I just got this email. Mary approached me a couple of months ago to teach a one hour mindfulness meditation class for $50 at UBC because she met me 10 years ago. This is minor compared to the six jobs I was fired from a year ago.


——– Forwarded Message ——–

Subject: Re: info
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2016 12:57:01 -0700
From: Mary Stern <>
To: Brian Ruhe <>

brian ruhe

Hi there Brian,

I am really sorry to have to tell you that the meditation will be cancelled this Thursday. As a volunteer elected by the community to serve on the association for Acadia park, I have to represent the diverse needs of those how have elected me, and unfortunately, some of those who were interested in coming to meditation are uncomfortable with some of the views on your web site. I apologize for having to cancel, and wish you all the best in continuing your good work. I hope you understand that my group is very culturally diverse, and I need to be accountable to them and support their wellness foremost.
Take care and all the best,

Monika Schaefer Denied A Busking Permit Because of Her ‘Non-inclusive” Ideas

Monika Schaefer Denied A Busking Permit Because of Her ‘Non-inclusive” Ideas
Don’t worry if you missed the witch hunts of the 17th century, you can catch the same type of intolerant hysteria in Alberta this summer.. Move over, Salem, Massachusetts, there’s a new witch hunting hotbed and that’s Jasper, Alberta.
Don’t be fooled by all the politically correct prattle about cherishing “diversity” and “inclusiveness”. That inclusiveness does not extend to diversity of opinion.
Back in June environmentalist and violin teacher Monika Schaefer posted a You Tube  — apologizing to her parents, now deceased, for having berated them, as a teenager, for not having done something to stop the so-called holocaust. They explained they had not known about it. In 2014, this inquiring, freethinker came to realize that the story hammered into Europeans by 71 years of relentless propaganda was substantially false. The video has gone viral, with over 70,000 hits. However, repression was swift to follow.
Miss Schaefer had lobbied town council to permit busking — musicians playing music — saxophone, guitar, banjo, or, in her case, violin — on public sidewalks and inviting contributions from passersby. This Spring council agreed. Hers was the first application and, on July 23, she received a stunning rejection from one Dave Baker, Director of Habitat for the Arts.
“We have considered your application for a busking permit in Jasper. In light of your recently publicly proclaimed non-inclusive beliefs we have decided to decline a permit to you at this time….Please see the attached Values and Principles statement.” 
One struggles to grasp Baker’s meaning.. Yes, one understands he doesn’t like Monika’s views. But what do her views on WW II have to do with her playing the violin. She has frequently volunteered for benefits and has been a generous and giving member of the Jasper community for 35 years. “Non-inclusive views” — what does that mean? Almost any opinion is non-inclusive: if you support the Blue Jays, you reject the Yankees and the Orioles. If you are pro-Conservative, you reject the Liberals and the NDP. Perhaps, actions may be inclusive. Monika will play for ALL passersby. In fact, she is inclusive.

Miss Baker recalls: “As soon as I left the call, I found the offending email in my inbox from the “Habitat for the Arts” in which they told me that because of my “publicly proclaimed non-inclusive beliefs”, they declined my request for a busking license. So my spidy senses from the encounter the day before had been correct. Irony of ironies, not only because I was at the forefront of getting busking to be legal in Jasper, but also because I have been playing my violin in this town for decades, donating my time and music to countless fundraisers, community functions, old-age home, hospital, you name it, I have donated my music to them. Now that I speak in a way that they deem politically incorrect, I cannot go busking, just when it is finally permitted! It is also important to note that I have NEVER used my “violin stage” as a “soap box” to pontificate about political issues. Never. Sometimes I think I should have, but I didn’t.

Parks Canada has been hosting a little music/culture event twice a week open to everybody, tourist and local alike, right downtown in the old  firehall space. A close friend of mine, Marie-Helene is the host. She invited me to participate and so I have been doing that. I was really happy to do it, just to make a point that I am still playing and volunteering, showing my face in public, and of course all the tourists love it. Already last week Marie-Helene told me that Parks had a complaint about me being there and the complainant declared that they should not let me participate. Marie-Helene told me that she had firmly insisted with her boss that she was taking 100% responsibility for me being there, and her boss agreed, they could not stop me from being there. 

