Whatcott so-called hate crime charge update, June 27, 2019

Christians praying for me minutes before I am taken into custody at the Calgary Police Station to be extradited to Ontario to face a so-called “hate crime” charge for ministering to and speaking out against the Toronto homosexual unGodly pride parade.
Dear Friends,
On Tuesday, June 25th I attended the Ontario Superior Court, before Justice McMahon, for another Judicial Pre-Trial hearing (JPT). This hearing was for the so-called “hate crime” charge related to my zombie Gospel stunt in the Toronto homosexual shame parade in June 2016. You can read about it here: https://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen … index.html
Tuesday’s JPT was to sort out legal representation. My pro-life lawyer friend Daniel Santoro is unable to continue with this case. Another lawyer has expressed an interest in taking the case on, provided I am able to qualify for Legal Aid. Ontario’s Legal Aid system is pretty much bankrupted as far as I can tell so the vast majority of cases are being refused, even when the applicants are indigent, but we will see what happens. The Go Get Funding campaigns helped with my previous lawyers, and helped my family make it the past year in Alberta, but as far as I can tell my friends are understandably exhausted on my cases and at least in Ontario I can work at something to support myself.
My new (potential) lawyer is clear a few hundred dollars from my friends is hardly worth an hour of his time and my case being as complex as it is will likely require hundreds of hours of work if it is to look like something resembling credible legal representation in Ontario’s convoluted, somewhat corrupt (in my view), inefficient, and ridiculously expensive, criminal justice system.
Ontario Legal Aid turned me down once already, but now that I am residing in the province and am working part time as a delivery driver ($17 hr, approx 12 hours a week) and as far as I can tell the only wealth I own is the imperishable kind that is attained in heaven; I think I should qualify. The new lawyer (who is not on record yet) thinks there is a chance I may qualify, so he put in an appeal to Legal Aid.
For those who wish to pray for me, you can lift this matter up in prayer.
My next court date is at the:
Ontario Superior Court, 361 University Ave, Toronto
09:30 am, Thursday, July 25th
Justice McMahon said my trial will go ahead January 6th, 2020, whether I have counsel or not.
As for the $55,000 BC Human Rights Tribunal judgment that I am facing for correctly gendering the BC NDP Vice President Mr. Oger and urging BC voters to not vote for him, that judgment is now under appeal.
In Christ’s Service
Bill Whatcott
“For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”
Jesus Christ