“I’m Barred from The Legislature for 90 Days” — Belinda Karahalios

Following my recovery from COVID-19, I was looking forward to returning to Queens Park this week to continue holding the Ford PCs to account.

But thanks to the Speaker, PC MPP Ted Arnott, I am unable to attend the legislature this week and for a full 90-days …

… because I recovered from COVID-19!

In October, the Speaker implemented a rule that every Member of Provincial Parliament had to either use a COVID-19 vaccine passport, or show proof of a negative COVID-19 test, to enter Queens Park.

I refuse the COVID-19 passport requirements.

So, to do the job I was elected to do – the job that taxpayers pay me to do – I have been taking rapid antigen tests for COVID-19, as have a few other MPPs.

On November 17th, my test returned a positive result for COVID-19. 

After a couple of days of illness, I recovered, but I was not permitted to enter the legislature for the rest of that week or last week.  I couldn’t participate in legislative matters during that time (like voting against Motion 8) as there is no virtual participation option provincially for MPPs as there is federally for MPs.

According to Public Health, my “quarantine” was over yesterday and I would “not [be] required to provide proof of a negative test result in order to return to work / activities.” 

Public Health was clear that someone in my position, who has recovered from COVID-19, should be permitted to go back to work.  Public Health’s position is that rapid antigen tests are unreliable in the 90-day period following recovery from COVID-19 and it is extremely unlikely that someone would catch and transmit COVID-19 in the 90-day period following such recovery. 

But that isn’t good enough for the Ford PCs and their legislative Speaker who have a different set of rules, different than even Public Health.

The Speaker’s position is that since I cannot take a rapid antigen test for 90-days after a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, and since taking a rapid antigen test or adhering to COVID-19 vaccine passport requirements, are the two conditions for entry into Queens Park, I would not be permitted entry for 90-days.

So, for 90-days following my COVID-19 diagnosis, I am barred from entering Queens Park.  [Note: Randy Hillier falsely claims that he too is barred from entering Queens Park, but he is not.  Randy’s just using a false claim as an excuse to hide his deal with the Ford PCs which includes getting rewarded for skipping work for more than a year.  You can read more about the real reason Randy skips work by clicking here and you can read more on Randy’s deal with the Ford PCs by clicking here.]

The decision by the Speaker, like most of the decisions by the Ford PCs, defies logic.  With natural immunity, I am less likely to catch or transmit COVID-19 than any other individual, vaccinated or otherwise.

I feel for the thousands of Ontarians who have lost their jobs or educations as a result of similar illogical decisions.

We should be focusing our efforts on effective treatment for COVID-19. 

Instead, the Ford PCs and certain “experts” are intent on punishing Ontarians.

We continue to build the New Blue Party of Ontario to counter the illogical left-wing authoritarian policies of the PCs, Liberals and NDP.

That is what we have done, and with your help, what we will continue to do.

Our candidate application will soon be available as we continue to get ready for the June 2022 election. 

There are only four weeks left to make a contribution to the New Blue Ontario Fund and receive a generous political tax credit of up to 75%.  Please consider the New Blue Party in your annual giving plans.

It is time to stand on principle. 

Thank you for your continued support.

God bless,

Belinda Karahalios
New Blue Party of Ontario

P.S. Only four weeks are left in 2021 to support the New Blue Party of Ontario with a contribution which may be eligible for up to a 75% political tax credit.  Click here to contribute today! 

Censoring Dissent in the Ontario Legislature: Independent MPP& COVID Crackdown Critic Belinda Karahalios Banned for 90 Days

Censoring Dissent in the Ontario Legislature: Independent MPP& COVID Crackdown Critic Belinda Karahalios Banned for 90 Days: Cambridge MPP Belinda Karahalios ousted from Ontario Legislature over vaccination status

Karahalios argued proof of negative test meant she was not in contravention of rules

CBC News · Posted: Dec 07, 2021 2:50 PM ET | Last Updated: December 7

Cambridge MPP Belinda Karahalios responds to Speaker Ted Arnott’s request she leave the chamber at Queen’s Park because she is not vaccinated against COVID-19 and a recent positive test for the virus means she must remain out of the chamber for 90 days starting on the day of the test. (Ontario Legislative Assembly/YouTube)

Cambridge MPP Belinda Karahalios was removed from the Ontario Legislature on Tuesday morning because she isn’t vaccinated for COVID-19.

