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Rally’s and Events

Where have all the men gone?

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”



Our next protest/rally is set for:

May 6, 2023 12:00 Stuart Park, Kelowna

Update — Petition to ban Kelowna Protest/Rallies

The Petition and supporting Gov’t affidavits to ban our protest rallies have now been served upon David, on Monday at 4:30 p.m. There will be 21 days to file a reply under the rules.

All documents and pleadings will be placed on our website for public viewing, as soon as service possible. Details of our position cannot be released just yet, however it will be interesting to expose their corruption as we move along.

Unfortunately, this case will have significant repercussions for every protest rally in British Columbia, and indeed, in Canada, as it is being heard in a superior court in the province.

Please stay tuned for more updates.

NOTE: As was stated to the Kelowna Protest this past Saturday, information was leaked to us from a legitimate Gov’t source, that both the B.C. Gov’t and the Feds, have been threatening to cut off funding and/or approval for projects to the City of Kelowna, if the City does not somehow stop our Protests!

This was an amazing revelation. Folks, I don’t know if you appreciate the significance of this. The Okanagan has the lowest vaccination rate in the province and one of the lowest in Canada. The interior as a whole, has some of the lowest vaccination rates as well. Everywhere in the Interior, including the Okanagan, had the lowest use of face diapers.

Everyone who has supported our Protests over the past three years has contributed to scaring the hell out of all levels of Gov’ts.

Simply put, if we had not had any significant effect on educating people on the COVID-CON, vaccine and mask issues, and other rights and freedoms issues, and imparting actual freedom activism, neither the Prov nor the Feds would bother with these Kelowna Protests. In politics, nothing happens by chance.

Rest assured, our Protests have had such an amazing effect in support of freedom and opposing Gov’t tyranny at all levels, that they are pulling out all the stops with this Petition to try and stop us.

Their further objective is to make David Lindsay publicly look bad in the hopes that people will lose faith in all leaders, not just him. Make no mistake this is a legal, public relations attempt as well. After this, the Gov’ts will want to spread the word to the media that all leaders were pushing disinformation and are lawbreakers., when in fact and law, it is THEM who are breaking the law.

The optics behind this Petition are so obvious. But we will win and will keep you updated as we move along.

See Cash is King Poster for

businesses below!!

The Kelowna Courts of Injustice

May 23 (9:00 a.m.) May 24-26, 2023 9:30 a.m.

Kelowna Courthouse

R v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault

After an incredible two days in court March 1st and 2nd, everyone finally got to see what the fuss is all about – and the shock even in the media was visible everywhere in the courtroom. Even opposition media, who came out in droves hoping to see some incredible fight scene to label me with, were amazed and dismayed at what truly occurred. The video, taken by one of our loyal supporters clearly showed that THEY (security guards) pushed into David, not the reverse. And more evidence is yet to come.


Action4Canada – Updates and Empower Hour

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Print the SMART Cities NOL

Are SMART Cities really so smart? Do 15 Minute Cities make them sound SMARTer? Does spending trillions of taxpayers dollars on this money laundering scheme sound like a good deal? If the answer is no, no and no then you need to get involved and make your voice heard.

In response to the global nonsense Action4Canada has created another amazing resource to help you educate elected officials as they are being sold a bill of lies in order to get them on board with SMART/15 Minute cities. This is what they are being told:

A 15-minute city does not confine us to our neighbourhoods or restrict our ability to travel. If your city adopts a 15-minute city approach, it simply means that it will become more possible and pleasant to meet more of your day-to-day needs, like buying groceries, within a short walk or bike ride from home if you want to. It means creating the conditions for local businesses, that rely on local custom, to thrive. Millions of people in cities around the world already live like this, and always have done; others are forced to travel to meet basic needs. Being able to do more close to home does not change your freedom to travel further whenever you would like to.”

Sounds good right? Sign me up. But wait a minute, we know that the globalists are master manipulators and wordsmiths, but does your elected official know that? Do they know what is really going on? In some instances yes, but in many instances, no. They genuinely believe they are doing what is best for the planet and for the future of our kids.

This is your opportunity to meet with your mayor and council, MLA/MPP and MP and provide them valuable information. It is also the right time to be proactive and serve them the new Notice of Liability advising them that if they take part in developing a SMART City/15 Minute City they could be held personally liable. SMART Cities/15 Minute Cities create a threat to our security, they put Canadians at risk of serious harm, violate privacy and citizens’ guaranteed rights and freedoms

Read the Notice of Liability and then please serve every elected official in your community. 

If you are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team @

Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…these are God-given inalienable rights and ours for the taking.

As Action4Canada continues to courageously defend Canadians rights and freedoms we ask that you would please consider courageously giving, either a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor.

Help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!

God bless you and God bless Canada!

The Team @


Climate Change, Kids and 15 Minutes Cities

When: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST Register in Advance. The zoom doors open at 4:30pm PST and the Empower Hour begins at 5pm PST/8pm EST

On the next Empower Hour Tom Harris, the Executive Director of International Climate Science Coalition – Canada, joins Tanya to discuss the unscientific climate change propaganda that passes for education in today’s school system. This situation is serious as it compounds the doom and gloom young people are subjected to daily by mainstream media. Take President Joe Biden’s recent statement to the press that: “If we don’t keep the temperature from going above 1.5 degrees Celsius raise, you know, we’re in trouble. That whole generation is ‘damned.’ I mean, it’s not hyperbole.”

Biden’s alarmism is not just scientifically wrong; it is also the height of irresponsibility as it contributes to rising rates of depression and anxiety among young people across the western world. Tom will recommend steps that parents can follow to protect their children from all this. We CAN help make our sons and daughters strong, optimistic survivors who succeed even in the midst of a culture that increasingly values victimhood and negativity.

Tanya and Tom will also discuss the next threat on the horizon: our liberty – 15 Minute Cities, which will do nothing to help the climate but will indeed give woke bureaucrats more control, which is, of course, one of the main goals of the fictitious climate emergency.  Learn more about our guest and share the Empower Hour invite HERE.

We CAN Win the Climate War!

Action4Canada’s goal is to build Chapters in every city and town across the nation. In so doing, we are building communities of like-minded citizens who are actively involved in the battle against government and global corruption, in order to preserve our freedoms and democracy. One of the massive battles is the fight against the climate change cult who have established a faithful following based on lies.

Tom Harris is an expert on the climate and has created resources and an effective strategy that aligns with Action4Canada’s initiatives in educating, equipping, empowering and mobilizing citizens. A4C is partnering with Tom and together the strategy is proving to be successful. Learn more on how to fight climate alarmism HERE.

Randy Hillier has truly captured the simple realities of the 15 Minute City. “You will be happy and have nothing”, but the globalists will be happier and own and control everything. We cannot let this happen.

SolutionJOIN an Action4Canada Chapter and become actively involved in your community. Also know who you are voting for in upcoming elections and where they stand on these critical issues. 

If you are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team @

Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…these are God-given inalienable rights and ours for the taking.

As Action4Canada continues to courageously defend Canadians rights and freedoms we ask that you would please consider courageously giving, either a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor.

Help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!

God bless you and God bless Canada!

The Team @


Laura Lynn is on tour again !!

Vernon and VCC Petition to Bonnie Henry and Adrian Dix

Thank you to Darren in Vernon, and Ted with Vaccine Choice Canada

Hi Everyone!

Please sign this petition! It is demanding an immediate halt to the COVID-19 Vaccination Program in BC! This is an educational petition designed to wake up the masses to prevent people from further death and disabilities from the vaccine. 

We are asking everyone to make this petition go viral! Please share it out through social media, emails, chat boards, forums and any people or groups you can think of. Please go online to find emails of government employees or professionals (i.e. dentists, naturopaths, chiropractors, doctors, nurses, police, mayors, council members, School Board members) and send them the petition. 


