Delta School District has NO RESPECT for Free Speech in Canada

Delta School District has NO RESPECT for Free Speech in Canada
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Published on Sep 16, 2016

To keep up with unfolding events in this free speech battle with the Delta School District in British Columbia, please go to this section of Brian Ruhe’s website: . There you can read the long, detailed story going back over two years where Brian was dismissed from eight teaching positions and two meditation retreat centres.

Paul Fromm is the Director of the Canadian Association for the Freedom of Expression at . Here Paul interviews Brian Ruhe after he was fired from teaching Mindfulness Meditation in Continuing Ed. at the Delta School Board in Ladner, BC where he has taught since 2001.

This is a FAIR USE of the Delta School District logo “Inspired Learning”. The Delta School District didn’t like Brian’s YouTube vidoes which he made on his own time and his own dime, out of class. It is disturbing that the Delta School District admits that there was no problems within Brian’s courses, no complaints from students, and they admit that he never discussed his views on history and politics in his classes. Therefore, the Delta School Board is attacking free speech in Canada, while upholding all kinds of great values.

If you would like to express your view on this to the Delta School Board, please contact Joe Strain as he indicates that he will not answer me. He wrote to me on Sept. 7th stating:

Good morning Mr. Ruhe.

Your various emails to Board of Education members regarding the cancellation of your meditation sessions have been referred to me for response. The Board of Education is aware of the circumstances involved and supports the decision made. The Board of Education treats personnel related matters confidentially. Given your decision to publicize previous communications in this regard on the internet, further correspondence from you to the District will only be responded to as required by law.

Secretary Treasurer
Delta School District
Tel. 604-952-5359

Brian Ruhe is a Buddhist truth activist and occasional troublemaker. He was fired in Sept. 2016 from teaching at the Delta School Board because of these videos. Please donate to support these videos at the website and click on the PayPal Donate button.

To see my diary of what I’m up to please send me a friend request and I’ll accept you on Facebook at . I am available for one-to-one counselling for $25/ half hour by Skype, phone or in person, on any matter. You can connect with me on Skype at: brianaruhe .

My most recent book is “A SHORT WALK ON AN ANCIENT PATH – A Buddhist Exploration of Meditation, Karma and Rebirth”, is available in book or ebook form at at:……

I was a Buddhist monk in Chiangmai, Thailand in 1995 – 1996 and I have been teaching Theravada Buddhism and meditation for 20 years. My first book from 1999, is “Freeing the Buddha,” also at Amazon at:…
I follow the Theravada Buddhist Forest tradition.

Most videos I produce oppose the New World Order, whose goal is to genocide white peoples and replace them with a black-brown mongrel mass, and to rule over the (ex-?) white lands from a central base state. To survive, whites must know their true identity, their inner soul, and the life that they will lose. They have to read the politically incorrect thriller of the era, “Sweet Dreams and Terror Cells.” Find it here:…


Jim Rizoli Interviews Truth Seeker Monika Schaefer

Jim Rizoli Interviews Truth Seeker Monika Schaefer
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MONIKA SCHAEFER:  has been a life-long activist for the environment, peace and justice. She is a musician and a former National Park Warden. In recent years Monika started learning that what we have been told about World War II is full of lies and distortions, and that the Hollywood version of the so-called “holocaust” is false. This awakening was preceded by her learning that 9-11 was a false flag event designed to trigger the fraudulent “War on Terror”. Monika is very happy to be working on the side of truth in spite of some of the “ritual defamation” consequences of her actions. “The truth will set you free” is apt, and Peace and Love is what motivates her.
JIM RIZOLI:  Cofounder, producer/interviewer (Fred Leuchter and Assistant, Diane King) of the Series, LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY REVISIONISTS.  This also entails seeking out UNSUNG HEROES and German survivors of Allied atrocities – The German Story, The German Way.  Hard core historical revisionist, Jim and, his brother, Joe moved from combating the illegal immigrant hordes in their cable shows to dealing with the fundamental and pervading issue of the holocaust. Their immigrant battles led them to the plight of Ernst Zundel in Canada, being prosecuted for having reprinted *Did 6 Million Really Die*! Thus Jim and Joe’s efforts and cable shows also turned toward the issue of the holocaust.  That’s when their troubles accelerated. In 2002 – 2003 they began producing numerous (1000s of videos) dealing with many issues and 100s of videos about the holocaust. Consequently, YouTube videos (700) under the name of Jim Rizoli were banned. His name was banned on Facebook. In 2010, their cable shows were suspended. They returned and then were permanently removed in 2014. We are back to provide a venue of/freedom of, telling the story for tried-and-true revisionists and Germans throughout North America, Europe and Australia.
Attachments area
Preview YouTube video Jim Rizoli – Monika Schaefer Interview, Sept 2016

