Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity



[Note the wildly pro-censorship ADL smears as White Supremacists many individuals who would not describe themselves as such, like Peter Brimelow, Jared Taylor, Paul Fromm. Reading the dreary list of views the ADL deems “anti-Semitic” it is clear that any criticism of Jews or Israel earns that label.]

Despite YouTube Policy Update, Anti-Semitic, White Supremacist Channels Remain

  • August 15, 2019
rick wiles youtube
An analysis by ADL’s Center on Extremism found that a significant number of channels on YouTube’s platform continue to disseminate anti-Semitic and white supremacist content despite the company’s June 2019 crackdown on hate speech.

For years, YouTube has officially prohibited content which promoted or condoned violence or incited hatred against individuals or groups based on core characteristics such as ethnicity, gender and sexual identity, and religion. In June 2019 it updated that policy with specific prohibitions against ideologies like white supremacy, which asserted the superiority of one group in order to justify discriminating against or persecuting other groups. It also added that it prohibited content which denied violent events like the Holocaust or certain mass shootings. ADL called the update “an important step forward,” adding, “This move alone is insufficient and must be followed by many more changes from YouTube and other tech companies to adequately counter the scourge of online hate and extremism.”

Following the June 2019 announcement, it appeared that YouTube was taking steps to remove offending content from its service, and several channels that were noteworthy vectors for the dissemination of anti-Semitism appeared to have been shut down. However, subsequent analysis from ADL’s Center on Extremism (COE) found that significant anti-Semitic and white supremacist content continues to be accessible on YouTube even after the policy update. What follows is a sampling of channels that disseminate this content.

(*all page views are accurate as of July 22, 2019)

Anti-Semitic Channels

The following five anti-Semitic channels promulgate a variety of allegations and tropes which have been used for generations to stoke fear and hatred of Jews. Some of them are overtly Christian, including claims that Jews are aligned with the Antichrist, that they are a blasphemous and evil “synagogue of Satan,” or that they seek to undermine Christian society. Other anti-Semitic allegations are secular in nature and promote the belief that Jews are secret conspirators who control the media, academia, finance, and governments to the detriment of non-Jews. Belief that Jews control the levers of power in societies has been a crucial element of anti-Jewish conspiracy theories throughout modern times. Altogether, the following five anti-Semitic channels have been viewed more than 81 million times. (Note: The white supremacist channels enumerated in the following section also contain anti-Semitic elements.)


This is the official channel of the fundamentalist Christian streaming news and opinion platform TruNews, whose programs routinely feature anti-Semitic content, and which has a long record of disseminating Islamophobic and anti-LGBTQ messages. TruNews founder and host Pastor Rick Wiles has used the YouTube channel to claim that Jews control the media, decimate American culture, and attack Christians. He describes Jews as the “Synagogue of Satan” and as agents of the antichrist. The TruNews YouTube channel has 178,000 subscribers and 17 million views.

Noteworthy quotes:

  •  “It’s not Muslims that are going to kill us. It’s the Jews.” (YouTube upload date: February 20, 2019. 52k views)
  • “I personally believe Israel took out [President] John Kennedy…Who ties the [U.S.] presidents’ hands? Yes, the Jewish mafia.” (YouTube upload date: March 14, 2019. 29k views.)


Steven Anderson, who leads the New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Movement from his Faith Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ, has a long history of preaching anti-Semitism and anti-LGBTQ messages. He claims that Judaism is a “fraud,” and openly denies the Holocaust.  Pastor Anderson’s YouTube channel has 121,000 subscribers and 61 million views.

  • “I have no doubt at all that in the End Times when the Tribulation happens and the Antichrist is in power, he is going to Judaize the world in many ways. I think that the Jews are going to have a strong part in bringing him into power.” (YouTube upload date: July 11, 2019. 15k views)
  • “I hope that [Jews] get persecuted. I hope that [Jews] suffer and are persecuted because they hate the Lord Jesus Christ…So, blasphemous antichrist haters of God, I’m not worried about what’s going to happen to them. That’s their problem. They shouldn’t have blasphemed and hated the Lord Jesus Christ. Their state of Israel is an antichrist, evil state, it’s blasphemous, it’s wicked, it’s an affront to God…. The Antichrist is going to turn and wipe [the Jews] out and destroy them…and that’s what they deserve…God was right to curse them and punish them for 2,000 years straight…There is no such thing as an innocent Jew.” (YouTube upload date: June 6, 2019. 19k views)
  • “In 2019 today, what a Jew is, or a Jewish person is, is something super-wicked. It’s basically an antichrist who denies the Father and Son. And [they are] also some of the most immoral people in the world.” (YouTube upload date: May 30, 2019. 21k views)

