Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity


Whatcott Acquitted of “Hate” Charges

Whatcott Acquitted of “Hate” Charges

[It’s been three years of torment for Bill Whatcott. In 2016, he and several other Christians infiltrated the Toronto Gay Pride parade disguised as Gay Zombies and handing out a hard-hitting tract that criticized the practice of homosexuality from both a Biblical and scientific point of view. The LGBTQ crowd has not amused by this spoof. High powered homosexual lawyers launched a class action suit against Mr. Whatcott seeking $104-million for hurt feelings and humiliation and, more deviously, seeking the identity of fellow participants or any who had backed him or housed him or contributed to the printing of his literature. The suit was reluctantly dismissed by a judge.

The lobby did not give up. Ontario’s then lesbian premier Kathleen Wynn and her Pakistani Attorney General Yasir Naqvi gave the necessary Attorney General’s consent to laying of charges under Canada’s notorious anti-“hate” law, Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code. Despite lobbying by CAFE and the Ontario Civil Liberties Association, the new Kathleen Mulroney Doug Ford’s first Attorney General refused to stay the charges or withdraw the A’s consent.

The case slowly wound its way through the courts. The charge was always bogus, easily defended on two grounds: sincerely held religious belief and truth (scientific/medical facts about the vile results of homosexual practices). So, today was a sort of Christmas present for Bill and his family. Yet, it marked once again ABUSE BY PROCESS, how a state beholden to entitled minorities can persecute a person and hobble them with bail conditions, stress and worry.

CAFE reached Bill this afternoon at his home in Alberta to congratulate him. “I am just happy to be able to spend Christmas with my family and not in the South Toronto Detention Centre,” he said. — Paul Fromm, Director, CAFE]


I have been acquitted of the charge “Wilful Promotion of Hatred.” This is good news for me personally. The Crown Prosecutor was seeking 18 months incarceration for my zombie stunt where I snuck into the Toronto Homosexual unGodly pride parade with much needed Gospel literature and medical information warning about the dangers associated with the homosexual lifestyle.

While this is good news for me and to some extent this is good news for all Canadians who value freedom of speech, the judgment is not without its concerns. Justice Goldstein noted my stunt fell into the “grey zone” between freedom of speech which is offensive and hate speech which is criminal.

The flyer which I handed out in the Toronto Homosexual UnGodly Pride Parade in my view should not fall into any type of “grey zone.” Now that my trial is over and my bail conditions are lifted, you can freely view the flyer for yourself. This flyer should be unequivocally legal in a democracy.

To see the now uncensored flyer go here:

Feel free to share my flyer with others. This flyer is no longer under a publication ban. Let me also take this opportunity to thank Mass Resistance for keeping this flyer publicly available on it’s website for people to see when it was illegal for me to share it in Canada.

Notwithstanding this victory, I note religious freedom and freedom of speech still remains distressingly precarious in Canada. I have no easy answers on how to bring back the vibrant and free society we once had, but I do pray that Christians will find their boldness and let their lights shine once again in our land. I do believe where there is a national repentance and where people turn from licentiousness to virtue and self control, we will gain greater freedom.

If we embrace Biblical repentance and turn away from sexual anarchy, atheism, and materialism, and turn towards God and an acceptance of the Lordship of His Son, Jesus Christ, our King over our lives; I believe God’s blessing will come once again. It is clear to me where Christ is, there will also be freedom. Bill Whatcott

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
Galatians 5:1

When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land
2 Chronicles 7:13, 14

Follow Bill on Gab a true free speech  social media platform:

Christian activist willing to go to jail on LGBT hate crime charge: ‘I’m standing for Jesus’

Christian activist willing to go to jail on LGBT hate crime charge: ‘I’m standing for Jesus’

Featured Image

TORONTO, February 14, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — Ontario’s attorney general is proceeding by direct indictment against a Christian activist charged with criminally inciting hatred against “the gay community.”

Bill Whatcott, 52, was in court again Thursday to answer to the Criminal Code charge, which carries a punishment of up to two years in jail.

Ontario Superior Court Justice Nancy Spies scheduled a judicial pre-trial — an in-chambers meeting to discuss trial procedure — for March 19.

His lawyer, Daniel Santoro, is asking that Whatcott be tried by judge and jury.

“My alleged crime is preaching the Gospel and sharing accurate information on the dangers of homosexuality at the Toronto homosexual Pride Parade in 2016,” Whatcott said in a live Facebook post before his court appearance.

