Judge Moore’s Decision Acquitting Dr. James Sears in the Kinsella’s “Uttering Threats” Vanity Prosecution

Judge Moore’s Decision Acquitting Dr. James Sears in the Kinsella’s “Uttering Threats” Vanity Prosecution



CITATION:  R. v. Sears, 2018 ONCJ 866

DATE:  2018 12 10

COURT FILE No.:  Toronto 4811 998 17 10000304 01







— AND —





Before Justice D. Moore

Heard on October 23-25, 30, and November 6, 2018

Reasons for Judgment released on December 10, 2018



  1. Giovinazzo………………………………………………………………………….. counsel for the Crown
  2. Murphy…………………………….  s. 486 counsel for the defendant Leroy St. Germaine[1]
  3. Gray …………………………………. s. 486 counsel for the defendant James Sears

The defendant James Sears…………………………………………………………. on his own behalf


  1. MOORE J.:

[1]           Mr. Sears is charged with “Threatening Death” contrary to s. 264.1 of the Criminal Code.   Although there was no formal admission, it was not seriously contested that Mr. Sears wrote the purported threat in an article that was published in the summer 2017 edition of “Your Ward News” a publication which lists him as the “Editor in Chief”.

[2]           The alleged threat is contained in an article[2] about an investigation of Mr. Sears by the Children’s Aid Society wherein he is extremely critical of the Society, to put it mildly.  In the article Mr. Sears theorizes that the cause of the Children’s Aid Society investigation was either the complainant Lisa Kinsella herself, or someone associated with her, or perhaps someone who had read an article she published online in the Huffington Post that was critical of Mr. Sears and Your Ward News.[3]  The alleged threat is the following passage:

I have not told our story to anyone until now.  My close friends will first learn of it in this article and wonder why I kept it from them.  No offence, but Colette and I remained silent because we have more morals than Lisa and Warren Kinsella.  You see, if I told my friends, thousands of people on my mailing list, and hundreds of thousands of readers of Your Ward News [emphasis in original] about it, while a CAS investigation was active and our son could still have been kidnapped, there was the chance that some hothead who cares deeply about me and my family, would lose it and do something illegal, like bludgeon the Kinsella’s to death.  No matter how little respect I have for them, as a Christian, I chose to turn the other cheek and let enough time pass for the people who love, would give their lives for, or would go to jail for, me and my family, to react with cooler heads.[4]

[3]           Is the above passage a threat to kill Warren and Lisa Kinsella?  This is the central issue for me to determine.  In R. v. McRae[5] the Supreme Court of Canada set out the law as follows:

10     … The question of whether words constitute a threat is a question of law to be decided on an objective standard…

11     The starting point of the analysis should always be the plain and ordinary meaning of the words uttered. Where the words clearly constitute a threat and there is no reason to believe that they had a secondary or less obvious meaning, the analysis is complete. However, in some cases, the context reveals that words that would on their face appear threatening may not constitute threats within the meaning of s. 264.1(1)(a) (see e.g. O’Brien, at paras. 10-12). In other cases, contextual factors might have the effect of elevating to the level of threats words that would, on their face, appear relatively innocent (see e.g. R. v. MacDonald (2002), 2002 CanLII 14251 (ON CA), 166 O.A.C. 121, where the words uttered were “You’re next”).


15     Thus, while testimony from persons who heard or were the object of the threat may be considered in applying this objective test, the question in relation to the prohibited act is not whether people in fact felt threatened. As the Court of Appeal for Ontario put it in Batista, witness opinions are relevant to the application of the reasonable person standard; however, they are not determinative, given that they amount to personal opinions and “d[o] not necessarily satisfy the requirements of the legal test” (para. 26).

16     To conclude on this point, the prohibited act of the offence of uttering threats will be made out if a reasonable person fully aware of the circumstances in which the words were uttered or conveyed would have perceived them to be a threat of death or bodily harm.

[4]           I find that the plain and ordinary meaning of the words in the impugned passage do not constitute a threat to kill the Kinsellas.  In R. v. Clemente[6] the Supreme Court of Canada cited the Oxford English Dictionary definition of a threat, “A denunciation to a person of ill to befall him; esp. a declaration of hostile determination or of loss, pain, punishment or damage to be inflicted in retribution for or conditionally upon some course; a menace.” [emphasis in original]  A threat must thus be forward-looking, not a comment on something that could have or even should have happened in the past if certain conditions had been met.  For this reason, coupled with the stated desire in the passage that Mr. Sears timed the article to avoid the risk of someone bludgeoning the Kinsellas to death I cannot find on this first step of the analysis that a threat is made out.

[5]           That does not end the matter, of course.  I must now consider whether contextual factors give the passage a threatening meaning not apparent on a plain reading.