“E. Michael Jones”

Longtime anti-Semite and traditionalist Catholic writer E. Michael Jones uses his YouTube channel and books to promote the idea that Jews are responsible for perpetrating attacks against the Catholic Church, as well as against standards, social stability and global political order. He portrays Judaism as inherently threatening towards Christianity; he also describes Jews as “outlaws and subversives” and claims that Judaism exhibits “a particularly malignant spirit.” E. Michael Jones’ YouTube channel has 37,000 subscribers and 3.5 million views.

  • “And you want to talk about who’s responsible for redefining speech to include pornography, it’s the Jews. I mean, from start to finish. Because they were the ones in the industry, and they were the ones who benefited financially from this. But they also benefit politically as we’re seeing now…So it’s been constant in this regard. A constant subversion of the moral order, and somehow making you feel guilty if you don’t go along with this thing….Everywhere you look it comes back to the same old story – whether it’s hate speech, whether it’s anti-Semitism, whatever it is, it’s the Jews trying to control the narrative in their interest….” (YouTube upload date: June 19, 2019. 19k views)
  • “Money runs the entire congress of the united states. And largely Jewish money when it comes to foreign policy. AIPAC controls the American congress. There’s no question…Congress is controlled by Jewish money.” (YouTube Upload date: June 30, 2019. 21k views)
  • “We have to put limits on Jewish speech. And we have to end Jewish privilege. It’s that simple.” (YouTube upload date: July 1, 2019. 22k views)
  • “The Jews are the enemies of the Catholic Church. They are the enemies of the entire human race.” (YouTube upload date: July 16, 2019. 22k views)
  • “You know how intelligent Jews are? Yeah, these people are some of the most stupid people in the world if you ask me. They can’t get on with anybody and they bring about their own destruction and usury and ripping rapacious monopolies and subversion of the culture and sexual decadence and there’s just a spiritual cultural and economic wrecking ball, and they wonder why you know there’s hostility and ill feeling towards them, you know?” (YouTube upload date: May 14, 2019. 26k views)

“Michael Hoffman”

Michael A. Hoffman II is a Holocaust denier and anti-Semitic ideologue. In his writings and speeches, Hoffman frequently claims that Judaism condones pedophilia and the hatred of non-Jews. Hoffman’s YouTube channel has 3,600 subscribers and 178,000 views.

  • “Judaism’s focus is on self-worship, people who worship themselves, and this is where I see a corollary with Nazis and with what Hitler was doing….If Judaism ever becomes supreme in the United States—and it is not yet supreme to the extent that I’m saying in terms of Israeli suzerainty—if it ever does, we’ll have the same mass murder of [non-Jews] as we see in the Israeli state.” (YouTube upload date: February 11, 2016. 7,000 views)

“Brother Nathanael Video”

This YouTube channel features videos of Nathanael Kapner, a former Jew who converted to the Russian Orthodox faith and is now a “street evangelist” and anti-Semitic provocateur.  Kapner’s videos typically intersperse his conspiratorial, anti-Semitic rhetoric with clips and images from other media. The channel has 86,000 views. (Subscription information is not available for this channel.)

  • “The future belongs to the sons of god, not the synagogue. Those who serve a lie will soon pass away.” (YouTube upload date: June 7, 2019. 5,000 views)
  • “A far greater tyranny than anything our founding fathers ever faced is now the plight of America: I’m talking about the suffocating grip Jewry has on every component of American life… America has become an indentured slave to the Jews who rule America. Only the historic church, independent of Jewish control, who can muster up the guts to stand up for the few who expose the Jewish evil, can deliver America from the most pernicious tyranny the world has ever seen.” (YouTube upload date: April 20, 2018. 1100 views)
  • “There are three things that are impossible or nearly impossible in this life: For hell to freezer over; for a leopard to change his spots; and for a Jew to say, ‘I’m sorry, I’ve singed against God and man, please forgive me.’” (YouTube upload date: April 16, 2018. 650 views)

White Supremacist Channels

Anti-Semitism is just one iteration of the hate that is easily accessible on YouTube. The following YouTube channels are run by or feature white supremacists, many of whom use the platform to spread their racist, misogynist and anti-Semitic ideology.

