White Nationalist Videographer Èvalion`Stalked by Zionist Operative and Hassled by Canada Border Services

White Nationalist Videographer Èvalion`Stalked by Zionist Operative and Hassled by Canada Border Services

EVALION THE JEW THATS HARASSING ME : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Evalions site evalion.orgEvalions twitter @veronicaevalion

You Tube Bans Report on Day 2 of Topham Constitutional Challenge to 20 Countries
Whew, if you reside in any of 20 countries, including Germany, Austria and France (the land of liberte?), the Zionist censors at You Tube will block my report (reproduced below) on Day 2 of the Arthur Topham challenge to the constitutionality \of Canada’s “hate law”> The report coverage Tuesday, October 4 and also introduced another censorship victim Monika Schaefer who provided a report on the suspension without pay of Professor Anthony Hall for the non-violent expression of his political views.
Inline image 1
We see the desperation of the New World Order followers to stifle the growing dissent and torrent of information that counters decades of lies and managed news. Even more people will join the dissent as they learn about others like them out there  fighting for the same ideas. Hence, the latest efforts to close down discussion of important current issues.
Today Brian Ruhe who produced and hosted the show received the following notice from You Tube.
Paul Fromm

Regarding your account: Brian Ruhe

We have received a legal complaint regarding your video. After review, the following video: B.C. man convicted of promoting hate on web challenges law in court. – Day 2has been blocked from view on the following YouTube country site(s):

Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, France, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Israel, Italy, Martinique, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Poland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Reunion, French Southern Territories, Wallis and Futuna, Mayotte

YouTube blocks content where necessary to comply with local laws. Please review our help centre article on legal complaints //support.google.com/youtube/answer/3001497?hl=en-GB.

Yours sincerely, 
The YouTube Team

You Tube Bans Report on Day 2 of Topham Constitutional Challenge to 20 Countries
Whew, if you reside in any of 20 countries, including Germany, Austria and France (the land of liberte?), the Zionist censors at You Tube will block my report (reproduced below) on Day 2 of the Arthur Topham challenge to the constitutionality \of Canada’s “hate law”> The report coverage Tuesday, October 4 and also introduced another censorship victim Monika Schaefer who provided a report on the suspension without pay of Professor Anthony Hall for the non-violent expression of his political views.
Inline image 1
We see the desperation of the New World Order followers to stifle the growing dissent and torrent of information that counters decades of lies and managed news. Even more people will join the dissent as they learn about others like them out there  fighting for the same ideas. Hence, the latest efforts to close down discussion of important current issues.
Today Brian Ruhe who produced and hosted the show received the following notice from You Tube.
Paul Fromm

Regarding your account: Brian Ruhe

We have received a legal complaint regarding your video. After review, the following video: B.C. man convicted of promoting hate on web challenges law in court. – Day 2has been blocked from view on the following YouTube country site(s):

Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, France, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Israel, Italy, Martinique, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Poland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Reunion, French Southern Territories, Wallis and Futuna, Mayotte

YouTube blocks content where necessary to comply with local laws. Please review our help centre article on legal complaints //support.google.com/youtube/answer/3001497?hl=en-GB.

Yours sincerely, 
The YouTube Team





I just got this email. Mary approached me a couple of months ago to teach a one hour mindfulness meditation class for $50 at UBC because she met me 10 years ago. This is minor compared to the six jobs I was fired from a year ago.


Image may contain: 1 person , people smiling , closeup

——– Forwarded Message ——–

Subject: Re: info
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2016 12:57:01 -0700
From: Mary Stern <marziehstern@gmail.com>
To: Brian Ruhe <brian@brianruhe.ca>

Hi there Brian,

I am really sorry to have to tell you that the meditation will be cancelled this Thursday. As a volunteer elected by the community to serve on the association for Acadia park, I have to represent the diverse needs of those how have elected me, and unfortunately, some of those who were interested in coming to meditation are uncomfortable with some of the views on your web site. I apologize for having to cancel, and wish you all the best in continuing your good work. I hope you understand that my group is very culturally diverse, and I need to be accountable to them and support their wellness foremost.
Take care and all the best,

Eaton’s Centre Censors WiFi – – CAFE Protests

 Eaton’s Centre Censors WiFi – – CAFE Protests

Using the Eaton ‘s Center mall wi fi in Toronto,American Renaissance labelled hateful and racist ,same for VNN

Inline image 1
Many in corporate Canada are only too eager to impose politically correct censorship on their customers. Many Tim Horton’s WiFi outlets are notorious for this. Talk to the managers and say you don’t appreciate their being the thought police.
Paul Fromm

