Canada: Your Ward News & Editor Banned from Sending or Receiving Mail Dear Mr. Hickey: YOUR WARD NEWS may be a case in which the OCLA may wish to intervene. The Interim Prohibitory Order makes the editor and publishers non-persons. They may neither send nor receive mail, The relevant section of the Canada Post Corporation Act states: (3) Subject to subsection (4), while an interim or final prohibitory order is in effect, the Minister may (a) detain or return to the sender any mail addressed to, or anything posted by, the person affected; This totalitarian penalty is imposed because on “reasoanble grounds” the Minister believes YOUR WARD NEWS is violating Sec. 319 (“hate law”) or the defamatory libel section 300. However, no such charges have been laid against YOUR WARD NEWS, and, needless to say, no convictions registered, Furthermore, even if there had been convictions for previous issues, each issue of the paper is different. I think Sec. 43-46 of the Act over-reach and, in this instance, deny the victims natural justice. Paul Fromm Director CANADIAN ASSOCIATION FOR FREE EXPRESSION Preview YouTube video Censorship Canada: Your Ward News & Editor Banned from Sending or Receiving Mail

Canada: Your Ward News & Editor Banned from Sending or Receiving Mail

Dear Mr. Hickey:
YOUR WARD NEWS may be a case in which the OCLA may wish to intervene.
The Interim Prohibitory Order makes the editor and publishers non-persons. They may neither send nor receive mail,
The relevant section of the Canada Post Corporation Act states: 

(3) Subject to subsection (4), while an interim or final prohibitory order is in effect, the Minister may

  • (a) detain or return to the sender any mail addressed to, or anything posted by, the person affected; 
This totalitarian penalty is imposed because on “reasoanble grounds” the Minister believes YOUR WARD NEWS is violating Sec. 319 (“hate law”) or the defamatory libel section 300.
However, no such charges have been laid against YOUR WARD NEWS, and, needless to say, no convictions registered, 
Furthermore, even if there had been convictions for previous issues,  each issue of the paper is different.
I think Sec. 43-46 of the Act over-reach and, in this instance, deny the victims natural justice.
Paul Fromm