“I’m very prepared to pay the price. I’m certainly prepared to go to jail,” he added.

“I am standing for Jesus here.”

“Misplaced hope” in Doug Ford Tories

He and his supporters had a “misplaced hope” that Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservative government would drop what he says is a “politically motivated” charge, Whatcott told LifeSiteNews.

Liberal Attorney General Yasir Naqvi authorized the hate crime charge two months before losing his seat in Ford’s landslide June victory.

Since then, 54,143 people have signed a CitizenGo (here) and LifeSiteNews (here) petitions asking Attorney General Caroline Mulroney to drop the charges.

Instead, Mulroney’s office authorized the Crown on January 21 to proceed by direct indictment, ministry spokesman Brian Gray told LifeSiteNews in an email, adding that he could not comment further on a case before the courts.

“The direct indictment removed Bill’s right to discover witnesses and have the case adjudicated for sufficiency of evidence at a preliminary hearing,” Santoro told LifeSiteNews in an email.

“We also confirmed on the record the election of judge and jury as mode of trial, and I will be requesting further disclosure of the Crown,” he said.

“Zombie safe-sex”

The charge dates back to 2016, when Whatcott registered in the Toronto Pride Parade under the pseudonym Robert Clinton on behalf of the Gay Zombies Cannabis Consumers Association.  

He and several others marched in the parade disguised in skintight green bodysuits and face masks, and distributed 3,000 kits on “Zombie Safe Sex” that included a flyer warning of the physical and spiritual dangers of homosexual activity.

“Natural law is clear, homosexuality is incompatible with human nature. Disease, death and confusion are the sad and sordid realities of the homosexual lifestyle,” it read.

The flyer featured images of anal warts, a mottled corpse described as an “AIDS fatality,” and another of “genital warts in the mouth” set next to a headshot of an open-mouthed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

It excoriated the “homosexual activism” of Trudeau, former Liberal Defence Minister Bill Graham, and former Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne.

After a two-year investigation, Toronto Police Service issued a Canada-wide warrant for Whatcott in May 2018, and he turned himself in to Calgary police in June.

After a weekend in a Toronto jail, Whatcott was released on $5,000 bail with several conditions, including he surrender his passport.

Whatcott was also subject to a $104 million defamation class action lawsuit launched by lawyer Douglas Elliott.

An Ontario judge threw out the case in March 2017 but ordered Whatcott to disclose names of fellow “zombies” and “unidentified financial backers.”

That order is on hold pending appeal.

Canada turning into a “Nazi, communist state”

The Supreme Court of Canada in 2013 upheld a decision by the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission that two of Whatcott’s pamphlets on homosexuality were “hate speech.”

While a crippling blow to free speech, the top court was ruling on whether Whatcott breached the province’s human rights code – not that he had committed a crime.

Canadians should be alarmed at what’s happening to Whatcott, said Pastor Art Pawlowski, founder of Calgary’s Street Church.

“We’re turning Canada into a Nazi state, into a communist state, where if you voice your politically incorrect views, you will be attacked by the forces of the government,” he told LifeSiteNews in an earlier interview.

Meanwhile, the Canada Anti-Hate Network (CAN) has lauded the hate crime prosecution, describing Whatcott as a “notorious homophobe,” and “a leading figure in the dissemination of homophobic hate propaganda in Canada for years.”

Whatcott is also waiting for a ruling from the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal on a discrimination complaint filed by transgender activist Morgane Oger, formerly Ronan Oger, which was heard over five days in December.

Whatcott, who lives in Alberta with his wife and two children, says he lost his job as an oilfield bus driver as a result of the hate crime charge, but he doesn’t regret his actions.

“Unworthy as I am, I think the Lord wanted me to do it,” he told LifeSiteNews.

“Somebody had to speak out. My flyer simply told the truth from a Christian perspective.”

Whatcott’s fundraising page to cover his legal fees can be found at wife Jadranka Whatcott’s GoGetFunding page here.