Acting together, we will win!



Contact Bettina


Geoengineering Free Canada | Facebook

This group is to educate people and try to put a stop to the geoengineering and poisonous chemtrails they spray in our skies.


CALL TO ACTION!!! Please Spread to Your Groups

Climate Truth Action Group Goes Provincial – Takes Actions Against 15 Minute Cities and Digital ID’s

The New RDCK “Climate Action Plan” is now public. The budgets tell us the framework of the future. Climate action plans, urban planning and land use by-law changes may herald in 15 minute cities and the social credit system. Involvement from everyone is needed. There are definite game’s afoot

A newly formed multi-regional Climate Truth Action Group is taking action and inviting farmers, homesteaders groups and freedom groups across the province to sign up to attend zoom meetings to join the delegations forming across the province to ask questions and educate their representatives before plans are approved.

If you care about freedom, please join the team and zoom meetings which can be accessed through this link. You don’t want to miss this first meeting scheduled for April 5th. Please pause your VPN to open this invitation.


Smart Cities

First, they will promote them as being convenient.

Then they will promote them as supporting the environment.

Then they will promote them as being voluntary.

Then they will become mandatory with fines.

Then you will be prohibited from traveling unless you comply with gov’t legislation and orders.

Then you’ll be prohibited from traveling unless you are part of the gov’t.

Even your dogs will not be allowed more than 15 min from home


Know Your Rights: 

Guidelines for Peaceful Protesting/Gathering/Rallies and/or Attending Events (eg. Council Meetings, School Boards, Handing out Flyers)

Check out A4C for some of the most successful actions and strategies available to us!

And a big thank you to Tanya for all her hard work and dedication and support for the Christian principles that founded our nation!


From Erica at Unity Group in Kelowna

Date: Saturday, April 15, 2023

Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Workshop: How to form a Community Survive & Thrive Group hosted by Joshua (JD) Lemmens

Location: GESS Community Gym, Lake Country BC

Unity Health & Sciences are fortunate to have been able to help organize this unique opportunity. Look forward to seeing you there!

About the Course:

This comprehensive course will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to form a survival group, build trust and cooperation, and develop a survival plan that is simple and easy for everyone to follow. Learn how to protect yourself, build a solid group that works together well, and THRIVES in challenging situations.

A prepared and strong community may be the deciding factor in how successfully you will emerge from future hardships. Every successful emergency plan should include a network of people who, collectively, have all of the skills, talents, and resources needed to THRIVE during a disaster.

The facilitator, Joshua JD Lemmens, will cover topics such as the importance of communication, fortification, security, food and water supplies, self-sustaining skills to contribute to a network as well as leadership and role assignment within your group; how to earn an income, barter and trade as your new currency, food planning and preparation, hygiene, and more.

How to Register
Seating capacity is limited, and this workshop will sell out quickly.

Register with full payment either by:

  1. E-transfer (must put first & last name in comment / notes box):; or
  2. Cash: accepted on Saturday, April 1st at Stuart Park, 12-2pm

Next, complete the full registration by emailing to provide the name(s) of registrants following payment. Once fully registered, a Signal link will be provided by email for workshop materials and communications preceding the workshop.

This is a fabulous opportunity to network with our like-minded tribe and learn valuable survive and thrive tips & tricks.

You will not be disappointed!

Unity Health & Sciences



Fundraising and Donations

In the absence of rallies every Saturday, we don’t get the funding we used to that allowed us to print all the resources we provide at the CLEAR booth, as well as the inserts that go into the Druthers newspapers for our Sunday paper deliveries. Thanks to your past donations, we have delivered over 8000 copies of Druthers, plus various inserts, in Kelowna and W. Kelowna, with lots more to go!

Future protests are being strategically planned right now for City Hall, the courthouse, and other locations.

Many people believe that the COVID-19 issue is over – and it is not. Freedom is a multi-generational struggle, where we hope to leave a better place for our children. Other serious issues are lurking ominously in the near future that we will need to focus on: 15 min cities; legal actions; digital ID and digital currencies to start. These will require ongoing research and production of signs and materials for public education. The digital ID and currency issues are two of the most critical and going to involve significant amounts of education for people.

Please give generously by etransfer to: or our endeavours

to educate the public we will not be able to educate people as effective as we are doing now. You can also mail cash (this remains safe) by Expresspost to: P.O. Box 21113 Cherry Lane Mall, Penticton, BC, V2A 8K8. Cash of course, would be the preferred method to protect everyone’s privacy.

These are unfortunately the only methods available right now to accept donations outside of the monthly rallies. Everything we do is on a volunteer basis and if you are not able to volunteer, your cash donation is what keeps the freedom wheel turning.

We do need volunteers to join our Fundraising Focus Group. If you are good at event planning and have some time to devote to organize regular fundraising occasions, please come see Linda at the CLEAR booth this Saturday or contact

We need volunteers who are:


Can work independently

Able to collaborate with others

Responsible and Dependable






If you possess these qualities and want to make a difference right now as a Freedom Activist, please add your name to the Volunteer List at the CLEAR booth this Saturday or contact to get more information.

Freedom requires time, energy or money. Thank you all for your help, in any form you are able to assist with. Everything you do for the sake of freedom is a seed planted. And although you may not see where it lands, trust that it will grow and bear fruit! Otherwise, why have the City, Province and Feds continually tried to shut us down?!! We are effective with one of the lowest vaccination rates in BC and Canada – thanks to YOU!















Sunday Paper



Next delivery day:
April 9, 2023

(Weather Permitting)

Add your name to the delivery list and make sure to check your email on Sunday mornings for confirmation that our paper delivery will take place that day

Make sure you arrive before the designated time so we can all get going ASAP!

Every Sunday at 11:30 am

  • Sign-up on the Newspaper Delivery list so that you get an email confirming the deliveries for each Sunday. With winter in mind, we will only do this if roads are bare and it’s not snowing. The advantage of delivering this time of year is that nobody is hanging out in their front yards except for the odd snowman.
  • We meet at the Capri parking lot between A&W and De Dutch Pannekoek House
  • Bring a large bag for carrying the papers if you want
  • Grab a free small Kelowna mapbook that can help you get situated. Your cell phone will be tracking and tracing you. Learn how to read maps again
  • You will be provided with a printed google map of the area you will be delivering to. Bring a yellow marker to indicate which streets you completed. You may run out of papers or you may end up with extra
  • We ask that with every paper you deliver, you remove the inserts and place them in the mailbox in front or behind the paper. That way, someone who may hastily throw out the paper will still be forced to see each individual flyer
  • Please deliver only one paper per mailbox, regardless if you have different papers (we usually have a combination of different papers and editions). Some houses may have up to 4 mailboxes; put one paper in each as they are for different tenants
  • Sign up as a Volunteer to participate in one of the many focus groups we are working to organize. Most people are too busy to commit to fighting for freedom. I guarantee you will have plenty of extra time after Canada becomes a full-fledged communist country and your jobs & businesses are gone. Time to add freedom-fighting to your list of priorities. Much of the help needed can be done at home and even one hour per week will be helpful. Even if you don’t want to join a specific group, maybe you have something you can offer to help out. Let us know!
  • Contact Linda at

3 Simple Things Freedom Activists can do to WIN this War:

  1. Spread the Word by delivering papers and flyers everywhere:

Knowledge is power!

2. Replace your cell phone with a flip phone:

Think of your apps as TRAPS!

3. Use CASH:

Hand out the “Use cash cards” and “pay cash” business posters



New Credit Card Fees & Lack of Privacy

It is starting – Use cash as much as possible – use credit cards or digital only if there is no other alternative.

Companies will not use digital currency if we are not using digital currency! It will cost them too much in lost business.