Monika Schaefer Defends Herself Against Jasper Fitzhugh Smear Article

Monika Schaefer Defends Herself Against Jasper Fitzhugh Smear Article

18 July 2016 noon Mountain Time
Paul Clarke’s hit piece on me in the July 14th 2016 edition of the Fitzhugh requires a response. First, what is the story? The Fitzhugh reports that the RCMP is not currently investigating the matter. It is also reported that the Alberta Human Rights Commission neither confirms nor denies receiving a complaint. What is the news? 
It appears that the only real substance to Paul Clarke’s smear is his detailed account of Ken Kuzminski’s antagonism towards my video. On the basis of his political judgement, Kuzminski seeks to criminalize me and evict me from my home. He declared on social media that I am not welcome in Jasper. From my perspective, my peaceful expression of disagreement with official orthodoxy is being met with a publicized incitement to hatred against me. Who is most in danger here?
Frederick Fromm's photo.
I invite my friend Ken to consider the authoritarian implications of his draconian interventions. Do we have freedom of speech in Canada or not? How far does Ken wish to go in criminalizing dissent?
Ken Kuzminski’s announcement that I am banned from the Jasper Legion, of which he is president, raises the most profound issues. We were always told that Canadian soldiers fought for our freedoms, including freedom of speech and association. Shutting me out of the Legion demeans the values that our veterans supposedly fought to protect. 
Kuzminski contacted the German Embassy. Why? Is he trying to get Canada to follow Germany’s even more repressive police-state censorship on the issue of what actually happened in WW2? 
[The remainder of the letter is the portion that The Fitzhugh refused to print – MS]
The truth does not fear investigation. Only lies need protection by law. 
I will exercise my freedom of speech here. I insist on some reckoning with facts and evidence. 
After the Toronto “Holocaust trials” of Ernst Zündel in 1985 and 1988, the curators of the Auschwitz State Museum in Poland reduced death statistics from 4 million to 1.5 million. Why did the 6 million number remain unchanged?
Evidence in those trials brought to light the fraud of the gas chamber story. The French Professor Robert Faurisson was a pioneer in this line of investigation. He has been repeatedly convicted in French courts and physically assaulted for persisting with his scientific inquiry. Faurisson was instrumental in bringing Fred Leuchter, America’s top gas chamber specialist, into the Toronto trials. Leuchter conducted a thorough scientific examination of the facilities at Auschwitz and concluded that there were no homicidal gas chambers. 
Robert Faurisson’s trials and tribulations speak of the high stakes nature of genuine historical inquiry into the evidence of this subject. He has famously summarized, in a 60-word sentence, his conclusion from decades of research on the forbidden subject: 
“The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews constitute one and the same historical lie, which made possible a gigantic financial-political fraud, the principal beneficiaries of which are the state of Israel and international Zionism, whose principal victims are the German people — but not their leaders — and the entire Palestinian people.”
Many people, including Jews, died in WW2. Most of the concentration camp deaths occurred in the final months of war because food was not reaching the camps. The Allies carpet-bombed Germany, in particular transportation corridors. Camp inmates died of starvation and disease. The International Red Cross figure for total deaths in all the concentration camps was 271,301. Look it up.
According to Clarke’s article, Martin Sampson, director of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, claims “it is the most well-documented genocide” and “the truth is the Holocaust was industrialized, state-sponsored murder committed by the Nazis against the Jewish people”. Yet, in the many thousands of government documents and archives that were seized by the Allies after the war, not a single item was found indicating a plan to exterminate the Jews. How could the mass murder of 6 million people take place without a plan? 
I have always been a peace activist, and I am still a peace activist. What we have now is a world of war and turmoil, structured by lies and deception. I am standing up for a better world.
Monika Schaefer
. Creative Commons photo.A video shot by a local resident denying the Holocaust has been widely condemned by the community and at least one resident has filed a formal complaint with the Alberta Human Rights Commission.

On June 17, Monika Schaefer, a well-known Jasper resident and former Green Party candidate, appeared in a video on Youtube denying the Holocaust. The video was subsequently posted on her Facebook page.

“This is the most persistent and pernicious lie in all of history,” said Schaefer, about the Holocaust.

In the video she described the Holocaust as the “the six-million lie” in reference to the six million Jews who lost their lives at the hands of the Nazis during the Second World War.

The six-minute video quickly went viral and garnered more than 30,000 views at the time of publishing.

At the end of the video Schaefer invited viewers to read several books published by Holocaust deniers, including Ernst Zündel, who lived in Canada for four decades before being deported to his native Germany where he was imprisoned for five years for denying the Holocaust.

Ken Kuzminski, president of the Jasper Royal Canadian Legion, described the video as hate speech.

“Monika has a right to say whatever she wants to say, but once she’s published it I feel that’s moved on to hate speech,” said Kuzminski.

“She can stand up and say whatever she wants, but she has to accept the consequences of doing that.”

He said he has written a formal complaint to the Alberta Human Rights Commission, contacted the local RCMP detachment and the German embassy.

