The Killing of Christmas: An Open Letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry

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The Killing of Christmas: An Open Letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry

/ Webmin

The Killing of Christmas:

An Open Letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry

Arthur Topham

“To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world,
that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the
truth heareth my voice.”
~ Jesus the Christ (John 18:37.)

To: Dr. Bonnie Henry,

British Columbia Provincial Health Officer,

Ministry of Health,

1515 Blanshard Street,

Victoria, BC V8W 3C9

Dear Dr. Bonnie Henry,

Seasons Greetings to you from the Cariboo.

The great 18th century British writer and pamphleteer Thomas Paine, considered by many to be the Godfather of the United States of America, played a crucial roll in the struggle of the Colonists to break free of the yoke of King George III throughout the American Revolution that commenced in 1776. When the Colonial army under General George Washington was in retreat from General Howe’s British forces and their supplies and ammunition running low the moral of the volunteers was also at an all time decline. It was then that Thomas Paine, who fought along side the Continental militia, penned his now famous series of pamphlets known as the Crisis Papers.

In late September as he sat absorbed by an army campfire on a hogshead scratching out on paper Crisis I, his first of many pamphlets he didn’t realize that someone had walked up beside him. Pausing for a moment he felt a hand on his shoulder and looking up he saw General Washington. While discussed the current situation that the Colonials were in Washington asked Paine if he might take a look at what he was writing. Tilting the sheets of paper toward the firelight he silently read to himself the following words:

These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier
and the sunshine patriot, will, in this crisis, shrink from the
service of their country; but he that stands it now,
deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

The General complimented Thomas Paine on his writing and asked him to send him copies of it when he was able to have it published. Paine of course replied that it would be his first priority. When the General returned to his tent and the night fell silent Paine continued with his work and the word flowed forth:

Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM, should not be highly rated.

I chose to begin my letter to you with the words of Mr. Paine because they best convey, for myself and likely many others here in British Columbia and across our beleaguered nation, the sentiments now felt as we near the completion of the second year of the present Covid-19 crisis and the greatest of all Holy Days of the year – Christmas – draws nigh.

As a longstanding journalist working in the alternative news media and currently the publisher and editor of The Cariboo Sentinel ( this manufactured ‘pandemic’ has become the mainstay of practically all msm and alternative news items since it first came to public light in January of 2020 and been both a boon and a blight for journalists, critics and proponents around the world, albeit at a cost yet to be fully ascertained.

In response to what, in the alternative view is best defined as a “plandemic” rather than a naturally occurred pandemic, I have written Open Letters to you before regarding the Covid-19 issue and sent them off knowing full well that the likelihood of receiving a reply back would be as assured as the proverbial snowball’s chance of survival in hell. Still, as Thomas Paine so aptly put it, the tyranny that has now come to my country and my province since Christmas of 2019 won’t easily be conquered and being by nature neither a “summer soldier” or a “sunshine patriot” I would be shirking my duty to God and to Canada were I to cease in my determined quest to inform your office and the provincial NDP government you represent, of the mendacious machinations and the unspeakable pain, destruction, death and anguish that your masks, mandates, lockdowns and specious inoculations have bequeathed to the people of this once beautiful, God-fearing province.

I know you are not alone in your quest to satisfy the urgings of those who, for the most ghastly of reasons, are adamant in their determination to murder millions, if not billions, of innocent souls in a sinister effort to pull off a final global coup d’etat and sink their greedy, filthy claws into the body of the world’s people in order to put a final end to our freedom as sovereign human beings created in the image of the Heavenly Father.

Never in the history of this glorious planet has there ever been a time where so many former independent nations have suddenly, as if by some sinister, magical spell, acted in such a unified manner in order to destroy their own sovereignty. It’s tantamount in some ways to the concept of global suicide, to a worldwide Jonestown event wherein the fevered brains and minds of the masses suddenly succumb to the will of a master sorcerer and lose all semblance of independent thought, reason and logic.

