Freedom Events in the Okanagan, August 27 & 28 — Mega Freedom Rallies & Ocean2Ocean : Kamloops, Castlegar, Kelowna, Penticton, OK Falls, Oliver, & Osoyoos

Rally’s and Events

“It Ain’t Over”


Thank you to Dr. Malthouse for his wonderful presentation this past Saturday in Kelowna and all his dedication and sacrifices!


August 27, 2022







Saturday, August 27, 2022

Zoom call info:

David Lindsay is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: CLEAR Meeting – Pastor Artur Pawlowski

Time: Aug 27, 2022 1:00 PM PST (BC)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 833 797 6721

Passcode: FREEDOM


Thank you to The Resistance for their incredible support for freedom in Kelowna!


From Vaccine Choice Canada

With over 150 people in attendance for this past opening preview, we are grateful for their support of this VCC incredible documentary.

Please obtain a copy from Tom on Saturday and pass along to informed and uninformed alike!


The Brave

With knowledge comes responsibility. And for most of us who recognized the fraud that was officially launched in March 2020, we never imagined that it would still be going strong 2 1/2 years later. But we underestimated the power of Mainstream Media. The most filthy, corrupt entity on earth has our loved ones under its spell. To date, no one has figured out how to neutralize MSM, so they continue to hold the world hostage. But, just like people in the health field, government employees, educators etc., media is comprised of human beings who possess free will. The Soul Test taking place is exposing these peoples’ materialistic priorities and lack of faith.

Everybody just wants this to end “presto pronto,” but listening to an expert speak about the Book of Revelations the other night was a reminder that we all need to buckle up for a very long and bumpy ride. The “great awakening” that Ted Kuntz keeps referring to is happening in very slow motion. We will need lots of popcorn to see this movie through to the end. That is, of course, if all you are doing is sitting and watching this gong show.

Many people did not sit on their laurels once the PLANdemic was announced by various demons throughout the world. Many took immediate action; writing letters to various officials, organizing rallies to bring awareness to the public, posting truth bombs online etc. Many of these Canadians were outspoken enough to merit recognition in The Brave book series by Lani Gelera. So far, there are three books in this series and the second edition (Speaking Truth to Power) features several of our local heroes including Ted Kuntz, Mitch Murphy and our very own David Lindsay.

Everyone who sees the corruption taking place has a duty to resist it and expose it. It’s been an ever-changing landscape that has seen us go from warning that COVID-19 was as harmful as a cold/ flu to warning about the dangers of the jab to now trying to educate people about vax injuries and all the other wonderful plans the Globalists have in store for us. We can never stop educating people. And these days, although many are offended at the mention of God, I predict that Jesus Christ will become a Superstar again once people are faced with their own mortality as truth is exposed in the cold, hard light of day. In time, the MSM spell will lose its potency and many will realize they have not been standing on solid ground.

We are all brave for standing firmly in truth. Every time you speak the truth during this era of oppression, you are being brave. Please continue to exercise your power using you own special gifts and abilities to combat the blanket of deceit that evil is trying to bury us under. Sign up as a Volunteer at the booth, join us when we organize a newspaper delivery day, use the Notices of Liability to educate people and hand out brochures wherever you can. Don’t worry about those who won’t listen, focus on those who will. If you need inspiration, come get a copy of the “Speaking Truth to Power” book at the CLEAR booth on Saturdays and find out how ordinary citizens accomplished extra-ordinary things.

As David has mentioned many times, there are three ways a person can contribute to a worthwhile cause: you can offer your time, energy or money (or any combination!)



Each Sunday we are delivering Druthers Publication, including CLEAR and other important inserts such as our Masks/PCR brochure and the recently released UNITY Health & Sciences brochure, for door-to-door delivery to all the people in Kelowna

Though labour intensive, the outings are enjoyable and productive

But we need YOUR help!

Our objective is to deliver 1000 Druthers + inserts on Sundays until we have exhausted all copies. Then at least once/month for all new editions. We have several more Sunday deliveries to do to catch up

There is simply no other way we can reach so many people who have believed the Gov’t/MSM narrative/lies

Please join us each Sunday by signing the CLEAR Newspaper Delivery Sign Up Sheet at the CLEAR table & providing your EMAIL address, with Linda & Nikki

We need about 8-10 people to deliver about 100 flyers each. This takes only about 90 minutes

Each Sunday we will meet in a specified location to be announced by email on Saturday night. Start times will be 11:00 a.m.

