Twitter Permanently Suspends Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Twitter Account Over ‘COVID-19 Misinformation’
US Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) wears a “Trump Won” face mask as she arrives on the floor of the House to take her oath of office as a newly elected member of the 117th House of Representatives in Washington, DC on January 3, 2021. (Photo by ERIN SCOTT / POOL / AFP) (Photo by ERIN SCOTT/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
Twitter has permanently suspended the account of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), citing “COVID-19 misinformation” as the reason for the ban. The tech monopoly said in a statement that the ban was handed down after “repeat violations” of the policy.
“We permanently suspended the account you referenced (@mtgreenee) for repeated violations of our COVID-19 misinformation policy. We’ve been clear that, per our strike system for this policy, we will permanently suspend accounts for repeated violations of the policy,” a Twitter spokesperson told The Hill in a statement.
In response to the ban, Greene issued a statement on Telegram.
“Maxine Waters can go to the streets and threaten violence on Twitter, Kamala and Ilhan can bail out Black Lives Matter terrorists on Twitter, CNN and the rest of the Democrat Propaganda Media can spread Russia collusion lies, and just yesterday the Chief spokesman for terrorist IRGC can tweet mourning Soleimani, but I get suspended for tweeting VAERS statistics,” wrote Greene. “Twitter is an enemy to America and can’t handle the truth.”
Twitter had routinely suspended Greene, a sitting Congresswoman, multiple times prior to the permanent ban. The tech monopoly first banned Greene as the House of Representatives debated ejecting her from Congress.
Greene was left unable to defend herself from accusations levied against her by radical leftist members of Congress but was then reinstated after Twitter said that banning her was the result of an “error.”
In August, Greene was suspended for saying COVID-19 vaccines had not sufficiently stopped the spread. In July, she was suspended for saying that the virus was less dangerous for those under the age of 65.
US Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) wears a “Trump Won” face mask as she arrives on the floor of the House to take her oath of office as a newly elected member of the 117th House of Representatives in Washington, DC on January 3, 2021. (Photo by ERIN SCOTT / POOL / AFP) (Photo by ERIN SCOTT/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
The ADL’s War on Freedom of Speech — Latest Target: Tucker Carlson — A Statement by Andrew Torba, CEO of GAB
The ADL’s War On Free Speech
Over the course of five years Gab has been attacked and smeared by many different Jewish groups including the ADL for simply defending free speech online. Now today the ADL is trying to cancel Tucker Carlson for daring to speak the truth about the reality of demographic replacement that is absolutely and unequivocally going on in The West. These are not “hateful” statements, they objective facts that can no longer be ignored.
You can’t be hostile and attack Gab while at the same time playing the “victim” when we respond. If you’re going to attack the Gab community you can expect a firm response with the Truth from us, which is what I seek to do in this post.
These attacks seek to silence millions of community members on Gab, to shut Gab down as a whole, to stifle free speech, and to throw me in prison for operating a free speech platform. Not only do these attacks undermine the freedom of speech, but they also fuel hatred against Jewish people by feeding into narratives about Jewish power, control, and victimhood.
In Acts Chapter 4 Peter and John were threatened by the Sadducees not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. The ADL, the Jewish American Congress, and others are acting no differently than the Sadducees of 2,000 years ago by seeking to silence those of us who proclaim the name of Jesus Christ online and defend the freedom of speech for others to do so.
How did Peter and John respond?
They prayed for boldness and received it, which is exactly what I am doing. “Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness.” Acts 4:29 “And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness.” Acts 4:31
Jesus Christ himself was very critical of powerful Jewish people and groups of His time. Many of the things He said would have the ADL, the American Jewish Congress, and others deplatforming Him from the internet and trying to have Him jailed too.
In Luke Chapter 4 Jesus was driven out of the synagogue in his hometown of Nazareth to the point of Him almost being thrown off a cliff by His own people. Eventually Jesus Christ was sent to die on the cross, but praise God that He is Risen so that we may have eternal life by grace through faith in Him.