Jim Rizoli – Monika Schaefer Interview, Sept 2016

The Allied Plans to Genocide the German People After WW II

The Allied Plans to Genocide the German People After  WW II
It is interesting that those who planned and partially carried on genocide against the German people — mass firebombings of German civilians; 1-million surrendered German soldiers starved to death after WW II; over a million German civilians deliberately starved to death after WW II; 16-million Germans ethnically cleansed from the East (3-million perished along the way — were the ones who accused the National Socialists of crimes against humanity.
So, the victors-controlled narrative, strengthened by the Nuremburg kangaroo court trials,tagged the National Socialists as perpetrators of crimes against humanity. This became the new religion of holocaust which thrives on wild exaggeration and guiltmongering. This dominates the largely Zionist-controlled media.
Thus, a real planned genocide, part of which actually occurred has been suppressed or wildly underreported.
Author James Bacque in his book Other Losses and in this powerful interview has ripped the veil of conspiracy, silence and distracting noise from this coverup.
He has paid a heavy professional price for his courage.
Paul Fromm
At “ The Hansa House” we met James Bacque, Author of “Other Losses” and may other books.
We are eternally grateful to Mr. James Bacque for defending Germany and its People, and exposing the REAL EVIL.
The Movie “Other Losses” was presented which stirred up many emotions, tears and anger.
When looking at the horrors on what the German Prisoners of War had to endure, and the Germans that survived the carpet bombing and destruction of their homeland,  it crushes anyone’s believe in humanity. The link below will describe the horrifying plan executed by people that are considered Heroes, may they roast eternally in hell. The winner writes History and distorts facts any way he sees fit to glorify himself.  Lies repeated often enough become truth and when laws are made that you cannot challenge those lies then we know they are made to protect these lies. THE TRUTH FEARS NO QUESTIONS
Below is an “eye opening Interview”  that everyone should listen to that still believes the lies that have been told for 70 years about Germany and its People
James Bacque bestselling author joined us to discuss suppressed history of WWII.

While researching a book about the French resistance, Author James Bacque stumbled upon the evidence of the deaths of German prisoners in American and French death camps after WWII, this research later became his book “Other Losses” which details the accounts of German prisoners of war which otherwise would have been largely unknown. Over 1 million prisoners in Germany were casually exterminated in allied camps

Other losses sold over 200,000 copies worldwide along with his extraordinary work in writing other books such as Our Fathers War and Crimes and Mercies that have become best-sellers published around the world with over 260,000 copies sold.
Mr Bacques work has become threatened because the literary and historical establishment assisted by the government and police of Canada and the USA have made it impossible to reach readers through former publishers.

Attachments area
Preview YouTube video James Bacque – WWII, Hidden history and Other Losses

James Bacque – WWII, Hidden history and Other Losses

Yesterday Sung to the tune of the Beatles’ hit song

Sung to the tune of the Beatles’ hit song

Image result
          for picture of musical notes

Yesterday, all our troubles seemed so far away.
Now it looks like hyper third world immigration is here to stay.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Suddenly, this is not half the Canada it used to be.
There’s a shadow of thought control hanging over me.
Oh yesterday, came sudden-ly.

Why Anglo-Celtic Canada had to go away, I don’t know—-politicians wouldn’t say.
I said something politically incorrect so I long for yesterday.

Yesterday, freedom of speech was such an easy game to play.
Now I need a place to hide away, is there a Euro-Canadian ethno-state where I can stay?
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Why free speech had to go, I don’t know—–the Thought Police wouldn’t say.
I said something Islamophobic, now I long for yesterday, day, yeh yeh.

Yesterday, Euro-Canadian pride and patriotism was such an easy game to play.
Now I need a place to hide away, is your bunker A-OK? Eh?

Oh I believe that European Canada will once again have its day……mmmmmm…..

Tim McCartney Murray
Image result
          for red ensign canada
Anglo-Celtic Canada R.I.P.