Last Gasp in War on Free Speech By Ontario’s Outgoing Lesbian Premier & Her Moslem Pakistani Attorney General

Last Gasp in War on Free Speech By Ontario’s Outgoing Lesbian Premier & Her Moslem Pakistani Attorney General

They may be down, but their not yet out. Ontario’s rabidly anti-Christian and anti-free speech Liberals were trounced in the last election and reduced to a 7-MPP rump that doesn’t even qualify for official party status in the legislature. However, they are still in power promoting their pro-LGBTQ, pro-Moslem, anti-free speech agenda. Last year the now-defated Yasir Naqvi, Ontario’s Pakistani, Moslem Attorney General, gave the rarely granted but necessary consent for Sec. 319 “hate law” charges against Kevin J. Johnston, a critic of radical Islamd, and against Dr. James Sears, the editor, and Leroy St. Germaine, the publisher of YOUR WARD NEWS, for their critiques of Jews and extreme feminism. As their parting shot, they have charged Christian evangelist Whatcott for views expressed when he infiltrated the Toronto Gay Pride parade several years ago.
A Canada-wide warrant has been issued for his arrest. [Remember, the persecution of Christians does not only occur in formally communist states like Red China or North Korea; it also occurs in regimes ruled by Cultural Marxist].
Paul Fromm

Whatcott the subject of a Canada wide warrant

Postby Bill Whatcott » Thu Jun 14, 2018 4:55 pm

Dear Friends,

I found out yesterday I am the subject of a Canada wide arrest warrant issued by Toronto’s 51 Division Police Headquarters. It appears I am facing an indictable charge for “Public Incitement of Hatred.”

Public incitement of hatred
319 (1) Every one who, by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or

(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Wilful promotion of hatred
(2) Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years

The “crime?” My ministry bringing the Gospel and the truth about homosexuality to Toronto’s homosexual pride parade in 2016. :icon_rolleyes:

To read about this “crime” that has caused the police to hunt me down in 2 provinces, go to my daughter’s home, and some of my friend’s houses searching for me and for which they appear to want to extradite me to Ontario to stand trial go here: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=10526

Anyways, I will be turning myself into the Calgary Police Service Headquarters on Friday, June 22 at 10:00 am.

Calgary Police Service Address: 5111 47 St. N.E. Calgary

My wife and Pastor Art Pawlowski are organizing a protest in front of the police headquarters in defense of religious freedom and freedom of speech. My wife will be speaking about this case at the March for Jesus in Calgary this coming Saturday.

If you wish to join them:

Jadranka Whatcott: 226-591-2014, e-mail:
Pastor Art Pawlowski: 403-607-4434, e-mail:

In Christ’s Service
Bill Whatcott

“Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” John 8:36

Rogers Cable Practises Political Censorship & Withdraws Invitation to Dr. James Sears to Participate in “All Candidates'” DebateDr

Rogers Cable Practises Political Censorship & Withdraws Invitation to Dr. James Sears to Participate in “All Candidates'” Debate
Dr. James Sears, the energetic editor of the satirical YOUR WARD NEWS is running for the Canadians’ Choice Party in Ottawa Centre against Yasir Naqvi, the Liberal and Pakistani Attorney General, who after months of Zionist and other agitation, authorized charges under Canada’s notorious “hate law” against Dr. Sears and publisher Leroy St. Germaine, on November 10, 2017

A standard feature in elections is for the local cable company to allocate a certain period of time to each candidate so that they can be better known to the public. This is not only a public service but is fair, considering that the cable companies hold a virtual monopoly in an area and a licence to make a great deal of money.
Accordingly, on May 10, Dr. Sears received an e-mail of Stan Newton, a producer at Rogers’ TV Ottawa inviting him to an all-candidates debate, May 15.
—————————- Original Message —————————-
Subject: ROGERS TV – Debate for Ottawa Centre
From:    “Stan Newton” <>
Date:    Thu, May 10, 2018 17:41
To:      “

Hello James,

We have a debate for Ottawa Centre next Tuesday, May 15th at our studio,
details are below.  Could you please confirm your attendance, either way,
as soon as possible?

Thank you

Stan Newton

Rogers TV
475 Richmond Rd.
Ottawa, ON K2A 3Y8
o 613.759.8616

However, the next day he was un-invited for the most blatant political reasons. A Gavin Lumsden from Rogers informed him: ”  It has come to our attention that you have made public statements and espoused views that are entirely inconsistent with the values of Rogers TV.”