How would Jesus respond to the attacks of the ADL and other Jewish groups? “Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy. But I say until you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” Matthew 5:43-44
During the time of Jesus Israel had faced centuries of aggression from enemies and so while “hate your enemy” may not have been commanded directly the audience would have known what Jesus was talking about in regards to the rabbinic teaching of their day.
It’s very easy to hate our enemies, but that’s not what I am going to do. Not hating your enemies does not also mean pacifism and weakness. You can defend yourself against an enemy’s attacks while still loving him, as I seek to do with this post.
The Bible tells us that all who want to live a Godly life in Jesus Christ will be persecuted in 2 Timothy 3:12, so my life is no different than any other Christian facing persecution around the world for boldly speaking the Truth and fighting for my faith.
After five years of attacks from Jewish groups like the ADL, I’ve become used to the lies, hate, and persecution, but I have never once caved to their pressure and demands of censorship nor have I lashed out in hatred.
What these groups want me to do is project their hatred back at them.I refuse to do this because it’s not the Christian thing to do. There’s nothing hateful about anything I am saying. I’m stating objective and verifiable facts while quoting Bible verses.
I am praying for these people and writing this blog post as a way to show them the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am encouraging you all to do the same. I care about and am praying for the souls of our enemies even as they attack my family, community, and business.
I am not Mark Zuckerberg or Jack Dorsey. Gab is not Facebook or Twitter. We are not going to bend over backwards to appease the interests of the ADL, the American Jewish Congress, or any other interest groups.
We are going to bend over backwards to defend free speech online for all people, even those we disagree with. Groups like the ADL and American Jewish Congress have zero power or control over Gab, which is why they continue to attack us and lobby for our destruction.
There are many ethnically Jewish Christians who are on Gab and support our cause. There are also Jewish conservatives like Laura Loomer and others who have supported Gab for many years. There are also Jews on Gab who use Gab to criticize me and Gab itself and I will fight for their right to do so. I harbor no hatred for Jewish people, even those who relentlessly attack my business, my faith, and my family.
On the contrary I seek to show these Jewish groups who attack me the love, grace, and forgiveness of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior in hopes of saving their souls from eternal damnation.
I shouldn’t have to say these things to justify an objective critical analysis of the attacks Gab is receiving from Jewish groups, but I want you the reader to know where my heart is. There’s nothing “anti-semitic” about stating the truth. The simple fact in the matter is that these coordinated attacks on Gab are perpetuating the very hatred that these Jewish groups are allegedly trying to stop.
Do you think that the millions of people on Gab aren’t connecting the dots together about the same group of people attacking Gab over and over again? People are smart. Pattern recognition is a gift from God.
Jewish groups are attacking Gab because people criticize Jews on Gab and because people say things that Jewish groups do not like on Gab. Tough luck. If “anti-semitism” is nothing more than speech the ADL doesn’t like, they are going to find “anti-semitism” under every rock. Their business model depends on it.
Criticism, mockery, and taboo discussions are legally protected by the First Amendment of the United States and thus are also protected on Gab and always will be.Threats of violence are obviously not free speech and we have always had zero tolerance for it. Criticism, mockery, and uncomfortable discussions are all welcome about any races, religions, ethnicities, and creeds.
I will never bend the knee to any special interests. The only one I bend my knee for is my King Jesus Christ.
Groups like the ADL and the Jewish American Congress are perpetuating Jewish stereotypes and generating more hatred of Jewish people by attacking free speech. They should be ashamed of themselves.
If the ADL and others want to counter speech they disagree with on Gab the best thing they can do is create an account and start posting, as we have invited them to do for years. Gab isn’t going to remove legal first amendment-protected speech just because they don’t like it.
