German Terror Cops Raid & Steal Alfred Schaefer`s Video Equipment

German Terror Cops Raid & Steal Alfred Schaefer`s Video Equipment
Alfred Schaefer is a Canadian videographer living in Ge

Alfred Schaefer is a Canadian videographer living in Germany. On July 6, 2017 at 6:00 am his door bell rang ferociously, as if some berserk madman was about to kick in the door. Seven armed thugs appeared with guns, bullet-proof vests and handcuffs and one “witness” from the town administration. Please support Alfred Schaefer as he tells the truth and exposes the lies about the Holocaust. 

Please email Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to act to protect this Canadian citizen who has had his property stolen, at: .

Alfred Schaefer’s website is:`


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My websites is: . Join me on Twitter at: . In April 2017 YouTube stopped the monitization of almost all of my videos meaning they stopped paying on the old ones.

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My 2010 book is “A SHORT WALK ON AN ANCIENT PATH – A Buddhist Exploration of Meditation, Karma and Rebirth”, available in book or ebook form at at:……

My first book from 1999, is “Freeing the Buddha,” with chapter 13, Adolf Hitler and Tibetan Buddhism, also at Amazon at:…

Mark Thursday, June 15, for Special Toronto Meeting With Brian Ruhe– Vancouver Videographer

Mark Thursday, June 15, for Special Toronto Meeting With Brian Ruhe– Vancouver Videographer

Brian Ruhe

  • Ontario born videographer — over 1,000 You Tubes on “The Brian Ruhe SHOW”
  • Long-time lecturer on Buddhism and meditation
  • Founder Truth & Justice for Germans & The Thule Society of Vancouver
  • Victim of B’nai Brith & Harry Abrams – numerous lecturing jobs lost since he started putting out hundreds of videos on

My Mission: Exposing Zio-lies & Giving A Voice to the Voiceless: Little Known Ways Zionists have Socially Engineered Our World

Many people have woken up to know that a power controls banking, media, Hollywood, governments, medicine and universities. In this talk Brian Ruhe from Vancouver shares how their breathtaking behind the scenes power has created your very perception of reality and has fed us lies about recent and ancient history, about evolution, anthropology, science, pop culture and more.


TORONTO.   Thursday, June 15, 2017.    YOUR WARD NEWS Office — 163 Main Street, just south of Gerrard.  Five minute walk south of Main Station on the Bloor-Danforth Subway line. 8:00 p.m. [$10 admission]

Sorry, I cannot attend. Please send me an audiotape of Mr. Ruhe’s talk. $6.00;  dvd $10

I’d also like to assist with the costs of this meeting. Here is my donation of $_____

NAME: __________________________________________ PHONE: ________________________

ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________

C-FAR, P.O. Box, 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3


Stop Motion 103 – First Step to Outlawing Criticism of Islam

Stop Motion 103 – First Step to Outlawing Criticism of Islam

Paul Fromm speaks out against Motion 103. Paul is the Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee. I am Brian Ruhe. Go to my website at: http:/…

Horror Story Mother’s Two Children Seized by the State Because of Her political Views: Brian Ruhe & Paul Fromm Interview Dara Graham.

Horror Story Mother’s Two Children Seized by the State Because of Her political Views: Brian Ruhe & Paul Fromm Interview Dara Graham.

Paul Fromm in Toronto and Brian Ruhe in Vancouver interview Dara Graham in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. She tells an unbelievable account of how Canadian authorities took her children away from her because of her pro-White views! This is an example of Canadian political correctness harming defenseless children… and the state tearing a family

 apart. Please speak out about this! A woman punished for her political views.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

Are Canadian Workers Silenced Slaves?

Are Canadian Workers Silenced Slaves?


Paul Fromm in the Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression at . The host, Brian Ruhe is part of the Alt-right and Can…
Brian Ruhe interviews Paul Fromm about employers’ control of workers’ off-job views and behaviour.


Evalion — Teenage Videographer Held 8 Hours By Customs Censors — Interview With Paul Fromm & Brian Ruhe

Evalion — Teenage Videographer Held 8 Hours By Customs Censors — Interview With Paul Fromm & Brian Ruhe

Published on Oct 26, 2016

Evalion was held after returning to Canada and her diary and computer were taken and searched for “hate literature”: She was separated from her German boyfriend who was then sent back to Germany.