Well, today I got the call from the boss, and she told me that a certain person (who remains anonymous) was threatening a protest at the event if I was there, so the boss told me that now it is all about the program, they don’t want to have a spoiled program. I agreed not to attend this week, but I made no promises for future events. I said I needed to think. Again, this is small town, and the stress right now is big.” 

Many Canadians, including CAFE fired off e-mails to Mr. Baker urging him to get off the witch-hunt band wagon and reconsider his thought control banning of Monika.
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However, Baker continues to want to silence Miss Schaefer. She explains:

Dear Dave,

Thank you very much for showing me yesterday exactly where you stand on the issue of my busking permit. Before having finally seen you face-to-face for the first time this summer, I had given you the benefit of the doubt. I believed that surely someone else is whispering in your ear, giving you direction. I believed that, because I did not recognize the Dave Baker that I have known since many years, in the curt email which you sent on 23rd July 2016, quoted here:

“We have considered your application for a busking permit in Jasper. In light of your recently publicly proclaimed non-inclusive beliefs we have decided to decline a permit to you at this time….Please see the attached Values and Principles statement.” 

The hostility with which you treated me yesterday, at the “soft opening” of the new library-and-arts facility, gave me quite a clear picture. It became much more obvious to me that it must indeed be you who has made the decision to arbitrarily deny me a busking permit. Your attitude was belligerent and quite frankly, cowardly.

 “You – already – have – the – only – answer – that – you – will – get.” 

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You and I have been generous with each other and with the community in the countless endeavours that we have participated in and shared over the years. Is that all forgotten? It seems you have left your humanity behind.

You have designated yourself judge, jury, prosecutor, and enforcer all at once, on a spurious assumption that I am guilty of a crime, when in fact I am acting in good conscience to rectify past wrongs. My actions are based on my new understanding that the Hollywood version of history we have been taught is indeed full of factual errors.

You made it perfectly clear that answers are not forthcoming to my two questions which I asked in my email of August 1st quoted here:

“There has been a stunning silence from you since the cursory email you sent me on July 23rd, 2016 … I am wondering who you are accountable to, and who the “we” refers to in your (original) message to me. These are two very important questions and I expect that you will be forthcoming with an answer to these…. Monika”

I asked those questions again yesterday, peacefully and in person, and you repeatedly told me “I will not discuss this here, I will not discuss this now. This is a sacred place.” So I asked when and where? When would the answers be coming? Could we set up a meeting please? You then told me point blank “You – already – have – the – only – answer – that – you – will – get.” 

I see… final judgement has been made, and the proverbial jail key has been tossed out.

My first question was about accountability. I received a partial answer from the cover of this week’s Fitzhugh newspaper. The caption under the front-page picture of happy buskers says “Music in the Streets… thanks to a new pilot-project between the municipality and Habitat for the Arts.” For that reason I am sending this to all the town councillors and mayor, as they have a role to play in this. Are they also playing the role of thought police?

The Habitat “Values and Principles” statement is very good. The second paragraph follows (emphases mine), to show the absurdity of your accusation of “non-inclusive beliefs” against me. I contend it is you who is being non-inclusive.

We believe that learning never stops
We know it enhances social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development. 
We embrace new challenges and ideas.
We welcome new methods and change. 
We help each other grow through knowledge exchange and support.

Dave Baker, since you do not want to talk with me, then you simply become part of the wider story. My ‘bcc’ list is growing ever larger, as more and more people from around the world are taking an interest in this story. It is beginning to look like this pretty little town in a National Park and a World Heritage Site is becoming a leader in the totalitarian anti-free-speech direction that Canada is taking.