Last Sunday a recipient of our flyer delivery was so inspired, he immediately assisted to deliver flyers for the rest of the day!! Thank you!



Public Emergencies Act Hearings

Date: Sept. 19 – Oct. 28

Location: Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa

Live streaming

Commissioner Paul Rouleau said in a statement that he intends to hold the government to account and wants the inquiry to be as “open and transparent” as possible.

Hearings will be livestreamed online and members of the public will have opportunities to share their views, with a final report expected early next year.

NOTE: See if you can contact Paul Rouleau and determine how you can make submissions to this inquiry, especially if you have new or important information to share that has been kept from Canadians by our corrupt Gov’ts and media.



More Canadians are challenging the unconstitutional travel apps and restrictions.

Chinese database with 2.5 million user info, including addresses, IDs, birthdays, and movement history, was leaked in 2019, leaving everyone open to hackers determining their location.



Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Kelowna, BC

August 27, 2022

+25° – Cloudy  (subject to change without notice!!! lol)

12:00 noon

+ The CLEAR Information Table

Stuart Park

Because It Ain’t Over!

Includes the CLEAR



August 27, 2022 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

New time for August 27

11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


August 27, 2022 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


August 27, 2022 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


August 27, 2022  11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


Kamloops Freedom Gathering

August 27, 2022 10:00 – 12:00 Noon

Valleyview Centennial Park


August 28, 2022 1:00 p.m.

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

This Autumn 93-Year Old German Grandmother to Serve Another Year for Thought Crimes


This Autumn 93-Year Old German Grandmother to Serve Another Year for Thought Crimes

Ursula Haverbeck’s crime is questioning the Hollywood version of World War II. What sort of civilized country repeatedly jails a nongenarian for non-violent thinking for herself?]

Ursula Haverbeck: The Verdict Is Final; Sentence Expected to Begin in the Fall Friday, August 19, 2022–the-verdict-is-final—the-charge-to-begin-the-sentence-is-expected-to-be-in-the-fall.S1O9CzpR9.html

Ursula Haverbeck was sentenced to one year in prison for hate speech. The decision is now final. The 93-year-old is due to start her sentence soon.


Ursula Haverbeck in November 2020: She publicly claimed that the Holocaust never happened. Photo: Filip Singer / EFE / EPO

The judgment of the Berlin Regional Court against the 93-year-old Holocaust denier Ursula Haverbeck for incitement to hatred is final. The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal on July 28. This was announced by a spokeswoman for the court on Friday when asked by SPIEGEL.

In 2016 Haverbeck had claimed in a public lecture and in 2018 in an interview published on the Internet that the Holocaust did not exist. In April 2022, she was sentenced to a total of one year in prison for sedition. The revision of the defense was unsuccessful.

Despite her old age, the chamber ruled out a suspended sentence because Haverbeck had shown no insight or remorse. The presiding judge of the Berlin Regional Court stated in the pronouncement of the verdict that there was “no alternative” to imprisonment. Not even a previously served sentence of two and a half years in prison would have impressed Haverbeck.

“Nothing can stop you.”

According to the responsible public prosecutor, Haverbeck is expected to receive a summons to begin this sentence in the fall.

It remains to be seen whether her lawyer will try to justify his client’s incapacity for imprisonment.

Her lawyer Wolfram Nahrath could not be reached for comment on Friday afternoon. (Der Spiegel)

Conservative Candidate Roman Baber Slams Gov’t Propaganda Lies & Promises to Defund the CBC

Conservative Candidate Roman Baber Slams Gov’t Propaganda Lies & Promises to Defund the CBC

I know what real propaganda is. I lived under a communist regime for the first nine years of my life. 

Now I am seeing propaganda in Canada, in full force and like its definition – funded by Government.  

Look at this CBC news story from two days ago or see CBC’s tweet below. CBC wrote about an intelligence report that advised government that breaking up the Ottawa protest may lead to violence. Of course we know that this intelligence assessment was false. The protesters remained peaceful and not a single weapon was found near the site!

But instead of describing the intelligence assessment as false, or criticizing the Federal Government for its response, the CBC maintains the fear narrative and demonizes peaceful Canadians, much like the Federal Government that funds the CBC.This is precisely what propaganda is. Lies, funded by government, seeking to justify government action or political agenda. 