Help CAFE Assist the Victims and Support Free Speech in Canada


Help CAFE Assist the Victims and Support Free Speech in Canada

Canadian Association for Free Expression
Box 332,
Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3
Ph: 905-566-4455; FAX: 905-566-4820

Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director

MonikaSchaeferTruth Revealer

​                              Monika Schaefer on CAFE Speaking Tour in Ontario

September 1, 2016

Dear Free Speech Supporter:

This has been a hectic few months for freedom of speech and this Fall promises to be no different.

A Mean, Vicious, Nasty Country

OK, the headline may be a little harsh, but some of our fellow Canadians are narrow-minded vindictive bullies who care not a wit for freedom of speech. Frankly, you and I have a lot to do to turn people on to freedom of speech, to remind them of our proud heritage of individual freedoms now so battered by the Maoist Red Guards of political correctness, and to stand up for the victims of persecution.

Monika Schaefer

Consider Monika Schaefer. She is a violin teacher and four time Green Party candidate from Jasper, Alberta. She has lived in that community for 35 years. She raised her daughter there. She was a community activist and volunteer, devoting hours of her time and fiddling to support worthy causes and entertain at benefits. An open, honest friendly woman, Miss Schaefer had many friends in this small Alberta mountain town. She doesn’t have as many today. In mid-June she posted a short video on You Tube — Sorry, Mom, I was Wrong About the Holocaust 4m48s. Monika was the daughter of post war German immigrants. As a girl, she was mocked and occasionally called “Nazi” by school children. She bought into the indoctrination and the Hollywood version of World War II. She even scolded her mother and wondered why she hadn’t “done something” about what was happening to Jews in  WW II. Over the years, Monika grew skeptical about many things. She became a major doubter of the official line about 9/11. Beginning in 2014, she began reading and came to reject the standard doctrine about the “holocaust.” Her video on You Tube went viral — over 120,000 hits in two months.
“Free speech. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion.” Those were the values of the Real Canada — OUR Canada, yours and mine. These are not the values of the pinched, censorious fanatics of political correctness. Punishment came quickly:
* Monika was a big hit at last year’s Dominion (Canada) Day festivities in Jasper. This year, she was uninvited. There had been some anonymous threats of a protest. [In healthier time, the RCMP would have been informed and these exceedingly well paid officers would have been on hand to keep any protest peaceful.]
* The President of the local Legion banned Monika from being on the premises. The Legion is a favourite local gathering place for musicians. So, this ban in quite serious. When Monika tested the ban, an officious bartenders called the cops.
* The Legion president made complaints to the Canadian and Alberta Human Rights Commissions, to the RCMP and the German Embassy (what? Monika was born in Canada!). “It is a hate crime,” proclaimed Ken Kuzminski, the Legion president and former NDP candidate, about Monika’s soft spoken video. Kuzminski had been a longtime acquaintance of Monika’s.
* Several longtime musician friends cut Monika off cold, There have been threats against her livelihood as a violin teacher.
* The Green Party was in a panic. The office of Leader Elizabeth May, a friend of Monika’s, was in a tizzy and promised that she would be expelled. [Ironically, Monika had quit the party more than a year before over Zionist influence within a group that prides itself on “telling truth to the powers that be”.]
* Monika, ever the community activist, had lobbied for several years for the town to permit busking; that is, musicians can perform in parks or on sidewalks and receive donations from passersby. This Spring the town council approved busking. Monika applied for a permit and was turned down. Dave Baker, Director of Habitat for the Arts, told her:“We have considered your application for a busking permit in Jasper. In light of your recently publicly proclaimed non-inclusive beliefs we have decided to decline a permit to you at this time” “Non-inclusive beliefs”? Any belief is “non-inclusive” as it rejects other beliefs. If you’re a Buddhist, you reject Islam, and are, therefore, “non-inclusive.” The charge is Orwellian and nonsensical.

CAFE’S RESPONSE: Throughout her ordeal CAFE and our supporters have rallied to Monika’s defence on the Internet, with letters to the offending parties, with videos — thanks Brian and Lawrence. We are getting the story of her case out there on You Tube. CAFE organized a quick tour of Ontario (London and Toronto) in August; we have more meetings planned for Vancouver and Edmonton over the next few weeks. Needless to say, this costs money.