“By her denying that this ever happened it perpetuates hatred, racism and discrimination,” said Kuzminski, adding he’s heard from several young people in town that they no longer feel safe.

“This is not the community we are and what we believe in.”

The Alberta Human Rights Commission neither confirmed nor denied it had received a formal complaint.

“All of the information that comes into the human rights commission with regards to complaints is confidential,” said Susan Coombes, with the Alberta Human Rights Commission.

With that said, she said any complaint involving hate would fall under section three of the Alberta Human Rights Act.

“It’s really difficult to prove,” said Coombes, about whether someone is in violation of the act. “What you have to do is say that there was intent to incite hate.”

The Jasper RCMP confirmed it was aware of the video, but said no formal investigation has been launched.

“At this time what I can say is that I’m aware the video exists and it was brought to my attention,” said RCMP Sgt. Rick Bidaisee. “Discussions are ongoing.”

Schaefer said she stood by her comments in the video during a telephone interview July 11.

“Right now the issue for me is freedom of speech,” said Schaefer. “Last I checked I thought we had freedom of speech in Canada and suddenly I’m the criminal.”

She confirmed she shot the video in Germany, where it is illegal to deny the Holocaust.

“If we don’t have the right to question a historical event then we don’t have freedom of speech,” said Schaefer.

Schaefer was slated to perform during Canada Day, but was pulled from the schedule after the Canada Day committee learned a group of residents were going to protest her performance.

“We had really reliable information that there was going to be a protest and in the interests of public safety and her safety for that matter, we decided it would just be in everybody’s best interests if she stood down for this year,” said Pattie Pavlov, general manager for the Jasper Park Chamber of Commerce.

Kuzminski confirmed she is also banned from the legion.

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) quickly condemned the video after learning of its existence.

“As a Holocaust denier, Ms. Schaefer, who appears in this absurd video, has earned her place on the very margins of society,” wrote Martin Sampson, director of communications for CIJA.

“Her comments would be laughable but for the intense pain they cause the survivor community and their descendants. Denying the Holocaust exposes her as an anti-Semitic ignoramus.”

“The truth is the Holocaust was industrialized, state-sponsored murder committed by the Nazis against the Jewish people. It is the most well documented genocide—by both perpetrator and victim—in history. To deny this fact is to spit in the face of truth.”

News that a formal complaint was lodged with the Alberta Human Rights Commission, comes after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, on July 10 in Poland, where one million people, mostly Jews, were killed in the Second World War.

Regina v Radical Press Legal Update #25

Regina v Radical Press Legal Update #25


Regina v Radical Press Legal Update # 25
 July 11th, 2016

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Dear Free Speech Defenders and Radical Press Supporters,

It’s been close to a year since I last posted a Legal Update back on August 8th, 2015. That was prior to the actual trial which began on October 26th, 2015 and concluded fourteen days later on November 12th, 2015.

The outcome of the trial, as many will know, resulted in a Guilty charge on Count 1 and a Not Guilty charge on Count 2. What was perplexing for everyone who heard the results (including myself) was that BOTH Counts 1 and 2  were the same charge, that is, both were a Sec. 319(2) Criminal Code of Canada offence which reads:

“(2) Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or

(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.”

Immediately following the trial a date was set for December 7th, 2015 in order to fix a date for theCharter application hearing to be heard. The Charter issue had already began back in the spring of 2015 but was postponed pending the outcome of the trial. Had I been victorious and found Not Guilty on both counts there would not have been grounds to file the challenge to the legislation. That date came and went and Crown and Defence were unable to agree upon a date for the hearing. It was put over to January 25th, 2016. On the January date issues came up about Defence calling Expert Witnesses and so it was rescheduled to March 29th, 2016 to fix a date. March 29th came and went and more delays required the setting a new date of April 4th. The 4th of April came and went and another date of May 2nd was chosen. On May 2nd the computers in the courtroom malfunctioned causing further delays and a new date of June 6th was set. On June 6th Defence counsel’s computer went down and a new date of July 11th, 2016 was set. After  eight months and seven attempts to fix a date the deed was finally accomplished on the 11th of July!

As it now stands the Charter application will be heard in Quesnel Supreme Court beginningOctober 3rd, 2016 and run (possibly) for the full week to October 7th, 2016.

As stated previously, I, as the Applicant will be raising the following issues; ones that are included in my Memorandum of Argument:

• Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code constitutes an infringement of Section 2(b) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

• The Crown bears the onus of justifying the infringement of Charter rights on a case-by-case basis.

• The present case is distinguishable from Keegstra on its facts.

• The infringement of Section 2(b) of the Charter is not reasonably justified by Section 1 in the circumstances of this case, and specifically: The “pressing and substantial objective” of legislation must be defined narrowly for the purpose of a Section 1 analysis.

