Freedom News & Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, September 10-11: Vernon, Kelowna, Kamloops, Osoyoos, OK Falls, Oliver & Castlegar

Rally’s and Events

It Ain’t Over”


September 10, 2022

When we say, “It ain’t over”, we mean “It ain’t over”! (sadly)

Gov’ts continue to force booster shots, masks are still mandatory on planes, Trudeau continues to threaten us with restrictions if we don’t get vaccinated, the Sept. 30 deadline for masks on planes/trains is rapidly approaching and there is no comment about it being rescinded.


Years in the making…

This Webinar starts on Sept. 22, 2022

Many myths and much disinformation have circulated for years about our common law, our Constitution, our rights and freedoms, and other important topics.

This incredible Webinar series will finally provide irrefutable documentation confirming the true source of our property rights and the supremacy of God in our Constitution – and why we should be thankful they are NOT in the Charter!!

  • If you want answers to what your common law and Constitutional rights and freedoms are
  • Definitions and applications of the most important words in our law
  • Where your Constitutional right and power of civil disobedience to all unlawful statutes and orders originates
  • How Gov’ts and judges use “legal fictions” to steal your fundamental rights and freedoms from you
  • What limited rights, powers, and duties Gov’ts truly have

And much, much more….this is the Webinar series you have been waiting for!

We provide all sources of our research for verification purposes!!

By registering to this Webinar series, you will have downloadable access to each presentation you have registered to watch!

Never forget important information again!

For more information, go to:

For registration information, email us at:


Municipal Elections


Vote only for people who value freedom!


Watch Tom Quiggan


Empower Hour

Wed. Sept. 14 5:00 PST

Dangers of Digital ID


From Vaccine Choice Canada

Please obtain a copy from Tom on Saturday and pass along to informed and uninformed alike!

Or watch here:



When you don’t have this in societal establishments, Communism will grow. The concept of freedom is an invisible thing. You only realize you’ve lost freedom when you try to exercise a God-given and Constitutional right and find yourself accused of being a criminal for doing so by the judicial system. A couple with a child were mocking the Freedom Rally last Saturday by dancing on the side-walk and claiming “we’re free… what are you complaining about?” They can’t see any chains around their ankles so are under an illusion of freedom. For over two years, they’ve been bowing to government’s infringements on their rights, so now they are fooled into thinking that they are free when government lets them stand up straight again (temporarily).

Communism seems invisible at first until you start shining lights in dark corners. But where are these dark corners? Everywhere that involves government and law enforcement. Every place where power can be found. On their own, ordinary people don’t create Communism. But ordinary people who work for entities that hold power help to grow a Communist state when they accept and enforce situations that allow those in power to avoid accountability. And your freedom pays the price.

Big Business” with rich owners and thousands of employees is simply not conducive to individual freedom in the long term. As the Big Heads at the top take all the decision-making away from their employees, workers must do what they are told or be fired. If your ideas and input are not valued or considered for contribution to the success of a company, you stop caring. This entire business model was doomed from the start, while governmental organizations are a prime example of redundancy and duplication where accountability gets lost in a maze of bureaucratic red tape.

The lack of accountability has become evident to me as I find myself navigating through this community from a different perspective. Here is what I have learned about or experienced this past year:

  • City Council: If you have an unpopular issue that councillors don’t want to deal with during council meetings, you will not be given an opportunity to speak. You can write, email or call but CANCEL CULTURE prevails. We used to have media to help us make noise when we felt ignored in the past. But now media’s mandate is to ignore you.
  • Commissionaires & Security companies:

These are nothing more than bullies with uniforms. They don’t follow any particular Code of Conduct. They don’t know the law. Some can barely speak English. But they can harass you and tamper with personal property without justification. They are obligated to identify themselves but don’t. Are there repercussions for this behaviour? They are protected through secrecy by their superiors and you are prevented from communicating your concerns.

  • Bylaw Officers: These are now municipal gestapo directed by a political agenda to harass and intimidate law-abiding citizens who practice civil disobedience in response to criminal governmental actions. They are actively collaborating to compile an exhaustive list of evidence against people who don’t consent to having their rights and freedoms violated by the state. They will stoop as low as to fabricate lies to back up their “evidence” in order to ensure a guilty verdict.
  • Sheriffs: These seem to reside mostly at the courthouse where they can assault you without provocation and although they have an identification number on their vests, their superiors will also protect their identity to prevent you from demanding accountability for their actions. Anonymity is always a great opportunity for abuse of power.
  • RCMP: Any esteem held for this organization in the past has morphed into disgust as we have witnessed the lack of critical thinking these officers possess. If you try communicating with any of them with regards to our current situation, you will experience first-hand the robotic, rehearsed and condescending rhetoric they have been taught to use when dealing with the public. It literally sounds like a pre-recorded voice message you get when you press a number option on your phone.