Monika Schaefer


VICTORIA, British Columbia, August 10, 2016. Political police in Canada? You’d better believe it. Back in June, at the last minute CAFE was called by the very arrogant and abusive manager of the Quality Inn Waddling Dog who announced he was cancelling our meeting scheduled for the next afternoon. This, despite the fact we’d held at least five meetings there, without incident, over the past few years.
The manager was rude, ending his conversation with me by denouncing Paul Fromm whom he had called,  as a “racist piece of shit.” [They hadn’t discussed race or ethnicity.]
The next day Gordon Watson arrived at the Waddling Dog to see what was happening and to redirect any people who might not know of the new location of our meeting, There he found five (5) members of the Central Saanich Police who ignored the effort of the manager, one Brandon Petraroia to body check him and provoke retaliation. A member of the RCMP also showed up — quite a police presence to shut down a political meeting — in CANADA! not Cuba.
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Two days later Mr. Watson filed a Freedom of Information request with the Saanich Police.
Recently he received a heavily redacted response — secrecy’s the name of the game in Canada: can’t let the taxpaying sheoples know too much!
It turns out the RCMP Internet snoops learned of the meeting and alerted to Central Saanich Police who approached the hotel manager. Not a believer in free speech in the bunch! This, of course, is political policing and state censorship. There had never been trouble at our meetings; our agenda was entirely non-violent political opinion. Trudeau’s Charter, however flawed, does mumble something about freedom of speech freedom of believe and freedom of assembly. Apparently, the word hadn’t reached the cops in Victoria.
Gordon Watson reported:

“I received the reply to my Freedom on Information request, from the Central Saanich police, today [July 25, 2016] in the mail

Quite amusing to guys like me and you

In their own hard copy, is evidence that the RCMP in Sidney “… had picked up a meeting on social media that was scheduled to take place at the Waddling Dog. … The meeting had appeared via a twitter account named “Canadians Against Mass Immigration”
So, there you have it : the RCMP taking the initiative to meddle in political activity, telegraphing to a private business that ‘it might not be a good idea to let this guy express his political views‘ (my paraphrase).
Out of 19 pages total, in the FoI reply, the last 10 are withheld!”
“This matter is not finished,” said Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression.

Eaton’s Centre Censors WiFi – – CAFE Protests

 Eaton’s Centre Censors WiFi – – CAFE Protests

Using the Eaton ‘s Center mall wi fi in Toronto,American Renaissance labelled hateful and racist ,same for VNN

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Many in corporate Canada are only too eager to impose politically correct censorship on their customers. Many Tim Horton’s WiFi outlets are notorious for this. Talk to the managers and say you don’t appreciate their being the thought police.
Paul Fromm

Jim & Joe Rizoli & Diane King Banned from Skeptics Website

Jim & Joe Rizoli & Diane King Banned from Skeptics Website


Preview YouTube video Holocaust 101 # 10 with Jim Rizoli

See More

Banned from another Skeptics website…..
Strange, you can express skepticism about the moon walk, genetically modified food, chemtrails and God,but the the self-styled skeptics mess their adult diapers if you question the new religion of holocaust foisted upon us to keep us guilty and controllable.

Multiculturalism – A Case of Multiple Personality Disorder

Multiculturalism – A Case of Multiple Personality Disorder

by Rev. Russell Haynes


The Gerasene Demoniac by Sebastian Bourdon (1653)

In the fifth chapter of the Gospel of St. Mark we encounter, from the very beginning, a tragic and bizarre story of a man possessed “with an unclean spirit”, who had his “dwelling among the tombs”. It is said that he was “always” wandering about naked, “night and day”, among the “mountains and the tombs, crying and cutting himself with stones”, and where “no man could bind him” nor “could any man tame him”.

And “when he saw Jesus from afar off, he ran and worshipped him, and cried with a loud voice, and said What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God that thou torment me not.” And the reason given that the man adjured Jesus not to torment him, was because Jesus had “said unto him, Come out of the man thou unclean spirit”. Moreover, when Jesus asked the man his name he answered “My name is Legion: for we are many”. Accordingly, the man “besought him much that he (Jesus) would not send them (the many) away out of the country”.

At this point in the narrative, we come to learn that there was “nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding” and that the “devils besought him (Jesus), saying, Send us into the swine that we may enter into them. And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd violently ran down a steep place into the sea, (there were about two thousand) and were chocked in the sea.”

Multiculturalism as MPD — A Brief Exegetical and Comparative Analysis

As an ordained Christian minister and research theologian, my area of specialization is theology for psychology and/or psychiatry. Of course, one of the tasks involved in this area of study is the task of integrating Christian theology (or more specifically Biblical psychology) with the rational-empirical psychology of natural science.