[6]           Warren and Lisa Kinsella gave evidence over the course of three days.  To say that their “relationship”[7] with Mr. Sears is an extremely hostile one would be a vast understatement.  The “relationship” commenced several years ago and consisted of writings by Mr. Sears and others published in Your Ward News about initially Warren and later Lisa Kinsella with accompanying photoshopped images and graphics.  The articles and images are derogatory, demeaning, insulting, rude, crude, and designed, according to Mr. Sears, to incite and provoke a response from Mr. Kinsella in order to bring attention to Your Ward News (as Mr. Kinsella has a significant public profile).[8]  In addition to the personal attacks the content of Your Ward News generally is deeply offensive to both Warren and Lisa Kinsella.  In response they participated in, organized, and/or commenced a variety of legal and political actions aimed at exposing, opposing, and/or shutting down Your Ward News.  They wrote articles, held press conferences, lobbied politicians, and commenced this proceeding by laying a private information, amongst other things.

[7]           I completely accept their evidence that they perceived the reference to “bludgeon the Kinsella’s to death” as a call to action and a real threat to their personal safety that they took seriously.  I also find that their negative views of Your Ward News and Mr. Sears are completely understandable, justified, and sincerely held.  However, I find their interpretation of the alleged threat to be of little assistance to me in assessing on an objective basis how a reasonable person would interpret the words written, since when it comes to Mr. Sears and Your Ward News they are the opposite of dispassionate and unbiased.  They perceive everything in the worst possible light.[9]

[8]            The Crown submitted that my interpretation of the alleged threat should be guided by a review of a number of other articles and graphic depictions in Your Ward News and to that end filed Exhibits 3 and 4, containing the June, July, and November, 2015, February, Spring, Summer and Fall, 2016 editions of Your Ward News in addition to the Summer 2017 edition which contains the alleged threat.  These editions of Your Ward News essentially make up the entirety of the Crown’s case other than the testimony of Lisa and Warren Kinsella.

[9]           I certainly agree that due to:

  •     the history of animus in the articles by Mr. Sears in Your Ward News directed at Warren and Lisa Kinsella,
  •     the history of animus in the graphical depictions of Warren and Lisa Kinsella in Your Ward News (which although Mr. Sears likely did not create them as Editor I find he must have had some control over them, particularly when the graphics accompany an article by Mr. Sears[10])
  •     the occasional use of “coded” or symbolic language in Your Ward News by Mr. Sears
  •     the article containing the alleged threat was about what Mr. Sears portrayed as a significant threat to the safety and wellbeing of his infant son and not a more general political issue;
  •     the article blaming Lisa Kinsella for directly or indirectly causing this threat to his family
  •     Mr. Sears’ statement in an article unrelated to Warren or Lisa Kinsella in 2015 that, “I do not believe in vigilante justice unless someone is threatening the life or wellbeing of me or my family.”

it is possible to reasonably interpret the impugned passage as a threat to kill.  This interpretation results from focusing in on “some hothead who cares deeply about me and my family, would lose it and do something illegal like bludgeon the Kinsella’s to death…people who love, would give their lives for, or would go to jail for, me and my family” and ignoring other portions of the passage as being there for the purpose of creating plausible deniability or as “window dressing” for “veiling” the threat.

[10]        While this possible reasonable interpretation was certainly sufficient to justify the laying of the charge and the initiation of process on the standard of reasonable and probable grounds,[11] the standard I must consider is proof beyond a reasonable doubt.  That latter standard requires that I must acquit Mr. Sears unless the evidence satisfies me that the only reasonable interpretation of the passage is that it is a threat.  A finding that a threat to kill is a possible, or even the most likely, reasonable interpretation must lead to an acquittal.[12]

[11]        Having considered all of the evidence I am unable to find that the threat to kill interpretation set out above is even the most likely interpretation, let alone the only reasonable interpretation.  In my view a reasonable person looking at all the evidence would find that the most likely interpretation is the plain and ordinary meaning of the words and the contextual evidence does not justify displacing that meaning for the more sinister one of a threat to kill.

[12]        Had I found that the words did indeed constitute a threat to kill I would have concluded that Mr. Sears did intend them to be so, since in my view the evidence clearly establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr. Sears chooses his words very carefully and deliberately, and there would not have been a doubt about there being a secondary, innocent meaning between these very hostile parties.[13]

[13]        I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Giovinazzo, Mr. Murphy, and Mr. Gray for providing tremendous assistance to me in what has been at times a very difficult, emotional case.  All three conducted themselves in the finest traditions of the Bar and I commend them.

[14]        I find Mr. Sears not guilty of threatening to kill Warren and Lisa Kinsella and order that an acquittal be entered.

Released:  December 10, 2018





Signed: Justice D. Moore

[1] On October 25, 2018 I granted a nonsuit application brought by Mr. St. Germain at the close of the Crown’s case and accordingly dismissed the charge against him.