Understandably, we’ve all been guilty in the past of using the “it’s not my problem” attitude to justify not getting involved with unpleasant issues unless they affect us personally. We were busy, we had more pressing priorities, we didn’t need more hassles to deal with. However, the result of this general complacency is that it is now EVERYBODY’S problem.

What can you do? Don’t be overwhelmed by all the challenges we face. Instead, focus on the little things you can do to demand accountability. Learn about your rights and Canada’s common law. When you know the facts, you can stand firmly in truth. Then, you’ll feel more empowered to deal with individuals who wear costumes and call themselves Mayor, Councilor, Commissionaire, Bylaw Officer, Sheriff and RCMP.


Workshop: The growing threat of Digital ID technologies in Canada


Join us once again for this popular workshop on Digital ID technologies and the Charter.

Did you know that Canadian governments increasingly use Digital ID technologies to monitor and track your physical and financial behaviors? In certain cases, governments use what they know about you to unconstitutionally limit your Charter-protected rights and freedoms. New technologies emerge every day, and Canadians must be informed about how these technologies impact their privacy and liberty. In this workshop, we explore: 

  • Digital ID technologies – what they are, and which ones are being used right now 
  • Brief overview of how other countries use digital ID technologies to limit fundamental rights and freedoms 
  • The growing threat of digital ID in Canada 
  • What you can do to protect your Charter rights and freedoms  
  • What you can do if your Charter rights and freedoms have been violated by digital ID 

Join us for this Zoom workshop with Justice Centre lawyer Hatim Kheir.  

  • When: Monday, September 12, 2022
  • Time: 4:00 p.m. MT (3:00 p.m. PT; 5:00 p.m. CT; 6:00 p.m. ET; and 7:00 p.m. AT)
  • Where: Zoom Event (Registrants will receive a zoom link by email.)
  • Cost: $10

Please note that we will not be releasing recordings of this workshop. This workshop is a limited, exclusive offering in real time.

To those who registered for the August 16 workshop, please reach out to if you paid, but were unable to attend or if you experienced technical difficulties.


Hands-on Help!!!

Each Sunday, for as long as we can, we are delivering Druthers/Pandemic Papers Publications, including CLEAR and other important inserts such as our Masks/PCR brochure and the recently released UNITY Health & Sciences brochure, for door-to-door delivery to all the people in Kelowna

Though labour intensive, the outings are enjoyable and productive

But we need YOUR help!

There is simply no other way we can reach so many people who have believed the Gov’t/MSM narrative/lies

Please join us each Sunday by signing the CLEAR Newspaper Delivery Sign Up Sheet at the CLEAR table & providing your EMAIL address, with Linda & Nikki

We need about 8-10 people to deliver about 100 flyers each. This takes only about 90 minutes

Each Sunday we will meet in a specified location to be announced by email on Saturday night. Start times will be 11:30 a.m.

On a recent Sunday, a recipient of our flyer delivery was so inspired, he immediately assisted to deliver flyers for the rest of the day!! Thank you!



Public Emergencies Act Hearings

NOTE:Allegedly due to an unexpected surgery for the Commissioner Paul Rouleau, these hearings, if you wish to make submissions, have been delayed one month and are not set to start on Oct. 13 and to end in November.

Date: Sept. 19 – Oct. 28 (Oct. 13 start now)

Location: Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa

Live streaming

Commissioner Paul Rouleau said in a statement that he intends to hold the government to account and wants the inquiry to be as “open and transparent” as possible.

Hearings will be livestreamed online and members of the public will have opportunities to share their views, with a final report expected early next year.

NOTE: See if you can contact Paul Rouleau and determine how you can make submissions to this inquiry, especially if you have new or important information to share that has been kept from Canadians by our corrupt Gov’ts and media.



The Governor General has received from 1 500 – 4 500 calls/day demanding Trudeau be removed from office.

