CAFE & Canadian Nationalist Patriots Protest Race Huckters Whose Bullying Led to Toronto Principal’s Death

Gus Stefanis alongside Paul Fromm and his Canadian Association for Free Expression supporters (About CAFE protested the KOJO institute August 18th 2023.

KOJO institute Anti-Racism instructor Kike Ojo-Thompson (Diversity, Inclusion & Equity Consultancy – KOJO Institute consulted Toronto Principal Richard Bilkszto before his suicide.

‘Your Job in This Work as White People Is to Believe,’ DEI Instructor Tells Principal Who Later Committed Suicide…

Former Toronto principal accused of ‘white supremacy’ during ‘diversity training’ commits suicide – Rebel News…

What Anti-Racism Instructor Told Toronto Principal Richard Bilkszto Before His Suicide

We surprised them with our presence and gave them hell with the megaphone!

Please Subscribe and Like the video on the YouTube channel!

Paul Fromm protests KOJO institute Aug 18th 2023

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Gus Stefanis
PO Box 55588 Cedar Heights
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Thank you,

Gus Stefanis
Canadian Nationalist Patriots