• The use of Section 319(2) in this case is not rationally connected to the pressing and substantial objective of preventing harms associated with hate propaganda.

• Criminal prosecution by indictment is not a minimal impairment of the Applicant’s Charter rights.

• The infringement of the Applicant’s Charter rights is disproportionate to any possible salutary effect that Section 319(2) could have in the circumstances of this case.

• The appropriate remedy is to read into the law a constitutional exemption, to the effect that Section 319(2) is not a reasonable limit on Section 2(b) in circumstances where the allegedly hateful material is legal to possess and lawfully available from other sources.

The bottom line is that Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code constitutes an infringement of Section 2(b) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which states:

“Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: …

(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication …”

The Order that I intend to pursue is based upon Section 52(1) of the Constitution Act1982 reads as follows:

“52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.”

Citing R. v. Sharpe in support of Section 52(1) I will be respectfully requesting an order that would read as follows:

A declaration that Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code constitutes an infringement of Section 2(b) of the Charter, as already established in R. v. Keegstra.

A declaration, pursuant to Section 52(1) of the Constitution Act, 1982, that Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code is not reasonably justified by Section 1 of the Charter in circumstances where the allegedly hateful material is legal to possess and lawfully available from other sources.

Crown of course will be arguing that the applicant’s (my) argument is entirely without merit.

Now that the date has been set there is still the responsibility on my part to cover a number of financial costs related to the hiring of Expert Witnesses and also travel expenses and accommodations for legal assistants who I will be bringing to Quesnel for the week of the Charterhearing. These and many other miscellaneous costs that are part of this ongoing process must be raised over the next two months in order accomplish our goals. Any help that people can offer will be gratefully accepted and put to good use.

Donations can be made online via my GoGetFunding site located at http://gogetfunding.com/canadian-publisher-faces-jail-for-political-writings/ or else by sending cash, cheques or Money Orders to the following postal address. Please make sure that any cheques or Money Orders are made out to – Arthur Topham – and sent to:

Arthur Topham
4633 Barkerville Highway
Quesnel, B.C.
V2J 6T8
Thank You All for your ongoing help throughout this long process!



Former winner of East Germany’s Miss Universe Contest, now single, is looking for the far right man. Are you that lucky man? Find out with eHarmony! That’s “e” for ethnic!

Above, bubbly former Stasi informant Anetta Kahane , has been charged by Chancellor Merkel’s Minister of Justice Heiko Maas with the task of monitoring Facebook to discover”xenophobic” posts, whose authors will be fined and imprisoned, Ex-Stasi Agent Hired to Censor “Xenophobic” Facebook Posts » Alex Jones&#039; Infowars: There&#039;s a war on for your mind!

We at eHarmony.ca pride ourselves in finding the right match for you. Someone who will understand where you are coming from and what you are thinking and posting.

If you are a single man looking for Ms. Right, or in this case Ms. Left, then Anetta is the gal for you. She is a single, well indoctrinated, with a secure job and a handsome income. In other words, she has a lot to bring to the table.

There are many adjectives that would fit this fun-loving lady. Outgoing, upbeat. effervescent, bubbly and buoyant are but a few of them. But it is her trademark Leftist sense of humour that she is most noted for. In turn, she likes a good laugh too, except that if your one-liners are judged to be Islamophobic, xenophobic or racist, the joke will be on you, Herr Brownshirt.

Suffice to say that Anetta can be the life of the party, especially if that party is like the DDR’s Socialist Unity Party (SED) or lately, the CDU (same difference).

As full disclosure is one of the conditions that eHarmony requires of its clients, whether they be men seeking women or women seeking men, we must point out that like all human beings, Frau Kahane does on occasion show her warts. But let’s be realistic, Ms. Right can never be Ms. Perfect. Not in this world. And besides, you are not getting any younger, are you? Beggars can’t be choosers, can they now? Adjust your standards man.

The jealous type, Anetta will confess that she is somewhat of a stalker. Just out of habit, she will monitor her man, track his movements and report his comments to her superiors. It all goes to show that a leopard can’t change its spots.

If anything, Anetta is first and foremost a career woman, and pleasing her superiors is just as important as pleasing you. Look, this is 2016 and you can’t expect a woman to forfeit career satisfaction or upward mobility and build a life just around you, can you?

Well, whatever her faults may be, you can count on one thing. Anetta is consistent. She doesn’t have those ups and downs that many women have. She is the same woman now that she was then, before 1989. Young at heart. The only difference is that back then, Anetta liked walls. But now she wants all the walls to come down. Just like her boss Angela. Or her soul mate, Hillary.