The Governor General claims to have no power to so do, as does Daniel Beland, director of the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada…this is a lie!

We will show, in our next CLEAR presentation, Common Law Made CLEAR – A Webinar Series, the Constitutional provisions that not only allows for this, but require the GG to remove Trudeau for violating his Oath of Allegiance and Oath of Office to Her Majesty.


The Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is building a new facility in Winnipeg that will be home to a firearms armoury, interrogation rooms, biological labs, media relations offices, “controlled quiet rooms,” and intelligence facilities.

See information recently leaked on plans to build intelligence facilities in relation to climate change (hmmmm, think chem trails are causing part of this?).



Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Kelowna, BC

September 10, 2022

+24° – Sunny (subject to change without notice!!! lol)

12:00 noon

+ The CLEAR Information Table

Stuart Park

Because It Ain’t Over!


September 10, 2022 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


September 10, 2022 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


September 10, 2022 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


September 10, 2022 11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


Kamloops Freedom Gathering

September 10, 2022 10:00 – 12:00 Noon

Valleyview Centennial Park


September 11, 2022 1:00 p.m.

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

September 18, 2022  4:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Castlegar Celebration for Freedom

Old Castle Theatre 185 Columbia Ave.

Castlegar, B.C.

Including David Lindsay from CLEAR

CounterSignal Uses A Mobile Billboard to Get Around Trudeau’s Ban on An Anti ArriveCan Billboard at the Calgary Airport

Justin Trudeau’s airport advertizing team banned our “Ban ArriveCAN” billboard, we decided to get creative.Trudeau knows that he is in too deep.

So, Counter Signal used a truck with a billboard — moving advertizing — to protest the ban. ArriveCan is a a police state tracking device required of returning passengers to Canada.
The only way tyrannical actions like this can be opposed is by shining a light on the stupidity of it all.

It’s Not A Vaccine! — Maxime Bernie

At first they said all you needed was two doses.

Then it was one booster…

Then they recommended another booster every 9 months…

But every 6 months might be better…

And then last week, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization suggested that Canadians get booster shots every 3 months!

When does it end?

I’m not “antivax.” I have all of my standard immunizations.

But are we just going to pretend these covid jabs are like the vaccines we grew up with?

We can’t forget that the CDC in the U.S. changed the definition of vaccine to help push the covid narrative.

The truth is, this jab is experimental. And it’s not working.

To put it simply, if you need to take it every three months, IT’S NOT A VACCINE.

Frederick, we need voices in Ottawa pushing back on this unscientific nonsense.

I can be that voice.

But I can’t do it without you.

Together, you and I can put an end to this craziness. Do your part with a $3, $6, or $9 donation today.


Assumption of Benevolence – by Neil Oliver, British Archaeologist and TV Presenter

Assumption of Benevolence – by Neil Oliver, British Archaeologist and TV Presenter

We are no longer being treated as individuals entitled to try and make the most of our lives.

video at

Neil Oliver (PUBLISHED Saturday 13 August 2022)

It is hard to think the unthinkable – but there comes a time when there’s nothing else for it. People raised to trust the powers that be – who have assumed, like I once did, that the State, regardless of its political flavour at any given moment, is essentially benevolent and well-meaning – will naturally try and keep that assumption of benevolence in mind when trying to make sense of what is going on around them.

People like us, you and me, raised in the understanding that we are free, that we have inalienable rights, and that the institutions of this country have our best interests at heart, will tend to tie ourselves in knots rather than contemplate the idea those authorities might actually be working against us now. I took that thought of benevolent, well-meaning authority for granted for most of my life, God help me. Not to put too fine a point on it, I was as gullible as the next chump.

A couple of years ago, however, I began to think the unthinkable and with every passing day it becomes more and more obvious to me that we are no longer being treated as individuals entitled to try and make the most of our lives – but as a barn full of battery hens, just another product to be bought and sold – sold down the river.

Let me put it another way: if you have been driving yourself almost demented in an effort to think the best of those in charge – those in senior positions in government, those in charge of the great institutions of State, those running the big corporations – but finding it increasingly impossible to do so … then the solution to the problem might be to turn your point of view through 180 degrees and accept, however unwillingly, that we are … how best to put this … being taken for a ride.

Once the scales fall from a person’s eyes, the resultant clarity of sight is briefly overwhelming. Or it is like being handed a skeleton key that opens every locked door, or access to a Rosetta Stone that translates every word into a language instantly understood.