Here is an awesome poster you can distribute to all businesses to put on their entrance doors, advocating for the use of cash. Print on 8 1/2 x 11 glossy hard stock for best results.

The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash as much as possible. As recognized by Freedom Rising, there are many inherent dangers of using digital currency. What do you do, not if, but when:

The internet is down

There is a power outage

The card reader malfunctions

Your phone battery dies or doesn’t work for other reasons


Your phone is stolen

Your passwords are co-opted

Your credit/debit card strip is damaged – needs replacing

There are errors in relation to the quantum of $$ on your card

Gov’t limits your purchases/CRA liens the balance on your card


CLEAR has promoted the non-use of digital currencies and credit/debit cards as much as possible, for years.


Withdraw money on Saturday/Sunday from the bank or bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry the amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.


USE CASH $$$$$$$$$

Get these cards below at the CLEAR booth to give out everytime you use cash – or print your own to hand out!

Make Business sized cards to hand out at all your cash purchases!

Thanks Nadia for this link:

Find out which institutions near you Support Digital ID The Digital ID System is being supported by a rapidly growing number of provincial and federal governments, financial institutions, networks for payments and for identity verification, technology service providers, strategy and integration experts to name a few…

[Message clipped]  View entire message

The Censors Never Rest: Moon Rock Books Cancelled By Square, Their Debit/Credit Card Processor

Hello Moon Rock Books,

We recently reviewed your account, and have unfortunately found activity that violates our Terms of Service including but not limited to the following:

Section 3 General Terms

Section 3 Payment Terms

We are sorry to inform you that due to this activity, your account is now deactivated, and we are no longer able to accept payments related to your business.

Thank you for choosing Square. We understand that this decision may cause changes in how you run your business and did not make it lightly.


Square Compliance team.

They never tell you why you were canceled, but it’s usually tied to one of their big lies.

This Moon Rock Book, which was banned twice by Amazon, dismantles their phony “Holocaust,” the key to their control over the weak-minded, which are, sadly, most humans.

While they have canceled our credit/debit card payment processor, again, there are many ways for U.S. & non-U.S. customers to transact business with us. U.S. customers can use GreenPay eCheck, which allows you to pay with your U.S. checking or savings account, by simply entering your routing and account numbers, less information than a credit or debit card requires.

Most non-U.S. customers worldwide can use Western Union or similar services, or their own bank’s wire transfer service for a small fee, while others can use national e-Transfer services such as Interac in Canada. Most customers can create an account at the low-fee money transfer service Wise (formerly TransferWise). Additionally, we have never had one issue with receiving cash, checks, or money orders from all over the world, which is pretty amazing, especially the cash option. Just make sure the check or money order is drafted in U.S. dollars and not your local currency.

If opting not to use GreenPay eCheck, select Cash, Check, or Money Order via Snail Mail to save your order, even if choosing to use any of the aforementioned options. You cannot, and will not, be charged anything, but we will have all your info to expedite your delivery.

Thanks for your patience during these difficult times; please let us know if we can answer any questions, and so sorry for the inconvenience. Free speech, of course, is at stake, and we all must do anything and everything to ensure its survival, at whatever cost. Make no mistake, this is a war for our survival.


Canadian Association for Free Expression

Box 332,

Rexdale, Ontario,

M9W 5L3

Ph: 416-428-5308


Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director

March 1, 2023

Mr. Kevin Godden, Superintendent of Schools,

Abbotsford School District
2790 Tims Street,

 Abbotsford, BC  

V2T 4M7

Dear Mr. Godden:

            I ask that you bring this correspondence to the next meeting of the Abbotsford District School Board

            We are appalled at the Board’s February 21 decision to fire teacher Jim McMurtry. His “crime’? Back in 2021 when the media was filled with exaggerated stories of a mass grave found outside the former Kamloops Indian Residential School. One of Mr. McMurtry’s grade 12 students alleged that Catholic priests had tortured and killed Indian children and left them to freeze in the snow. Firstly, there is no evidence with melodramatic scenario ever occurred. Indeed, close to two years later, there is actually no evidence that the alleged 218 “graves” are indeed graves. If they are graves, there’s no evidence who is buried there and what caused these people’s deaths.

            As a good and responsible teacher, Mr. McMurtry gently corrected the enthusiastic student’s comment, which echoes longtime anti-Catholic bias that was once rife. Mr. McMurtry stated that most children who died in residential schools died from disease, which was true not just of native children at that time, but children in general.

            Dr. McMurtry has extensive experience and education in Native issues. His comment is not merely his opinion, it is the conclusion of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. According to graph 6 of the report, The overwhelming cause of the deaths of Native children in residential schools (1867 to 2000) was tuberculosis, followed by a long distance by influenza and respiratory diseases.

            It’s often forgotten that tuberculosis was a major blight in Canada up into the 1950s. In my own family alone, two relatives spent time in sanitoria to recover from tuberculosis, or TB in common terms.

            So, Dr. McMurtry’s offence was to tell the truth!

            As unjust as your decision was for Dr. McMurtry, it perpetrated an even greater injustice on the student body. What does it teach students? Certainly, not to think for themselves and follow the evidence, sometimes even challenging currently accepted ideology. No, it teaches them that, if they dissent from currently fashionable Woke doctrine, they’d better shut up and keep their views to themselves. Remember what happened to Dr. McMurtry!

            The students deserve better. The taxpayers deserve better.

            We urge you to reconsider your decision.

                                                            Sincerely yours,

                                                            Paul Fromm, Director


Canadian Association for Free Expression

Box 332,

Rexdale, Ontario,

M9W 5L3

Ph: 416-428-5308


Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director

March 1, 2023

Mr. Kevin Godden, Superintendent of Schools,

Abbotsford School District
2790 Tims Street,

 Abbotsford, BC  

V2T 4M7

Dear Mr. Godden:

            I ask that you bring this correspondence to the next meeting of the Abbotsford District School Board

            We are appalled at the Board’s February 21 decision to fire teacher Jim McMurtry. His “crime’? Back in 2021 when the media was filled with exaggerated stories of a mass grave found outside the former Kamloops Indian Residential School. One of Mr. McMurtry’s grade 12 students alleged that Catholic priests had tortured and killed Indian children and left them to freeze in the snow. Firstly, there is no evidence with melodramatic scenario ever occurred. Indeed, close to two years later, there is actually no evidence that the alleged 218 “graves” are indeed graves. If they are graves, there’s no evidence who is buried there and what caused these people’s deaths.

            As a good and responsible teacher, Mr. McMurtry gently corrected the enthusiastic student’s comment, which echoes longtime anti-Catholic bias that was once rife. Mr. McMurtry stated that most children who died in residential schools died from disease, which was true not just of native children at that time, but children in general.

            Dr. McMurtry has extensive experience and education in Native issues. His comment is not merely his opinion, it is the conclusion of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. According to graph 6 of the report, The overwhelming cause of the deaths of Native children in residential schools (1867 to 2000) was tuberculosis, followed by a long distance by influenza and respiratory diseases.

            It’s often forgotten that tuberculosis was a major blight in Canada up into the 1950s. In my own family alone, two relatives spent time in sanitoria to recover from tuberculosis, or TB in common terms.

            So, Dr. McMurtry’s offence was to tell the truth!

            As unjust as your decision was for Dr. McMurtry, it perpetrated an even greater injustice on the student body. What does it teach students? Certainly, not to think for themselves and follow the evidence, sometimes even challenging currently accepted ideology. No, it teaches them that, if they dissent from currently fashionable Woke doctrine, they’d better shut up and keep their views to themselves. Remember what happened to Dr. McMurtry!

            The students deserve better. The taxpayers deserve better.

            We urge you to reconsider your decision.