Bottom line: don’t despair, young man. You will not have to live out your days as a bachelor, or a widower if that is your present status. The opportunity is there for the taking. Take heart, for as the saying goes, for every Jack, there is a Jill—or an Anetta. And eHarmony will find her for you. Of course you and your true love will have your differences but as Canadian Prime Minister Justice Trudeau continually reminds us, it is our unbridgeable differences that make us strong. There is “Unity in Diversity”. Repeat that often enough and you will come to believe it. Or else.

So say goodbye to loneliness. You will never have to be alone again, unless you are sent to a prison for a thought crime because a former Stasi informant ratted on you. All you have to do is keep your mouth shut. If you grew up in the DDR, that should be second nature to you anyway, right? And if you are not yet ready to do that, we can always send you to training camp in Sweden for conditioning. If they can’t find a spot for you, Canada will do. By the way, you just have tosee Canada’s model “re-education” camp, adorned with a sign over the entrance gate that reads “Diversity will set you free”. See, you feel “vibrant” already, don’t you? Admit it.

If you are interested, we can connect you to Anette, or send screen shots of your postings on twitter in care of her address, by way of an introduction. If you need an escort, we can arrange that too, and remand you to her custody in the basement of the Berlin Hohenschonhausen, once renowned for its gracious hospitality.

Naturally, like anyone who is suddenly confronted by the woman of his dreams, you can expect to be a little stage-struck at first. Rendered speechless in fact—if fines and imprisonment haven’t already done the trick. But don’t worry, if the cat has got your tongue, Anetta will make you talk. She is that kind of woman. Charm is her middle name.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Bet on love with eHarmony!

Tim Murray, CEO

Gordon Watson Wants Hotel Manager Charged With Assault: THE BATTLE OF THE WADDLING DOG — Part III

Gordon Watson Wants Hotel Manager Charged With Assault: THE BATTLE OF THE WADDLING DOG — Part III

Journalist and longtime free speech campaigner Gordon Watson gives his account of his attendance at the Quality Inn Waddling Dog the afternoon when CAFE’s meeting was supposed to occur. The meeting had been arbitrarily and, in defiance of a verbal contract, been cancelled the previous afternoon by manager Brandon Petraroia. When asked to leave, Mr. Watson left quietly. Nevertheless, the manager threw him a body check in a clear attempt to provoke retaliation which would have invited the five or so Central Saanich officers sent to shut down the free speech meeting the opportunity to arrest Mr. Watson. In the formal Freedom of Information request delivered Monday, Mr. Watson demands that Petraroia be charged with assault.


Mr. Petraroia seems to be in his fourth year in a Bachelor’s programme in International Hotel Management at Royal Roads University in Victoria. In his resume, he lists bartending experience. He also boasts that he has the “ability to deal with the public.” As a bartender, one would assume he had some training in dealing with the public and in keeping his hands off visitors to his premises. It turns out he is also a hockey player for the Waddling Dog Greasers in a Victoria Island Hockey League. In two seasons, 2014-2016, he scored 36 points in 47 games. Can one assume he learned that the behavior permissible on the hockey rink — body checks and blocking — might not be proper off the rink, especially when the victim is more than twice his age. Petraroia graduated high school in 2009 — let’s say at age 18 or 19. Seven years later that would make him 25 or 26. Mr. Watson, the man he blocked and body checked is 67! Mananger/”owner”? Brandon is behind the cop. In his on-line resume, Mr. Petraroia lists himself as “assistant manager” at the Waddling Dog. He introduced himself to Mr. Watson as the owner and to Mr. Fromm alternately as the “manager” and “the owner.” The Battle of the Waddling Dog continues.

Paul Fromm Director



Below is the Freedom of Information demand which I hand delivered, at 11 am today (Monday, June 20, 2016) it included the 20 pages of Your ward News / one page of your announcement of the meeting / 4 pages of photos taken that day
Gordon S Watson — —- —-

