North Korea has nothing on The People’s Republic of Formerly England

[Colin Todd is a British writer, who, in 1996 formed the Chesterton Trust to republish and keep alive the works of the late British Patriot A.K. Chesterton who exposed the subversive and anti-nationalist machinations of international finance. For years Chesterton led the League of Empire Loyalists.]
—–Original Message—–
From: Rob Black <>
Colin has asked me to circulate this message on his behalf:
“Dear All,
Political punishment for non-political offence
I am going to be released from prison on 1st January. I will have severe bail restrictions including travel, living in a bail hostel, curfews, signing on each day, etc.
I will be taken from prison to the bail hostel by the police.
I can have no contract with Nationalists, Candour or anyone in the movement while the restrictions last. Obviously this includes my presence on marches, demonstrations and meetings.
“Voluntary” tagging and other restrictions may be lifted much more slowly, and no doubt other restrictions will be added. I will have to sign a license upon my release and if I break the conditions I will return to prison for the rest of my sentence until the end of 2020.
I am releasing these details before signing the licenses, and before I know full details of my restrictions.
Candour will clearly be delayed further and I would like to thank subscribers for their patience.
Happy New Year to all.
Colin Todd
29 December 2019″