                                                            Sincerely yours,

                                                            Paul Fromm, Director

The Fourth Article – The Passion of Christ, the Salvation of Man

      Throne, Altar, Liberty

The Canadian Red Ensign

The Canadian Red Ensign

Friday, March 31, 2023

The Fourth Article – The Passion of Christ, the Salvation of Man

In our examination of the third Article of the Christian Creed we noted that grammatically it was the beginning of a long relative clause.   In the Latin of the Apostles’ Creed the relative clause includes the third through seventh Articles.   This is not reflected in the English translation in the Book of Common Prayer which inserts a sentence break after the fourth Article.   In the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed the third Article begins with a definite article that functions in this context as a relative pronoun and is the subject of all the Articles from the third through the seventh.   In the conciliar Creed this is not a subordinate clause within the sentence that starts in the second Article in the Greek, however, because it has a sentence break at the end of the second.   Interestingly, here the English translation eliminates the sentence break.   These punctuation variations do not affect the meaning of the Creed. Whether it is a subordinate relative clause, a separate sentence, or even broken into several sentences, everything from the Incarnation in the third Article to the Second Coming in the seventh is affirmed about Jesus Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God.

We also observed that the counciliar Creed includes a declaration of the end that motivated the Son of God to come down from Heaven, become Incarnate as a Man, and do all that is affirmed of Him in these Articles.   This is the clause rendered in English as “for us men and for our salvation” found immediately after the definite article/relative pronoun.   As we saw, this statement was well placed in the third Article about the Incarnation because it was the Incarnation that made possible everything else the Son of God did for our salvation.   Now we shall look at the fourth Article which speaks of how the Incarnate Christ accomplished our salvation.

Compared to the other Articles we have seen there is very little difference between two versions of the Creed.   The Latin of the Apostles’ Creed is passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus which in the English of the Book of Common Prayer is “suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried.”  The Greek of the conciliar Creed is Σταυρωθέντα τε ὑπὲρ ἡμῶν ἐπὶ Ποντίου Πιλάτου, καὶ παθόντα καὶ ταφέντα which in English is “and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; he suffered and was buried”.     “Suffered” and “crucified” switch places in the two Creeds, the Nicene-Constantinopolitan specifies that He was crucified “for us” whereas the Apostles’ spells us out that He “died”, otherwise the only difference is that in the counciliar Creed each thing that is affirmed of Christ is joined to the others in the Article by a copula while in the Apostles’ they are put in a list and separated by commas with only one copula.    Passus and its Greek equivalent and cognate παθόντα which both mean “he suffered” are the source of the word “Passion” which we use to designate all the suffering Jesus Christ submitted to for our sake. (1)

Another noticeable contrast between this Article and those which preceded it is the absence of precise language chosen to avoid specific errors.   With one exception it affirms merely the basic historical facts of Christ’s suffering and crucifixion under Pontius Pilate, His death and His burial.   The exception is the words “for us” in the Nicene Creed.   These words are an assertion of the soteriological significance of these events but the most basic and simple such assertion possible.   That God gave His Son to be our Saviour, that He saved us by dying for us, and that therefore His death was for us, is something upon which all Christians are in agreement.   It is over how Christ’s death accomplished this that there has been disagreement.     The New Testament is not silent on this question, but it uses many different types of language and imagery to explain Christ’s saving work.   The language of redemption depicts Christ’s death as a price paid to liberate man from slavery, that is to say, slavery to sin, death and the devil.   The language of sacrifice declares Christ’s death to be the final and effective sacrifice to which all the sacrifices of the Old Testament pointed.   The language of reconciliation speaks of Christ’s death as bringing God and man, separated by man’s sin, back into harmony.   The language of satisfaction depicts Christ’s death as a propitiation or expiation that appeases God for the offence that is man’s sin.   The language of substitution speaks of Christ as taking our sins upon Himself and bearing them in our place.   The New Testament uses each of these languages and all of this different imagery tells us that the answer to the question of how Christ’s death saved us is multifaceted.   It is good, therefore, that in the Creed, the basic confession of the Christian faith, the what of Christ’s death for us is affirmed without commentary as to the how.

This was probably not intentional on the part of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Fathers.   At the time significant controversy over what we now call the theory or model of the Atonement was still centuries away.   Indeed, the history of theological debate over this matter is often thought to be divided into two periods, pre-Anselm and post-Anselm.   Anselm was the thirty-sixth Archbishop of Canterbury who held the See from 1093 to 1109 AD, shortly after both the Great Schism between the Western and the Eastern Churches and the passing of the English throne to the Norman dynasty of William the Conqueror.   About five years into his term in the Archbishop’s office, on the eve of the transition from the eleventh to the twelfth centuries he completed a work entitled Cur Deus Homo? (Why Did God Become Man?).   In this work, Anselm challenged what he believed to have been the main way in which the Atonement had been understood prior to him, i.e., the ransom model.   According to this model, Christ’s death was a ransom price paid by God to purchase the liberation of man from the bondage to sin, death, and the devil into which he had fallen in the Garden.    The extent to which this model was accepted before Anselm is debatable.   It is certainly found in the writings of Origen of Alexandria who lived in the third century.   St. Gregory of Nazianzus, one of the Cappadocian Fathers of the fourth century, the century that produced the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, notably opposed it.   Anselm’s objection to this model was that it made the death of Christ into a payment God made to Satan and thus suggested that the problem to which the Atonement was the solution was that someone, either us or God, owed a debt to Satan.   Sin is indeed depicted as a debt in the New Testament but the debt is owed by man to God not by anyone to Satan.   Anselm, who lived in feudal times, understood this to be a debt of honour.   Man had offended God’s honour by sinning and thus owed Him satisfaction.   .   By dying for us, Christ satisfied God’s honour, and so won for us reconciliation and forgiveness.    This is called the satisfaction model of the Atonement.  Since the understanding of the Atonement that has prevailed in the Roman Catholic Communion since Scholasticism has been Anselm’s model as interpreted by St. Thomas Aquinas, and the penal substitutionary model of the Protestant Reformation is Anselm’s model translated by John Calvin, a trained lawyer, from the honour language of feudal society to the legal language of contract society, (2) Anselm’s model can be said have dominated Western Christianity ever since.    The pre-Anselmic understanding of the Atonement remains the understanding in Eastern Christianity which broke Communion with Western Christianity a few decades prior to Anselm.   It would be a mistake, however, to think of the Eastern view as being predominately the ransom model.   The Eastern understanding includes the ransom model – it is found in their Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great – but other understandings of the Atonement are included elsewhere in the Eastern liturgy.

None of these models or theories are affirmed in the Creed – neither are any of them denied or rejected.   About a century ago a Swedish Lutheran bishop and theologian named Gustaf Aulén wrote a short influential book in which he argued that before Anselm the Church held to what he called the “classic view” of the Atonement which he claimed was taught in the Bible, by the Church Fathers and by Dr. Martin Luther.   This view has come to be called “Christus Victor”, which was also the title of Aulén’s book, and it basically is that the Atonement was a strategic military victory by Jesus Christ over sin, death, and the devil which brought about the liberation of those whom these forces of evil had held captive.   Of all the models that have been proposed this is the closest to being one that can claim to be affirmed in the Creed but this is only because it is not what Aulén purported it to be, an explanation of how Christ’s death saved us, but rather a re-wording of the assertion of the fact that it does.   Everyone who affirms the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds will affirm that in His death and resurrection, Jesus Christ triumphed over sin, death, and the devil (3) and set mankind free.   This includes, however, all those who think of the Atonement primarily as a ransom, as well as those who think of it primarily as satisfaction or substitution.    The weakness of Aulén’s book was that he treated his “classic view” as mutually exclusive with what he called the “Latin view” i.e., Anselm’s satisfaction and Calvin’s penal substitution models.   These are not mutually exclusive, and in his attempt to prove that they were, Aulén made claims which very much conflicted with Nicene orthodoxy.   He treated the Law as one of the enemies that needed to be defeated alongside Satan and sin in flat contradiction to St. Paul in the epistle to the Romans.   He argued that the satisfaction model made the Atonement into an act of man directed towards God rather than an act of God directed towards man, an argument that had both Nestorian and Docetist implications.     