Karahalios recently tested positive for the virus.

As such, Speaker Ted Arnott told her the current advice from the public officer of health is that Karahalios must be out of the chamber for 90 days following her positive test.

Karahalios argued she should be allowed in the chamber because she provided proof of a negative rapid antigen test.

“I’m not in contravention of the rules.”

Arnott asked Karahalios to leave at least three times before she was escorted out.

Karahalios has been outspoken in her criticism of vaccine mandates and lockdowns during the pandemic.

She was elected as a Progressive Conservative in 2018, but was removed from the caucus in July 2020 after voting against a bill that allowed the province to extend or amend some emergency orders a month at a time for up to two years without consulting the legislature.

She has since gone on to form the New Blue Party with her husband, Jim Karahalios.

Verdict for alleged “hate crime” this coming Friday 11:00 am EST

Verdict for alleged “hate crime” this coming Friday 11:00 am EST

Dear Friends,

Please remember this coming Friday, I will be in court at 11:00 am Toronto time to hear the verdict  for my alleged (not credible allegation) hate crime. Please keep this issue in your prayers this week.

You can see my alleged “hate crime” in the picture below. I am diguised as a “gay zombie” wearing a rainbow tutu, marching in the Toronto homosexual pride parade (note the naked guy to my left with one of my Gospel packs). I have my hand in my sachel and am getting another Gospel packet, disguised as a “Zombie Safe Sex” package.

We handed out 3000 of these  precious packages and they contained the Gospel on how to receive Jesus Christ as your  Lord and Saviour,  accurate medical information on  the harms associated with the homosexual lifestyle,   a testimony of a transgender who reclaimed his manhood after turning to Christ and criticism of the Liberal Party of Canada.

For this  potentially life saving ministry the Crown Prosecutor is asking 18  months incarceration.

Zoom links are available from Arthur  Schaper  of Mass Resistance for those who wish  to hear the verdict live at 11:00 am EST.

In Christ’s Service,
Bill Whatcott

I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.”
Jesus Christ

Freedom & END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies in the Okanagan, December 4-5, 2021

Freedom & END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies in the Okanagan, December 4-5, 2021

Weekend Freedom Rally Locations
IMG 3206 Our new and upcoming frontline youth leaders lead the way!!
Weekly Rallies – Possible Kelowna Location Change Regular Weekly Rallies
Kelowna Saturday Dec. 4 12:00 – 2:00 pm Stuart Park (NOTE: If occupied, we will go to Kerry Park) Penticton Sunday Dec 5 11:30 – 2:00 pm Main & Warren
Say hi to Mary-Lou supporting the largest rallies in the Southern Okanagan Vernon Saturday Dec. 4 12:00 – 2:00 pm Polson Park Say hi to Heather who is supporting the largest Northern Okanagan rallies.
Here are some wonderful pictures that were taken by Vlado at the World Wide Rally in Kelowna, on Sunday Nov. 20.

Worldwide Freedom Rally Victoria, November 20,

Nov 20 2021

The EVENT started off well.     Then we were treated to a short sharp lesson in how spiritual warfare plays out on the carnal plane. 
John Randall Phipps and the crew had done an excellent job, preparing.   I was amazed then overjoyed to hear him say he would lead us saying the Lord’s Prayer.      
When’s the last time we saw such a thing in public?   I can tell you … Dominion Day 2020, when Tanya Gaw preached her heart out on the steps of the Leg.

Randall pronounced the GATHERING was to be peaceful saying,  pointedly,  “if you have anger, please leave now”.  Shortly after,  a man behind the stage erupted … lashing out verbally at the organizers / everyone close by.      He attempted to commandeer the microphone but the sound guy fended him off.     On the little platform,  moments earlier,  the man who does his ‘Christian Rap” thing had pronounced that the occasion was for ‘peace love and good vibes’ [  my paraphrase. ]  And here we had 3 men wrestling down on the muddy grass!!  The instigator grabbed the microphone.  The sound man – whose property it was – yelled  “get off the stage!!!”.     I wasn’t ready to mix it up with someone obviously demon-possessed.