What it is that makes the rest of those in the provincial government and the mainstream media and, most tragic of all, the majority of the medical profession, willingly collaborate with you in order to lend a feigned sense of credence to your overt, duplicitous actions, especially given the reality of the effects they’re having upon the people of BC, still remains a mystery to the mass of t.v. watchers and newspaper readers who, thus far, have willingly ingested all the fake news reports, the fake statistics, the fake ‘viruses’ that instantly disappeared the historic common yearly flu, the fake untested, poisoned bioweapon euphemistically labelled a “vaccine” and the fake accusations being spread about concerning the dangers posed by those who, for various reasons, have not fallen into the jibberjabber trap you and Premier Horgan and Health Minister Dix have set for the people of BC. Their faith in you and in the NDP’s Machiavellian measures is a subject that future historians will undoubtedly debate over for a long time.

What the instigators of this fake global crisis have precipitated, knowingly or not, is a worldwide REVOLUTION; one that, were it compared with the writings of the major Communist authors of the past clearly delineates what their primary aim for the world at large has been since the Bolshevik take over of the Russian republic in 1917 wherein the Christian Tsar Nicholas II and the whole of his family (including the dog) were massacred and an atheistic, nihilist regime of brutal totalitarianism then reigned, ironically in a sense right up until Christmas day, December 25, 1991 when the Soviet flag flew over the Kremlin in Moscow for the last time marking 74 years of repression and lost freedom wherein approximately 66 million Christian Russians were genocided in various brutal ways.

And so Dr. Henry the similarities that surround you and the NDP government of the province of BC and the aforementioned Soviet communist example lead me up to your latest attack upon Christmas when we Christians traditionally celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. To further document all the attacks upon the Christian faith in Canada over the last two years would stretch this letter to the point of being onerous and I shall forego doing so but suffice it to say that the world is fully aware of these diabolic actions precipitated by those who serve another master.

I just want to close by saying that in this world of wonders there are many realms aside from the physical and political and financial. There are also spiritual and moral realms that we human beings are a quintessential part of which motivate and energize and inspire those of faith. It has always been one of the primary aims of the master Deceiver to destroy those who would willingly acknowledge and obey the supreme power and force of the Heavenly Father/Creator of this world and by your own actions and the actions of the atheist NDP leadership of the province of BC you have proven yourself to be a willing agent of the anti-Christ.

History will regard you as such but there is always the opportunity for everyone to cease and desist and this applies to you as well when it comes to your decision to attempt sabotaging the one religious celebration that Canadians have held dear to their hearts since the inception of this nation. I would ask that you stop trying to kill Christmas and instead start celebrating the rebirth of the peace and love and veneration of the Heavenly Father and His glorious Son that you so obviously are missing and so urgently in need of.

God grant you the courage to break free of your bonds and start serving Him rather than the Adversary.

Rent A Mob

Rent A Mob Ad

At the bottom of this missive, is,  an ad which appeared today on the List of Craiglist. Dec 19 2021 headed “Seeking professional Protesters”, the ad has photos of images from the movie V

I find it more than a bit suspicious: One possibility, being, that it’s for-real … dirty tricksters  hidden behind layers of disguise,  collecting  on-call mercenaries who will show up for a stunt at a political office or public target.   Part of such stunt — an outrage /insult of some kind,  then pinned on us in the authentic END THE LOCKDOWN movement

For instance, at the COMMON GROUND EVENT, at the Legislature on Dec 9th, as the speakers began,  four people arrived behind the stage,  holding up branches with a rope around the neck of an effigy. On the effigies, were faces of John Horgan ; Bonnie Henry. And I assume, Dix and Farnworth.

At the moment, opinion among my associates in the movement, is divided. Some take the display of effigies being hanged,  as a successful piece of performance art in context of the gathering being a memorial of the Nuremberg trial of the Nazi doctors,  after which, seven of the accused were hanged by the neck until dead. Some take the stunt as polluting the discourse; . that it disgraces us opposing the SCAMdemic. 

Til I locate the perpetrators and hear what they have to say,  my mind is not made up. I’m 50 50 inclined to think that it was  contrived by dirty tricksters… preparing the ground for legislation to outlaw protest of NDP policies.  Most suspicious of all, is that Global TV was right there on the bit.   They then merchandised the image on the evening news … without putting it in context of over 700 people gathered to hear Brian Peckford and the doctors. Each speaker was brilliant ! We’ve had larger rallies over the last year + half, without the lamestream media having nary a thing to say.

Just the merest of coincidences that this ad arrives as we’re preparing to make our dissident voices, heard, on the doorsteps of MLA constituency offices around BC ?