[2] Exhibit 4 Tab 2 p. 6-7, J. Sears in Your Ward News Summer 2017, “Children’s Aid: Righteous Crusade or Greedy Charade”

[3] Exhibit 20, article by L. Kinsella from the Huffington Post, “I’m Fighting to Keep a Neo-Nazi Paper Out of My Neighbourhood”

[4] Exhibit 4 tab 2 p. 7

[5] [2013] S.C.J. No. 68 at paras. 10-16

[6] 1994 CanLII 49 (SCC), [1994] S.C.J. No. 50 at para. 7

[7] I use quotation marks as the Kinsellas had apparently never been in Mr. Sears’ presence until this trial.

[8] Exhibit 3, Tab 1, Your Ward News, June 2015, p. 1-2 “I Love Pulling Warren Kinsella’s Strings!” article by James Sears

[9] Because I have decided to give little weight to their perceptions of the alleged threat due to their admitted bias (something not seriously contested by the Crown during submissions) I will refrain from conducting a detailed credibility analysis.  Suffice it to say that Mr. Murphy and Mr. Gray were extremely effective in their cross examinations.

[10] Exhibit 3, Tab 4, Spring 2016 Edition of Your Ward News, p. 3 “Message from our Editor-in-Chief” by James Sears, “I must dedicate two solid weeks per month to prepare each issue.  I must direct our talented graphic artist Robert James on exactly how I want the paper laid out and what images I want created”.

[11] As I had earlier found in dismissing Mr. Sears’ and Mr. St. Germain’s application for a stay of proceedings, oral reasons on September 20, 2018

[12] The Crown conceded this was the correct interpretation of the law.  Although not directly on point see the decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in R. v. Villaroman 2016 SCC 33 (CanLII), [2016], 1 S.C.R. 1000 at paras. 16-43

[13] Also see Exhibit 3, Tab 1, Your Ward News, June 2015, p. 1-2 “I Love Pulling Warren Kinsella’s Strings!” article by James Sears

ALISON CHABLOZ: Appeal Fiasco Is a Reflection of Shambolic English Court and Criminal Justice System

ALISON CHABLOZ: Appeal Fiasco Is a Reflection of Shambolic English Court and Criminal Justice System
by Alison Chabloz – December 11, 2018

At Monday’s Southwark Crown Court hearing for mention and fix for my Appeal, the listing clerk apologetically explained that she had requested the presence of two magistrates for the scheduled December dates as early as September 30th. She was notified only late afternoon Friday that none were available.

The Court eventually did however manage to find enough jurors for the Legal Argument part of my Appeal to go ahead by having surplus jurors sent over from the Old Bailey. Mid-morning, I was contacted by my barrister who said that the Legal Arguments might proceed if I was still able to attend.

I refused.

Did the Court want a hearing without media attention and without supporters or counter-protesters? I certainly wasn’t going to be able to organise security at such short notice, not to mention the worry of being arrested outside court as happened in October 2017, when I was 
handcuffed, thrown into the back of a freezing police van and held in custody for 48 hours – for singing songs!

A couple of supporters who for some reason had not received my update did turn up in Southwark. Yesterday’s events as described to me by one of them confirm the impression of yet another scene from a satire by Molière: papers endlessly shuffled around or lost; yet another new judge who admitted not having read either of the briefs submitted; vanishing jurors… In short, a total fiasco.

The Appeal has now been rescheduled for three days starting February 11th.

Christian Activist Blasts BC Human Rights Tribunal for Calling a Transgendered She While Insisting Defence Not Call Oger “He”

Christian Activist Kari Simpson Blasts BC Human Rights Tribunal for Calling a Transgendered She While Insisting Defence Not Call Oger “He”


Daniel Varnals



Notice to Panel Members: Oger v Whatcott

Cease disrespectful and offensive language use in addressing Complainant Oger.

I will be attending the hearing again today and trust you will be respectful of those, like me and many others in the hearing room, who do not engage in a dissociative reality and refrain from trampling on the rights of women.


Please refer to the Complainant simply as “the complainant”.  The use of associative feminine related language to address a biological male is at best ludicrous from a position of logic and degrading, disrespectful and humiliating to those whose gender identity and reality is female – a Charter protected, provable state of being. I find it astonishing that special rights and privilege to the exclusion of others would be on such blatant and overtly biased display by the Tribunal members.

Please adjust your conduct to be respectful of all protected groups and people. I appreciate that Complainant Oger’s legal counsel will continue to abuse the English language and reality, that is ok, we have free speech but as impartial jurists your responsibilities and obligations include impartiality.

I would also bring to your attention that my assistant was shocked to be using, what should be a safe place for a woman-the bathroom, only to find a biological man in the same facility.  The BCHRT is there to protect the rights of woman and should be a safe place.

Please remedy this situation immediately.  Provide use of an independent bathroom for individuals who identify contrary to their biology if need be but don’t trample on my rights to accommodate another’s.