The troublemaker =  Jeff Harris  = is small potatoes in the big picture, yet it’s worth talking about what happened : it demonstrated the contest for leadership of this movement.  The audience was not sympathetic to him crashing the party.   A few boo-ed but for the most part, they were silent, appalled.     M.C. Sandy took charge.      With great presence of mind, she said   “we’re libertarians. We believe in free speech”.   Indicating –  even though not scheduled –  he would speak.   The sound guy turned off the microphone.   Humiliated, Harris  put it down and turned to leave.     A couple of armslengths from him,  I shouted : “you don’t need a microphone.  if you have something to say, say it.”     Provoked by my heckling, he launched a tirade.

I got the impression people were worried we were in for an hour’s worth of sanctimony like Oct 31,  when the Indians usurped.    But he lasted only 3 minutes of  ‘all about Jeff’.  Ie. : ‘I’ve been out on the street for 18 months … no-one cares about me. God is not going to save us. We have to save ourselves.’  Condemning everyone for not doing enough / not doing it his way.  I was tempted to needle him “so what do you have to show for it?”  but didn’t. 

Afterwards, there were 7 cops standing by.   If you have anything worthwhile to contribute the incident # is 2021-45941.    3 people came up to me, asking if we can get a Peace Bond against him.   At first I said ‘yes.  I’ll show you how to do it.”   Thinking some more, I now wonder if it’s worthwhile entangling me-self in the thickets of the law, wasting time on someone who’s  “sent to wear out the saints”.

Half a lifetime ago – after conviction for aggravated assault – a seasoned Corrections Officer told me, kindly. “In gaol, guys have monkeys on their backs … demons. You let someone else’s monkey’s climb your frame”.    Stuck in his own personal trauma,  Mr Harris is completely self-centred.  He has done more harm than good for this movement.   For instance: when CHEK tv arrived to get footage for their hit-piece on us, he literally got in their faces.  When he came near me I rebuked him = “you managed to disgrace all of us”.   With a big smirk on his face, he said “I don’t care”  direct quote.   His version of success, is – same as the bozo on steroids known as THE REAL CHRIS SKY (c) =  having the police show up for his own aggrandizement.

Reason I spend even this much time on the incident on Saturday, is ;    the enormous power of righteous indignation swirling in the so called Freedom Movement,  up for grabs,  attracts false prophets +  opportunists + conmen + predators + parasites + outright IN-sane individuals  + bad actors of all stripes, who run out ahead of the crowd, positioning demselves as “leaders”. 

A year ago when he was out in the middle of the street, screaming at a police van “Nazis!!!”   I tried to help Jeff Harris … warning he is on his way to gaol. 
His performance at the WW5 rally was the last straw … only a matter of time, before he’s off to the psych. ward.     Some problems resolve themselves

Last May, I told the assembly at Centennial Square “the police are not the enemy”.  Afterwards, I asked people who came up to talk to me,  “what do you think will happen next?”  One lady said   “we are going to go through a national near-death experience”   

 Beyond argument now >  the office holders in high places are fools, or deliberate Traitors.    Either way > they’ve got to be removed.  Christians are called to step in to the gap.  One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, is : government. Another is, discernment.   Spare me the mewlings about  ‘not involving ourselves in politics’.    Long ago, a wise man said “if you won’t participate in politics, you allow yourself to be ruled by those more stupid than you’.

We are privileged to have top notch speakers locally.  Here’s a few observations from Jackie R

Today at the anti-mandate rally, about 450 people.  I was surprised at how moved I felt by the various speakers.  One was Kam, the organizer of our Tuesday Thursday church group, very clear and inspiring. Then a wonderful woman, Karine, reminding us that the biggest threat to all of us, no matter where we stood, was fear and to be patient with ourselves and others going through stages of grief including rage and depression.  Because we are all dealing with deaths, death of how we wanted our futures to be, how we trusted in some of our institutions and leaders, death of certainty and safety …

And the last was Dr Malthouse who was another channel of balm and light in this sometimes bleak time.    Lots of courage and resilience and even laughter and celebration.    A good day

Dr Malthouse and Dr Hoffe are on tour,  speaking publicly re >  EDUCATE BEFORE YOU VACCINATE. They will be in Victoria on the evening of December 9th 2021

As well > Common Ground magazine is convening an EVENT at 3pm December 9th  on the grounds of the Legislature. With a candlelight vigil later. 
Brian Peckford, former Premier of Newfoundland is scheduled to speak.     I expect this to be an historic moment

Gordon S Watson

Justice Critic, Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians

November 23 2021 A. D.