In looking at this particular case, found in Mark’s gospel, of a man “who was possessed with the devil and had the legion”, modern day psychiatry would, most likely, diagnose this individual, today, as suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) or what was previously classified as Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD).

From a Christian-psychological point of view, there are a number of points of contact between the symptomatic or demonized state of this man from Gadara (or Gerasene Demoniac) and the symptomatic or demonized state of a multicultural society. That is, a multicultural society as the personification or embodiment of a national (and demonized) self, possessed by a legion of spirits.

In doing a very basic, exegetical, as well as comparative, analysis, on this specific Marcan text, one of the first things that strikes you is the different movements between the singular and plural. That is, between the use of “spirit” and “spirits” or “devil” and “devils”. We know from the overall context that Jesus addressed and/or dealt with both the “unclean spirit” as well as the “unclean spirits”. The question then becomes one of intended use and harmonization.

In order to harmonize these textual differences, the “unclean spirit” would seem to refer to the collective manifestation and/or collective dynamic of the “unclean spirits”. Thus, instead of casting out the “unclean spirits” individually, since a Roman legion could comprise anywhere from 1000 to 6000 legionaries, Jesus commanded them to leave as a single entity.

And so, or in doing a comparative analysis, just as multiculturalism is a single ideology or a single ideological “spirit”, it too expresses and/or contains within itself a plurality of cultural dynamics or cultural “spirits” as well. Thus it would stand to reason, that once multiculturalism, as a single ideological or “unclean spirit”, is cast out of the body politic, all of the other (or legion of) culturally “unclean spirits” will be cast out together along with it.

A second (and final) observation, which one encounters in this text, is the Gerasene Demoniac’s interchangeable use of the terms “my” and “we”. When Jesus asked the man what his name was, he answered “My name is Legion: for we are many”. Thus, the demonized man had clearly come to understand himself, or rather his individual identity, as an altogether different, confused and tormented plurality – a confused and tormented plurality of mind that, in turn, caused him to inflict harm upon himself.

And so, or likewise, a multicultural society, as the personification or embodiment of a national (and demonized) self, possessed by a legion of multicultural spirits, can only and ultimately understand itself as an altogether different, confused and tormented plurality as well — a confused and tormented plurality of (a national) mind that, in turn, causes it to inflict harm upon itself.


Fortunately, the biblical story does not end there, but rather it ends with the man, “that had been possessed with the devil”, or with the “unclean spirit”, “sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind”, conversing with Jesus, the “son of the most high God”.

And likewise, our story does not need to end tragically as well, but rather it also can end with our national self (a self that had been possessed by a multicultural “devil” or with an “unclean”, multicultural “spirit”) sitting and clothed, and in our right (national) mind, conversing, once again, as a “people” of “the most high God” with Jesus the “son of the most high God”:

Jeremiah 2:13 (KJV)
13 For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.
2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)

14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Authoritarian Jasper Violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom by Attempting to Silence Monika Schaefer’s Violin in Canada’s Jasper National Park by Prof. Tony Hall

Authoritarian Jasper Violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom by Attempting to Silence Monika Schaefer’s Violin in Canada’s Jasper National Park by Prof. Tony Hall


Authoritarian Jasper Violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom by Attempting to Silence Monika Schaefer’s Violin in Canada’s Jasper National Park 

by Prof. Tony Hall

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To Dave Baker,

I am dumbfounded by the decision you delivered on behalf of some unnamed authority. To Ms. Monika Schaefer you write, “We have considered your application for a busking permit in Jasper. In light of your recently publicly proclaimed non-inclusive beliefs we have decided to decline a permit to you at this time.”

Please clarify who is included in this “we” on whose behalf you claim to speak? Who takes responsibility for the decision to violate core provision of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the community of Canada’s Jasper National Park?

This unilateral decision extends the so-far-unaccountable decision of those in Jasper’s Canada Day Committee to silence Monika Schaefer’s violin playing last July 1st. Because some Jasperites apparently threatened to disrupt the event, presumably in response to Ms. Schaefer’s peaceful video expression, the precedent was set that Jasper is a place of censorship where freedom of expression and conscience can be subordinated when threats of violence arise.

