

The statement in laughable. We are to believe Rogers TV has values other than making money? The Ottawa Centre candidates include a Liberal, and NDP socialist,  a Progressive Conservative, a Green Party representative, a Libertarian, a Communist and a representative of the None-of-the-Above Party. So, can we assume that Rogers’ alleged “values” are consistent with those of the Communist Party? The evil blight of communism left a trail of at least 100-million corpses in Russia, Eastern Europe, Cuba, China,Vietnam and Cambodia in the 20th Century. So, apparently, if Mr. Lumsden is to be believed, Rogers is cool with psychotic mass murder but entirely rejects Dr. Sears’ spirited defence of freedom and patriarchy.
Subject: Rogers TV Debate : Ottawa Centre
From:    “Gavin Lumsden” <Gavin.Lumsden@rci.rogers.com>
Date:    Fri, May 11, 2018 18:43
To:      “Dr.James.Sears@CanadiansChoice.com
leader@NCparty.ca” <leader@NCparty.ca>

Mr. Sears,

I am writing to follow-up on earlier correspondence from my colleague Stan

Since the invitation to the Ottawa Centre Candidates’ Debate was issued to
you, it has come to our attention that you have made public statements and
espoused views that are entirely inconsistent with the values of Rogers

As a result, I am writing to inform you that you will not be permitted to
participate in Rogers TV’s English and French candidates’ debates for the
riding of Ottawa Centre on May 15th.  Your invitation is hereby rescinded.

Gavin Lumsden
tv Rogers / Rogers tv – Ottawa
475 Richmond Road
Ottawa, ON  K2A 3Y8

CAFE has filed a complaint with the CRTC from whom Rogers holds its licence to make money and supposedly serve the public good.
Paul Fromm

If You’re in London, Come Out and Support Chanteuse and Satirist Alison Chabloz When the Verdict is Read, Friday, May 25th, at 10:00 a.m.

If You’re in London, Come Out and Support Chanteuse and Satirist Alison Chabloz When the Verdict is Read, Friday, May 25th, at 10:00 a.m.


Several arrests, multiple charges, ten court hearings, 18 months on bail and two days in jail – all for singing satirical songs alleged to be grossly offensive. Finally, the verdict in Alison Chabloz’ case will be pronounced 10 am this coming Friday, May 25th at Westminster Magistrates Court, Marylebone Rd, London.


Please do come along and show your solidarity.

Rendezvous Marylebone station forecourt from 9 am.

[At present, I have technical problems accessing the mailing lists, so feel free to forward information to those friends you know you would be interested, Stead.]