Verdict for alleged “hate crime” this coming Friday 11:00 am EST

Verdict for alleged “hate crime” this coming Friday 11:00 am EST

Dear Friends,

Please remember this coming Friday, I will be in court at 11:00 am Toronto time to hear the verdict  for my alleged (not credible allegation) hate crime. Please keep this issue in your prayers this week.

You can see my alleged “hate crime” in the picture below. I am diguised as a “gay zombie” wearing a rainbow tutu, marching in the Toronto homosexual pride parade (note the naked guy to my left with one of my Gospel packs). I have my hand in my sachel and am getting another Gospel packet, disguised as a “Zombie Safe Sex” package.

We handed out 3000 of these  precious packages and they contained the Gospel on how to receive Jesus Christ as your  Lord and Saviour,  accurate medical information on  the harms associated with the homosexual lifestyle,   a testimony of a transgender who reclaimed his manhood after turning to Christ and criticism of the Liberal Party of Canada.

For this  potentially life saving ministry the Crown Prosecutor is asking 18  months incarceration.

Zoom links are available from Arthur  Schaper  of Mass Resistance for those who wish  to hear the verdict live at 11:00 am EST.

In Christ’s Service,
Bill Whatcott

I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.”
Jesus Christ