Now comes this gross violation of fundamental principles of Canadian decency, not to mention the rule of law, as dictated by whatever authority it is on whose behalf you, Dave Baker, claim to be acting in handing down this truly reprehensible arbitration.

Canadians should know that because of the treatment by officialdom of Monika Schaefer, a very active and contributing 35-year citizen of the community you share with her, Jasper should not be considered a safe place suitable for hosting international visitors. From what I have been learning, Jasper seems to be a place where intolerance and arbitrary measures go forward founded on nothing more than the political opinion of unaccountable decision makers.

So far Monika has been dis-invited from her invited Canada Day performance. She has, as reported in The Fitzhugh, been banned from the Jasper Legion No. 31 seemingly on the unilateral say so of Ken Kuzminki. She has been refused by The Fitzhugh newspaper a right of a full response. Her censored full response to the original smear piece against her was considerably shorter than Paul Clarke’s report. Now you and those unnamed individuals for whom you claim to speak have decided to discriminate against Ms. Schaefer because of her beliefs. Characterizing her opinion as “non-inclusive” you have determined she is ineligible for a busking permits to play music in the Jasper town centre.

Your decision is exclusionary as well as discriminatory. The actions taken by you and others are thought to be “justified” on the basis of personal opinions about her video, a 6 minute item that some dislike and many more like. At last count of the 70,000 or so views, over 1400 individuals registered a “like” of the video while almost 600 voted thumbs down.

Given the way Jasper authorities are dealing with this controversy so far, should those that express “like” for the video be banned from Jasper National Park? Should entry into Jasper National Park be conditional on expressing dislike with Ms. Schaefer’s “Sorry Mom” video? Should entrants to the park have to go through screening for political correctness? Should all existing residents be subjected to a thought test like that to which Ms. Schaefer is currently being subjected?

Will the next step be to require Ms. Schaefer to wear some marker, say with a Germany-related symbol, to announce to visitors that she is the punished Jasper citizen whose ideas are so verboten that her violin playing in the streets of Jasper has been prohibited? Will all applicants for a busking permit be subjected to Internet checks to make sure everything they have published is consistent the Values and Principles Statement emanating from the Jasper Community Habitat for the Arts? To do any less would be discriminatory.

I await your indication of who is behind the decision to ban Monika’s beautiful violin playing from the streets of Jasper because she dared speak her mind on a controversial issue that should be treated with nuanced responses rather than with the authoritarian approach that you express in your terse statement to her. How many benefit events in Jasper have been graced by Monika’s legendary violin playing, now transformed into a political football to be thrown around for self-interested political advantage by Jasper’s self-appointed arbiters of community values and tastes.

Yours Sincerely,

Tony Hall
Professor of Liberal Education and Globalization Studies
University of Lethbridge

From: Dave Baker <>
Sent: July 23, 2016 11:55:28 AM
To: Monika Schaefer
Subject: RE: Busking Permit

 We have considered your application for a busking permit in Jasper. In light of your recently publicly proclaimed non-inclusive beliefs we have decided to decline a permit to you at this time.

 habitatvaluestatement2 (1)

GERMAN SURVIVORS OF ALLIED ATROCITIES — A Panel Discussion of Survivors: Charlotte, Helga & Hans With Karin Manion

GERMAN SURVIVORS OF ALLIED ATROCITIES — A Panel Discussion of Survivors: Charlotte, Helga & Hans With Karin Manion
Jews have been remarkably successful, thanks to their significant control over much of the mass media and Hollyweird, telling their tribal stories about World War II — often labeled ‘the holocaust.’ This tribal history, as all such histories are, is entirely self-centered and prone to wild exaggeration. For instance, one of the tenets of the new religion of holocaust is that what happened to the Jews is WW II was the “worst” atrocity in human history. Well, without leaving the 20th century, Stalin exterminated 8-10-million Ukrainians by fame in 1932-33 in the holodomor. Clearly, 8-10-million is greater than the alleged 6-million.  In the greatest ethnic cleansing in human history, 16-million ethnic Germans were expelled from their ancestral homelands in the Sudetenland, East Prussia, Pomerania, Silesia, the lands of the Danube Swabians and others. Three million died or were murdered along the way.
Even dull Canadian high school graduates know that Hitler allegedly killed 6-million Jews, although they might be clueless as to how many Canadians died in WW I (60,000). The time has come to get out from the tyranny of another tribe’s history, no longer adopt it as ours and start telling out own stories.
Now is the time for the German tribe to tell their stories.
Paul Fromm
German Survivors of Allied Atrocities