Indeed, the most common objections to the satisfaction and substitution models that have been raised over the last century have rested upon assumptions that conflict with Nicene orthodoxy.   Think, for example, of the popular complaint that these explanations of the Atonement amount to “cosmic child abuse”.    Nicene orthodoxy is that Jesus Christ is God Who became a Man and Who is thus both God and Man.   Those who regard the substitutionary model of Atonement as speaking of a God Who is guilty of “cosmic child abuse” implicitly assume Jesus Christ to be neither God nor Man.  For if Jesus Christ is what the Nicene Creed says He is, “God of God, Light of Light, Very God of Very God, being of one substance with the Father” then the satisfactory and substitutionary model of the Atonement does not tell the story of a God Who refused to forgive men their sins unless an Innocent third party unjustly suffered instead but the story of a God, rightly offended by sin, Who becomes a man in order that He might Himself pay the penalty of sin on behalf of those who offended Him.

The late Eastern Orthodox Metropolitan Kallistos Ware suggested a number of helpful questions for evaluating theories of the Atonement.   The first of these was “Does it envision a change in God or us?”   Since the problem for which Christ’s death is the solution is in us, sin, rather than in God, a sound understanding of the Atonement requires that change us rather than God.   This might seem to be the point where Anselm’s model and those derived from it fail the test but this is only the case if the language of analogy that we use to speak of God is taken far more literally than it was ever intended to be.   If we take the language of Christ’s death as a propitiatory sacrifice that appeases God by satisfying His wrath, language which is used in the Scriptures themselves, at its most literal, then we will have a theory in which the Atonement works by effecting a change in God.  God is angry at us because of our sin, Christ’s death takes care of that, so that God is no longer angry at us anymore.   What we need to recognize is that while wrath or anger in us is a passion that stirs up in response to things other people do this is not what the wrath or anger of God is like.   When the Scriptures speak of the wrath of God they use the human passion as an analogy to speak of how God in His holiness, righteousness, and justice always looks upon sin.   It is not something that our sin stirs up in God, it is not an emotion or a passion, it is how God in His unchangeable goodness sees sin.   Therefore, when we speak of Christ’s death as appeasing God’s wrath, this too is analogous language.   We do not mean that Christ’s death effects a change in God so that His wrath is gone because that would mean that the immutable holiness, justice, and righteousness of God which reject and punish sin are gone, which would mean that God becomes less than perfectly Good, and this cannot be.   The language of appeasing God’s wrath is as analogous as the language of God’s wrath and it means that that which does the appeasing, Christ’s death, removes from us that which is the object of God’s wrath, our sin.   As long as we remember that the analogies and metaphors that we use to explain God in human terms have a point beyond which their literalness should not be pushed lest they cease to be helpful then there ought to be no problem with our using the various models – ransom, sacrifice, satisfaction, substitution, etc. – drawn from the very words of the New Testament to explain how God by becoming a Man and dying for us, saved us from the bondage of sin and death.

When it comes to confessing our faith in the Creed, however, it is sufficient that we confess the fact that Christ “suffered (for us) under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried”.

(1)     This is why oratorios in which the text of the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ betrayal, arrest, trial, scourging, and crucifixion are set to music are called Passions (J. S. Bach’s St. Matthew’s Passion and St. John’s Passion are examples), plays in which these events are acted out are called Passion plays, and Mel Gibson titled his film depicting the events of Good Friday The Passion of the Christ.

(2)     In Anselm’s model it was God’s honour that was offended by sin.   In John Calvin’s model it was God’s justice.   In both versions of this model the Atonement works by satisfying God.    In Anselm’s model God, having been satisfied by Christ’s Atonement, forgiveness man rather than punishing man for offending Him.   In Calvin’s model God’s justice is satisfied because Christ took the punishment due man on man’s behalf.   Otherwise they are the same basic concept.  Contrary to what is often asserted against the Protestant model the idea of the Atonement as Christ taking man’s punishment for him was not invented new in the sixteenth century.   The language of substitution is found in the New Testament – St. Paul uses it in 2 Corinthians 5:21, St. Peter uses it in 1 Peter 2:24 – and even in the Old in Isaiah 53:6, as well as in all the most important Church Fathers.   Where Calvin’s model is susceptible to the charge of novelty is its explanation of substitution in strictly legal terms.   By contrast, none of the New Testament or Patristic references to Christ taking our punishment for us place it in the context of a cold, formal, legal transaction.   St. Paul’s reference in 2 Corinthians, for example, places it in the context of reconciliation.

(3)     Except perhaps those liberals who try to disguise their liberalism by limiting it to truths not affirmed in the Creeds.   The Creeds are not intended to be exhaustive and comprehensive statements of all Christian truth.   Rev. Austin Farrer explained well the difference between the sort of truths that made it into the Creeds and those that did not:   “Christians profess a creedal belief in God and resurrection to eternal life.  They do not profess such belief in the devil or in everlasting torment.   The doctrine of hell has certainly found a place in authoritative statements of Christian teaching; it has never formed part of a creed properly so called (the Athanasian creed is not a creed, whatever it may be).  Try the experiment of tacking on to the Apostles Creed or the Nicene ‘and in one devil, tempter and enemy of souls; and in damnation to hell everlasting.’   Now say the whole creed and see what it feels like.  I can promise you it will feel pretty queer; and the queerness will be due to a swapping of horses in midstream; you jump from one act of belief to a different sort of act, when you pass from the God-and-heaven clauses to the devil-and-hell clauses.  The belief which is expressed by creedal profession is a laying hold on the objects of belief; or still more, perhaps, a laying of ourselves open to be laid hold of by them.  But there is no question of our laying ourselves out to be laid hold of by hell or by Satan.  That cannot be the object of the exercise.  Christians may believe there is a hall.  They do not believe in hell as they believe in heaven.  For they do not put their faith in it.” (Saving Belief, 1964, pp.150-151).   Liberalism, as the term is used in religion rather than politics, is the unbelief generated by Modern rationalistic philosophy, crept into Churches and sects, disguised as an updated form of belief.   The classic example is the liberal who claims that he believes in the resurrection of Jesus Christ in a sense, but that sense does not include Jesus’ body having been re-animated and leaving the tomb, thus the liberal’s “belief” is actually unbelief.  A more subtle form of liberalism is the kind that is careful not to contradict or redefine the Creed like this, but which feels free to reject anything and everything not included by the Creed, and which more specifically throws out or disregards all the most negative truths of Christianity like the devil and the sinfulness of man.   It would be difficult for someone who holds to this kind of liberalism to affirm the Christus Victor view of Christ’s saving work, however, because they have thrown out everything over which Christ could have been Victor. — Gerry T. Neal

Christians Must Learn To Hate Evil Again

Christians Must Learn To Hate Evil Again

By: Andrew Torba

As Christians we are called to stand firm in our faith even in the midst of turmoil and chaos of the world around us. Recent news of the horrific massacre of six Christians including three young children in Nashville, the news of President Trump’s sham indictment, and the conviction of Douglas Mackey may be discouraging and disheartening, but in these moments we must remember that our hope and our strength come from a higher power.

This week was a difficult week for me both as a Christian and as a father of young children. I looked everywhere for a response from so-called “Christian leaders” and at best I found silence while at worst I found those supporting the “trans community” instead of our own brothers and sisters in Christ.

Christians are called to respond to tragedy with compassion, empathy, and love, but what happens when that tragedy is being celebrated by the mainstream media, the culture, our own government, and perhaps even some of our churches, friends, and family?