Thank you,

Kari Simpson

Executive Director Culture Guard

Tribunal enforces transgendered agenda and compelled speech. Defence lawyer Dr. Charles Lugosi repeatedly admonished for calling Oger “he.”

Tribunal enforces transgendered agenda and compelled speech. Defence lawyer Dr. Charles Lugosi repeatedly admonished for calling Oger “he.” 
Exclusive report by Paul Fromm
* Tribunal threatens to ban Bill Whatcott from his own hearing & fine him for speaking out saying ,”Stop harassing my lawyer!” 
Paul Fromm joins Brian Ruhe at the BC Human Rights Tribunal, Dec. 11, 2018. This was after the first day of…

Day 1 British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal & News Coverage

Day 1 British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal & News Coverage

Day 1 British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal & News Coverage

Postby Bill Whatcott » Wed Dec 12, 2018 1:31 am

Bill Whatcott at 8:30 am standing with supporters in front of a coffee shop next to the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal (BCHRT) on Robson St in Vancouver

Whatcott with supporters

Pro-homofascism supporters fail to show love and acceptance to Bill Whatcott

In fact they called the police on Bill and attempted to get him arrested when he started handing out his newest flyer exposing the corrupt workings of the BCHRT. You can see Bill’s newest hard hitting flyer here if you scroll to the bottom of the post here: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=10738

Anyways, a lady with the pro-homo group attempted to get me arrested by asking me when the cop was talking to me “Were you not arrested for a hate crime for handing out a similar flyer in Toronto?” I looked at her and as politely as possible asked her to “go flush your head down a toilet.” I then got back to handing out my flyers and the two cops after reading my flyer left.

Once it got close to hearing time I went upstairs and here is the last picture I was allowed to take before the kangaroo inquisition began

The kangaroo inquisition began poorly enough. My side asked for one extra chair and Mr. Ronan Oger (the transvestite complainant) interjected himself into our request and said I should not be able to have an extra chair for my side. I commented “Ronan being his usual gracious self.” I then went outside of the hearing room to stand with my supporter until he could get a chair and notwithstanding Ronan’s lack of class, my supporter was eventually given a chair in the hearing room and after that little kerfuffle, my lawyer, Mr. Oger’s lawyer, and the lawyers for the interveners, Justice Centre, CAFE, West Coast LEAF and BCTF each gave 10 minute opening remarks.

My lawyer argued for a functioning democracy to work we have to be free to criticize all aspects of a candidate’s life. Ronan Oger’s lawyer spoke nonsense that my words could lead to violence and were preventing Ronan from participating in the political discourse.

The lawyer for West Coast LEAF went on about “non-binary,” “Two spirited,” “Trans,” gender expressions needing human rights protection. She seemed to reject the notion that wishing to speak in a way that is grounded in reality should be a human right.

The West Coast LEAF lawyer also accused me of wanting to remove Mr. Oger from the political debate. She didn’t understand, Ronan could run for office just fine, but in a democracy would have to deal with the fact I don’t agree he is a woman.

The BCTF lawyer understood what was at stake, though she is on the other side. She warned this case will set a precedent that will effect the entire country.

I enjoyed the JCCF lawyer’s submission. He warned election freedom its self is at stake in this case and passionately defended freedom of speech.

Early in the proceedings Ronan’s lawyer Susanna Quail disrupted the hearing and complained my lawyer was “misgendering” Mr. Oger.

At lunch hour Mr. Oger’s lawyer complained I was posting on Facebook during the trial and clearly her client was unhappy that my Facebook posts were critical of his claims he is a woman. I was ordered by the Tribunal Chair to quit posting in the hearing room.

Ronan went on for awhile under cross examination about his alleged fear for his personal safety and how my flyer ruined his life.

When my lawyer was cross examining Mr. Oger about his subjective experiences, Oger’s lawyer repeatedly objected to my lawyer’s line of questioning and the Tribunal upheld all of her objections. My lawyer found it hard to question and while he tried to stay neutral with pronouns and mostly referred to Ronan as “The Complainant,” a couple times he slipped up and called Ronan “he,” thereby eliciting the wrath of all three Tribunal members. (Devyn Cousineau, Diana Juricevic, Norman Trerise)

After Devyn Cousineau (NDP supporter and financial contributer to tranvestite political groups) berated my lawyer harshly and warned Dr. Lugosi he “misgendered” Mr. Oger “5 times,” Tribunal member Norman Trerise accidentally refered to Mr. Oger as a “he” and promptly apologized.

I got upset and demanded the Tribunal members quit bullying Mr. Lugosi and I yelled out “The Emporer has no clothes, even Norman accidentally called Ronan what he is, a guy.”

The adjudicator Norman Trerise got upset with me for saying that and ordered me to shut up. After a short recess, adjudicator Diana Juricevic warned me if I had an “outburst” like that again I would be removed from my own hearing and ordered to pay costs.

Kari Simpson of Culture Guard who is helping my lawyer, was also ordered not to talk anymore as she asked the Tribunal to quit offending her by misgendering Mr. Oger with their pretending he is a female.