Take the energy crisis: If you’ve felt the blood drain from your face at the prospect of bills rising from hundreds to several thousands of pounds while reading about energy companies doubling their profits overnight while being commanded to subsidise so-called renewables that are anything but Green while listening to this politician or that renew their vows to the ruinous fantasies of Net Zero and Agenda 2030 while knowing that the electricity for electric cars comes, in the main and most reliably, from fossil fuels if you can’t make sense of it all and just know that it adds up to a future in which you might have to choose between eating and heating then treat yourself to the gift of understanding that the powers that be fully intend that we should have less heat and less fuel and that in the planned future only the rich will have cars anyway. The plan is not to fix it.

The plan is to break it, and leave it broken. If you struggle to think the best of the world’s richest – vacuous, self-obsessed A-list celebrities among them – endlessly circling the planet on private jets and super yachts, so as to attend get-togethers where they might pontificate to us lowly proles about how we must give up our cars and occasional holiday flights – even meat on the dinner table … if you wonder how they have the unmitigated gall … then isn’t it easier simply to accept that their honestly declared and advertised intention is that their luxurious and pampered lives will continue as before while we are left hungry, cold and mostly unwashed in our unheated homes.

Here’s the thing: if any leader or celeb honestly meant a word of their sermons about CO2 and the rest, then they would obviously lead by example. They would be first of all of us willingly to give up international travel altogether … they would downsize to modest homes warmed by heat pumps. They would eschew all energy but that from the sun and the wind. They would eat, with relish, bugs and plants. They would resort to walking, bicycles and public transport. If Net Zero and the rest was about the good of the planet – and not about clearing the skies and the beaches of scum like us – don’t you think those sainted politicians and A-listers would be lighting the way for us by their own example? If the way of life they preach to us was worth living, wouldn’t they be living it already? Perhaps you heard Bill Gates say private jets are his guilty pleasure.

And how about food – and more particularly the predicted shortage of it: the suits and CEOs blame it all on Vladimir Putin. But if the countries of the world are truly running out of food, why is our government offering farmers hundreds of thousands of pounds to get out of the industry and sell their land to transnational corporations for use, or disuse unknown? 
Why aren’t we, as a society, doing what our parents and grandparents did during WWII and digging for victory? Why is the government intent on turning a third of our fertile soil over to re-wilding schemes that make life better only for the beavers? Why aren’t we looking across the North Sea towards the Netherlands where a WEF-infected administration is bullying farmers off their land altogether, forcing them to cull half the national herd.

Those Dutch farmers are among the most productive and knowledgeable in the world, holding in their heads and hands the answers to all manner of questions about how best to produce food, and yet their government is so intent on scaring them out of the business that a teenage boy in a tractor, taking part in a protest to defend ancient rights and traditions, was fired on by police.

Why do you think it matters so much, to the government of the second most productive population of farmers in the world, to gut and fillet that industry? Why? Why have similar protests, in countries all across Europe and the wider world, been largely ignored by the mainstream media – a media that would have crawled on its hands and knees over broken glass just to report on a BLM protester opening a bag of non-binary crisps. Why the silence on the attack on farming?

And while we’re on the subject of farmland ownership, why is computer salesman Bill Gates buying so much farmland in the US – more than a quarter of a million acres in 19 states at the last count, while simultaneously promoting the production and sale of fake meat?
And why have so many small planes crashed into massive food processing plants in the US, sparking fires and thereby hobbling the production and distribution of yet more of the very stuff of life? Why is this happening to farmers and farming … all across the hitherto developed world …?

Isn’t the simple obvious answer … the answer that makes most sense and that is staring us in our trusting faces … that power for the power-hungry has always rested most effectively upon control of food and its supply? Why are the powers that be attributing this to a cost of living crisis when everyone with two brain cells to rub together can see it’s a cost of lockdown crisis – the inevitable consequence of shutting down the whole country – indeed the whole world – for the best part of two years. Soaring inflation, rising interest rates, disrupted supply chains.

Might they be calling it a cost of living crisis as part of their bare-faced attempt to distract us from the fact that while ordinary individuals face a life and death struggle in the coming months, the corporations have celebrated their share of the greatest transfer of wealth in history? Doesn’t that seem more likely? However unthinkable, might it not be more compelling to ask why our government, and governments around the world, have effectively stood by and held the coats of huge corporations while those money magnets pulled almost all of the world’s wealth into their already creaking coffers?