GERMAN SURVIVORS OF ALLIED ATROCITIES.  A panel discussion with three (more) ACTUAL survivors (German) from WWII who suffered the atrocities of the invading Allied powers and lived to tell about it.  [This interview cluster is slightly different from others (a lot of the information is the same as was derived from Karin and Rosemarie’s interviews), so I strove to focus on the 4 presented rather than the background picture/video effects.]

Charlotte:  Born in 1936 in East Prussia.  Had to flee from her home in Jan 1945 from the Russians.  Remembers military moving WEST also retreating from the Russians.  Also fled to the Baltic inlet, surviving the Soviet assault on the refugees, attempting to machine gun the ice to drown them as they walked across this frozen inlet.  Headed toward Pomerania, surrounded by the Russians.  
Helga:  Danzig, 1932. Escaped twice from the Soviets, head toward Baltic Inlet in the same Danish refugee camp as Karin Manion.
Hans:  Volksdeutsch (Ethnic German) born in Transylvania, former Austrian empire (was Hungarian until after WWI) then became Romania.  The town witnessed the fortifications in the East against a possible impending Soviet invasion. Worked in a Labor Camp for the Soviets, also forced labor for AT&T through the Soviets.  Was able to be released from the Labor Camp and escaped to the West, through to Austria.  

They migrated to Canada (legally) and made a life for themselves.  As a result of a friend of Karin’s, “Sigi”, these German Volkdeutsch were able to see that the education and propaganda against them was categorically FALSE and have been striving to learn more and share their story.

Jim Rizoli (LOER)
94 Pond St.
Framingham, MA  01702
Diane King
Fred Leuchter
If you are interested in helping us defray costs in this effort,
send a check to:
Jim Rizoli (LOER)
94 Pond St.
Framingham, MA  01702
Thank You!

Quebec`s Thought Police Fines Comedian for Insensitive Disability Joke

Quebec`s Thought Police Fines Comedian for Insensitive Disability Joke

Quebec Human Rights Tribunal’s Ward decision is a threat to free speech

By Beryl Wajsman on July 28, 2016

We have written often of Quebec’s problems with freedom of expression. We have received awards for those editorials. Particularly one in opposition to Quebec’s upcoming Bill 59 that would give the province’s Human Rights Commission more power to curtail expression. We have advocated for that freedom to Ministers in the face of government encroachment when everyone was silent. And we have won those battles too, especially important being the defeat of Quebec’s Payette Plan which would have imposed a government registry of – and language testing for – all journalists. But the struggle for the minds of Quebec’s opinion-makers – and its citizens – on this issue continues.

The latest chapter in this saga is the decision of the Quebec Human Rights Tribunal to order comedian Mike Ward to pay $42,000 to Jérémy Gabriel for jokes Ward made about Gabriel in 2010 that the Tribunal found “insulted Gabriel’s dignity” and that this was a violation of Quebec’s Charter of Rights and Freedom. The necessity for such a Tribunal – like that of the Quebec Press Council – in a free society, has been debated many times and is a subject for another column. What is troubling at this moment is how this decision has cowed certain media outlets and how wrong it was in law.

The decision has generally been condemned as a threat to free speech. But the comment of the editorial board of The Montreal Gazette stating that, “…the decision of the Quebec Human Rights Tribunal demonstrates that the right of free speech is not absolute, even in a democratic society…” cannot go unanswered. It was shocking and sad. Particularly because anglophone media has a responsibility to defend the very absolutism of freedom of expression in the face of Quebec’s discriminatory language laws that force linguistic minorities to tailor their speech to suit those very same laws that have been judged to violate international legal standards and indeed even UN covenants. The editorial also failed to recognize that the QHRC is not a court and failed to comment on the dangers of quasi-judicial organs of the state compromising due process – the essential guarantor of rule of law.