The Tribunal ended at 4:30 pm and is set to resume tomorrow.

Please pray for us…….

“They traded God’s truth for a lie, and they worshipped and served the creation instead of the creator, who is blessed forev



Please read BELOW even if you don’t sign …… You may not agree
with him but we all have a RIGHT to our Beliefs.
Without that RIGHT, we are no longer a democracy but a dictatorship!
I don’t usually sign these  Petitions but this is “overkill”  IMHO.
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2018 6:22 AM
To: Laurell
Subject: Fwd: Free Speech on Trial This Week in BC

Send  it around to as many on your list as possible.

Subject: Free Speech on Trial This Week in BC

Dismiss the Complaint Against Bill Whatcott in BC

TO: BC Human Rights Tribunal

RE: Case# 16408 (Oger v. Whatcott)

In the case of Oger v. Whatcott, I ask
that the complaint against Mr. Whatcott be dismissed immediately.

Mr. Whatcott freely admits producing
flyers that identify the complainant’s biological sex. He did this to
provide the voting public with information about a public figure
running for public office. The public has a right to know about the
lives and backgrounds of those who are elected to represent them. This
is necessary for a free and open society to function.

Mr. Whatcott’s further comments on
transgenderism are based both in scientific fact and in his Christian
faith. Science has shown that it is impossible to truly change one’s
biological sex, and the Bible teaches it is sinful to try. The
complainant may be personally offended by these statements, but they
are a far cry from being an attack on anyone’s dignity, feelings,
reputation, or self-respect, as the complainant asserts.

Mr. Whatcott produced his flyer not as
an act of hatred or hostility, but out of concern for the truth, for
God’s Word, and for the complainant’s eternal soul.

If an ordinary citizen is no longer free
to express his beliefs, opinions, and thoughts, especially when those
are well-grounded in science and Christian tradition, then our society
is no longer truly free. Our human rights code must never be used as
an instrument of suppression, but rather as a force for freedom and
liberation for all.


Dear Sally,

I have been following the “hate crimes trial”
of Bill Whatcott since the summer. This Christian activist from
Alberta was charged with the “willful promotion of hatred” against
“gays” – a very serious offence that could land him in prison for two

Bill was charged because he had the courage to
peacefully pass out some flyers during a “gay pride” parade in Toronto
back in 2016. Those flyers warned about the health hazards of
homosexuality and presented a Gospel message of hope for those who
repent and turn to Christ. There was absolutely no hatred in his
messaging – and he was certainly not calling on anyone to hurt, harm,
or harass LGBT practitioners.

Bill’s hate crimes trial is set to continue in
Ontario in the new year. (You can read more about it on our petition

Meanwhile, all the way across the country in
British Columbia, Bill Whatcott is facing another frivolous legal
battle. This week, from Tuesday to Friday, Bill will be appearing
before the BC Human Rights Tribunal in order to face a complaint
brought by a person who goes by the name of Ms. Morgane Oger.


Ms. Morgane is actually a Mr. – he is a
biological male who was once married and has even fathered children.
He also happens to be the vice-president of the BC NDP – which gives
him a certain political clout.

When Mr. Oger was running in the recent
election, Bill put together some pamphlets to advise BC citizens of
Mr. Oger’s deceptive lifestyle. They rightfully informed otherwise
unknowing voters that this individual on the ballot is presenting
himself falsely. They also shared the Biblical and scientific truth of
our human gender identity: God created us male and female – and it is
impossible to switch from one sex to the other.

Whether one agrees or disagrees with
transgenderism and its underlying “gender theory”, we cannot allow the
BC Human Rights Tribunal to close all debate on the subject. It is not
up to this quasi-judicial body to decide which groups of people do and
do not enjoy freedom of expression and religion. We ALL have the right
to share our sincerely-held beliefs – whether other people like it or
not. Without that right, we are no longer a democracy but a

Please join me in signing this new petition in
support of Bill Whatcott, addressed to the BC Human Rights Tribunal.


Yours for Freedom,

David Cooke and the Entire CitizenGO Team

P.S. If you are in the Vancouver area, there
will be a gathering of support for Bill in front of the BC Human
Rights Tribunal at 605 Robson St. on Wed. Dec. 12th at noon. Please
join in if you are able.


A Battle for Freedom of Speech and Religious Liberty: Bill Whatcott, the Evangelist, versus Ronan Oger, the Transgendered

                This will be a very expensive Autumn for CAFE. We have intervenor status in the complaint by Ronan Oger, now calling himself Morgane, a transgendered activist who filed a complaint against Bill Whatcott for distributing some 1,500 leaflets during the May, 2017 British Columbia provincial election. Oger, it was publicized,  a vice president of the NDP in B.C., might be the first elected transgendered creature in Canada. Oh, wow!