Evalion burst onto the scene in 2016 with over 20,000,000 hits on YouTube because of her edgy way of telling the truth about Adolf Hitler, Interantional Jews and other controversies.

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Here Evalion is interviewed by Paul Fromm, director of the Canadian Association for Freedom of Expression. The host is Brian Ruhe, a critic of Jewish power. All three are Canadians.

You Tube Bans Report on Day 2 of Topham Constitutional Challenge to 20 Countries
Whew, if you reside in any of 20 countries, including Germany, Austria and France (the land of liberte?), the Zionist censors at You Tube will block my report (reproduced below) on Day 2 of the Arthur Topham challenge to the constitutionality \of Canada’s “hate law”> The report coverage Tuesday, October 4 and also introduced another censorship victim Monika Schaefer who provided a report on the suspension without pay of Professor Anthony Hall for the non-violent expression of his political views.
Inline image 1
We see the desperation of the New World Order followers to stifle the growing dissent and torrent of information that counters decades of lies and managed news. Even more people will join the dissent as they learn about others like them out there  fighting for the same ideas. Hence, the latest efforts to close down discussion of important current issues.
Today Brian Ruhe who produced and hosted the show received the following notice from You Tube.
Paul Fromm

Regarding your account: Brian Ruhe

We have received a legal complaint regarding your video. After review, the following video: B.C. man convicted of promoting hate on web challenges law in court. – Day 2has been blocked from view on the following YouTube country site(s):

Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, France, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Israel, Italy, Martinique, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Poland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Reunion, French Southern Territories, Wallis and Futuna, Mayotte

YouTube blocks content where necessary to comply with local laws. Please review our help centre article on legal complaints //

Yours sincerely, 
The YouTube Team

You Tube Bans Report on Day 2 of Topham Constitutional Challenge to 20 Countries
Whew, if you reside in any of 20 countries, including Germany, Austria and France (the land of liberte?), the Zionist censors at You Tube will block my report (reproduced below) on Day 2 of the Arthur Topham challenge to the constitutionality \of Canada’s “hate law”> The report coverage Tuesday, October 4 and also introduced another censorship victim Monika Schaefer who provided a report on the suspension without pay of Professor Anthony Hall for the non-violent expression of his political views.
Inline image 1
We see the desperation of the New World Order followers to stifle the growing dissent and torrent of information that counters decades of lies and managed news. Even more people will join the dissent as they learn about others like them out there  fighting for the same ideas. Hence, the latest efforts to close down discussion of important current issues.
Today Brian Ruhe who produced and hosted the show received the following notice from You Tube.
Paul Fromm

Regarding your account: Brian Ruhe

We have received a legal complaint regarding your video. After review, the following video: B.C. man convicted of promoting hate on web challenges law in court. – Day 2has been blocked from view on the following YouTube country site(s):

Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, France, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Israel, Italy, Martinique, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Poland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Reunion, French Southern Territories, Wallis and Futuna, Mayotte

YouTube blocks content where necessary to comply with local laws. Please review our help centre article on legal complaints //

Yours sincerely, 
The YouTube Team

Free Speech Activist Paul Fromm Continues to be Barred from Entering USA, While Islamo-terrorists & Mexican Rapists, Thieves & Murderers Pour In

Free Speech Activist Paul Fromm Continues to be  Barred from Entering USA, While Islamo-terrorists & Mexican Rapists, Thieves & Murderers Pour In

Free Speech Activist Paul Fromm Barred from Entering USA

PaulFromm is the director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression and Director, Canada First Immigration Reform …
  • NEW

SOS for Tenured Prof. Anthony Hall Being Forced Out for His Views from University of Lethbridge

SOS for Tenured Prof. Anthony Hall Being Forced Out for His Views from University of Lethbridge

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Preview YouTube video SOS for Tenured Prof. Anthony Hall Being Forced Out for His Views

Published on Oct 4, 2016

Professor Tony Hall is being pushed out of the University of Lethridge by B’nai Brith. He is a professor of Globalization studies and they don’t like his views on history. This video is an SOS appeal to help him at this time. Please watch the video and then write to the university, below. Your response is urgent.

Address of pres of university of Lethbridge
Copy to newspapers
Copy to Tony at

Brian Ruhe is joined by Paul Fromm and Monika Schaefer, Skyping from the Quesnel, British Columbia