I will defund CBC on day one. I will spin it off and sell it before lunch time. And I won’t let Rogers or Bell buy it. I will end all bailouts and subsidies to the media. I’ll also end all the government advertising which kept the media alive in the last few years.

There is no free speech without free and independent media.I will end all financial dependency by media on government and challenge the radical left-wing ideologues that run it.If you haven’t already, I ask that you rank me #1 on your CPC leadership ballot and please help my campaign pay some bills at’re in the home stretch and every dollar makes a difference. 

Yours very truly,

Roman Baber

Powerful video. The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms presents: “The Convoy that United the Country”

Powerful video. The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms presents: “The Convoy that United the Country”, which premiered at the 2022 George Jonas Freedom Award dinner honouring Tamara Lich.

Biden Regime Chartering Boats For Illegals in South America | VDARE Video Bulletin & More Silicon Valley Political

Biden Regime Chartering Boats For Illegals in South America | VDARE Video Bulletin

VDARE TVAugust 11, 2022, 06:39 PM A+|a-

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In case you were too distracted by the FBI raid on Mar-A-Lago to notice, Biden and company are making it ever easier for illegals to get to the United States.  Many illegal aliens from all over the world fly into Panama or cross into Panama from Colombia on their journey to the U.S.  The trek apparently consists of very dangerous jungle terrain.  Now, thanks to Open Borders Biden, those illegals can take a boat around most of the gap.  It makes the journey a lot less dangerous and therefore easier.  And the easier they make it, the more aliens will arrive [Biden’s Deputies Open Route Around Panama Jungles for Migrants, by Neil Munro, Breitbart, August 6, 2022].

At the same time, they are ending the ”Migrant Protection Protocols” started by Trump.  This is the remain-in-Mexico program where asylum applicants have to wait in Mexico for their cases to be heard.  To put it lightly, there is not one single thing that the Biden Administration is doing to boost immigration enforcement, not one. 

“Biden appears to have released Mexico from an agreement to use 30k nat’l guard soldiers for blockade duty, a sea change in bilateral immigration management that has drawn no US media coverage.” ⁦@BillFOXLA⁩ ⁦@nytimes⁩ ⁦@washingtonpost

— Todd Bensman (@BensmanTodd) August 9, 2022

In fact, the Biden Regime is clearly using their powers to facilitate illegal entries and there is absolutely nothing to prevent them from doing so.

Stay up to date with our nation’s borders at by clicking the link attached to this video.

VDARE is banned on YouTube! Follow us on alternative video platforms:
Gab TV

Waterloo Region District School Board Will Use Anti-White Critical Race Theory. but Won’t Tell A Trustee What It Means

Request for Critical Race Theory definition, relation to lesson plans voted down by WRDSB


Anti-racism education was a focus of a Monday night Waterloo Region District School Board meeting.

A trustee’s request for board staff to explain the working definition of Critical Race Theory and white privilege, and how they relate to developing anti-racism lesson plans, has been voted down almost unanimously.

“Help me to understand how a conscious decision to put forward this motion under the guide of CRT can be acceptable to this community,” said delegate Pam Mounsey. “We vehemently oppose.”

Public delegates spoke to trustees before the vote and argued the motion was not a way to advance anti-racism education.

“I would ask for this motion to be denied,” said Amanda Brijpaul. “Let’s not bring these political games and dog whistles into the world of our children. Let’s move forward, not backwards.”

Trustee Cindy Watson said her request was based on concerns from parents and what she called the potential for lesson plans to create a stigma or bias among the school population. RELATED IMAGES

A student is seen working in a classroom in this file photo. (CTV News Toronto)

A student is seen working in a classroom in this file photo. (CTV News Toronto)Why you can trust CTV News Why you can trust CTV News

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Don’t Miss

Hear Dr Stephen Malthouse in Kelowna, Watch “The Convoy that United the Country & Scared Trudeau” & Uninformed Consent & Attend Freedom Rallies This Weekend in the Okanagan — Kelowna, Penticton, OK City, Oliver & Osoyoos

Headlining this weekend.

1.  First: Dr Stephen Malthouse speaking at the C.L.E.A.R. Rally in Kelowna, Stuart Park at noon.

CarPool from Main and Warren – Meet at 10:30, leave by 10:45 a.m. Deck your cars with flags!

Then head on over to the Sandman Hotel, 2130 Harvey Avenue for the 2:30 showing of…

2.  “Uninformed Consent”, the movie.