“122 322”

This channel contains promotional videos for the Rise Above Movement (RAM). R.A.M. is a white supremacist group based in Southern California whose members believe they are fighting against a “modern world” corrupted by the “destructive cultural influences” of liberals, Jews, Muslims and non-white immigrants. They refer to themselves as the “premier MMA (mixed martial arts) club of the Alt-Right.” The 122 322 YouTube channel has 141 subscribers and 22,001 views.


Alt-Woke features “Radical Agenda” a recurring show hosted by Christopher Cantwell, a belligerent white supremacist podcaster who advocates for a white ethno-state. The Alt-Woke YouTube channel has 1,835 subscribers and 103,602 views.=

“America First with Nicholas J Fuentes”

America First is a recurring show featuring Nick Fuentes, an alt right personality whose rhetoric focuses on the failure of multiculturalism, immigration and the marginalization of white people. The America First with Nicholas J Fuentes YouTube channel has 38,097 subscribers and 845,643 views.

“American Free Press”

This channel is described as one “maintained by a supporter of the American Free Press, the only truly pro-American newspaper left in the country.” American Free Press is a Maryland-based anti-Semitic conspiracy-oriented publication that was originally founded by late Willis Carto. The American Free Press YouTube channel has 9,407 subscribers and 22,001 views.

“American Freedom Party”

The American Freedom Party (AFP) is a Third Position American political party that promotes white nationalism. Originally established by racist skinheads, the group was later transformed into a political party by William Daniel Johnson, a Los Angeles-based attorney. Since 2018, AFP has co-hosted an annual white supremacist conference dubbed “Nationalist Solutions.” The American Freedom Party YouTube channel has 2,069 subscribers and 507,276 views.

“American Identity Movement”

American Identity Movement (AIM) is a white supremacist group that formed during a rebranding effort by Identity Evropa in March 2019. As AIM, the group has moved away from European-focused rhetoric in favor of advocating for the preservation of “white culture” under the guise of American patriotism. The American Identity Movement YouTube channel has 1,944 subscribers and 39,675 views.

“American Renaissance”

American Renaissance is a white supremacist journal and companion website to The New Century Foundation, a self-styled think tank founded by Jared Taylor. The journal promotes pseudoscientific studies that attempt to demonstrate the intellectual and cultural superiority of whites and publishes articles on the supposed decline of American society because of integrationist social policies. American Renaissance generally avoids the crude bigotry and stereotyping characteristic of many other racist publications and Taylor himself personally refrains from anti-Semitism. The American Renaissance YouTube channel has 113,914 subscribers and 11,886,400 views.


Arktos Media is a small publishing company that features books by white nationalist and translates European Identitarian works into English. The company, which is run by Daniel Friberg, a Swedish businessman and white supremacist who co-founded with Richard Spencer, also has an American chapter. The Arktos YouTube channel has 3,372 subscribers and subscribers and 166,414 views.


Christogenea is the name of a Christian Identity website and blog operated by William Finck of Florida. Finck is also a member of the white supremacist League of the South. The “Christogenea” YouTube channel has 213 subscribers and 2,824 views.

“Faith J Goldy”

Faith Goldy is a Canadian white supremacist who has promoted the “white genocide” narrative, recited the white supremacist “14 words” on an alt right podcast, and appeared on a podcast of The Daily Stormer, a site run by neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin. The Faith J Goldy YouTube channel has 105,964 subscribers and 6,528,307 views.

“The Foundry”

The Foundry is a recurring show hosted by William “Tony” Hovater and Matthew Parrott who helped found the now defunct neo-Nazi group the Traditionalist Worker Party. The group’s goal was to build a national socialist ethno-state for white people. Both men attended white supremacist rallies around the country including the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The Foundry YouTube channel has 5,939 subscribers and 7,160 views.

“James Allsup”

James Allsup is a white supremacist activist associated with the American Identity Movement (formerly Identity Evropa) who is best known for his far-right podcasts and as the former president of a College Republican chapter at Washington State University.  Allsup was a speaker at the May 2019 American Renaissance Conference. He also spoke at the March 2018 Identity Evropa conference and participated in the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

The James Allsup YouTube channel has 452,560 subscribers and 72,925,714 views.