Arthur Topham & — Constitutional Challenge to be Heard Oct. 3-7 in Quesnel

One of the most pressing cases is Arthur Topham’s “hate law” — Sec. 319 —  case resulting from postings on his website Last November, after a 12 day trial, a jury convicted him on one count of “hate” and acquitted him on another. Now comes the second phase — his challenge to the constitutionality of the “hate law”. In the Keegstra appeal in 1990 argued by the late Doug Christie, the Supreme Court by a narrow margin upheld the constitutionality of the “hate law”, agreeing that it was an infringement on free speech but was justified because of the allegedly deleterious effects of “hate propaganda” on “vulnerable minorities.” Arthur is arguing that the context is different. Mr. Keegstra had a captive audience in an Alberta classroom. As Doug Christie argued, the Internet is a completely different context. People have to seek out the posts on a website and can exit at any time. Also, evidence presented by Dr. Persinger at the Marc Lemire Internet Sec. 13 case established that the science which the Supreme Court relied on in 1990 was junk science. Neuropsychology has established that the alleged effects of “hate speech” on “vulnerable” minorities — fear, depression, withdrawal from society, booze, drugs — do not exist. Indeed, many of the “vulnerable” minorities, especially Jews and the LGBTQ crowd, hold privileged and powerful positions in society. This challenge is crucial.

CAFE’S RESPONSE: From the start, we have backed Arthur’s principled struggle for free speech. We were an intervener in the Sec. 13 Canadian Human Rights case — abandoned after the law was repealed in 2012. When “hate charges” were laid after complaints by Harry Abrams of B’nai Brith and Richard Warman, neither of whom bothered to show up at the trial their mischief-making had set in motion, CAFE has been actively involved in Mr. Topham’s defence. We have helped raise money. Last Fall, I provided daily e-mail and short video reports on the trial. I shall again be attending the proceedings in Quesnel and providing daily reports. If you are not already on my e-mail list and want to receive these reports, contact me at

Brian Ruhe Loses Two More Teaching Jobs

Brian Ruhe, a gentle Buddhist instructor and lecturer on meditation in Vancouver, now turned prolific revisionist videographer has, over the past year, lost a number of part-time lecturing positions at Vancouver area universities, colleges and school boards. He has been the victim of a campaign headed by B’nai Brith’s Harry Abrams who publicly proclaimed his desire effectively  to impoverish Mr. Ruhe and deny him an income. Abrams wrote to Georgia Straight (August 28, 2015): “I have written to the Vancouver parks Board and have asked them to replace this unsavory fellow ASAP. According to Ruhe’s own postings, his Capilano teaching gig was discontinued soon after an important local [Jew] o complained to them too. Also worrying are his associations with white supremacist leaders like Paul Fromm, who himself was disqualified from teaching in Ontario for neo-Nazi racial activism.”  The price for dissenting from political correctness would seem to be penury. As we go to press, Brian has been  fired by the Delta School District.  Reasons provided by the Board state: “ The YouTube videos compiled under your name present a very public expression of conduct that runs contrary to the policies and values of Delta School District. … As well, Delta School District’s Values statement, part of its overall Vision statement, is ‘Caring, Respect, Responsibility, Community, and Excellence’, with ‘acceptance’, ‘equality’, and ‘inclusion’ key terms within that statement.” Apparently, acceptance and inclusion do not apply to accepting and continuing to include Brian, despite a successful 15-year track record with the Board.

CAFE’S RESPONSE: CAFE has written numerous letters of support for Brian through his long battle. We have offered advice and have co-produced numerous You Tube videos with this personable and talented videographer.

McCorkill Defeat

The McCorkill will case was one of the most important ones in which CAFE’s been involved. The McCorkill will — a bequest to the U.S. White nationalist National Alliance — was nullified  by the New Brunswick Court of Queen’s Bench in 2014. We appealed to the New Brunswick Court of Appeal. In a dismissive, contemptuous one page decision, in 2015, they denied our appeal and slapped us with $9,000 in costs to the various parties. We took a chance and risk and sought leave to appeal this vital freedom of speech, freedom of belief and property rights case to the Supreme Court of Canada. On June 9, in a decision without reasons, a three-person panel of the Court denied us leave and slapped us with costs — about $6,000. All I can say is that we tried  hard and had a very well-prepared and aggressive lawyer, Andy Lodge of St. John, New Brunswick. That leaves us with almost $35,000 in unpaid bills.