                But it was not to be. Mr. Whatcott’s leaflet argued that the Bible says there are only two sexes: man and woman. If Oger can’t even get his sexuality straight, can he really be trusted to make weighty decisions on finance and other matters. Oger lost in an election that was trending NDP in urban areas. He threw a hissy fit and filed a complaint with the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal, alleging that Mr. Whatcott’s leaflets were discriminatory and wounded his “dignity” on the basis of his sexual identity. It might be argued that a guy who puts on a dress, earings and lipstick has already damaged his own dignity.


Ronan, now “Morgane” Oger

                As bizarre as all this may sound, it’s actually quite serious. Part of our democratic freedoms is the right to support or challenge a candidate on the basis of character and policy. Bill Whatcott very skillfully challenged Oger’s delusions about sexual identity — he was married to a woman and fathered two children — and argued that such confusion raised questions about his suitability for public office. Should the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal find against Mr. Whatcott, we shall be seeing the limiting of one’s right even to criticize someone’s sexual identity. If I wake up one morning and feel I am Napoleon, no one should be compelled to address me as “Emperor”.

             The Tribunal is already insisting that participants play in Oger’s delusional sandbox. In our submissions, we must refer to him as her/she. CAFE refuses to say the Earth is flat. So, our written submissions may seem awkward. Thus, “Oger’s complaint [we will not say, “Morgane”] was filed as retaliation for Oger’s having lost the 2017 election”. You get the picture.

                There is strong reason to suspect that the Tribunal chair (no, that’s a piece of furniture), chairman (oops, that might be sexist), chairwoman (? whatever) is hopelessly biased. As of November 11,  defence has not yet won a single motion. The chairman, Devyn Cousineau (that’s a woman) is a radical pro-lesbian activist and financial donor. For instance, in  each of 2014, 2015, and 2016, she contributed between $100 and $249 to Qmunity, a group dedicated to “building better, queer, trans and 2-spirited lives 365 days of the year” and in 2013 an unspecified sum to the  same cause. We have challenged her to recuse herself on the basis of “a reasonable apprehension of bias”. She has refused, but, perhaps, feeling vulnerable, late in the day asked the government to appoint two more adjudicators to make it a panel of three. The proceedings are getting nasty.

                Oger’s lesbian lawyer is demanding $5,000 in costs before the hearing is even held. Cousineau has not yet ruled on this but notes: “Mr. Whatcott’s public comments are deliberately derogatory towards Ms. Oger. He is also, in colourful terms, highly critical of the Tribunal and me personally and clear in his view that this process is a ‘kangeroo court’.

                CAFE, apparently, is limited to making submissions only on the main argument but not in procedural matters. Because we did make several other submissions, we, too, are under fire. We’ve been threatened. On November 1, Cousineau wrote: “CAFE is cautioned that its conduct in respect of Ms Oger’s costs application was improper [we were not supposed to make a submission] and that I will revoke its intervenor status if its attacks on Ms Oger continue.” [So, you shut up!]

                Let’s just say, things are getting nasty. Mr. Whatcott has an excellent Victoria-based lawyer Charles Lugosi. We have paid for some legal work for our submissions thus far. The Tribunal will run from December 11-17 in Vancouver. I reckon the costs of our participation during the hearing will be $5,000. We desperately need your support today!

              I am heading to Vancouver and the bank account is almost empty! We need your support TODAY. Earlier this year, the globalist censors at PayPal arbitrarily cancelled our account. Thus, we must rely on two old fashioned payment methods:

  1. Mail us a cheque or money order TODAY to CAFE, P.O. Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M94 5L3, CANADA.
  2. Or, if you feel comfortable, send your VISA or Mastercard number in two e-mails (number in one, expiry date in second) topaul@paulfromm.comOR call in this information to 416-428-5308.

                Thanking you in advance for your support for the cause of free speech and, if it is not too politically incorrect, wishing you and your family a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS, I remain,

                                                                                                                Sincerely yours,

                                                                                                                Paul Fromm


                                        CANADIAN ASSOCIATION FOR FREE EXPRESSION

Secret Police Pounce: Dissent Is Not Allowed

Secret Police Pounce: Dissent Is Not Allowed


The European spring is spreading

Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars.com – DECEMBER 6, 2018

Police in the Netherlands have arrested the leader of Dutch ‘yellow vests’ movement ahead of planned nationwide protests against “political correctness” and open border policies this weekend.
According to De Telegraaf, at around 9:45am this morning, “police arrested an activist of the ‘yellow vests’ in Maastricht for incitement via social media.”
The same man was arrested during last weekend’s yellow vest demonstration in Maastricht.
According to another member of the group, who argues that the arrested man has only ever been peaceful, the arrest is an effort to intimidate other protesters from joining the movement.
The ‘yellow vest’ movement is an organic uprising of working European citizens irate at their government’s open border and high taxation policies.
Dutch citizens will again take to the streets this weekend in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Maastricht, Groningen, and The Hague to protest against “political correctness,” open border policies and left-liberal Prime Minister Mark Rutte.
The group is calling for a lowering of the age at which pensions can be received, a reduction in excise duties and, according to one protester, the revolt is a statement “against the hardening of society.”
“Freedom of expression is under pressure, we have to be politically correct. It is a struggle,” said Ms Deerenberg.