“Kenn Daily”

Kenn Daily is hosted by Kenn Gividen of Indianapolis, Indiana, who is the founder of and the author of “The Prayer of Hannah” and “Kennisms,” a book of offensive/racist quotes known as “Kenn’s Laws.” The channel includes “The Ethnostate” a recurring show hosted by Gividen, William Johnson of AFP and Paul Fromm, a Canadian white supremacist. The Kenn Daily YouTube channel has 44,155 subscribers and 119,434 views.

“Little Revolution 2”

Patrick Little is an outspoken anti-Semitic politician. In 2018, he made an anti-Semitic campaign run for Dianne Feinstein’s U.S. Senate seat in California. After his crushing defeat, he went on a nationwide “Name the Jew” tour, visiting cities across the country, spewing anti-Semitic propaganda at passers-by. In early 2019, he registered as a presidential candidate with the Republican Party but dropped out of the race in May. In a YouTube video titled “Our Government is just a sham” Little claimed, “At this point it’s just about waking people up to who’s really in charge and just letting them know that the Jews run stuff. It doesn’t matter who we put into office.” The Little Revolution 2 YouTube channel has 1,420 subscribers and 41,897 views.


NPI/RADIX is the official channel of The National Policy Institute and Radix Journal run by Richard Spencer one of the best-known leaders of the alt right. The “NPI/RADIX” channel has 18,069 subscribers and 583,657 views.


The YouTube channel “PastorEliJames” features Eli James a longtime Christian Identity preacher from Illinois who operates Eurofolk Radio. The channel description reads: “This site is about the history of the Anglo-Saxon (Caucasians, Celts, Eurofolk, etc.) people and our eternal, enemy, the Edomite and Ashkenazi Jews, who are the impostors (Synagogue of Satan) pretending to be Israel.” The PastorEliJames YouTube channel has 1,378 subscribers and 127,920 views.


The Political Cesspool is an overtly racist show on which anti-Semites, white supremacists, and other right-wing extremists regularly appear to voice their views. James Edwards, the show’s founder and main host, is associated with AFP and the Council of Conservative Citizens.

ThePoliticalCesspool YouTube channel has 465 subscribers and 56,904 views.

“The Public Space with Jean Francois”

The Public Space is a recurring podcast with Jean-François Gariépy, a French-Canadian alt right YouTuber. The Public Space with Jean Francois YouTube channel has 47,287 subscribers and 4,230,207 views.

“TRS Radio”

This channel features a collection of podcasts featuring alt right propagandist such as Mike “Enoch” Peinovich, Jesse Dunstan (aka Sven/Seventh Son), and Alex McNabb, all of whom who host TRS (TheRightStuff). The TRS Radio YouTube channel has 13,000 subscribers and 1,400,000 views.

“Reclaim America”

Reclaim America is a channel which promotes the Patriot Front, a white supremacist group whose members maintain that their ancestors conquered America and bequeathed it solely to them. They define themselves as American fascists or American nationalists who are focused on preserving America’s identity as one of European-American identity. The Reclaim America YouTube has 1,341 subscribers and 47,585 views.

“The Red Elephants Vincent James” and “Vincent James”

The Red Elephants is a California-based extreme-right “media” entity headed by Vincent James Foxx. The site promotes conspiracy theories, anti-Semitic beliefs and white supremacist mantras. Beyond the virtual world, those associated with the Red Elephants have participated in rightwing and explicitly white supremacist rallies and demonstrations. “The Red Elephants Vincent James” channel has 286,659 subscribers and 33,367,186. The “Vincent James” channel has 52,989 subscribers and 8,235,381 views.

“Red Ice TV”

Red Ice TV is a Sweden-based online media company run by Lana Lokteff, an American born white supremacist, and her husband Henrik Palmgren. Red Ice features online TV and radio shows, including Lokteff’s own “Radio 3Fourteen,” that celebrate “European identity and culture.” Lokteff has interviewed numerous white supremacists on the show. She also co-hosts “Red Ice Live” and “Weekend Warrior” on Red Ice. In May 2017, Lotkeff appeared in a video segment with Jared Taylor of American Renaissance to discuss “the women of the alt right.”