CAFE is moving with the times and producing several You Tube videos monthly on  free speech issues.

None of this work  can continue without your help.

Please use the attached coupon to send us your most generous donation to help fund our Fall activities. For a donation of $100 or more we’ll send you the dvd of Monika Schaefer dynamic speech (and fiddle playing) at the CAFE meeting in Toronto, August 23.

As well, if you have not already renewed your subscription ($15) to the Free Speech Monitor, please do so.CAFE’s 34 years of free speech activism have only been possible because of the generosity of a small band of free speech supporters like yourself.
Thanking you in advance,

Paul Fromm

[Mail in your donation by mail or use PayPal on the CAFE website:]

CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3

___    Here is my donation of $_______ to help CAFÉ’s ambitious campaign for free speech to support Arthur Topham and other censorship victims this Autumn.
___ We fought the good fight but were stymied by the Supreme Court. Here is my donation to help defray the costs of the McCorkill Appeal.
___Please renew my subscription for 2016 to the Free Speech Monitor ($15).
$___  Doug Christie booklet or video order from back of this coupon.

Please charge ______myVISA#____________________________________________

Expiry date: __________ Signature:_________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________


Doug Christie Free Speech  Booklets

For 30 years, Doug Christie, the Battling Barrister, has been Canada’s outstanding free speech attorney. He passed away of liver cancer, all too young, on March 11, 2013  at age 66. Order his outstanding free speech booklets published in C-FAR’S Canadian Issue Series and speeches he gave over the years.
__ The Zundel Trial & Free Speech by Douglas Christie (1985) $4.00
__  Thought Crimes Trial: The Keegstra Case by Douglas Christie (1987) $4.00
__   Free Speech IS the Issue by Douglas Christie  (1990) ($5)
___ Doug Christie –His Last Speech: Free Speech in Canada – Lesbians, Hypocrisies& Contadictions. DVD.  Toronto, December 2, 2012. $20.00
___ How I Became A Revisionist Film Maker And Lost A Lot of Jobs by Brian Ruhe. Toronto, June 30, 2016. $6.00

[Tick booklets or tapes or dvds you want here and indicate the number and enter dollar amount on the other side of this coupon.]




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Canadian Association for Free Expression
Box 332,
Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3
Ph: 905-566-4455; FAX: 905-566-4820

Mr. Ray Weremczuk,
District Manager, Continuing Education Business Programme and Facility Rentals.
Delta District School Board

August 30, 2016

Dear Mr. Weremczuk:

I noticed on the Internet your firing of meditation instructor Brian Ruhe after 15 years service teaching meditation courses for your board. Your action is highly discriminatory and unfair. Your letter makes it clear there have been no problems with Mr. Ruhe’s role as an instructor. The problem you indicate is the expression of his views on World War II. It might be noted that the videos he produces are done on his own time and his own dime and are not communicated to Board students. He has never used his classes as a “bully pulpit.”

Your letter indicated, as follows:

“Quite apart from any media articles, the YouTube videos compiled under your name present a very public expression of conduct that runs contrary to the policies and values of Delta School District.