I think not

Gordon S Watson
Justice Critic
Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians


If you believe in Anonymous, and call yourself Anonymous, you are Anonymous.”

We are Anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.

Due to overwhelming interest, protest is being delayed until early January as volumes of masks and shirts are arriving to meet the demand. Also, special effects are being manufactured for the event.

Professional protesters needed to lead a protest at the United States consulate in Vancouver for one day, and a townhouse complex in Surrey the second day. Responsibilities will include wearing a theatre mask and trying to remain anonymous, dancing and singing to heavy metal music, holding picket signs/banners while communicating peacefully and responsibly, but standing your ground with any law enforcement officer; communicating with the media; shouting and chanting phrases; leading unpaid protesters; and reading a speech through a megaphone.

The protest topic involves the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and their crimes committed against innocent civilians, such as a drone attack in Pakistan that intentionally killed twelve innocent people including women and children, U.S. soldiers killing reporters and innocent people because a telephoto lens vaguely resembled a rocket launcher, the recent murders of innocent women and children in an Afghani drone strike, and other targeted illegal killings of non-Americans the United States perceives as a threat (Whether true or not).

The second day will involve a protest in Surrey of a suspected CIA operative, who has for certain committed serious crimes in Canada, including seriously injuring and almost killing a Canadian climate scientist.

The protests are to be lawful and peaceful only. Hired protesters will be briefed and provided material on their rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and how to stand their legal ground against the police if necessary. Also, unless you are suspected of committing a crime, you have no obligation to identify yourself to a police officer. They will threaten you with Obstruction of Justice for not identifying yourself, but it will be explained to you how to successfully sue for well over $10,000 if you are arrested.

Hired protesters will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement regarding certain details, so asking further questions ensures you will be a volunteer protester and not paid.

Interested individuals should submit a summary of all related education and experience, with references that can be verified by a person at local places of business. You will also have to provide a valid photo ID upon hiring, however that information will be kept strictly confidential.

People’s Party Rally Cancelled After Antifa Terror Threats: Where are the Cops?

People’s Party Rally Cancelled After Antifa Terror Threats: Where are the Cops?

[The People’s Party of Canada was to hold its Ryerson Freedom Rally outside Ryerson University from 1:30 t0 3:00, Saturday. December 18. “This Saturday, December 18th I will be in Toronto with my friend Randy Hillier and former Trump advisor Dr. Paul Elias Alexander to make some important announcements about provincial politics.” — Maxime Bernier. However, organizers cancelled it Friday after terror threats fromAntifa

A memo from People’s Party of Canada National Headquarters

I regret to inform you that the Ryerson Freedom Rally has been cancelled.

Unfortunately, the organizers of the Ryerson event made the decision yesterday to cancel in light of threats from Antifa and other activist groups. 

I am disappointed in the organizers caving to the woke mob, though ultimately agree that the safety of our supporters is a top priority. The PPC does not promote nor endorse violent demonstrations at events and refuses to subject our supporters to that type of environment. 

The Ryerson Freedom Rally was intended to be a peaceful family-friendly event to speak out about vaccine mandates and unlawful lockdowns. 

I am still eager to get out and connect with my supporters and look forward to the next opportunity of having an event with everybody as we move forward in our fight for freedom against the corrupt globalist establishment.



Justin Trudeau’s bodyguards beat up REBEL NEWS reporter David Menzies

Justin Trudeau’s bodyguards beat up REBEL NEWS reporter David Menzies

I’m angry and sad at the same time.

Justin Trudeau’s bodyguards beat up our reporter David Menzies. It was completely unprovoked.

David was standing on a public sidewalk outside a public event where Trudeau was going to a Liberal Christmas party. David was doing what all media do — waiting patiently to call out a question to Trudeau as he walked in.

But Trudeau’s bodyguards know Rebel News. And they hate Rebel News. Because their boss hates Rebel News.

Trudeau says it again and again. He says we’re not real reporters. He says we don’t deserve any respect. He publicly blames us for the sorry state of Canada. He personally bans us from attending public press conferences. And if we manage to get in, he insults us, instead of answering our questions.

So after demonizing us and denormalizing us and defaming us for five years, his staff got the message.

And so they attacked us.

Watch this shocking video:

They smashed David’s face against the wall — you can clearly see that David was so stunned, he couldn’t speak straight. They beat him up, they bloodied him. They destroyed his property.