think.jpgFreedom is indivisible. And freedom of speech – except for overt incitement to violence against a specific individual or group – is absolute. For any members of the fourth estate to give credence to any limitation of that freedom is an abrogation of their first and highest responsibility. The politically correct statism that is corroding our liberties and pushing so many to self-censorship was not only anticipated and condemned by Kafka and Orwell and Camus, but by President John Fitzgerald Kennedy when he paraphrased James Madison’s warning that, “I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.” This decision of the Tribunal is precisely an instance of an “abridgement of freedom” and the self-censorship implicit in the words of The Gazette editorial manifest that “gradual encroachment.”

Having said this, were Mike Ward’s jokes distatsteful. Yes they were. They were not a Don Rickles-like gadfly treatment. But that’s the point! As George Orwell wrote, “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” Ward was poking fun at Gabriel’s appearance. Gabriel is a singer and suffers from Treacher Collins syndrome that affects his physical appearance. The case is tragic. But the Tribunal was wrong to hear it as a matter of principle and totally wrong on the matters of law it decided on. Leading civil rights attorney Julius Grey stated that the decision is so totally erroneous that he will appeal the entire ruling and not just parts of it.

The Tribunal relied on three sections of the Quebec Charter in its decision. Section 3 guarantees, among other things, freedom of expression. Section 4 establishes our right to “dignity, honour and reputation.” Section 10 states Quebecers cannot be deprived of our rights because of certain social or physical characteristics. Several are listed, including race, colour and disability. In the Ward case, the Tribunal found that Section 3 clashed with Sections 4 and 10 and condemned Ward to pay moral and punitive damages. There is only one problem. The Charter is meant to apply to cases where an individual is before the law. It is written right there in the preamble of the Charter. In other words, the Charter is a protection for the individual against the state and before the courts. It is not an etiquette guide between each of us in our daily lives. It is meant to protect people from discrimination where laws have been broken. There is as yet, thankfully, no law against freedom of speech. Furthermore, the Charter specifies that freedom of opinion and freedom of expression are “fundamental freedoms.” The word fundamental is a term of law and puts those freedoms as primordial. Only Section 3 rights have this status.

The imposition of moral conformity through legal sanction is the stuff of tyrannies not democracies. It is important to fight the QHRC and it’s Tribunal on the Ward decision now because we will soon be facing a graver threat. Bill 59 will be voted on in the fall. Article 6 of the Bill would “give the QHRC the power to initiate legal proceedings before the Quebec Human Rights Tribunal without having to wait for complaints from the public.” Article 3 would allow members of an identifiable group as well as people outside the group to make complaints triggering suits for hate speech before the Quebec Human Rights Tribunal. The bill also continues the Quebec tradition of anonymous denunciations and commands a blacklist to be posted on the QHRC website of “offenders.”

What this kind of legislation does – what decisions like Ward do – is put free thought and free speech into deep freeze. It incites self-censorship. And worse. It makes Human Rights Commissions tools against the most precious of rights. Louise Richer, director for Quebec’s École nationale de l’humour, said the QHRC ruling symbolized a, “…politically correct era. I am incredibly worried by the precedent this has created,” Richer told Radio-Canada.

Not long ago, The National Post ran a lead editorial in which it quoted my words on this issue. We leave you with the words that the Post found so compelling. “Leaving decisions on issues of freedom to bureaucrats suggests two levels of citizenship on fundamental rights. One level for all of us, another for state agents who can limit our rights.”

Hear Paul Fromm & Brad Love on Patricia Aitken’s Sacred Cows’ Barbecue

Hear Paul Fromm & Brad Love on Patricia Aitken’s Sacred Cows’ Barbecue


Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression & Brad Love, Canadian political prisoner and citizen journalist interviewed on Patrica Aitken’s Sacred Cows BBQ!

Paul Fromm, Director of CAFE- Canadian Association for Free Expression has fought for victims of Canada’s thought police such as Ernst Zundel, David Irving, Arthur Topham and special guest Brad Love. Brad shares how writing non-threatening letters to government idiots landed him in prison. He also shares about life in post-fire Fort McMurray.

Frederick Fromm's photo.