Specifically, Delta School District’s “Administrative Procedure 350 – Appendix A” describes its District Code Of Conduct this way:  “The District, which includes staff, parents and students, has the responsibility to provide and ensure a safe and positive climate for learning.”  Unacceptable Conduct interferes with a positive learning environment.  A specific example of unacceptable behaviours includes “(a)ny efforts to … discriminate against another person based on, but not limited to, race, religion, gender, physical or intellectual disability, marital or family status, sexual orientation, or age.”  
As well, Delta School District’s Values statement, part of its overall Vision statement, is “Caring, Respect, Responsibility, Community, and Excellence”, with “acceptance”, “equality”, and “inclusion” key terms within that statement.
Based on this, Delta School District will cancel the two dates for Meditation courses that you have been contracted to teach in the Fall 2016 and selects not to contract instruction with you in upcoming terms.”
You offer absolutely no evidence Mr. Ruhe has failed to “insure a safe and positive climate for learning” pursuant to Delta School District’s “Administrative Procedure 350. His students are adults. Even if they become aware of his controversial views, as adults in an increasingly diverse and divided society, they must be expected to relate to him as a meditation instructor, even as we all, in our daily dealings, relate to people whose cultures or views we may not like.. Assuming Mr. Ruhe were gay and a student had a problem with his sexuality, would you be considering firing him? I doubt it. That’s called the heckler’s veto.
You reference unacceptable behaviour  which includes “(a)ny efforts to … discriminate against another person based on, but not limited to, race, religion, gender, physical or intellectual disability, marital or family status, sexual orientation, or age.” Frankly, this policy is absurd, overly vague and likely illegal. Let me suggest two examples. A board employee is approached for a date by a married man. She rejects the proposal because he is married. That is discrimination on the basis of family status. Another board employee pointedly declines to make a donation to a person soliciting donations for the Salvation Army because,as a Catholic, he’d rather support his church’s St. Vincent de Paul Society. That’s discrimination on the basis of religion. Yet, both actions would, according to Board Code of Conduct be wrong.
Mr. Ruhe’s videos are expressions of historical, political and cultural OPINIONS. He has never suggested he would deny instruction or service to anyone on the basis of race, religion, gender, etc.
Ironically, you reference the Board’s Vision statement and indicate the values of “acceptance”, “equality”, and “inclusion”. Did it escape you that firing Mr. Ruhe discriminates against him for his beliefs and certainly violates the concepts of acceptance and inclusion for a clearly competent instructor.
I hope you will reconsider and reverse your decision which, as it stands, persecutes Mr. Ruhe and discriminates against him for the non-violent expression of his own beliefs on his own time.
The Canadian Association for Free Expression is Canada’s most active free speech advocate. We have intervened in court and human rights hearings for more than 30 years. We are taking an active interest in Mr. Ruhe’s case. He seems the latest victim — let’s hope, just potential victim — of mean spirited, intolerant censorsious political correctnesss.
I note that the public mood is shifting on the issue of political correctness. According to a just published Angus Reid poll, A strong majority of Canadians feel that political correctness has “gone too far,” a new poll suggests.” The poll conducted “on Aug. 17 using a sample of 1,510 Canadian adults, asked respondents if they agreed or disagreed “that the current climate of outrage over political correctness has just gone too far. A full 76 per cent said they agreed with the statement.”  (Global News, .August 29, 2016)
Sincerely yours,
Paul Fromm,


#4 – Intro – History is Written by the Victor (Intro)  and (Jim Rizoli Interview) or WWII from the German Point of View part 1/3 (Jul 2016) 


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Diane King
The Shrine to German Bashing (Intro) is a metaphoric depiction of the rotten structure erected to scold, castigate, misrepresent, prosecute, condemn and execute a people to the tune of upwards of 20 million killed. This rotten edifice (shrine) is constructed on a putrid foundation largely involving NINE BRICKS. This introduces the subsequent discussions. Also the forbidden (in his small town) interview with Jim Rizoli, perhaps the major revisionist in all of New England


CAFE Presents Monika Schaefer — “My Story” — Toronto, August 24, 2016

CAFE Presents Monika Schaefer — “My Story” — Toronto, August 24, 2016

* Canada’s latest free speech victim
* In June, Monika Schafer created a You Tube “Sorry, Mom, I Was Wrong About the Holocaust” — 110,000 hits and counting…
* All hell broke loose; the Legion banned her; local Legion head filed human rights complaints


The Canadian Association for Free Expression Proudly Presents

Monika Schaefer

* Canada’s latest free speech victim
* In June, Monika Schafer created a You Tube “Sorry, Mom, I Was Wrong About the Holocaust” — 70,000 hits and counting
* All hell broke loose; the Legion banned her; local Legion head filed human rights complaints


Monika Schaefer: My Story

* How I came to reconsider the Hollywood Version of WW II &  Why I apologized to my parents
* How the forces of thought control have tried to ruin me

 TORONTO.   Wednesday, August 24, 2016.  YOUR WARD NEWS Office — 163 Main Street, just south of Gerrard.  It is a 5 minute walk south
of Main Station on the Bloor-Danforth Subway line. 8:00 p.m. [$10 admission]

* Sorry, I can’t attend. Please send me the audiotape of Miss Schaefer’s talk. $6.00
* I’d also like to assist with the cost of this meeting. Here is my donation of $_______.





The sentence about free speech should NEVER include a ‘but’ (“We are working hard for free speech, but….”).  As I always say,

AT ALL (dkk)