The Red Ice TV YouTube channel has 327,961 subscribers and 45,799,930 views.


The Occidental Quarterly (TOQ) is a recurring show hosted by James Edwards, who runs the white supremacist radio show, The Political Cesspool, and Kevin MacDonald, a retired professor who runs the anti-Semitic Occidental Observer website. The TOQ LIVE subscriber number is unavailable, but the channel has 42,730 views.


VDARE TV often features Peter Brimelow, a white supremacist who runs the racist, anti-immigration site VDARE, which publishes writing by white supremacists such as Jared Taylor of American Renaissance, Brad Griffin of Occidental Dissent, and Unite the Right organizer Jason Kessler. The VDARE TV YouTube channel has 4,887 subscribers and 213,028 views.

Marc Lemire No Longer Works for the City of Hamilton

Marc Lemire No Longer Works for the City of Hamilton

Marc is another victim of Cultural Marxist hit squads & cowardly politicians. CBC reported: “Kojo Damptey, interim executive director for the Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion, said Lemire’s departure was ‘a minimal step.'”

“Inclusion” but not for different points of view!

[More details will follow.]

Marc Lemire being presented with Freedom Award by Paul Fromm of the

Canadian Association for Free Expression for his long battle for Internet freedom

imperilled by the thought police at the Canadian Human Rights Commission

“Liberte” — Not Much of That in France: British Satirical Chanteuse Banned for 40 Years From France for Questioning the New Religion of Holocaust

“Liberte” — Not Much of  That in France: British Satirical Chanteuse Banned for 40 Years From France for Questioning the New Religion of Holocaust

Holocaust denier Alison Chabloz barred from entering France for 40 years

The antisemitic performer was stopped at St Pancras station on Monday

Chabloz singing one of her songs
Chabloz singing one of her songs (Photo: YouTube)

A self-described “Holocaust revisionist” has reportedly received a 40-year ban from entering France after attempting to board a Eurostar train to Paris on Monday.

Alison Chabloz, who was convicted last year of two counts of causing obscene material to be sent and one of sending obscene material, used her account on Gab, a social media network popular among the far-right, to say she had been “banned from entering France until 2059”.

Chabloz was given a suspended prison sentence of 20 weeks last June for her “grossly offensive” antisemitic songs, including material mocking Holocaust victims and claims about Jews controlling the world. She was also banned from posting on social media for 12 months.

At an appeal hearing in February at Southwark Crown Court, the convictions were upheld, with the judge describing Chabloz as “a Holocaust denier…manifestly antisemitic and obsessed with what she perceives to be the wrongdoing of Jews”.

In a post to controversial social media network Gab, Chabloz wrote that she had been “questioned first by gendarmes and then Met CTU [Counter Terrorism Unit] under Sec 7 at St Pancras.”

Chabloz's post on Gab
Chabloz’s post on Gab

Chabloz was presumably attempting to refer to Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000, which gives police, immigration and customs officers the right to stop, search and hold individuals at ports, airports and international train stations, if subjects are suspected of involvement in terrorism or any other criminal activity.

Hope Not Hate, the anti-racist advocacy group, tweeted the news to its 89,000 Twitter followers on Monday evening, saying Chabloz “got a surprise trying to get into France this morning.”

Comments from respondents included: “maybe she can write a song about it that nobody wants to hear”, “fantastic news” and “vive la France.”

Holocaust denial is illegal in France. In April, a far-right activist, Alain Soral, was sentenced to a year in prison by a Parisian criminal court for Holocaust denial.

The Ongoing Legal torment of Bill Whatcott: Legal Aid for Illegals but Not Christian Preacher Bill Whatcott?


The Ongoing Legal torment of Bill Whatcott: Legal Aid for Illegals but Not Christian Preacher Bill Whatcott?


I was in Toronto this morning to attend the continuing saga of the “hate crime” trial of Bill Whatcott.

Bill Whatcott was accused of a “hate crime” and arrested last year under an extraordinary Canada-wide warrant. His “crime” was handing out Christian literature that starkly warned of the physical and spiritual dangers of homosexuality. He had done this peaceably at the 2016 “Gay Pride” parade in Toronto.

For Bill, the process truly is the punishment. Bill has been in the Ontario court system for just over one year now, having made dozens of appearances. Despite this, his case is still at a “pre-trial” stage, with the actual trial date set for January 6th, 2020. Because of all the costs and time involved in travelling to and from court appearances, Bill has had to relocate from his home in Alberta to Ontario, where he is struggling to make ends meet.