When trans flags are being risen at schools, organizations, businesses, and even government buildings across our nation just days after a member of that community carried out a horrific injustice against a Christian community—ending the lives of six of our brothers and sisters in Christ—how are we to respond? 

As my good friend Pastor Andrew Isker wrote this week, being winsome and nice won’t cut it anymore.

Cowardly Christian “leaders” may be silent on these issues, but God’s Word is not–and I refuse to be. The first thing we must remember is that our hope and strength come from God. We must turn to Him in prayer and seek His guidance as we navigate these difficult situations. 

As the Bible says in Philippians 4:6-7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

In addition to prayer we must also remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:44, “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Even when the media, businesses, schools, and the government seem to be celebrating a senseless tragedy, we must respond with love and compassion, not hatred or anger.

We must also take action to address the injustice that is being celebrated by the wicked. This may mean speaking out against the mainstream narrative, supporting organizations that are working to bring about change, or even taking part in peaceful protests or demonstrations. When we do these things it’s crucial that our actions are rooted in love and compassion, not in anger or violence. We must be bold and share the Gospel, speak the Truth, and let go of our fear. 

We must remember that we are not alone in our struggle. This is what our enemies want us to desperately believe: that we have no one standing up on behalf of the victims and on behalf of God’s Word. Nothing could be further from the truth. As members of the body of Christ we are part of a larger community of believers who can support and encourage us. By staying connected to other believers, we can find strength and hope in times of struggle and persecution. I encourage you to do so not only in your local Church and community, but also with believers around the world on Gab and other online platforms. We need each other now more than ever.

Reject the Blackpill

It’s very easy to feel demoralized and blackpilled when we see the evil in the world around us. But as followers of Christ, we must hold fast to the truth that Christ is King. He has overcome the world, and in Him, we can find hope and strength to face whatever comes our way. Christians are commanded to love our neighbors as ourselves, to forgive those who wrong us, and to turn the other cheek. However, we are also called to hate evil with a righteous hatred while not giving in to despair or hopelessness.

The Bible tells us in Psalm 97:10, “Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.” But what does it mean to hate evil? Does it mean that we should hate the people who commit evil acts? Absolutely not. As Christians, we are called to love all people, even those who do wrong. When we are commanded to hate evil we are being called to hate the things that are contrary to God’s will and God’s character. We are called to hate sin and all that it represents – destruction, death, and separation from God.

We Are Commanded To Hate Evil

Many people in our culture, and even some Christian leaders, promote a hippie version of love that emphasizes tolerance and acceptance at all costs. They believe that love means accepting everyone and everything, no matter how evil or wicked it may be. However, this view is not biblical, and it does not reflect the true nature of God. The fear of the Lord is a healthy respect and reverence for God, and it leads us to hate what He hates.

God is often portrayed in our culture as being fully focused on love and grace, but the Bible teaches us that there are indeed things that God hates. While this might be a difficult concept for some to grasp, it is important to understand that God’s hatred is not arbitrary or capricious. His hatred is based on His perfect nature and His desire for us to live according to His will.

While God loves us unconditionally, He hates the sin that separates us from Him. Sin is anything that goes against God’s will, and it is something that we should strive to avoid. When we sin, we are rebelling against God and His plan for our lives. As Christians, we should strive to avoid the things that God hates and to live lives that are pleasing to Him. We should seek to love what God loves and hate what God hates, and in doing so, we will be living in obedience to His will.

Proverbs 8:13 – “To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.”

Romans 12:9 – “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.”

Psalm 101:3 – “I will not look with approval on anything that is vile. I hate what faithless people do; I will have no part in it.”

Amos 5:15 – “Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts. Perhaps the Lord God Almighty will have mercy on the remnant of Joseph.”

Proverbs 13:5 – “The righteous hate what is false, but the wicked make themselves a stench and bring shame on themselves.”

Psalm 119:104 – “I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path.”

When we hate evil we are not allowing it to have a foothold in our lives. We are not tolerating it or excusing it, but instead, we are actively fighting against it. We are standing up for what is right and what is just, even when it is difficult. When we hate evil we are acknowledging the reality of the brokenness of our world. We recognize that sin and evil do exist and that they cause pain and suffering.

But we also know that God has overcome sin and evil through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We should look to the example of Jesus Himself, who drove out the money changers from the temple with a whip (John 2:15). He did not tolerate their wickedness and corruption but took action to remove it from the house of God.

By hating evil, we are living out our faith in a tangible way. We are demonstrating our commitment to God’s values and His character. We are standing up for justice, compassion, and righteousness in a world that is often marked by selfishness, greed, and violence.

Now is the time for Christians to not only start hating evil again, but actively waging spiritual warfare against it. 

We need to focus on building up our communities, praying for one another, and growing together in faith. We must not let the news of the day distract us from the work that God has called us to do. We are called to be a light in the darkness, to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to spread the good news of the gospel to all nations. That is our mission and we must not take our eyes off the prize of eternal glory with our King. 

Ultimately we can take comfort in the fact that we can and will overcome because Christ has already overcome. As the Bible says in 1 John 4:4, “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” No matter what happens in the world around us, we can have confidence that God is with us, and that He will see us through to victory.

Let us not be demoralized or blackpilled by the news of the day. Instead let us focus on Christ and His Kingdom, and let us continue to build, pray, and grow in our faith together. 

By the grace of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the Victory of Jesus Christ our King we too shall overcome and see victory. 

God bless you. Keep the faith. 

Andrew Torba
Jesus Christ is King of kings

Freedom Rallies: Kelowna, April 1 & Penticton, April 2

Meet at Main & Warren – at 10:15 a.m. this coming Saturday to






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RALLY – Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday at 1.

Sunday, April 2nd, 1 to 3 p.m. 2020 Main Street, Corner of Main & Warren, Penticton.Surprise speakers are a common occurrence at our rallies.  Miss a week and you miss a lot!Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few.Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll be happy to find to share their knowledge with us.

Mary Lou Gutscher

GOV’T SNEAKY CENSORSHIP: Federal Government Requested Removal of Online Content, Document Shows

Federal Government Requested Removal of Online Content, Document Shows

The Twitter logo is seen on a sign on the exterior of Twitter headquarters in San Francisco, Calif., on Oct. 28, 2022. (Constanza Hevia/AFP via Getty Images)

The Twitter logo is seen on a sign on the exterior of Twitter headquarters in San Francisco, Calif., on Oct. 28, 2022. (Constanza Hevia/AFP via Getty Images)

Noé Chartier

By Noé ChartierMarch 29, 2023Updated: March 29, 2023 biggersmallerPrint 0:008:33

Multiple federal departments and agencies have interacted with social media companies to request online content be taken down, often to have impersonating accounts removed but also to purge posts they deemed offensive.

The Canadian government provided the information on March 27 in response to an Inquiry of Ministry submitted by Conservative MP Dean Allison.

Allison asked for an account from each governmental organization on requests to “take down, edit, ban, or change in any other way social media content, posts, or accounts, since January 1, 2020.”

The most serious case involved Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) employees sharing private taxpayer information in a Facebook Messenger chat group not approved for use by the agency. CRA requested the information be taken down but said it didn’t receive confirmation it had been.

Organizations in general didn’t provide the name of the accounts they were targeting, only giving generic information, but the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) did.

The director general for communications at CBSA sought to have posts removed for “hate speech or symbols,” “harassment or bullying,” as well as nudity and impersonation.

The agency flagged accounts associated at one point to former CBSA employee Patrick McNulty, who was reported to be under investigation last summer. McNulty made social media posts critical of COVID-19 measures and advised travellers on how to avoid the once-mandatory ArriveCAN app to enter Canada.

Instagram flagged posts by accounts “exbordercop” and “the_real_mcnulty” for “harassment or bullying,” but the social media company reportedly did not take down those posts. Those accounts currently appear to be inactive.