Metchosin    British Columbia

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WW5 Rally Nov 20 2021 010.jpg

Penticton & Kelowna Freedom Rallies, December 5 & 4

Penticton & Kelowna Freedom Rallies, December 5 & 4

Don’t miss these important dates!

And Remember to bring two friends with you!


Penticton Rally Photos

Here are the pictures that Vlado took on Sunday, November 28- https://photos.app.goo.gl/4P8T64d6LjVmPFoa8

Weekly on Sundays 11:30 to 2 – Penticton Freedom Rallies. The next one is this Sunday, December 5th

Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons. Bring a friend! BRING TWO FRIENDS! Wilma is bringing 6 friends. You rock Wilma!

Remember that ACTION4CANADA reps Wayne and Derrick with undying support from Lauralei and Deborah will be there with Criminal claims and notices of liability for you to sign.

  Wednesday, December 8th – 6:15 p.m. – NEW LOCATION!!! Next Penticton Planning Meeting –       6:15 p.m. Meet and park at our regular Sunday rally site – in the parking lot on the NE corner of Main Street and Warren Avenue. We will be carpooling. Finger food potluck, too. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES PLEASE! Water, coffee, and tea will all be available.  


Weekly on Saturdays – Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Rally’s @ Stuart Park at the Bear 12:00 noon




We invite our brothers and sisters globally to Join the World in an International DAY4FREEDOM. December 22 and every 22nd of each month to follow. This is a day of unity and peace and of connecting hearts and minds to the cause of freedom through prayer and meditation throughout the day.  We invite all to join for as long and as often as possible on those special days. Log in to  https://day4freedom.com/ and join the email list for updates.

Also, join us Sunday to Friday at 8:00 am BC time as together we offer silent meditation and prayer for freedom.



For the many of us who believe that our primary mission now is to save the children, you may find this nationwide Mama Bear project is a perfect fit for you. With governments threatening to vax kids as young as 5 years old, much support is needed for parents and teachers both to do what we can to prevent that and to make available the option of homeschooling. Mama bears is actively recruiting volunteers now! Please see the attached PDF for more information and a link to the Mama Bear website to offer your support.  

If you wish to join the CLEAR Kelowna email list as well, please reply with “add to CLEAR Kelowna list”. Or go to the link https://clearbc.org/ and put yourself on the list.

If you want to unsubscribe from this list: (Heavens, No!) Simply reply with “unsubscribe” in the subject line. Thank you.

Mary Lou Gutscher


Lady Michele Renouf Congratulates Dr. James Sears on Orwell Award

Lady Michele Renouf Congratulates Dr. James Sears on Orwell Award

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Stuart Clarke/Shutterstock (855238h)Lady Michele RenoufLady Michele Renouf in London, Britain – Nov 2008Lady Michele Renouf has been helping Holocaust revisionist Dr Fredrick Toben following his arrest. Toben, a prominent Australian historical revisionist and holocaust denier, was detained by police at Heathrow airport on 3rd October 2008 in reference to a German arrest warrant. Germany alleges the Australian denies the mass murder of Jews by the Nazis in World War II.

British author, model, freedom fighter and videographer, Lady Michele Renouf, applauds Dr. James Sears winning the 2021 George Orwell Free Speech Award. “Hearty congratulations to Dr. James Sears! Hearts high, Michèle

Report on Recent END THE LOCKDOWN Freedom Protests in Victoria

      Dissident Voices in British Columbia :  Wed Nov 24 and Sat Nov 27 2021

Some folks tell me that they appreciate these updates to do with our PROTESTations against the NDP-fomented mass psychosis.  

Last Wednesday was another good day in front of the Leg. More confirmation that what we do, is worthwhile. Started off with just a few of us by my big banner asking

IS THIS MEDICAL FASCISM?   NO VAXX PASS  but no small signs. The very first passersby were a mom and stroller with three children. She stopped to thank us for being there.   That kind of thing makes it all worthwhile

Within 15 minutes we had the usual quorum.  When Randall appeared with the individual signs, we were greatly heartened.  By 1:00 p.m. we were up to 35 warm bodies on our side, with 2 counterprotesters keeping Little Nell company on the other side of Belleville Street

I was suspicious of a woman sitting on the bench, across the street with a camera fixed on us. So I went over and chatted.  Turns out : she is one of us. She had been through the Rentalsman process to do with the mask policy in her apartment building. She prevailed against the property management company!  The Rentalsman is an administrative tribunal, at the bottom of the Court ladder.    Even as small as this ruling may seem, it is exactly what we seek ; official acknowledgment that the mask diktat is UN-enforceable.    As of this writing, I have not yet found it on the Rentalsman website. 