Anti-maskers think the rules aren’t for them. Time to send a few to jail
By Heather MallickStar ColumnistSat., Jan. 30, 2021timer4 min. readupdateArticle was updated 2 days agoJOIN THE CONVERSATION
If Canadians will not be vaccinated until fall — some say it may be even later — we will have to live in a different way. Life is large. It means economic life, social life, personal life, coffee shop life, outdoor life, a quiet life, a public life.
Stores cannot possibly remain closed until fall. People cannot be told to live a half-life until then. If this happens, something or someone will snap in ways we can’t anticipate. Canadians need different rules, and energetic police enforcement.
Pandemics are new to us a century after the last one and we don’t know how bad it will be when people riot, go bankrupt, lose homes, and lose hope. Once people sneak ahead in line for their vaccination — it is human nature to test opportunity — other people will find their own way of raging.
I don’t know if that kind of madness will pop up in Canada, but we have to keep a lid on things.
That means enforcing compulsory face-masking and in a very public way. It might mean actually applying the laws that make it a criminal offence to go without a mask outside your own home. Punishment might be heavy fines, post-pandemic community service, or even jail, but it should be carried out rather than threatened.
But I don’t see police on Toronto’s streets and I don’t see constables on the TTC, never have.
In England people can be fined $350 for not masking in public. Repeat offenders face even bigger fines. In Manchester recently, a woman who had been warned not to hold a party after her brother-in-law’s funeral did so anyway. She invited 35 people and was shocked to be fined $17,560.
“We had been at the graveyard and we were frozen,” she complained. “And we just wanted to bring my mum and sister back and give them a bit of food. It wasn’t a party, it wasn’t a wake.”
In Saskatchewan, the owner of a Regina bar, Mr. D’s Stats Cocktails and Dreams, fined $14,000 for not distancing patrons at a cage-fighting event (presumably virtual), complained she was “targeted” by police. Yes, she was.
These two speak for fools planetwide. Anti-maskers, whether they call themselves that or not, are all saying the same thing. The rules shouldn’t apply to them.
Life cannot restart as long as the anti-maskers keep popping up, and not just in their mini-parades and invasions of Shoppers Drug Mart where people with cancer are patiently waiting for prescriptions. As COVID-19 variants spread, the one guy in every subway car who refuses to mask is the person who will keep us at home even when stores reopen.
There should be no exceptions, so it’s worrying that nobody really knows what the medical exceptions are in Ontario. You just say you have one. The man who smashed up a Downsview convenience store on Tuesday after being asked to cover his face just with his shirt claimed he had a medical exemption. At this point, if you’re healthy enough to venture outside, you can do it in a mask even if you find it uncomfortable mentally or physically.
If people are allowed to avoid masking, lockdown can’t end. But it has to end, not if we’re going to have some version of an approximation of normal life throughout the summer. Imagine it. If everyone wears a mask at all times, not under their nose or chin, not a scarf, not up and down, life could restart fairly safely. I’m thinking picnics, movies, Fuwa Fuwa Japanese pancakes, drinks at 7 …
I don’t just mean a cloth or medical mask. Everyone should wear an N95 with a cloth mask over that, as Dr. Fauci does. It would be simple for Dr. David Williams, our plodding high school principal and chief platitude officer, to wear such a mask while he speaks. He doesn’t.
We hear that front-line workers living in crowded communities are at great risk. Would this be true if they had long ago been given two masks to wear on the way to work and if this, plus distancing, had been enforced on public transit? People shouldn’t have to police others.
All-masking-at-all-times sounds like a simple solution. It’s not a solution at all, it just keeps us functioning until vaccination for all with a network in place for the next pandemic. It might get us through the summer.
We have pinned our hopes on glorious shiny vaccines. I idly think of how to pass myself off as an 84-year-old lining up for vaccination. You’re as young as you feel, they say, and in this Toronto mid-winter, I feel a sprightly 87.
Ontario doesn’t want a holding pattern. It wants better than that as the months pass and we wait for rescue, aging in place.