The National Post wrote in August 2022 about a social media post made by McNulty in which he reportedly made disparaging comments against a CBSA superior who contacted him regarding one of his videos denouncing the ArriveCan app. The Epoch Times has not seen the post.

CBSA could not comment on the case of its former agent due to privacy reasons but said its employees are expected to ensure that their comments and behaviour “do not impair, or are not perceived as impairing, their ability to perform their duties in an impartial manner as public servants.”

“Any social media posts that were flagged for removal was done as it was deemed that these violated CBSA’s Code of Conduct and Instagram’s own policies on abuse and harassment,” said spokesperson Guillaume Bérubé.

McNulty could not be immediately reached for comment.

Other agencies under the Public Safety portfolio did not report sending many requests to social media companies. Public Safety Canada itself said it hadn’t and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service declined to answer citing operational security.

The RCMP reported making a single request for a takedown, saying that it involved a Facebook account impersonating then-commissioner Brenda Lucki that was sending out fake messages. Facebook deleted the account.

Flagging Offensive Content

Another reason multiple federal organizations contacted social media companies was to have content they deemed offensive removed. The accounts involved and details of the targeted posts are not available.

The Public Health Agency of Canada’s online actions focused on “offensive language” on Twitter.

Since December 2020, it has made 21 requests to the social media company to have the flagged tweets removed, but Twitter only took action on three occasions.

Health Canada had more success with its requests to Facebook to have posts removed. In February 2021, its social media chief requested that three posts on “disinformation about lifting of COVID 19 restriction” be taken down. The document says that the company followed through.

Two requests to Twitter in December 2022 to remove posts showing “abusive behaviour towards a Health Canada employee” were also successful, along with another post exposing private information about an employee of the department.

The Digital Innovation and Engagement Division at Global Affairs Canada (GAC) handled all of the departments’ requests for takedowns.

GAC reported having submitted eight requests to Twitter and Facebook over the period being examined, mostly for “content violating terms of use.” One request to Twitter was for “threat of violence.” All of the posts were removed, says the Inquiry of Ministry.

The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) under GAC also complained about an offensive tweet directed at one of its employees, but Twitter did not remove the post. However, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram did remove accounts identified by the BDC as impersonating the bank’s CEO.

The Treasury Board requested that LinkedIn and Facebook delete comments made on posts about diversity and inclusion. It said the comments were “racist, hateful, sexist or defamatory.” The document says the comments were not entirely deleted. Another containing “hate speech” was removed by Facebook.

The Competition Bureau under Innovation Canada requested that Twitter take down an “offensive reply” to one of its tweets in March 2020, but the company did not take action.

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), which oversees Service Canada and Passport Canada, flagged posts on Twitter for “encouraging criminal activity” by the promotion of fraudulent vaccination certificates.

Other ESDC takedown requests related to spam, impersonating accounts, and content making a “reference to violence (suicide/self-harm).”

Undermining Public Confidence’

The director of communications at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) asked Facebook and Twitter to take down a post in September 2021 that linked back to a Toronto Sun article.

The IRB said the article contained “serious errors of fact risking undermining public confidence in the independence of the Board as well as the integrity of the refugee determination system.”

The Inquiry of Ministry notes that the posts were not taken down given they linked back to the Sun’s article.

The paper had reported on Sept. 6, 2021, that the Trudeau government was removing barriers for asylum claims in Canada, citing a leaked draft document from the IRB.

The IRB had more success when it asked Facebook to remove a post containing confidential information on a refugee claim.

Not Tracking Takedown Requests

The Department of National Defence (DND) said it also makes takedown requests but did not provide any data, saying that it does not centrally track that information.

“When necessary, National Defence will ask social media companies to take down posts from other users if they contain information that poses a risk to operational security, or if the post violates the terms and conditions defined by the social media platform,” said DND.

It added that its Public Affairs group contacts social media companies several times a month to ask for the removal of fake DND- or Canadian Armed Forces-related accounts.

Canada’s eavesdropping agency under DND, the Communications Security Establishment, made numerous requests to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to have accounts removed for “brand infringement” and impersonation, and all were successful.

CBC also said it made requests to social media companies asking them to take down content that infringes on copyrights or that violates the platform’s terms of use. However, the public broadcaster said it doesn’t systematically track the information.

Heritage Canada, linked to internet regulation bills C-11 and C-18, said it did not made any takedown requests over the period covered.

‘Twitter Files’

The self-reporting by government entities through the Inquiry of Ministry likely only provides a partial picture of efforts to remove content deemed undesirable, with some organizations involved not providing any data.

Efforts in the United States by the government, NGOs, and elected officials to remove posts on social media have been more widely documented through the release of internal Twitter files since Elon Musk took over the company in October 2022.

One recent release by journalist Matt Taibbi, on March 17, detailed how Stanford University’s Virality Project had contributed to the censorship of what he called “True Stories” on COVID-19 across “at least six major Internet platforms.”

He wrote that Stanford’s project, which started in 2021, “worked with government to launch a pan-industry monitoring plan for Covid-related content.”

Concerned Parent/Taxpayer Silenced By Radical Ottawa Trustee


Concerned Parent/Taxpayer Silenced By Radical Ottawa Trustee

By Elie Cantin-Nantel – March 27, 2023 Facebook

On March 7,Ottawa progressive public school trustee Dr. Nili Kaplan Myrth shut down a concerned parent speaking at a yesterday’s board meeting “on the grounds that (his speech created) an unsafe environment for people who identify as gender diverse.” e, YouTube Kaplan-Myrth pushed to impose more masking last Autumn. She is a strident LGBTQ advocate. Notice the argument that any criticism of the LGBTQ agenda may make the “gender diverse” feel unsafe. This argument that you hear increasingly from the censorship lobby is used to silence any dissent on key issues.

The parent Nick Morfito, appearing as a delegation at a board meeting, said: “Trans students are allowed to use the same bathroom unsupervised as my daughters.” Trustee Kaplan-Myrth interrupted and accused Mr. Morfito’s words of creating “an unsafe environment for those who identify as gender diverse. I ask you to end your delegation”; in other words, shut up. The meeting was then adjourned, thus, silencing the parent. Another concerned parent can be heard saying to the censorious trustee: “Who gave you the right to tell him he can’t speak. You work for the public!”

True North News (March 27, 2023) continues. Many “online petitions are demanding the resignation of progressive Ottawa public school trustee Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth amid her controversial conduct during board meetings.

The first petition was shut down by, with the platform claiming it violated its “community guidelines in relation to hate speech.” A new petition has since been started and has received thousands of signatures.

The original petition came after Kaplan-Myrth silenced a father concerned about biological males using girls’ washrooms at a March board meeting – claiming his speech created “an unsafe environment for people who identify as gender diverse.” 

Kaplan-Myrth responded to the first petition by calling for it to be shut down; claiming it was “transphobic hate speech” that actively discriminated against LGBTQIA people. “We must continue to speak against transphobia, homophobia, racism, antisemitism, misogyny,” she said.

The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) issued a statement condemning the petition as a “scurrilous attack”, and also wrote to to ask them to remove the petition, as reported by the Ottawa Citizen. 

The removal of the first petition prompted an Ottawa parent living in Kaplan-Myrth’s zone to start a new one. True North spoke to the parent, who asked to remain anonymous and is using a pen name on

“Living in the Alta Vista area, it concerns me sending my kids to an OCDSB school, having my representative be trustee Kaplan-Myrth and having her not willing to listen to anything that I have to say that differs with her opinion,” said the parent. 

The Ottawa parent believes Kaplan-Myrth has not abided by OCDSB policies and its code of conduct, and thus needs to be reprimanded. “Ultimately I believe it would be best if she resigned.” 

Kaplan-Myrth has since accused the parent behind the new petition of being a bully and a dangerous person “fuelled by hate”.

