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With the dreary predictability expected of a tinpot police state, outspoken dissident, Alison Chabloz on May 25 was found guilty on all counts when the attractive defendant appeared before Marylebone Magistrates Court.
This throwback to the Soviet system boasts a corporate media in perfect harmony with the prosecuting counsel. Anyone, no matter how remote, who could be relied on to debauch the dissident’s reputation was media quoted at length. In Britain and the USSR, its once ally, you get two trials; one state and one media with both outcomes being predictable.
It is highly likely that the defendant is tried and convicted, and the media pen-ready, before the trial even takes place. Like elections, the rest is a theatre for the gullible Goyim.
The state charges that directly or indirectly the parody melodies the popular chanteuse sang were deemed to have been ‘grossly offensive’. She has yet to be sentenced because judge John Judge Zani, (they’re called beaks, in England), called for a probation report prior to sentencing Alison on June 14.
In a passage of the summing up; “this court is satisfied that the material in each of the songs is grossly offensive as judged by an open and multiracial society, as opposed to, for example, merely offensive.”
A problem for Alison, you cannot go to prison for ‘offensive’ material but you can lose your liberty for ‘grossly offensive’ material. It is unclear as to how one defines the difference. This is not of course an oversight by men in dark places who decide these things.
The unarguable outcome is that in Britain there is only one opinion that is permissible, the globalists politically correct view.
Whatever one’s political convictions, one has to ask do we really want to live in a state that sends dissidents to prison for being politically unfashionable. This sums up Absurdistan today.
Britain is using the state police, the courts, and prisons and the press to stifle debate on government immigration and foreign policy; it questions the right of Britons to take responsibility for their sovereignty. Read this passage again and again as it cannot be put clearer than that.
There was a strong turnout at Alison’s trial and a tsunami of sympathy and support, none of which was reported by corporate and state media (BBC).
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