Are our governments more interested in enabling, in aiding and abetting the rich, than in lifting so much as a finger to protect our livelihoods, our ways of life? I’m only asking. What about the money in our pockets? Why is it getting harder and harder to use good old cash, notes and coins? 
Why are we being nudged further and further away from spending-power we can see and hold, and towards a digital alternative that exists only on the hard drives of the banks that run the world? Why is that do you think?

Rather than dismiss as yet another conspiracy theory the idea of cash being ultimately replaced with transactions based on the exchange of what amount to glorified food stamps that will only be accepted if our social credit score demonstrates that we’ve been obedient girls or boys … how about taking the leap and focussing on the blatantly obvious … that if we are not free to buy whatever and whenever we please, free of the surveillance and snooping of governments and the banks that run them, then we have absolutely no freedom at all. And while we’re on the subject of money and banks, why not pause to notice something else that is glaringly obvious – which is to say that the currencies of the West are teetering on the abyss, and that one bank after another is revealed, to those who are bothering to watch, as being as close to bankruptcy as its possible to be without actually falling over the edge.

Then there’s the so-called vaccines for Covid – I deliberately say “so-called” because by now it should be clear to all but the wilfully blind that those injections do not work as advertised. You can still contract the virus, still transmit the virus, still get sick and still die. Denmark has dropped their use on under-18s. 
All across the world, every day, more evidence emerges – however grudgingly, however much the various complicit authorities and Big-Pharma companies might hate to admit it – of countless deaths and injuries caused by those medical procedures.

And yet here in Britain and just about everywhere else, governments continue to try and get those needles into as many arms as possible, even the arms of the smallest and youngest. The ripe stink of corruption is everywhere. I trusted authority for most of my life.

Now I ask myself on a daily basis how I ignored the stench for so long. Across the Atlantic, the Biden White house sent the FBI to raid the home of former president Donald Trump. Meanwhile Joe Biden and his son Hunter – he of the laptop full of the most appalling and incriminating content – fly together on Airforce 1. 
No raids planned on the Obamas, nor on the Clintons. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi flew to Taiwan and onwards to China. Her son Paul, an investor in a Chinese tech firm and with seats on the board of companies dealing in lithium, was along for the ride, into that part of the world where three quarters of the world’s lithium batteries are made. Taiwan leads in that technology.

It is hard to think the unthinkable. It’s hard to think that all of it, all the misery, all the suffering of the past and to come might just be about money, greed and power. It is hard to tell yourself you’ve been taken for a fool and taken for a ride. It’s hard, but the view from the other side is worth the effort and the pain. Open your eyes and see.

Report from Victoria, Second Anniversary of Freedom Protests & Rocco the Impresario Not Well Received in Supreme Court of BC

Report from Victoria, Second Anniversary of Freedom Protests & Rocco the Impresario Not Well Received in Supreme Court of BC

As Frank put it so well,  re: our protests: “It’s a process, not an event”,   meaning the 27th of August marked two years of dissident voices raised at the Gates of the City, the Legislature.  About 30 of us on Belleville Street plus a couple dozen more picnicing on the lawn.    Every time we’re there,  people commend us.  We get grassroots intel. proving that the tide has turned.  It’s sinking-in on the populace that the SARS2Covid19 thing was an HOAX from the start.   Even as the headline in the pathetic excuse for a newspaper,  same day,  bleats  “Risk Rising as cases peak,”  few masks are to be seen.  Like the last days of the old Soviet Union : ordinary people know that the Central Party Line is nonsense.

Guys pedaling by shout out “Get a grip! Vaccines save lives, you wankers!” and “Grow up you morons!”  never stopping to dialogue. Cheap shots motivated by fear.   We haven’t seen Little Nell, the counterprotester who was exalted to celebrity status by the tv station hand-in-hand with the Times Colonist newspaper,    for months. Eighty degrees F, 200 folks on the grand lawn, horse-drawn carriages clipclopping by, all is serene …  warm and safe and prosperous.  Except for burying the bodies of those succumbing to the Quack-zeen,  the PLANdemic is over. Our regular GATHERING, once labelled by the Chief Health officer as a “superspreader”,  is a tourist attraction. Folks comfortably taking photos of themselves holding our signs indicating that the element of fear is gone. The SCAMdemic is passé.