To-day’s hearing was called to determine whether or not Bill can receive financial assistance for his legal costs – which are becoming astronomical. Without legal aid, Bill will be forced to represent himself. Considering this is such a pivotal, precedent-setting case for religious freedom in Canada, self-representation is not a very good idea!

The Christian lawyer who has been helping Bill thus far has connected him with one of Ontario’s top criminal lawyers, John Rosen. Mr. Rosen, who is not a Christian, and who has represented some of the most heinous criminals in Canadian history, is willing to take over Bill’s case if legal aid is provided.

I had the opportunity to spend about an hour chatting with Bill and Mr. Rosen this morning, and it is clear that Mr. Rosen is an incredibly intelligent, experienced, and savvy lawyer. He knows Bill’s case, Bill’s history, and has also been tracking other cases involving Christians losing their free speech rights in Canada, like Father Tony Van Hee in Ottawa. He said he found Bill’s case “interesting”.

To-day’s hearing resulted in no actual decision on legal aid for Bill, but another date was set to come back to court and discuss the matter on September 5th. (As I said, the process is the punishment!)

After the hearing, Bill and I spent some time one-on-one talking about his case and the strain it is placing on his finances and family. The prospect of eighteen months in jail is a frightening thought for him, but he is willing to face it for the sake of the Gospel, if it is God’s will. He also told me he feels the Church in Canada is burying its head in the sand when it comes to the increasing threats to her freedom – and to her very existence.

We also discussed the subject of Jonathan “Jessica” Yaniv, a male transsexual who is bullying a number of female aestheticians in BC, using human rights courts to demand that they be forced to provide a Brazilian wax job on “her” male genitals. Mr. Yaniv has also filed a human rights complaint against Bill, seeking $35,000 in damages because Bill called him a man and criticized his bullying of those aestheticians. The BC Human Rights Tribunal has actually decided to take up Mr. Yaniv’s case and pursue his complaint against Bill. As Bill put it so aptly, “He’s the posterchild of all that’s wrong with gender ideology.”

Finally, Bill and I also spent some time in prayer – which was probably the most productive part of Bill’s day! We prayed for God’s help in this country – not only to vindicate Bill, but to wake up the Church! We need to call our nation to repent and turn back to Christ.

You can sign and share our petition in support of Bill here:…/163468-christian-charged-hate-c…

Image may contain: one or more people and people standing

Ontario court imposes peace bond against far-right figure over online threats

Ontario court imposes peace bond against far-right figure over online threats

[Richard Warman is the fair-haired boy of the incestuous Ottawa court system. Today it granted him a peace bond against a controversial person, Kevin Goudreau, whom he’d never met and who had never e-mailed or written to him. “I’m so afraid” is a now common posture of anti-racists who devote themselves to ruining the lives of people whose politics are contrary to theirs. — Paul Fromm]


Ottawa lawyer Richard Warman said he applied to the Ontario Court of Justice for a peace bond on June 3 after police repeatedly declined to lay charges against Kevin Goudreau. Today, the decision whether or not to grant the peace bond will be made.


An Ontario court has imposed a peace bond against a far-right figure, in what is believed to be the first instance in which activists have sought such a peace bond in response to right-wing extremism in Canada.

Justice of the Peace Stephanie Goffin-Boyd on Monday ordered Kevin Goudreau, head of the Canadian National Front, to enter into the peace bond and abide by four conditions for 12 months, including not making violent threats online or otherwise towards Ottawa lawyer Richard Warman, and other board members with the Canadian Anti-Hate Network.

Goudreau is also prohibited from possessing any weapons.

In June, Warman asked the court to issue a peace bond that would order Goudreau, who resides in Peterborough, Ont., to cease making threats online against him. Warman, who a board member with the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, said police had repeatedly declined to lay charges against Goudreau, and so he pursued a peace bond, which is like a restraining order.

The Crown took over the matter for Warman, who served as the only witness at the hearing on Monday.

“I had no expectations, but I am absolutely relieved,” Warman told Global News after the decision was rendered. He said he wished that police had pursued criminal charges, but that the peace bond sets a positive precedent for human rights activists who are targeted online and looking for possible remedies.