David had to go to the doctor later that night — his ears were still ringing and he was bloodied and cut.

There is no excuse for this.

David did nothing wrong. He was never arrested. He was never charged with anything. He committed no crime — he literally was just standing on the sidewalk, waiting to ask a question.

The crime was committed by Trudeau’s thuggish bodyguards — who knew they were doing something evil, and refused to tell David their names, despite the legal requirement to do so.

They beat him up just because he was with Rebel News, and Trudeau has let the world know Rebel News does not deserve respect.

Enough is enough.

Every day, Trudeau becomes more of an authoritarian bully. He rules by decree, not bothering to consult Parliament. He’s ordered the government to crack down on his opponents on the Internet — specifically against YouTube channels like ours. And of course he has banned Rebel News from attending any press conferences or even covering the Leaders’ Debates during the election campaign.

(That was quite a telling moment: mere hours after the Federal Court of Canada ruled that Rebel News must be accredited at the Leaders’ Debates, Trudeau refused to answer our reporters’ questions, saying we were not in fact journalists — even though the court just said that we were. He defied and disrespected the court order upholding our Charter rights. Is it any wonder that his personal bodyguards feel they don’t have to obey the law, either?)

This is the worst thing that has happened to a Rebel News reporter in our seven years. We’ve had street thugs and Antifa members attack our reporters. But never a government bodyguard.

The Toronto Police Service came quickly, but they refused to lay charges against Trudeau’s thugs, despite the assault being caught on video. They know it would be career suicide to cross Trudeau.

So we have to go to court ourselves.

Today we filed a lawsuit on behalf of David. It’s very simple — just 10 pages long. Click here to read it for yourself.

It details the vicious assault by Trudeau’s henchmen. And it also describes how this was entirely foreseeable: for five years Trudeau has demonized us as an enemy. It was only a matter of time before his personal staff took the hint and beat a Rebel News reporter up to please their master.

This isn’t how we live in Canada. This is the kind of thing that you might expect from an authoritarian regime like Turkey or Russia or Venezuela. Imagine if Stephen Harper’s bodyguards had beat up a CBC reporter! But I fear that because most of the media is on Trudeau’s payroll now too, they’ll be silent — or even say that David “deserved it”.

Please help us fight back for David. It’s not just David who got beat up by Trudeau; it’s the very idea of a free and independent press, and the right of non-government journalists to ask questions of our political class. 

If Trudeau and his thugs can get away with this, what’s next? Raiding our Rebel News offices? Jailing our reporters?

This cannot stand.

If you agree with me, please click here, or go to Help chip in to cover our lawsuit against Trudeau — we’re suing the RCMP, the three officers involved, and the government itself. (You can see our full lawsuit by clicking here.)

This isn’t about money — it’s about holding Trudeau’s goons to account. A lawsuit like this could easily cost us $75,000 in legal fees. It really is a David versus Goliath story — and I stand with David. And if you do too, please go to — thanks.

And while you’re there, please sign our petition to Brenda Lucki, Trudeau’s hand-picked RCMP commissioner, who has done nothing but protect Trudeau and investigate his enemies. Tell her that she must suspend her three thugs who beat up David, and call in an outside investigator to review their misconduct. At that same website you can also click on an email that will be sent directly to Brenda Lucki.

I’ve watched that video of David being assaulted three times, and each time it makes me feel worse. Not just for how brutish the RCMP has become towards David himself but also for how brutish they have become towards our freedoms.

Please help me stand with David.

Yours truly,

Ezra Levant

P.S. David did nothing wrong. He was standing on a sidewalk, waiting to ask a question of Trudeau as he walked in to his lavish Christmas party (mask-free of course; but you’re supposed to cancel your family Christmas gathering). Trudeau’s thugs attacked him simply because he works for Rebel News.

P.P.S. Trudeau and the RCMP have unlimited resources. The last time we took them to court, they sent SEVEN government lawyers to fight against us. (That was when they banned us from the Leaders’ Debates). But we won that battle, and I believe we’ll win this one. We just need your help to pay for the lawsuit — please click here to help us. If you give us the tools, we’ll finish the job. (Thanks.)