     PLUS Dr Stephen Malthouse and Todd Harris Q&A LIVE!

Scroll down for more details.


Then Sunday…


   This Sunday, Aug 21st – 1 to 3 p.m. Corner of Main and Warren, Penticton.


Important updates, open mike, cold drinks, August Druthers, and free hugs.  Miss a week and you miss a lot. Bring friends. ——————————- o0o————————————- Quick list of other events this weekend and next week (as we currently know them).   1.     Penticton Rallies and Events – below and at 2.     Other Okanagan Rallies and Events – below and at 3.     Canada Wide Initiatives – See below for links and instructions 4.     Screening of the new Canadian documentary Uninformed Consent in Kelowna on Saturday, August 20th See Below 5.     Rallies at Richard Cannings’ office – Tuesdays at noon. Meet at his office at 301 Main Street (Nanaimo Square). We will bring the new brochure ”What is Informed Consent” to pass out this coming Tuesday.  

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Also going on in the beautiful Okanagan…

Saturday Rallies

            Osoyoos 10:30 am

Oliver 12 noon

            Kelowna 12 noon – Stuart Park – Dr. Stephen Malthouse speaking August 20

                        Carpooling from Penticton for Kelowna– Meet at the corner of Main and Warren @ 10:30 am

——————————- o0o————————————- Actions and Items of Interest “Uninformed Consent” – the Movie – Kelowna The screening of the new Canadian documentary Uninformed Consent in Kelowna on Saturday, August 20th. The screening will be followed by a Q & A with Dr. Stephen Malthouse and Todd Harris, director of Uninformed Consent. Location:  Sandman Hotel 2130 Harvey Kelowna Time: Doors open at: 2:00 PM Screening: 2:30 – 4:30 PM Q & A: 4:30 – 5:30 PM FILM SYNOPSIS: An in-depth look into the Covid 19 narrative, who’s controlling it and how it’s being used to inject an untested, new technology, into almost every person on the planet. This film explores our recent loss of human rights while weaving in the devastating impact of mandates and the deeply powerful story of one man’s loss. Trailer 1 Trailer 2 Trailer 3 More details about the documentary can be found at: ——————————- o0o————————————-

Nurturing Our Warriors – Stress Management

If you were not able to join the first session of an ongoing series on stress management here is the link

Our second zoom meeting will be held on August 25th at 6:00 PM (PST) Each session includes demonstrated techniques for managing stress on a day-to-day basis, as well as introductions to freedom-friendly practitioners who are there to help you individually. Watch for the link in our next email or by checking in on our Events page on the 23rd.

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VCC LIVE WEDNESDAYS  – Wed, Sep 7, 8:30 pm ET, 5:30 pm Pacific Time – Parents with Questions

Parents with Questions will resume on Sept 7 as a monthly event that takes place on the first Wednesday of each month whereby, we invite parents to ask their questions. This initiative is a collaboration with Canada Health Alliance, Canadian Frontline Nurses, and Vaccine Choice Canada. Bring your questions about childhood illness, vaccines, health, and wellness. Our goal is to help young parents and parents-to-be navigate the mixed messages about health and childhood vaccines.   Register here –

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Save the date!!

September 11th Candlelight Vigil at Dusk

Details to follow in upcoming emails and at our rallies. A Vigil to support those who have suffered harm during the COVID-19 Plandemic.

(Note: Mary Lou had announced August 27 as the date for this event at last Sunday’s rally, but with further discussion, a decision was made to take advantage of an important date in history and in the every-day consciousness of people around the world.)

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The Convoy That United the Country (and terrified Trudeau) A Very Moving Video

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms presents The Convoy that United the Country, which premiered at the 2022 George Jonas Freedom Award dinner honouring Tamara Lich. (Ctrl+Click) WATCH HERE 

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Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our events!

Let’s make this week AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher


Persecuted Catholic School Trustee Who Questioned Trans Agenda Challenges Meeting Ban, Announces Reelection Bid

Waterloo Region District School Board trustee Mike Ramsay. (Handout)

Waterloo Region District School Board trustee Mike Ramsay. (Handout) Canada

[How can an elected trustee be banned from meetings and from fulfilling his responsibilities to the taxpayers? Cancel culture has gone bonkers.]

Ontario School Board Trustee Challenges Meeting Ban, Announces Reelection Bid

By Peter Wilson August 17, 2022 Updated: August 17, 2022 biggersmallerPrint

An Ontario school board trustee who was banned from attending all meetings between June and September 2022 is challenging the board’s ban in court along with running for reelection this fall.