“With the demonstration, I want to show that we want a voice,” she remarked, adding, “The problem is that we are no longer being heard. A lot is being decided over our heads.”
Organizers have banned banners, flags, or face coverings/balaclavas, perhaps in an effort to deter left-wing agitators.
Following weeks of protests across France, some of which turned violent, the French government announced it would permanently cancel planned gas tax hikes.
However, the demonstrations were not just about fuel tax and protesters have vowed to hit the streets again this weekend.
As we previously highlighted, the bulk of the demonstrators appear to be lower middle class and working class people who live in the countryside and small towns who have been left behind by globalism.
Demonstrators have seen their cost of living rise while migrants from the Middle East and Africa continue to arrive at taxpayer expense.
Last week, demonstrators scrawled scrawled “Macron resign” and “The yellow vests will triumph” on the famous Arc de Triomphe monument in Paris, while Macron, whose approval rating has sunk to 23 per cent, was also pelted with an egg during a public appearance.


Britain First
For the past 9 months, I was either behind bars or forced to reside in a dirty, disgusting probation hostel filled with drug addicts, paedophiles and murderers.
My 9-month ordeal was – to be blunt – horrific.
After being sentenced for exposing a gang of Afghan child rapists, I was loaded into a cramped and freezing prison transport van and taken to a ‘Category A’ women’s prison called HMP Bronzefield, near London.
Bronzefield is home to some of the country’s most prolificsex offenders, paedophiles, murderers and Islamic terrorists.
Whilst these vile animals were free to roam the wings with enhanced privileges, I was immediately cast into the dungeon-like segregation unit.
I was forced to endure complete isolation and disgusting conditions for a long and grinding six weeks.
During that period, I was banned from associating with anyone, banned from going to church and deprived of any perks available to the child rapists on the normal wings.
Whilst I was in Bronzefield, a convicted Muslim terrorist prisoner paid another inmate to get down to the segregation unit and kill me.
After the first six weeks of rancid isolation – in a cold and heavily stained cell – I was transferred to another women’s prison, HMP Downview.
Downview is yet another grim prison full of child molesters and killers.
I managed to stay out of segregation and was put into the ‘normal’ prison regime living on the same wing as high profilepaedophiles.
After a short while the inmate who was sent to kill me in Bronzefield was also transferred to Downview.
When I was finally released from prison, I quickly learned Iwasn’t going to be allowed to return home.
Instead, I was grabbed by two car loads of ‘SO15 Counter Terrorism Command’ officers and forcibly taken to a secure probation hostel with 24-hour surveillance in the South of England.
The jobsworth Gestapo at the Probation Service forced me to ‘live’ in this hell-hole for a further four and a half months, surrounded by degenerate druggies, alcoholics, paedophiles and child killers.
This hostel was in a multicultural cesspit area and my licence conditions stated that I couldn’t associate with anyone involved in Britain First, so for four and a half months I had no security or protection.
I was in my own ‘living hell’ that I could not escape from!
As soon as my licence ended and I was kicked out of this hostel, the Probation Service started to harass and torment me.
They threatened to send me immediately back to prison if I did not live in a hotel in London, costing me a fortune every single night for the next 8 months!
They want me to leave my home standing empty whilst I shell out thousands of pounds to live in a hotel room until July 2019!
As if that is not ludicrous enough, they are demanding I give them 10 working days’ notice to see any of my family or friends!
I feel like I have walked straight out of jail into a parallel universe.
From beginning to end, this has been a tough, stressful andexasperating ordeal.
I have only been off licence for two weeks, but already I am staring prison in the face once again with my upcoming trial for ‘Hate Speech’ in Belfast.
On 14-15th January Paul Golding and I will be stood once again in the dock facing prison, this time in Northern Ireland.
After just serving a 9 month sentence I am faced with the harshreality of serving another 12 months behind bars.
Apart from the fact that this upcoming court case will be alandmark decision as to whether free speech is dead in our once great nation, it is also yet a further assault on my personal liberty.
The authorities have no problem stooping so low as to lock up a woman for being a patriot and confronting child rapists – like that is not a natural thing to do!
This time they are hoping to ‘hit the jackpot’ by sending me back inside for the second time within a year.
My determination to fight against corruption and persecution has only strengthened over the last 9 months, but I am going to be totally honest with you Elsa, I do not want to go back to jail.
At the end of the day, I am merely a woman who is devoted to her country and people.
Should constant spells in prison facing attacks, threats to my life and disgusting conditions in cold dirty prison cells really be my ‘penalty’ for loyalty and patriotism?
I have only 7 weeks until I am back in the dock, so we are preparing to mount our most ferocious and stubborn legal defence to date:
Belfast Trial Fund
Target: £15,000
Raised so far: £2,105
Name: Elsa Schieder
Recommended: Chip in £20
Elsa, you are my only hope of beating this savage assault on my freedom and keeping me at home where I belong.
I am asking for your help. Can I depend on you?
Yours sincerely,
Jayda Fransen