After the Christchurch, New Zealand attacks in March, a post was shared on a Facebook page belonging to Goudreau. The post encouraged violence against “priority targets” including the Canadian Anti Hate Network, other anti-racist groups and government agencies.

It also mentioned media outlets including VICE, the National Post and CBC.

Goudreau, who represented himself at court, said at the hearing that the social media posts aren’t his. Goudreau previously told Global News that his website states his group does not “promote, advocate or incite hatred or violence by our members or anyone else.”

The court said there was no evidence to suggest that the social media posts were not Goudreau’s.

Warman, who has monitored far-right and neo-Nazi movements in Canada for decades, told the court that Goudreau’s posts made him fear for his safety.

“It’s not just the potential for Mr. Goudreau … it’s for the fellow neo-Nazis who are actually reading the post. Because we know that there is a long history of violence involved in the neo-Nazi movement in Canada,” Warman told the court. He added that the posts disputed by Goudreau are consistent with other written and video content posted by him over the years.

Goudreau, chairman of the Canadian Nationalist Front (formerly the White Nationalist Front) who has a large swastika tattooed on his chest, was banned from Facebook and Twitter in April as part of a crackdown on extremist content and “organized hate” that followed the New Zealand mosque attack that left 51 people dead. The blog for Goudreau’s group, however, is still online and active.

READ MORE: Facebook bans half-dozen Canadian pages under extremism, hate policy

In a brief cross-examination of Warman, Goudreau asked whether they had ever communicated directly or indirectly. Warman responded that they had not spoken directly or met in person, but that he felt the posts were an indirect form of communication between them — and that the posts were threatening.

“What makes you think that I am any particular danger besides these supposed internet postings?” Goudreau asked Warman.

“Because you’ve engaged in threats of violence, and counselling violence, over the past at least eight years that I’ve seen communications by you posted online, whether in person, through Youtube videos, or through social media postings,” Warman replied.

“If I go to the posting itself, you openly advocate shooting high-value targets, as you describe them, in the wake of a terrorist attack that left 51 people dead. So, if I think that there is the likelihood of copycat violence taking place in the wake of those kinds of attacks and then you go and advocate that specific thing, including shooting me and my colleagues twice in the head to ensure that we’re dead, that makes me reasonably fearful for my safety.”


Addresses for German Political Prisoners


Addresses for German Political Prisoners




WRITE TO SYLVIA STOLZ at the following address:

Sylvia Stolz
Münchener Str. 33
86551 Aichach


Write to Ursula Haverbeck at the following address:

JVA Bielefeld-Brackwede
z. Hd. Ursula Haverbeck
Umlostraße 100
33649 Bielefeld

Write to Alfred Schaefer:

Alfred Erhard Schaefer
Stadelheimer Str. 12
81549 Munich


Justivollzugsanstalt Brandenburg A.D. Havel,
Inhaftierter: Horst Mahler,
Anton-Saefkow-Allee 22,
14772 Brandenburg,

Monika Schaefer on the Brian Ruhe Show: 18 Months More in Prisoner for Dissident Alfred Schaefer for Defending Himself in Court
Just received this bad news tonight from Alfred’s sister Monika. This is the brief video we just released:

Alfred Schaefer Receives 18 Months Additional Prison Time for Defending Himself!

Please write to Alfred, a Canadian in prison in Germany.


Alfred Schaefer
JVA Stadelheim
Stadelheimer Str 12
81549, Munich (München)

Political Prisoner Alfred Schaefer Gets 18-More Months in a German Jail for Defending Himself in Court

Political Prisoner Alfred Schaefer Gets 18-More Months in a German Jail for Defending Himself in Court

On Thursday Alfred was in court to face new charges for the crime of speaking in his defense during our trial last year. The prosecutor wanted 24 months, he received 18 months. The prosecutor says that is too light and is appealing. To be clear, these 18 months are in addition to the 38 months that he is already sentenced with.

The law says you cannot say XYZ, then in court you cannot explain how you reached your conclusions of XYZ, nor are you allowed to bring forth evidence to support your conclusions, because when you do, you do new crime because your words can be heard by the public in the gallery. That is what Alfred did. New crime committed in the public courtroom, while defending himself.

When history comes to you enforced by law, only one thing is for certain: it is a lie. Or perhaps you can explain things differently to me.


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