Chief Constable Central Saanich police, Les Sylvain: 01 On Saturday June 18th 2016, I arrived at the Waddling Dog Quality Inn at approximately 1:45 pm, to find your officers Sihota and Apa and several others, on the premises. I went in to the building as I had done several times in previous years when I attended meetings convened there by Paul Fromm. Immediately inside the main door I noticed a chalkboard on an easel in front of the Library door saying “this area is closed”. 02 It occurred to me I might find people who’d arrived for the meeting which had been scheduled for the Library, and were puzzled what to do next, in the restaurant. So I headed down the hall towards it. A man followed me and asked who I was. When I said “Im from the press” he asked for credentials. When I said I did not have such credentials on me, he told me to leave the premises. I asked him who he was. He replied “Im the owner.” I said the words “Im gone or I may have said “Im going”. Either way, it was clear to all concerned that I intended to leave. Turning back from going towards the restaurant, I proceeded the way I’d just come, so as to go out the main door. As I did so, the man who’d challenged me stepped in to my line of travel, jamming his left shoulder in to my body as I walked by him. Glancing back after being assaulted, I noticed he still had his feet planted firmly in a squat, knees slightly bent, which lowers one’s centre of gravity. There is no doubt in my mind but that he’d assumed that stance, readying himself to impede me, as part of provoking me to retaliate physically against him. 03 His act was what police officers / deputy sheriffs do when they want to arrest someone but don’t yet have an excuse = ie. deliberately make physical contact so as to provoke reaction in the target, of him reflexively shoving back, so they can then lay hands on that person, pretending that he had initiated an assault. In this instance, I did not pause in my travel towards the door. Rather, after I felt his shove, I stepped farther away from the man and said to him sarcastically “thats so trite”. Sergeant Sihota was standing right there, paying attention to what was going on. Sgt. Sihota couldn’t have missed witnessing the man purposely putting his shoulder into my chest as I walked by him, and hearing my response to the assault 04 This is my complaint that that man – whose name I think is “Brandon” – should be charged with the offence of ‘assault”.
05 I came away insulted that police had let themselves be manipulated into enforcing denial of my right to freedom of association, ; my right to participate in democratic activity, along with denial of Paul Fromm’s freedom of speech. Especially, I was insulted that armed, uniformed officers of the government interfered with the reciprocal of freedom of speech, which is, my right to hear what he has to say on certain political issues. Having known Mr Fromm for over 20 years, and heard what he has to say about the pattern of vicissitudes he’s endured from his enemies during that time, there is no doubt in my mind but that the same old canard was played by them on Saturday June 18th 2016. Do I have to remind you that this kind of intimidation for suppressing political activity is one of the hallmarks of fascism? You were duped into the role of the goon squad = mis-appropriating the power, prestige and resources of local government to assist the enemies of freedom. The ‘show of force’ at the Waddling Dog Quality Inn in this instance was a disgrace upon the reputation of your police force.
06 Enclosed – integral to this my complaint – find a copy of Your Ward News / 20 pages. It predicted what played-out in the incident : that Canada is now so morally bankrupt that those of us who disagree with the Central Party line find ourselves facing policemen who mouthe the ridiculous excuse proffered by Sgt. Sihota : “were here to keep the peace to see that everyone is safe. Safe from what? Controversial Ideas? Safe from discomfort when confronted with concepts Outside the Box of what race traitors in high places deem palatable?! 07 Part of my role as a politician, is : scrutinizing allocation of resources of government. Enclosed – integral to this complaint – find a copy of the advertisement for the meeting which had been set for that day. I was there to get the facts with which to prepare my platform when standing for office of MLA in the provincial election. The electorate needs to know about how funds from public accounts are being misappropriated for elective surgeries. As well ; Citizens need to know that the present administration proposes amending the Criminal Code so critics of the insanity of “trans-gender-ism” could be charged with “hate speech”. I was there to participate in activity essential to the well-being of the body politic. In the farce your officers came off as The Thought Police. 08 Once Id exited the building, I asked Sgt. Sihota ‘who called the police, and why?. He told me he didn’t have to answer those questions. He directed me to talk to you. Therefore pursuant to the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act Revised Statutes of British Columbia, I require and hereby demand
09 copies of all records to do with that incident at the Waddling Dog Quality Inn on Saturday June 18 2016, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, 10 the full name of the man who presented himself as “the owner” and who is seen in the photos enclosed 11 copies of all materials accessed by the Central Saanich police force in support of your decision to send officers to the Waddling Dog that day, going to the question of who called the police, and why? 12 copies of all internet website pages viewed by any and every member of the Central Saanich police force, before, during and after this incident 13 copies of all communications in any and every form, including audio recordings of telephone calls to and from any and every member of the Central Saanich police, before, during and after this incident, concerning Paul Fromm 14 copies of all records in control of the Central Saanich Police department concerning me / my name Gordon Stephen Watson born September 10 1949.
15 a printout of the PRIMEbc database concerning me / my name Gordon Stephen Watson born September 10 1949.

Gordon S Watson

The Battle of the Waddling Dog: Police Mass to Stop Free Speech Lecture & Hotel Manager Cancels CAFE Meeting

The Battle of the Waddling Dog: Police Mass to Stop Free Speech Lecture & Hotel Manager Cancels CAFE Meeting

          VICTORIA. June 19, 2016 Yesterday saw the first round in the free speech battle at the Quality Inn Waddling Dog fought out with police massing to prevent free speech supporters from attending a meeting announced for this hotel. The heavy police presence reeked of the political police.
Frederick Fromm's photo.
Frederick Fromm's photo.