On Saturday November 27th the rain was already coming down in buckets when we got there. By 2:00 pm we were drenched. Yet in good spirits. 

Another proof that our fellowshipping pays off, was hearing from one of the stalwarts that 400 dentists are signatories on the Notice of Liability they served on the Dental Association.  So, even if the lamestream media refuses to report about them, big things are happening.

I’d expected just a handful would show up in such filthy weather. Yet, by 1:20 pm there were 50 warm wet bodies on the sidewalk, commiserating : “I didn’t feel like coming but I thought I’d better,  to support the cause.”   Counterprotester Little Nell did drop by,  all by her lonesome, but got rained out.    She waved us all a sweet ‘goodbye’ at 1:28.

     The letter which gives away that there is no evidentiary basis for the mask diktat

Obtaining this letter is a defining moment trophy in our campaign to END the LOCKDOWN IN-sanity.  Realizing how damning it is, the Min. de Health refused to cough it up via Freedom of Information for most of a year.   In it, Bonnie Henry announced the end of dispute between BC Nurses and the Health Sciences Assn.    Since 2013, the policy had been, that nurses who would not submit to the ‘flu shot’ were ordered to put on a face covering.   It had been an ongoing labor grievance since then.  On official govt. stationery the Provincial Medical Officer gave away that neithershe nor anyone else, had evidence for substantiating the notion that wearing a face covering,  mitigates transmission of influenza.  And I emphasize that policy pertains to the hospital setting, where one would assume the situation would be most compelling.    Her  “Dear Colleagues” letter –  undated but probably at the end of November 2019 – is tacit admission that the government side could not produce evidence substantiating requirement for the mask diktat. 

Relentlessly misleading British Columbians that putting on the mask is somehow “the science”, when she knows perfectly-well it’s all nonsense, Bonnie Henry is revealed as a consummate liar.   Worse, that she and her accomplices are engaged in a criminal conspiracy to breach section 180 of the Criminal Code.   Participating in a conspiracy to commit an indictable offence, is another, distinct,  crime committed by John Horgan, Adrian Dix and Michael Farnworth


180 ( 1) Every one who commits a common nuisance and thereby
( a ) endangers the lives, safety or health of the public, or

 ( b ) causes physical injury to any person

is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.

( 2) For the purposes of this section, every one commits a common nuisance who does an unlawful act or fails to discharge a legal duty and thereby

( a ) endangers the lives, safety, health, property or comfort of the public ; or

( b ) obstructs the public in the exercise or enjoyment of any right that is common to all the subjects of Her Majesty in Canada.

Gordon S Watson

Justice Critic,     Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians


November 29th 2021 A. D.

Nov 27 2021 in the rain 004.jpg

LesLee and Will

Finally, Some Lawyers Sounding the Alarm About Loss of Freedoms Because of the Medico-Stalinists’ Power Grab During COVID

Civil Litigation

Lawyers across Canada, LSO benchers sign declaration calling for end of vaccine passports, mandates

Wednesday, November 24, 2021 @ 4:01 PM | By Amanda Jerome Share Print Tweet Email
A declaration calling for “the immediate end of vaccine passports and mandates” and a “public inquiry into the handling of all aspects of the declared pandemic” has been launched online, garnering signatures from over 31,000 citizens, including 250 lawyers, across the country.

“We are Canadian lawyers. In our country, civil liberties are under unprecedented attack. Governments, public health authorities, universities, public and private employers, municipalities, and businesses are trampling Canadians’ rights and freedoms. Our free society is at risk,” the Free North Declaration begins.

The declaration launched Nov. 12 by Bruce Pardy, professor of law at Queen’s University, along with Lisa Bildy, Stephen Penney, and Christopher Nunn, has also been signed by 10 Law Society of Ontario (LSO) benchers: Jorge Pineda, Ryan Alford, Murray Klippenstein, Alexander Wilkes, Joseph Chiummiento, Cecil Lyon, Scott Marshall, Cheryl Lean, Gary Graham and Jared Brown. It’s also been signed by Derek Sloan, former member of Parliament and leader of the True North Party of Canada.