The statement in laughable. We are to believe Rogers TV has values other than making money? The Ottawa Centre candidates include a Liberal, and NDP socialist,  a Progressive Conservative, a Green Party representative, a Libertarian, a Communist and a representative of the None-of-the-Above Party. So, can we assume that Rogers’ alleged “values” are consistent with those of the Communist Party? The evil blight of communism left a trail of at least 100-million corpses in Russia, Eastern Europe, Cuba, China,Vietnam and Cambodia in the 20th Century. So, apparently, if Mr. Lumsden is to be believed, Rogers is cool with psychotic mass murder but entirely rejects Dr. Sears’ spirited defence of freedom and patriarchy.
Subject: Rogers TV Debate : Ottawa Centre
From:    “Gavin Lumsden” <>
Date:    Fri, May 11, 2018 18:43
To:      “
<>” <>

Mr. Sears,

I am writing to follow-up on earlier correspondence from my colleague Stan

Since the invitation to the Ottawa Centre Candidates’ Debate was issued to
you, it has come to our attention that you have made public statements and
espoused views that are entirely inconsistent with the values of Rogers

As a result, I am writing to inform you that you will not be permitted to
participate in Rogers TV’s English and French candidates’ debates for the
riding of Ottawa Centre on May 15th.  Your invitation is hereby rescinded.

Gavin Lumsden
tv Rogers / Rogers tv – Ottawa
475 Richmond Road
Ottawa, ON  K2A 3Y8<

CAFE has filed a complaint with the CRTC from whom Rogers holds its licence to make money and supposedly serve the public good.
Paul Fromm

Moslem Attorney General Approves “Hate” Charges Against Critic of Moslems

Moslem Attorney General Approves “Hate” Charges Against Critic of Moslems

Yasir Naqvi, Ontario’s Moslem Attorney General had to approve a Peel Region Police request to lay “hate charges” under Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code against Kevin Johnston, a former mayoralty candidate in Mississauga. Interestingly, Johnston is an outspoken opponent of special treatment for Moslems in the Peel District School Board’s schools. He also strongly opposed Motion-103, the anti-Islamophobia motion by Mississauga Moslem MP Iqra Khalid

The Toronto Star (July 25, 2017) reports: “A Mississauga man who has been charged with willful promotion of hatred says he’s ‘not going anywhere,’ and that he intends to run for mayor of the city. The charges come after ‘a lengthy investigation into numerous incidents reported to police, involving Kevin Johnston and concerns information published on various social media sites,’ Peel police said in a news release Monday.

Johnston, 45, was released on bail after a brief appearance in court Monday. The conditions of his release included an order to have no contact with three people, whose names are under a publication ban. He was also ordered to stay 100 metres away from any mosque or Muslim community centre in Ontario, except for when travelling on the road.


Johnston, wearing a blue polo shirt and jeans, sat calmly in court as the details of the case were read in court.

Outside the courtroom, he was defiant.

‘I’m going to run for mayor against Bonnie Crombie next election,’ Johnston said. ‘She can’t stop me through the courts.’ …

Johnston has previously ran for mayor, and lost to Mississauga Mayor Crombie in 2014. He is best known for his strong views about the Muslim community, having opposed the construction of a mosque in Meadowvale, offered prize money for videos of students praying on Fridays, and protested against the federal anti-Islamophobia motion, M-103.

Last year, a story published on the Mississauga Gazette site resulted in Crombie filing a hate-crime complaint with Peel police. It was not immediately clear if that complaint prompted Monday’s charges. …

At Queen’s Park, Attorney General Yasir Naqvi said the government “takes allegations of hate crime very seriously. Ontario prosecutes these cases vigorously, where there is a reasonable prospect of conviction. ‘In a multicultural and inclusive province like Ontario, the promotion of hatred stands in direct opposition to our fundamental values of equality and diversity. Hate divides people and communities,’ Naqvi said Monday.”

“Inclusive”, ah, yes, but not of critics of Moslems. “Diversity”, yes, but not for people who fear the Islamification of our society. It’s never been clearer that “diversity” is a code word for anti-White.

Image result for kevin j. johnston freedom report

CITY-TV’s report (July 24) added several more chilling details; “He was released on his own undertaking, under a number of conditions including not being allowed within 100 meters of any mosque of Muslim community centre in Ontario.He has also been ordered not to communicate with Muslim lawyer Zoya Alam, Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie and Liberal MP Iqra Khalid. He was further ordered not to posses firearms and not to reveal any details of his case to anyone outside of his own legal counsel.”

Not allowed “to reveal any details of his case to anyone outside his own legal counsel”? Who imposed these Orwellian conditions, an Ontario Court or Kim-Jong-un of North Korea?

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