Mike Ramsay, a trustee of over 30 years from the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB), said in a statement that he has filed a “Notice of Application for Judicial Review” to challenge the WRDSB’s “unconstitutional behaviour” in court, and that he is running for reelection “to give parents, students and staff their voices back.”

“This nonsense must stop!” he said. “Trustees have a duty to secure the best public school experience for all children in this region, not silence different voices.”

The WRDSB trustee board voted in June to ban Ramsay from meetings until Sept. 30 for breaching the Trustee Code of Conduct in a way that it would not disclose.

The board said it learned of Ramsay’s alleged breach in an anonymous “complaint” filed in February 2022. However, in his statement, Ramsay said that his fellow trustee Laurie Tremble had filed it. “To this day, the Board is too embarrassed to publish the complaint, the Integrity Commissioner’s report, or even the name of the Integrity Commissioner! It’s effectively an admission that the six trustees and the complainant have something to hide,” Ramsay said.

“In my opinion, the Board’s decision is unfair and the complaint has no merit. It also contravenes both my right to free expression under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and your rights as voters to fair and diligent representation on the Board,” he said.

Ramsay also said in his statement that the WRDSB trustee board is full of members pushing for political ideologies instead of for their constituents.

“The majority of the current Board are sacrificing public interest in favour of a boutique ideology,” he said. “They abused and weaponized the Board’s rules to silence their opponents.”

Ramsay spoke out against the board back in January after a WRDSB teacher who questioned the age-appropriateness of certain library books was barred from entering her school and ordered to work from home.

The teacher, Carolyn Burjoski, voiced concerns that the books contained sexually explicit material.

Ramsay supported Burjoski’s motion that the board review the library books and criticised chair Scott Piatkowski for hastily silencing Burjoski.

“The chair and majority of my colleagues have been exploiting for political gain the fears and concerns of not only our transgender friends and neighbours, but also friends and neighbours that are asking legitimate questions,” Ramsey told The Epoch Times in a previous interview.

The Ontario school board trustee elections are on Oct. 24.

Paul Fromm Nominated to Run for Mayor of Hamilton

Paul Fromm Nominated to Run for Mayor of Hamilton

Paul Fromm for Mayor of Hamilton,

P.O. Box 332,

Rexdale, ON.,


M9W 5L3


PH: 416-428-5308

For Immediate Release

            HAMILTON, August 15, 2022. Paul Fromm, a former educator and Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression declared his candidacy for Mayor of Hamilton in the upcoming October 24 municipal election. His nomination papers were filed with the City Clerk, August 11.

            “I am running for Mayor for several reasons. Hamilton City Council has become arrogant, secretive and out-of-touch. It insolently, at times, refuses to hear citizen input during the section of meetings set aside for delegations. A representative — councillor or Mayor — should LISTEN to concerned citizens. As Mayor, I will hold regular town halls to get taxpayers’ opinion,” Mr. Fromm promises.

          “I am the FREEDOM CANDIDATE and the MOTORIST’s FRIEND,” he declares.

           During COVID, Canadians’ rights were trampled in the worst way since World War II. “To begin with, to help repair some of the harm done during COVID, I insist that the City of Hamilton compensate all the workers put on unpaid leave for the months of lost wages,” he insists.

          Further, Mr. Fromm declares, “as the MOTORIST’S FRIEND, I want the City of Hamilton to pursue a policy of moving traffic as quickly as possible. Fix the potholes that make some of our roads a menace. Do repairs in an expeditious manner.

          Traffic gridlock is a costly as well as nerve wracking problem for the entire GTA. The causes are twofold: mass immigration over the past 40 years which has more than doubled the population of the GTA and politicians, at all levels, who have failed to build the infrastructure — roads, expressways, hospitals, and housing — to accommodate the influx. “The City of Hamilton must speak truth to power,” he adds, “and insist that immigration be tied to massive expenditures to accommodate the newcomers.”

          ” Individual freedom, for me, is a lifelong commitment. Since April of 2020, I have attended End the Lockdowns and End the Mandates freedom rallies, often many times in the same city, in 15 cities in Ontario and British Columbia,” he adds. “I was a proud supporter of the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy and, on a frigid Thursday, January 29, joined thousands of other Hamiltonians, to cheer the convoy on its way to Ottawa.”