TORONTO. November 28, 2018. The trial of YOUR WARD NEWS editor Dr. James Sears and publisher Leroy St. Germaine on charges under Canada’s notorious “hate law”, Section 319 of the Criminal Code opened this morning in Toronto before Judge Richard Blouin. The two newspapermen are charged with wilfully promoting “hate” against two privileged groups; namely, Jews and women. Sec. 319 charges are very seldom laid and, as Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression which is supporting Dr. Sears and Mr. St. Germaine, pointed out to a CBC reporter, they are only ever laid against Christians or people on the right side of the political spectrum
Crown Attorney Robin Flumerfelt  offered an overview of the case with a vehement denunciation of  the political views of the zany satirical YOUR WARD NEWS. “The paper also contains repeated claims of a worldwide, blood-thirsty Jewish conspiracy, court heard. Imagery, for example, depicts Jews as devils with serpent tongues and reptilian hands. Among its themes, the prosecution said, was that Jews were behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Holocaust was a myth invented by Jews to strengthen their control of the world, and the glorification of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. ‘These are examples of the communications that the defendants made available to hundreds of thousands of homes without being asked,’ Flumerfelt said, calling their actions an ‘overwhelming breach’ of the Criminal Code,” the Toronto Star (November 28, 2018) reported.
The rest of the day was taken up with the testimony of Professor Derek Penslar, who teaches Jewish history at Harvard University. His report found that YOUR WARD NEWS is anti-semitic and expresses admiration for Adolf Hitler. True, YOUR WARD NEWS is critical of Zionist power and certain conspiratorial people like George Soros, who are Jewish and, true, that it does speak sympathetically of Adolf Hitler, but the legal question is whether its satirical views and cartoons, meant to burst the bubbles of the pompous, wilfully promote “hatred” or action. Penslar ticked off a number of historical events involving Jews including their major role in the creation of communism and the perpetration of mass crimes and murders under Soviet communism and the role of crypto-Jews, not Moslems, in the genocide of over a million Armenians in Turkey in World War I. He didn’t directly say that these accusations were false. The offence seems to be accusing groups of Jews or even individual Jews like the Rothschilds or Soros of bad things.
During cross-examination by defence lawyer Dean Embry pointed out: “Nowhere in YOUR WARD NEWS does it say that all Jews were responsible for the murder of 50,000,000 Christians in the former Soviet Union.”
Saying that Jews behave as an “entitled” group is anti-semitic, he insisted. As well, he stated: “I don’t believe claims of the deeds or the Rothschild Bank have any basis in reality.” Moreover, “George Soros supports liberal causes financially” in his view. He was emphatic: “The holocaust happened” and “Fred Luchter is a fraud.” Mr. Leuchter was an expert in execution devices used in U.S. prisons. Ernst Zundel commissioned him to visit Auschwitz surreptitiously and examine the alleged gas chambers. His Leuchter Report found no chemical or forensic evidence of mass extermination.
YOUR WARD NEWS frequently states that it doesn’t hate Jews but wants them to be saved by embracing Jesus. For instance, as Mr. Embry pointed out to Professor Penslar YOUR WARD NEWS states that today’s Jews cannot be blamed for the involvement of some of their ancestors in the slave trade. “You can find Christian love in YOUR WARD NEWS.”
The Crown’s expert witness disagreed: “I read such statements as attempts at self-exculpation.”
He called YOUR WARD NEWS “very 21st century. The multi-coloured cartoons” are engaging and there is a lot going on in the conversation bubbles.
Court proceedings were briefly interrupted at exactly 12:00 noon, when a portly Robert James, a former YOUR WARD NEWS employee, leaped up and shouted: “Get these two assholes out of here. Get the Mossad to take them out!” referring to the defendants. James has been struggling with personal demons for over a year and has charged that Dr. Sears is an agent of Vladimir Putin. He is charged with making threats against Dr. Sears and his family and doing over $10,000 in damage vandalizing Dr. Sears car. He is under bail conditions to avoid all contact with Dr. Sears. At one point he was supposed to be called as a Crown witness. A police officer escorted him from the room.
Judge Blouin immediately reacted: “I issue an Order that Robert James is banned from the courtroom.” He warned that any such disruptions of court decorum would not be tolerated.
the anti-free speech Toronto Anti-Hate Network put out a Facebook alert to supporters. However, experienced courtroom observers saw no members of the AHN or of several Zionist lobby groups that pressured for these charges to be laid.