The parent noted that he “finds it interesting that trustee Kaplan-Myrth is asking for censorship of things like these petitions and other views, despite the fact that by doing that she is going against what she is said about her views being censored. She has made it quite clear that she does not want her views to be disregarded or censored as she believes them to be correct.” 

He hopes the new petition will lead to “a productive discussion about trustee Kaplan-Myrth’s behavior and her lack of decorum in the meetings.” He added that he “worded (the) petition in a fairly neutral tone” amid not wanting to subject her to hate.

.Kaplan-Myrth has been the centre of controversy since she was elected to the board in October 2022.

Last November, she attempted to impose a strict medical mask mandate in OCDSB schools. The latter was rejected by other trustees amid outrage from parents and students – with several telling True North they would have not complied had it been implemented.

Kaplan-Myrth also famously claimed on a TVO panel that the word “normal” is a language used by the far-right and ableist. 

True North reached out to Kaplan-Myrth, the OCDSB and for comment, but they did not respond in time for publication.

Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter

Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter

This issue has lots of information because a lot more people are waking up and getting involved.

Please join us!

Other Important Updates On this issue:

–      REMINDER: Meet at Save-On-Foods café this Thursday at 1 p.m. to team up for Doctor Package Deliveries. Instruction, training and an experienced volunteer will         be provided,

–      Rallies and local events

–      David Lindsay’s Court Dates

–      National Citizens’ Inquiry – Live! Be Part of History in the Making!!

–      OK Falls Cell Tower Petition

–      How to Find a Trustworthy Doctor – Dr. Trozzi – 10-minute video

–      I am Not Misinformation – Video

–      Is Marburg the Next Excuse for Mass Vaccinations?

–      Freedom Rising Newsletter – Issue 38 – We are the MANY

–      Give the Gift of Druthers to Your Neighbours and March edition online And at our rallies

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In case you missed the rally last Sunday…

Darren honoured us by leading us in singing the four verses of O Canada. Thank you, Darren.

Then Rita Harter, (formerly Rita Chretien), shared her “Mother’s Day Miracle” story about how she survived for 7 weeks in the Nevada Desert with only a small bag of trail mix, Omega 3’s and her faith. Rita’s husband, Dale provided musical support.

This was a message for never giving up hope.

Updates were also provided on the following initiatives:

1.     Recall David Eby Campaign (Laureen, Wayne, Derrick): the numbers are in. Although fewer than 3,000 voter signatures were acquired, volunteers handed out 80,000 information pieces to alert the public to the dangers of Bill 36. Thank you to all who participated in the campaign with your time and dollars. We are the messengers!

2.     Cash is King campaign (Steve): Brochures and signs have been dropped off at several stores. At one in Keremeos, a trucker saw the brochure and immediately asked for their entire supply so he could drop them off at every stop he makes in his travels. You never know when one piece of information will motivate someone to jump right in and get involved.

3.     Doctor Package deliveries (Shar, Steve, Mary Lou): All pharmacies in Penticton and OK Falls, plus a few doctors’ offices have already received packages. Volunteers are back at it this week, and by publication time, close to 50 packages in total have been delivered. It’s fun and gratifying work to see the appreciation from those who were receptive to our message.

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Want to join the fun in one of these initiatives or suggest another more important to you?

Just reply to this email or call 780-908-0309 to offer your help and suggestions.

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RALLY – Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday at 1.

Sunday, March 26th, 1 to 3 p.m. 2020 Main Street, Corner of Main & Warren, Penticton. Guest Speakers: Surprise speakers are a common occurrence at our rallies.  Miss a week and you miss a lot!image.png
Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll be happy to find to share their knowledge with us.   ——————————- o0o————————————- OTHERS’ REGULAR EVENTS   ·      Kelowna CLEAR Rallies – 1st Saturday of each month at noon – Stuart Park, Kelowna         ·       Oliver Rally – in front of city hall – Saturdays at 12:30 p.m.         ·       Invitation to Schubert Centre in Vernon/Geoengineering Event on April 2 at 2 p.m.                                                 ·       

Local Action4Canada – Tuesdays at noon, in front of Richard Cannings’ Office – 301 Main Street                         and
Planning Meetings – Winepress Church – first Tuesdays at 4:30 ·      
 First & Third Tuesdays, Penticton Council meeting at 1. City Hall, Penticton. ·       School District 67 School Board Meetings 6:30 PM – last Monday of the month. (No meeting in March – Spring Break)   ——————————- o0o————————————-

Events The Kelowna Courts of Injustice May 23 (9:00 a.m.) May 24-26, 2023, 9:30 a.m. Kelowna CourthouseR v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault After an incredible two days in court March 1st and 2nd, everyone finally got to see what the fuss is all about – and the shock even in the media was visible everywhere in the courtroom. Even opposition media, who came out in droves hoping to see some incredible fight scene to label me with, were amazed and dismayed at what truly occurred. The video, taken by one of our loyal supporters clearly showed that THEY (security guards) pushed into David, not the reverse. And more evidence is yet to come.   ——————————- o0o————————————-

ACTIONS OF THE WEEK   ·      Watch the National Citizen’s Led Inquiry Proceedings LIVE! This is the first time in Canada’s history that a Citizen Led Inquiry into the government’s action has been initiated. Experience being part of history! Recorded sessions are also available online.   IMPORTANT ACTIONS Help educate, create awareness, and involve all Canadians! Print and share posters & postcards – find HERE (available at P4F Rallies) Sign Petition HERE (over 49, 900 signatures) Buy NCI SWAG HERE  Hearing Schedule HEREimage.png

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Here is the link to the petition.  Please sign and share it, if possible!

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WORTH A LOOK   How to Find a Trustworthy Doctor
Dr. Trozzi: 10-minute video – How to find a trustworthy doctor. Look for the physicians whose practices are in question. How to detoxify and treat injuries.
——————————- o0o————————————-    I Am Not Misinformationimage.png

 Dan Peruzzo is the creator of the film ‘I am Not Misinformation’, which has given a voice to vaccine-injured Canadians. His film highlights the stories that mainstream media ignores and that urgently need to be heard. Dan’s passion for producing engaging videos began in 2005. He has worked as a freelance Media Producer on Mount Washington and taught video skills to youth through the Comox Valley Art Gallery. Dan is currently an award-winning Producer for Shaw Spotlight Community TV and lives in the Comox Valley with his wife and two children. Dan’s website:
‘I am Not Misinformation’ Film Trailer:
Full-Length Film 1:34:
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Is Marburg the Next Excuse for Mass Vaccinations? And what we can do if it is!   Thanks to WHO whistleblower, and virologist Marion Koopmanse, we all now know that the World Health Organization planned to have ten years of ongoing pandemics from 2020 to 2030. So, the question is, now that Covid seems to have run its course and all the finger-pointing about what really happened and why is beginning to bubble up to the surface, what do they have in store for us next? AND THERAPIES FOR THE PREVENTION AND ELIMINATION OF THE VIRUSES FROM OUR the article HERE by Alan Brough   ——————————- o0o————————————-   
Freedom Rising Newsletter – Issue 38 Click Here   –      We Are the MANY –      Dutch Uprising and Election Success for BBB Party (BoerBurgerBeweging = Farmer Citizen Movement in English) –  Petition to Support Farmers   ——————————- o0o————————————- 

Give the Gift of Druthers to Your Neighbours Check this out… Druthers issue #28 is here and it’s another power-packed issue. We printed 300,000 copies for March. 250k copies from the fundraiserplus we purchased an additional 50k copies for our Neighbourhood Mail service. Get this issue delivered to a neighbourhood of your choosing.   Read The March Issue Covering news and information that mainstream media won’t. Read DRUTHERS

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Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our Penticton4Freedom events!

Let’s make this weekend AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher