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CAFE was scheduled to host a talk Saturday afternoon. Here is the meat of the invitation.
Hear Paul Fromm in Victoria, Saturday, June 18, 2016
The Canadian Association for Free Expression Proudly Presents
Paul Fromm
Director, Canada First Immigration Reform Committee
Winner of the George Orwell Free Speech Award,
Free Speech in Justin Trudeau’s Soft Dictatorship
· Kicked off Parliament Hill
· YOUR WARD NEWS editor & publisher banned from sending or receiving mail
· Supremos Won’t Hear McCorkill Case (bequests to groups whose views are “contrary to public policy” vulnerable)
· The transgendered and sexually screwed up – yet another group you soon will not be able to criticize
I was in Edmonton Friday afternoon, prior to my talk there, when, about 3:30, I received a call from a ‘Brandon’ who said he was the manager at the Waddling Dog. A supporter had put the invitation up on the social media. Brandon insisted the meeting is cancelled. Some of the topics we don’t want to be associated with.’ I said the meeting is about free speech and related issues. I asked him which topics he objected to. He had no answer. I pointed out that CAFE was renting a meeting room, not seeking nor claiming the endorsement of the Waddling Dog.”
I further informed him that CAFE had held some half dozen meetings in the hotel’s library over the past four years. I had stayed there several times myself and had a room for a guest speaker as well. There has never been any trouble, we have always paid our bill and left the place in good order.
I pointed out that hotels rent bedrooms and meeting space. In a bedroom, people may indulge in heterosexual sex, sex within marriage, adulterous sex, homosexual sex. The hotel does not endorse or support these behaviours; they are the responsibility of those concerned. Similarly with meeting.
However, ‘Brandon’ was oozing hostility. I reminded him we had a contract. “I don’t give a shit,” he said. “It’s my property. You’re not coming here.”
I tried to get beyond the phony first name basis business and extract his last name. “I don’t have to give it to you,’ he said. However, I eventually learned he was a Brandon Petraroia.
He then called back and warned that he was calling the police. In a final parting shot, Brandon snarled that I was “a racist piece of shit.” We had not said a thing about race or ethnicity.
This final shot almost made me laugh. Had the blustering Brandon learned his hotel trade from Basil Fawlty (John Cleese of the hilarious British comedy Fawlty Towers where the lanky Fawlty used to insult and abuse his guests)?
In all this discussion, Brandon never asked what we believed. Like so many in this increasingly censorious society, he didn’t seek to learn or discuss. He had made up his mind and it was as closed as a wolf trap.
On almost no notice, CAFE had to arrange another venue and, more problematically, try to reach potential attendees. Nevertheless, the meeting went ahead elsewhere.
The Waddling Dog posted an incoherent defamatory notice on its Facebook.
A meeting that has been advertised to be held at the Waddling Dog on Saturday, June 17th by an extreme political group involving very racist views and KKK relations is false. This meeting is NOT occurring despite its mass social media presence. The anti-immigration group and radical party is not welcome on this property. Despite receiving threats today by their leader, Paul Fromm, our manager personally spoke with him and told him he is not welcome on the property. The local RCMP has been notified as well and will be on site tomorrow to ensure this doesn’t escalate. If you hear more about this, please understand it is false and we have zero association with this group and their views do not reflect those of the Waddling Dog.”
The errors are so many. There was no discussion of race or immigration in our invitation or telephone exchange. We are not the Klan nor are we a political party.  I made no threats of any sort. However, the blast clearly confirms that we were victims of political discrimination.
The next day saw the powers of the police state swing into play. More and more in an increasingly feminized, infantilized Canada today, if you hear something politically incorrect, call the cops.
A previous speaker for CAFE at the Waddling Dog was lawyer Barclay Johnson who explained that we are over-policed and police are overpaid. That leads police into a form of social work to justify their positions. In BC, where they justice system is fanatically anti-man, police in a domestic dispute come around and haul the man off to jail. It’s about breaking up families and isolating men. Police are willing agents of this.
Long-time free speech activist, anti-abortion campaigner and unpasteurized milk rebel Gordon Watson went to the Waddling Dog just before the meeting and filed this report.
“On Saturday June 18th 2016, I arrived at the Waddling Dog Quality Inn at approximately 1:45 pm, to find  officers Sihota and Apa and several others from the Central Saanich Police, on the premises. I went in to the building as I had done several times in previous years when I attended meetings convened there by Paul Fromm. Immediately inside the main door I noticed a chalkboard on an easel in front of the Library door saying “this area is closed”.
It occurred to me I might find people who’d arrived for the meeting which had been scheduled for the Library, and were puzzled what to do next, in the restaurant. So, I headed down the hall towards it. A man followed me and asked who I was. When I said “I’m from the press” he asked for credentials. When I said I did not have such credentials on me, he told me to leave the premises. I asked him who he was.
He replied “I’m the owner.”
I said the words “I’m gone” or I may have said “I’m going”. Either way, it was clear to all concerned that I intended to leave. Turning back from going towards the restaurant, I proceeded the way I’d just come, so as to go out the main door. As I did so, the man who’d challenged me stepped in to my line of travel, jamming his left shoulder in to my body as I walked by him. Glancing back after being assaulted, I noticed he still had his feet planted firmly in a squat, knees slightly bent, which lowers one’s centre of gravity. There is no doubt in my mind but that he’d assumed that stance, readying himself to impede me, as part of provoking me to retaliate physically against him.
His act was what police officers / deputy sheriffs do when they want to arrest someone but don’t yet have an excuse: that is, deliberately make physical contact so as to provoke reaction in the target, of him reflexively shoving back, so they can then lay hands on that person, pretending that he had initiated an assault. In this instance, I did not pause in my travel towards the door. Rather, after I felt his shove, I stepped farther away from the man and said to him sarcastically “that’s so trite”. Sergeant Sihota was standing right there, paying attention to what was going on. Sgt. Sihota couldn’t have missed witnessing the man purposely putting his shoulder into my chest as I walked by him, and hearing my response to the assault
I came away insulted that police had let themselves be manipulated into enforcing denial of my right to freedom of association; my right to participate in democratic activity, along with denial of Paul Fromm’s freedom of speech. Especially, I was insulted that armed, uniformed officers of the government interfered with the reciprocal of freedom of speech, which is, my right to hear what he has to say on certain political issues. Having known Mr Fromm for over 20 years, and heard what he has to say about the pattern of vicissitudes he’s endured from his enemies during that time, there is no doubt in my mind but that the same old canard was played by them on Saturday.
This kind of intimidation for suppressing political activity is one of the hallmarks of fascism? They were duped into the role of the goon squad —  misappropriating the power, prestige and resources of local government to assist the enemies of freedom. The ‘show of force’ at the Waddling Dog Quality Inn in this instance was a disgrace upon the reputation of your police force.Canada is now so morally bankrupt that those of us who disagree with the Central Party line find ourselves facing policemen who mouthe the ridiculous excuse proffered by Sgt. Sihota : “we’re here to keep the peace … to see that everyone is safe”. Safe from what? Controversial Ideas? Safe from discomfort when confronted with concepts Outside the Box of what race traitors in high places deem palatable?”