So why are we still at it?   A newcomer asked me that.  I pointed to the statue on top of the Cenotaph.     I replied: “My grandfather went to war in that uniform in World War One.”   To which the young man interjected  “fighting for Freedom”. I said:  “No, that’s not what they thought at the time. Same with my old man in the Second World War. And my mother, a nurse in the Canadian Army. They would not have said they were fighting for freedom. They believed they were fighting for the British Empire. That’s what I was taught, too, growing up. Now I know that  ALL WARS ARE WARS FOR THE USURERS.   Those of us paying attention see The Great Reset underway. A contest for dominance as the US dollar meets its inevitable end.  For which the COVID thing is the cover story.

                 I ain’t superstitious, but a black cat crossed my trail *

At 11:30 am as I walked on the precinct from the south side I had noticed an audience of maybe 30 folks in lawn chairs,   watching what appeared to be a play being staged by junior highschool girls, on the steps of the Parliament building.  As three of them scampered up the stairs in character, all I heard was the word “sisters”.   Going by at 2:30 pm, they were still at it.   Pausing to watch, I distinctly heard the infamous phrase that the three witches chant around their cauldron. I remarked to a nice lady passing by, “do you know what’s going on here?”  She didn’t.   I said, “spell casting”

The lore around this play is so ominous, that – other than in actual performance –  people in the theatre world are careful not to say its name aloud within a theatre. When talked about at all, it’s known as  “the Scottish play”.   Where I stood that moment, within earshot of the actresses, effectively was a theatre.    Latest example of the curse: Chris Rock gettting slapped violently, within 53 seconds of speaking its title at the Academy Awards.

I am a ‘prophetic type’, yes. But I never hold myself out as predicting precise events to occur,  in the Name of God.   This my report is NOT  a prophetic utterance. Rather, I knew immediately that what was going on,  was no light thing. It portends heavy-duty trouble at the Legislature.

Many people – Christians or not – realize that this SCAMdemic is a contest in the spiritual realm, first of all.  My Christian friends say they do pray for those in government. I don’t. Part of my calling is,  the ministry of condemnation. So, I pray against that witch Bonnie Henry,  her accomplices John Horgan,  Mike Farnworth, Adrian Dix. I recite the prayers of old in Psalms, excoriating wicked officials,  asking our God to remove them.

I get a kick out of quoting what Madam Justice Rita Levine said about me in the Court of Appeal: “Mister Watson is a long-time political activist”.   I “earned my stripes” in the anti-abortion thing back 30 years ago. Which was a lesson in ‘the faith once delivered to the saints’  that you don’t get in a seminary.  To those who chide me for operating in the mindset of the church militant ,“oh that’s Old Testament stuff. We don’t go by that anymore”,  I say, ‘yeah, well read what the Apostle Paul told the Thessalonians’. 

Seeing that it is a righteous thing with God, to recompense tribulation to those who trouble you”.  

Did Paul get that part wrong? Or did he get his theology straight from Jesus, as he says elsewhere in the New Testament?


On Monday August 29th 2022,  the next step in the Action4Canada case came down.  It was not completely dismissed, as several Defendants applied-for last May.  Rather, the Claim was struck in its entirety, leaving the possibility it can be amended, but only after the Plaintiffs pony-up about 100 to 200 THOUSAND DOLLARS  in Costs. to the defendants,  in the Cause. 
Here is the URL where the ruling can be read :  So bad  it is  “embarrassing” opines Mister Justice Ross. So , no longer is criticism mere kibbitzing from guys like me, UN-learned in the law.  He spelled-out how far, far below it is, below the minimal standard of a lawyer’s  professional duty of care.   I say that much-vaunted Rocco Galati himself, ought to bear the Costs ordered against the Plaintiffs.


Gordon S Watson

Metchosin British Columbia

 September 1st 2022 A. D.

* cue Rockin’ Roddy Stewart in his glory days, with Jeff Beck


Socks Are Essential, A Message From Roman Babar

First it was two weeks to flatten the curve, then it was slow the spread, then stop the spread. Then stay home until we’re all vaccinated.

Then it was 70% to herd immunity, then 80%, then almost 90% wasn’t enough – we were locked down again. 

Socks were deemed not an essential item. Crayons were also not essential. We used plexiglass to stop an airborne virus. The Walmart was full, but the church was empty. 