Pardy told The Lawyer’s Daily that to date, the declaration has approximately 250 lawyer signatories and a little over 31,000 citizen endorsements.

According to the declaration, COVID-19 rules “restrict citizens’ abilities to work, shop, travel and socialize” and “erode civil liberties strategically, attempting to not run afoul of the law or to trigger protections in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms such as liberty and security of the person, the freedoms of association, assembly, expression, conscience, religion, and mobility rights.”

“Where Covid [sic] rules appear to have violated the Charter, courts have deferred to the state to take whatever measures it deems necessary, whether demonstrably justifiable or not,” the declaration added.

The declaration also claimed that “[I]n our system of law, no principle is more important than the right to control your own body and to make your own medical and health decisions.”

“An anxious populace, swept up in a deliberate campaign of fear, now believes that individual liberties upon which our liberal democracy is founded are dangerous and selfish. A growing collectivism that demands safety at the expense of autonomy shapes public policy,” the statement added.

The declaration noted that “[C]ourts have embraced the pandemic narrative, some taking judicial notice of the nature of risks of the virus and safety of vaccines to adults and children.”

“But the facts are anything but settled. Courts are supposed to be neutral. On Covid, as on any other contentious subject, their mandate is to find facts exclusively upon the evidence adduced by the parties in the courtroom. Instead, courts appear to have taken a side on Covid,” the declaration added, stressing that “[A]ccess to justice and the rule of law are now at risk.”

The statement goes on to explain that unvaccinated persons are “banned from juries, throwing into question the ability of all to obtain a fair trial heard by a jury of their peers.”

“Irrational policies born of panic affect no one more than disadvantaged communities who already suffer from lack of access to justice,” it continued.

The declaration further offered that COVID-19 vaccines “do not prevent people from becoming infected or from transmitting the virus to others, but only unvaccinated persons are banned or required to undergo testing.”

“People who have recovered from Covid and therefore have natural immunity are still subject to vaccination mandates even though the purpose of vaccination is to mimic natural immunity. Governments, public health authorities and employers advise that Covid vaccinations are safe, but pharmaceutical companies have been granted immunity from liability and no employers will accept legal responsibility for side-effects or adverse events, whether minor or serious, suffered by their employees who take a vaccine that they do not want,” the declaration added, noting that the “risks posed by Covid vaccines may be in dispute, but they are not zero. Particularly for children and healthy young adults, they may be riskier than the virus.”

“We fear the erosion of our free society,” the statement expressed.

“We question the single-minded fixation on a virus that poses little risk to most people. We protest the uncalculated harms that Covid policies are causing to people’s health, livelihoods, relationships, and mental states. We oppose the mass hysteria and anxiety that governments and the media are fuelling. Most of all, we object to the deterioration of our civil liberties and the failure of our legal institutions — legislatures, governments, administrative bodies, and courts — to protect them,” it added.

The declaration concluded by calling for “the immediate end of vaccine passports and mandates.”

“We propose a public inquiry into the handling of all aspects of the declared pandemic,” the statement added, noting that “Canadians should have control of their own lives and have the right to make their own decisions about their health, medical treatments, personal information, travels, and associations.”

Bill Whatcott “Hate Law” Verdict for Criticizing the LGBTQ Agenda to be Delivered December 10

Dear Friends,

An important prayer request and a reminder. The verdict for my so-called “hate crime” trial will be rendered at the Ontario Superior Court in Toronto, ON on Friday, December 10th at 11:00 am, Eastern Standard Time, which is 8:00 am Pacific Standard Time.

Pray that Justice Goldtein renders a just verdict based on the evidence and that his judgment is free of political interference and personal self interest considerations.

Those who wish to attend in person can do so at 361 University Ave, Toronto. Those who wish to hear the verdict on Zoom will be able to do so. Mass Resistance California’s Director Arthur Schaper can provide Zoom links to those who wish to hear the verdict online. Please try to send your request for a link to Arthur 24 hours in advance.

Arthur Schaper’s e-mail is: arthur@massresistance.org

In Christ’s Service,
Bill Whatcott