Incidentally, the police never contacted me or CAFE to learn the nature of the event before descending in force to break it up.
This is just the first skirmish in the Battle of the Waddling Dog. Stay tuned. — Paul Fromm
Quality Inn Waddling Dog
2476 Mt. Newton Cross, Saanichton, BC V8M2B8
250 652 1146


Canada: Your Ward News & Editor Banned from Sending or Receiving Mail https://www.youtube.com/edit?video_id=jUoBN86A2pw&video_referrer=watch Dear Mr. Hickey: YOUR WARD NEWS may be a case in which the OCLA may wish to intervene. The Interim Prohibitory Order makes the editor and publishers non-persons. They may neither send nor receive mail, The relevant section of the Canada Post Corporation Act states: (3) Subject to subsection (4), while an interim or final prohibitory order is in effect, the Minister may (a) detain or return to the sender any mail addressed to, or anything posted by, the person affected; This totalitarian penalty is imposed because on “reasoanble grounds” the Minister believes YOUR WARD NEWS is violating Sec. 319 (“hate law”) or the defamatory libel section 300. However, no such charges have been laid against YOUR WARD NEWS, and, needless to say, no convictions registered, Furthermore, even if there had been convictions for previous issues, each issue of the paper is different. I think Sec. 43-46 of the Act over-reach and, in this instance, deny the victims natural justice. Paul Fromm Director CANADIAN ASSOCIATION FOR FREE EXPRESSION Preview YouTube video Censorship Canada: Your Ward News & Editor Banned from Sending or Receiving Mail

Canada: Your Ward News & Editor Banned from Sending or Receiving Mail

Dear Mr. Hickey:
YOUR WARD NEWS may be a case in which the OCLA may wish to intervene.
The Interim Prohibitory Order makes the editor and publishers non-persons. They may neither send nor receive mail,
The relevant section of the Canada Post Corporation Act states: 

(3) Subject to subsection (4), while an interim or final prohibitory order is in effect, the Minister may

  • (a) detain or return to the sender any mail addressed to, or anything posted by, the person affected; 
This totalitarian penalty is imposed because on “reasoanble grounds” the Minister believes YOUR WARD NEWS is violating Sec. 319 (“hate law”) or the defamatory libel section 300.
However, no such charges have been laid against YOUR WARD NEWS, and, needless to say, no convictions registered, 
Furthermore, even if there had been convictions for previous issues,  each issue of the paper is different.
I think Sec. 43-46 of the Act over-reach and, in this instance, deny the victims natural justice.
Paul Fromm