First it was 2 doses, then 3 doses, then every 9 months and Friday NACI said every 3 months!

Enough already. No conspiracy theories, we just want to be left alone!

I will keep fighting day and night, like I have been fighting for the last two years, until government leaves you and your family alone.

I am sincerely grateful to you. 

Roman Baber

Western Univ. Students Revolt Over Mask-Vax Bullshit

Western Univ. Students Revolt Over Mask-Vax Bullshit


You’ve probably heard that Western has announced their mandate for September: Three injections. And medical grade masks. There is a huge outrage about this and it’s all over the news.

by DL(

Sharing a message that was sent to me (writer to remain anonymous). Please share widely.
 It’s finally happened, Western Students have revolted and thousands are planning a protest to oppose all university mandates for students, staff, faculty unless all mandates are dropped.

 Kendra Hendrick who’s leading students4agency (Twitter #EnoughIsEnough opened account last night and now has 3000+ in one day) did this interview today:  it’s not long but she spoke beautifully.

 Dr. Julie P, Denis R et al’ are all rallying behind the Western students. So far hundreds have signed on to withdrawing from the university unless the vaccine & mask mandates are dropped.
. The People’s Party and Canada (PPC) & the Conservative Party of Canada both backed the students. Brescia University, a Catholic college have strongly come out in support of them.

And then, hallelujah a poll: only 3 questions so please give feedback even if you’re not a student, no name or email needed.

 They initiated a “Storm the phone lines” campaign this morning and gave out the Provost, President & VPs phone numbers and emails along with all the numbers of top admin…. all top admin have locked their twitter accounts because of so much messaging. Then Brescia University, a Catholic college (governed by Western U and a Western affiliate) dropped their VX mandate this afternoon and made masking optional.

Please share this groups information with everyone in your circles. (
 The Andrew Lawton Show
 The Andrew Lawton Show is Canada’s most irreverent talk show, hosted by veteran broadcaster Andrew Lawton. With hard-hitting analysis and in-depth interviews, Lawton takes on the stories that matter.

Student backlash builds over Western University mask, vaccine mandate

A back-to-school backlash has erupted at Western University over its requirement that students and teachers wear masks and provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination when classes resume this fall, with one affiliated school declining to enforce such rules. 
Students of Western University in Canada are censored online for criticizing mask mandates and vax passes
The university is trying to stop dissent in its social media profiles.

Students of Western University in Canada are censored online for criticizing mask mandates and vax passes

The university is trying to stop dissent in its social media profiles.


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Students at Western University, in London, Ontario, are pushing back against the mask and vaccine mandate and are getting censored online because of it. When school resumes in the fall, all students and teachers will be required to show proof of vaccination and wear masks on campus.

Students have organized a protest for Saturday, according to the Instagram account students4agency, which is using the hashtag #ENOUGHISENOUGH to protest the mandates.

Students of Western University in Canada are censored online for criticizing mask mandates and vax passes

The university is trying to stop dissent in its social media profiles.


If you’re tired of censorship, cancel culture, and the erosion of civil liberties subscribe to Reclaim The Net.

Students at Western University, in London, Ontario, are pushing back against the mask and vaccine mandate and are getting censored online because of it. When school resumes in the fall, all students and teachers will be required to show proof of vaccination and wear masks on campus.

Students have organized a protest for Saturday, according to the Instagram account students4agency, which is using the hashtag #ENOUGHISENOUGH to protest the mandates.

“(We) will not be backing down any time soon,” reads one social media post. “We’re prepared to support alternative peaceful demonstrations in the coming weeks if necessary.”

The backlash has prompted the student government to intervene.

“The USC (University Students’ Council) is aware of students’ concerns about the recent COVID updates shared by Western University,” USC president Ethan Gardner said. “We are in the process of collecting feedback and elevating student voices to decision makers.”

However, the school’s faculty is supporting the mandates. In a statement on Wednesday, officials said “our priorities are to keep everyone safe and to minimize any disruption to teaching and learning which might result from widespread outbreaks.”

One of Western University’s affiliated campuses, Brescia University College, will not require students to wear masks or show proof of vaccination.

“Our top priority is our students’ ability to access an inclusive and empowering education,” Brescia’s president, Lauretta Frederking, wrote in an emailed statement. “As it pertains to masking, Brescia expects students to act in accordance with their personal comfort levels and specific health care needs.”