P.P.P.S. If bodyguards for a conservative politician had beat up a liberal journalist, what would be the reaction from the Media Party? It would be the only thing they would talk about until the politician resigned and the bodyguards were prosecuted. I predict we won’t hear a peep from the Media Party — they’re all on Trudeau’s payroll, and they don’t want to be roughed up either. Please click here to help. 

Penticton/Kelowna Freedom Events, December16 – January 22, 2022


Penticton/Kelowna Freedom Events, December16 – January 22, 2022

Don’t miss these important dates!

And Remember to bring two friends with you!


Penticton Rally Photos

Here are the pictures that Vlado took on Sunday, December 12th-

Thursday, December 16th, 5:30 PM Christmas Potluck Family Party dinner at 6:00 PM

5:30 – 6:00 p.m. meet and park at our regular Sunday rally site. We will give out the location then. If you can only come after 6:00 p.m. please email us and we will chat about the location. Dinner is at 6:00 p.m.

Bring a Potluck Dinner Item or Dessert NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES PLEASE. Coffee, tea and water will be available.

There will be kids’ games/activities and music. If you love to sing and/or play a musical instrument we would love to have you join us as part of the entertainment.

Please bring a wrapped gift for a child labelled with the sex and age of the gift to be donated to a charity for kids. A suggested limit of $20 per gift. Books for each age group are encouraged.

Weekly on Sundays 12:30 to 2:30 New Time to accommodate faith-based friends- Penticton Freedom Rallies.

The next one is this Sunday, December 19th

Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons. BRING TWO FRIENDS!

Remember that ACTION4CANADA reps Wayne and Derrick will be there with notices of liability for you to sign.

·          Lots of extra parking at BCAA garage, the strip mall adjoining our regular parking area, Winners (across the street), or overflow mall parking opposite the Warren Avenue entrance to Cherry Lane Mall.

Thursday, January 6th – 6:15 p.m. – NEW LOCATION!!! Next Penticton Planning Meeting –       6:15 p.m. Meet and park at our regular Sunday rally site – in the parking lot on the NE corner of Main Street and Warren Avenue. We will be carpooling. Finger food potluck, too. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES PLEASE! Water, coffee, and tea will all be available.  

Worldwide Rally January 23 Penticton– More information soon.


Weekly on Saturdays – Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Rally’s @ Stuart Park at the Bear 12:00 noon

Worldwide Rally January 22 Kelowna – More information soon.



We invite our brothers and sisters globally to Join the World in an International DAY4FREEDOM. December 22 and every 22nd of each month to follow. This is a day of unity and peace and of connecting hearts and minds to the cause of freedom through prayer and meditation throughout the day.  We invite all to join for as long and as often as possible on those special days. Log in to and join the email list for updates.

Also, join us Sunday to Friday at 8:00 am BC time as together we offer silent meditation and prayer for freedom.


Please see the attached PDF for more information and a link to the Mama Bear website to offer your support and volunteer.

For the many of us who believe that our primary mission now is to save the children, you may find this nationwide Mama Bear project is a perfect fit for you. With governments threatening to vaxx kids as young as 5 years old, much support is needed for parents and teachers both to do what we can to prevent that and to make available the option of homeschooling. Mama bears is actively recruiting volunteers now!

Once you register at MAMABEARSPROJECT.COM, you will be put in touch with a volunteer in your area. Meanwhile, please email me to connect you with others in the area who are working to help parents defend their children and connect them with tools and support to keep them safe.

TTFN – See you Sunday at the Rally. The most fun we have all Week! (Except maybe the Christmas party)!

Mary Lou Gutscher


Urgent Protest, Sunday, December 12 in North Vancouver to Support RCMP Victim Arrested/Kidnapped Dr. Mel Bruchet

Urgent Protest, Sunday, December 12 in North Vancouver to Support RCMP Victim Arrested/Kidnapped Dr. Mel Bruchet


Today, on December 8, 2021, our ally, Dr. Mel Bruchet (on our Sovereign Doctors Board), was wrongfully arrested and wrongfully accused of extortion.   This occurred from problems with his tenant.  RCMP was called and female Constable Nordino arrested him today.

URGENT NOTICE: Today, on December 8, 2021, our ally, Dr. Mel Bruchet (on our Sovereign Doctors Board), was wrongfully arrested and wrongfully accused of extortion.   This occurred from problems with his tenant.  RCMP was called and female Constable Nordino arrested him today.

Dr. Nagase were with him earlier today on a video call.   Dr. Daniel Nagase has a statement of fact in what transpired today, which RCMP Const. Pedersen would not take.  The North Vancouver RCMP are not answering their phones or returning voicemails, to take the statement. Popois has also tried calling and nobody answers their phone or their voicemails.  Clearly, this is the treatment all of us Truthers are getting. Thursday morning, Popois will be going to the North Vancouver RCMP detachment on 14th Street, to file wrongful arrest charges against the RCMP, as well as defamation of character charges.

We urge all to support Popois in his actions of defending Dr. Bruchet.  We need to defend his passionate heart in his Activism.  Popois will be there at 8:30 a.m.

Please call the RCMP detachment at 604-985-1311 case #2021344687.   Demand why Const. Pedersen didn’t take statement from Dr. Nagase.  Please defend Dr. Bruchet’s character. Call RCMP Direct Messaging: 604-969-7445 Pedersen  5026# Nordino  5087# State the same.   We need to fight for our Freedom Fighter Brother!

Freedom Events in Penticton & the Okanagan, December 12 -16


Freedom Events in Penticton & the Okanagan, December 12 -16

Don’t miss these important dates!

And Remember to bring two friends with you!


Penticton Rally Photos

Here are the pictures that Vlado took on Sunday, December 5th-

Weekly on Sundays 12:30 to 2:30 New Time to accommodate faith-based friends- Penticton Freedom Rallies.

The next one is this Sunday, December 12th

Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons. Bring a friend! BRING TWO FRIENDS! Last week Wilma brought 5 friends. You rock, Wilma!

Remember that ACTION4CANADA reps Wayne and Derrick will be there with notices of liability for you to sign.

Lots of extra parking at BCAA garage, the strip mall adjoining our regular parking area, Winners (across the street), or overflow mall parking opposite the Warren Avenue entrance to Cherry Lane Mall.

Thursday, December 16th, 5:30 PM Christmas Potluck Family Party dinner at 6:00 PM

5:30 – 6:00 p.m. meet and park at our regular Sunday rally site. We will give out the location then. If you can only come after 6:00 p.m. please email us and we will chat about the location. Dinner is at 6:00 p.m.


Bring a Potluck Dinner Item or Dessert

There will be kids’ games/activities and music. If you love to sing and/or play a musical instrument we would love to have you join us as part of the entertainment.

Please bring a wrapped gift for a child labelled with the sex and age of the gift to be donated to a charity for kids. A suggested limit of $20. books for each age group are encouraged.

Thursday, January 6th – 6:15 p.m. – NEW LOCATION!!! Next Penticton Planning Meeting6:15 p.m. Meet and park at our regular Sunday rally site – in the parking lot on the NE corner of Main Street and Warren Avenue. We will be carpooling. Finger food potluck, too. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES PLEASE! Water, coffee, and tea will all be available.

Worldwide Rally January 23 Penticton– More information soon.


Weekly on Saturdays – Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Rally’s @ Stuart Park at the Bear 12:00 noon

Worldwide Rally January 22 Kelowna – More information soon.



We invite our brothers and sisters globally to Join the World in an International DAY4FREEDOM. December 22 and every 22nd of each month to follow. This is a day of unity and peace and of connecting hearts and minds to the cause of freedom through prayer and meditation throughout the day. We invite all to join for as long and as often as possible on those special days. Log in to and join the email list for updates.

Also, join us Sunday to Friday at 8:00 am BC time as together we offer silent meditation and prayer for freedom.

THE MAMA BEAR PROJECT – Please see the attached PDF for more information and a link to the Mama Bear website to offer your support and volunteer.

For the many of us who believe that our primary mission now is to save the children, you may find this nationwide Mama Bear project is a perfect fit for you. With governments threatening to vax kids as young as 5 years old, much support is needed for parents and teachers both to do what we can to prevent that and to make available the option of homeschooling. Mama bears is actively recruiting volunteers now!

Once you register at MAMABEARSPROJECT.COM, you will be put in touch with a volunteer in your area. Meanwhile, please email me to connect you with others in the area who are working to help parents defend their children and connect them with tools and support to keep them safe.

TTFN – See you Sunday at the Rally. The most fun we have all Week! (Except maybe the Christmas party)!

~ Mary Lou Gutscher

780-908-0309 image.png

We’ve been attacked at our shop: The sickos have arrived in Penticton

We’ve been attacked at our shop: The sickos have arrived in Penticton

 We’ve officially been attacked at the shop by interior health today. These chicks came to issue a fine for not forcing people to wear a mask in our shop.
I got their ID. While they were there, I contacted the RCMP and wanted to file a charge of extortion for trying to force us to comply with discriminatory acts and violation of the constitution. We learned that the RCMP will not stand for the constitution and won’t arrest these assholes. One cop said they have the authority to shut our business down! BS
We were told that challenging the fine in court is our only defence.
Does that sound like we are a communist or lawless society?

We confirmed today the VAX killed one of our friends. Art was a cook at ‘Shades on Main’ for many years.

– Lindsey 


Whatcott Acquitted of “Hate” Charges

Whatcott Acquitted of “Hate” Charges

[It’s been three years of torment for Bill Whatcott. In 2016, he and several other Christians infiltrated the Toronto Gay Pride parade disguised as Gay Zombies and handing out a hard-hitting tract that criticized the practice of homosexuality from both a Biblical and scientific point of view. The LGBTQ crowd has not amused by this spoof. High powered homosexual lawyers launched a class action suit against Mr. Whatcott seeking $104-million for hurt feelings and humiliation and, more deviously, seeking the identity of fellow participants or any who had backed him or housed him or contributed to the printing of his literature. The suit was reluctantly dismissed by a judge.

The lobby did not give up. Ontario’s then lesbian premier Kathleen Wynn and her Pakistani Attorney General Yasir Naqvi gave the necessary Attorney General’s consent to laying of charges under Canada’s notorious anti-“hate” law, Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code. Despite lobbying by CAFE and the Ontario Civil Liberties Association, the new Kathleen Mulroney Doug Ford’s first Attorney General refused to stay the charges or withdraw the A’s consent.

The case slowly wound its way through the courts. The charge was always bogus, easily defended on two grounds: sincerely held religious belief and truth (scientific/medical facts about the vile results of homosexual practices). So, today was a sort of Christmas present for Bill and his family. Yet, it marked once again ABUSE BY PROCESS, how a state beholden to entitled minorities can persecute a person and hobble them with bail conditions, stress and worry.

CAFE reached Bill this afternoon at his home in Alberta to congratulate him. “I am just happy to be able to spend Christmas with my family and not in the South Toronto Detention Centre,” he said. — Paul Fromm, Director, CAFE]


I have been acquitted of the charge “Wilful Promotion of Hatred.” This is good news for me personally. The Crown Prosecutor was seeking 18 months incarceration for my zombie stunt where I snuck into the Toronto Homosexual unGodly pride parade with much needed Gospel literature and medical information warning about the dangers associated with the homosexual lifestyle.

While this is good news for me and to some extent this is good news for all Canadians who value freedom of speech, the judgment is not without its concerns. Justice Goldstein noted my stunt fell into the “grey zone” between freedom of speech which is offensive and hate speech which is criminal.

The flyer which I handed out in the Toronto Homosexual UnGodly Pride Parade in my view should not fall into any type of “grey zone.” Now that my trial is over and my bail conditions are lifted, you can freely view the flyer for yourself. This flyer should be unequivocally legal in a democracy.

To see the now uncensored flyer go here:

Feel free to share my flyer with others. This flyer is no longer under a publication ban. Let me also take this opportunity to thank Mass Resistance for keeping this flyer publicly available on it’s website for people to see when it was illegal for me to share it in Canada.

Notwithstanding this victory, I note religious freedom and freedom of speech still remains distressingly precarious in Canada. I have no easy answers on how to bring back the vibrant and free society we once had, but I do pray that Christians will find their boldness and let their lights shine once again in our land. I do believe where there is a national repentance and where people turn from licentiousness to virtue and self control, we will gain greater freedom.

If we embrace Biblical repentance and turn away from sexual anarchy, atheism, and materialism, and turn towards God and an acceptance of the Lordship of His Son, Jesus Christ, our King over our lives; I believe God’s blessing will come once again. It is clear to me where Christ is, there will also be freedom. Bill Whatcott

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
Galatians 5:1

When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land
2 Chronicles 7:13, 14

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